Presto: A project to add delta rpm support into yum for Fedora users A list of presto-enabled repositories is available there. presto-utils: Tools for working on presto repositories Installation: ============= 1- Untar the package 2- Run 'make install' To create a presto repository: 1- First run 'createdeltarpms ' where is the base directory for your repository and is the subdirectory you want to create the deltarpms into 2- Run 'createprestorepo ' where is the base directory for your repository. Run 'createprestorepo -m ' instead if you want to merge the presto information into the normal repository information. To remove old deltarpms: 1- First remove old rpms from your repository using the tools available in yum-utils 2- Run 'prunedrpms ' where is the base directory for your repository.