/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ /* * file.c: system specific functions for reading/writing files * * See file.h for formal definitions of what these functions do * * Rob McCool */ #include "base/file.h" #ifdef BSD_RLIMIT #include #include #else #include #include #endif #ifdef XP_WIN32 #include /* time */ #include /* stat */ #include #include #include /* Removed for ns security integration #include */ #endif #include #include "private/pprio.h" #include "prlock.h" extern "C" char *nscperror_lookup(int err); /* --- globals -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PRFileDesc * SYS_ERROR_FD = NULL; */ const int errbuf_size = 256; const unsigned int LOCKFILERANGE=0x7FFFFFFF; PRLock *_atomic_write_lock = NULL; /* --------------------------------- stat --------------------------------- */ /* XXXMB - Can't convert to PR_GetFileInfo because we directly exported * the stat interface... Damn. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_stat(char *path, struct stat *finfo) { #ifdef XP_WIN32 int chop, l; /* The NT stat is very peculiar about directory names. */ /* XXX aruna - there is a bug here, maybe in the C runtime. * Stating the same path in a separate program succeeds. From * jblack's profiling, this needs to be replaced by the Win32 * calls anyway.*/ l = strlen(path); if((path[l - 1] == '/') && (!(isalpha(path[0]) && (!strcmp(&path[1], ":/"))))) { chop = 1; path[--l] = '\0'; } else chop = 0; #endif /* XP_WIN32 */ #ifdef XP_UNIX if(stat(path, finfo) == -1) return -1; #else /* XP_WIN32 */ if(_stat(path, (struct _stat *)finfo) == -1) { /* XXXMB - this sucks; * try to convert to an error code we'll expect... */ switch(errno) { case ENOENT: PR_SetError(PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, errno); break; default: PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, errno); break; } return -1; } /* NT sets the time fields to -1 if it thinks that the file * is a device ( like com1.html, lpt1.html etc) In this case * simply set last modified time to the current time.... */ if (finfo->st_mtime == -1) { finfo->st_mtime = time(NULL); } if (finfo->st_atime == -1) { finfo->st_atime = 0; } if (finfo->st_ctime == -1) { finfo->st_ctime = 0; } if(chop) path[l++] = '/'; #endif /* XP_WIN32 */ if(S_ISREG(finfo->st_mode) && (path[strlen(path) - 1] == '/')) { /* File with trailing slash */ errno = ENOENT; return -1; } return 0; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_fread(SYS_FILE fd, char *buf, int sz) { /* XXXMB - this is the *one* function which does return a length * instead of the IO_ERROR/IO_OKAY. */ return PR_Read(fd, buf, sz); } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_fwrite(SYS_FILE fd, char *buf, int sz) { int n,o,w; for(n=sz,o=0; n; n-=w,o+=w) { if((w = PR_Write(fd, &buf[o], n)) < 0) return IO_ERROR; } return IO_OKAY; } /* ---------------------------- Standard UNIX ----------------------------- */ #ifdef XP_UNIX #include /* flock */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_fwrite_atomic(SYS_FILE fd, char *buf, int sz) { int ret; #if 0 if(flock(fd,LOCK_EX) == -1) return IO_ERROR; #endif ret = system_fwrite(fd,buf,sz); #if 0 if(flock(fd,LOCK_UN) == -1) return IO_ERROR; /* ??? */ #endif return ret; } /* -------------------------- system_nocoredumps -------------------------- */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_nocoredumps(void) { #ifdef BSD_RLIMIT struct rlimit rl; rl.rlim_cur = 0; rl.rlim_max = 0; return setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rl); #else #if defined(SNI) /* C++ compiler seems to find more that one overloaded instance of exit() ?! */ #define EXITFUNC ::exit #else #define EXITFUNC exit #endif signal(SIGQUIT, EXITFUNC); signal(SIGILL, EXITFUNC); signal(SIGTRAP, EXITFUNC); signal(SIGABRT, EXITFUNC); signal(SIGIOT, EXITFUNC); signal(SIGEMT, EXITFUNC); signal(SIGFPE, EXITFUNC); signal(SIGBUS, EXITFUNC); signal(SIGSEGV, EXITFUNC); signal(SIGSYS, EXITFUNC); return 0; #endif } #endif /* XP_UNIX */ /* --------------------------- file_setinherit ---------------------------- */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int file_setinherit(SYS_FILE fd, int value) { #if defined(XP_WIN32) int ret; // ret = SetHandleInformation((HANDLE)PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(fd), 0, value?HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT:0); // This function did nothing before since the mask was set to 0. ret = SetHandleInformation((HANDLE)PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(fd), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, value?HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT:0); return ret==0?-1:0; #elif defined(XP_UNIX) int flags = 0; PRInt32 nativeFD; PRFileDesc *bottom = fd; while (bottom->lower != NULL) { bottom = bottom->lower; } nativeFD = PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(bottom); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "\nInfo(file_setinherit): Native file descriptor is %d\n", nativeFD); #endif flags = fcntl(nativeFD, F_GETFD, 0); if(flags == -1) return -1; if(value) flags &= (~FD_CLOEXEC); else flags |= FD_CLOEXEC; fcntl(nativeFD, F_SETFD, flags); return 0; /* Comment out for ns security/ nspr integration (HACK for NOW) int flags = fcntl(PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(fd), F_GETFD, 0); if(flags == -1) return -1; if(value) flags &= (~FD_CLOEXEC); else flags |= FD_CLOEXEC; fcntl(PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(fd), F_SETFD, flags); return 0; */ #endif } NSAPI_PUBLIC SYS_FILE system_fopenRO(char *p) { SYS_FILE f = PR_Open(p, PR_RDONLY, 0); if (!f) return SYS_ERROR_FD; return f; } NSAPI_PUBLIC SYS_FILE system_fopenWA(char *p) { SYS_FILE f = PR_Open(p, PR_RDWR|PR_CREATE_FILE|PR_APPEND, 0644); if (!f) return SYS_ERROR_FD; return f; } NSAPI_PUBLIC SYS_FILE system_fopenRW(char *p) { SYS_FILE f = PR_Open(p, PR_RDWR|PR_CREATE_FILE, 0644); if (!f) return SYS_ERROR_FD; return f; } NSAPI_PUBLIC SYS_FILE system_fopenWT(char *p) { SYS_FILE f = PR_Open(p, PR_RDWR|PR_CREATE_FILE|PR_TRUNCATE, 0644); if (!f) return SYS_ERROR_FD; return f; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_fclose(SYS_FILE fd) { return (PR_Close(fd)); } #ifdef FILE_WIN32 int CgiBuffering; NSAPI_PUBLIC SYS_FILE system_fopen(char *path, int access, int flags) { char p2[MAX_PATH]; SYS_FILE ret; HANDLE fd; if (strlen(path) >= MAX_PATH) { return SYS_ERROR_FD; } file_unix2local(path, p2); fd = CreateFile(p2, access, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, flags, 0, NULL); ret = PR_ImportFile((int32)fd); if(ret == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return SYS_ERROR_FD; return ret; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_pread(SYS_FILE fd, char *buf, int BytesToRead) { unsigned long BytesRead = 0; int result = 0; BOOLEAN TimeoutSet = FALSE; /* XXXMB - nspr20 should be able to do this; but right now it doesn't * return proper error info. * fix it later... */ if(ReadFile((HANDLE)PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(fd), (LPVOID)buf, BytesToRead, &BytesRead, NULL) == FALSE) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { return IO_EOF; } else { return IO_ERROR; } } return (BytesRead ? BytesRead : IO_EOF); } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_pwrite(SYS_FILE fd, char *buf, int BytesToWrite) { unsigned long BytesWritten; if (WriteFile((HANDLE)PR_FileDesc2NativeHandle(fd), (LPVOID)buf, BytesToWrite, &BytesWritten, NULL) == FALSE) { return IO_ERROR; } return BytesWritten; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_fwrite_atomic(SYS_FILE fd, char *buf, int sz) { int ret; #if 0 if(system_flock(fd) == IO_ERROR) return IO_ERROR; #endif /* XXXMB - this is technically thread unsafe, but it catches any * callers of fwrite_atomic when we're single threaded and just coming * to life. */ if (!_atomic_write_lock) { _atomic_write_lock = PR_NewLock(); } PR_Lock(_atomic_write_lock); ret = system_fwrite(fd,buf,sz); PR_Unlock(_atomic_write_lock); #if 0 if(system_ulock(fd) == IO_ERROR) return IO_ERROR; #endif return ret; } NSAPI_PUBLIC void file_unix2local(char *path, char *p2) { /* Try to handle UNIX-style paths */ if((!strchr(path, FILE_PATHSEP))) { int x; for(x = 0; path[x]; x++) p2[x] = (path[x] == '/' ? '\\' : path[x]); p2[x] = '\0'; } else strcpy(p2, path); } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_nocoredumps(void) { return 0; } /* --------------------------- system_winerr ------------------------------ */ #include #include #include "util.h" NSAPI_PUBLIC char *system_winsockerr(void) { int errn = WSAGetLastError(); return FindError(errn); } NSAPI_PUBLIC char *system_winerr(void) { int errn = GetLastError(); if (errn == 0) errn = WSAGetLastError(); return FindError(errn); } /* ------------------------- Dir related stuff ---------------------------- */ NSAPI_PUBLIC SYS_DIR dir_open(char *pathp) { dir_s *ret = (dir_s *) MALLOC(sizeof(dir_s)); char path[MAX_PATH]; int l; if (strlen(pathp) >= MAX_PATH) { return NULL; } l = util_sprintf(path, "%s", pathp) - 1; path[strlen(pathp)] = '\0'; if(path[strlen(path) - 1] != FILE_PATHSEP) strcpy (path + strlen(path), "\\*.*"); else util_sprintf(path, "%s*.*", path); ret->de.d_name = NULL; if( (ret->dp = FindFirstFile(path, &ret->fdata)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return ret; FREE(ret); return NULL; } NSAPI_PUBLIC SYS_DIRENT *dir_read(SYS_DIR ds) { if(FindNextFile(ds->dp, &ds->fdata) == FALSE) return NULL; if(ds->de.d_name) FREE(ds->de.d_name); ds->de.d_name = STRDUP(ds->fdata.cFileName); return &ds->de; } NSAPI_PUBLIC void dir_close(SYS_DIR ds) { FindClose(ds->dp); if(ds->de.d_name) FREE(ds->de.d_name); FREE(ds); } #endif /* FILE_WIN32 */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int file_notfound(void) { #ifdef FILE_WIN32 int errn = PR_GetError(); return (errn == PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR); #else return (errno == ENOENT); #endif } NSAPI_PUBLIC int dir_create_all(char *dir) { struct stat fi; char *t; #ifdef XP_WIN32 t = dir + 3; #else /* XP_UNIX */ t = dir + 1; #endif while(1) { t = strchr(t, FILE_PATHSEP); if(t) *t = '\0'; if(stat(dir, &fi) == -1) { if(dir_create(dir) == -1) return -1; } if(t) *t++ = FILE_PATHSEP; else break; } return 0; } #ifdef XP_UNIX #if !defined(SNI) && !defined(LINUX) extern char *sys_errlist[]; #endif /* SNI */ #endif #ifdef NET_SSL #define ERRMSG_SIZE 35 #ifdef THREAD_ANY static int errmsg_key = -1; #include "systhr.h" /* Removed for ns security integration #include "xp_error.h" */ #else static char errmsg[ERRMSG_SIZE]; #endif #include "util.h" #endif void system_errmsg_init(void) { if (errmsg_key == -1) { #if defined(THREAD_ANY) && defined(NET_SSL) errmsg_key = systhread_newkey(); #endif #ifdef XP_WIN32 HashNtErrors(); #endif if (!_atomic_write_lock) _atomic_write_lock = PR_NewLock(); } } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_errmsg_fn(char **buff, size_t maxlen) { char static_error[128]; char *lmsg = 0; /* Local message pointer */ size_t msglen = 0; int sys_error = 0; PRErrorCode nscp_error; #ifdef XP_WIN32 LPTSTR sysmsg = 0; #endif /* Grab the OS error message */ #ifdef XP_WIN32 sys_error = GetLastError(); #else sys_error = errno; #endif nscp_error = PR_GetError(); /* If there is a NSPR error, but it is "unknown", try to get the OSError * and use that instead. */ if (nscp_error == PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR) errno = PR_GetOSError(); if (nscp_error != 0 && nscp_error != PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR){ char *nscp_error_msg; nscp_error_msg = nscperror_lookup(nscp_error); if(nscp_error_msg){ PR_SetError(0, 0); lmsg = nscp_error_msg; } else { util_snprintf(static_error, sizeof(static_error), "unknown error %d", nscp_error); lmsg = static_error; } } else { #if defined(XP_WIN32) msglen = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM|FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, NULL, GetLastError(), LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, (LPTSTR)&sysmsg, 0, 0); if (msglen > 0) lmsg = sysmsg; else lmsg = system_winerr(); SetLastError(0); #else /* replaced #if defined(SNI) || defined(LINUX) / C++ platform has no definition for sys_errlist / lmsg = strerror(errno); #else lmsg = sys_errlist[errno]; #endif with lmsg =strerror(errno);*/ lmsg=strerror(errno); errno = 0; #endif } /* At this point lmsg points to something. */ msglen = strlen(lmsg); if (*buff == NULL) *buff = STRDUP(lmsg); else if (maxlen > msglen) memcpy(*buff, lmsg, msglen+1); else msglen = 0; #ifdef XP_WIN32 /* NT's FormatMessage() dynamically allocated the msg; free it */ if (sysmsg) LocalFree(sysmsg); #endif return msglen; } NSAPI_PUBLIC char * system_errmsg(void) { char *buff = 0; if (errmsg_key == -1) return "unknown early startup error"; // rmaxwell - This is extremely lame. // Allocate a buffer in thread local storage to // hold the last error message. // The whole error message facility is broken and should be // updated to get error strings out of the code. if(!(buff = (char *) systhread_getdata(errmsg_key))) { buff = (char *) PERM_MALLOC(errbuf_size); systhread_setdata(errmsg_key, (void *)buff); } system_errmsg_fn(&buff, errbuf_size); if (buff == 0) buff = "Could not retrieve system error message"; return buff; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_rename(char *oldpath, char *newpath) { return rename(oldpath, newpath); } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_unlink(char *path) { return PR_Delete(path)==PR_FAILURE?-1:0; } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_lseek(SYS_FILE fd, int off, int wh) { switch (wh) { case 0: return PR_Seek(fd, off, PR_SEEK_SET); break; case 1: return PR_Seek(fd, off, PR_SEEK_CUR); break; case 2: return PR_Seek(fd, off, PR_SEEK_END); break; default: return -1; } } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_tlock(SYS_FILE fd) { return PR_TLockFile(fd); } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_flock(SYS_FILE fd) { return PR_LockFile(fd); } NSAPI_PUBLIC int system_ulock(SYS_FILE fd) { return PR_UnlockFile(fd); }