/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ /* valueset.c - routines for dealing with value sets */ #include "slap.h" #include "slapi-private.h" /* <=========================== Berval Array ==========================> */ /* * vals - The existing values. * addval - The value to add. * nvals - The number of existing values. * maxvals - The number of elements in the existing values array. */ void bervalarray_add_berval_fast( struct berval ***vals, const struct berval *addval, int nvals, int *maxvals ) { int need = nvals + 2; if(need>*maxvals) { if (*maxvals==0) { *maxvals = 2; } while ( *maxvals < need ) { *maxvals *= 2; } if(*vals==NULL) { *vals = (struct berval **) slapi_ch_malloc( *maxvals * sizeof(struct berval *)); } else { *vals = (struct berval **) slapi_ch_realloc( (char *) *vals, *maxvals * sizeof(struct berval *)); } } (*vals)[nvals] = ber_bvdup( (struct berval *)addval ); (*vals)[nvals+1] = NULL; } /* <=========================== Value Array ==========================> */ /* * vals - The existing values. * addval - The value to add. * nvals - The number of existing values. * maxvals - The number of elements in the existing values array. */ void valuearray_add_value_fast(Slapi_Value ***vals, Slapi_Value *addval, int nvals, int *maxvals, int exact, /* Don't create an array bigger than needed */ int passin) /* The values are being passed in */ { Slapi_Value *oneval[2]; oneval[0]= addval; oneval[1]= NULL; valuearray_add_valuearray_fast(vals,oneval,nvals,1,maxvals,exact,passin); } void valuearray_add_valuearray_fast(Slapi_Value ***vals, Slapi_Value **addvals, int nvals, int naddvals, int *maxvals, int exact, /* Don't create an array bigger than needed */ int passin) /* The values are being passed in */ { int i, j; int allocate= 0; int need = nvals + naddvals + 1; if(exact) { /* Create an array exactly the right size. */ if(need>*maxvals) { allocate= need; } } else { if (*maxvals==0) /* empty; create with 4 by default */ { allocate= 4; } else if (need > *maxvals) { /* Exponentially expand the array */ allocate= *maxvals; while ( allocate < need ) { allocate *= 2; } } } if(allocate>0) { if(*vals==NULL) { *vals = (Slapi_Value **) slapi_ch_malloc( allocate * sizeof(Slapi_Value *)); } else { *vals = (Slapi_Value **) slapi_ch_realloc( (char *) *vals, allocate * sizeof(Slapi_Value *)); } *maxvals= allocate; } for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < naddvals; i++) { if ( addvals[i]!=NULL ) { if(passin) { /* We consume the values */ (*vals)[nvals + j] = addvals[i]; } else { /* We copy the values */ (*vals)[nvals + j] = slapi_value_dup(addvals[i]); } j++; } } (*vals)[nvals + j] = NULL; } void valuearray_add_value(Slapi_Value ***vals, const Slapi_Value *addval) { Slapi_Value *oneval[2]; oneval[0]= (Slapi_Value*)addval; oneval[1]= NULL; valuearray_add_valuearray(vals,oneval,0); } void valuearray_add_valuearray(Slapi_Value ***vals, Slapi_Value **addvals, PRUint32 flags) { int valslen; int addvalslen; int maxvals; addvalslen= valuearray_count(addvals); if(*vals == NULL) { valslen= 0; maxvals= 0; } else { valslen= valuearray_count(*vals); maxvals= valslen+1; } valuearray_add_valuearray_fast(vals,addvals,valslen,addvalslen,&maxvals,1/*Exact*/,flags & SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PASSIN); } int valuearray_count( Slapi_Value **va) { int i=0; if(va!=NULL) { while(NULL != va[i]) i++; } return(i); } int valuearray_isempty( Slapi_Value **va) { return va==NULL || va[0]==NULL; } /* * JCM SLOW FUNCTION * * WARNING: Use only if you absolutley need to... * This function mostly exists to map from the old slapi berval * based interface to the new Slapi_Value based interfaces. */ int valuearray_init_bervalarray(struct berval **bvals, Slapi_Value ***cvals) { int n; for(n=0; bvals != NULL && bvals[n] != NULL; n++); if(n==0) { *cvals = NULL; } else { int i; *cvals = (Slapi_Value **) slapi_ch_malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(Slapi_Value *)); for(i=0;iv_csnset),csn); if ((*va)[i]->v_csnset == NULL) { slapi_value_free(&(*va)[i]); (*va)[i] = NULL; } } /* Now compact the value list. */ numValues=i; nextValue = 0; i = 0; for(i=0;i */ void valuearrayfast_init(struct valuearrayfast *vaf,Slapi_Value **va) { vaf->num= valuearray_count(va); vaf->max= vaf->num; vaf->va= va; } void valuearrayfast_done(struct valuearrayfast *vaf) { if(vaf->va!=NULL) { int i; for(i=0; inum; i++) { slapi_value_free(&vaf->va[i]); } slapi_ch_free((void **)&vaf->va); vaf->num= 0; vaf->max= 0; } } void valuearrayfast_add_value(struct valuearrayfast *vaf,const Slapi_Value *v) { valuearray_add_value_fast(&vaf->va,(Slapi_Value *)v,vaf->num,&vaf->max,0/*Exact*/,0/*!PassIn*/); vaf->num++; } void valuearrayfast_add_value_passin(struct valuearrayfast *vaf,Slapi_Value *v) { valuearray_add_value_fast(&vaf->va,v,vaf->num,&vaf->max,0/*Exact*/,1/*PassIn*/); vaf->num++; } void valuearrayfast_add_valuearrayfast(struct valuearrayfast *vaf,const struct valuearrayfast *vaf_add) { valuearray_add_valuearray_fast(&vaf->va,vaf_add->va,vaf->num,vaf_add->num,&vaf->max,0/*Exact*/,0/*!PassIn*/); vaf->num+= vaf_add->num; } /* <=========================== ValueArrayIndexTree =======================> */ static int valuetree_dupvalue_disallow( caddr_t d1, caddr_t d2 ); static int valuetree_node_cmp( caddr_t d1, caddr_t d2 ); static int valuetree_node_free( caddr_t data ); /* * structure used within AVL value trees. */ typedef struct valuetree_node { int index; /* index into the value array */ Slapi_Value *sval; /* the actual value */ } valuetree_node; /* * Create or update an AVL tree of values that can be used to speed up value * lookups. We store the index keys for the values in the AVL tree so * we can use a trivial comparison function. * * Returns: * LDAP_SUCCESS on success, * LDAP_TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS if the value already exists, * LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR for some unexpected failure. * * Sets *valuetreep to the root of the AVL tree that was created. If a * non-zero value is returned, the tree is freed if free_on_error is non-zero * and *valuetreep is set to NULL. */ int valuetree_add_valuearray( const char *type, struct slapdplugin *pi, Slapi_Value **va, Avlnode **valuetreep, int *duplicate_index ) { int rc= LDAP_SUCCESS; PR_ASSERT(type!=NULL); PR_ASSERT(pi!=NULL); PR_ASSERT(valuetreep!=NULL); if ( duplicate_index ) { *duplicate_index = -1; } if ( !valuearray_isempty(va) ) { Slapi_Value **keyvals; /* Convert the value array into key values */ if ( slapi_call_syntax_values2keys_sv( pi, (Slapi_Value**)va, &keyvals, LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY ) != 0 ) /* jcm cast */ { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"slapi_call_syntax_values2keys for attribute %s failed\n", type, 0, 0 ); rc= LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } else { int i; valuetree_node *vaip; for ( i = 0; rc==LDAP_SUCCESS && va[i] != NULL; ++i ) { if ( keyvals[i] == NULL ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"slapi_call_syntax_values2keys for attribute %s did not return enough key values\n", type, 0, 0 ); rc= LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } else { vaip = (valuetree_node *)slapi_ch_malloc( sizeof( valuetree_node )); vaip->index = i; vaip->sval = keyvals[i]; if (( rc = avl_insert( valuetreep, vaip, valuetree_node_cmp, valuetree_dupvalue_disallow )) != 0 ) { slapi_ch_free( (void **)&vaip ); /* Value must already be in there */ rc= LDAP_TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; if ( duplicate_index ) { *duplicate_index = i; } } else { keyvals[i]= NULL; } } } valuearray_free( &keyvals ); } } if(rc!=0) { valuetree_free( valuetreep ); } return rc; } int valuetree_add_value( const char *type, struct slapdplugin *pi, const Slapi_Value *v, Avlnode **valuetreep) { Slapi_Value *va[2]; va[0]= (Slapi_Value*)v; va[1]= NULL; return valuetree_add_valuearray( type, pi, va, valuetreep, NULL); } /* * * Find value "v" using AVL tree "valuetree" * * returns LDAP_SUCCESS if "v" was found, LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE * if "v" was not found and LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR if some unexpected error occurs. */ static int valuetree_find( const struct slapi_attr *a, const Slapi_Value *v, Avlnode *valuetree, int *index) { const Slapi_Value *oneval[2]; Slapi_Value **keyvals; valuetree_node *vaip, tmpvain; PR_ASSERT(a!=NULL); PR_ASSERT(a->a_plugin!=NULL); PR_ASSERT(v!=NULL); PR_ASSERT(valuetree!=NULL); PR_ASSERT(index!=NULL); if ( a == NULL || a->a_plugin == NULL || v == NULL || valuetree == NULL ) { return( LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR ); } keyvals = NULL; oneval[0] = v; oneval[1] = NULL; if ( slapi_call_syntax_values2keys_sv( a->a_plugin, (Slapi_Value**)oneval, &keyvals, LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY ) != 0 /* jcm cast */ || keyvals == NULL || keyvals[0] == NULL ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "valuetree_find_and_replace: " "slapi_call_syntax_values2keys failed for type %s\n", a->a_type, 0, 0 ); return( LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR ); } tmpvain.index = 0; tmpvain.sval = keyvals[0]; vaip = (valuetree_node *)avl_find( valuetree, &tmpvain, valuetree_node_cmp ); if ( keyvals != NULL ) { valuearray_free( &keyvals ); } if (vaip == NULL) { return( LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE ); } else { *index= vaip->index; } return( LDAP_SUCCESS ); } static int valuetree_dupvalue_disallow( caddr_t d1, caddr_t d2 ) { return( 1 ); } void valuetree_free( Avlnode **valuetreep ) { if ( valuetreep != NULL && *valuetreep != NULL ) { avl_free( *valuetreep, valuetree_node_free ); *valuetreep = NULL; } } static int valuetree_node_free( caddr_t data ) { if ( data!=NULL ) { valuetree_node *vaip = (valuetree_node *)data; slapi_value_free(&vaip->sval); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&data ); } return( 0 ); } static int valuetree_node_cmp( caddr_t d1, caddr_t d2 ) { const struct berval *bv1, *bv2; int rc; bv1 = slapi_value_get_berval(((valuetree_node *)d1)->sval); bv2 = slapi_value_get_berval(((valuetree_node *)d2)->sval); if ( bv1->bv_len < bv2->bv_len ) { rc = -1; } else if ( bv1->bv_len > bv2->bv_len ) { rc = 1; } else { rc = memcmp( bv1->bv_val, bv2->bv_val, bv1->bv_len ); } return( rc ); } /* <=========================== Value Set =======================> */ /* * JCM: All of these valueset functions are just forwarded to the * JCM: valuearray functions... waste of time. Inline them! */ Slapi_ValueSet * slapi_valueset_new() { Slapi_ValueSet *vs = (Slapi_ValueSet *)slapi_ch_calloc(1,sizeof(Slapi_ValueSet)); if(vs) slapi_valueset_init(vs); return vs; } void slapi_valueset_init(Slapi_ValueSet *vs) { if(vs!=NULL) { vs->va= NULL; } } void slapi_valueset_done(Slapi_ValueSet *vs) { if(vs!=NULL) { if(vs->va!=NULL) { valuearray_free(&vs->va); vs->va= NULL; } } } void slapi_valueset_free(Slapi_ValueSet *vs) { if(vs!=NULL) { slapi_valueset_done(vs); slapi_ch_free((void **)&vs); } } void slapi_valueset_set_from_smod(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, Slapi_Mod *smod) { Slapi_Value **va= NULL; valuearray_init_bervalarray(slapi_mod_get_ldapmod_byref(smod)->mod_bvalues, &va); valueset_set_valuearray_passin(vs, va); } void valueset_set_valuearray_byval(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, Slapi_Value **addvals) { slapi_valueset_init(vs); valueset_add_valuearray(vs,addvals); } void valueset_set_valuearray_passin(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, Slapi_Value **addvals) { slapi_valueset_init(vs); vs->va= addvals; } void slapi_valueset_set_valueset(Slapi_ValueSet *vs1, const Slapi_ValueSet *vs2) { slapi_valueset_init(vs1); valueset_add_valueset(vs1,vs2); } int slapi_valueset_first_value( Slapi_ValueSet *vs, Slapi_Value **v ) { return valuearray_first_value(vs->va,v); } int slapi_valueset_next_value( Slapi_ValueSet *vs, int index, Slapi_Value **v) { return valuearray_next_value(vs->va,index,v); } int slapi_valueset_count( const Slapi_ValueSet *vs) { int r=0; if (NULL != vs) { if(!valuearray_isempty(vs->va)) { r= valuearray_count(vs->va); } } return r; } int valueset_isempty( const Slapi_ValueSet *vs) { return valuearray_isempty(vs->va); } Slapi_Value * slapi_valueset_find(const Slapi_Attr *a, const Slapi_ValueSet *vs, const Slapi_Value *v) { Slapi_Value *r= NULL; if(!valuearray_isempty(vs->va)) { int i= valuearray_find(a,vs->va,v); if(i!=-1) { r= vs->va[i]; } } return r; } /* * The value is found in the set, removed and returned. * The caller is responsible for freeing the value. */ Slapi_Value * valueset_remove_value(const Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_ValueSet *vs, const Slapi_Value *v) { Slapi_Value *r= NULL; if(!valuearray_isempty(vs->va)) { r= valuearray_remove_value(a, vs->va, v); } return r; } /* * Remove any values older than the CSN. */ int valueset_purge(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, const CSN *csn) { int r= 0; if(!valuearray_isempty(vs->va)) { r= valuearray_purge(&vs->va, csn); } return r; } Slapi_Value ** valueset_get_valuearray(const Slapi_ValueSet *vs) { return (Slapi_Value**)vs->va; } size_t valueset_size(const Slapi_ValueSet *vs) { size_t s= 0; if(!valuearray_isempty(vs->va)) { s= valuearray_size(vs->va); } return s; } /* * The value array is passed in by value. */ void valueset_add_valuearray(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, Slapi_Value **addvals) { if(!valuearray_isempty(addvals)) { valuearray_add_valuearray(&vs->va, addvals, 0); } } void valueset_add_valuearray_ext(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, Slapi_Value **addvals, PRUint32 flags) { if(!valuearray_isempty(addvals)) { valuearray_add_valuearray(&vs->va, addvals, flags); } } /* * The value is passed in by value. */ void slapi_valueset_add_value(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, const Slapi_Value *addval) { valuearray_add_value(&vs->va,addval); } void slapi_valueset_add_value_ext(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, Slapi_Value *addval, unsigned long flags) { Slapi_Value *oneval[2]; oneval[0]= (Slapi_Value*)addval; oneval[1]= NULL; valuearray_add_valuearray(&vs->va, oneval, flags); } /* * The string is passed in by value. */ void valueset_add_string(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, const char *s, CSNType t, const CSN *csn) { Slapi_Value v; value_init(&v,NULL,t,csn); slapi_value_set_string(&v,s); valuearray_add_value(&vs->va,&v); value_done(&v); } /* * The value set is passed in by value. */ void valueset_add_valueset(Slapi_ValueSet *vs1, const Slapi_ValueSet *vs2) { if (vs1 && vs2) valueset_add_valuearray(vs1, vs2->va); } void valueset_remove_string(const Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_ValueSet *vs, const char *s) { Slapi_Value v; value_init(&v,NULL,CSN_TYPE_NONE,NULL); slapi_value_set_string(&v,s); valuearray_remove_value(a,vs->va,&v); value_done(&v); } void valueset_update_csn(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, CSNType t, const CSN *csn) { if(!valuearray_isempty(vs->va)) { valuearray_update_csn(vs->va,t,csn); } } /* * Remove an array of values from a value set. * The removed values are passed back in an array. * * Returns * LDAP_SUCCESS - OK. * LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE - A value to be deleted was not in the value set. * LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR - Something very bad happened. */ int valueset_remove_valuearray(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, const Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_Value **valuestodelete, int flags, Slapi_Value ***va_out) { int rc= LDAP_SUCCESS; if(!valuearray_isempty(vs->va)) { int numberofvaluestodelete= valuearray_count(valuestodelete); struct valuearrayfast vaf_out; if ( va_out ) { valuearrayfast_init(&vaf_out,*va_out); } /* * If there are more then one values, build an AVL tree to check * the duplicated values. */ if ( numberofvaluestodelete > 1 ) { /* * Several values to delete: first build an AVL tree that * holds all of the existing values and use that to find * the values we want to delete. */ Avlnode *vtree = NULL; int numberofexistingvalues= slapi_valueset_count(vs); rc= valuetree_add_valuearray( a->a_type, a->a_plugin, vs->va, &vtree, NULL ); if ( rc!=LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* * failed while constructing AVL tree of existing * values... something bad happened. */ rc= LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } else { int i; /* * find and mark all the values that are to be deleted */ for ( i = 0; rc == LDAP_SUCCESS && valuestodelete[i] != NULL; ++i ) { int index= 0; rc = valuetree_find( a, valuestodelete[i], vtree, &index ); if(rc==LDAP_SUCCESS) { if(vs->va[index]!=NULL) { /* Move the value to be removed to the out array */ if ( va_out ) { if (vs->va[index]->v_csnset && (flags & SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PRESERVECSNSET)) { valuestodelete[i]->v_csnset = csnset_dup (vs->va[index]->v_csnset); } valuearrayfast_add_value_passin(&vaf_out,vs->va[index]); vs->va[index] = NULL; } else { if (flags & SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PRESERVECSNSET) { valuestodelete[i]->v_csnset = vs->va[index]->v_csnset; vs->va[index]->v_csnset = NULL; } slapi_value_free ( & vs->va[index] ); } } else { /* We already deleted this value... */ if((flags & SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_IGNOREERROR) == 0) { /* ...that's an error. */ rc= LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; } } } else { /* Couldn't find the value to be deleted */ if(rc==LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE && (flags & SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_IGNOREERROR )) { rc= LDAP_SUCCESS; } } } valuetree_free( &vtree ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"could not find value %d for attr %s (%s)\n", i-1, a->a_type, ldap_err2string( rc )); } else { /* Shunt up all the remaining values to cover the deleted ones. */ valuearray_compress(vs->va,numberofexistingvalues); } } } else { /* We delete one or no value, so we use brute force. */ int i; for ( i = 0; rc==LDAP_SUCCESS && valuestodelete[i] != NULL; ++i ) { Slapi_Value *found= valueset_remove_value(a, vs, valuestodelete[i]); if(found!=NULL) { if ( va_out ) { if (found->v_csnset && (flags & SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PRESERVECSNSET)) { valuestodelete[i]->v_csnset = csnset_dup (found->v_csnset); } valuearrayfast_add_value_passin(&vaf_out,found); } else { if (flags & SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PRESERVECSNSET) { valuestodelete[i]->v_csnset = found->v_csnset; found->v_csnset = NULL; } slapi_value_free ( & found ); } } else { if((flags & SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_IGNOREERROR) == 0) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS,"could not find value %d for attr %s\n", i-1, a->a_type, 0 ); rc= LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; } } } } if ( va_out ) { *va_out= vaf_out.va; if(rc!=LDAP_SUCCESS) { valuearray_free(va_out); } } } return rc; } /* * Check if the set of values in the valueset and the valuearray intersect. * * Returns * LDAP_SUCCESS - No intersection. * LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE - There is an intersection. * LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR - There are duplicate values in the value set already. */ int valueset_intersectswith_valuearray(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, const Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_Value **values, int *duplicate_index ) { int rc= LDAP_SUCCESS; if ( duplicate_index ) { *duplicate_index = -1; } if(valuearray_isempty(vs->va)) { /* No intersection */ } else { int numberofvalues= valuearray_count(values); /* * determine whether we should use an AVL tree of values or not */ if (numberofvalues==0) { /* No intersection */ } else if ( numberofvalues > 1 ) { /* * Several values to add: use an AVL tree to detect duplicates. */ Avlnode *vtree = NULL; rc= valuetree_add_valuearray( a->a_type, a->a_plugin, vs->va, &vtree, duplicate_index ); if(rc==LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR) { /* There were already duplicate values in the value set */ } else { rc= valuetree_add_valuearray( a->a_type, a->a_plugin, values, &vtree, duplicate_index ); /* * Returns LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR if something very bad happens. * Or LDAP_TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS if a value already exists. */ } valuetree_free( &vtree ); } else { /* * One value to add: don't bother constructing * an AVL tree, etc. since it probably isn't worth the time. * * JCM - This is actually quite slow because the comparison function is looked up many times. */ int i; for ( i = 0; rc == LDAP_SUCCESS && values[i] != NULL; ++i ) { if(valuearray_find(a, vs->va, values[i])!=-1) { rc = LDAP_TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; *duplicate_index = i; break; } } } } return rc; } Slapi_ValueSet * valueset_dup(const Slapi_ValueSet *dupee) { Slapi_ValueSet *duped= (Slapi_ValueSet *)slapi_ch_calloc(1,sizeof(Slapi_ValueSet)); if (NULL!=duped) { valueset_add_valuearray( duped, dupee->va ); } return duped; } /* quickly throw away any old contents of this valueset, and stick in the * new ones. * * return value: LDAP_SUCCESS - OK * : LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR - duplicated values given */ int valueset_replace(Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_ValueSet *vs, Slapi_Value **valstoreplace) { int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; int numberofvalstoreplace= valuearray_count(valstoreplace); if(!valuearray_isempty(vs->va)) { slapi_valueset_done(vs); } /* verify the given values are not duplicated. if replacing with one value, no need to check. just replace it. */ if (numberofvalstoreplace > 1) { Avlnode *vtree = NULL; rc = valuetree_add_valuearray( a->a_type, a->a_plugin, valstoreplace, &vtree, NULL ); valuetree_free(&vtree); if ( LDAP_SUCCESS != rc ) { /* There were already duplicate values in the value set */ rc = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } } if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { vs->va = valstoreplace; } return rc; } /* * Search the value set for each value to be update, * and update the value with the CSN provided. * Updated values are moved from the valuestoupdate * array to the valueupdated array. */ void valueset_update_csn_for_valuearray(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, const Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_Value **valuestoupdate, CSNType t, const CSN *csn, Slapi_Value ***valuesupdated) { if(!valuearray_isempty(valuestoupdate) && !valuearray_isempty(vs->va)) { /* * determine whether we should use an AVL tree of values or not */ struct valuearrayfast vaf_valuesupdated; int numberofvaluestoupdate= valuearray_count(valuestoupdate); valuearrayfast_init(&vaf_valuesupdated,*valuesupdated); if (numberofvaluestoupdate > 1) /* multiple values to update */ { int i; Avlnode *vtree = NULL; int rc= valuetree_add_valuearray( a->a_type, a->a_plugin, vs->va, &vtree, NULL ); PR_ASSERT(rc==LDAP_SUCCESS); for (i=0;valuestoupdate[i]!=NULL;++i) { int index= 0; rc = valuetree_find( a, valuestoupdate[i], vtree, &index ); if(rc==LDAP_SUCCESS) { value_update_csn(vs->va[index],t,csn); valuearrayfast_add_value_passin(&vaf_valuesupdated,valuestoupdate[i]); valuestoupdate[i] = NULL; } } valuetree_free(&vtree); } else { int i; for (i=0;valuestoupdate[i]!=NULL;++i) { int index= valuearray_find(a, vs->va, valuestoupdate[i]); if(index!=-1) { value_update_csn(vs->va[index],t,csn); valuearrayfast_add_value_passin(&vaf_valuesupdated,valuestoupdate[i]); valuestoupdate[i]= NULL; } } } valuearray_compress(valuestoupdate,numberofvaluestoupdate); *valuesupdated= vaf_valuesupdated.va; } }