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When processing an LDAP bind request, the server calls this plug-in function before calling the database bind function. testentry.c ----------- This is an example of an entry store plug-in function and an entry fetch plug-in function. You must be using the default database (not your own back-end database) in order for these plug-in functions to work. testextendedop.c ---------------- This is an example of an extended operation plug-in function that handles requests for the extended operation with the OID The example should be used in conjunction with the reqextop.c and ReqExtOp.java clients (the source code for these clients is located in the clients subdirectory). These clients are capable of requesting the extended operation with the OID testpostop.c ------------ This contains examples of post-operation plug-in functions. These functions are called after the server processes LDAP operations. The functions log changes to the directory in a change log file. testpreop.c ----------- This contains examples of pre-operation plug-in functions. These functions are called before the server processes LDAP operations. testsaslbind.c -------------- This is an example of a pre-operation plug-in function that implements a SASL mechanism. clients ------- This directory contains the C and Java source code for clients that you can use to test the server plug-ins. See the README file in that directory for details. ---------------------------- How To Create A Server Plug-In ---------------------------- Text between brackets ([]) should be replaced with values specific to your situation. Creating the Plug-In Library ---------------------------- Server plug-ins are built as libraries available to the server. 1. Include the Plug-In API. For example: #include "[serverRoot]/plugins/slapd/slapi/include/slapi-plugin.h" 2. Write your plug-in, including a top level initialization function used by the server to start the plug-in. For example: /* Plug-in functions defined here */ int my_plugin_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) /* initialize param. block */ { /* Set or get the parameters in pb */ slapi_pblock_set(); slapi_pblock_get(); /* Plug-in functions registered here */ if (error) { slapi_log_error(); return error_code; } else return 0; } /* my_plugin_init() */ See the Parameter Block Reference in the Netscape Directory Server Plug-In Programmer's Guide for hints on plug-in types. 3. Build the plug-in as a library. We recommend you copy and adapt the Makefile in [serverRoot]/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples. Plugging the Library Into the Server ------------------------------------ When started, the server loads plug-ins. 1. Stop the server. Console: Select the server; Object > Stop Server Command Line: cd [serverRoot]/slapd-[serverID] ; ./stop-slapd 2. Add the entry for the server plug-in to [serverRoot]/slapd-[serverID]/config/dse.ldif. For example: dn: cn=[My Server Plugin],cn=plugins,cn=config objectClass: top objectClass: nsSlapdPlugin objectClass: extensibleObject cn: [My Server Plugin] nsslapd-pluginPath: [[serverRoot]/myPlugins/myveryown-plugin.so] nsslapd-pluginInitfunc: [my_plugin_init] nsslapd-pluginType: [myPluginType] nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on nsslapd-pluginarg0: [uid] nsslapd-pluginarg1: [mail] nsslapd-pluginarg2: [...] nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type: [anotherPluginType] nsslapd-pluginId: [MyFirstServerPlugin] nsslapd-pluginVersion: [0.1] nsslapd-pluginVendor: [Fictional Software Company Incorporated] nsslapd-pluginDescription: [Add lots of cool functionality] See the Parameter Block Reference in the Netscape Directory Server Plug-In Programmer's Guide for hints on plug-in types. 3. Restart the server. Console: Object > Start Server Command Line: cd [serverRoot]/slapd-[serverID] ; ./restart-slapd