Change Log for the ldaputil library

Author: Nitin More
Phone: (415) 937-4240

Changes since Apr 17, 1997

Last Update: Aug 25, 1997

All the new changes have been checked into the server3_tier_branch.  The server3_branch is frozen & contains the version of 'ldaputil' for the SuiteSpot 3.0 release.


Several bug fixes went in since I last modified this file.  The important ones are:


Changes since Mar 22, 1997

Last Update: Apr 17, 1997

Now that all beta releases are out for servers using this library, I could do some incompatible changes to make this library more flexible. No more incompatible changes are planned (except for possibly one: see http://scopus/bugsplat/show_bug.cgi?id=58482). All 3.0 SuiteSpot servers supporting client auth need to upgrade to this version.



Open Bugs:

Changes since Mar 18, 1997

Last Update: Mar 22, 1997
A query on how to map a verisign certificate prompted these changes.  I was hoping I don't have to do any major changes when I wrote this document on Mar 18. These are incompatible changes -- please review them before you upgrade.  I have checked in this file in CVS under "ns/netsite/lib/ldaputil/ldapu-changes.html". I have added all the "XYZ_branch" and "XYZ_point" tags to this file so that you can easily see this file in your tree.  When I make significant changes to this file/library, I will retag this file for your branch to make it same as the server3_branch. [Let me know if I shouldn't do it for your branch].


Changes since Feb 1, 1997

Last Update: Mar 18, 1997
There have been several changes to the netsite/lib/ldaputil recently. If you use this library, please start using the latest version of ldaputil on the server3_branch so that all the servers go out with the same API and behavior. Review the changes before you upgrade. If you don't plan to upgrade, please let me know.


Following structures and functions are renamed. But this shouldn't affect you unless you have written a certmap plugin.
struct CertMappingFunction_t ---> CertMapFn_t
struct CertVerifyFunction_t ---> CertVerifyFn_t
ldapu_set_cert_mapping_function ---> ldapu_set_cert_mapfn
ldapu_get_cert_mapping_function ---> ldapu_get_cert_mapfn
ldapu_set_cert_verify_function ---> ldapu_set_cert_verifyfn
ldapu_get_cert_verify_function ---> ldapu_get_cert_verifyfn

Removed: (from .h)

Removed the following functions from .h files. They are still in the .c file as static functions. I don't think these should be public. If you think otherwise, let me know.


The following changes may affect you. Please review them carefully before you upgrade to the latest version of ldaputil.

