/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #include #include #include #include "ldap.h" #include "slap.h" #include "slapi-plugin.h" typedef struct sUpperLowerTbl { char *upper, *lower; int tsz; /* target size */ } UpperLowerTbl_t; /* * slapi_has8thBit: check the input string * return 1 if the string contains 8-bit character * return 0 otherwise */ int slapi_has8thBit(unsigned char *s) { unsigned char *p, *tail; tail = s + strlen((char *)s); for (p = s; p < tail; p++) { if (0x80 & *p) { return 1; } } return 0; } /* * UpperToLower Tables: sorted by upper characters */ UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl20[] = { /* upper, lower */ {"\303\200", "\303\240", 2}, {"\303\201", "\303\241", 2}, {"\303\202", "\303\242", 2}, {"\303\203", "\303\243", 2}, {"\303\204", "\303\244", 2}, {"\303\205", "\303\245", 2}, {"\303\206", "\303\246", 2}, {"\303\207", "\303\247", 2}, {"\303\210", "\303\250", 2}, {"\303\211", "\303\251", 2}, {"\303\212", "\303\252", 2}, {"\303\213", "\303\253", 2}, {"\303\214", "\303\254", 2}, {"\303\215", "\303\255", 2}, {"\303\216", "\303\256", 2}, {"\303\217", "\303\257", 2}, {"\303\220", "\303\260", 2}, {"\303\221", "\303\261", 2}, {"\303\222", "\303\262", 2}, {"\303\223", "\303\263", 2}, {"\303\224", "\303\264", 2}, {"\303\225", "\303\265", 2}, {"\303\226", "\303\266", 2}, {"\303\230", "\303\270", 2}, {"\303\231", "\303\271", 2}, {"\303\232", "\303\272", 2}, {"\303\233", "\303\273", 2}, {"\303\234", "\303\274", 2}, {"\303\235", "\303\275", 2}, {"\303\236", "\303\276", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl21[] = { {"\304\200", "\304\201", 2}, {"\304\202", "\304\203", 2}, {"\304\204", "\304\205", 2}, {"\304\206", "\304\207", 2}, {"\304\210", "\304\211", 2}, {"\304\212", "\304\213", 2}, {"\304\214", "\304\215", 2}, {"\304\216", "\304\217", 2}, {"\304\220", "\304\221", 2}, {"\304\222", "\304\223", 2}, {"\304\224", "\304\225", 2}, {"\304\226", "\304\227", 2}, {"\304\230", "\304\231", 2}, {"\304\232", "\304\233", 2}, {"\304\234", "\304\235", 2}, {"\304\236", "\304\237", 2}, {"\304\240", "\304\241", 2}, {"\304\242", "\304\243", 2}, {"\304\244", "\304\245", 2}, {"\304\246", "\304\247", 2}, {"\304\250", "\304\251", 2}, {"\304\252", "\304\253", 2}, {"\304\254", "\304\255", 2}, {"\304\256", "\304\257", 2}, {"\304\260", "\151", 1}, {"\304\262", "\304\263", 2}, {"\304\264", "\304\265", 2}, {"\304\266", "\304\267", 2}, {"\304\271", "\304\272", 2}, {"\304\273", "\304\274", 2}, {"\304\275", "\304\276", 2}, {"\304\277", "\305\200", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl22[] = { {"\305\201", "\305\202", 2}, {"\305\203", "\305\204", 2}, {"\305\205", "\305\206", 2}, {"\305\207", "\305\210", 2}, {"\305\212", "\305\213", 2}, {"\305\214", "\305\215", 2}, {"\305\216", "\305\217", 2}, {"\305\220", "\305\221", 2}, {"\305\222", "\305\223", 2}, {"\305\224", "\305\225", 2}, {"\305\226", "\305\227", 2}, {"\305\230", "\305\231", 2}, {"\305\232", "\305\233", 2}, {"\305\234", "\305\235", 2}, {"\305\236", "\305\237", 2}, {"\305\240", "\305\241", 2}, {"\305\242", "\305\243", 2}, {"\305\244", "\305\245", 2}, {"\305\246", "\305\247", 2}, {"\305\250", "\305\251", 2}, {"\305\252", "\305\253", 2}, {"\305\254", "\305\255", 2}, {"\305\256", "\305\257", 2}, {"\305\260", "\305\261", 2}, {"\305\262", "\305\263", 2}, {"\305\264", "\305\265", 2}, {"\305\266", "\305\267", 2}, {"\305\270", "\303\277", 2}, {"\305\271", "\305\272", 2}, {"\305\273", "\305\274", 2}, {"\305\275", "\305\276", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl23[] = { {"\306\201", "\311\223", 2}, {"\306\202", "\306\203", 2}, {"\306\204", "\306\205", 2}, {"\306\206", "\311\224", 2}, {"\306\207", "\306\210", 2}, {"\306\211", "\311\226", 2}, {"\306\212", "\311\227", 2}, {"\306\213", "\306\214", 2}, {"\306\216", "\311\230", 2}, {"\306\217", "\311\231", 2}, {"\306\220", "\311\233", 2}, {"\306\221", "\306\222", 2}, {"\306\223", "\311\240", 2}, {"\306\224", "\311\243", 2}, {"\306\226", "\311\251", 2}, {"\306\227", "\311\250", 2}, {"\306\230", "\306\231", 2}, {"\306\234", "\311\257", 2}, {"\306\235", "\311\262", 2}, {"\306\237", "\306\237", 2}, {"\306\240", "\306\241", 2}, {"\306\242", "\306\243", 2}, {"\306\244", "\306\245", 2}, {"\306\246", "\306\246", 2}, {"\306\247", "\306\250", 2}, {"\306\251", "\312\203", 2}, {"\306\254", "\306\255", 2}, {"\306\256", "\312\210", 2}, {"\306\257", "\306\260", 2}, {"\306\261", "\312\212", 2}, {"\306\262", "\312\213", 2}, {"\306\263", "\306\264", 2}, {"\306\265", "\306\266", 2}, {"\306\267", "\312\222", 2}, {"\306\270", "\306\271", 2}, {"\306\274", "\306\275", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl24[] = { {"\307\204", "\307\205", 2}, {"\307\205", "\307\204", 2}, {"\307\207", "\307\210", 2}, {"\307\210", "\307\207", 2}, {"\307\212", "\307\213", 2}, {"\307\213", "\307\212", 2}, {"\307\215", "\307\216", 2}, {"\307\217", "\307\220", 2}, {"\307\221", "\307\222", 2}, {"\307\223", "\307\224", 2}, {"\307\225", "\307\226", 2}, {"\307\227", "\307\230", 2}, {"\307\231", "\307\232", 2}, {"\307\233", "\307\234", 2}, {"\307\236", "\307\237", 2}, {"\307\240", "\307\241", 2}, {"\307\242", "\307\243", 2}, {"\307\244", "\307\245", 2}, {"\307\246", "\307\247", 2}, {"\307\250", "\307\251", 2}, {"\307\252", "\307\253", 2}, {"\307\254", "\307\255", 2}, {"\307\256", "\307\257", 2}, {"\307\261", "\307\262", 2}, {"\307\262", "\307\261", 2}, {"\307\264", "\307\265", 2}, {"\307\272", "\307\273", 2}, {"\307\274", "\307\275", 2}, {"\307\276", "\307\277", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl25[] = { {"\310\200", "\310\201", 2}, {"\310\202", "\310\203", 2}, {"\310\204", "\310\205", 2}, {"\310\206", "\310\207", 2}, {"\310\210", "\310\211", 2}, {"\310\212", "\310\213", 2}, {"\310\214", "\310\215", 2}, {"\310\216", "\310\217", 2}, {"\310\220", "\310\221", 2}, {"\310\222", "\310\223", 2}, {"\310\224", "\310\225", 2}, {"\310\226", "\310\227", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl26[] = { {"\316\206", "\316\254", 2}, {"\316\210", "\316\255", 2}, {"\316\211", "\316\256", 2}, {"\316\212", "\316\257", 2}, {"\316\214", "\317\214", 2}, {"\316\216", "\317\215", 2}, {"\316\217", "\317\216", 2}, {"\316\221", "\316\261", 2}, {"\316\222", "\316\262", 2}, {"\316\223", "\316\263", 2}, {"\316\224", "\316\264", 2}, {"\316\225", "\316\265", 2}, {"\316\226", "\316\266", 2}, {"\316\227", "\316\267", 2}, {"\316\230", "\316\270", 2}, {"\316\231", "\316\271", 2}, {"\316\232", "\316\272", 2}, {"\316\233", "\316\273", 2}, {"\316\234", "\316\274", 2}, {"\316\235", "\316\275", 2}, {"\316\236", "\316\276", 2}, {"\316\237", "\316\277", 2}, {"\316\240", "\317\200", 2}, {"\316\241", "\317\201", 2}, {"\316\243", "\317\203", 2}, {"\316\244", "\317\204", 2}, {"\316\245", "\317\205", 2}, {"\316\246", "\317\206", 2}, {"\316\247", "\317\207", 2}, {"\316\250", "\317\210", 2}, {"\316\251", "\317\211", 2}, {"\316\252", "\317\212", 2}, {"\316\253", "\317\213", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl27[] = { {"\317\222", "\317\222", 2}, {"\317\223", "\317\223", 2}, {"\317\224", "\317\224", 2}, {"\317\232", "\317\232", 2}, {"\317\234", "\317\234", 2}, {"\317\236", "\317\236", 2}, {"\317\240", "\317\240", 2}, {"\317\242", "\317\243", 2}, {"\317\244", "\317\245", 2}, {"\317\246", "\317\247", 2}, {"\317\250", "\317\251", 2}, {"\317\252", "\317\253", 2}, {"\317\254", "\317\255", 2}, {"\317\256", "\317\257", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl28[] = { {"\320\201", "\321\221", 2}, {"\320\202", "\321\222", 2}, {"\320\203", "\321\223", 2}, {"\320\204", "\321\224", 2}, {"\320\205", "\321\225", 2}, {"\320\206", "\321\226", 2}, {"\320\207", "\321\227", 2}, {"\320\210", "\321\230", 2}, {"\320\211", "\321\231", 2}, {"\320\212", "\321\232", 2}, {"\320\213", "\321\233", 2}, {"\320\214", "\321\234", 2}, {"\320\216", "\321\236", 2}, {"\320\217", "\321\237", 2}, {"\320\220", "\320\260", 2}, {"\320\221", "\320\261", 2}, {"\320\222", "\320\262", 2}, {"\320\223", "\320\263", 2}, {"\320\224", "\320\264", 2}, {"\320\225", "\320\265", 2}, {"\320\226", "\320\266", 2}, {"\320\227", "\320\267", 2}, {"\320\230", "\320\270", 2}, {"\320\231", "\320\271", 2}, {"\320\232", "\320\272", 2}, {"\320\233", "\320\273", 2}, {"\320\234", "\320\274", 2}, {"\320\235", "\320\275", 2}, {"\320\236", "\320\276", 2}, {"\320\237", "\320\277", 2}, {"\320\240", "\321\200", 2}, {"\320\241", "\321\201", 2}, {"\320\242", "\321\202", 2}, {"\320\243", "\321\203", 2}, {"\320\244", "\321\204", 2}, {"\320\245", "\321\205", 2}, {"\320\246", "\321\206", 2}, {"\320\247", "\321\207", 2}, {"\320\250", "\321\210", 2}, {"\320\251", "\321\211", 2}, {"\320\252", "\321\212", 2}, {"\320\253", "\321\213", 2}, {"\320\254", "\321\214", 2}, {"\320\255", "\321\215", 2}, {"\320\256", "\321\216", 2}, {"\320\257", "\321\217", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl29[] = { {"\321\240", "\321\241", 2}, {"\321\242", "\321\243", 2}, {"\321\244", "\321\245", 2}, {"\321\246", "\321\247", 2}, {"\321\250", "\321\251", 2}, {"\321\252", "\321\253", 2}, {"\321\254", "\321\255", 2}, {"\321\256", "\321\257", 2}, {"\321\260", "\321\261", 2}, {"\321\262", "\321\263", 2}, {"\321\264", "\321\265", 2}, {"\321\266", "\321\267", 2}, {"\321\270", "\321\271", 2}, {"\321\272", "\321\273", 2}, {"\321\274", "\321\275", 2}, {"\321\276", "\321\277", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl2a[] = { {"\322\200", "\322\201", 2}, {"\322\220", "\322\221", 2}, {"\322\222", "\322\223", 2}, {"\322\224", "\322\225", 2}, {"\322\226", "\322\227", 2}, {"\322\230", "\322\231", 2}, {"\322\232", "\322\233", 2}, {"\322\234", "\322\235", 2}, {"\322\236", "\322\237", 2}, {"\322\240", "\322\241", 2}, {"\322\242", "\322\243", 2}, {"\322\244", "\322\245", 2}, {"\322\246", "\322\247", 2}, {"\322\250", "\322\251", 2}, {"\322\252", "\322\253", 2}, {"\322\254", "\322\255", 2}, {"\322\256", "\322\257", 2}, {"\322\260", "\322\261", 2}, {"\322\262", "\322\263", 2}, {"\322\264", "\322\265", 2}, {"\322\266", "\322\267", 2}, {"\322\270", "\322\271", 2}, {"\322\272", "\322\273", 2}, {"\322\274", "\322\275", 2}, {"\322\276", "\322\277", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl2b[] = { {"\323\201", "\323\202", 2}, {"\323\203", "\323\204", 2}, {"\323\207", "\323\210", 2}, {"\323\213", "\323\214", 2}, {"\323\220", "\323\221", 2}, {"\323\222", "\323\223", 2}, {"\323\224", "\323\225", 2}, {"\323\226", "\323\227", 2}, {"\323\230", "\323\231", 2}, {"\323\232", "\323\233", 2}, {"\323\234", "\323\235", 2}, {"\323\236", "\323\237", 2}, {"\323\240", "\323\241", 2}, {"\323\242", "\323\243", 2}, {"\323\244", "\323\245", 2}, {"\323\246", "\323\247", 2}, {"\323\250", "\323\251", 2}, {"\323\252", "\323\253", 2}, {"\323\256", "\323\257", 2}, {"\323\260", "\323\261", 2}, {"\323\262", "\323\263", 2}, {"\323\264", "\323\265", 2}, {"\323\270", "\323\271", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl2c[] = { {"\324\261", "\325\241", 2}, {"\324\262", "\325\242", 2}, {"\324\263", "\325\243", 2}, {"\324\264", "\325\244", 2}, {"\324\265", "\325\245", 2}, {"\324\266", "\325\246", 2}, {"\324\267", "\325\247", 2}, {"\324\270", "\325\250", 2}, {"\324\271", "\325\251", 2}, {"\324\272", "\325\252", 2}, {"\324\273", "\325\253", 2}, {"\324\274", "\325\254", 2}, {"\324\275", "\325\255", 2}, {"\324\276", "\325\256", 2}, {"\324\277", "\325\257", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl2d[] = { {"\325\200", "\325\260", 2}, {"\325\201", "\325\261", 2}, {"\325\202", "\325\262", 2}, {"\325\203", "\325\263", 2}, {"\325\204", "\325\264", 2}, {"\325\205", "\325\265", 2}, {"\325\206", "\325\266", 2}, {"\325\207", "\325\267", 2}, {"\325\210", "\325\270", 2}, {"\325\211", "\325\271", 2}, {"\325\212", "\325\272", 2}, {"\325\213", "\325\273", 2}, {"\325\214", "\325\274", 2}, {"\325\215", "\325\275", 2}, {"\325\216", "\325\276", 2}, {"\325\217", "\325\277", 2}, {"\325\220", "\326\200", 2}, {"\325\221", "\326\201", 2}, {"\325\222", "\326\202", 2}, {"\325\223", "\326\203", 2}, {"\325\224", "\326\204", 2}, {"\325\225", "\326\205", 2}, {"\325\226", "\326\206", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} /* upper, lower */ }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl30[] = { /* upper, lower */ {"\341\202\240", "\341\203\220", 3}, {"\341\202\241", "\341\203\221", 3}, {"\341\202\242", "\341\203\222", 3}, {"\341\202\243", "\341\203\223", 3}, {"\341\202\244", "\341\203\224", 3}, {"\341\202\245", "\341\203\225", 3}, {"\341\202\246", "\341\203\226", 3}, {"\341\202\247", "\341\203\227", 3}, {"\341\202\250", "\341\203\230", 3}, {"\341\202\251", "\341\203\231", 3}, {"\341\202\252", "\341\203\232", 3}, {"\341\202\253", "\341\203\233", 3}, {"\341\202\254", "\341\203\234", 3}, {"\341\202\255", "\341\203\235", 3}, {"\341\202\256", "\341\203\236", 3}, {"\341\202\257", "\341\203\237", 3}, {"\341\202\260", "\341\203\240", 3}, {"\341\202\261", "\341\203\241", 3}, {"\341\202\262", "\341\203\242", 3}, {"\341\202\263", "\341\203\243", 3}, {"\341\202\264", "\341\203\244", 3}, {"\341\202\265", "\341\203\245", 3}, {"\341\202\266", "\341\203\246", 3}, {"\341\202\267", "\341\203\247", 3}, {"\341\202\270", "\341\203\250", 3}, {"\341\202\271", "\341\203\251", 3}, {"\341\202\272", "\341\203\252", 3}, {"\341\202\273", "\341\203\253", 3}, {"\341\202\274", "\341\203\254", 3}, {"\341\202\275", "\341\203\255", 3}, {"\341\202\276", "\341\203\256", 3}, {"\341\202\277", "\341\203\257", 3}, {"\341\203\200", "\341\203\260", 3}, {"\341\203\201", "\341\203\261", 3}, {"\341\203\202", "\341\203\262", 3}, {"\341\203\203", "\341\203\263", 3}, {"\341\203\204", "\341\203\264", 3}, {"\341\203\205", "\341\203\265", 3}, {"\341\270\200", "\341\270\201", 3}, {"\341\270\202", "\341\270\203", 3}, {"\341\270\204", "\341\270\205", 3}, {"\341\270\206", "\341\270\207", 3}, {"\341\270\210", "\341\270\211", 3}, {"\341\270\212", "\341\270\213", 3}, {"\341\270\214", "\341\270\215", 3}, {"\341\270\216", "\341\270\217", 3}, {"\341\270\220", "\341\270\221", 3}, {"\341\270\222", "\341\270\223", 3}, {"\341\270\224", "\341\270\225", 3}, {"\341\270\226", "\341\270\227", 3}, {"\341\270\230", "\341\270\231", 3}, {"\341\270\232", "\341\270\233", 3}, {"\341\270\234", "\341\270\235", 3}, {"\341\270\236", "\341\270\237", 3}, {"\341\270\240", "\341\270\241", 3}, {"\341\270\242", "\341\270\243", 3}, {"\341\270\244", "\341\270\245", 3}, {"\341\270\246", "\341\270\247", 3}, {"\341\270\250", "\341\270\251", 3}, {"\341\270\252", "\341\270\253", 3}, {"\341\270\254", "\341\270\255", 3}, {"\341\270\256", "\341\270\257", 3}, {"\341\270\260", "\341\270\261", 3}, {"\341\270\262", "\341\270\263", 3}, {"\341\270\264", "\341\270\265", 3}, {"\341\270\266", "\341\270\267", 3}, {"\341\270\270", "\341\270\271", 3}, {"\341\270\272", "\341\270\273", 3}, {"\341\270\274", "\341\270\275", 3}, {"\341\270\276", "\341\270\277", 3}, {"\341\271\200", "\341\271\201", 3}, {"\341\271\202", "\341\271\203", 3}, {"\341\271\204", "\341\271\205", 3}, {"\341\271\206", "\341\271\207", 3}, {"\341\271\210", "\341\271\211", 3}, {"\341\271\212", "\341\271\213", 3}, {"\341\271\214", "\341\271\215", 3}, {"\341\271\216", "\341\271\217", 3}, {"\341\271\220", "\341\271\221", 3}, {"\341\271\222", "\341\271\223", 3}, {"\341\271\224", "\341\271\225", 3}, {"\341\271\226", "\341\271\227", 3}, {"\341\271\230", "\341\271\231", 3}, {"\341\271\232", "\341\271\233", 3}, {"\341\271\234", "\341\271\235", 3}, {"\341\271\236", "\341\271\237", 3}, {"\341\271\240", "\341\271\241", 3}, {"\341\271\242", "\341\271\243", 3}, {"\341\271\244", "\341\271\245", 3}, {"\341\271\246", "\341\271\247", 3}, {"\341\271\250", "\341\271\251", 3}, {"\341\271\252", "\341\271\253", 3}, {"\341\271\254", "\341\271\255", 3}, {"\341\271\256", "\341\271\257", 3}, {"\341\271\260", "\341\271\261", 3}, {"\341\271\262", "\341\271\263", 3}, {"\341\271\264", "\341\271\265", 3}, {"\341\271\266", "\341\271\267", 3}, {"\341\271\270", "\341\271\271", 3}, {"\341\271\272", "\341\271\273", 3}, {"\341\271\274", "\341\271\275", 3}, {"\341\271\276", "\341\271\277", 3}, {"\341\272\200", "\341\272\201", 3}, {"\341\272\202", "\341\272\203", 3}, {"\341\272\204", "\341\272\205", 3}, {"\341\272\206", "\341\272\207", 3}, {"\341\272\210", "\341\272\211", 3}, {"\341\272\212", "\341\272\213", 3}, {"\341\272\214", "\341\272\215", 3}, {"\341\272\216", "\341\272\217", 3}, {"\341\272\220", "\341\272\221", 3}, {"\341\272\222", "\341\272\223", 3}, {"\341\272\224", "\341\272\225", 3}, {"\341\272\240", "\341\272\241", 3}, {"\341\272\242", "\341\272\243", 3}, {"\341\272\244", "\341\272\245", 3}, {"\341\272\246", "\341\272\247", 3}, {"\341\272\250", "\341\272\251", 3}, {"\341\272\252", "\341\272\253", 3}, {"\341\272\254", "\341\272\255", 3}, {"\341\272\256", "\341\272\257", 3}, {"\341\272\260", "\341\272\261", 3}, {"\341\272\262", "\341\272\263", 3}, {"\341\272\264", "\341\272\265", 3}, {"\341\272\266", "\341\272\267", 3}, {"\341\272\270", "\341\272\271", 3}, {"\341\272\272", "\341\272\273", 3}, {"\341\272\274", "\341\272\275", 3}, {"\341\272\276", "\341\272\277", 3}, {"\341\273\200", "\341\273\201", 3}, {"\341\273\202", "\341\273\203", 3}, {"\341\273\204", "\341\273\205", 3}, {"\341\273\206", "\341\273\207", 3}, {"\341\273\210", "\341\273\211", 3}, {"\341\273\212", "\341\273\213", 3}, {"\341\273\214", "\341\273\215", 3}, {"\341\273\216", "\341\273\217", 3}, {"\341\273\220", "\341\273\221", 3}, {"\341\273\222", "\341\273\223", 3}, {"\341\273\224", "\341\273\225", 3}, {"\341\273\226", "\341\273\227", 3}, {"\341\273\230", "\341\273\231", 3}, {"\341\273\232", "\341\273\233", 3}, {"\341\273\234", "\341\273\235", 3}, {"\341\273\236", "\341\273\237", 3}, {"\341\273\240", "\341\273\241", 3}, {"\341\273\242", "\341\273\243", 3}, {"\341\273\244", "\341\273\245", 3}, {"\341\273\246", "\341\273\247", 3}, {"\341\273\250", "\341\273\251", 3}, {"\341\273\252", "\341\273\253", 3}, {"\341\273\254", "\341\273\255", 3}, {"\341\273\256", "\341\273\257", 3}, {"\341\273\260", "\341\273\261", 3}, {"\341\273\262", "\341\273\263", 3}, {"\341\273\264", "\341\273\265", 3}, {"\341\273\266", "\341\273\267", 3}, {"\341\273\270", "\341\273\271", 3}, {"\341\274\210", "\341\274\200", 3}, {"\341\274\211", "\341\274\201", 3}, {"\341\274\212", "\341\274\202", 3}, {"\341\274\213", "\341\274\203", 3}, {"\341\274\214", "\341\274\204", 3}, {"\341\274\215", "\341\274\205", 3}, {"\341\274\216", "\341\274\206", 3}, {"\341\274\217", "\341\274\207", 3}, {"\341\274\230", "\341\274\220", 3}, {"\341\274\231", "\341\274\221", 3}, {"\341\274\232", "\341\274\222", 3}, {"\341\274\233", "\341\274\223", 3}, {"\341\274\234", "\341\274\224", 3}, {"\341\274\235", "\341\274\225", 3}, {"\341\274\250", "\341\274\240", 3}, {"\341\274\251", "\341\274\241", 3}, {"\341\274\252", "\341\274\242", 3}, {"\341\274\253", "\341\274\243", 3}, {"\341\274\254", "\341\274\244", 3}, {"\341\274\255", "\341\274\245", 3}, {"\341\274\256", "\341\274\246", 3}, {"\341\274\257", "\341\274\247", 3}, {"\341\274\270", "\341\274\260", 3}, {"\341\274\271", "\341\274\261", 3}, {"\341\274\272", "\341\274\262", 3}, {"\341\274\273", "\341\274\263", 3}, {"\341\274\274", "\341\274\264", 3}, {"\341\274\275", "\341\274\265", 3}, {"\341\274\276", "\341\274\266", 3}, {"\341\274\277", "\341\274\267", 3}, {"\341\275\210", "\341\275\200", 3}, {"\341\275\211", "\341\275\201", 3}, {"\341\275\212", "\341\275\202", 3}, {"\341\275\213", "\341\275\203", 3}, {"\341\275\214", "\341\275\204", 3}, {"\341\275\215", "\341\275\205", 3}, {"\341\275\231", "\341\275\221", 3}, {"\341\275\233", "\341\275\223", 3}, {"\341\275\235", "\341\275\225", 3}, {"\341\275\237", "\341\275\227", 3}, {"\341\275\250", "\341\275\240", 3}, {"\341\275\251", "\341\275\241", 3}, {"\341\275\252", "\341\275\242", 3}, {"\341\275\253", "\341\275\243", 3}, {"\341\275\254", "\341\275\244", 3}, {"\341\275\255", "\341\275\245", 3}, {"\341\275\256", "\341\275\246", 3}, {"\341\275\257", "\341\275\247", 3}, {"\341\276\210", "\341\276\200", 3}, {"\341\276\211", "\341\276\201", 3}, {"\341\276\212", "\341\276\202", 3}, {"\341\276\213", "\341\276\203", 3}, {"\341\276\214", "\341\276\204", 3}, {"\341\276\215", "\341\276\205", 3}, {"\341\276\216", "\341\276\206", 3}, {"\341\276\217", "\341\276\207", 3}, {"\341\276\230", "\341\276\220", 3}, {"\341\276\231", "\341\276\221", 3}, {"\341\276\232", "\341\276\222", 3}, {"\341\276\233", "\341\276\223", 3}, {"\341\276\234", "\341\276\224", 3}, {"\341\276\235", "\341\276\225", 3}, {"\341\276\236", "\341\276\226", 3}, {"\341\276\237", "\341\276\227", 3}, {"\341\276\250", "\341\276\240", 3}, {"\341\276\251", "\341\276\241", 3}, {"\341\276\252", "\341\276\242", 3}, {"\341\276\253", "\341\276\243", 3}, {"\341\276\254", "\341\276\244", 3}, {"\341\276\255", "\341\276\245", 3}, {"\341\276\256", "\341\276\246", 3}, {"\341\276\257", "\341\276\247", 3}, {"\341\276\270", "\341\276\260", 3}, {"\341\276\271", "\341\276\261", 3}, {"\341\276\272", "\341\275\260", 3}, {"\341\276\273", "\341\275\261", 3}, {"\341\276\274", "\341\276\263", 3}, {"\341\276\276", "\341\276\276", 3}, {"\341\277\210", "\341\275\262", 3}, {"\341\277\211", "\341\275\263", 3}, {"\341\277\212", "\341\275\264", 3}, {"\341\277\213", "\341\275\265", 3}, {"\341\277\214", "\341\277\203", 3}, {"\341\277\230", "\341\277\220", 3}, {"\341\277\231", "\341\277\221", 3}, {"\341\277\232", "\341\275\266", 3}, {"\341\277\233", "\341\275\267", 3}, {"\341\277\250", "\341\277\240", 3}, {"\341\277\251", "\341\277\241", 3}, {"\341\277\252", "\341\275\272", 3}, {"\341\277\253", "\341\275\273", 3}, {"\341\277\254", "\341\277\245", 3}, {"\341\277\270", "\341\275\270", 3}, {"\341\277\271", "\341\275\271", 3}, {"\341\277\272", "\341\275\274", 3}, {"\341\277\273", "\341\275\275", 3}, {"\341\277\274", "\341\277\263", 3}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Upper2LowerTbl31[] = { {"\357\274\241", "\357\275\201", 3}, {"\357\274\242", "\357\275\202", 3}, {"\357\274\243", "\357\275\203", 3}, {"\357\274\244", "\357\275\204", 3}, {"\357\274\245", "\357\275\205", 3}, {"\357\274\246", "\357\275\206", 3}, {"\357\274\247", "\357\275\207", 3}, {"\357\274\250", "\357\275\210", 3}, {"\357\274\251", "\357\275\211", 3}, {"\357\274\252", "\357\275\212", 3}, {"\357\274\253", "\357\275\213", 3}, {"\357\274\254", "\357\275\214", 3}, {"\357\274\255", "\357\275\215", 3}, {"\357\274\256", "\357\275\216", 3}, {"\357\274\257", "\357\275\217", 3}, {"\357\274\260", "\357\275\220", 3}, {"\357\274\261", "\357\275\221", 3}, {"\357\274\262", "\357\275\222", 3}, {"\357\274\263", "\357\275\223", 3}, {"\357\274\264", "\357\275\224", 3}, {"\357\274\265", "\357\275\225", 3}, {"\357\274\266", "\357\275\226", 3}, {"\357\274\267", "\357\275\227", 3}, {"\357\274\270", "\357\275\230", 3}, {"\357\274\271", "\357\275\231", 3}, {"\357\274\272", "\357\275\232", 3}, {NULL, NULL, 0} /* upper, lower */ }; UpperLowerTbl_t *Upper2LowerTbl2[] = { Upper2LowerTbl20, /* \303 */ Upper2LowerTbl21, /* \304 */ Upper2LowerTbl22, /* \305 */ Upper2LowerTbl23, /* \306 */ Upper2LowerTbl24, /* \307 */ Upper2LowerTbl25, /* \310 */ NULL, /* \311 */ NULL, /* \312 */ NULL, /* \313 */ NULL, /* \314 */ NULL, /* \315 */ Upper2LowerTbl26, /* \316 */ Upper2LowerTbl27, /* \317 */ Upper2LowerTbl28, /* \320 */ Upper2LowerTbl29, /* \321 */ Upper2LowerTbl2a, /* \322 */ Upper2LowerTbl2b, /* \323 */ Upper2LowerTbl2c, /* \324 */ Upper2LowerTbl2d /* \325 */ }; UpperLowerTbl_t *Upper2LowerTbl3[] = { Upper2LowerTbl30, /* \341 */ NULL, /* \342 */ NULL, /* \343 */ NULL, /* \344 */ NULL, /* \345 */ NULL, /* \346 */ NULL, /* \347 */ NULL, /* \350 */ NULL, /* \351 */ NULL, /* \352 */ NULL, /* \353 */ NULL, /* \354 */ NULL, /* \355 */ NULL, /* \356 */ Upper2LowerTbl31 /* \357 */ }; #define UL2S (unsigned char)'\303' #define UL2E (unsigned char)'\325' #define UL3S (unsigned char)'\341' #define UL3E (unsigned char)'\357' /* * slapi_utf8StrToLower: translate upper-case string to lower-case * * input: a null terminated UTF-8 string * output: a null terminated UTF-8 string which characters are * converted to lower-case; characters which are not * upper-case are copied as is. If it's not considered * a UTF-8 string, NULL is returned. * * Notes: This function takes a string (made of multiple UTF-8 characters) * for the input (not one character as in "tolower"). * Output string is allocated in this function, which needs to be * released when it's not needed any more. */ unsigned char * slapi_UTF8STRTOLOWER(char *s) { return slapi_utf8StrToLower((unsigned char *)s); } unsigned char * slapi_utf8StrToLower(unsigned char *s) { UpperLowerTbl_t *ultp; unsigned char *p, *np, *tail; unsigned char *lp, *lphead; int len, sz; if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { return s; } len = strlen((char *)s); tail = s + len; lphead = lp = (unsigned char *)slapi_ch_malloc(len + 1); p = s; while ((np = (unsigned char *)ldap_utf8next((char *)p)) <= tail) { switch(sz = np - p) { case 1: sprintf((char *)lp, "%c", tolower(*p)); break; case 2: if (*p < UL2S || *p > UL2E) { /* out of range */ memcpy(lp, p, sz); break; } for (ultp = Upper2LowerTbl2[*p - UL2S]; ultp && ultp->upper && memcmp(p, ultp->upper, sz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ memcpy(lp, p, sz); } else if (ultp->upper) { /* matched */ memcpy(lp, ultp->lower, ultp->tsz); sz = ultp->tsz; } else { memcpy(lp, p, sz); } break; case 3: if (*p != UL3S && *p != UL3E) { /* out of range */ memcpy(lp, p, sz); break; } for (ultp = Upper2LowerTbl3[*p - UL3S]; ultp && ultp->upper && memcmp(p, ultp->upper, sz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ memcpy(lp, p, sz); } else if (ultp->upper) { /* matched */ memcpy(lp, ultp->lower, sz); } else { memcpy(lp, p, sz); } break; case 4: memcpy(lp, p, sz); break; default: /* not UTF-8 */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&lphead); return NULL; } lp += sz; p = np; if (p == tail) { break; } } *lp = '\0'; return lphead; } /* * slapi_utf8ToLower: translate upper-case character to lower-case * * input: a UTF-8 character (s) * output: a UTF-8 character which is converted to lower-case (d) * length (in bytes) of input character (ssz) and * output character (dsz) * * Notes: This function takes a UTF-8 character (could be multiple bytes) * for the input. Memory for the output character is NOT allocated * in this function, caller should have allocated it (d). * "memmove" is used since (s) and (d) are overlapped. */ void slapi_UTF8TOLOWER(char *s, char *d, int *ssz, int *dsz) { slapi_utf8ToLower((unsigned char *)s, (unsigned char *)d, ssz, dsz); return; } void slapi_utf8ToLower(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int *ssz, int *dsz) { UpperLowerTbl_t *ultp; unsigned char *tail; if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { *ssz = *dsz = 0; return; } if (!(*s & 0x80)) { /* ASCII */ *dsz = *ssz = 1; *d = tolower(*s); return; } tail = (unsigned char *)ldap_utf8next((char *)s); *dsz = *ssz = tail - s; switch(*ssz) { case 1: /* ASCII */ *d = tolower(*s); break; case 2: /* 2 bytes */ if (*s < UL2S || *s > UL2E) { /* out of range */ memmove(d, s, *ssz); break; } for (ultp = Upper2LowerTbl2[*s - UL2S]; ultp && ultp->upper && memcmp(s, ultp->upper, *ssz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ memmove(d, s, *ssz); } else if (ultp->upper) { /* matched */ memmove(d, ultp->lower, ultp->tsz); *dsz = ultp->tsz; } else { memmove(d, s, *ssz); } break; case 3: /* 3 bytes */ if (*s != UL3S && *s != UL3E) { /* out of range */ memmove(d, s, *ssz); break; } for (ultp = Upper2LowerTbl3[*s - UL3S]; ultp && ultp->upper && memcmp(s, ultp->upper, *ssz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ memmove(d, s, *ssz); } else if (ultp->upper) { /* matched */ memmove(d, ultp->lower, *ssz); } else { memmove(d, s, *ssz); } break; } return; } /* * slapi_utf8isUpper: tests for a character that is a upper-case letter in * UTF-8 * * input: a UTF-8 character (could be multi-byte) * output: 1 if the character is a upper-case letter * 0 if the character is not a upper-case letter */ int slapi_UTF8ISUPPER(char *s) { return slapi_utf8isUpper((unsigned char *)s); } int slapi_utf8isUpper(unsigned char *s) { UpperLowerTbl_t *ultp; unsigned char *next; int sz; if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { return 0; } if (!(*s & 0x80)) { /* ASCII */ return isupper(*s); } next = (unsigned char *)ldap_utf8next((char *)s); switch(sz = next - s) { case 1: /* ASCII */ return isupper(*s); case 2: if (*s < UL2S || *s > UL2E) { /* out of range */ return 0; } for (ultp = Upper2LowerTbl2[*s - UL2S]; ultp && ultp->upper && memcmp(s, ultp->upper, sz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ return 0; } else if (ultp->upper) { /* matched */ return 1; } else { return 0; } case 3: if (*s < UL3S || *s > UL3E) { /* out of range */ return 0; } for (ultp = Upper2LowerTbl3[*s - UL3S]; ultp && ultp->upper && memcmp(s, ultp->upper, sz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ return 0; } else if (ultp->upper) { /* matched */ return 1; } else { return 0; } default: return 0; } } /* * Lower2Upper Tables: sorted by lower characters */ UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl20[] = { /* upper, lower */ {"\303\200", "\303\240", 2}, {"\303\201", "\303\241", 2}, {"\303\202", "\303\242", 2}, {"\303\203", "\303\243", 2}, {"\303\204", "\303\244", 2}, {"\303\205", "\303\245", 2}, {"\303\206", "\303\246", 2}, {"\303\207", "\303\247", 2}, {"\303\210", "\303\250", 2}, {"\303\211", "\303\251", 2}, {"\303\212", "\303\252", 2}, {"\303\213", "\303\253", 2}, {"\303\214", "\303\254", 2}, {"\303\215", "\303\255", 2}, {"\303\216", "\303\256", 2}, {"\303\217", "\303\257", 2}, {"\303\220", "\303\260", 2}, {"\303\221", "\303\261", 2}, {"\303\222", "\303\262", 2}, {"\303\223", "\303\263", 2}, {"\303\224", "\303\264", 2}, {"\303\225", "\303\265", 2}, {"\303\226", "\303\266", 2}, {"\303\230", "\303\270", 2}, {"\303\231", "\303\271", 2}, {"\303\232", "\303\272", 2}, {"\303\233", "\303\273", 2}, {"\303\234", "\303\274", 2}, {"\303\235", "\303\275", 2}, {"\303\236", "\303\276", 2}, {"\305\270", "\303\277", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl21[] = { {"\304\200", "\304\201", 2}, {"\304\202", "\304\203", 2}, {"\304\204", "\304\205", 2}, {"\304\206", "\304\207", 2}, {"\304\210", "\304\211", 2}, {"\304\212", "\304\213", 2}, {"\304\214", "\304\215", 2}, {"\304\216", "\304\217", 2}, {"\304\220", "\304\221", 2}, {"\304\222", "\304\223", 2}, {"\304\224", "\304\225", 2}, {"\304\226", "\304\227", 2}, {"\304\230", "\304\231", 2}, {"\304\232", "\304\233", 2}, {"\304\234", "\304\235", 2}, {"\304\236", "\304\237", 2}, {"\304\240", "\304\241", 2}, {"\304\242", "\304\243", 2}, {"\304\244", "\304\245", 2}, {"\304\246", "\304\247", 2}, {"\304\250", "\304\251", 2}, {"\304\252", "\304\253", 2}, {"\304\254", "\304\255", 2}, {"\304\256", "\304\257", 2}, {"\111", "\304\261", 1}, {"\304\262", "\304\263", 2}, {"\304\264", "\304\265", 2}, {"\304\266", "\304\267", 2}, {"\304\271", "\304\272", 2}, {"\304\273", "\304\274", 2}, {"\304\275", "\304\276", 2}, {NULL, NULL} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl22[] = { {"\304\277", "\305\200", 2}, {"\305\201", "\305\202", 2}, {"\305\203", "\305\204", 2}, {"\305\205", "\305\206", 2}, {"\305\207", "\305\210", 2}, {"\305\212", "\305\213", 2}, {"\305\214", "\305\215", 2}, {"\305\216", "\305\217", 2}, {"\305\220", "\305\221", 2}, {"\305\222", "\305\223", 2}, {"\305\224", "\305\225", 2}, {"\305\226", "\305\227", 2}, {"\305\230", "\305\231", 2}, {"\305\232", "\305\233", 2}, {"\305\234", "\305\235", 2}, {"\305\236", "\305\237", 2}, {"\305\240", "\305\241", 2}, {"\305\242", "\305\243", 2}, {"\305\244", "\305\245", 2}, {"\305\246", "\305\247", 2}, {"\305\250", "\305\251", 2}, {"\305\252", "\305\253", 2}, {"\305\254", "\305\255", 2}, {"\305\256", "\305\257", 2}, {"\305\260", "\305\261", 2}, {"\305\262", "\305\263", 2}, {"\305\264", "\305\265", 2}, {"\305\266", "\305\267", 2}, {"\305\271", "\305\272", 2}, {"\305\273", "\305\274", 2}, {"\305\275", "\305\276", 2}, {"\123", "\305\277", 1}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl23[] = { {"\306\202", "\306\203", 2}, {"\306\204", "\306\205", 2}, {"\306\207", "\306\210", 2}, {"\306\213", "\306\214", 2}, {"\306\221", "\306\222", 2}, {"\306\230", "\306\231", 2}, {"\306\240", "\306\241", 2}, {"\306\242", "\306\243", 2}, {"\306\244", "\306\245", 2}, {"\306\247", "\306\250", 2}, {"\306\254", "\306\255", 2}, {"\306\257", "\306\260", 2}, {"\306\263", "\306\264", 2}, {"\306\265", "\306\266", 2}, {"\306\270", "\306\271", 2}, {"\306\274", "\306\275", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl24[] = { {"\307\204", "\307\206", 2}, {"\307\207", "\307\211", 2}, {"\307\212", "\307\214", 2}, {"\307\215", "\307\216", 2}, {"\307\217", "\307\220", 2}, {"\307\221", "\307\222", 2}, {"\307\223", "\307\224", 2}, {"\307\225", "\307\226", 2}, {"\307\227", "\307\230", 2}, {"\307\231", "\307\232", 2}, {"\307\233", "\307\234", 2}, {"\307\236", "\307\237", 2}, {"\307\240", "\307\241", 2}, {"\307\242", "\307\243", 2}, {"\307\244", "\307\245", 2}, {"\307\246", "\307\247", 2}, {"\307\250", "\307\251", 2}, {"\307\252", "\307\253", 2}, {"\307\254", "\307\255", 2}, {"\307\256", "\307\257", 2}, {"\307\261", "\307\263", 2}, {"\307\264", "\307\265", 2}, {"\307\272", "\307\273", 2}, {"\307\274", "\307\275", 2}, {"\307\276", "\307\277", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl25[] = { {"\310\200", "\310\201", 2}, {"\310\202", "\310\203", 2}, {"\310\204", "\310\205", 2}, {"\310\206", "\310\207", 2}, {"\310\210", "\310\211", 2}, {"\310\212", "\310\213", 2}, {"\310\214", "\310\215", 2}, {"\310\216", "\310\217", 2}, {"\310\220", "\310\221", 2}, {"\310\222", "\310\223", 2}, {"\310\224", "\310\225", 2}, {"\310\226", "\310\227", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl26[] = { {"\306\201", "\311\223", 2}, {"\306\206", "\311\224", 2}, {"\306\211", "\311\226", 2}, {"\306\212", "\311\227", 2}, {"\306\216", "\311\230", 2}, {"\306\217", "\311\231", 2}, {"\306\220", "\311\233", 2}, {"\306\223", "\311\240", 2}, {"\306\224", "\311\243", 2}, {"\306\227", "\311\250", 2}, {"\306\226", "\311\251", 2}, {"\306\234", "\311\257", 2}, {"\306\235", "\311\262", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl27[] = { {"\306\251", "\312\203", 2}, {"\306\256", "\312\210", 2}, {"\306\261", "\312\212", 2}, {"\306\262", "\312\213", 2}, {"\306\267", "\312\222", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl28[] = { {"\316\206", "\316\254", 2}, {"\316\210", "\316\255", 2}, {"\316\211", "\316\256", 2}, {"\316\212", "\316\257", 2}, {"\316\221", "\316\261", 2}, {"\316\222", "\316\262", 2}, {"\316\223", "\316\263", 2}, {"\316\224", "\316\264", 2}, {"\316\225", "\316\265", 2}, {"\316\226", "\316\266", 2}, {"\316\227", "\316\267", 2}, {"\316\230", "\316\270", 2}, {"\316\231", "\316\271", 2}, {"\316\232", "\316\272", 2}, {"\316\233", "\316\273", 2}, {"\316\234", "\316\274", 2}, {"\316\235", "\316\275", 2}, {"\316\236", "\316\276", 2}, {"\316\237", "\316\277", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl29[] = { {"\316\240", "\317\200", 2}, {"\316\241", "\317\201", 2}, {"\316\243", "\317\202", 2}, {"\316\243", "\317\203", 2}, {"\316\244", "\317\204", 2}, {"\316\245", "\317\205", 2}, {"\316\246", "\317\206", 2}, {"\316\247", "\317\207", 2}, {"\316\250", "\317\210", 2}, {"\316\251", "\317\211", 2}, {"\316\252", "\317\212", 2}, {"\316\253", "\317\213", 2}, {"\316\214", "\317\214", 2}, {"\316\216", "\317\215", 2}, {"\316\217", "\317\216", 2}, {"\316\222", "\317\220", 2}, {"\316\230", "\317\221", 2}, {"\316\246", "\317\225", 2}, {"\316\240", "\317\226", 2}, {"\317\242", "\317\243", 2}, {"\317\244", "\317\245", 2}, {"\317\246", "\317\247", 2}, {"\317\250", "\317\251", 2}, {"\317\252", "\317\253", 2}, {"\317\254", "\317\255", 2}, {"\317\256", "\317\257", 2}, {"\316\232", "\317\260", 2}, {"\316\241", "\317\261", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl2a[] = { {"\320\220", "\320\260", 2}, {"\320\221", "\320\261", 2}, {"\320\222", "\320\262", 2}, {"\320\223", "\320\263", 2}, {"\320\224", "\320\264", 2}, {"\320\225", "\320\265", 2}, {"\320\226", "\320\266", 2}, {"\320\227", "\320\267", 2}, {"\320\230", "\320\270", 2}, {"\320\231", "\320\271", 2}, {"\320\232", "\320\272", 2}, {"\320\233", "\320\273", 2}, {"\320\234", "\320\274", 2}, {"\320\235", "\320\275", 2}, {"\320\236", "\320\276", 2}, {"\320\237", "\320\277", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl2b[] = { {"\320\240", "\321\200", 2}, {"\320\241", "\321\201", 2}, {"\320\242", "\321\202", 2}, {"\320\243", "\321\203", 2}, {"\320\244", "\321\204", 2}, {"\320\245", "\321\205", 2}, {"\320\246", "\321\206", 2}, {"\320\247", "\321\207", 2}, {"\320\250", "\321\210", 2}, {"\320\251", "\321\211", 2}, {"\320\252", "\321\212", 2}, {"\320\253", "\321\213", 2}, {"\320\254", "\321\214", 2}, {"\320\255", "\321\215", 2}, {"\320\256", "\321\216", 2}, {"\320\257", "\321\217", 2}, {"\320\201", "\321\221", 2}, {"\320\202", "\321\222", 2}, {"\320\203", "\321\223", 2}, {"\320\204", "\321\224", 2}, {"\320\205", "\321\225", 2}, {"\320\206", "\321\226", 2}, {"\320\207", "\321\227", 2}, {"\320\210", "\321\230", 2}, {"\320\211", "\321\231", 2}, {"\320\212", "\321\232", 2}, {"\320\213", "\321\233", 2}, {"\320\214", "\321\234", 2}, {"\320\216", "\321\236", 2}, {"\320\217", "\321\237", 2}, {"\321\240", "\321\241", 2}, {"\321\242", "\321\243", 2}, {"\321\244", "\321\245", 2}, {"\321\246", "\321\247", 2}, {"\321\250", "\321\251", 2}, {"\321\252", "\321\253", 2}, {"\321\254", "\321\255", 2}, {"\321\256", "\321\257", 2}, {"\321\260", "\321\261", 2}, {"\321\262", "\321\263", 2}, {"\321\264", "\321\265", 2}, {"\321\266", "\321\267", 2}, {"\321\270", "\321\271", 2}, {"\321\272", "\321\273", 2}, {"\321\274", "\321\275", 2}, {"\321\276", "\321\277", 2}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl2c[] = { {"\322\200", "\322\201", 2}, {"\322\220", "\322\221", 2}, {"\322\222", "\322\223", 2}, {"\322\224", "\322\225", 2}, {"\322\226", "\322\227", 2}, {"\322\230", "\322\231", 2}, {"\322\232", "\322\233", 2}, {"\322\234", "\322\235", 2}, {"\322\236", "\322\237", 2}, {"\322\240", "\322\241", 2}, {"\322\242", "\322\243", 2}, {"\322\244", "\322\245", 2}, {"\322\246", "\322\247", 2}, {"\322\250", "\322\251", 2}, {"\322\252", "\322\253", 2}, {"\322\254", "\322\255", 2}, {"\322\256", "\322\257", 2}, {"\322\260", "\322\261", 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{"\341\202\265", "\341\203\245", 3}, {"\341\202\266", "\341\203\246", 3}, {"\341\202\267", "\341\203\247", 3}, {"\341\202\270", "\341\203\250", 3}, {"\341\202\271", "\341\203\251", 3}, {"\341\202\272", "\341\203\252", 3}, {"\341\202\273", "\341\203\253", 3}, {"\341\202\274", "\341\203\254", 3}, {"\341\202\275", "\341\203\255", 3}, {"\341\202\276", "\341\203\256", 3}, {"\341\202\277", "\341\203\257", 3}, {"\341\203\200", "\341\203\260", 3}, {"\341\203\201", "\341\203\261", 3}, {"\341\203\202", "\341\203\262", 3}, {"\341\203\203", "\341\203\263", 3}, {"\341\203\204", "\341\203\264", 3}, {"\341\203\205", "\341\203\265", 3}, {"\341\270\200", "\341\270\201", 3}, {"\341\270\202", "\341\270\203", 3}, {"\341\270\204", "\341\270\205", 3}, {"\341\270\206", "\341\270\207", 3}, {"\341\270\210", "\341\270\211", 3}, {"\341\270\212", "\341\270\213", 3}, {"\341\270\214", "\341\270\215", 3}, {"\341\270\216", "\341\270\217", 3}, {"\341\270\220", "\341\270\221", 3}, {"\341\270\222", "\341\270\223", 3}, {"\341\270\224", "\341\270\225", 3}, {"\341\270\226", "\341\270\227", 3}, {"\341\270\230", "\341\270\231", 3}, {"\341\270\232", "\341\270\233", 3}, {"\341\270\234", "\341\270\235", 3}, {"\341\270\236", "\341\270\237", 3}, {"\341\270\240", "\341\270\241", 3}, {"\341\270\242", "\341\270\243", 3}, {"\341\270\244", "\341\270\245", 3}, {"\341\270\246", "\341\270\247", 3}, {"\341\270\250", "\341\270\251", 3}, {"\341\270\252", "\341\270\253", 3}, {"\341\270\254", "\341\270\255", 3}, {"\341\270\256", "\341\270\257", 3}, {"\341\270\260", "\341\270\261", 3}, {"\341\270\262", "\341\270\263", 3}, {"\341\270\264", "\341\270\265", 3}, {"\341\270\266", "\341\270\267", 3}, {"\341\270\270", "\341\270\271", 3}, {"\341\270\272", "\341\270\273", 3}, {"\341\270\274", "\341\270\275", 3}, {"\341\270\276", "\341\270\277", 3}, {"\341\271\200", "\341\271\201", 3}, {"\341\271\202", "\341\271\203", 3}, {"\341\271\204", "\341\271\205", 3}, {"\341\271\206", "\341\271\207", 3}, {"\341\271\210", "\341\271\211", 3}, {"\341\271\212", "\341\271\213", 3}, {"\341\271\214", "\341\271\215", 3}, {"\341\271\216", "\341\271\217", 3}, {"\341\271\220", "\341\271\221", 3}, {"\341\271\222", "\341\271\223", 3}, {"\341\271\224", "\341\271\225", 3}, {"\341\271\226", "\341\271\227", 3}, {"\341\271\230", "\341\271\231", 3}, {"\341\271\232", "\341\271\233", 3}, {"\341\271\234", "\341\271\235", 3}, {"\341\271\236", "\341\271\237", 3}, {"\341\271\240", "\341\271\241", 3}, {"\341\271\242", "\341\271\243", 3}, {"\341\271\244", "\341\271\245", 3}, {"\341\271\246", "\341\271\247", 3}, {"\341\271\250", "\341\271\251", 3}, {"\341\271\252", "\341\271\253", 3}, {"\341\271\254", "\341\271\255", 3}, {"\341\271\256", "\341\271\257", 3}, {"\341\271\260", "\341\271\261", 3}, {"\341\271\262", "\341\271\263", 3}, {"\341\271\264", "\341\271\265", 3}, {"\341\271\266", "\341\271\267", 3}, {"\341\271\270", "\341\271\271", 3}, {"\341\271\272", "\341\271\273", 3}, {"\341\271\274", "\341\271\275", 3}, {"\341\271\276", "\341\271\277", 3}, {"\341\272\200", "\341\272\201", 3}, {"\341\272\202", "\341\272\203", 3}, {"\341\272\204", "\341\272\205", 3}, {"\341\272\206", "\341\272\207", 3}, {"\341\272\210", "\341\272\211", 3}, {"\341\272\212", "\341\272\213", 3}, {"\341\272\214", "\341\272\215", 3}, {"\341\272\216", "\341\272\217", 3}, {"\341\272\220", "\341\272\221", 3}, {"\341\272\222", "\341\272\223", 3}, {"\341\272\224", "\341\272\225", 3}, {"\341\272\240", "\341\272\241", 3}, {"\341\272\242", "\341\272\243", 3}, {"\341\272\244", "\341\272\245", 3}, {"\341\272\246", "\341\272\247", 3}, {"\341\272\250", "\341\272\251", 3}, {"\341\272\252", "\341\272\253", 3}, {"\341\272\254", "\341\272\255", 3}, {"\341\272\256", "\341\272\257", 3}, {"\341\272\260", "\341\272\261", 3}, {"\341\272\262", "\341\272\263", 3}, {"\341\272\264", "\341\272\265", 3}, {"\341\272\266", "\341\272\267", 3}, {"\341\272\270", "\341\272\271", 3}, {"\341\272\272", "\341\272\273", 3}, {"\341\272\274", "\341\272\275", 3}, {"\341\272\276", "\341\272\277", 3}, {"\341\273\200", "\341\273\201", 3}, {"\341\273\202", "\341\273\203", 3}, {"\341\273\204", "\341\273\205", 3}, {"\341\273\206", "\341\273\207", 3}, {"\341\273\210", "\341\273\211", 3}, {"\341\273\212", "\341\273\213", 3}, {"\341\273\214", "\341\273\215", 3}, {"\341\273\216", "\341\273\217", 3}, {"\341\273\220", "\341\273\221", 3}, {"\341\273\222", "\341\273\223", 3}, {"\341\273\224", "\341\273\225", 3}, {"\341\273\226", "\341\273\227", 3}, {"\341\273\230", "\341\273\231", 3}, {"\341\273\232", "\341\273\233", 3}, {"\341\273\234", "\341\273\235", 3}, {"\341\273\236", "\341\273\237", 3}, {"\341\273\240", "\341\273\241", 3}, {"\341\273\242", "\341\273\243", 3}, {"\341\273\244", "\341\273\245", 3}, {"\341\273\246", "\341\273\247", 3}, {"\341\273\250", "\341\273\251", 3}, {"\341\273\252", "\341\273\253", 3}, {"\341\273\254", "\341\273\255", 3}, {"\341\273\256", "\341\273\257", 3}, {"\341\273\260", "\341\273\261", 3}, {"\341\273\262", "\341\273\263", 3}, {"\341\273\264", "\341\273\265", 3}, {"\341\273\266", "\341\273\267", 3}, {"\341\273\270", "\341\273\271", 3}, {"\341\274\210", "\341\274\200", 3}, {"\341\274\211", "\341\274\201", 3}, {"\341\274\212", "\341\274\202", 3}, {"\341\274\213", "\341\274\203", 3}, {"\341\274\214", "\341\274\204", 3}, {"\341\274\215", "\341\274\205", 3}, {"\341\274\216", "\341\274\206", 3}, {"\341\274\217", "\341\274\207", 3}, {"\341\274\230", "\341\274\220", 3}, {"\341\274\231", "\341\274\221", 3}, {"\341\274\232", "\341\274\222", 3}, {"\341\274\233", "\341\274\223", 3}, {"\341\274\234", "\341\274\224", 3}, {"\341\274\235", "\341\274\225", 3}, {"\341\274\250", "\341\274\240", 3}, {"\341\274\251", "\341\274\241", 3}, {"\341\274\252", "\341\274\242", 3}, {"\341\274\253", "\341\274\243", 3}, {"\341\274\254", "\341\274\244", 3}, {"\341\274\255", "\341\274\245", 3}, {"\341\274\256", "\341\274\246", 3}, {"\341\274\257", "\341\274\247", 3}, {"\341\274\270", "\341\274\260", 3}, {"\341\274\271", "\341\274\261", 3}, {"\341\274\272", "\341\274\262", 3}, {"\341\274\273", "\341\274\263", 3}, {"\341\274\274", "\341\274\264", 3}, {"\341\274\275", "\341\274\265", 3}, {"\341\274\276", "\341\274\266", 3}, {"\341\274\277", "\341\274\267", 3}, {"\341\275\210", "\341\275\200", 3}, {"\341\275\211", "\341\275\201", 3}, {"\341\275\212", "\341\275\202", 3}, {"\341\275\213", "\341\275\203", 3}, {"\341\275\214", "\341\275\204", 3}, {"\341\275\215", "\341\275\205", 3}, {"\341\275\231", "\341\275\221", 3}, {"\341\275\233", "\341\275\223", 3}, {"\341\275\235", "\341\275\225", 3}, {"\341\275\237", "\341\275\227", 3}, {"\341\275\250", "\341\275\240", 3}, {"\341\275\251", "\341\275\241", 3}, {"\341\275\252", "\341\275\242", 3}, {"\341\275\253", "\341\275\243", 3}, {"\341\275\254", "\341\275\244", 3}, {"\341\275\255", "\341\275\245", 3}, {"\341\275\256", "\341\275\246", 3}, {"\341\275\257", "\341\275\247", 3}, {"\341\276\272", "\341\275\260", 3}, {"\341\276\273", "\341\275\261", 3}, {"\341\277\210", "\341\275\262", 3}, {"\341\277\211", "\341\275\263", 3}, {"\341\277\212", "\341\275\264", 3}, {"\341\277\213", "\341\275\265", 3}, {"\341\277\232", "\341\275\266", 3}, {"\341\277\233", "\341\275\267", 3}, {"\341\277\270", "\341\275\270", 3}, {"\341\277\271", "\341\275\271", 3}, {"\341\277\252", "\341\275\272", 3}, {"\341\277\253", "\341\275\273", 3}, {"\341\277\272", "\341\275\274", 3}, {"\341\277\273", "\341\275\275", 3}, {"\341\276\210", "\341\276\200", 3}, {"\341\276\211", "\341\276\201", 3}, {"\341\276\212", "\341\276\202", 3}, {"\341\276\213", "\341\276\203", 3}, {"\341\276\214", "\341\276\204", 3}, {"\341\276\215", "\341\276\205", 3}, {"\341\276\216", "\341\276\206", 3}, {"\341\276\217", "\341\276\207", 3}, {"\341\276\230", "\341\276\220", 3}, {"\341\276\231", "\341\276\221", 3}, {"\341\276\232", "\341\276\222", 3}, {"\341\276\233", "\341\276\223", 3}, {"\341\276\234", "\341\276\224", 3}, {"\341\276\235", "\341\276\225", 3}, {"\341\276\236", "\341\276\226", 3}, {"\341\276\237", "\341\276\227", 3}, {"\341\276\250", "\341\276\240", 3}, {"\341\276\251", "\341\276\241", 3}, {"\341\276\252", "\341\276\242", 3}, {"\341\276\253", "\341\276\243", 3}, {"\341\276\254", "\341\276\244", 3}, {"\341\276\255", "\341\276\245", 3}, {"\341\276\256", "\341\276\246", 3}, {"\341\276\257", "\341\276\247", 3}, {"\341\276\270", "\341\276\260", 3}, {"\341\276\271", "\341\276\261", 3}, {"\341\276\274", "\341\276\263", 3}, {"\341\277\214", "\341\277\203", 3}, {"\341\277\230", "\341\277\220", 3}, {"\341\277\231", "\341\277\221", 3}, {"\341\277\250", "\341\277\240", 3}, {"\341\277\251", "\341\277\241", 3}, {"\341\277\254", "\341\277\245", 3}, {"\341\277\274", "\341\277\263", 3}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; UpperLowerTbl_t Lower2UpperTbl31[] = { {"\357\274\241", "\357\275\201", 3}, {"\357\274\242", "\357\275\202", 3}, {"\357\274\243", "\357\275\203", 3}, {"\357\274\244", "\357\275\204", 3}, {"\357\274\245", "\357\275\205", 3}, {"\357\274\246", "\357\275\206", 3}, {"\357\274\247", "\357\275\207", 3}, {"\357\274\250", "\357\275\210", 3}, {"\357\274\251", "\357\275\211", 3}, {"\357\274\252", "\357\275\212", 3}, {"\357\274\253", "\357\275\213", 3}, {"\357\274\254", "\357\275\214", 3}, {"\357\274\255", "\357\275\215", 3}, {"\357\274\256", "\357\275\216", 3}, {"\357\274\257", "\357\275\217", 3}, {"\357\274\260", "\357\275\220", 3}, {"\357\274\261", "\357\275\221", 3}, {"\357\274\262", "\357\275\222", 3}, {"\357\274\263", "\357\275\223", 3}, {"\357\274\264", "\357\275\224", 3}, {"\357\274\265", "\357\275\225", 3}, {"\357\274\266", "\357\275\226", 3}, {"\357\274\267", "\357\275\227", 3}, {"\357\274\270", "\357\275\230", 3}, {"\357\274\271", "\357\275\231", 3}, {"\357\274\272", "\357\275\232", 3}, {NULL, NULL, 0} /* upper, lower */ }; UpperLowerTbl_t *Lower2UpperTbl2[] = { Lower2UpperTbl20, /* \303 */ Lower2UpperTbl21, /* \304 */ Lower2UpperTbl22, /* \305 */ Lower2UpperTbl23, /* \306 */ Lower2UpperTbl24, /* \307 */ Lower2UpperTbl25, /* \310 */ Lower2UpperTbl26, /* \311 */ Lower2UpperTbl27, /* \312 */ NULL, /* \313 */ NULL, /* \314 */ NULL, /* \315 */ Lower2UpperTbl28, /* \316 */ Lower2UpperTbl29, /* \317 */ Lower2UpperTbl2a, /* \320 */ Lower2UpperTbl2b, /* \321 */ Lower2UpperTbl2c, /* \322 */ Lower2UpperTbl2d, /* \323 */ NULL, /* \324 */ Lower2UpperTbl2e, /* \325 */ Lower2UpperTbl2f /* \326 */ }; UpperLowerTbl_t *Lower2UpperTbl3[] = { Lower2UpperTbl30, /* \341 */ NULL, /* \342 */ NULL, /* \343 */ NULL, /* \344 */ NULL, /* \345 */ NULL, /* \346 */ NULL, /* \347 */ NULL, /* \350 */ NULL, /* \351 */ NULL, /* \352 */ NULL, /* \353 */ NULL, /* \354 */ NULL, /* \355 */ NULL, /* \356 */ Lower2UpperTbl31 /* \357 */ }; #define LU2S (unsigned char)'\303' #define LU2E (unsigned char)'\326' #define LU3S (unsigned char)'\341' #define LU3E (unsigned char)'\357' /* * slapi_utf8StrToUpper: translate lower-case string to upper-case * * input: a null terminated UTF-8 string * output: a null terminated UTF-8 string which characters are * converted to upper-case; characters which are not * lower-case are copied as is. If it's not considered * a UTF-8 string, NULL is returned. * * Notes: This function takes a string (made of multiple UTF-8 characters) * for the input (not one character as in "toupper"). * Output string is allocated in this function, which needs to be * released when it's not needed any more. */ unsigned char * slapi_UTF8STRTOUPPER(char *s) { return slapi_utf8StrToUpper((unsigned char *)s); } unsigned char * slapi_utf8StrToUpper(unsigned char *s) { UpperLowerTbl_t *ultp; unsigned char *p, *np, *tail; unsigned char *up, *uphead; int len, sz; if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { return s; } len = strlen((char *)s); tail = s + len; uphead = up = (unsigned char *)slapi_ch_malloc(len + 1); p = s; while ((np = (unsigned char *)ldap_utf8next((char *)p)) <= tail) { switch(sz = np - p) { case 1: /* ASCII */ sprintf((char *)up, "%c", toupper(*p)); break; case 2: /* 2 bytes */ if (*p < LU2S || *p > LU2E) { /* out of range */ memcpy(up, p, sz); break; } for (ultp = Lower2UpperTbl2[*p - LU2S]; ultp && ultp->lower && memcmp(p, ultp->lower, sz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ memcpy(up, p, sz); } else if (ultp->lower) { /* matched */ memcpy(up, ultp->upper, ultp->tsz); sz = ultp->tsz; } else { memcpy(up, p, sz); } break; case 3: /* 3 bytes */ if (*p != LU3S && *p != LU3E) { /* out of range */ memcpy(up, p, sz); break; } for (ultp = Lower2UpperTbl3[*p - LU3S]; ultp && ultp->lower && memcmp(p, ultp->lower, sz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ memcpy(up, p, sz); } else if (ultp->lower) { /* matched */ memcpy(up, ultp->upper, sz); } else { memcpy(up, p, sz); } break; case 4: memcpy(up, p, sz); break; default: /* not UTF-8 */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&uphead); return NULL; } up += sz; p = np; if (p == tail) { break; } } *up = '\0'; return uphead; } /* * slapi_utf8ToUpper: translate lower-case character to upper-case * * input: a UTF-8 character (s) * output: a UTF-8 character which is converted to upper-case (d) * length (in bytes) of input character (ssz) and * output character (dsz) * * Notes: This function takes a UTF-8 character (could be multiple bytes) * for the input. Memory for the output character is NOT allocated * in this function, caller should have allocated it (d). * "memmove" is used since (s) and (d) are overlapped. */ void slapi_UTF8TOUPPER(char *s, char *d, int *ssz, int *dsz) { slapi_utf8ToUpper((unsigned char *)s, (unsigned char *)d, ssz, dsz); return; } void slapi_utf8ToUpper(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int *ssz, int *dsz) { UpperLowerTbl_t *ultp; unsigned char *tail; if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { *ssz = *dsz = 0; return; } if (!(*s & 0x80)) { /* ASCII */ *dsz = *ssz = 1; *d = toupper(*s); return; } tail = (unsigned char *)ldap_utf8next((char *)s); *dsz = *ssz = tail - s; switch(*ssz) { case 1: /* ASCII */ *d = toupper(*s); break; case 2: /* 2 bytes */ if (*s < LU2S || *s > LU2E) { /* out of range */ memmove(d, s, *ssz); break; } for (ultp = Lower2UpperTbl2[*s - LU2S]; ultp && ultp->lower && memcmp(s, ultp->lower, *ssz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ memmove(d, s, *ssz); } else if (ultp->lower) { /* matched */ memmove(d, ultp->upper, ultp->tsz); *dsz = ultp->tsz; } else { memmove(d, s, *ssz); } break; case 3: /* 3 bytes */ if (*s != LU3S && *s != LU3E) { /* out of range */ memmove(d, s, *ssz); break; } for (ultp = Lower2UpperTbl3[*s - LU3S]; ultp && ultp->lower && memcmp(s, ultp->lower, *ssz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ memmove(d, s, *ssz); } else if (ultp->lower) { /* matched */ memmove(d, ultp->upper, *ssz); } else { memmove(d, s, *ssz); } break; } return; } /* * slapi_utf8isLower: tests for a character that is a lower-case letter in * UTF-8 * * input: a UTF-8 character (could be multi-byte) * output: 1 if the character is a lower-case letter * 0 if the character is not a lower-case letter */ int slapi_UTF8ISLOWER(char *s) { return slapi_utf8isLower((unsigned char *)s); } int slapi_utf8isLower(unsigned char *s) { UpperLowerTbl_t *ultp; unsigned char *next; int sz; if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { return 0; } if (!(*s & 0x80)) { /* ASCII */ return islower(*s); } next = (unsigned char *)ldap_utf8next((char *)s); switch(sz = next - s) { case 1: /* ASCII */ return islower(*s); case 2: if (*s < LU2S || *s > LU2E) { /* out of range */ return 0; } for (ultp = Lower2UpperTbl2[*s - LU2S]; ultp && ultp->lower && memcmp(s, ultp->lower, sz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ return 0; } else if (ultp->lower) { /* matched */ return 1; } else { return 0; } case 3: if (*s < LU3S || *s > LU3E) { /* out of range */ return 0; } for (ultp = Lower2UpperTbl3[*s - LU3S]; ultp && ultp->lower && memcmp(s, ultp->lower, sz); ultp++) ; if (!ultp) { /* out of range */ return 0; } else if (ultp->lower) { /* matched */ return 1; } else { return 0; } default: return 0; } } /* * slapi_utf8casecmp: case-insensitive string compare for UTF-8 strings * * input: two UTF-8 strings (s0, s1) to be compared * output: positive number, if s0 is after s1 * 0, if the two strings are identical ignoring the case * negative number, if s1 is after s0 * * Rules: If both UTF-8 strings are NULL or 0-length, 0 is returned. * If one of the strings is NULL or 0-length, the NULL/0-length * string is smaller. * If one or both of the strings are not UTF-8, system provided * strcasecmp is used. * If one of the two strings contains no 8-bit characters, * strcasecmp is used. * The strings are compared after converted to lower-case UTF-8. * Each character is compared from the beginning. * Evaluation goes in this order: * If the length of one character is shorter then the other, * the difference of the two lengths is returned. * If the length of the corresponsing characters is same, * each byte in the characters is compared. * If there's a difference between two bytes, * the diff is returned. * If one string is shorter then the other, the diff is returned. * * Notes: Don't use this function for collation * 1) there's no notion of locale in this function. * 2) it's UTF-8 code order, which is different from the locale * based collation. */ int slapi_UTF8CASECMP(char *s0, char *s1) { return slapi_utf8casecmp((unsigned char *)s0, (unsigned char *)s1); } int slapi_utf8casecmp(unsigned char *s0, unsigned char *s1) { unsigned char *d0, *d1; /* store lower-case strings */ unsigned char *p0, *p1; /* current UTF-8 char */ unsigned char *n0, *n1; /* next UTF-8 char */ unsigned char *t0, *t1; /* tail of the strings */ unsigned char *x0, *x1; /* current byte in a char */ int i0, i1; /* length of characters */ int l0, l1; /* length of leftover */ int rval; int has8_s0; int has8_s1; d0 = d1 = NULL; if (s0 == NULL || *s0 == '\0') { if (s1 == NULL || *s1 == '\0') { rval = 0; } else { rval = -1; /* regardless s1, s0 < s1 */ } goto end; } else if (s1 == NULL || *s1 == '\0') { rval = 1; /* regardless s0, s0 > s1 */ goto end; } has8_s0 = slapi_has8thBit(s0); has8_s1 = slapi_has8thBit(s1); if (has8_s0 == has8_s1) { /* both has-8th-bit or both do not */ if (has8_s0 == 0) { /* neither has-8th-bit */ rval = strcasecmp((char *)s0, (char *)s1); goto end; } } else { /* one has and the other do not */ rval = strcasecmp((char *)s0, (char *)s1); goto end; } d0 = slapi_utf8StrToLower(s0); d1 = slapi_utf8StrToLower(s1); if (d0 == NULL || d1 == NULL || /* either is not a UTF-8 string */ (d0 && *d0 == '\0') || (d1 && *d1 == '\0')) { rval = strcasecmp((char *)s0, (char *)s1); goto end; } p0 = d0; p1 = d1; t0 = d0 + strlen((char *)d0); t1 = d1 + strlen((char *)d1); rval = 0; while (1) { n0 = (unsigned char *)ldap_utf8next((char *)p0); n1 = (unsigned char *)ldap_utf8next((char *)p1); if (n0 > t0 || n1 > t1) { break; } i0 = n0 - p0; i1 = n1 - p1; rval = i0 - i1; if (rval) { /* length is different */ goto end; } /* i0 == i1: same length */ for (x0 = p0, x1 = p1; x0 < n0; x0++, x1++) { rval = *x0 - *x1; if (rval) { goto end; } } p0 = n0; p1 = n1; /* goto next */ } /* finished scanning the shared part and check the leftover */ l0 = t0 - n0; l1 = t1 - n1; rval = l0 - l1; end: if (d0) slapi_ch_free((void **)&d0); if (d1) slapi_ch_free((void **)&d1); return rval; } /* * slapi_utf8ncasecmp: case-insensitive string compare (n chars) for UTF-8 * strings * * input: two UTF-8 strings (s0, s1) to be compared * number or characters * output: positive number, if s0 is after s1 * 0, if the two strings are identical ignoring the case * negative number, if s1 is after s0 * * Rules: Same as slapi_utf8casecmp except the n characters limit. * * Notes: Don't use this function for collation * 1) there's no notion of locale in this function. * 2) it's UTF-8 code order, which is different from the locale * based collation. * n characters, NOT n bytes */ int slapi_UTF8NCASECMP(char *s0, char *s1, int n) { return slapi_utf8ncasecmp((unsigned char *)s0, (unsigned char *)s1, n); } int slapi_utf8ncasecmp(unsigned char *s0, unsigned char *s1, int n) { unsigned char *d0, *d1; /* store lower-case strings */ unsigned char *p0, *p1; /* current UTF-8 char */ unsigned char *n0, *n1; /* next UTF-8 char */ unsigned char *t0, *t1; /* tail of the strings */ unsigned char *x0, *x1; /* current byte in a char */ int i0, i1; /* length of characters */ int l0, l1; /* length of leftover */ int cnt; int rval; int has8_s0; int has8_s1; d0 = d1 = NULL; if (s0 == NULL || *s0 == '\0') { if (s1 == NULL || *s1 == '\0') { rval = 0; } else { rval = -1; /* regardless s1, s0 < s1 */ } goto end; } else if (s1 == NULL || *s1 == '\0') { rval = 1; /* regardless s0, s0 > s1 */ goto end; } has8_s0 = slapi_has8thBit(s0); has8_s1 = slapi_has8thBit(s1); if (has8_s0 == has8_s1) { /* both has-8th-bit or both do not */ if (has8_s0 == 0) { /* neither has-8th-bit */ rval = strncasecmp((char *)s0, (char *)s1, n); goto end; } } else { /* one has and the other do not */ rval = strncasecmp((char *)s0, (char *)s1, n); goto end; } d0 = slapi_utf8StrToLower(s0); d1 = slapi_utf8StrToLower(s1); if (d0 == NULL || d1 == NULL || /* either is not a UTF-8 string */ (d0 && *d0 == '\0') || (d1 && *d1 == '\0')) { rval = strncasecmp((char *)s0, (char *)s1, n); goto end; } p0 = d0; p1 = d1; t0 = d0 + strlen((char *)d0); t1 = d1 + strlen((char *)d1); rval = 0; cnt = 0; while (1) { n0 = (unsigned char *)ldap_utf8next((char *)p0); n1 = (unsigned char *)ldap_utf8next((char *)p1); if (n0 > t0 || n1 > t1 || cnt == n) { break; } i0 = n0 - p0; i1 = n1 - p1; rval = i0 - i1; if (rval) /* length is different */ goto end; /* i0 == i1: same length */ for (x0 = p0, x1 = p1; x0 < n0; x0++, x1++) { rval = *x0 - *x1; if (rval) goto end; } p0 = n0; p1 = n1; /* goto next */ cnt++; } if (cnt == n) rval = 0; else { /* finished scanning the shared part and check the leftover */ l0 = t0 - n0; l1 = t1 - n1; rval = l0 - l1; } end: if (d0) slapi_ch_free((void **)&d0); if (d1) slapi_ch_free((void **)&d1); return rval; }