path: root/collectd.conf
diff options
authorMike McGrath <>2010-06-10 18:17:28 +0000
committerMike McGrath <>2010-06-10 18:17:28 +0000
commit62027099029ab19c3ff37bcd60e4d5c7888c9114 (patch)
tree1b63f73c45f255e27c23dfa763da737c99e8a12f /collectd.conf
parentad8edaa8beca4605f29c5414f60160bfc71b02df (diff)
last release bump and config file additioncollectd-4_10_0-4_el5
Diffstat (limited to 'collectd.conf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 555 deletions
diff --git a/collectd.conf b/collectd.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c39c26..0000000
--- a/collectd.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,555 +0,0 @@
-# Config file for collectd(1).
-# Please read collectd.conf(5) for a list of options.
-#Hostname "localhost"
-FQDNLookup true
-#BaseDir "/usr/var/lib/collectd"
-#PIDFile "/usr/var/run/"
-#PluginDir "/usr/lib/collectd"
-#TypesDB "/usr/share/collectd/types.db"
-#Interval 10
-#ReadThreads 5
-LoadPlugin logfile
-LoadPlugin syslog
-#<Plugin logfile>
-# LogLevel info
-# File STDOUT
-# Timestamp true
-#<Plugin syslog>
-# LogLevel info
-#LoadPlugin apcups
-#LoadPlugin apple_sensors
-#LoadPlugin ascent
-#LoadPlugin battery
-#LoadPlugin bind
-LoadPlugin cpu
-LoadPlugin cpufreq
-LoadPlugin csv
-#LoadPlugin curl
-#LoadPlugin dbi
-LoadPlugin df
-LoadPlugin disk
-LoadPlugin entropy
-LoadPlugin exec
-#LoadPlugin filecount
-#LoadPlugin hddtemp
-LoadPlugin interface
-#LoadPlugin iptables
-#LoadPlugin ipvs
-LoadPlugin irq
-LoadPlugin load
-#LoadPlugin mbmon
-LoadPlugin memcached
-LoadPlugin memory
-#LoadPlugin multimeter
-#LoadPlugin netlink
-LoadPlugin network
-LoadPlugin nfs
-#LoadPlugin notify_desktop
-#LoadPlugin notify_email
-LoadPlugin ntpd
-#LoadPlugin onewire
-#LoadPlugin openvpn
-#LoadPlugin oracle
-#LoadPlugin ping
-LoadPlugin powerdns
-LoadPlugin processes
-#LoadPlugin rrdcached
-LoadPlugin serial
-LoadPlugin swap
-#LoadPlugin tail
-#LoadPlugin tape
-LoadPlugin tcpconns
-#LoadPlugin teamspeak2
-LoadPlugin thermal
-LoadPlugin unixsock
-LoadPlugin users
-#LoadPlugin uuid
-LoadPlugin vmem
-#LoadPlugin vserver
-#LoadPlugin wireless
-#LoadPlugin xmms
-#<Plugin apache>
-# URL "http://localhost/status?auto"
-# User "www-user"
-# Password "secret"
-# CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
-#<Plugin apcups>
-# Host "localhost"
-# Port "3551"
-#<Plugin ascent>
-# URL "http://localhost/ascent/status/"
-# User "www-user"
-# Password "secret"
-# CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
-#<Plugin "bind">
-# URL "http://localhost:8053/"
-# OpCodes true
-# QTypes true
-# ServerStats true
-# ZoneMaintStats true
-# ResolverStats false
-# MemoryStats true
-# <View "_default">
-# QTypes true
-# ResolverStats true
-# CacheRRSets true
-# Zone ""
-# </View>
-#<Plugin csv>
-# DataDir "/usr/var/lib/collectd/csv"
-# StoreRates false
-#<Plugin curl>
-# <Page "stock_quotes">
-# URL ""
-# User "foo"
-# Password "bar"
-# <Match>
-# Regex "<span +class=\"pr\"[^>]*> *([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+) *</span>"
-# DSType "GaugeAverage"
-# Type "stock_value"
-# Instance "AMD"
-# </Match>
-# </Page>
-#<Plugin dbi>
-# <Query "num_of_customers">
-# Statement "SELECT 'customers' AS c_key, COUNT(*) AS c_value FROM customers_tbl"
-# <Result>
-# Type "gauge"
-# InstancesFrom "c_key"
-# ValuesFrom "c_value"
-# </Result>
-# </Query>
-# <Database "customers_db">
-# Driver "mysql"
-# DriverOption "host" "localhost"
-# DriverOption "username" "collectd"
-# DriverOption "password" "AeXohy0O"
-# DriverOption "dbname" "custdb0"
-# #SelectDB "custdb0"
-# Query "num_of_customers"
-# #Query "..."
-# </Database>
-#<Plugin df>
-# Device "/dev/hda1"
-# Device ""
-# MountPoint "/home"
-# FSType "ext3"
-# IgnoreSelected false
-#<Plugin disk>
-# Disk "/^[hs]d[a-f][0-9]?$/"
-# IgnoreSelected false
-#<Plugin dns>
-# Interface "eth0"
-# IgnoreSource ""
-#<Plugin email>
-# SocketFile "/usr/var/run/collectd-email"
-# SocketGroup "collectd"
-# SocketPerms "0770"
-# MaxConns 5
-#<Plugin exec>
-# Exec "user:group" "/path/to/exec"
-# NotificationExec "user:group" "/path/to/exec"
-<Plugin exec>
- Exec "nobody:nobody" "/tmp/"
-#<Plugin filecount>
-# <Directory "/path/to/dir">
-# Instance "foodir"
-# Name "*.conf"
-# MTime "-5m"
-# Size "+10k"
-# Recursive true
-# </Directory>
-#<Plugin hddtemp>
-# Host ""
-# Port "7634"
-# TranslateDevicename false
-#<Plugin interface>
-# Interface "eth0"
-# IgnoreSelected false
-#<Plugin ipmi>
-# Sensor "some_sensor"
-# Sensor "another_one"
-# IgnoreSelected false
-# NotifySensorAdd false
-# NotifySensorRemove true
-# NotifySensorNotPresent false
-#<Plugin iptables>
-# Chain table chain
-#<Plugin irq>
-# Irq 7
-# Irq 8
-# Irq 9
-# IgnoreSelected true
-#<Plugin libvirt>
-# Connection "xen:///"
-# RefreshInterval 60
-# Domain "name"
-# BlockDevice "name:device"
-# InterfaceDevice "name:device"
-# IgnoreSelected false
-# HostnameFormat name
-#<Plugin mbmon>
-# Host ""
-# Port "411"
-#<Plugin memcached>
-# Host ""
-# Port "11211"
-#<Plugin mysql>
-# Host ""
-# User "db_user"
-# Password "secret"
-# Database "db_name"
-#<Plugin netlink>
-# Interface "All"
-# VerboseInterface "All"
-# QDisc "eth0" "pfifo_fast-1:0"
-# Class "ppp0" "htb-1:10"
-# Filter "ppp0" "u32-1:0"
-# IgnoreSelected false
-#<Plugin network>
-# Server "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826"
-# Server "" "25826"
-# Listen "ff18::efc0:4a42" "25826"
-# Listen "" "25826"
-# TimeToLive "128"
-# Forward false
-# CacheFlush 1800
-#<Plugin nginx>
-# URL "http://localhost/status?auto"
-# User "www-user"
-# Password "secret"
-# CACert "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
-#<Plugin notify_desktop>
-# OkayTimeout 1000
-# WarningTimeout 5000
-# FailureTimeout 0
-#<Plugin notify_email>
-# SMTPServer "localhost"
-# SMTPPort 25
-# SMTPUser "my-username"
-# SMTPPassword "my-password"
-# From ""
-# # <WARNING/FAILURE/OK> on <hostname>. beware! do not use not more than two %s in this string!!!
-# Subject "Aaaaaa!! %s on %s!!!!!"
-# Recipient ""
-# Recipient ""
-#<Plugin ntpd>
-# Host "localhost"
-# Port 123
-# ReverseLookups false
-#<Plugin nut>
-# UPS "upsname@hostname:port"
-#<Plugin onewire>
-# Device "-s localhost:4304"
-# Sensor "F10FCA000800"
-# IgnoreSelected false
-#<Plugin openvpn>
-# StatusFile "/etc/openvpn/openvpn-status.log"
-#<Plugin oracle>
-# <Query "out_of_stock">
-# Statement "SELECT category, COUNT(*) AS value FROM products WHERE in_stock = 0 GROUP BY category"
-# <Result>
-# Type "gauge"
-# InstancesFrom "category"
-# ValuesFrom "value"
-# </Result>
-# </Query>
-# <Database "product_information">
-# ConnectID "db01"
-# Username "oracle"
-# Password "secret"
-# Query "out_of_stock"
-# </Database>
-#<Plugin perl>
-# IncludeDir "/my/include/path"
-# BaseName "Collectd::Plugin"
-# EnableDebugger ""
-# LoadPlugin foo
-# <Plugin foo>
-# Foo "Bar"
-# Qux "Baz"
-# </Plugin>
-#<Plugin ping>
-# Host ""
-# TTL 255
-#<Plugin postgresql>
-# <Query magic>
-# Statement "SELECT magic FROM wizard WHERE host = $1;"
-# Param hostname
-# <Result>
-# Type gauge
-# InstancePrefix "magic"
-# ValuesFrom magic
-# </Result>
-# </Query>
-# <Query rt36_tickets>
-# Statement "SELECT COUNT(type) AS count, type \
-# WHEN resolved = 'epoch' THEN 'open' \
-# ELSE 'resolved' END AS type \
-# FROM tickets) type \
-# GROUP BY type;"
-# <Result>
-# Type counter
-# InstancePrefix "rt36_tickets"
-# InstancesFrom "type"
-# ValuesFrom "count"
-# </Result>
-# </Query>
-# <Database foo>
-# Host "hostname"
-# Port "5432"
-# User "username"
-# Password "secret"
-# SSLMode "prefer"
-# KRBSrvName "kerberos_service_name"
-# Query magic
-# </Database>
-# <Database bar>
-# Service "service_name"
-# Query backend # predefined
-# Query rt36_tickets
-# </Database>
-#<Plugin powerdns>
-# <Server "server_name">
-# Collect "latency"
-# Collect "udp-answers" "udp-queries"
-# Socket "/var/run/pdns.controlsocket"
-# </Server>
-# <Recursor "recursor_name">
-# Collect "questions"
-# Collect "cache-hits" "cache-misses"
-# Socket "/var/run/pdns_recursor.controlsocket"
-# </Recursor>
-# LocalSocket "/opt/collectd/var/run/collectd-powerdns"
-#<Plugin processes>
-# Process "name"
-#<Plugin rrdcached>
-# DaemonAddress "unix:/tmp/rrdcached.sock"
-# DataDir "/usr/var/lib/collectd/rrd"
-# CreateFiles true
-# CollectStatistics true
-#<Plugin rrdtool>
-# DataDir "/usr/var/lib/collectd/rrd"
-# CacheTimeout 120
-# CacheFlush 900
-#<Plugin sensors>
-# Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/temperature-temp1"
-# Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/fanspeed-fan3"
-# Sensor "it8712-isa-0290/voltage-in8"
-# IgnoreSelected false
-#<Plugin snmp>
-# <Data "powerplus_voltge_input">
-# Type "voltage"
-# Table false
-# Instance "input_line1"
-# Values "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.6050."
-# </Data>
-# <Data "hr_users">
-# Type "users"
-# Table false
-# Instance ""
-# Values "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemNumUsers.0"
-# </Data>
-# <Data "std_traffic">
-# Type "if_octets"
-# Table true
-# Instance "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
-# Values "IF-MIB::ifInOctets" "IF-MIB::ifOutOctets"
-# </Data>
-# <Host "">
-# Address ""
-# Version 1
-# Community "community_string"
-# Collect "std_traffic"
-# Inverval 120
-# </Host>
-# <Host "">
-# Address ""
-# Version 2
-# Community "another_string"
-# Collect "std_traffic" "hr_users"
-# </Host>
-# <Host "">
-# Address ""
-# Version 1
-# Community "more_communities"
-# Collect "powerplus_voltge_input"
-# Interval 300
-# </Host>
-#<Plugin "tail">
-# <File "/var/log/exim4/mainlog">
-# Instance "exim"
-# <Match>
-# Regex "S=([1-9][0-9]*)"
-# DSType "CounterAdd"
-# Type "ipt_bytes"
-# Instance "total"
-# </Match>
-# <Match>
-# Regex "\\<R=local_user\\>"
-# DSType "CounterInc"
-# Type "counter"
-# Instance "local_user"
-# </Match>
-# </File>
-#<Plugin tcpconns>
-# ListeningPorts false
-# LocalPort "25"
-# RemotePort "25"
-#<Plugin teamspeak2>
-# Host ""
-# Port "51234"
-# Server "8767"
-#<Plugin thermal>
-# ForceUseProcfs false
-# Device "THRM"
-# IgnoreSelected false
-#<Plugin unixsock>
-# SocketFile "/usr/var/run/collectd-unixsock"
-# SocketGroup "collectd"
-# SocketPerms "0660"
-#<Plugin uuid>
-# UUIDFile "/etc/uuid"
-#<Plugin vmem>
-# Verbose false
-# * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-# * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-# The following configures collectd's filtering mechanism. Before changing
-# anything in this section, please read the `FILTER CONFIGURATION' section in
-# the collectd.conf(5) manual page.
-# Load required matches:
-#LoadPlugin match_regex
-#LoadPlugin match_value
-#LoadPlugin match_timediff
-# Load required targets:
-#LoadPlugin target_notification
-#LoadPlugin target_replace
-#LoadPlugin target_set
-# The following block demonstrates the default behavior if no filtering is
-# configured at all: All values will be sent to all available write plugins.
-#<Chain "PostCache">
-# Target "write"
-Include "/etc/collectd.d"