/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* resourcelimit.c - binder-based resource limits implementation */ /* * Implementation notes: * * At present this code only provides support for integer-based * resource limits. * * When a successful bind occurs (i.e., when bind_credentials_set() is * called), reslimit_update_from_dn() or reslimit_update_from_entry() * must be called. These functions look in the binder entry and pull * out attribute values that correspond to resource limits. Typically * operational attributes are used, e.g., nsSizeLimit to hold a * binder-specific search size limit. The attributes should be single * valued; if not, this code ignores all but the first value it finds. * The virtual attribute interface is used to retrieve the binder entry * values, so they can be based on COS, etc. * * Any resource limits found in the binder entry are cached in the * connection structure. A connection object extension is used for this * purpose. This means that if the attributes that correspond to binder * entry are changed the resource limit won't be affected until the next * bind occurs as that entry. The data in the connection extension is * protected using a single writer/multiple reader locking scheme. * * A plugin or server subsystem that wants to use the resource limit * subsystem should call slapi_reslimit_register() once for each limit it * wants tracked. Note that slapi_reslimit_register() should be called * early, i.e., before any client connections are accepted. * slapi_reslimit_register() gives back an integer handle that is used * later to refer to the limit in question. Here's a sample call: */ #if SLAPI_RESLIMIT_SAMPLE_CODE static int sizelimit_reslimit_handle = -1; if ( slapi_reslimit_register( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TYPE_INT, "nsSizeLimit", &sizelimit_reslimit_handle ) != SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { /* limit could not be registered -- fatal error? */ } ... #endif /* * A successful call to slapi_reslimit_register() results in a new * entry in the reslimit_map, which is private to this source file. * The map data structure is protected using a single writer/multiple * reader locking scheme. * * To retrieve a binder-based limit, simple call * slapi_reslimit_get_integer_limit(). If a value was present in the * binder entry, it will be given back to the caller and * SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS will be returned. If no value was * present or the connection is NULL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_NOVALUE is * returned. Other errors may be returned also. Here's a sample call: */ #if SLAPI_RESLIMIT_SAMPLE_CODE int rc, sizelimit; rc = slapi_reslimit_get_integer_limit( conn, sizelimit_reslimit_handle, &sizelimit ); switch( rc ) { case SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS: /* got a value */ break; case SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_NOVALUE: /* no limit value available */ sizelimit = 500; /* use a default value */ break; default: /* some other error occurred */ sizelimit = 500; /* use a default value */ } #endif /* * The function reslimit_cleanup() is called from main() to dispose of * memory, locks, etc. so tools like Purify() don't report leaks at exit. */ /* End of implementation notes */ #include "slap.h" /* * Macros. */ #define SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE "binder-based resource limits" /* #define SLAPI_RESLIMIT_DEBUG */ /* define this to enable extra logging */ /* also forces trace log messages to */ /* always be logged */ #ifdef SLAPI_RESLIMIT_DEBUG #define SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL LDAP_DEBUG_ANY #else /* SLAPI_RESLIMIT_DEBUG */ #define SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE #endif /* SLAPI_RESLIMIT_DEBUG */ /* * Structures and types. */ /* Per-connection resource limits data */ typedef struct slapi_reslimit_conndata { PRRWLock *rlcd_rwlock; /* to serialize access to the rest */ int rlcd_integer_count; /* size of rlcd_integer_limit array */ PRBool *rlcd_integer_available; /* array that says whether each */ /* value is available */ int *rlcd_integer_value; /* array that holds limit values */ } SLAPIResLimitConnData; /* Mapping between attribute and limit */ typedef struct slapi_reslimit_map { int rlmap_type; /* always SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TYPE_INT for now */ char *rlmap_at; /* attribute type name */ } SLAPIResLimitMap; /* * Static variables (module globals). */ static int reslimit_inited = 0; static int reslimit_connext_objtype = 0; static int reslimit_connext_handle = 0; static struct slapi_reslimit_map *reslimit_map = NULL; static int reslimit_map_count = 0; static struct slapi_componentid *reslimit_componentid=NULL; /* * reslimit_map_rwlock is used to serialize access to * reslimit_map and reslimit_map_count */ static PRRWLock *reslimit_map_rwlock = NULL; /* * Static functions. */ static int reslimit_init( void ); static void *reslimit_connext_constructor( void *object, void *parent ); static void reslimit_connext_destructor( void *extension, void *object, void *parent ); static int reslimit_get_ext( Slapi_Connection *conn, const char *logname, SLAPIResLimitConnData **rlcdpp ); static int reslimit_bv2int( const struct berval *bvp ); static char ** reslimit_get_registered_attributes(); /* * reslimit_init() must be called before any resource related work * is done. It is safe to call this more than once, but reslimit_inited * can be tested to avoid a call. * * Returns zero if all goes well and non-zero if not. */ static int reslimit_init( void ) { if ( reslimit_inited == 0 ) { if ( slapi_register_object_extension( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, SLAPI_EXT_CONNECTION, reslimit_connext_constructor, reslimit_connext_destructor, &reslimit_connext_objtype, &reslimit_connext_handle ) != 0 ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "reslimit_init: slapi_register_object_extension()" " failed\n" ); return( -1 ); } if (( reslimit_map_rwlock = PR_NewRWLock( PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "resourcelimit map rwlock" )) == NULL ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "reslimit_init: PR_NewRWLock() failed\n" ); return( -1 ); } reslimit_inited = 1; } reslimit_componentid=generate_componentid(NULL,COMPONENT_RESLIMIT); return( 0 ); } /* * Dispose of any allocated memory, locks, other resources. Called when * server is shutting down. */ void reslimit_cleanup( void ) { int i; if ( reslimit_map != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; i < reslimit_map_count; ++i ) { if ( reslimit_map[ i ].rlmap_at != NULL ) { slapi_ch_free( (void **)&reslimit_map[ i ].rlmap_at ); } } slapi_ch_free( (void **)&reslimit_map ); } if ( reslimit_map_rwlock != NULL ) { PR_DestroyRWLock( reslimit_map_rwlock ); } if ( reslimit_componentid != NULL ) { release_componentid( reslimit_componentid ); } } /* * constructor for the connection object extension. */ static void * reslimit_connext_constructor( void *object, void *parent ) { SLAPIResLimitConnData *rlcdp; PRRWLock *rwlock; if (( rwlock = PR_NewRWLock( PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "resource limit connection data rwlock" )) == NULL ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "reslimit_connext_constructor: PR_NewRWLock() failed\n" ); return( NULL ); } rlcdp = (SLAPIResLimitConnData *)slapi_ch_calloc( 1, sizeof( SLAPIResLimitConnData )); rlcdp->rlcd_rwlock = rwlock; return( rlcdp ); } /* * destructor for the connection object extension. */ static void reslimit_connext_destructor( void *extension, void *object, void *parent ) { SLAPIResLimitConnData *rlcdp = (SLAPIResLimitConnData *)extension; if ( rlcdp->rlcd_integer_available != NULL ) { slapi_ch_free( (void **)&rlcdp->rlcd_integer_available ); } if ( rlcdp->rlcd_integer_value != NULL ) { slapi_ch_free( (void **)&rlcdp->rlcd_integer_value ); } PR_DestroyRWLock( rlcdp->rlcd_rwlock ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&rlcdp ); } /* * utility function to retrieve the connection object extension. * * if logname is non-NULL, errors are logged. */ static int reslimit_get_ext( Slapi_Connection *conn, const char *logname, SLAPIResLimitConnData **rlcdpp ) { if ( !reslimit_inited && reslimit_init() != 0 ) { if ( NULL != logname ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "%s: reslimit_init() failed\n", logname ); } return( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_INIT_FAILURE ); } if (( *rlcdpp = (SLAPIResLimitConnData *)slapi_get_object_extension( reslimit_connext_objtype, conn, reslimit_connext_handle )) == NULL ) { if ( NULL != logname ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "%s: slapi_get_object_extension() returned NULL\n", logname ); } return( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR ); } return( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS ); } /* * utility function to convert a string-represented integer to an int. * * XXXmcs: wouldn't need this if slapi_value_get_int() returned a signed int! */ static int reslimit_bv2int( const struct berval *bvp ) { int rc = 0; char smallbuf[ 25 ], *buf; if ( bvp != NULL ) { /* make a copy to ensure it is zero-terminated */ if ( bvp->bv_len < sizeof( smallbuf )) { buf = smallbuf; } else { buf = slapi_ch_malloc( bvp->bv_len + 1 ); } memcpy( buf, bvp->bv_val, bvp->bv_len); buf[ bvp->bv_len ] = '\0'; rc = atoi( buf ); if ( buf != smallbuf ) { slapi_ch_free( (void **)&smallbuf ); } } return( rc ); } /**** Semi-public functions start here ***********************************/ /* * These functions are exposed to other parts of the server only, i.e., * they are NOT part of the official SLAPI API. */ /* * Set the resource limits associated with connection `conn' based on the * entry named by `dn'. If `dn' is NULL, limits are returned to their * default state. * * A SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_... code is returned. */ int reslimit_update_from_dn( Slapi_Connection *conn, Slapi_DN *dn ) { Slapi_Entry *e; int rc; e = NULL; if ( dn != NULL ) { char ** attrs = reslimit_get_registered_attributes(); (void) slapi_search_internal_get_entry( dn, attrs, &e , reslimit_componentid); charray_free(attrs); } rc = reslimit_update_from_entry( conn, e ); if ( NULL != e ) { slapi_entry_free( e ); } return( rc ); } /* * Set the resource limits associated with connection `conn' based on the * entry `e'. If `e' is NULL, limits are returned to their default state. * If `conn' is NULL, nothing is done. * * A SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_... code is returned. */ int reslimit_update_from_entry( Slapi_Connection *conn, Slapi_Entry *e ) { char *fnname = "reslimit_update_from_entry()"; char *actual_type_name, *get_ext_logname; int i, rc, type_name_disposition, free_flags; SLAPIResLimitConnData *rlcdp; Slapi_ValueSet *vs; LDAPDebug( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL, "=> %s conn=0x%x, entry=0x%x\n", fnname, conn, e ); rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* optimistic */ /* if conn is NULL, there is nothing to be done */ if ( conn == NULL ) { goto log_and_return; } if ( NULL == e ) { get_ext_logname = NULL; /* do not log errors if resetting limits */ } else { get_ext_logname = fnname; } if (( rc = reslimit_get_ext( conn, get_ext_logname, &rlcdp )) != SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { goto log_and_return; } /* LOCK FOR READ -- map lock */ PR_RWLock_Rlock( reslimit_map_rwlock ); /* LOCK FOR WRITE -- conn. data lock */ PR_RWLock_Wlock( rlcdp->rlcd_rwlock ); if ( rlcdp->rlcd_integer_value == NULL ) { rlcdp->rlcd_integer_count = reslimit_map_count; if ( rlcdp->rlcd_integer_count > 0 ) { rlcdp->rlcd_integer_available = (PRBool *)slapi_ch_calloc( rlcdp->rlcd_integer_count, sizeof( PRBool )); rlcdp->rlcd_integer_value = (int *)slapi_ch_calloc( rlcdp->rlcd_integer_count, sizeof( int )); } } for ( i = 0; i < rlcdp->rlcd_integer_count; ++i ) { if ( reslimit_map[ i ].rlmap_type != SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TYPE_INT ) { continue; } LDAPDebug( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL, "%s: setting limit for handle %d (based on %s)\n", fnname, i, reslimit_map[ i ].rlmap_at ); rlcdp->rlcd_integer_available[ i ] = PR_FALSE; if ( NULL != e && 0 == slapi_vattr_values_get( e, reslimit_map[ i ].rlmap_at, &vs, &type_name_disposition, &actual_type_name, 0, &free_flags )) { Slapi_Value *v; int index; const struct berval *bvp; if (( index = slapi_valueset_first_value( vs, &v )) != -1 && ( bvp = slapi_value_get_berval( v )) != NULL ) { rlcdp->rlcd_integer_value[ i ] = reslimit_bv2int( bvp ); rlcdp->rlcd_integer_available[ i ] = PR_TRUE; LDAPDebug( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL, "%s: set limit based on %s to %d\n", fnname, reslimit_map[ i ].rlmap_at, rlcdp->rlcd_integer_value[ i ] ); if ( slapi_valueset_next_value( vs, index, &v ) != -1 ) { char ebuf[ BUFSIZ ]; slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "%s: ignoring multiple values for %s in entry %s\n", fnname, reslimit_map[ i ].rlmap_at, escape_string( slapi_entry_get_dn_const( e ), ebuf )); } } slapi_vattr_values_free( &vs, &actual_type_name, free_flags); } } PR_RWLock_Unlock( rlcdp->rlcd_rwlock ); /* UNLOCKED -- conn. data lock */ PR_RWLock_Unlock( reslimit_map_rwlock ); /* UNLOCKED -- map lock */ log_and_return: LDAPDebug( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL, "<= %s returning status %d\n", fnname, rc, 0 ); return( rc ); } /* return the list of registered attributes */ static char ** reslimit_get_registered_attributes() { int i; char **attrs=NULL; /* LOCK FOR READ -- map lock */ PR_RWLock_Rlock( reslimit_map_rwlock ); for ( i = 0; i < reslimit_map_count; ++i ) { if ( reslimit_map[ i ].rlmap_at != NULL ) { charray_add(&attrs, slapi_ch_strdup(reslimit_map[ i ].rlmap_at)); } } PR_RWLock_Unlock( reslimit_map_rwlock ); return attrs; } /**** Public functions can be found below this point *********************/ /* * These functions are exposed to plugins, i.e., they are part of the * official SLAPI API. */ /* * Register a new resource to be tracked. `type' must be * SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TYPE_INT and `attrname' is an LDAP attribute type that * is consulted in the bound entry to determine the limit's value. * * A SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_... code is returned. If it is ...SUCCESS, then * `*handlep' is set to an opaque integer value that should be used in * subsequent calls to slapi_reslimit_get_integer_limit(). */ int slapi_reslimit_register( int type, const char *attrname, int *handlep ) { char *fnname = "slapi_reslimit_register()"; int i, rc; LDAPDebug( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL, "=> %s attrname=%s\n", fnname, attrname, 0 ); rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* optimistic */ /* initialize if necessary */ if ( !reslimit_inited && reslimit_init() != 0 ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "%s: reslimit_init() failed\n", fnname ); rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_INIT_FAILURE; goto log_and_return; } /* sanity check parameters */ if ( type != SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TYPE_INT || attrname == NULL || handlep == NULL ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "%s: parameter error\n", fnname ); rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_PARAM_ERROR; goto log_and_return; } /* LOCK FOR WRITE -- map lock */ PR_RWLock_Wlock( reslimit_map_rwlock ); /* * check that attrname is not already registered */ for ( i = 0; i < reslimit_map_count; ++i ) { if ( 0 == slapi_attr_type_cmp( reslimit_map[ i ].rlmap_at, attrname, SLAPI_TYPE_CMP_EXACT )) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "%s: parameter error (%s already registered)\n", attrname, fnname ); rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_PARAM_ERROR; goto unlock_and_return; } } /* * expand the map array and add the new element */ reslimit_map = (SLAPIResLimitMap *)slapi_ch_realloc( (char *)reslimit_map, (1 + reslimit_map_count) * sizeof( SLAPIResLimitMap )); reslimit_map[ reslimit_map_count ].rlmap_type = type; reslimit_map[ reslimit_map_count ].rlmap_at = slapi_ch_strdup( attrname ); *handlep = reslimit_map_count; ++reslimit_map_count; unlock_and_return: PR_RWLock_Unlock( reslimit_map_rwlock ); /* UNLOCKED -- map lock */ log_and_return: LDAPDebug( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL, "<= %s returning status=%d, handle=%d\n", fnname, rc, (handlep == NULL) ? -1 : *handlep ); return( rc ); } /* * Retrieve the integer limit associated with connection `conn' for * the resource identified by `handle'. * * A SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_... code is returned: * * SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS -- `*limitp' is set to the limit value. * SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_NOVALUE -- no limit value is available (use default). * Another SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_... code -- some more fatal error occurred. * * If `conn' is NULL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_NOVALUE is returned. */ int slapi_reslimit_get_integer_limit( Slapi_Connection *conn, int handle, int *limitp ) { char *fnname = "slapi_reslimit_get_integer_limit()"; int rc; SLAPIResLimitConnData *rlcdp; LDAPDebug( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL, "=> %s conn=0x%x, handle=%d\n", fnname, conn, handle ); rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS; /* optimistic */ /* sanity check parameters */ if ( limitp == NULL ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "%s: parameter error\n", fnname ); rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_PARAM_ERROR; goto log_and_return; } if ( conn == NULL ) { rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_NOVALUE; goto log_and_return; } if (( rc = reslimit_get_ext( conn, fnname, &rlcdp )) != SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { goto log_and_return; } if(rlcdp->rlcd_integer_count==0) { /* peek at it to avoid lock */ rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_NOVALUE; } else { PR_RWLock_Rlock( rlcdp->rlcd_rwlock ); if(rlcdp->rlcd_integer_count==0) { rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_NOVALUE; } else if ( handle < 0 || handle >= rlcdp->rlcd_integer_count ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPI_RESLIMIT_MODULE, "%s: unknown handle %d\n", fnname, handle ); rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_UNKNOWN_HANDLE; } else if ( rlcdp->rlcd_integer_available[ handle ] ) { *limitp = rlcdp->rlcd_integer_value[ handle ]; } else { rc = SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_NOVALUE; } PR_RWLock_Unlock( rlcdp->rlcd_rwlock ); } log_and_return: if ( LDAPDebugLevelIsSet( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE )) { if ( rc == SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { LDAPDebug( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL, "<= %s returning SUCCESS, value=%d\n", fnname, *limitp, 0 ); } else if ( rc == SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_NOVALUE ) { LDAPDebug( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL, "<= %s returning NO VALUE\n", fnname, 0, 0 ); } else { LDAPDebug( SLAPI_RESLIMIT_TRACELEVEL, "<= %s returning ERROR %d\n", fnname, rc, 0 ); } } return( rc ); } /**** Public functions END ***********************************************/