/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* * LAS registration interface */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "permhash.h" #include #include #include "aclpriv.h" #include #include #include #include "aclcache.h" #include #include /* This is to force aclspace.o into ns-httpd30.dll */ static ACLGlobal_p *link_ACLGlobal = &ACLGlobal; /* This forces oneeval.o into ns-httpd30.dll */ static ACLDispatchVector_t **link_nsacl_table = &__nsacl_table; ACLMethod_t ACLMethodDefault = ACL_METHOD_INVALID; ACLDbType_t ACLDbTypeDefault = ACL_DBTYPE_INVALID; static char *ACLDatabaseDefault = 0; ACLDbType_t ACL_DbTypeLdap = ACL_DBTYPE_INVALID; DbParseFn_t ACLDbParseFnTable[ACL_MAX_DBTYPE]; void ACL_LasHashInit() { int i; ACLLasEvalHash = PR_NewHashTable(0, PR_HashString, PR_CompareStrings, PR_CompareValues, &ACLPermAllocOps, NULL); PR_ASSERT(ACLLasEvalHash); ACLLasFlushHash = PR_NewHashTable(0, PR_HashString, PR_CompareStrings, PR_CompareValues, &ACLPermAllocOps, NULL); PR_ASSERT(ACLLasFlushHash); ACLMethodHash = PR_NewHashTable(ACL_MAX_METHOD, PR_HashCaseString, PR_CompareCaseStrings, PR_CompareValues, &ACLPermAllocOps, NULL); PR_ASSERT(ACLMethodHash); ACLDbTypeHash = PR_NewHashTable(ACL_MAX_DBTYPE, PR_HashCaseString, PR_CompareCaseStrings, PR_CompareValues, &ACLPermAllocOps, NULL); PR_ASSERT(ACLDbTypeHash); for (i = 0; i < ACL_MAX_DBTYPE; i++) ACLDbParseFnTable[i] = 0; ACLAttrGetterHash = PR_NewHashTable(256, PR_HashCaseString, PR_CompareCaseStrings, PR_CompareValues, &ACLPermAllocOps, NULL); PR_ASSERT(ACLDbTypeHash); ACLDbNameHash = PR_NewHashTable(0, PR_HashCaseString, PR_CompareCaseStrings, PR_CompareValues, &ACLPermAllocOps, ACL_DATABASE_POOL); PR_ASSERT(ACLDbNameHash); ACLUserLdbHash = PR_NewHashTable(0, PR_HashCaseString, PR_CompareCaseStrings, PR_CompareValues, &ACLPermAllocOps, NULL); PR_ASSERT(ACLUserLdbHash); return; } void ACL_LasHashDestroy() { if (ACLLasEvalHash) { PR_HashTableDestroy(ACLLasEvalHash); ACLLasEvalHash=NULL; } if (ACLLasFlushHash) { PR_HashTableDestroy(ACLLasFlushHash); ACLLasFlushHash=NULL; } } /* ACL_LasRegister * INPUT * errp NSError structure * attr_name E.g. "ip" or "dns" etc. * eval_func E.g. LASIpEval * flush_func Optional - E.g. LASIpFlush or NULL * OUTPUT * 0 on success, non-zero on failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_LasRegister(NSErr_t *errp, char *attr_name, LASEvalFunc_t eval_func, LASFlushFunc_t flush_func) { if ((!attr_name) || (!eval_func)) return -1; ACL_CritEnter(); /* See if the function is already registered. If so, report and * error, but go ahead and replace it. */ if (PR_HashTableLookup(ACLLasEvalHash, attr_name) != NULL) { nserrGenerate(errp, ACLERRDUPSYM, ACLERR3900, ACL_Program, 1, attr_name); } /* Put it in the hash tables */ PR_HashTableAdd(ACLLasEvalHash, attr_name, (void *)eval_func); PR_HashTableAdd(ACLLasFlushHash, attr_name, (void *)flush_func); ACL_CritExit(); return 0; } /* ACL_LasFindEval * INPUT * errp NSError pointer * attr_name E.g. "ip" or "user" etc. * eval_funcp Where the function pointer is returned. NULL if the * function isn't registered. * Must be called in a critical section as ACLEvalHash is a global * variable. * OUTPUT * 0 on success, non-zero on failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_LasFindEval(NSErr_t *errp, char *attr_name, LASEvalFunc_t *eval_funcp) { PR_ASSERT(attr_name); if (!attr_name) return -1; *eval_funcp = (LASEvalFunc_t)PR_HashTableLookup(ACLLasEvalHash, attr_name); return 0; } /* ACL_LasFindFlush * INPUT * errp NSError pointer * attr_name E.g. "ip" or "user" etc. * eval_funcp Where the function pointer is returned. NULL if the * function isn't registered. * OUTPUT * 0 on success, non-zero on failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_LasFindFlush(NSErr_t *errp, char *attr_name, LASFlushFunc_t *flush_funcp) { PR_ASSERT(attr_name); if (!attr_name) return -1; *flush_funcp = (LASFlushFunc_t)PR_HashTableLookup(ACLLasFlushHash, attr_name); return 0; } /* ACL_MethodRegister * INPUT * name Method name string. Can be freed after return. * OUTPUT * &t Place to return the Method_t (>0) * retcode 0 on success, non-zero otherwise */ int cur_method = 0; /* Use a static counter to generate the numbers */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_MethodRegister(NSErr_t *errp, const char *name, ACLMethod_t *t) { ACLMethod_t rv; ACL_CritEnter(); /* See if this is already registered */ rv = (ACLMethod_t) PR_HashTableLookup(ACLMethodHash, name); if (rv != NULL) { *t = rv; ACL_CritExit(); return 0; } /* To prevent the hash table from resizing, don't get to 32 entries */ if (cur_method >= (ACL_MAX_METHOD-1)) { ACL_CritExit(); return -1; } /* Put it in the hash table */ rv = PR_HashTableAdd(ACLMethodHash, name, (void *)++cur_method); *t = (ACLMethod_t) cur_method; ACL_CritExit(); return 0; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_MethodFind(NSErr_t *errp, const char *name, ACLMethod_t *t) { ACLMethod_t rv; /* Don't have to get the Critical Section lock 'cause the only danger * would be if the hash table had to be resized. We created it with * room for 32 entries before that happens. */ rv = (ACLMethod_t) PR_HashTableLookup(ACLMethodHash, name); if (rv != NULL) { *t = rv; return 0; } return -1; } typedef struct HashEnumArg_s { char **names; int count; } HashEnumArg_t; typedef HashEnumArg_t *HashEnumArg_p; static int acl_hash_enumerator (PLHashEntry *he, PRIntn i, void *arg) { HashEnumArg_t *info = (HashEnumArg_t *)arg; char **names = info->names; names[info->count++] = STRDUP((const char *)he->key); return names[info->count-1] ? 0 : -1; } int acl_registered_names(PLHashTable *ht, int count, char ***names) { HashEnumArg_t arg; int rv; if (count == 0) { *names = 0; return 0; } arg.names = (char **)MALLOC(count * sizeof(char *)); arg.count = 0; if (!arg.names) return -1; rv = PR_HashTableEnumerateEntries(ht, acl_hash_enumerator, &arg); if (rv >= 0) { /* success */ *names = arg.names; } else { *names = 0; } return rv; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_MethodNamesGet(NSErr_t *errp, char ***names, int *count) { *count = cur_method; return acl_registered_names (ACLMethodHash, *count, names); } NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_MethodNamesFree(NSErr_t *errp, char **names, int count) { int i; if (!names) return 0; for (i = count-1; i; i--) FREE(names[i]); FREE(names); return 0; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_DbTypeFind(NSErr_t *errp, const char *name, ACLDbType_t *t) { ACLDbType_t rv; /* Don't have to get the Critical Section lock 'cause the only danger * would be if the hash table had to be resized. We created it with * room for 32 entries before that happens. */ rv = (ACLDbType_t) PR_HashTableLookup(ACLDbTypeHash, name); if (rv != NULL) { *t = rv; return 0; } return -1; } /* ACL_DbTypeRegister * INPUT * name DbType name string. Can be freed after return. * OUTPUT * &t Place to return the DbType (>0) * retcode 0 on success, non-zero otherwise */ int cur_dbtype = 0; /* Use a static counter to generate the numbers */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_DbTypeRegister(NSErr_t *errp, const char *name, DbParseFn_t func, ACLDbType_t *t) { ACLDbType_t rv; ACL_CritEnter(); /* See if this is already registered */ rv = (ACLDbType_t) PR_HashTableLookup(ACLDbTypeHash, name); if (rv != NULL) { *t = rv; ACLDbParseFnTable[(int)(PRSize)rv] = func; ACL_CritExit(); return 0; } /* To prevent the hash table from resizing, don't get to 32 entries */ if (cur_dbtype >= (ACL_MAX_DBTYPE-1)) { ACL_CritExit(); return -1; } /* Put it in the hash table */ rv = PR_HashTableAdd(ACLDbTypeHash, name, (void *)++cur_dbtype); *t = (ACLDbType_t) cur_dbtype; ACLDbParseFnTable[cur_dbtype] = func; ACL_CritExit(); return 0; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_DbTypeIsRegistered (NSErr_t *errp, const ACLDbType_t t) { return (0 < ((int)(PRSize)t) && ((int)(PRSize)t) <= cur_dbtype); } /* ACL_MethodIsEqual * RETURNS non-zero if equal. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_MethodIsEqual(NSErr_t *errp, const ACLMethod_t t1, const ACLMethod_t t2) { return (t1 == t2); } /* ACL_DbTypeIsEqual * RETURNS non-zero if equal. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_DbTypeIsEqual(NSErr_t *errp, const ACLDbType_t t1, const ACLDbType_t t2) { return (t1 == t2); } /* ACL_MethodNameIsEqual * Takes a method type and a method name and sees if they match. * Returns non-zero on match. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_MethodNameIsEqual(NSErr_t *errp, const ACLMethod_t t1, const char *name) { int rv; ACLMethod_t t2; rv = ACL_MethodFind(errp, name, &t2); if (rv) return (rv); else return (t1 == t2); } /* ACL_DbTypeNameIsEqual * Takes a dbtype type and a dbtype name and sees if they match. * Returns non-zero on match. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_DbTypeNameIsEqual(NSErr_t *errp, const ACLDbType_t t1, const char *name) { int rv; ACLDbType_t t2; rv = ACL_DbTypeFind(errp, name, &t2); if (rv) return (rv); else return (t1 == t2); } /* ACL_MethodGetDefault */ NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLMethod_t ACL_MethodGetDefault(NSErr_t *errp) { return (ACLMethodDefault); } /* ACL_MethodSetDefault */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_MethodSetDefault(NSErr_t *errp, const ACLMethod_t t) { ACLMethodDefault = t; return 0; } /* ACL_DbTypeGetDefault */ NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLDbType_t ACL_DbTypeGetDefault(NSErr_t *errp) { return (ACLDbTypeDefault); } /* ACL_DbTypeSetDefault */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_DbTypeSetDefault(NSErr_t *errp, ACLDbType_t t) { ACLDbTypeDefault = t; return 0; } /* ACL_DatabaseGetDefault */ NSAPI_PUBLIC const char * ACL_DatabaseGetDefault(NSErr_t *errp) { return (ACLDatabaseDefault); } /* ACL_DatabaseSetDefault */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_DatabaseSetDefault(NSErr_t *errp, const char *dbname) { ACLDbType_t dbtype; int rv; void *db; if (!dbname || !*dbname) return LAS_EVAL_FAIL; rv = ACL_DatabaseFind(errp, dbname, &dbtype, &db); if (rv != LAS_EVAL_TRUE) return -1; if (ACLDatabaseDefault) pool_free(ACL_DATABASE_POOL, ACLDatabaseDefault); ACL_DbTypeSetDefault(errp, dbtype); ACLDatabaseDefault = pool_strdup(ACL_DATABASE_POOL, dbname); return ACLDatabaseDefault ? 0 : -1; } /* ACL_AuthInfoGetMethod * INPUT * auth_info A PList of the authentication name/value pairs as * provided by EvalTestRights to the LAS. * OUTPUT * *t The Method number. This can be the default method number if the auth_info PList doesn't explicitly have a Method entry. * retcode 0 on success. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_AuthInfoGetMethod(NSErr_t *errp, PList_t auth_info, ACLMethod_t *t) { ACLMethod_t *methodp; if (!auth_info || PListGetValue(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_METHOD_INDEX, (void **)&methodp, NULL) < 0) { /* No entry for "method" */ *t = ACLMethodDefault; } else { *t = *methodp; } return 0; } /* ACL_AuthInfoSetMethod * INPUT * auth_info A PList of the authentication name/value pairs as * provided by EvalTestRights to the LAS. * t The Method number. * OUTPUT * retcode 0 on success. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_AuthInfoSetMethod(NSErr_t *errp, PList_t auth_info, ACLMethod_t t) { ACLMethod_t *methodp; int rv; if (auth_info) { rv = PListGetValue(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_METHOD_INDEX, (void **)&methodp, NULL); if (rv < 0) { /* No entry for "method" */ methodp = (ACLMethod_t *)PERM_MALLOC(sizeof(ACLMethod_t)); if (!methodp) return -1; *methodp = t; PListInitProp(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_METHOD_INDEX, ACL_ATTR_METHOD, methodp, 0); } else { /* replace the old entry */ if (!methodp) return -1; *methodp = t; } } else { return -1; } return 0; } /* ACL_AuthInfoSetDbname * INPUT * auth_info A PList of the authentication name/value pairs as * provided by EvalTestRights to the LAS. * dbname Name of the new auth_info database. * OUTPUT * retcode 0 on success. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_AuthInfoSetDbname(NSErr_t *errp, PList_t auth_info, const char *dbname) { ACLDbType_t *dbtype = (ACLDbType_t *)PERM_MALLOC(sizeof(ACLDbType_t)); ACLDbType_t *t2; char *copy; char *n2; void *db; int old1; int old2; int rv; if (!dbtype) { /* out of memory */ return -1; } if (auth_info) { rv = ACL_DatabaseFind(errp, dbname, dbtype, (void **)&db); if (rv != LAS_EVAL_TRUE) { PERM_FREE(dbtype); return -1; } /* Check the existing entry */ old1 = PListGetValue(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_DBTYPE_INDEX, (void **)&t2, NULL); old2 = PListGetValue(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_DATABASE_INDEX, (void **)&n2, NULL); if (old1 >= 0 && old2 >= 0) { /* check if the old entry is same */ if (ACL_DbTypeIsEqual(errp, *dbtype, *t2)) { /* Nothing to do */ PERM_FREE(dbtype); return 0; } } /* free the old entries */ if (old1 >= 0) { PListDeleteProp(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_DBTYPE_INDEX, ACL_ATTR_DBTYPE); PERM_FREE(t2); } if (old2 >= 0) { PListDeleteProp(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_DATABASE_INDEX, ACL_ATTR_DATABASE); PERM_FREE(n2); } /* Create new entries for "dbtype" & "dbname" */ copy = (char *)PERM_STRDUP(dbname); if (!copy) return -1; PListInitProp(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_DATABASE_INDEX, ACL_ATTR_DATABASE, copy, 0); PListInitProp(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_DBTYPE_INDEX, ACL_ATTR_DBTYPE, dbtype, 0); } else { return -1; } return 0; } /* ACL_AuthInfoGetDbType * INPUT * auth_info A PList of the authentication name/value pairs as * provided by EvalTestRights to the LAS. * OUTPUT * *t The DbType number. This can be the default dbtype * number if the auth_info PList doesn't explicitly * have a DbType entry. * retcode 0 on success. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_AuthInfoGetDbType(NSErr_t *errp, PList_t auth_info, ACLDbType_t *t) { ACLDbType_t *dbtypep; if (!auth_info || PListGetValue(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_DBTYPE_INDEX, (void **)&dbtypep, NULL) < 0) { /* No entry for "dbtype" */ *t = ACLDbTypeDefault; } else { *t = *dbtypep; } return 0; } /* ACL_AuthInfoGetDbname * INPUT * auth_info A PList of the authentication name/value pairs as * provided by EvalTestRights to the LAS. * OUTPUT * dbname The database name. This can be the default database * name if the auth_info PList doesn't explicitly * have a database entry. * retcode 0 on success. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_AuthInfoGetDbname(PList_t auth_info, char **dbname) { char *dbstr; if (!auth_info || PListGetValue(auth_info, ACL_ATTR_DATABASE_INDEX, (void **)&dbstr, NULL) < 0) { /* No entry for "database" */ dbstr = ACLDatabaseDefault; } /* else the value was already set by the PListGetValue call */ *dbname = dbstr; return 0; } NSAPI_PUBLIC DbParseFn_t ACL_DbTypeParseFn(NSErr_t *errp, const ACLDbType_t dbtype) { if (ACL_DbTypeIsRegistered(errp, dbtype)) return ACLDbParseFnTable[(int)(PRSize)dbtype]; else return 0; } /* The hash table is keyed by attribute name, and contains pointers to the * PRCList headers. These in turn, circularly link a set of AttrGetter_s * structures. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_AttrGetterRegister(NSErr_t *errp, const char *attr, ACLAttrGetterFn_t fn, ACLMethod_t m, ACLDbType_t d, int position, void *arg) { ACLAttrGetter_t *getter; PLHashEntry **hep; if (position != ACL_AT_FRONT && position != ACL_AT_END) { return -1; } ACL_CritEnter(); hep = PR_HashTableRawLookup(ACLAttrGetterHash, PR_HashCaseString(attr), attr); /* Now, allocate the current entry */ getter = (ACLAttrGetter_t *)CALLOC(sizeof(ACLAttrGetter_t)); if (getter == NULL) { ACL_CritExit(); return -1; } getter->method = m; getter->dbtype = d; getter->fn = fn; getter->arg = arg; if (*hep == 0) { /* New entry */ PR_INIT_CLIST(&getter->list); PR_HashTableAdd(ACLAttrGetterHash, attr, (void *)getter); } else { ACLAttrGetter_t *head = (ACLAttrGetter_t *)((*hep)->value); PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&getter->list, &head->list); if (position == ACL_AT_FRONT) { /* Set new head of list */ (*hep)->value = (void *)getter; } } ACL_CritExit(); return 0; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_AttrGetterFind(NSErr_t *errp, const char *attr, ACLAttrGetterList_t *getters) { *getters = PR_HashTableLookup(ACLAttrGetterHash, attr); if (*getters) return 0; else return -1; } NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLAttrGetter_t * ACL_AttrGetterFirst(ACLAttrGetterList_t *getters) { ACLAttrGetter_t * first = 0; if (getters && *getters) { first = (ACLAttrGetter_t *)(*getters); } return first; } NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLAttrGetter_t * ACL_AttrGetterNext(ACLAttrGetterList_t *getters, ACLAttrGetter_t *last) { ACLAttrGetter_t *head; ACLAttrGetter_t *next = 0; if (getters && *getters && last) { head = (ACLAttrGetter_t *)(*getters); if (head) { /* End of list? */ if (last != (ACLAttrGetter_t *)PR_LIST_TAIL(&head->list)) { /* No, get next entry */ next = (ACLAttrGetter_t *)PR_NEXT_LINK(&last->list); } } } return next; } int ACL_RegisterInit () { NSErr_t *errp = 0; int rv; /* Register the ldap database */ rv = ACL_DbTypeRegister(errp, ACL_DBTYPE_LDAP, parse_ldap_url, &ACL_DbTypeLdap); return rv; }