/* ply-window.h - APIs for putting up a window screen * * Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * Written by: Ray Strode */ #include "config.h" #include "ply-window.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ply-buffer.h" #include "ply-event-loop.h" #include "ply-frame-buffer.h" #include "ply-logger.h" #include "ply-utils.h" #define KEY_CTRL_T ('\100' ^'T') #define KEY_CTRL_U ('\100' ^'U') #define KEY_CTRL_W ('\100' ^'W') #define KEY_CTRL_V ('\100' ^'V') #define KEY_ESCAPE ('\100' ^'[') #define KEY_RETURN '\r' #define KEY_BACKSPACE '\177' #ifndef CLEAR_SCREEN_SEQUENCE #define CLEAR_SCREEN_SEQUENCE "\033[2J" #endif #ifndef MOVE_CURSOR_SEQUENCE #define MOVE_CURSOR_SEQUENCE "\033[%d;%df" #endif #ifndef HIDE_CURSOR_SEQUENCE #define HIDE_CURSOR_SEQUENCE "\033[?25l" #endif #ifndef SHOW_CURSOR_SEQUENCE #define SHOW_CURSOR_SEQUENCE "\033[?25h" #endif #ifndef COLOR_SEQUENCE_FORMAT #define COLOR_SEQUENCE_FORMAT "\033[%dm" #endif #ifndef FOREGROUND_COLOR_BASE #define FOREGROUND_COLOR_BASE 30 #endif #ifndef BACKGROUND_COLOR_BASE #define BACKGROUND_COLOR_BASE 40 #endif #ifndef TEXT_PALETTE_SIZE #define TEXT_PALETTE_SIZE 48 #endif struct _ply_window { ply_event_loop_t *loop; ply_buffer_t *keyboard_input_buffer; ply_buffer_t *line_buffer; struct termios original_term_attributes; ply_frame_buffer_t *frame_buffer; char *tty_name; int tty_fd; int vt_number; ply_fd_watch_t *tty_fd_watch; ply_window_mode_t mode; ply_window_color_t foreground_color; ply_window_color_t background_color; uint8_t color_palette[TEXT_PALETTE_SIZE]; int number_of_text_rows; int number_of_text_columns; uint32_t should_force_text_mode : 1; uint32_t original_term_attributes_saved : 1; ply_window_keyboard_input_handler_t keyboard_input_handler; void *keyboard_input_handler_user_data; ply_window_backspace_handler_t backspace_handler; void *backspace_handler_user_data; ply_window_escape_handler_t escape_handler; void *escape_handler_user_data; ply_window_enter_handler_t enter_handler; void *enter_handler_user_data; }; ply_window_t * ply_window_new (int vt_number) { ply_window_t *window; window = calloc (1, sizeof (ply_window_t)); window->keyboard_input_buffer = ply_buffer_new (); window->line_buffer = ply_buffer_new (); window->frame_buffer = ply_frame_buffer_new (NULL); window->loop = NULL; asprintf (&window->tty_name, "/dev/tty%d", vt_number); window->tty_fd = -1; window->vt_number = vt_number; return window; } static void process_backspace (ply_window_t *window) { ssize_t bytes_to_remove; ssize_t previous_character_size; const char *bytes; size_t size; bytes = ply_buffer_get_bytes (window->line_buffer); size = ply_buffer_get_size (window->line_buffer); bytes_to_remove = MB_CUR_MAX; while ((previous_character_size = mbrlen (bytes + size - bytes_to_remove, bytes_to_remove, NULL)) < bytes_to_remove && previous_character_size > 0) bytes_to_remove -= previous_character_size; if (bytes_to_remove <= size) { ply_buffer_remove_bytes_at_end (window->line_buffer, bytes_to_remove); if (window->backspace_handler != NULL) window->backspace_handler (window->backspace_handler_user_data); } } static void process_line_erase (ply_window_t *window) { size_t size; while ((size = ply_buffer_get_size (window->line_buffer)) > 0) process_backspace (window); } static void process_keyboard_input (ply_window_t *window, const char *keyboard_input, size_t character_size) { wchar_t key; if (mbrtowc (&key, keyboard_input, 1, NULL) > 0) { switch (key) { case KEY_CTRL_T: ply_trace ("toggle text mode!"); window->should_force_text_mode = !window->should_force_text_mode; ply_window_set_mode (window, window->mode); ply_trace ("text mode toggled!"); return; case KEY_CTRL_U: case KEY_CTRL_W: ply_trace ("erase line!"); process_line_erase (window); return; case KEY_CTRL_V: ply_trace ("toggle verbose mode!"); ply_toggle_tracing (); ply_trace ("verbose mode toggled!"); return; case KEY_ESCAPE: ply_trace ("escape key!"); if (window->escape_handler != NULL) window->escape_handler (window->escape_handler_user_data); ply_trace ("end escape key handler"); return; case KEY_BACKSPACE: ply_trace ("backspace key!"); process_backspace (window); return; case KEY_RETURN: ply_trace ("return key!"); if (window->enter_handler != NULL) window->enter_handler (window->enter_handler_user_data, ply_buffer_get_bytes (window->line_buffer)); ply_buffer_clear (window->line_buffer); return; default: ply_buffer_append_bytes (window->line_buffer, keyboard_input, character_size); break; } } if (window->keyboard_input_handler != NULL) window->keyboard_input_handler (window->keyboard_input_handler_user_data, keyboard_input, character_size); } static void check_buffer_for_key_events (ply_window_t *window) { const char *bytes; size_t size, i; bytes = ply_buffer_get_bytes (window->keyboard_input_buffer); size = ply_buffer_get_size (window->keyboard_input_buffer); i = 0; while (i < size) { ssize_t character_size; char *keyboard_input; character_size = (ssize_t) mbrlen (bytes + i, size - i, NULL); if (character_size < 0) break; keyboard_input = strndup (bytes + i, character_size); process_keyboard_input (window, keyboard_input, character_size); free (keyboard_input); i += character_size; } if (i > 0) ply_buffer_remove_bytes (window->keyboard_input_buffer, i); } static void on_key_event (ply_window_t *window) { ply_buffer_append_from_fd (window->keyboard_input_buffer, window->tty_fd); check_buffer_for_key_events (window); } static bool ply_window_set_unbuffered_input (ply_window_t *window) { struct termios term_attributes; tcgetattr (window->tty_fd, &term_attributes); if (!window->original_term_attributes_saved) { window->original_term_attributes = term_attributes; window->original_term_attributes_saved = true; } cfmakeraw (&term_attributes); /* Make \n return go to the beginning of the next line */ term_attributes.c_oflag |= ONLCR; if (tcsetattr (window->tty_fd, TCSAFLUSH, &term_attributes) != 0) return false; return true; } static bool ply_window_set_buffered_input (ply_window_t *window) { if (!window->original_term_attributes_saved) return false; if (tcsetattr (window->tty_fd, TCSAFLUSH, &window->original_term_attributes) != 0) return false; return true; } static int get_active_vt (void) { int console_fd; struct vt_stat console_state = { 0 }; console_fd = open ("/dev/tty0", O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY); if (console_fd < 0) goto out; if (ioctl (console_fd, VT_GETSTATE, &console_state) < 0) goto out; out: if (console_fd >= 0) close (console_fd); return console_state.v_active; } bool ply_window_look_up_geometry (ply_window_t *window) { struct winsize window_size; ply_trace ("looking up window text geometry"); if (ioctl (window->tty_fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &window_size) < 0) { ply_trace ("could not read window text geometry: %m"); return false; } window->number_of_text_rows = window_size.ws_row; window->number_of_text_columns = window_size.ws_col; ply_trace ("window is now %dx%d text cells", window->number_of_text_columns, window->number_of_text_rows); return true; } static bool ply_window_look_up_color_palette (ply_window_t *window) { if (ioctl (window->tty_fd, GIO_CMAP, window->color_palette) < 0) return false; return true; } static bool ply_window_change_color_palette (ply_window_t *window) { if (ioctl (window->tty_fd, PIO_CMAP, window->color_palette) < 0) return false; return true; } bool ply_window_open (ply_window_t *window) { assert (window != NULL); assert (window->tty_name != NULL); assert (window->tty_fd < 0); if (window->vt_number == 0) { window->vt_number = get_active_vt (); free (window->tty_name); asprintf (&window->tty_name, "/dev/tty%d", window->vt_number); } window->tty_fd = open (window->tty_name, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if (window->tty_fd < 0) return false; if (!ply_window_set_unbuffered_input (window)) return false; if (!ply_window_set_mode (window, PLY_WINDOW_MODE_TEXT)) return false; if (!ply_window_look_up_geometry (window)) return false; if (!ply_window_look_up_color_palette (window)) return false; ply_window_hide_text_cursor (window); ply_window_set_text_cursor_position (window, 0, 0); ply_event_loop_watch_signal (window->loop, SIGWINCH, (ply_event_handler_t) ply_window_look_up_geometry, window); if (window->loop != NULL) window->tty_fd_watch = ply_event_loop_watch_fd (window->loop, window->tty_fd, PLY_EVENT_LOOP_FD_STATUS_HAS_DATA, (ply_event_handler_t) on_key_event, NULL, window); /* We try to open the frame buffer, but it may fail. splash plugins can check * to see if it's open and react accordingly */ ply_frame_buffer_open (window->frame_buffer); return true; } void ply_window_close (ply_window_t *window) { ply_window_set_text_cursor_position (window, 0, 0); if (ply_frame_buffer_device_is_open (window->frame_buffer)) ply_frame_buffer_close (window->frame_buffer); if (window->tty_fd_watch != NULL) { ply_event_loop_stop_watching_fd (window->loop, window->tty_fd_watch); window->tty_fd_watch = NULL; } if (window->loop != NULL) ply_event_loop_stop_watching_signal (window->loop, SIGWINCH); ply_window_set_buffered_input (window); close (window->tty_fd); window->tty_fd = -1; } bool ply_window_set_mode (ply_window_t *window, ply_window_mode_t mode) { assert (window != NULL); assert (mode == PLY_WINDOW_MODE_TEXT || mode == PLY_WINDOW_MODE_GRAPHICS); if (ply_is_tracing ()) window->should_force_text_mode = true; switch (mode) { case PLY_WINDOW_MODE_TEXT: if (ioctl (window->tty_fd, KDSETMODE, KD_TEXT) < 0) return false; break; case PLY_WINDOW_MODE_GRAPHICS: if (!ply_frame_buffer_device_is_open (window->frame_buffer) && !ply_frame_buffer_open (window->frame_buffer)) return false; if (ioctl (window->tty_fd, KDSETMODE, window->should_force_text_mode? KD_TEXT : KD_GRAPHICS) < 0) return false; break; } ply_window_set_unbuffered_input (window); window->mode = mode; return true; } int ply_window_get_number_of_text_rows (ply_window_t *window) { return window->number_of_text_rows; } int ply_window_get_number_of_text_columns (ply_window_t *window) { return window->number_of_text_columns; } void ply_window_set_text_cursor_position (ply_window_t *window, int column, int row) { char *sequence; sequence = NULL; asprintf (&sequence, MOVE_CURSOR_SEQUENCE, row, column); write (window->tty_fd, sequence, strlen (sequence)); free (sequence); } void ply_window_clear_screen (ply_window_t *window) { write (window->tty_fd, CLEAR_SCREEN_SEQUENCE, strlen (CLEAR_SCREEN_SEQUENCE)); ply_window_set_text_cursor_position (window, 0, 0); if (ply_frame_buffer_device_is_open (window->frame_buffer)) ply_frame_buffer_fill_with_color (window->frame_buffer, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } void ply_window_set_background_color (ply_window_t *window, ply_window_color_t color) { char *sequence; sequence = NULL; asprintf (&sequence, COLOR_SEQUENCE_FORMAT, BACKGROUND_COLOR_BASE + color); write (window->tty_fd, sequence, strlen (sequence)); free (sequence); window->background_color = color; } void ply_window_set_foreground_color (ply_window_t *window, ply_window_color_t color) { char *sequence; sequence = NULL; asprintf (&sequence, COLOR_SEQUENCE_FORMAT, FOREGROUND_COLOR_BASE + color); write (window->tty_fd, sequence, strlen (sequence)); free (sequence); window->foreground_color = color; } ply_window_color_t ply_window_get_background_color (ply_window_t *window) { return window->background_color; } ply_window_color_t ply_window_get_foreground_color (ply_window_t *window) { return window->foreground_color; } uint32_t ply_window_get_color_hex_value (ply_window_t *window, ply_window_color_t color) { uint8_t red, green, blue; uint32_t hex_value; assert (window != NULL); assert (color >= 0 && color <= PLY_WINDOW_COLOR_WHITE); red = (uint8_t) *(window->color_palette + 3 * color); green = (uint8_t) *(window->color_palette + 3 * color + 1); blue = (uint8_t) *(window->color_palette + 3 * color + 2); hex_value = red << 16 | green << 8 | blue; return hex_value; } void ply_window_set_color_hex_value (ply_window_t *window, ply_window_color_t color, uint32_t hex_value) { uint8_t red, green, blue; assert (window != NULL); assert (color >= 0 && color <= PLY_WINDOW_COLOR_WHITE); red = (uint8_t) ((hex_value >> 16) & 0xff); green = (uint8_t) ((hex_value >> 8) & 0xff); blue = (uint8_t) (hex_value & 0xff); *(window->color_palette + 3 * color) = red; *(window->color_palette + 3 * color + 1) = green; *(window->color_palette + 3 * color + 2) = blue; ply_window_change_color_palette (window); } void ply_window_hide_text_cursor (ply_window_t *window) { write (window->tty_fd, HIDE_CURSOR_SEQUENCE, strlen (HIDE_CURSOR_SEQUENCE)); } void ply_window_show_text_cursor (ply_window_t *window) { write (window->tty_fd, SHOW_CURSOR_SEQUENCE, strlen (SHOW_CURSOR_SEQUENCE)); } static void ply_window_detach_from_event_loop (ply_window_t *window) { assert (window != NULL); window->loop = NULL; window->tty_fd_watch = NULL; } void ply_window_free (ply_window_t *window) { if (window == NULL) return; if (window->loop != NULL) ply_event_loop_stop_watching_for_exit (window->loop, (ply_event_loop_exit_handler_t) ply_window_detach_from_event_loop, window); ply_window_close (window); ply_buffer_free (window->keyboard_input_buffer); ply_buffer_free (window->line_buffer); ply_frame_buffer_free (window->frame_buffer); free (window); } void ply_window_set_keyboard_input_handler (ply_window_t *window, ply_window_keyboard_input_handler_t input_handler, void *user_data) { assert (window != NULL); window->keyboard_input_handler = input_handler; window->keyboard_input_handler_user_data = user_data; } void ply_window_set_backspace_handler (ply_window_t *window, ply_window_backspace_handler_t backspace_handler, void *user_data) { assert (window != NULL); window->backspace_handler = backspace_handler; window->backspace_handler_user_data = user_data; } void ply_window_set_escape_handler (ply_window_t *window, ply_window_escape_handler_t escape_handler, void *user_data) { assert (window != NULL); window->escape_handler = escape_handler; window->escape_handler_user_data = user_data; } void ply_window_set_enter_handler (ply_window_t *window, ply_window_enter_handler_t enter_handler, void *user_data) { assert (window != NULL); window->enter_handler = enter_handler; window->enter_handler_user_data = user_data; } void ply_window_attach_to_event_loop (ply_window_t *window, ply_event_loop_t *loop) { assert (window != NULL); assert (loop != NULL); assert (window->loop == NULL); window->loop = loop; if (window->tty_fd >= 0) window->tty_fd_watch = ply_event_loop_watch_fd (window->loop, window->tty_fd, PLY_EVENT_LOOP_FD_STATUS_HAS_DATA, (ply_event_handler_t) on_key_event, NULL, window); ply_event_loop_watch_for_exit (loop, (ply_event_loop_exit_handler_t) ply_window_detach_from_event_loop, window); } ply_frame_buffer_t * ply_window_get_frame_buffer (ply_window_t *window) { return window->frame_buffer; } static bool switch_to_vt (int tty_fd, int vt_number) { if (ioctl (tty_fd, VT_ACTIVATE, vt_number) < 0) return false; ioctl (tty_fd, VT_WAITACTIVE, vt_number); return get_active_vt () == vt_number; } bool ply_window_take_console (ply_window_t *window) { assert (window != NULL); return switch_to_vt (window->tty_fd, window->vt_number); } bool ply_window_give_console (ply_window_t *window, int vt_number) { char *tty_name; int tty_fd; bool vt_switched; assert (window != NULL); assert (vt_number > 0); assert (vt_number != window->vt_number); tty_name = NULL; asprintf (&tty_name, "/dev/tty%d", vt_number); tty_fd = open (tty_name, O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY); if (tty_fd < 0) { free (tty_name); return false; } free (tty_name); vt_switched = switch_to_vt (tty_fd, vt_number); close (tty_fd); return vt_switched; } #ifdef PLY_WINDOW_ENABLE_TEST #include #include "ply-event-loop.h" #include "ply-window.h" static void on_timeout (ply_window_t *window, ply_event_loop_t *loop) { ply_event_loop_exit (loop, 0); } static void on_keypress (ply_window_t *window, const char *keyboard_input) { printf ("key '%c' (0x%x) was pressed\n", keyboard_input[0], (unsigned int) keyboard_input[0]); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { ply_event_loop_t *loop; ply_window_t *window; int exit_code; int vt_number; exit_code = 0; loop = ply_event_loop_new (); vt_number = 0; if (argc > 1) vt_number = atoi (argv[1]); if (vt_number <= 0) vt_number = 1; window = ply_window_new (vt_number); ply_window_attach_to_event_loop (window, loop); ply_window_set_keyboard_input_handler (window, (ply_window_keyboard_input_handler_t) on_keypress, window); if (!ply_window_open (window)) { ply_save_errno (); perror ("could not open window"); ply_restore_errno (); return errno; } if (!ply_window_take_console (window)) { ply_save_errno (); ply_error ("could not move console to vt %d: %m", vt_number); ply_restore_errno (); return errno; } if (!ply_window_set_mode (window, PLY_WINDOW_MODE_TEXT)) { ply_save_errno (); perror ("could not set window for graphics mode"); ply_restore_errno (); } ply_event_loop_watch_for_timeout (loop, 15.0, (ply_event_loop_timeout_handler_t) on_timeout, window); exit_code = ply_event_loop_run (loop); ply_window_close (window); ply_window_free (window); return exit_code; } #endif /* PLY_WINDOW_ENABLE_TEST */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab autoindent cindent cino={.5s,(0: */