/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions copyright 1999, 2001-2003 Netscape Communications Corporation. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ /* * template.c: The actual HTML templates in a static variable * * All blame to Mike McCool */ #include #include #include #include "libadmin/libadmin.h" NSAPI_PUBLIC char *helpJavaScriptForTopic( char *topic ) { char *tmp; char line[BIG_LINE]; char *server="admserv"; char *type; int typeLen; /* Get the server type, without the instance name into type */ tmp = strchr( server, '-' ); typeLen = tmp - server; type = (char *)MALLOC( typeLen + 1 ); type[typeLen] = '\0'; while ( typeLen-- ) { type[typeLen] = server[typeLen]; } util_snprintf( line, BIG_LINE, "if ( top.helpwin ) {" " top.helpwin.focus();" " top.helpwin.infotopic.location='%s/%s/admin/tutor?!%s';" "} else {" " window.open('%s/%s/admin/tutor?%s', '" INFO_IDX_NAME"_%s', " HELP_WIN_OPTIONS");}", getenv("SERVER_URL"), server, topic, getenv("SERVER_URL"), server, topic, type ); return(STRDUP(line)); } NSAPI_PUBLIC char *helpJavaScript() { char *tmp, *sn; tmp=STRDUP(getenv("SCRIPT_NAME")); if(strlen(tmp) > (unsigned)BIG_LINE) tmp[BIG_LINE-2]='\0'; sn=strrchr(tmp, '/'); if( sn ) *sn++='\0'; return helpJavaScriptForTopic( sn ); }