/* main.c - boot messages monitor * * Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * Written by: Ray Strode */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ply-answer.h" #include "ply-boot-server.h" #include "ply-boot-splash.h" #include "ply-event-loop.h" #include "ply-logger.h" #include "ply-terminal-session.h" #include "ply-utils.h" #ifndef PLY_MAX_COMMAND_LINE_SIZE #define PLY_MAX_COMMAND_LINE_SIZE 512 #endif typedef struct { ply_event_loop_t *loop; ply_boot_server_t *boot_server; ply_window_t *window; ply_boot_splash_t *boot_splash; ply_terminal_session_t *session; ply_buffer_t *boot_buffer; long ptmx; char kernel_command_line[PLY_MAX_COMMAND_LINE_SIZE]; uint32_t showing_details : 1; } state_t; static ply_boot_splash_t *start_boot_splash (state_t *state, const char *module_path); static ply_window_t *create_window (state_t *state, int vt_number); static void on_session_output (state_t *state, const char *output, size_t size) { ply_buffer_append_bytes (state->boot_buffer, output, size); if (state->boot_splash != NULL) ply_boot_splash_update_output (state->boot_splash, output, size); } static void on_session_finished (state_t *state) { ply_log ("\nSession finished...exiting logger\n"); ply_flush_log (); ply_event_loop_exit (state->loop, 1); } static void on_update (state_t *state, const char *status) { ply_trace ("updating status to '%s'", status); if (state->boot_splash != NULL) ply_boot_splash_update_status (state->boot_splash, status); } static void on_ask_for_password (state_t *state, ply_answer_t *answer) { if (state->boot_splash == NULL) { ply_answer_with_string (answer, ""); return; } ply_boot_splash_ask_for_password (state->boot_splash, answer); } static void on_newroot (state_t *state, const char *root_dir) { ply_trace ("new root mounted at \"%s\", switching to it", root_dir); chdir(root_dir); chroot("."); chdir("/"); } static void on_system_initialized (state_t *state) { ply_trace ("system now initialized, opening boot.log"); ply_terminal_session_open_log (state->session, PLYMOUTH_LOG_DIRECTORY "/boot.log"); } static void show_detailed_splash (state_t *state) { ply_trace ("Showing detailed splash screen"); state->boot_splash = start_boot_splash (state, PLYMOUTH_PLUGIN_PATH "details.so"); if (state->boot_splash == NULL) { ply_trace ("Could not start detailed splash screen, exiting"); exit (1); } } static void show_default_splash (state_t *state) { ply_trace ("Showing splash screen"); state->boot_splash = start_boot_splash (state, PLYMOUTH_PLUGIN_PATH "default.so"); if (state->boot_splash == NULL) { ply_trace ("Could not start graphical splash screen," "showing text splash screen"); state->boot_splash = start_boot_splash (state, PLYMOUTH_PLUGIN_PATH "text.so"); } if (state->boot_splash == NULL) ply_error ("could not start boot splash: %m"); } static void on_show_splash (state_t *state) { if (state->window == NULL) { state->window = create_window (state, 1); ply_window_take_console (state->window); } show_default_splash (state); } static void on_hide_splash (state_t *state) { ply_trace ("hiding boot splash"); if (state->boot_splash != NULL) { ply_boot_splash_hide (state->boot_splash); ply_boot_splash_free (state->boot_splash); state->boot_splash = NULL; } ply_trace ("closing splash window"); if (state->window != NULL) { ply_window_close (state->window); ply_window_free (state->window); state->window = NULL; } } static void on_quit (state_t *state) { ply_trace ("time to quit, closing boot.log"); if (state->session != NULL) ply_terminal_session_close_log (state->session); ply_trace ("hiding splash"); if (state->boot_splash != NULL) ply_boot_splash_hide (state->boot_splash); if (state->window != NULL) ply_window_set_mode (state->window, PLY_WINDOW_MODE_TEXT); ply_trace ("exiting event loop"); ply_event_loop_exit (state->loop, 0); } static ply_boot_server_t * start_boot_server (state_t *state) { ply_boot_server_t *server; server = ply_boot_server_new ((ply_boot_server_update_handler_t) on_update, (ply_boot_server_ask_for_password_handler_t) on_ask_for_password, (ply_boot_server_show_splash_handler_t) on_show_splash, (ply_boot_server_hide_splash_handler_t) on_hide_splash, (ply_boot_server_newroot_handler_t) on_newroot, (ply_boot_server_system_initialized_handler_t) on_system_initialized, (ply_boot_server_quit_handler_t) on_quit, state); if (!ply_boot_server_listen (server)) { ply_save_errno (); ply_boot_server_free (server); ply_restore_errno (); return NULL; } ply_boot_server_attach_to_event_loop (server, state->loop); return server; } static void on_escape_pressed (state_t *state) { if (state->boot_splash != NULL) { ply_boot_splash_hide (state->boot_splash); ply_boot_splash_free (state->boot_splash); state->boot_splash = NULL; } if (!state->showing_details) { show_detailed_splash (state); state->showing_details = true; } else { show_default_splash (state); state->showing_details = false; } } static ply_window_t * create_window (state_t *state, int vt_number) { ply_window_t *window; ply_trace ("creating window on vt %d", vt_number); window = ply_window_new (vt_number); ply_trace ("attaching window to event loop"); ply_window_attach_to_event_loop (window, state->loop); ply_trace ("opening window"); if (!ply_window_open (window)) { ply_save_errno (); ply_trace ("could not open window: %m"); ply_window_free (window); ply_restore_errno (); return NULL; } ply_trace ("listening for escape key"); ply_window_set_escape_handler (window, (ply_window_escape_handler_t) on_escape_pressed, state); return window; } static ply_boot_splash_t * start_boot_splash (state_t *state, const char *module_path) { ply_boot_splash_t *splash; ply_trace ("Loading boot splash plugin '%s'", module_path); splash = ply_boot_splash_new (module_path, state->window, state->boot_buffer); ply_trace ("attaching plugin to event loop"); ply_boot_splash_attach_to_event_loop (splash, state->loop); ply_trace ("showing plugin"); if (!ply_boot_splash_show (splash)) { ply_save_errno (); ply_boot_splash_free (splash); ply_restore_errno (); return NULL; } return splash; } static ply_terminal_session_t * attach_to_running_session (state_t *state) { ply_terminal_session_t *session; ply_terminal_session_flags_t flags; flags = 0; flags |= PLY_TERMINAL_SESSION_FLAGS_REDIRECT_CONSOLE; ply_trace ("creating terminal session for current terminal"); session = ply_terminal_session_new (NULL); ply_trace ("attaching terminal session to event loop"); ply_terminal_session_attach_to_event_loop (session, state->loop); if (!ply_terminal_session_attach (session, flags, (ply_terminal_session_output_handler_t) on_session_output, (ply_terminal_session_done_handler_t) on_session_finished, state->ptmx, state)) { ply_save_errno (); ply_terminal_session_free (session); ply_buffer_free (state->boot_buffer); state->boot_buffer = NULL; ply_restore_errno (); return NULL; } return session; } static bool get_kernel_command_line (state_t *state) { int fd; ply_trace ("opening /proc/cmdline"); fd = open ("proc/cmdline", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { ply_trace ("couldn't open it: %m"); return false; } ply_trace ("reading kernel command line"); if (read (fd, state->kernel_command_line, sizeof (state->kernel_command_line)) < 0) { ply_trace ("couldn't read it: %m"); return false; } ply_trace ("Kernel command line is: '%s'", state->kernel_command_line); return true; } static void check_verbosity (state_t *state) { ply_trace ("checking if tracing should be enabled"); if ((strstr (state->kernel_command_line, " plymouth:debug ") != NULL) || (strstr (state->kernel_command_line, "plymouth:debug ") != NULL) || (strstr (state->kernel_command_line, " plymouth:debug") != NULL)) { ply_trace ("tracing should be enabled!"); if (!ply_is_tracing ()) ply_toggle_tracing (); } else ply_trace ("tracing shouldn't be enabled!"); } static bool set_console_io_to_vt1 (state_t *state) { int fd; fd = open ("/dev/tty1", O_RDWR | O_APPEND); if (fd < 0) return false; dup2 (fd, STDIN_FILENO); dup2 (fd, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2 (fd, STDERR_FILENO); return true; } static bool plymouth_should_be_running (state_t *state) { ply_trace ("checking if plymouth should be running"); const char const *strings[] = { " single ", " single", "^single ", " 1 ", " 1", "^1 ", " init=", "^init=", NULL }; int i; for (i = 0; strings[i] != NULL; i++) { int cmp; if (strings[i][0] == '^') cmp = strncmp(state->kernel_command_line, strings[i]+1, strlen(strings[i]+1)) == 0; else cmp = strstr (state->kernel_command_line, strings[i]) != NULL; if (cmp) { ply_trace ("kernel command line has option \"%s\"", strings[i]); return false; } } return strstr (state->kernel_command_line, "rhgb") != NULL; } static bool initialize_environment (state_t *state) { ply_trace ("initializing minimal work environment"); if (!get_kernel_command_line (state)) return false; check_verbosity (state); if (!plymouth_should_be_running (state)) return false; if (!set_console_io_to_vt1 (state)) return false; ply_trace ("initialized minimal work environment"); return true; } static void on_crash (int signal) { int fd; fd = open ("/dev/tty1", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); ioctl (fd, KDSETMODE, KD_TEXT); close (fd); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { state_t state = { .ptmx = -1, }; int exit_code; bool attach_to_session = false; ply_daemon_handle_t *daemon_handle; if (argc >= 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--attach-to-session")) attach_to_session = true; if (attach_to_session && argc == 3) { state.ptmx = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0); if ((state.ptmx == LONG_MIN || state.ptmx == LONG_MAX) && errno != 0) { ply_error ("%s: could not parse ptmx string \"%s\": %m", argv[0], argv[2]); return EX_OSERR; } } if ((attach_to_session && argc != 3) || (attach_to_session && state.ptmx == -1)) { ply_error ("%s [--attach-to-session ]", argv[0]); return EX_USAGE; } chdir ("/"); daemon_handle = ply_create_daemon (); if (daemon_handle == NULL) { ply_error ("cannot daemonize: %m"); return EX_UNAVAILABLE; } signal (SIGABRT, on_crash); signal (SIGSEGV, on_crash); state.loop = ply_event_loop_new (); /* before do anything we need to make sure we have a working * environment. */ if (!initialize_environment (&state)) { if (errno == 0) { ply_detach_daemon (daemon_handle, 0); return 0; } ply_error ("could not setup basic operating environment: %m"); ply_detach_daemon (daemon_handle, EX_OSERR); return EX_OSERR; } state.boot_buffer = ply_buffer_new (); if (attach_to_session) { state.session = attach_to_running_session (&state); if (state.session == NULL) { ply_error ("could not create session: %m"); ply_detach_daemon (daemon_handle, EX_UNAVAILABLE); return EX_UNAVAILABLE; } } state.boot_server = start_boot_server (&state); if (state.boot_server == NULL) { ply_error ("could not log bootup: %m"); ply_detach_daemon (daemon_handle, EX_UNAVAILABLE); return EX_UNAVAILABLE; } if (!ply_detach_daemon (daemon_handle, 0)) { ply_error ("could not tell parent to exit: %m"); return EX_UNAVAILABLE; } ply_trace ("entering event loop"); exit_code = ply_event_loop_run (state.loop); ply_trace ("exited event loop"); ply_boot_splash_free (state.boot_splash); state.boot_splash = NULL; ply_window_free (state.window); state.window = NULL; ply_boot_server_free (state.boot_server); state.boot_server = NULL; ply_trace ("freeing terminal session"); ply_terminal_session_free (state.session); ply_buffer_free (state.boot_buffer); ply_trace ("freeing event loop"); ply_event_loop_free (state.loop); ply_trace ("exiting with code %d", exit_code); return exit_code; } /* vim: set sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 expandtab autoindent cindent cino={.5s,(0: */