/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #include "base/systems.h" #include "netsite.h" #include "assert.h" #include "libaccess/usi.h" /* * Description (usiAlloc) * * This function is used to initialize a USIList_t structure to * reference an array of unsigned integers, where the size of the * array is specified. The caller is responsible for initializing * the specified number of values in the array. * * Arguments: * * uilptr - pointer to list head * count - number of entries to allocate * * Returns: * * If successful, a pointer to the USI_t array now referenced by the * list head (uilptr) is returned. An error is indicated by a null * return value. */ USI_t * usiAlloc(USIList_t * uilptr, int count) { /* Is there space already allocated for this list? */ if (uilptr->uil_size > 0) { /* If it's not big enough to hold the desired size, free it */ if (count > uilptr->uil_size) { FREE(uilptr->uil_list); UILINIT(uilptr); } } /* Do we need space? */ if (uilptr->uil_size < count) { /* Yes, allocate space for the specified number of values */ uilptr->uil_list = (USI_t *)MALLOC(sizeof(USI_t) * count); if (uilptr->uil_list == 0) { /* Error - no memory available */ uilptr->uil_count = 0; return 0; } uilptr->uil_size = count; } uilptr->uil_count = count; return uilptr->uil_list; } /* * Description (usiInsert) * * This function is called to insert a specified USI_t value into * a given list of USI_t values. The values are maintained in an * array, where they are kept in ascending order. Duplicate values * are rejected. * * Arguments: * * uilptr - pointer to list head * usi - value to be inserted * * Returns: * * If the specified value is already in the list, zero is returned. * If the value is successfully inserted into the list, +1 is * returned. An error is indicated by a negative return value. */ int usiInsert(USIList_t * uilptr, USI_t usi) { int ilow, ihigh, i; USI_t * ids; ids = uilptr->uil_list; /* Binary search for specified group id */ i = 0; for (ilow = 0, ihigh = uilptr->uil_count; ilow != ihigh; ) { i = (ilow + ihigh) >> 1; if (usi == ids[i]) { /* The value is already in the list */ return 0; } if (usi > ids[i]) { ilow = i + 1; } else { ihigh = i; } } /* Check for empty list */ if (uilptr->uil_count <= 0) { /* Any space allocated for the list yet? */ if (uilptr->uil_size <= 0) { /* No, allocate some initial space */ ids = (USI_t *) MALLOC(sizeof(USI_t) * 4); if (ids == 0) { /* Error - no memory available */ return -1; } uilptr->uil_size = 4; uilptr->uil_list = ids; } /* Value will be inserted at ilow, which is zero */ } else { /* * Set ilow to the index at which the specified value * should be inserted. */ if (usi > ids[i]) ++i; ilow = i; /* Is there space for another value? */ if (uilptr->uil_count >= uilptr->uil_size) { /* No, expand the array to hold more values */ ids = (USI_t *)REALLOC(ids, (uilptr->uil_size + 4) * sizeof(USI_t)); if (ids == 0) { /* Error - no memory available */ return -1; } uilptr->uil_size += 4; uilptr->uil_list = ids; } /* Copy higher values up */ for (i = uilptr->uil_count; i > ilow; --i) { ids[i] = ids[i-1]; } } /* Add the new value */ ids[ilow] = usi; uilptr->uil_count += 1; return 1; } /* * Description (usiPresent) * * This function is called to check whether a specified USI_t value * is present in a given list. * * Arguments: * * uilptr - pointer to list head * usi - value to check for * * Returns: * * The return value is the index of the value in the list, plus one, * if the value is present in the list, 0 if it is not. */ int usiPresent(USIList_t * uilptr, USI_t usi) { int ilow, ihigh, i; USI_t * ids; ids = uilptr->uil_list; /* Binary search for specified group id */ i = 0; for (ilow = 0, ihigh = uilptr->uil_count; ilow != ihigh; ) { i = (ilow + ihigh) >> 1; if (usi == ids[i]) { /* The value is in the list */ return i + 1; } if (usi > ids[i]) { ilow = i + 1; } else { ihigh = i; } } /* The value was not found */ return 0; } /* * Description (usiRemove) * * This function is called to remove a specified USI_t value from * a given list. The list is compressed when the value is removed. * * Arguments: * * uilptr - pointer to list head * usi - value to be removed * * Returns: * * Returns the value returned by usiPresent(uilptr, usi). */ int usiRemove(USIList_t * uilptr, USI_t usi) { USI_t * ids; int i, j; i = usiPresent(uilptr, usi); if (i > 0) { /* Compress the remaining values */ ids = uilptr->uil_list; for (j = i ; j < uilptr->uil_count; ++j) { ids[j-1] = ids[j]; } /* Decrement the number of values and free space if none left */ if (--uilptr->uil_count <= 0) { FREE(uilptr->uil_list); UILINIT(uilptr); } } return i; } /* * Description (uilDuplicate) * * This function is called to make a duplicate of a specified * source list, in a given destination list. Any existing list * referenced by the destination list head is either overwritten * or replaced with a newly allocated list. The values in the * source list are copied to the destination. Note that the * destination list area may be larger than the source list area * on return, i.e. their uil_size values may differ. * * Arguments: * * dstptr - pointer to destination list head * srcptr - pointer to source list head * * Returns: * * The number of elements in the source and destination lists is * returned if successful. An error is indicated by a negative * return value. */ int uilDuplicate(USIList_t * dstptr, USIList_t * srcptr) { USI_t * idlist; USI_t * srclist; int count; int i; count = srcptr->uil_count; srclist = srcptr->uil_list; /* Allocate enough space in the destination list */ idlist = usiAlloc(dstptr, count); if ((idlist == 0) && (count > 0)) { /* Error - insufficient memory */ return -1; } /* Copy source values to destination */ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { idlist[i] = srclist[i]; } /* Return number of entries in destination list */ return count; } /* * Description (uilMerge) * * This function is called to merge the values in a source list * into a destination list. That is, any values in the source * list which are not in the destination list will be inserted * in it. * * Arguments: * * dstptr - pointer to destination list head * srcptr - pointer to source list head * * Returns: * * The resulting number of elements in the destination list is * returned if successful. An error is indicated by a negative * return value. */ int uilMerge(USIList_t * dstptr, USIList_t * srcptr) { USIList_t mglist; /* list head for merged list */ USI_t * srclist = srcptr->uil_list; USI_t * dstlist = dstptr->uil_list; int isrc, idst; int scnt, dcnt; int rv; UILINIT(&mglist); scnt = srcptr->uil_count; dcnt = dstptr->uil_count; isrc = 0; idst = 0; while ((isrc < scnt) && (idst < dcnt)) { if (srclist[isrc] >= dstlist[idst]) { rv = usiInsert(&mglist, dstlist[idst]); if (rv < 0) goto punt; if (srclist[isrc] == dstlist[idst]) ++isrc; ++idst; } else if (srclist[isrc] < dstlist[idst]) { rv = usiInsert(&mglist, srclist[isrc]); if (rv < 0) goto punt; ++isrc; } } while (isrc < scnt) { rv = usiInsert(&mglist, srclist[isrc]); if (rv < 0) goto punt; ++isrc; } while (idst < dcnt) { rv = usiInsert(&mglist, dstlist[idst]); if (rv < 0) goto punt; ++idst; } UILREPLACE(dstptr, &mglist); return dstptr->uil_count; punt: UILFREE(&mglist); return rv; }