Current plans are getting discussed here: Until this file is fleshed out, I've included Kristian's old text below. plymouth - fbdev based graphical boot INSTALL Get the SRPMS and rpmbuild --rebuild them. libpng-static is a build requirement of mkinitrd so build and install that before building mkinitrd. To build the kernel SRPM, pass --target i686 to rpmbuild. libpng-1.2.10-1.plymouth.src.rpm initscripts-8.33-1.src.rpm mkinitrd-5.0.34-1.plymouth.src.rpm SysVinit-2.86-3.plymouth.src.rpm rhgb-0.16.3-1.plymouth.src.rpm kernel-2.6.16-1.2139_FC6.plymouth.src.rpm Then install them and run (as root) mkinitrd to create an initrd for your current kernel that has the graphical boot bits in it: $ mkinitrd /boot/plymouth-initrd-$(uname -r) $(uname -r) Run grubby to add an entry to /etc/grub.conf: $ grubby --grub --copy-default \ --title="Plymouth $(uname -r)" \ --add-kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) \ --initrd=/boot/plymouth-initrd-$(uname -r).img \ --args="vga=0x318 rhgb quiet" or hand-edit /etc/grub.conf if you prefer and make an entry that boots with the new initrd and passes vga=0x318, rhgb, and quiet on the kernel command line. Edit /etc/inittab to not start a tty on vt0: $ sed -ie 's/1:2345/# 1:2345/' /etc/inittab Reboot! HOW IT WORKS We're using the kernel fbdev driver to initialize the display to 1024x768 24bpp as soon as the kernel boots up. At this point the kernel boots up with a black background and shows a picture of a fat penguin. The kernel patch disables the Linux logo and re-enables the quiet boot mode. I'd like to teach the kernel to clear the background color to the background color set by nash later on, but for now the patch just makes it boot into a black 1024x768. This solid color background patch and using fbdev are the only changes to the kernel. A few seconds after the kernel boots, the initrd starts up. The changes to initrd includes making nash less chatty in quiet mode, and adding a 'logo' command to the nash shell that it can load and display a fedora PNG logo from the initrd. Next step is rhgb. The changes to rhgb replaces all the X server startup/hand-holding code and the gtk+ progress screen and just paints on the fbdev using cairo. Other than that, most of the rhgb progress feedback is reused, the initscripts report back to rhgb throughout the boot process as they have always done. NEXT STEPS - Silence grub completely - don't show the menu, don't show the info about what we're booting, don't show anything. Enter the menu only if the user holds down some key. - Fall back to text mode in rhgb if something fails, or at least make a note of it and let the user review the log at a later time. Also, probably bind Esc or some key to drop back into full textual boot. - Actually write the kernel patch to initialize the fbdev to a given solid color. - Make the transition from the rhgb fbdev into X smoother. Don't do mode-setting in X and reuse framebuffer contents when possible or crazy-talk like that.