/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 # define stricmp strcasecmp #else # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #ifdef _WIN32 int slapd_ldap_debug = 0; int *module_ldap_debug; #endif /* * VSTRING was defined in PMDF headers. */ typedef struct vstring { int length; char body[252]; } MM_VSTRING; /* * Base64 declarations. */ typedef struct Enc64_s { struct Enc64_s * next; unsigned char * source; int slen; } Enc64_t; typedef struct Dec64_s { struct Dec64_s * next; unsigned char * dest; int maxlen; int curlen; int nextra; unsigned char extra[3]; } Dec64_t; Enc64_t * initEnc64(unsigned char * source, int slen); int Enc64(Enc64_t * this, unsigned char *dest, int maxlen, int *len); void freeEnc64(Enc64_t *this); Dec64_t * initDec64(unsigned char * dest, int maxlen); int freeDec64(Dec64_t *this); int Dec64(Dec64_t * this, unsigned char *source); /* * License check declarations. */ int license_limit = -1; int license_count; /* * Public declarations.(potentially). */ #define IDDS_MM_OK 0 #define IDDS_MM_EOF -1 #define IDDS_MM_ABSENT -2 #define IDDS_MM_FIO -3 #define IDDS_MM_BAD -4 /* attrib_t is used to hold each record in memory. The emphasis here is * on size, although compromising simplicity rather than speed. In reality * the way this is used is that there is a block of bytes defined. within * that block are a sequence of records each alligned on whatever is needed * to read shorts happilly. each record consists of a name, a value and * their lengths. The value length is first, because it has to be aligned * then the name value, because we need it first, then the name, null * terminated, then the value, null terminated. Thus if "thing" is a pointer * to one of these things, * thing->data is the name * (thing->data + namelen + 1) is the value, * (thing->data + ((namelen + 1 + valuelen + 1 + 3) & ~3) is the next one * (if we're aligned on 4 byte boundaries) */ typedef int Boolean; typedef struct { int valuelen; char namelen; char data[1]; } attrib_t; #define attribname(thing) (thing)->data #define attribvalue(thing) ((thing)->data + (thing)->namelen + 1) #define attribalign 4 #define attribsize(thing) (((thing)->namelen + (thing)->valuelen + 1 \ + attribalign) & ~(attribalign-1)) #define attribnext(thing) (attrib_t *)(((char *)thing) \ + (((thing)->namelen + (thing)->valuelen \ + sizeof(int) + 2 + attribalign) & ~(attribalign-1))) /* record_t is used to hold a record once it had been squeezed * obviously it has to be allocated carefully so that it is the right size */ typedef struct { short nattrs; attrib_t data; } record_t; /* attrib1_t is used to read in and sort a record */ typedef struct attrib1_s { struct attrib1_s *next; char namelen; char name[64]; int valuelen; char value[0x20000]; } attrib1_t; typedef struct ignore_s { struct ignore_s *next; char name[65]; } ignore_t; /* entry_t is the structure used to carry the fingerprint in the hash table */ typedef struct entry_s { struct entry_s *overflow; /* we hash into buckets. This * is the chain of entries */ char key[20]; /* this is the hash of the DN */ int present[4]; /* actually treated as a 128 bit array*/ /* this is the bitmap of which * directories contain this DN */ int db; /* this is the directory number which * provided the data for this entry */ record_t * first; /* this it the actual data */ char fingerprint[20];/* this is the hash of the data */ char flags; /* the status of this entry */ #define EMPTY 0 #define IDENTITY 1 #define MODIFIED 2 #define LOADED 0x10 } entry_t; typedef struct { time_t start_time; int records; int records_away; time_t end_time; } cookstats_t; typedef struct { cookstats_t cook; time_t comb_start_time; int authoritative_records; time_t comb_end_time; time_t diff_start_time; int num_identities; int num_unchanged; int num_deletes; int num_adds; int num_modifies; time_t diff_end_time; cookstats_t uncook; } stats_t; extern int mm_init(int argc, char * argv[]); extern int mm_diff(stats_t *statsp); extern int mm_getvalue( record_t *first, attrib1_t *a, int directory, char *name, char **value, int *length ); extern int mm_is_deleted( record_t *first, attrib1_t *a, int directory ); extern int mm_get_winner(record_t *first, attrib1_t *a); extern void mm_init_winner(void); extern void mm_fin_winner(void); /* * Private declarations. */ #define log_write_error() fprintf(stderr, "error writing record\n") /* * We need to maintain the order of entries read from input, so that * we can maintain hierarchical ordering. The entryblock structure * is used for that purpose. Memory for blocks of entries are allocated * and strung in a linked list. */ struct entryblock { entry_t *eb_block; unsigned n; struct entryblock *next; }; static struct entryblock *eb_head = NULL, *eb_cur = NULL; entry_t *entryalloc(void) { if (eb_head == NULL || eb_cur->n == 0x1000) { struct entryblock *newblock; newblock = (struct entryblock *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct entryblock)); newblock->eb_block = (entry_t*)calloc(0x1000, sizeof(entry_t)); if (eb_head == NULL) { eb_cur = eb_head = newblock; } else { eb_cur = eb_cur->next = newblock; } } return &eb_cur->eb_block[eb_cur->n++]; } typedef struct { FILE * fp; int end; } edfFILE; static int ndirectories; static edfFILE edfin[128]; static FILE * edfout[128]; static FILE * ofp; static char line[2048]; static char seed; static int hashmask; static entry_t **hashtable; static int emitchanges; static int readrec(edfFILE * edf1, attrib1_t ** attrib); static void freefreelist(attrib1_t * freelist); static void hashname(char seed, attrib1_t * attrib, char * hashkey); static void hashvalue(char seed, attrib1_t * attrib, char * fingerprint); static record_t * newrecord(attrib1_t * big); static int adddelete(FILE * edf3, attrib1_t * attrib); static int addnew(FILE * edf3, const char *changetype, record_t * first); static int addmodified(FILE * edf3, attrib1_t * attrib, record_t * first); static int simpletext(unsigned char * body, int length); static int simpletextbody(unsigned char * body, int length); static int putvalue( FILE * fh, const char *tag, char * name, int namelen, char * value, int valuelen ); static int signedmemcmp( unsigned char * a, int lena, unsigned char * b, int lenb ); static void makeupper(MM_VSTRING * v, char * body, int len); static void commententry(FILE *fp, attrib1_t *attrib); int mm_diff(stats_t *statsp) { unsigned int h; entry_t * overflow; int i; int pindex; int pmask; attrib1_t * attrib = 0; entry_t * hashentry; entry_t * hashentry2; char fingerprint[16]; int stat; int count; int records = 0; int added; struct entryblock *block, *next; union { unsigned int key; char data[16]; } hashkey; unsigned int key; time(&statsp->diff_start_time); license_count = 0; NSS_NoDB_Init("."); /* * read all entries from all directories hashing name and value, and make * a bitmaps of who has each entry. Flag those entries where at least * one directory differs from any other. */ for (i = 0; i < ndirectories; i++) { pindex = i / 32; pmask = 1 << (i % 32); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "finger printing directory %d\n", i, 0, 0); while (TRUE) { stat = readrec(&edfin[i], &attrib); if (stat == IDDS_MM_ABSENT) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ignored: %s: %s\n", attrib->name, attrib->value, 0); continue; } if (stat == IDDS_MM_EOF) break; if (stat != IDDS_MM_OK) { free(hashtable); return stat; } records++; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "db%d: %s: %s\n", i, attrib->name, attrib->value); hashname(seed, attrib, hashkey.data); key = hashkey.key & hashmask; if (!hashtable[key]) { hashentry = hashtable[key] = entryalloc(); } else { hashentry = hashtable[key]; while (hashentry && memcmp(hashkey.data, hashentry->key, 16)) hashentry = hashentry->overflow; if (hashentry != NULL) { if (hashentry->present[pindex] & pmask) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "duplicate DN <%s=%s> (ignored)\n", attrib->name, attrib->value, 0); if (emitchanges) { fprintf(edfout[i], "\n# Duplicate DN:\n"); commententry(edfout[i], attrib); } if (ofp != NULL) { fprintf(ofp, "\n# Duplicate DN (in database %d):\n", i); commententry(ofp, attrib); } } else { hashentry->present[pindex] |= pmask; hashvalue(seed, attrib, fingerprint); if (memcmp(fingerprint, hashentry->fingerprint, 16)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "...data modified\n", key, 0, 0); hashentry->flags = MODIFIED; } } continue; } LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "overflow in key %u\n", key, 0, 0); hashentry2 = entryalloc(); hashentry2->overflow = hashtable[key]; hashentry = hashtable[key] = hashentry2; } hashentry->present[pindex] |= pmask; memcpy(hashentry->key, hashkey.data, 16); hashentry->flags = IDENTITY; statsp->num_identities++; hashvalue(seed, attrib, hashentry->fingerprint); } if ((license_limit > 0) && (records > license_limit)) { fprintf(stderr, "license exceeded\n"); free(hashtable); return IDDS_MM_BAD; } if (records > license_count) license_count = records; records = 0; } /* * read all the directories again. This time we load the data into memory * We use a fairly tight (and ugly) structure to hold the data. * There are three possibilities to consider: * 1. no data has yet been loaded for this entry (load it) * 2. data is present, and the data is marked as an identity * (skip it) * 3. data is present, and the data differs in at least one * directory. call out to see who wins. */ for (i = 0; i < ndirectories; i++) { rewind(edfin[i].fp); edfin[i].end = FALSE; pindex = i / 32; pmask = 1 << (i % 32); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "loading authoritative data from directory %d\n", i, 0, 0); count = 0; while (TRUE) { stat = readrec(&edfin[i], &attrib); if (stat == IDDS_MM_ABSENT) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ignored: %s: %s\n", attrib->name, attrib->value, 0); continue; } if (stat == IDDS_MM_EOF) break; if (stat != IDDS_MM_OK) { free(hashtable); return stat; } LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "db%d: %s: %s\n", i, attrib->name, attrib->value); hashname(seed, attrib, hashkey.data); key = hashkey.key & hashmask; hashentry = hashtable[key]; while (hashentry && memcmp(hashentry->key, hashkey.data, 16)) hashentry = hashentry->overflow; if (hashentry == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "...hash entry not found\n", 0, 0, 0); continue; } if (!(hashentry->flags & LOADED)) { count++; hashentry->first = newrecord(attrib); hashentry->flags |= LOADED; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " ...data loaded\n", 0, 0, 0); hashentry->db = i; continue; } if (hashentry->flags & IDENTITY) continue; if (mm_get_winner(hashentry->first, attrib)) { hashentry->flags |= LOADED; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " ...winner data loaded\n", 0, 0, 0); hashentry->db = i; free(hashentry->first); hashentry->first = newrecord(attrib); hashvalue(seed, attrib, hashentry->fingerprint); /* must take new fingerprint */ continue; } } } if (!emitchanges) goto afterchanges; /* * Now we have the "authoritative" data in memory. Hey, that's what * VM is for. Now we are able to go through each directory (again) * and generate the differences. There are a number of possibilities * 1. the entry is marked as an identity. skip it * 2. the entry is marked as originating from this directory * skip it * 3. the entry's finger print is unchanged. skip it * 4. the entry has isDeleted set. emit a delete * 5. otherwise emit a change record. */ for (i = 0; i < ndirectories; i++) { rewind(edfin[i].fp); edfin[i].end = FALSE; pindex = i / 32; pmask = 1 << (i % 32); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "generating differences for directory %d\n", i, 0, 0); count = 0; while (TRUE) { stat = readrec(&edfin[i], &attrib); if (stat == IDDS_MM_ABSENT) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ignored: %s: %s\n", attrib->name, attrib->value, 0); continue; } if (stat == IDDS_MM_EOF) break; if (stat != IDDS_MM_OK) { free(hashtable); return stat; } LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "db%d: %s: %s\n", i, attrib->name, attrib->value); hashname(seed, attrib, hashkey.data); key = hashkey.key & hashmask; hashentry = hashtable[key]; while (hashentry && memcmp(hashentry->key, hashkey.data, 16)) hashentry = hashentry->overflow; if (hashentry == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "...hash entry not found\n", 0, 0, 0); continue; } if (hashentry->flags & IDENTITY) continue; if (hashentry->db == i) continue; hashvalue(seed, attrib, fingerprint); if (memcmp(fingerprint, hashentry->fingerprint, 16)) { if (mm_is_deleted(hashentry->first, attrib, 0)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " ...deleted\n", 0, 0, 0); adddelete(edfout[i], attrib); } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " ...modified\n", 0, 0, 0); addmodified(edfout[i], attrib, hashentry->first); } } } } afterchanges: /* * Nearly done. Now we need to go through each entry in the hash table * and for each directory check the "present" bit. If this is set * no action is needed here. Otherwise we emit an add. * we take this opportunity to free the memory. */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "scanning db for new entries\n", 0, 0, 0); for (h = 0; h < 0x1000; h++) { for (hashentry = hashtable[h]; hashentry; hashentry = overflow) { if (!hashentry->flags) break; for (i = 0, added = 0; i < ndirectories; i++) { pindex = i / 32; pmask = 1 << (i % 32); if (hashentry->present[pindex] & pmask) continue; if (mm_is_deleted(hashentry->first, NULL, 0)) continue; added++; if (!emitchanges) continue; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " ...add new\n", 0, 0, 0); addnew(edfout[i], "add", hashentry->first); } if (added) { statsp->num_adds++; } else if (hashentry->flags & MODIFIED) { statsp->num_modifies++; } else { statsp->num_unchanged++; } overflow = hashentry->overflow; } } /* output authoritative data and free data */ for (block = eb_head; block != NULL; block = next) { entry_t *entry; for (h = 0; h < block->n; h++) { entry = &block->eb_block[h]; if (ofp != NULL) { if (!mm_is_deleted(entry->first, NULL, 0)) { addnew(ofp, NULL, entry->first); } } free(entry->first); } next = block->next; free(block->eb_block); free(block); } free(hashtable); time(&statsp->diff_end_time); return IDDS_MM_OK; } static void usage(char *m) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s [-c] [-D] [-o out.ldif] in1.ldif in2.ldif ...\n\n", m); fprintf(stderr,"-c\tWrite a change file (.delta) for each input file\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-D\tPrint debugging information\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-o\tWrite authoritative data to this file\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); exit(1); } int mm_init(int argc, char * argv[]) { char deltaname[255]; time_t tl; int c; char *ofn = NULL; char *prog = argv[0]; time(&tl); seed = (char)tl; ndirectories = 0; emitchanges = 0; ofp = NULL; mm_init_winner(); slapd_ldap_debug = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "cDho:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'c': emitchanges = 1; break; case 'D': slapd_ldap_debug = 65535; break; case 'o': ofn = strdup(optarg); break; case 'h': default: usage(prog); break; } } #ifdef _WIN32 module_ldap_debug = &slapd_ldap_debug; libldap_init_debug_level(&slapd_ldap_debug); #endif if (ofn != NULL) { ofp = fopen(ofn, "w"); if (ofp == NULL) { perror(ofn); return -1; } free(ofn); ofn = NULL; } for (argv += optind; optind < argc; optind++, argv++) { edfin[ndirectories].fp = fopen(*argv, "r"); if (edfin[ndirectories].fp == NULL) { perror(*argv); return -1; } edfin[ndirectories].end = FALSE; if (emitchanges) { PL_strncpyz(deltaname, *argv, sizeof(deltaname)); PL_strcatn(deltaname, sizeof(deltaname), ".delta"); edfout[ndirectories] = fopen(deltaname, "w"); if (edfout[ndirectories] == NULL) { perror(deltaname); return -1; } } ndirectories++; } if (ndirectories == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nno input files\n\n"); usage(prog); return 0; } hashmask = 0xfff; hashtable = (entry_t **)calloc(0x1000, sizeof(entry_t*)); return 0; } /* this clears the attrib structure if there is one, and reads in the data * sorting lines 2 to n by name, and eliminating comments */ static int readrec(edfFILE * edf1, attrib1_t ** attrib) { Dec64_t * b64; char * vptr; char * lptr; char * ptr; int len; int lookahead = 0; int toolong = FALSE; int rc; int cmp; attrib1_t * att; attrib1_t ** prev; attrib1_t * freelist = *attrib; attrib1_t * newlist = NULL; attrib1_t * a; int ignore_rec = FALSE; *attrib = NULL; if (edf1->end) { freefreelist(freelist); return IDDS_MM_EOF; } while (TRUE) { if (lookahead) { if (lookahead == '\n') { break; /* return */ } line[0] = lookahead; lptr = line+1; lookahead = 0; } else lptr = line; if (!fgets(lptr, sizeof(line)-1, edf1->fp)) { edf1->end = TRUE; if (!newlist) { /* that's for the case where the file */ /* has a trailing blank line */ freefreelist(freelist); return IDDS_MM_EOF; } break; /* return */ } if (line[0] == '\n') { /* ignore empty lines at head of LDIF file */ if (newlist == NULL) { continue; } break; /* an empty line terminates a record */ } if (line[0] == '#') continue; /* skip comment lines */ len = strlen(line); for (lptr = line+len-1; len; len--, lptr--) { if ((*lptr != '\n') && (*lptr != '\r')) break; *lptr = 0; } vptr = strchr(line, ':'); if (!vptr) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s\n invalid input line\n", line, 0, 0); continue; /* invalid line, but we'll just skip it */ } *vptr = 0; if (!stricmp(line, "authoritative")) continue; if (!freelist) { att = (attrib1_t *)malloc(sizeof(attrib1_t)); } else { att = freelist; freelist = freelist->next; } att->namelen = vptr-line; if (att->namelen > 63) { att->namelen = 63; *(line+64) = 0; } memcpy(att->name, line, att->namelen+1); vptr++; if (*vptr == ':') { vptr++; while (*vptr == ' ') vptr++; /* skip optional spaces */ b64 = initDec64((unsigned char *)att->value, 0x20000); if (Dec64(b64, (unsigned char *) vptr)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s\n invalid input line\n", line, 0, 0); continue; /* invalid line, but we'll just skip it */ } toolong = FALSE; while (TRUE) { lookahead = fgetc(edf1->fp); if (lookahead != ' ') break; (void)fgets(line, sizeof(line), edf1->fp); len = strlen(line); for (lptr = line+len-1; len; len--, lptr--) { if ((*lptr != '\n') && (*lptr != '\r')) break; *lptr = 0; } rc = Dec64(b64, (unsigned char *)line); if (rc == -1) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s\n invalid input line\n", line, 0, 0); continue; /* invalid line, but we'll just skip it */ } if (rc) { if (!toolong) { toolong = TRUE; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "%s\n line too long\n", line, 0, 0); } continue; } } att->valuelen = freeDec64(b64); } else { if (!*vptr) { att->valuelen = 0; } while (*vptr == ' ') vptr++; /* skip optional spaces */ att->valuelen = strlen(vptr); memcpy(att->value, vptr, att->valuelen); ptr = att->value + att->valuelen; while (TRUE) { lookahead = fgetc(edf1->fp); if (lookahead != ' ') break; (void)fgets(line, sizeof(line), edf1->fp); len = strlen(line); for (lptr = line+len-1; len; len--, lptr--) { if ((*lptr != '\n') && (*lptr != '\r')) break; *lptr = 0; } memcpy(ptr, line, len); att->valuelen += len; ptr += len; } *ptr = 0; } if (newlist) { if (newlist->next) { for (a = newlist->next, prev = &(newlist->next); a; prev=&(a->next), a = a->next) { cmp = stricmp(a->name, att->name); if (cmp > 0) { att->next = *prev; *prev = att; goto f1; } if (cmp == 0) { cmp = signedmemcmp((unsigned char *)a->value, a->valuelen, (unsigned char *)att->value, att->valuelen); if (cmp > 0) { att->next = *prev; *prev = att; goto f1; } } } *prev = att; att->next = NULL; f1: ; } else { newlist->next = att; att->next = NULL; } } else { newlist = att; att->next = NULL; } } *attrib = newlist; freefreelist(freelist); if (ignore_rec) return IDDS_MM_ABSENT; return IDDS_MM_OK; } static void freefreelist(attrib1_t * freelist) { attrib1_t * next; for (;freelist; freelist = next) { next = freelist->next; free(freelist); } } static void hashname(char seed, attrib1_t * attrib, char * hashkey) { MM_VSTRING upper; PK11Context *context; unsigned int hashLen; /* we want the name to be case insensitive, and if the name DN, we want * the value to be case insensitive. */ /* this creates a hash key based on the first line in attrib */ makeupper(&upper, attrib->name, attrib->namelen); context = PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_MD5); if (context != NULL) { PK11_DigestBegin(context); PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)&seed, 1); PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)upper.body, upper.length); PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)"=", 1); if (!memcmp(upper.body, "DN", 2)) { makeupper(&upper, attrib->value, attrib->valuelen); PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)upper.body, upper.length); } else PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)attrib->value, attrib->valuelen); PK11_DigestFinal(context, (unsigned char *)hashkey, &hashLen, 16); PK11_DestroyContext(context, PR_TRUE); } else { /* Probably desesperate but at least deterministic... */ memset(hashkey, 0, 16); } } /* this creates a hash key base on all but the first line in attrib */ static void hashvalue(char seed, attrib1_t * attrib, char * fingerprint) { MM_VSTRING upper; attrib1_t * a; PK11Context *context; unsigned int fgLen; context = PK11_CreateDigestContext(SEC_OID_MD5); if (context != NULL) { PK11_DigestBegin(context); PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)&seed, 1); for (a = attrib->next; a; a = a->next) { if (!stricmp(a->name, "authoritative")) continue; /* we want the name to be case insensitive, and if the name DN, we want * the value to be case insensitive. */ makeupper(&upper, a->name, a->namelen); PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)upper.body, upper.length); PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)"=", 1); if (!memcmp(upper.body, "DN", 2)) { makeupper(&upper, a->value, a->valuelen); PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)upper.body, upper.length); } else PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)a->value, a->valuelen); PK11_DigestOp(context, (unsigned char *)";", 1); } PK11_DigestFinal(context, (unsigned char *)fingerprint, &fgLen, 16); PK11_DestroyContext(context, PR_TRUE); } else { /* Probably desesperate but at least deterministic... */ memset(fingerprint, 0, 16); } } /* this writes a record deletion record based on the first line in attrib */ static int adddelete(FILE * edf3, attrib1_t * attrib) { if (!putvalue(edf3, NULL, attrib->name, attrib->namelen, attrib->value, attrib->valuelen)) { log_write_error(); return IDDS_MM_FIO; } fprintf(edf3, "changetype: delete\n\n"); return IDDS_MM_OK; } /* this writes a record addition record based on attrib */ static int addnew(FILE * edf3, const char *changetype, record_t * first) { attrib_t * att; int attnum; for (attnum = 1, att = &first->data; attnum <= first->nattrs; attnum++, att = attribnext(att)) { if (!stricmp(attribname(att), "modifytimestamp")) continue; if (!stricmp(attribname(att), "modifiersname")) continue; if (!putvalue(edf3, NULL, attribname(att), att->namelen, attribvalue(att), att->valuelen)) { log_write_error(); return IDDS_MM_FIO; } if (attnum == 1 && changetype != NULL) { fprintf(edf3, "changetype: %s\n", changetype); } } if (fputs("\n", edf3) < 0) { log_write_error(); return IDDS_MM_FIO; } return IDDS_MM_OK; } /* this writes a record modification record based on the information in * first and attrib */ static int addmodified(FILE * edf3, attrib1_t * attrib, record_t * first) { attrib_t *b; attrib1_t *a; int num_b; int tot_b; int cmp; char *attrname; if (!putvalue(edf3, NULL, attrib->name, attrib->namelen, attrib->value, attrib->valuelen)) { log_write_error(); return IDDS_MM_FIO; } if (fputs("changetype: modify\n", edf3) < 0) { log_write_error(); return IDDS_MM_FIO; } tot_b = first->nattrs; num_b = 1; b = &first->data; /* advance past dn attrs */ a = attrib->next; b = attribnext(b); num_b++; /* * Lock-step through the two attr lists while there are still * attrs remaining in either. */ while (a != NULL || num_b <= tot_b) { /* ignore operational attrs */ if (num_b <= tot_b && (stricmp(attribname(b), "modifytimestamp") == 0 || stricmp(attribname(b), "modifiersname") == 0)) { b = attribnext(b); num_b++; continue; } if (a != NULL && (stricmp(a->name, "modifytimestamp") == 0 || stricmp(a->name, "modifiersname") == 0)) { a = a->next; continue; } if (num_b > tot_b) { cmp = -1; } else if (a == NULL) { cmp = 1; } else { cmp = stricmp(a->name, attribname(b)); } if ((cmp < 0) && (a != NULL)) { /* a < b: a is deleted */ attrname = a->name; fprintf(edf3, "delete: %s\n-\n", attrname); do { a = a->next; } while (a != NULL && stricmp(a->name, attrname) == 0); continue; } else if (cmp > 0) { /* a > b: b is added */ attrname = attribname(b); fprintf(edf3, "add: %s\n", attrname); do { if (!putvalue(edf3, NULL, attribname(b), b->namelen, attribvalue(b), b->valuelen)) { log_write_error(); return IDDS_MM_FIO; } b = attribnext(b); num_b++; } while (num_b <= tot_b && stricmp(attribname(b), attrname) == 0); fprintf(edf3, "-\n"); continue; } else if (a != NULL) { /* a == b */ int nmods = 0; attrib_t *begin_b = b; attrib1_t *v_del = NULL; attrib_t *v_add = NULL; int begin_num_b = num_b; /* * Lock-step through the ordered values. * Remember a maximum of one changed value. * If we encounter more than one change then * just issue a replace of the whole value. */ attrname = a->name; do { if (num_b > tot_b || stricmp(attribname(b), attrname) != 0) { cmp = -1; } else if (a == NULL || stricmp(a->name, attrname) != 0) { cmp = 1; } else { cmp = signedmemcmp((unsigned char *)a->value, a->valuelen, (unsigned char *)attribvalue(b), b->valuelen); } if (cmp < 0) { nmods++; v_del = a; a = a->next; } else if (cmp > 0) { nmods++; v_add = b; b = attribnext(b); num_b++; } else { a = a->next; b = attribnext(b); num_b++; } } while ((a != NULL && stricmp(a->name, attrname) == 0) || (num_b <= tot_b && stricmp(attribname(b), attrname) == 0)); if (nmods == 1) { if (v_add != NULL) { if (!putvalue(edf3, "add", attribname(v_add), v_add->namelen, attribvalue(v_add), v_add->valuelen)) { log_write_error(); return IDDS_MM_FIO; } } else { if (!putvalue(edf3, "delete", v_del->name, v_del->namelen, v_del->value, v_del->valuelen)) { log_write_error(); return IDDS_MM_FIO; } } } else if (nmods > 1) { fprintf(edf3, "replace: %s\n", attrname); do { if (!putvalue(edf3, NULL, attribname(begin_b), begin_b->namelen, attribvalue(begin_b), begin_b->valuelen)) { log_write_error(); return IDDS_MM_FIO; } begin_b = attribnext(begin_b); begin_num_b++; } while (begin_num_b <= tot_b && begin_b != b); fprintf(edf3, "-\n"); } } } if (fputs("\n", edf3) < 0) { log_write_error(); return IDDS_MM_FIO; } return IDDS_MM_OK; } static record_t * newrecord(attrib1_t * big) { record_t * smll; attrib_t * b; attrib1_t * a; int len = 0; int count = 0; for (a=big; a; a = a->next) { count++; len += (a->namelen + a->valuelen + sizeof(attrib_t) + attribalign) & ~ (attribalign-1); } len += sizeof(short); smll = (record_t *)malloc(len); for (a=big, b=&smll->data; a; a = a->next, b = attribnext(b)) { b->valuelen = a->valuelen; b->namelen = a->namelen; memcpy(attribname(b), a->name, a->namelen+1); memcpy(attribvalue(b), a->value, a->valuelen+1); } smll->nattrs = count; return smll; } static int simpletextbody(unsigned char * body, int length) { int i; for (i = length; --i >= 0; body++) { if ((*body < ' ') || (*body >= 0x7f)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static int simpletext(unsigned char * body, int length) { if ((*body == ':') || (*body == '<') || (*body == ' ')) return FALSE; return simpletextbody(body, length); } /* output a string value */ static int putvalue( FILE * fh, const char * tag, char * name, int namelen, char * value, int valuelen ) { Enc64_t * b64 = NULL; char * lptr; char line[255]; int return_code; int len; char * sptr; int rc; lptr = line; if (tag != NULL) { sprintf(lptr, "%s: ", tag); lptr += strlen(lptr); memcpy(lptr, name, namelen); lptr += namelen; *lptr++ = '\n'; } memcpy(lptr, name, namelen); lptr += namelen; *lptr++ = ':'; if (!valuelen) { *lptr = '\n'; *(lptr+1) = 0; return_code = fputs(line, fh); goto return_bit; } if (simpletext((unsigned char *)value, valuelen)) { *lptr = ' '; if (valuelen + (lptr+1 - line) < 80) { strcpy(lptr+1, value); strcpy(lptr+1 + valuelen, "\n"); return_code = fputs(line, fh); goto return_bit; } len = 80 - (lptr+1 - line); memcpy(lptr+1, value, len); line[80] = '\n'; line[81] = 0; return_code = fputs(line, fh); if (return_code < 0) goto return_bit; sptr = value + len; len = valuelen - len; line[0] = ' '; while (len > 79) { memcpy(line+1, sptr, 79); return_code = fputs(line, fh); if (return_code < 0) goto return_bit; sptr += 79; len -= 79; } if (len) { memcpy(line+1, sptr, len); line[len+1] = '\n'; line[len+2] = 0; return_code = fputs(line, fh); } goto return_bit; } b64 = initEnc64((unsigned char *)value, valuelen); *lptr = ':'; *(lptr+1) = ' '; rc = Enc64(b64, (unsigned char *)(lptr+2), 80-(lptr-line), &len); *(lptr +len+2) = '\n'; *(lptr + len +3) = 0; return_code = fputs(line, fh); if (return_code < 0) goto return_bit; while (TRUE) { line[0] = ' '; rc = Enc64(b64, (unsigned char *)line+1, 79, &len); if (rc) break; line[len+1] = '\n'; line[len+2] = 0; return_code = fputs(line, fh); if (return_code < 0) goto return_bit; } return_bit: if (b64) freeEnc64(b64); if (tag != NULL) { fputs("-\n", fh); } if (return_code < 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static int signedmemcmp(unsigned char * a, int lena, unsigned char * b, int lenb) { int c; for (;; a++, b++) { if (!lenb) return lena; if (!lena) return -1; if ((c=(int)*a - (int)*b)) return c; lena--; lenb--; } } static void makeupper(MM_VSTRING * v, char * body, int len) { char * vp; v->length = len; for (vp = v->body; len > 0; len--, vp++, body++) *vp = toupper(*body); } int mm_getvalue( record_t *first, attrib1_t *a, int directory, char *name, char **value, int *length ) { int attnum; attrib_t * att; if (directory) { for ( ; a; a = a->next) { if (!stricmp(a->name, name)) { if (!*value) { *value = a->value; *length = a->valuelen; return TRUE; } else { if (*value == a->value) *value = NULL; } } } return FALSE; } att = &first->data; for (attnum = 1, att = &first->data; attnum <= first->nattrs; attnum++, att = attribnext(att)) { if (!stricmp(attribname(att), name)) { if (!*value) { *value = attribvalue(att); *length = att->valuelen; return TRUE; } else { if (*value == attribvalue(att)) *value = NULL; } } } return FALSE; } int mm_is_deleted( record_t *first, attrib1_t *attrib, int directory ) { char * value = NULL; int len; while (mm_getvalue(first, attrib, directory, "objectclass", &value, &len)) { if (stricmp(value, "nsTombstone") == 0) { return 1; } } if (mm_getvalue(first, attrib, directory, "isdeleted", &value, &len)) { if ((len == 1 && *value == '1') || (len == 4 && stricmp(value, "true") == 0)) { return 1; } } if (mm_getvalue(first, attrib, directory, "zombi", &value, &len)) { return 1; } return 0; } static void commententry(FILE *fp, attrib1_t *attrib) { attrib1_t *a; if (attrib == NULL) return; fprintf(fp, "# %s: %s\n", attrib->name, attrib->value); for (a = attrib->next; a; a = a->next) { if (simpletext((unsigned char *)a->value, a->valuelen)) { fprintf(fp, "# %*.*s: %*.*s\n", a->namelen, a->namelen, a->name, a->valuelen, a->valuelen, a->value); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { stats_t stats; int rc; float difftime; memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); if ((rc = mm_init(argc, argv))) return rc; if ((mm_diff(&stats) == IDDS_MM_OK) && (license_limit > 0)) { if (license_count > license_limit * 98.0 / 100) fprintf(stderr, "That was over 98%% of your license limit.\n"); else if (license_count > license_limit * 95.0 / 100) fprintf(stderr, "That was over 95%% of your license limit.\n"); else if (license_count > license_limit * 90.0 / 100) fprintf(stderr, "That was over 90%% of your license limit.\n"); } mm_fin_winner(); printf("start time %s", ctime(&stats.diff_start_time)); printf("\nentry counts: unchanged=%d changed=%d new=%d total=%d\n\n", stats.num_unchanged, stats.num_modifies, stats.num_adds, stats.num_identities); printf("end time %s", ctime(&stats.diff_end_time)); difftime = stats.diff_end_time - stats.diff_start_time; if (difftime <= 1) printf("differencing took <= 1 second\n"); else printf("differencing took %u seconds, %u records per second\n", (unsigned int)difftime, (unsigned int)(stats.num_identities / difftime)); exit(0); } /* * Conflict resolution. */ void mm_init_winner() { } void mm_fin_winner() { } int mm_get_winner(record_t * first, attrib1_t * a) { int len; char * modified0 = NULL; char * modified1 = NULL; mm_getvalue(first, a, 0, "modifytimestamp", &modified0, &len); mm_getvalue(first, a, 1, "modifytimestamp", &modified1, &len); if (!modified0) { mm_getvalue(first, a, 0, "createtimestamp", &modified0, &len); } if (!modified1) { mm_getvalue(first, a, 1, "createtimestamp", &modified1, &len); } if (!modified0) { mm_getvalue(first, a, 0, "deletetimestamp", &modified0, &len); } if (!modified1) { mm_getvalue(first, a, 1, "deletetimestamp", &modified1, &len); } if (!modified0) return 1; if (!modified1) return 0; return strcmp(modified0, modified1) <= 0; } /* * Base64 Implementation. */ /* 0123456789ABCDEF */ static unsigned char b64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "QRSTUVWXYZabcdef" "ghijklmnopqrstuv" "wxyz0123456789+/"; static unsigned char ub64[] = { /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * 8 9 A B C C E F */ /*0-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*0-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*1-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*1-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*2-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*2-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 62, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 63, /*3-*/ 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, /*3-*/ 60, 61, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 64, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*4-*/ 0xFF, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, /*4-*/ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, /*5-*/ 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, /*5-*/ 23, 24, 25, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*6-*/ 0xFF, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, /*6-*/ 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, /*7-*/ 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, /*7-*/ 49, 50, 51, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*8-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*8-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*9-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*9-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*A-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*A-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*B-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*B-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*C-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*C-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*D-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*D-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*E-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*E-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*F-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /*F-*/ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; static Enc64_t * freeEnc64List = NULL; static Dec64_t * freeDec64List = NULL; Enc64_t * initEnc64(unsigned char * source, int slen) { Enc64_t * this = freeEnc64List; if (this) freeEnc64List = freeEnc64List->next; else this = (Enc64_t *)malloc(sizeof(Enc64_t)); this->source = source; this->slen = slen; return this; } int Enc64(Enc64_t * this, unsigned char *dest, int maxlen, int *len) { /* returns 0 normally * +1 on end of string * -1 on badi */ int l; unsigned char * s; unsigned char * d; int reml; int i; if (!this->slen) return 1; l = this->slen / 3; s = this->source; if (l > maxlen / 4) { l = maxlen / 4; this->slen -= l*3; reml = 0; this->source += l*3; } else { reml = this->slen % 3; this->slen = 0; } for (d = dest, i = 0; i < l; i++) { *d++ = b64[(*s >> 2) & 0x3f]; *d++ = b64[((*s << 4) & 0x30) + ((*(s+1) >> 4) & 0x0f)]; s++; *d++ = b64[((*s << 2) & 0x3c) + ((*(s+1) >> 6) & 0x03)]; s++; *d++ = b64[*s & 0x3f]; s++; } if (reml--) *d++ = b64[(*s >> 2) & 0x3f]; else { *d = 0; *len = l*4; return 0; } if (reml) { *d++ = b64[((*s << 4) & 0x30) + ((*(s+1) >> 4) & 0x0f)]; s++; *d++ = b64[((*s << 2) & 0x3c)]; } else { *d++ = b64[((*s << 4) & 0x30) + ((*(s+1) >> 4) & 0x0f)]; *d++ = '='; } *d++ = '='; *d = 0; *len = (l+1)*4; return 0; } void freeEnc64(Enc64_t *this) { this->next = freeEnc64List; freeEnc64List = this; } Dec64_t * initDec64(unsigned char * dest, int maxlen) { Dec64_t * this = freeDec64List; if (this) freeDec64List = freeDec64List->next; else this = (Dec64_t *)malloc(sizeof(Dec64_t)); this->dest = dest; this->maxlen = maxlen; this->curlen = 0; this->nextra = 0; return this; } int freeDec64(Dec64_t *this) { this->next = freeDec64List; freeDec64List = this; return this->curlen; } int Dec64(Dec64_t * this, unsigned char *source) { /* returns 0 normally * -1 on badi * 1 on too long */ unsigned char * s; unsigned char * d; unsigned char * e; unsigned char s1, s2, s3, s4; int i; int slen; int len; int nextra; int newnextra; unsigned char newextra[3]; nextra = this->nextra; slen = strlen((char *)source); len = (slen + nextra) / 4; newnextra = (slen + nextra) - len * 4; for (i = 0; i < newnextra; i++) { newextra[i] = source[slen-newnextra+i]; } if (len * 3 > this->maxlen - this->curlen) return 1; for (d = this->dest + this->curlen, s = source, e = this->extra, i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (nextra) { nextra--; s1 = ub64[*e++]; } else s1 = ub64[*s++]; if (nextra) { nextra--; s2 = ub64[*e++]; } else s2 = ub64[*s++]; if (nextra) { nextra--; s3 = ub64[*e++]; } else s3 = ub64[*s++]; s4 = ub64[*s++]; if ((s1 | s2 | s3 | s4) & 0x80) return -1; *d++ = (s1 << 2) + (s2 >> 4); this->curlen++; if (s3 == 64) break; *d++ = (s2 << 4) + (s3 >> 2); this->curlen++; if (s4 == 64) break; *d++ = (s3 << 6) + s4; this->curlen++; } this->nextra = newnextra; memcpy(this->extra, newextra, 3); return 0; }