/* --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* This list was generated by /u/norikoyasuo/bin/getSolPatches.pl */ /* on droid.mcom.com */ /* at Thu Mar 18 18:34:27 2004 GMT */ /* Here is the information from /etc/release: Solaris 8 s28_38shwp2 SPARC Copyright 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Assembled 21 January 2000 The following is a list of patches installed on the system */ /* a patch that is commented out is either a duplicate or */ /* a patch that is superseded by another patch */ {108434,14,1,28,0,0,"Jan/16/2004: SunOS 5.8: 32-Bit Shared library patch for C++"}, {108435,14,1,28,0,0,"Jan/16/2004: SunOS 5.8: 64-Bit Shared library patch for C++"}, {108528,27,1,28,0,0,"Nov/25/2003: SunOS 5.8: kernel update patch"}, {108652,77,1,28,0,0,"Jan/26/2004: X11 6.4.1: Xsun patch"}, {108725,15,1,28,0,0,"Jan/23/2004: SunOS 5.8: st driver patch"}, {108727,26,1,28,0,0,"Dec/02/2003: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/fs/nfs and /kernel/fs/sparcv9/nfs patch"}, {108806,17,1,28,0,0,"Aug/12/2003: SunOS 5.8: Sun Quad FastEthernet qfe driver"}, {108827,20,1,28,0,0,"Mar/20/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/libthread.so.1 patch"}, {108869,22,1,28,0,0,"Aug/19/2003: SunOS 5.8: snmpdx/mibiisa/libssasnmp/snmplib patch"}, {108875,12,1,28,0,0,"Apr/10/2002: SunOS 5.8: c2audit patch"}, {108899,4,1,28,0,0,"Feb/18/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/ftp patch"}, {108901,4,1,28,0,0,"Jul/23/2001: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/sys/rpcmod and /kernel/strmod/rpcmod patch"}, {108919,20,1,28,0,0,"Sep/22/2003: CDE 1.4: dtlogin patch"}, {108949,7,1,28,0,0,"Dec/07/2001: CDE 1.4: libDtHelp/libDtSvc patch"}, {108968,8,1,28,0,0,"Jan/22/2003: SunOS 5.8: vol/vold/rmmount/dev_pcmem.so.1 patch"}, {108974,37,1,28,0,0,"Jan/07/2004: SunOS 5.8: dada, uata, dad, sd, ssd and scsi drivers patch"}, {108975,8,1,28,0,0,"Apr/18/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/rmformat and /usr/sbin/format patch"}, {108977,2,1,28,0,0,"Apr/18/2003: SunOS 5.8: libsmedia patch"}, {108981,13,1,28,0,0,"Nov/25/2003: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/drv/hme and /kernel/drv/sparcv9/hme patch"}, {108985,3,1,28,0,0,"Jun/25/2001: SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/in.rshd patch"}, {108987,13,1,28,0,0,"Apr/07/2003: SunOS 5.8: Patch for patchadd and patchrm"}, {108989,2,1,28,0,0,"Jul/18/00: SunOS 5.8: /usr/kernel/sys/acctctl and /usr/kernel/sys/exacctsys patch"}, {108993,31,1,28,0,0,"Dec/10/2003: SunOS 5.8: LDAP2 client, libc, libthread and libnsl libraries patch"}, {108997,3,1,28,0,0,"Jul/18/00: SunOS 5.8: libexacct and libproject patch"}, {109007,15,1,28,0,0,"Jan/27/2004: SunOS 5.8: at/atrm/batch/cron patch"}, {109091,6,1,28,0,0,"Apr/08/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/fs/ufs/ufsrestore patch"}, /* Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) {109134,28,1,28,0,0,"Jun/10/2003: SunOS 5.8: WBEM patch"}, */ {109147,27,1,28,0,0,"Nov/26/2003: SunOS 5.8: linker patch"}, {109149,2,1,28,0,0,"Nov/13/2001: SunOS 5.8:: /usr/sbin/mkdevmaps and /usr/sbin/mkdevalloc patch"}, {109152,2,1,28,0,0,"Mar/27/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/4lib/libc.so.x.9 and libdbm patch"}, {109202,5,1,28,0,0,"Jun/06/2003: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/misc/gld and /kernel/misc/sparcv9/gld patch"}, {109223,4,1,28,0,0,"Dec/23/2003: SunOS 5.8: kpasswd, libgss.so.1 and libkadm5clnt.so.1 patch"}, {109234,9,1,28,0,0,"Aug/07/2002: SunOS 5.8: Apache Security and NCA Patch"}, {109238,2,1,28,0,0,"Sep/17/2001: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/sparcv7/ipcs and /usr/bin/sparcv9/ipcs patch"}, {109277,3,1,28,0,0,"Oct/25/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/iostat patch"}, {109318,34,1,28,0,0,"Nov/14/2003: SunOS 5.8: suninstall Patch"}, {109320,8,1,28,0,0,"Nov/26/2003: SunOS 5.8: LP Patch"}, {109324,5,1,28,0,0,"Dec/05/2002: SunOS 5.8: sh/jsh/rsh/pfsh patch"}, {109326,13,1,28,0,0,"Jan/29/2004: SunOS 5.8: libresolv.so.2 and in.named patch"}, {109328,3,1,28,0,0,"Oct/29/2002: SunOS 5.8: ypserv, ypxfr and ypxfrd patch"}, {109354,19,1,28,0,0,"Apr/15/2003: CDE 1.4: dtsession patch"}, {109458,3,1,28,0,0,"Jan/07/2003: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/strmod/ldterm patch"}, {109460,10,1,28,0,0,"Aug/04/2003: SunOS 5.8: socal and sf drivers patch"}, {109470,2,1,28,0,0,"Aug/29/00: CDE 1.4: Actions Patch"}, {109657,9,1,28,0,0,"Jan/07/2003: SunOS 5.8: isp driver patch"}, {109667,5,1,28,0,0,"Jun/16/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/inet/xntpd and /usr/sbin/ntpdate patch"}, {109695,3,1,28,0,0,"Jul/23/2001: SunOS 5.8: /etc/smartcard/opencard.properties patch"}, {109778,14,1,28,0,0,"Jan/26/2004: SunOS 5.8: Misc loc have errors in CTYPE and lv colln monetary"}, {109783,2,1,28,0,0,"Oct/02/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/nfs/nfsd and /usr/lib/nfs/lockd patch"}, {109793,23,1,28,0,0,"Oct/13/2003: SunOS 5.8: su driver patch"}, {109805,17,1,28,0,0,"Sep/29/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/security/pam_krb5.so.1 patch"}, {109815,20,1,28,0,0,"Jan/07/2004: SunOS 5.8: se, acebus, pcf8574, pcf8591 and scsb patch"}, {109862,3,1,28,0,0,"Dec/18/2002: X11 6.4.1 Font Server patch"}, {109873,22,1,28,0,0,"Dec/04/2003: SunOS 5.8: prtdiag and platform libprtdiag_psr.so.1 patch"}, {109882,6,1,28,0,0,"Jun/05/2002: SunOS 5.8: eri header files patch"}, {109883,2,1,28,0,0,"Dec/20/2000: SunOS 5.8: /usr/include/sys/ecppsys.h patch"}, {109885,14,1,28,0,0,"Oct/01/2003: SunOS 5.8: glm patch"}, {109887,18,1,28,0,0,"Nov/17/2003: SunOS 5.8: smartcard and usr/sbin/ocfserv patch"}, {109888,26,1,28,0,0,"Nov/26/2003: SunOS 5.8: platform drivers patch"}, {109893,4,1,28,0,0,"Dec/24/2002: SunOS 5.8: stc driver patch"}, {109894,1,1,28,0,0,"Nov/15/2000: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/drv/sparcv9/bpp driver patch"}, {109896,24,1,28,0,0,"Feb/02/2004: SunOS 5.8: USB and Audio Framework patch"}, {109898,5,1,28,0,0,"Oct/22/2001: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/drv/arp patch"}, {109922,4,1,28,0,0,"Jan/22/2003: SunOS 5.8: pcelx and pcser driver patch"}, {109928,5,1,28,0,0,"Jun/27/2002: SunOS 5.8: pcmem and pcmcia patch"}, {110068,4,1,28,0,0,"Nov/05/2003: CDE 1.4: PDASync patch"}, {110075,1,1,28,0,0,"Mar/13/2001: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/drv/devinfo and /kernel/drv/sparcv9/devinfo patch"}, {110283,6,1,28,0,0,"Nov/26/2002: SunOS 5.8: mkfs and newfs patch"}, {110286,11,1,28,0,0,"Sep/24/2003: OpenWindows 3.6.2: Tooltalk patch"}, {110322,2,1,28,0,0,"Aug/19/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind patch"}, {110335,3,1,28,0,0,"Dec/03/2003: CDE 1.4: dtprintinfo patch"}, {110380,4,1,28,0,0,"Dec/21/2001: SunOS 5.8: ufssnapshots support, libadm patch"}, {110386,3,1,28,0,0,"Apr/08/2003: SunOS 5.8: RBAC Feature Patch"}, {110387,5,1,28,0,0,"Aug/19/2003: SunOS 5.8: ufssnapshots support, ufsdump patch"}, {110389,5,1,28,0,0,"Jan/22/2003: SunOS 5.8: cvc CPU signature"}, {110453,4,1,28,0,0,"Feb/21/2003: SunOS 5.8: admintool Patch"}, {110458,2,1,28,0,0,"May/29/2001: SunOS 5.8: libcurses patch"}, {110460,32,1,28,0,0,"Nov/17/2003: SunOS 5.8: fruid/PICL plug-ins patch"}, {110461,3,1,28,0,0,"Feb/27/2003: SunOS 5.8: ttcompat patch"}, {110609,4,1,28,0,0,"Apr/18/2003: SunOS 5.8: cdio.h and command.h USB header patch"}, /* {110615,4,1,28,0,0,"Jan/23/2002: SunOS 5.8: sendmail patch"}, */ {110662,12,1,28,0,0,"Apr/24/2003: SunOS 5.8: ksh patch"}, {110668,4,1,28,0,0,"Apr/08/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/in.telnetd patch"}, /* rcp to non-solaris {110670,1,1,28,0,0,"Mar/30/2001: SunOS 5.8: usr/sbin/static/rcp patch"}, */ {110700,1,1,28,0,0,"Jan/08/2001: SunOS 5.8: automount patch"}, {110820,10,1,28,0,0,"Dec/19/2002: SunOS 5.8: /platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-15000/kernel/drv/sparcv9/dman patch"}, {110838,6,1,28,0,0,"Dec/16/2002: SunOS 5.8: /platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-15000/kernel/drv/sparcv9/axq patch"}, {110842,11,1,28,0,0,"May/08/2003: SunOS 5.8: hpc3130 driver patch for SUNW,Sun-Fire-880"}, {110896,2,1,28,0,0,"Jan/03/2003: SunOS 5.8: cachefs/mount patch"}, {110898,9,1,28,0,0,"Jan/26/2004: SunOS 5.8: csh/pfcsh patch"}, {110901,1,1,28,0,0,"Mar/02/2001: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/drv/sgen and /kernel/drv/sparcv9/sgen patch"}, {110903,7,1,28,0,0,"Nov/25/2003: SunOS 5.8: edit, ex, vedit, vi and view patch"}, {110916,5,1,28,0,0,"Dec/15/2003: SunOS 5.8: sort patch"}, {110934,14,1,28,0,0,"Aug/05/2003: SunOS 5.8: pkgtrans, pkgadd, pkgchk, pkgmk and libpkg.a patch"}, /* wtmp {110939,1,1,28,0,0,"Mar/06/2001: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/acct/closewtmp patch"}, */ {110943,2,1,28,0,0,"Nov/14/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/tcsh patch"}, {110945,8,1,28,0,0,"May/29/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/syslogd patch"}, {110951,5,1,28,0,0,"Nov/14/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/tar and /usr/sbin/static/tar patch"}, {110953,6,1,28,0,0,"Dec/09/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/kernel/drv/llc2 patch"}, {110955,4,1,28,0,0,"Dec/24/2002: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/strmod/timod patch"}, {110957,2,1,28,0,0,"Nov/06/2001: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/mailx patch"}, {111023,3,1,28,0,0,"Dec/09/2003: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/fs/mntfs and /kernel/fs/sparcv9/mntfs patch"}, {111069,1,1,28,0,0,"Aug/02/2001: SunOS 5.8: bsmunconv overwrites root cron tab if cu created /tmp/root"}, /* uucp {111071,1,1,28,0,0,"Mar/30/2001: SunOS 5.8: cu patch"}, */ {111085,2,1,28,0,0,"Dec/13/2001: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/login patch"}, {111098,1,1,28,0,0,"Jul/17/2001: SunOS 5.8: ROC timezone should be avoided for political reasons"}, {111111,3,1,28,0,0,"Mar/28/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/nawk patch"}, {111232,1,1,28,0,0,"Apr/25/2001: SunOS 5.8: patch in.fingerd"}, {111234,1,1,28,0,0,"Apr/25/2001: SunOS 5.8: patch finger"}, {111293,4,1,28,0,0,"Sep/25/2001: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/libdevinfo.so.1 patch"}, {111302,2,1,28,0,0,"Sep/11/2002: SunOS 5.8: EDHCP libraries patch"}, {111310,1,1,28,0,0,"Aug/21/2001: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/libdhcpagent.so.1 patch"}, {111317,5,1,28,0,0,"Dec/10/2003: SunOS 5.8: /sbin/init and /usr/sbin/init patch"}, {111321,3,1,28,0,0,"Oct/02/2002: SunOS 5.8: klmmod and klmops patch"}, {111325,2,1,28,0,0,"Jun/14/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/saf/ttymon patch"}, {111327,5,1,28,0,0,"Dec/04/2001: SunOS 5.8: libsocket patch"}, {111400,2,1,28,0,0,"Jan/28/2004: SunOS 5.8: KCMS configure tool has a security vulnerability"}, {111504,1,1,28,0,0,"Jun/15/2001: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/tip patch"}, {111548,1,1,28,0,0,"Jun/15/2001: SunOS 5.8: catman, man, whatis, apropos and makewhatis patch"}, /* uucp {111570,2,1,28,0,0,"Sep/11/2002: SunOS 5.8: uucp patch"}, */ {111588,4,1,28,0,0,"Dec/24/2002: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/drv/ws and /kernel/fs/specfs patch"}, /* {111596,3,1,28,0,0,"Feb/28/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/rpc.yppasswdd patch"}, */ {111606,4,1,28,0,0,"Jul/30/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/in.ftpd patch"}, {111624,4,1,28,0,0,"Oct/02/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/inetd patch"}, {111626,3,1,28,0,0,"Nov/11/2002: OpenWindows 3.6.2: Xview Patch"}, {111659,6,1,28,0,0,"Mar/04/2002: SunOS 5.8: passwd and pam_unix.so.1 patch"}, {111826,1,1,28,0,0,"Aug/15/2001: SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/sparcv7/whodo & /usr/sbin/sparcv9/whodo patch"}, {111874,6,1,28,0,0,"Jan/23/2003: SunOS 5.8: usr/bin/mail patch"}, /* old progreg and Live Upgrade problem {111879,1,1,28,0,0,"Aug/27/2001: SunOS 5.8: Solaris Product Registry patch SUNWwsr"}, */ {111881,3,1,28,0,0,"Dec/24/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/kernel/strmod/telmod patch"}, {111958,2,1,28,0,0,"May/13/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/nfs/statd patch"}, {112039,1,1,28,0,0,"Sep/17/2001: SunOS 5.8: usr/bin/ckitem patch"}, {112138,1,1,28,0,0,"Nov/05/2001: SunOS 5.8:: usr/bin/domainname patch"}, {112161,3,1,28,0,0,"Dec/04/2003: SunOS 5.8: remove libprtdiag_psr.so.1 of SUNW,Netra-T12 SUNW,Netra-T4"}, {112218,1,1,28,0,0,"Nov/13/2001: SunOS 5.8:: pam_ldap.so.1 patch"}, {112237,9,1,28,0,0,"Nov/05/2003: SunOS 5.8: mech_krb5.so.1 patch"}, {112254,1,1,28,0,0,"Feb/27/2002: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/sched/TS patch"}, {112325,1,1,28,0,0,"Jan/22/2002: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/fs/udfs and /kernel/fs/sparcv9/udfs patch"}, {112396,2,1,28,0,0,"Mar/28/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/fgrep patch"}, {112425,1,1,28,0,0,"Feb/19/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/fs/ufs/mount and /etc/fs/ufs/mount patch"}, {112459,1,1,28,0,0,"Mar/07/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/pt_chmod patch"}, {112609,2,1,28,0,0,"May/29/2003: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/drv/le and /kernel/drv/sparcv9/le patch"}, {112611,2,1,28,0,0,"Oct/21/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/libz.so.1 patch"}, {112668,1,1,28,0,0,"May/14/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/bin/gzip patch"}, /* {112792,1,1,28,0,0,"Jul/09/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/pcmciad patch"}, */ {112796,1,1,28,0,0,"May/27/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/in.talkd patch"}, {112846,1,1,28,0,0,"Jun/17/2002: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/netsvc/rwall/rpc.rwalld patch"}, {113648,3,1,28,0,0,"Dec/10/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/mount patch"}, {113650,2,1,28,0,0,"May/28/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/utmp_update patch"}, {113685,5,1,28,0,0,"Oct/06/2003: SunOS 5.8: logindmux/ptsl/ms/bufmod/llc1/kb/zs/zsh/ptem patch"}, {113687,1,1,28,0,0,"Dec/24/2002: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/misc/kbtrans patch"}, {113792,1,1,28,0,0,"Nov/25/2002: OpenWindows 3.6.2: mailtool patch"}, {114162,1,1,28,0,0,"Apr/07/2003: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/drv/lofi drivers and /usr/sbin/lofiadm patch"}, {114673,1,1,28,0,0,"Apr/16/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/sbin/wall patch"}, {114802,2,1,28,0,0,"Jan/08/2004: SunOS 5.8: Patch for assembler"}, {114984,1,1,28,0,0,"Apr/29/2003: SunOS 5.8: /usr/kernel/fs/namefs patch"}, {115576,1,1,28,0,0,"Jul/28/2003: SunOS 5.8: /kernel/exec/elfexec and /kernel/exec/sparcv9/elfexec patch"}, {115797,1,1,28,0,0,"Aug/15/2003: CDE 1.4: dtspcd Patch"}, {115827,1,1,28,0,0,"Oct/27/2003: SunOS 5.8: /sbin/sulogin and /sbin/netstrategy patch"}, {116602,1,1,28,0,0,"Dec/10/2003: SunOS 5.8: /sbin/uadmin and /sbin/hostconfig patch"}, /* This list was generated by /u/norikoyasuo/bin/getSolPatches.pl */ /* on tmolus.mcom.com */ /* at Thu Mar 18 10:34:35 2004 GMT */ /* Here is the information from /etc/release: Solaris 9 s9_58shwpl3 SPARC Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Assembled 15 April 2002 The following is a list of patches installed on the system */ /* a patch that is commented out is either a duplicate or */ /* a patch that is superseded by another patch */ {112233,11,1,29,0,0,"Dec/23/2003: SunOS 5.9: Kernel Patch"}, {112540,18,1,29,0,0,"Sep/02/2003: SunOS 5.9: Expert3D IFB Graphics Patch"}, {112601,9,1,29,0,0,"Oct/28/2003: SunOS 5.9: PGX32 Graphics"}, {112617,2,1,29,0,0,"Jan/15/2003: CDE 1.5: rpc.cmsd patch"}, {112661,6,1,29,0,0,"Oct/03/2003: SunOS 5.9: IIIM and X Input & Output Method patch"}, {112764,6,1,29,0,0,"Apr/16/2003: SunOS 5.9: Sun Quad FastEthernet qfe driver"}, {112785,30,1,29,0,0,"Dec/19/2003: X11 6.6.1: Xsun patch"}, {112807,7,1,29,0,0,"Sep/25/2003: CDE 1.5: dtlogin patch"}, {112808,6,1,29,0,0,"Dec/01/2003: CDE1.5: Tooltalk patch"}, {112817,16,1,29,0,0,"Jan/05/2004: SunOS 5.9: Sun GigaSwift Ethernet 1.0 driver patch"}, {112834,3,1,29,0,0,"Sep/01/2003: SunOS 5.9: patch scsi"}, {112874,22,1,29,0,0,"Jan/30/2004: SunOS 5.9: lgroup API libc Patch"}, {112875,1,1,29,0,0,"Jun/21/2002: SunOS 5.9: patch /usr/lib/netsvc/rwall/rpc.rwalld"}, {112902,8,1,29,0,0,"Dec/06/2002: SunOS 5.9: kernel/drv/ip Patch"}, {112907,2,1,29,0,0,"Oct/13/2003: SunOS 5.9: libgss Patch"}, {112908,11,1,29,0,0,"Nov/06/2003: SunOS 5.9: krb5 shared object Patch"}, {112921,3,1,29,0,0,"Jan/20/2004: SunOS 5.9: libkadm5 Patch"}, {112922,2,1,29,0,0,"Apr/24/2003: SunOS 5.9: krb5 lib Patch"}, {112923,3,1,29,0,0,"Nov/06/2003: SunOS 5.9: krb5 usr/lib Patch"}, {112925,3,1,29,0,0,"Nov/06/2003: SunOS 5.9: ktutil kdb5_util kadmin kadmin.local kadmind Patch"}, {112926,5,1,29,0,0,"Nov/17/2003: SunOS 5.9: smartcard Patch"}, {112945,21,1,29,0,0,"Jan/28/2004: SunOS 5.9: wbem Patch"}, {112951,4,1,29,0,0,"Dec/12/2002: SunOS 5.9: patchadd and patchrm Patch"}, {112960,10,1,29,0,0,"Dec/23/2003: SunOS 5.9: patch libsldap ldap_cachemgr libldap"}, {112963,10,1,29,0,0,"Oct/14/2003: SunOS 5.9: linker patch"}, {112964,4,1,29,0,0,"Apr/23/2003: SunOS 5.9: /usr/bin/ksh Patch"}, {112965,2,1,29,0,0,"Aug/01/2003: SunOS 5.9: patch /kernel/drv/sparcv9/eri"}, {112970,6,1,29,0,0,"Jan/13/2004: SunOS 5.9: patch libresolv"}, {112975,3,1,29,0,0,"Oct/24/2003: SunOS 5.9: patch /kernel/sys/kaio"}, {112998,3,1,29,0,0,"May/29/2003: SunOS 5.9: patch /usr/sbin/syslogd"}, {113026,14,1,29,0,0,"Jan/16/2004: SunOS 5.9: /kernel/drv/md Patch"}, {113030,2,1,29,0,0,"Dec/18/2002: SunOS 5.9: /kernel/sys/doorfs Patch"}, {113033,3,1,29,0,0,"Dec/24/2002: SunOS 5.9: patch /kernel/drv/isp and /kernel/drv/sparcv9/isp"}, {113068,4,1,29,0,0,"May/16/2003: SunOS 5.9: hpc3130 patch"}, {113073,5,1,29,0,0,"Sep/25/2003: SunOS 5.9: ufs_log patch"}, {113077,9,1,29,0,0,"Sep/24/2003: SunOS 5.9: /platform/sun4u/kernal/drv/su Patch"}, {113096,3,1,29,0,0,"May/01/2003: X11 6.6.1: OWconfig patch"}, {113146,2,1,29,0,0,"May/01/2003: SunOS 5.9: Apache Security Patch"}, {113240,5,1,29,0,0,"Jul/08/2003: CDE 1.5: dtsession patch"}, {113273,4,1,29,0,0,"Oct/08/2003: SunOS 5.9: /usr/lib/ssh/sshd Patch"}, {113277,17,1,29,0,0,"Oct/24/2003: SunOS 5.9: sd and ssd Patch"}, {113278,4,1,29,0,0,"Feb/02/2004: SunOS 5.9: NFS Daemon , rpcmod Patch"}, {113279,1,1,29,0,0,"Sep/17/2002: SunOS 5.9: klmmod Patch"}, {113319,17,1,29,0,0,"Dec/15/2003: SunOS 5.9: libnsl nispasswdd patch"}, {113329,5,1,29,0,0,"Jan/20/2004: SunOS 5.9: lp Patch"}, {113333,2,1,29,0,0,"Nov/18/2002: SunOS 5.9: libmeta Patch"}, {113451,6,1,29,0,0,"Jan/22/2004: SunOS 5.9: IKE Patch"}, {113454,14,1,29,0,0,"Nov/18/2003: SunOS 5.9: ufs Patch"}, {113464,6,1,29,0,0,"Sep/29/2003: SunOS 5.9: IPMP Headers Patch"}, {113492,4,1,29,0,0,"Dec/24/2003: SunOS 5.9: fsck Patch"}, {113573,3,1,29,0,0,"Aug/12/2003: SunOS 5.9: libpsvc Patch"}, {113574,3,1,29,0,0,"May/23/2003: SunOS 5.9: SUNW,Sun-Fire-880 libpsvc Patch"}, {113579,1,1,29,0,0,"Nov/08/2002: SunOS 5.9: ypserv/ypxfrd Patch"}, {113713,11,1,29,0,0,"Nov/04/2003: SunOS 5.9: pkginstall Patch"}, {113718,2,1,29,0,0,"Jun/04/2003: SunOS 5.9: usr/lib/utmp_update Patch"}, {113859,3,1,29,0,0,"Dec/24/2003: SunOS 5.9: Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 patch"}, {113923,2,1,29,0,0,"Dec/18/2002: X11 6.6.1: security font server patch"}, {113993,6,1,29,0,0,"Sep/15/2003: SunOS 5.9: mkfs Patch"}, {114008,1,1,29,0,0,"Mar/19/2003: SunOS 5.9: cachefsd Patch"}, {114014,3,1,29,0,0,"Apr/01/2003: SunOS 5.9: libxml, libxslt and Freeware man pages Patch"}, {114016,1,1,29,0,0,"May/01/2003: tomcat security patch"}, {114125,1,1,29,0,0,"Aug/13/2003: SunOS 5.9: IKE config.sample patch"}, {114127,2,1,29,0,0,"Dec/24/2003: SunOS 5.9: abi_libefi.so.1 Patch"}, {114129,1,1,29,0,0,"Mar/31/2003: SunOS 5.9: multi-terabyte disk support -libuuid patch"}, {114133,1,1,29,0,0,"Feb/03/2003: SunOS 5.9: mail Patch"}, {114135,1,1,29,0,0,"Jan/22/2003: SunOS 5.9: at utility Patch"}, {114332,7,1,29,0,0,"Oct/01/2003: SunOS 5.9: c2audit & *libbsm.so.1 Patch"}, {114359,1,1,29,0,0,"Mar/03/2003: SunOS 5.9: mc-us3 Patch"}, {114361,1,1,29,0,0,"Apr/30/2003: SunOS 5.9: /kernel/drv/lofi Patch"}, {114363,2,1,29,0,0,"Jan/27/2004: SunOS 5.9: sort Patch"}, {114375,6,1,29,0,0,"Jul/25/2003: SunOS 5.9: Enchilada/Stiletto - PICL & FRUID"}, {114385,3,1,29,0,0,"Aug/04/2003: SunOS 5.9: Enchilada/Stiletto - pmugpio pmubus driver"}, {114482,4,1,29,0,0,"Sep/02/2003: SunOS 5.9: Product Registry CLI Revision"}, {114495,1,1,29,0,0,"Dec/03/2003: CDE 1.5: dtprintinfo patch"}, {114564,3,1,29,0,0,"Nov/14/2003: SunOS 5.9: /usr/sbin/in.ftpd Patch"}, {114569,2,1,29,0,0,"Apr/24/2003: SunOS 5.9: libdbm.so.1 Patch"}, {114571,1,1,29,0,0,"Apr/04/2003: SunOS 5.9: libc.so.*.9/bcp Patch"}, {114636,2,1,29,0,0,"Aug/06/2003: SunOS 5.9: KCMS security fix"}, {114684,2,1,29,0,0,"May/27/2003: SunOS 5.9: samba Patch"}, {114713,1,1,29,0,0,"Mar/26/2003: SunOS 5.9: newtask Patch"}, {114721,4,1,29,0,0,"Sep/15/2003: SunOS 5.9: ufsrestore and ufsdump Patch"}, {114729,1,1,29,0,0,"May/29/2003: SunOS 5.9: usr/sbin/in.telnetd Patch"}, {114861,1,1,29,0,0,"Apr/22/2003: SunOS 5.9: /usr/sbin/wall"}, {114864,2,1,29,0,0,"Jun/13/2003: SunOS 5.9: Sun-Fire-480R libpsvcpolicy_psr.so.1 Patch"}, {114971,1,1,29,0,0,"Sep/04/2003: SunOS 5.9: usr/kernel/fs/namefs Patch"}, {115172,1,1,29,0,0,"Sep/15/2003: SunOS 5.9: kernel/drv/le Patch"}, {115689,1,1,29,0,0,"Jan/27/2004: SunOS 5.9: /usr/lib/patch/patchutil Patch"}, {115754,2,1,29,0,0,"Oct/21/2003: SunOS 5.9: zlib security Patch"}, {116237,1,1,29,0,0,"Nov/26/2003: SunOS 5.9: pfexec Patch"}, {116245,1,1,29,0,0,"Jan/27/2004: SunOS 5.9: uncompress Patch"},