/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "slap.h" Slapi_RDN * slapi_rdn_new() { Slapi_RDN *rdn= (Slapi_RDN *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(struct slapi_rdn)); slapi_rdn_init(rdn); return rdn; } Slapi_RDN * slapi_rdn_new_dn(const char *dn) { Slapi_RDN *rdn= slapi_rdn_new(); slapi_rdn_init_dn(rdn,dn); return rdn; } Slapi_RDN * slapi_rdn_new_all_dn(const char *dn) { Slapi_RDN *rdn= slapi_rdn_new(); slapi_rdn_init_all_dn(rdn,dn); return rdn; } Slapi_RDN * slapi_rdn_new_sdn(const Slapi_DN *sdn) { Slapi_RDN *rdn= slapi_rdn_new(); slapi_rdn_init_sdn(rdn,sdn); return rdn; } Slapi_RDN * slapi_rdn_new_rdn(const Slapi_RDN *fromrdn) { Slapi_RDN *rdn= slapi_rdn_new(); slapi_rdn_init_rdn(rdn,fromrdn); return rdn; } void slapi_rdn_init(Slapi_RDN *rdn) { rdn->flag= 0; rdn->rdn= NULL; rdn->nrdn= NULL; rdn->rdns= NULL; rdn->all_rdns = NULL; rdn->all_nrdns = NULL; rdn->butcheredupto= -1; /* Means we haven't started converting '=' to '\0' in rdns */ } void slapi_rdn_init_dn(Slapi_RDN *rdn,const char *dn) { slapi_rdn_init(rdn); if(dn!=NULL) { char **dns= ldap_explode_dn(dn, 0); if(dns!=NULL) { rdn->rdn= slapi_ch_strdup(dns[0]); slapi_ldap_value_free(dns); } } } /* * This function sets dn to Slapi_RDN. * Note: This function checks if the DN is in the root or sub suffix * the server owns. If it is, the root or sub suffix is treated as one * "rdn" (e.g., "dc=sub,dc=example,dc=com") and 0 is returned. * If it is not, the DN is separated by ',' and each string is set to RDN * array. (e.g., input: "uid=A,ou=does_not_exist" ==> "uid=A", "ou= * does_not_exist") and 1 is returned. * * Return Value: 0 -- Success * -1 -- Error (invalid input: NULL DN or RDN, empty RDN ",,") * 1 -- "dn" does not belong to the database; could be "rdn" */ static int _slapi_rdn_init_all_dn_ext(Slapi_RDN *rdn, const Slapi_DN *sdn) { const char *dn = NULL; const char *ndn= NULL; const Slapi_DN *suffix = NULL; char **dns = NULL; int rc = 1; if (NULL == rdn || NULL == sdn) { return -1; } dn = slapi_sdn_get_dn(sdn); for (; isspace(*dn) ; dn++) ; /* Suffix is a part of mapping tree. We should not free it */ suffix = slapi_get_suffix_by_dn(sdn); if (suffix) { char *p; ndn = slapi_sdn_get_ndn(sdn); p = PL_strcaserstr(ndn, slapi_sdn_get_ndn(suffix)); if (p) { if (p == ndn) { /* dn is suffix */ charray_add(&dns, slapi_ch_strdup(dn)); rc = 0; /* success */ } else { int commas = 0; int len = strlen(dn); char *endp = NULL; /* count ',' in suffix */ char *q = (char *)slapi_sdn_get_ndn(suffix); while (NULL != (q = PL_strchr(q, ','))) { commas++; q++; } /* found out the previous ',' (++commas-th) to suffix in dn */ ++commas; q = endp = (char *)dn + len; while (commas > 0 && q) { q = PL_strnrchr(dn, ',', len); commas--; if (q) { len -= endp - q; endp = q; } } if (q) { char bakup = *q; *q = '\0'; dns = ldap_explode_dn(dn, 0); if (NULL == dns) { /* if dn contains NULL RDN (e.g., ",,"), ldap_explode_dn returns NULL */ *q = bakup; return -1; } /* add the suffix */ charray_add(&dns, slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_sdn_get_dn(suffix))); *q = bakup; rc = 0; /* success */ } else { /* Given dn does not belong to this server. Just set it. */ dns = ldap_explode_dn(dn, 0); } } } else { /* Given dn does not belong to this server. Just set it. */ dns = ldap_explode_dn(dn, 0); } } else { /* Given dn does not belong to this server. Just set it. */ dns = ldap_explode_dn(dn, 0); } /* Get the last matched position */ if(dns) { rdn->rdn = slapi_ch_strdup(dns[0]); rdn->all_rdns = dns; slapi_setbit_uchar(rdn->flag,FLAG_ALL_RDNS); } return rc; } /* * This function sets dn to Slapi_RDN. * Note: The underlying function _slapi_rdn_init_all_dn_ext checks if the DN * is in the root or sub suffix the server owns. If it is, the root or sub * suffix is treated as one "rdn" (e.g., "dc=sub,dc=example,dc=com") and 0 is * returned. If it is not, the DN is separated by ',' and each string is set * to RDN array. (e.g., input: "uid=A,ou=does_not_exist" ==> "uid=A", "ou= * does_not_exist") and 1 is returned. * * Return Value: 0 -- Success * -1 -- Error * 1 -- dn does not belong to the database */ int slapi_rdn_init_all_dn(Slapi_RDN *rdn, const char *dn) { int rc = 0; /* success */ Slapi_DN sdn = {0}; if (NULL == rdn || NULL == dn) { return -1; } slapi_rdn_init(rdn); slapi_sdn_set_dn_byval(&sdn, dn); rc = _slapi_rdn_init_all_dn_ext(rdn, (const Slapi_DN *)&sdn); slapi_sdn_done(&sdn); return rc; } /* * This function sets DN from sdn to Slapi_RDN. * Note: The underlying function _slapi_rdn_init_all_dn_ext checks if the DN * is in the root or sub suffix the server owns. If it is, the root or sub * suffix is treated as one "rdn" (e.g., "dc=sub,dc=example,dc=com") and 0 is * returned. If it is not, the DN is separated by ',' and each string is set * to RDN array. (e.g., input: "uid=A,ou=does_not_exist" ==> "uid=A", "ou= * does_not_exist") and 1 is returned. * * Return Value: 0 -- Success * -1 -- Error * 1 -- dn does not belong to the database */ int slapi_rdn_init_all_sdn(Slapi_RDN *rdn, const Slapi_DN *sdn) { int rc = 0; /* success */ if (NULL == rdn || NULL == sdn) { return -1; } slapi_rdn_init(rdn); rc = _slapi_rdn_init_all_dn_ext(rdn, sdn); return rc; } void slapi_rdn_init_sdn(Slapi_RDN *rdn,const Slapi_DN *sdn) { if(sdn!=NULL) { slapi_rdn_init_dn(rdn,slapi_sdn_get_dn(sdn)); } else { slapi_rdn_init(rdn); } } void slapi_rdn_init_rdn(Slapi_RDN *rdn,const Slapi_RDN *fromrdn) { slapi_rdn_init(rdn); rdn->rdn= slapi_ch_strdup(fromrdn->rdn); } void slapi_rdn_set_dn(Slapi_RDN *rdn,const char *dn) { slapi_rdn_done(rdn); slapi_rdn_init_dn(rdn,dn); } void slapi_rdn_set_all_dn(Slapi_RDN *rdn,const char *dn) { slapi_rdn_done(rdn); slapi_rdn_init_all_dn(rdn, dn); } void slapi_rdn_set_sdn(Slapi_RDN *rdn,const Slapi_DN *sdn) { slapi_rdn_done(rdn); slapi_rdn_init_sdn(rdn,sdn); } void slapi_rdn_set_rdn(Slapi_RDN *rdn,const Slapi_RDN *fromrdn) { slapi_rdn_done(rdn); slapi_rdn_init_rdn(rdn,fromrdn); } static char ** slapi_rdn_get_rdns(Slapi_RDN *rdn) { char **rdns= NULL; /* Check if rdns is upto date */ if(!slapi_isbitset_uchar(rdn->flag,FLAG_RDNS)) { if(rdn->rdns!=NULL) { slapi_ldap_value_free(rdn->rdns); rdn->rdns= NULL; } if(rdn->rdn!=NULL) { rdn->rdns = ldap_explode_rdn( rdn->rdn, 0 ); rdns= rdn->rdns; } slapi_setbit_uchar(rdn->flag,FLAG_RDNS); rdn->butcheredupto= -1; } return rdns; } void slapi_rdn_free(Slapi_RDN **rdn) { if(rdn!=NULL) { slapi_rdn_done(*rdn); slapi_ch_free((void**)rdn); } } void slapi_rdn_done(Slapi_RDN *rdn) { if(rdn!=NULL) { slapi_ch_free_string(&(rdn->rdn)); slapi_ch_free_string(&(rdn->nrdn)); slapi_ldap_value_free(rdn->rdns); slapi_ldap_value_free(rdn->all_rdns); slapi_ldap_value_free(rdn->all_nrdns); slapi_rdn_init(rdn); } } int slapi_rdn_get_first(Slapi_RDN *rdn, char **type, char **value) { return slapi_rdn_get_next(rdn, 0, type, value); } int slapi_rdn_get_next(Slapi_RDN *rdn, int index, char **type, char **value) { int returnindex; PR_ASSERT(index>=0); if(rdn->rdns==NULL) { rdn->rdns= slapi_rdn_get_rdns(rdn); } if (rdn->rdns == NULL || rdn->rdns[index]==NULL) { *type= NULL; *value= NULL; returnindex= -1; } else { if(rdn->butcheredupto>=index) { /* the '=' has already been converted to a '\0' */ *type= rdn->rdns[index]; *value= *type + strlen(*type) + 1; returnindex= ++index; } else { *type= PL_strchr(rdn->rdns[index],'='); if(*type==NULL) { /* This just shouldn't happen... */ *type= NULL; *value= NULL; returnindex= -1; } else { **type = '\0'; *value= *type; (*value)++; /* Skip the '\0' */ *type = rdn->rdns[index]; rdn->butcheredupto= index; returnindex= ++index; } } } return returnindex; } int slapi_rdn_get_index(Slapi_RDN *rdn, const char *type, const char *value, size_t length) { int result; char *theValue; result= slapi_rdn_get_index_attr(rdn, type, &theValue); if(result!=-1) { if(theValue==NULL || (strncasecmp(value,theValue,length)!=0)) { result= -1; } } return result; } int slapi_rdn_get_index_attr(Slapi_RDN *rdn, const char *type, char **value) { int result= -1; int index; char *theType; index= slapi_rdn_get_first(rdn, &theType, value); while(index!=-1) { if(theType!=NULL && value!=NULL && (strcasecmp(type,theType)==0)) { result= index; index= -1; } else { index= slapi_rdn_get_next(rdn, index, &theType, value); } } return result; } int slapi_rdn_contains_attr(Slapi_RDN *rdn, const char *type, char **value) { return (slapi_rdn_get_index_attr(rdn,type,value)!=-1); } int slapi_rdn_contains(Slapi_RDN *rdn, const char *type, const char *value, size_t length) { return (slapi_rdn_get_index(rdn,type,value,length)!=-1); } int slapi_rdn_add(Slapi_RDN *rdn, const char *type, const char *value) { PR_ASSERT(NULL != type); PR_ASSERT(NULL != value); if(rdn->rdn==NULL) { /* type=value '\0' */ rdn->rdn= slapi_ch_malloc(strlen(type)+1+strlen(value)+1); strcpy( rdn->rdn, type ); strcat( rdn->rdn, "=" ); strcat( rdn->rdn, value ); } else { /* type=value+rdn '\0' */ char *newrdn= slapi_ch_malloc(strlen(type)+1+strlen(value)+1+strlen(rdn->rdn)+1); strcpy( newrdn, type ); strcat( newrdn, "=" ); strcat( newrdn, value ); strcat( newrdn, "+" ); strcat( newrdn, rdn->rdn ); slapi_ch_free((void**)&rdn->rdn); rdn->rdn= newrdn; } slapi_unsetbit_uchar(rdn->flag,FLAG_RDNS); return 1; } int slapi_rdn_remove_index(Slapi_RDN *rdn, int atindex) { Slapi_RDN newrdn; int result= 0; int index; char *theType; char *theValue; slapi_rdn_init(&newrdn); index= slapi_rdn_get_first(rdn, &theType, &theValue); while(index!=-1) { if(index!=atindex) { slapi_rdn_add(&newrdn,theType,theValue); } else { result= 1; } index= slapi_rdn_get_next(rdn, index, &theType, &theValue); } if(result) { slapi_rdn_set_rdn(rdn,&newrdn); } slapi_rdn_done(&newrdn); return result; } int slapi_rdn_remove(Slapi_RDN *rdn, const char *type, const char *value, size_t length) { int result= 0; if(rdn->rdn!=NULL) { int atindex= slapi_rdn_get_index(rdn, type, value, length); if(atindex!=-1) { result= slapi_rdn_remove_index(rdn, atindex); } } return result; } int slapi_rdn_remove_attr(Slapi_RDN *rdn, const char *type) { int result= 0; if(rdn->rdn!=NULL) { char *value; int atindex= slapi_rdn_get_index_attr(rdn, type, &value); if(atindex!=-1) { result= slapi_rdn_remove_index(rdn, atindex); } } return result; } int slapi_rdn_isempty(const Slapi_RDN *rdn) { return (rdn->rdn==NULL || rdn->rdn[0]=='\0'); } int slapi_rdn_get_num_components(Slapi_RDN *rdn) { int i= 0; char **rdns= slapi_rdn_get_rdns(rdn); if(rdns!=NULL) { for(i=0; rdns[i]!=NULL; i++); } return i; } int slapi_rdn_compare(Slapi_RDN *rdn1, Slapi_RDN *rdn2) { int r= 1; int n1= slapi_rdn_get_num_components(rdn1); int n2= slapi_rdn_get_num_components(rdn2); if (n1==n2) { char *type, *value; int i= slapi_rdn_get_first(rdn1, &type, &value); while(r==1 && i!=-1) { r= slapi_rdn_contains(rdn2, type, value, strlen(value)); i= slapi_rdn_get_next(rdn1, i, &type, &value); } if(r==1) /* All rdn1's rdn components were in rdn2 */ { r= 0; /* SAME */ } else { r= -1; /* NOT SAME */ } } else { r= -1; /* NOT SAME */ } return r; } const char * slapi_rdn_get_rdn(const Slapi_RDN *srdn) { return srdn->rdn; } /* srdn is updated in the function, it cannot be const */ const char * slapi_rdn_get_nrdn(Slapi_RDN *srdn) { if (NULL == srdn || NULL == srdn->rdn) { return NULL; } if (NULL == srdn->nrdn) { srdn->nrdn = slapi_ch_strdup(srdn->rdn); slapi_dn_normalize_case(srdn->nrdn); } return (const char *)srdn->nrdn; } /* * Get the leaf (first) rdn from rdns or nrdns array depending on the flag * * flag: FLAG_ALL_RDNS -- raw (not normalized) * : FLAG_ALL_NRDNS -- normalized * * Output: first rdn * * Return value: the index of the first rdn. * : -1, if failed */ int slapi_rdn_get_first_ext(Slapi_RDN *srdn, const char **firstrdn, int flag) { char **ptr = NULL; int idx = -1; if (NULL == firstrdn) { return idx; } *firstrdn = NULL; if (NULL == srdn) { return idx; } if (FLAG_ALL_RDNS == flag) { ptr = srdn->all_rdns; } else if (FLAG_ALL_NRDNS == flag) { if (NULL == srdn->all_nrdns) { srdn->all_nrdns = charray_dup(srdn->all_rdns); for (ptr = srdn->all_nrdns; ptr && *ptr; ptr++) { slapi_dn_normalize_case(*ptr); } } ptr = srdn->all_nrdns; } if (ptr) { *firstrdn = *ptr; idx = 0; } return idx; } /* * Get the top (last) rdn from rdns or nrdns array depending on the flag * * flag: FLAG_ALL_RDNS -- raw (not normalized) * : FLAG_ALL_NRDNS -- normalized * * Output: last rdn * * Return value: the index of the last rdn. * : -1, if failed */ int slapi_rdn_get_last_ext(Slapi_RDN *srdn, const char **lastrdn, int flag) { char **ptr = NULL; int idx = -1; if (NULL == lastrdn) { return idx; } *lastrdn = NULL; if (NULL == srdn) { return idx; } if (FLAG_ALL_RDNS == flag) { ptr = srdn->all_rdns; } else if (FLAG_ALL_NRDNS == flag) { if (NULL == srdn->all_nrdns) { srdn->all_nrdns = charray_dup(srdn->all_rdns); for (ptr = srdn->all_nrdns; ptr && *ptr; ptr++) { slapi_dn_normalize_case(*ptr); } } ptr = srdn->all_nrdns; } if (ptr) { for ( ; ptr && *ptr; ptr++) idx++; ptr--; } if (ptr) { *lastrdn = *ptr; } return idx; } /* * Get the previous rdn of the given index (idx) from rdns or nrdns array * depending on the flag -> rdn * * flag: FLAG_ALL_RDNS -- raw (not normalized) * : FLAG_ALL_NRDNS -- normalized * * Output: prevrdn * * Return value: the index of the returned rdn. * : -1, if failed or done */ int slapi_rdn_get_prev_ext(Slapi_RDN *srdn, int idx, const char **prevrdn, int flag) { int rc = -1; if (NULL == prevrdn) { return rc; } *prevrdn = NULL; if (NULL == srdn || idx <= 0) { return rc; } if (FLAG_ALL_RDNS == flag) { *prevrdn = srdn->all_rdns[idx-1]; rc = idx - 1; } else if (FLAG_ALL_NRDNS == flag) { *prevrdn = srdn->all_nrdns[idx-1]; rc = idx - 1; } return rc; } /* * Get the next rdn of the given index (idx) from rdns or nrdns array * depending on the flag -> rdn * * flag: FLAG_ALL_RDNS -- raw (not normalized) * : FLAG_ALL_NRDNS -- normalized * * Output: nextrdn * * Return value: the index of the returned rdn. * : -1, if failed or done */ int slapi_rdn_get_next_ext(Slapi_RDN *srdn, int idx, const char **nextrdn, int flag) { int rc = -1; if (NULL == nextrdn) { return rc; } *nextrdn = NULL; if (NULL == srdn || idx < 0) { return rc; } if (FLAG_ALL_RDNS == flag) { *nextrdn = srdn->all_rdns[idx+1]; rc = idx + 1; } else if (FLAG_ALL_NRDNS == flag) { *nextrdn = srdn->all_nrdns[idx+1]; rc = idx + 1; } return rc; } /* * addrdn is going to be freed when rdn is freed if byref is 0 * if byref is non 0, the caller should not free it. */ int slapi_rdn_add_rdn_to_all_rdns(Slapi_RDN *srdn, char *addrdn, int byref) { if (NULL == srdn || NULL == addrdn || '\0' == *addrdn) { return -1; } charray_add(&(srdn->all_rdns), byref?addrdn:slapi_ch_strdup(addrdn)); return 0; } int slapi_rdn_add_srdn_to_all_rdns(Slapi_RDN *srdn, Slapi_RDN *addsrdn) { if (NULL == srdn || NULL == addsrdn) { return -1; } if (NULL == srdn->rdn) { srdn->rdn = slapi_ch_strdup(addsrdn->rdn); } charray_merge(&(srdn->all_rdns), addsrdn->all_rdns, 1 /* copy */); return 0; } /* * Get estimated DN length from all_rdns * If srdn is NULL or srdn does not have all_rdns, it returns -1; */ int slapi_rdn_get_dn_len(Slapi_RDN *srdn) { size_t len = -1; char **rdnp = NULL; if (NULL == srdn || NULL == srdn->all_rdns) { return len; } len = 0; for (rdnp = srdn->all_rdns; rdnp && *rdnp; rdnp++) { len += strlen(*rdnp) + 1; /* 1 for ',' */ } len += 1; return len; } /* * Generate DN string from all_rdns * If srdn is NULL or srdn does not have all_rdns, it returns -1; */ int slapi_rdn_get_dn(Slapi_RDN *srdn, char **dn) { size_t len = 0; char **rdnp = NULL; char *ptr = NULL; char *enddn = NULL; if (NULL == srdn || NULL == srdn->all_rdns || NULL == dn) { return -1; } for (rdnp = srdn->all_rdns; rdnp && *rdnp; rdnp++) { len += strlen(*rdnp) + 1; /* 1 for ',' */ } len += 1; len = slapi_rdn_get_dn_len(srdn); *dn = (char *)slapi_ch_malloc(len); enddn = *dn + len - 1; ptr = *dn; for (rdnp = srdn->all_rdns; rdnp && *rdnp; rdnp++) { size_t mylen = strlen(*rdnp) + 1; if (ptr + mylen > enddn) { slapi_ch_free_string(dn); *dn = NULL; return -1; } PR_snprintf(ptr, len, "%s,", *rdnp); len -= mylen; ptr += mylen; } ptr = strrchr(*dn, ','); if (ptr) { *ptr = '\0'; return 0; } else { slapi_ch_free_string(dn); *dn = NULL; return -1; } } int slapi_srdn_copy(const Slapi_RDN *from, Slapi_RDN *to) { if (NULL == from || NULL == to) { return -1; } slapi_rdn_done(to); to->rdn = slapi_ch_strdup(from->rdn); to->rdns = charray_dup(from->rdns); to->all_rdns = charray_dup(from->all_rdns); to->all_nrdns = charray_dup(from->all_nrdns); return 0; } int slapi_rdn_replace_rdn(Slapi_RDN *srdn, char *new_rdn) { if (NULL == srdn) { return -1; } slapi_ch_free_string(&(srdn->rdn)); slapi_ch_free_string(&(srdn->nrdn)); srdn->rdn = slapi_ch_strdup(new_rdn); srdn->nrdn = slapi_ch_strdup(srdn->rdn); slapi_dn_normalize_case(srdn->nrdn); if (srdn->all_rdns) { slapi_ch_free_string(&(srdn->all_rdns[0])); srdn->all_rdns[0] = slapi_ch_strdup(srdn->rdn); } if (srdn->all_nrdns) { slapi_ch_free_string(&(srdn->all_nrdns[0])); srdn->all_nrdns[0] = slapi_ch_strdup(srdn->nrdn); } return 0; } int slapi_rdn_partial_dup(Slapi_RDN *from, Slapi_RDN **to, int rdnidx) { char **ptr = NULL; int lastidx = -1; if (NULL == from || NULL == to || rdnidx < 0) { return -1; } *to = NULL; for (ptr = from->all_rdns; ptr && *ptr; ptr++) lastidx++; if (rdnidx > lastidx) { return -1; } if (NULL == from->all_nrdns) { from->all_nrdns = charray_dup(from->all_rdns); for (ptr = from->all_nrdns; ptr && *ptr; ptr++) { slapi_dn_normalize_case(*ptr); } } *to = slapi_rdn_new(); (*to)->rdn = slapi_ch_strdup(from->all_rdns[rdnidx]); (*to)->nrdn = slapi_ch_strdup(from->all_nrdns[rdnidx]); (*to)->all_rdns = charray_dup(&(from->all_rdns[rdnidx])); (*to)->all_nrdns = charray_dup(&(from->all_nrdns[rdnidx])); return 0; }