/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* uuid.c */ /* ** Copyright (c) 1990- 1993, 1996 Open Software Foundation, Inc. ** Copyright (c) 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, Ca. & ** Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. ** Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft. ** To anyone who acknowledges that this file is provided "AS IS" ** without any express or implied warranty: permission to use, copy, ** modify, and distribute this file for any purpose is hereby ** granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notices and ** this notice appears in all source code copies, and that none of ** the names of Open Software Foundation, Inc., Hewlett-Packard ** Company, or Digital Equipment Corporation be used in advertising ** or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without ** specific, written prior permission. Neither Open Software ** Foundation, Inc., Hewlett-Packard Company, Microsoft, nor Digital Equipment * Corporation makes any representations about the suitability of ** this software for any purpose. */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include /* for S_IREAD and S_IWRITE */ #else #include #include #include #include #include /* gethostname() */ #endif #include "slap.h" #include "uuid.h" #include "sechash.h" #define SEQ_PER_SEC 10000000 /* number of 100ns intervals in a sec */ #define STATE_FILE "state" /* file that contains generator's state */ #define STATE_ATTR "nsState" /* attribute that stores state info */ #define MODULE "uuid" /* for logging */ #define UPDATE_INTERVAL 60000 /* 1 minute */ #define NEED_TIME_UPDATE -1 /* generates uuid in singlethreaded environment */ static int uuid_create_st(guid_t *uuid); /* generates uuid in multithreaded environment */ static int uuid_create_mt(guid_t *uuid); /* periodically called to update generator's state - mt case only */ static void uuid_update_state (time_t when, void *arg); /* creates uuid in v1 format using current state info */ static void format_uuid_v1(guid_t *uuid, uuid_time_t timestamp, unsigned16 clock_seq); /* generates uuid in v3 format */ static void format_uuid_v3(guid_t *uuid, unsigned char hash[16]); /* reads state from a file or DIT entry */ static int read_state (const char *configDir, const Slapi_DN *configDN, PRBool *newState); /* reads state from a file */ static int read_state_from_file (const char *configDir); /* read state information from DIT */ static int read_state_from_entry (const Slapi_DN *configDN); /* writes state to persistent store: file or dit */ static int write_state(PRBool newState); /* writes state to a file */ static int write_state_to_file(); /* writes state to dit */ static int write_state_to_entry(PRBool newState); /* add state entry to the dit */ static int add_state_entry (); /* modify state entry in the dit */ static int modify_state_entry (); /* generates timestamp for the next uuid - single threaded */ static uuid_time_t update_time(); /* generates timestamp for the next uuid - multithreaded threaded */ static int update_time_mt(uuid_time_t *timestamp, unsigned16 *clock_seq); /* retrieves or generates nodeid */ static int get_node_identifier(uuid_node_t *node); /* returns current time in the UTC format */ static void get_system_time(uuid_time_t *uuid_time); /* generates random value - used to set clock sequence */ static unsigned16 true_random(void); /* generate random info buffer to generate nodeid */ static void get_random_info(unsigned char seed[16]); /* UUID generator state stored persistently */ typedef struct { uuid_time_t timestamp; /* saved timestamp */ uuid_node_t node; /* saved node ID */ unsigned16 clockseq; /* saved clock sequence */ unsigned8 last_update;/* flags the update made during server sutdown */ } uuid_gen_state; /* generator state plus data to support it */ typedef struct { uuid_gen_state genstate; /* generator state */ int time_seq; /* sequence number to account for clock granularity; not written to disk */ PRBool initialized; /* uniqueid successfully initialized */ PRBool mtGen; /* multithreaded generation */ PRLock *lock; /* lock to protect state */ PRFileDesc *fd; /* fd for the state file */ Slapi_DN *configDN; /* db entry that contains state info */ } uuid_state; static unsigned int uuid_seed = 0; /* seed for the random generator */ uuid_state _state; /* generator's state */ /* uuid_init -- initializes uuid layer */ int uuid_init (const char *configDir, const Slapi_DN *configDN, PRBool mtGen) { int rt; PRBool newState = PR_FALSE; if (_state.initialized) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "uuid_init: generator is already initialized\n"); return UUID_SUCCESS; } memset (&_state, 0, sizeof (_state)); /* get saved state */ rt = read_state(configDir, configDN, &newState); if (rt != UUID_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "uuid_init: failed to get generator's state\n"); uuid_cleanup (); return rt; } _state.mtGen = mtGen; /* this is multithreaded generation - create lock */ if (_state.mtGen) { _state.lock = PR_NewLock(); if (!_state.lock) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "uuid_init: " "failed to create state lock; " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s).\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr)); uuid_cleanup (); return UUID_LOCK_ERROR; } } /* save the state */ rt = write_state(newState); /* can't proceede if the state can't be written */ if (rt != UUID_SUCCESS) { if (slapi_config_get_readonly() && (rt == UUID_LDAP_ERROR)) { /* * If server is readonly and error is UUID_LDAP_ERROR * we can continue. */ slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "Warning: " "The server is in read-only mode, therefore the unique ID generator cannot be used. " "Do not use this server in any replication agreement\n"); } else { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "uuid_init: " "failed to save generator's state.\n"); uuid_cleanup (); return rt; } } /* schedule update task for multithreaded generation */ if (_state.mtGen) slapi_eq_repeat(uuid_update_state, NULL, (time_t)0, UPDATE_INTERVAL); _state.initialized = PR_TRUE; return UUID_SUCCESS; } /* uuid_cleanup -- saves state, destroys generator data */ void uuid_cleanup () { if (_state.initialized) { _state.genstate.last_update = 1; write_state (PR_FALSE); } if (_state.lock) PR_DestroyLock (_state.lock); if (_state.fd) PR_Close (_state.fd); if (_state.configDN) slapi_sdn_free(&_state.configDN); memset (&_state, 0, sizeof (_state)); } /* uuid_create - main generating function */ int uuid_create(guid_t *uuid) { if (_state.mtGen) return uuid_create_mt(uuid); else return uuid_create_st(uuid); } /* uuid_compare -- Compare two UUID's "lexically" and return -1 u1 is lexically before u2 0 u1 is equal to u2 1 u1 is lexically after u2 Note: lexical ordering is not temporal ordering! */ #define CHECK(f1, f2) if (f1 != f2) return f1 < f2 ? -1 : 1; int uuid_compare(const guid_t *u1, const guid_t *u2) { int i; CHECK(u1->time_low, u2->time_low); CHECK(u1->time_mid, u2->time_mid); CHECK(u1->time_hi_and_version, u2->time_hi_and_version); CHECK(u1->clock_seq_hi_and_reserved, u2->clock_seq_hi_and_reserved); CHECK(u1->clock_seq_low, u2->clock_seq_low) for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (u1->node[i] < u2->node[i]) return -1; if (u1->node[i] > u2->node[i]) return 1; } return 0; } /* uuid_format -- converts UUID to its string representation buffer should be at list 40 bytes long */ void uuid_format(const guid_t *u, char *buff) { sprintf(buff, "%8.8lx-%4.4x-%4.4x-%2.2x%2.2x-%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", u->time_low, u->time_mid, u->time_hi_and_version, u->clock_seq_hi_and_reserved, u->clock_seq_low, u->node[0], u->node[1], u->node[2], u->node[3], u->node[4], u->node[5]); } /* uuid_create_from_name -- create a UUID using a "name" from a "name space" */ void uuid_create_from_name(guid_t * uuid, /* resulting UUID */ const guid_t nsid, /* UUID to serve as context, so identical names from different name spaces generate different UUIDs */ const void * name, /* the name from which to generate a UUID */ int namelen) /* the length of the name */ { PK11Context *c = NULL; unsigned char hash[16]; unsigned int hashLen; guid_t net_nsid; /* context UUID in network byte order */ memset(hash, 0, 16); /* put name space ID in network byte order so it hashes the same no matter what endian machine we're on */ memset(&net_nsid, 0, sizeof(guid_t)); net_nsid.time_low = PR_htonl(nsid.time_low); net_nsid.time_mid = PR_htons(nsid.time_mid); net_nsid.time_hi_and_version = PR_htons(nsid.time_hi_and_version); net_nsid.clock_seq_hi_and_reserved=nsid.clock_seq_hi_and_reserved; net_nsid.clock_seq_low=nsid.clock_seq_low; strncpy((char *)net_nsid.node, (char *)nsid.node, 6); c = PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_MD5); if (c != NULL) { PK11_DigestBegin(c); PK11_DigestOp(c, (unsigned char *)&net_nsid, sizeof(net_nsid)); PK11_DigestOp(c, (unsigned char *)name, namelen); PK11_DigestFinal(c, hash, &hashLen, 16); /* the hash is in network byte order at this point */ format_uuid_v3(uuid, hash); PK11_DestroyContext(c, PR_TRUE); } else { /* Probably desesperate but at least deterministic... */ memset(&uuid, 0, sizeof(uuid)); } } /* Helper Functions */ /* uuid_create_st -- singlethreaded generation */ static int uuid_create_st(guid_t *uuid) { uuid_time_t timestamp; /* generate new time and save it in the state */ timestamp = update_time (); /* stuff fields into the UUID */ format_uuid_v1(uuid, timestamp, _state.genstate.clockseq); return UUID_SUCCESS; } /* uuid_create -- multithreaded generation */ static int uuid_create_mt(guid_t *uuid) { uuid_time_t timestamp; unsigned16 clock_seq; /* just bumps time sequence number. the actual time calls are made by a uuid_update_state */ update_time_mt (×tamp, &clock_seq); if (timestamp == NEED_TIME_UPDATE) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "uuid_create_mt: generator ran " "out of sequence numbers.\n"); return UUID_TIME_ERROR; } /* stuff fields into UUID */ format_uuid_v1(uuid, timestamp, clock_seq); return UUID_SUCCESS; } /* uuid_update_state -- called periodically to update generator's state (multithreaded case only) */ static void uuid_update_state (time_t when, void *arg) { uuid_time_t timestamp; get_system_time (×tamp); /* time has not changed since last call - return */ if (timestamp == _state.genstate.timestamp) return; PR_Lock (_state.lock); /* clock was set backward - insure uuid uniquness by incrementing clock sequence */ if (timestamp < _state.genstate.timestamp) _state.genstate.clockseq ++; _state.genstate.timestamp = timestamp; _state.time_seq = 0; PR_Unlock (_state.lock); } /* read_state -- read UUID generator state from non-volatile store. */ static int read_state(const char *configDir, const Slapi_DN *configDN, PRBool *newState) { uuid_time_t timestamp; int rt; if (configDN) rt = read_state_from_entry (configDN); else rt = read_state_from_file (configDir); if (rt == UUID_NOTFOUND) *newState = PR_TRUE; else *newState = PR_FALSE; if (rt != UUID_SUCCESS && rt != UUID_NOTFOUND) /* fatal error - bail out */ { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "read_state: failed to get generator's state\n"); return rt; } /* get current time and nodeid */ get_system_time(×tamp); if (*newState) /* state info is missing - generate */ { get_node_identifier (&_state.genstate.node); _state.genstate.clockseq = true_random(); } else if(_state.genstate.last_update != 1) { /* clock sequence should be randomized and not just incremented because server's clock could have been set back before the server crashed in which case clock sequence was incremented */ _state.genstate.clockseq = true_random(); } else if (timestamp <= _state.genstate.timestamp) { _state.genstate.clockseq ++; } _state.genstate.timestamp = timestamp; _state.time_seq = 0; /* need to clear this field so that we know if the state information is written during shutdown (in which case this flag is set to 1 */ _state.genstate.last_update = 0; return UUID_SUCCESS; } /* read_state_from_file -- read generator state from file. */ static int read_state_from_file (const char *configDir) { char *path; int rt; if (configDir == NULL || configDir[0] == '\0') { /* this directory */ path = (char*)slapi_ch_malloc(strlen (STATE_FILE) + 1); if (path == NULL) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "read_state: " "memory allocation failed.\n"); return (UUID_MEMORY_ERROR); } strcpy (path, STATE_FILE); } else { path = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s", configDir, STATE_FILE); if (path == NULL) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "read_state: " "memory allocation failed.\n"); return (UUID_MEMORY_ERROR); } } /* open or create state file for read/write and keep it in sync */ _state.fd = PR_Open(path, PR_RDWR | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_SYNC, SLAPD_DEFAULT_FILE_MODE); slapi_ch_free ((void**)&path); if (!_state.fd) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "read_state: " "failed to open state file - %s; " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s).\n", path, prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr)); return (UUID_IO_ERROR); } rt = PR_Read (_state.fd, &_state.genstate, sizeof(uuid_gen_state)); if (rt == 0) /* new state */ { return UUID_NOTFOUND; } if (rt == -1) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "read_state: " "failed to read state information; " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s).\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr)); return (UUID_IO_ERROR); } return(UUID_SUCCESS); } /* read_state_from_entry -- read generator state from DIT. */ static int read_state_from_entry (const Slapi_DN *configDN) { Slapi_PBlock *pb; int res, rt; Slapi_Entry **entries; Slapi_Attr *attr; Slapi_Value *value; const struct berval *bv; _state.configDN = slapi_sdn_dup (configDN); pb = slapi_search_internal(slapi_sdn_get_ndn (configDN), LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=*", NULL, NULL, 0); if (pb == NULL) { /* the only time NULL pb is returned is when memory allocation fails */ slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "read_state_from_entry: " "NULL pblock returned from search\n"); return UUID_MEMORY_ERROR; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &res); if (res == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { rt = UUID_NOTFOUND; goto done; } if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "read_state_from_entry: " "search operation failed; LDAP error - %d\n", res); rt = UUID_LDAP_ERROR; goto done; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (entries == NULL || entries[0] == NULL) { rt = UUID_UNKNOWN_ERROR; goto done; } /* get state info */ rt = slapi_entry_attr_find (entries[0], STATE_ATTR, &attr); if (rt != LDAP_SUCCESS) { rt = UUID_FORMAT_ERROR; goto done; } slapi_attr_first_value(attr,&value); if (value == NULL) { rt = UUID_FORMAT_ERROR; goto done; } bv = slapi_value_get_berval(value); if (bv == NULL || bv->bv_val == NULL || bv->bv_len != sizeof (_state.genstate)) { rt = UUID_FORMAT_ERROR; goto done; } memcpy (&(_state.genstate), bv->bv_val, bv->bv_len); done:; if (pb) { slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); } return rt; } /* write_state -- save UUID generator state back to non-volatile storage. Writes immediately to the disk */ static int write_state (PRBool newState) { if (_state.configDN) /* write to DIT */ return write_state_to_entry (newState); else /* write to a file */ return write_state_to_file (); } /* write_state_to_file -- stores state to state file */ static int write_state_to_file() { int rt; rt = PR_Seek (_state.fd, 0, PR_SEEK_SET); if (rt == -1) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "write_state: " "failed to rewind state file; " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s).\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr)); return UUID_IO_ERROR; } rt = PR_Write (_state.fd, &_state.genstate, sizeof (uuid_gen_state)); if (rt == -1) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "write_state: " "failed to update state file; " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s).\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr)); return (UUID_IO_ERROR); } return (UUID_SUCCESS); } /* write_state_to_entry -- stores state to state file */ static int write_state_to_entry(PRBool newState) { if (newState) return add_state_entry (); else return modify_state_entry (); } /* add_state_entry -- add state entry to the dit */ static int add_state_entry () { struct berval *vals[2]; struct berval val; Slapi_Entry *e; Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL; const char *dn = slapi_sdn_get_ndn (_state.configDN); int rt; vals[0] = &val; vals[1] = NULL; e = slapi_entry_alloc(); slapi_entry_set_dn(e, slapi_ch_strdup(dn)); /* Set the objectclass attribute */ val.bv_val = "top"; val.bv_len = strlen (val.bv_val); slapi_entry_add_values(e, "objectclass", vals); val.bv_val = "extensibleObject"; val.bv_len = strlen (val.bv_val); slapi_entry_add_values(e, "objectclass", vals); /* Set state attribute */ val.bv_val = (char*)&(_state.genstate); val.bv_len = sizeof (_state.genstate); slapi_entry_add_values(e, STATE_ATTR, vals); /* this operation frees the entry */ pb = slapi_add_entry_internal(e, 0, 0 /* log_change */); if (pb == NULL) { /* the only time NULL pb is returned is when memory allocation fails */ slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "add_state_entry: " "NULL pblock returned from search\n"); return UUID_MEMORY_ERROR; } else { slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &rt); slapi_ch_free((void **) &pb); } if (rt != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "add_state_entry: " "add operation failed; LDAP error - %d.\n", rt); return UUID_LDAP_ERROR; } slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_HOUSE, MODULE, "add_state_entry: " "successfully added generator's state entry"); return UUID_SUCCESS; } /* modify_state_entry -- modify state entry in the dit */ static int modify_state_entry () { int res; Slapi_Mods mods; struct berval *vals[2]; struct berval val; Slapi_PBlock *pb; val.bv_val = (char*)&(_state.genstate); val.bv_len = sizeof (_state.genstate); vals[0] = &val; vals[1] = NULL; slapi_mods_init (&mods, 1); slapi_mods_add_modbvps(&mods, LDAP_MOD_REPLACE | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES, STATE_ATTR, vals); pb = slapi_modify_internal(slapi_sdn_get_ndn (_state.configDN), slapi_mods_get_ldapmods_byref(&mods), NULL, 0); slapi_mods_done(&mods); if (pb == NULL) { /* the only time NULL pb is returned is when memory allocation fails */ slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "modify_state_entry: " "NULL pblock returned from search\n"); return UUID_MEMORY_ERROR; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &res); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "modify_state_entry: " "update operation failed; LDAP error - %d.\n", res); return UUID_LDAP_ERROR; } slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_HOUSE, MODULE, "modify_state_entry: " "successfully updated generator's state entry"); return UUID_SUCCESS; } /* update_time -- updates time portion of the generators state for singlethreaded generation */ static uuid_time_t update_time() { uuid_time_t time_now; get_system_time(&time_now); /* time was turned back - need to change clocksequence */ if (time_now < _state.genstate.timestamp) { _state.genstate.clockseq ++; _state.genstate.timestamp = time_now; _state.time_seq = 0; return _state.genstate.timestamp; } /* go into loop if the time has not changed since last call */ while (time_now == _state.genstate.timestamp) { /* if we still have sequence numbers to give to the timestamp, use it and get out of the loop */ if (_state.time_seq < SEQ_PER_SEC - 1) { _state.time_seq ++; break; } /* this should never happen because we don't generate more that 10 mln ids/sec */ DS_Sleep (PR_MillisecondsToInterval(500)); get_system_time(&time_now); } /* system time has changed - clear sequence number and update last time */ if (time_now > _state.genstate.timestamp) { _state.time_seq = 0; _state.genstate.timestamp = time_now; } return _state.genstate.timestamp + _state.time_seq; } /* update_time_mt -- this function updates time sequence part of generators state. This function should be used in the multithreaded environment only. */ static int update_time_mt (uuid_time_t *timestamp, unsigned16 *clock_seq) { PR_Lock (_state.lock); /* we ran out time sequence numbers because uuid_update_state function is not called frequently enough */ if (_state.time_seq >= SEQ_PER_SEC - 1) { _state.time_seq = NEED_TIME_UPDATE; slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, MODULE, "update_time_mt: " "ran out of time sequence numbers; " "uuid_update_state must be called\n"); PR_Unlock (_state.lock); return (UUID_TIME_ERROR); } _state.time_seq++; *timestamp = _state.genstate.timestamp + _state.time_seq; *clock_seq = _state.genstate.clockseq; PR_Unlock (_state.lock); return UUID_SUCCESS; } /* format_uuid_v1 -- make a UUID from the timestamp, clockseq, and node ID */ static void format_uuid_v1(guid_t * uuid, uuid_time_t timestamp, unsigned16 clock_seq) { /* Construct a version 1 uuid with the information we've gathered * plus a few constants. */ uuid->time_low = (unsigned32)(timestamp & 0xFFFFFFFF); uuid->time_mid = (unsigned16)((timestamp >> 32) & 0xFFFF); uuid->time_hi_and_version = (unsigned16) ((timestamp >> 48) & 0x0FFF); uuid->time_hi_and_version |= (1 << 12); uuid->clock_seq_low = clock_seq & 0xFF; uuid->clock_seq_hi_and_reserved = (unsigned8)((clock_seq & 0x3F00) >> 8); uuid->clock_seq_hi_and_reserved |= 0x80; memcpy(&uuid->node, &_state.genstate.node, sizeof (uuid->node)); } /* when converting broken values, we may need to swap the bytes */ #define BSWAP16(x) ((((x) >> 8) & 0xff) | (((x) & 0xff) << 8)) #define BSWAP32(x) ((((x) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | (((x) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | \ (((x) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | (((x) & 0x000000ff) << 24)) /* format_uuid_v3 -- make a UUID from a (pseudo)random 128 bit number */ static void format_uuid_v3(guid_t * uuid, unsigned char hash[16]) { char *use_broken_uuid = getenv("USE_BROKEN_UUID"); /* Construct a version 3 uuid with the (pseudo-)random number * plus a few constants. */ memcpy(uuid, hash, sizeof(guid_t)); /* when migrating, we skip the ntohl in order to read in old, incorrectly formatted uuids */ if (!use_broken_uuid || (*use_broken_uuid == '0')) { /* convert UUID to local byte order */ uuid->time_low = PR_ntohl(uuid->time_low); uuid->time_mid = PR_ntohs(uuid->time_mid); uuid->time_hi_and_version = PR_ntohs(uuid->time_hi_and_version); } else { #if defined(IS_BIG_ENDIAN) /* convert UUID to b0rken byte order */ uuid->time_low = BSWAP32(uuid->time_low); uuid->time_mid = BSWAP16(uuid->time_mid); uuid->time_hi_and_version = BSWAP16(uuid->time_hi_and_version); #endif } /* put in the variant and version bits */ uuid->time_hi_and_version &= 0x0FFF; uuid->time_hi_and_version |= (3 << 12); uuid->clock_seq_hi_and_reserved &= 0x3F; uuid->clock_seq_hi_and_reserved |= 0x80; } /* system dependent call to get IEEE node ID. This sample implementation generates a random node ID Assumes that configDir was tested for validity by the higher layer */ static int get_node_identifier (uuid_node_t *node) { unsigned char seed[16]= {0}; #ifdef USE_NIC /* ONREPL - code to use NIC address would go here; Currently, we use cryptographic random number to avoid state sharing among servers running on the same host. See UniqueID Generator docs for more info. */ #endif get_random_info(seed); seed[0] |= 0x80; memcpy (node, seed, sizeof (uuid_node_t)); return UUID_SUCCESS; } /* call to get the current system time. Returned as 100ns ticks since Oct 15, 1582, but resolution may be less than 100ns. */ static void get_system_time(uuid_time_t *uuid_time) { time_t cur_time; cur_time = current_time (); /* Offset between UUID formatted times and time() formatted times. UUID UTC base time is October 15, 1582. time() base time is January 1, 1970.*/ *uuid_time = cur_time * SEQ_PER_SEC + I64(0x01B21DD213814000); } /* ONREPL */ /* true_random -- generate a crypto-quality random number. */ static unsigned16 true_random(void) { static int inited = 0; if (!inited) { uuid_seed = slapi_rand(); inited = 1; } return (slapi_rand_r(&uuid_seed)); } static void get_random_info(unsigned char seed[16]) { slapi_rand_array(seed, sizeof(seed)); }