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Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. 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Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ /* nsctrutil.c Performance Monitor utility functions This file implements the utility routines used to construct the common parts of a PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION (see winperf.h) and perform event logging functions. */ #include #include #include #include "nsldapctrmc.h" #include "nsldapctrmsg.h" #include "nsldapctrutil.h" #define INITIAL_SIZE 1024L #define EXTEND_SIZE 1024L // // Global data definitions. // ULONG ulInfoBufferSize = 0; HANDLE hEventLog; // handle to event log DWORD dwLogUsers = 0; // count of functions using event log DWORD MESSAGE_LEVEL = 0; WCHAR GLOBAL_STRING[] = L"Global"; WCHAR FOREIGN_STRING[] = L"Foreign"; WCHAR COSTLY_STRING[] = L"Costly"; WCHAR NULL_STRING[] = L"\0"; // pointer to null string // test for delimiter, end of line and non-digit characters // used by IsNumberInUnicodeList routine // #define DIGIT 1 #define DELIMITER 2 #define INVALID 3 #define EvalThisChar(c,d) ( \ (c == d) ? DELIMITER : \ (c == 0) ? DELIMITER : \ (c < (WCHAR)'0') ? INVALID : \ (c > (WCHAR)'9') ? INVALID : \ DIGIT) HANDLE MonOpenEventLog ( ) /*++ Routine Description: Reads the level of event logging from the registry and opens the channel to the event logger for subsequent event log entries. Arguments: None Return Value: Handle to the event log for reporting events. NULL if open not successful. --*/ { HKEY hAppKey; TCHAR LogLevelKeyName[] = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Perflib"; TCHAR LogLevelValueName[] = "EventLogLevel"; LONG lStatus; DWORD dwLogLevel; DWORD dwValueType; DWORD dwValueSize; // if global value of the logging level not initialized or is disabled, // check the registry to see if it should be updated. if (!MESSAGE_LEVEL) { lStatus = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, LogLevelKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hAppKey); dwValueSize = sizeof (dwLogLevel); if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lStatus = RegQueryValueEx (hAppKey, LogLevelValueName, (LPDWORD)NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&dwLogLevel, &dwValueSize); if (lStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MESSAGE_LEVEL = dwLogLevel; } else { MESSAGE_LEVEL = MESSAGE_LEVEL_DEFAULT; } RegCloseKey (hAppKey); } else { MESSAGE_LEVEL = MESSAGE_LEVEL_DEFAULT; } } if (hEventLog == NULL){ hEventLog = RegisterEventSource ( (LPTSTR)NULL, // Use Local Machine APP_NAME); // event log app name to find in registry } if (hEventLog != NULL) { dwLogUsers++; // increment count of perfctr log users } return (hEventLog); } VOID MonCloseEventLog ( ) /*++ Routine Description: Closes the handle to the event logger if this is the last caller Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { if (hEventLog != NULL) { dwLogUsers--; // decrement usage if (dwLogUsers <= 0) { // and if we're the last, then close up log DeregisterEventSource (hEventLog); } } } DWORD GetQueryType ( IN LPWSTR lpValue ) /*++ GetQueryType returns the type of query described in the lpValue string so that the appropriate processing method may be used Arguments IN lpValue string passed to PerfRegQuery Value for processing Return Value QUERY_GLOBAL if lpValue == 0 (null pointer) lpValue == pointer to Null string lpValue == pointer to "Global" string QUERY_FOREIGN if lpValue == pointer to "Foreign" string QUERY_COSTLY if lpValue == pointer to "Costly" string otherwise: QUERY_ITEMS --*/ { WCHAR *pwcArgChar, *pwcTypeChar; BOOL bFound; if (lpValue == 0) { return QUERY_GLOBAL; } else if (*lpValue == 0) { return QUERY_GLOBAL; } // check for "Global" request pwcArgChar = lpValue; pwcTypeChar = GLOBAL_STRING; bFound = TRUE; // assume found until contradicted // check to the length of the shortest string while ((*pwcArgChar != 0) && (*pwcTypeChar != 0)) { if (*pwcArgChar++ != *pwcTypeChar++) { bFound = FALSE; // no match break; // bail out now } } if (bFound) return QUERY_GLOBAL; // check for "Foreign" request pwcArgChar = lpValue; pwcTypeChar = FOREIGN_STRING; bFound = TRUE; // assume found until contradicted // check to the length of the shortest string while ((*pwcArgChar != 0) && (*pwcTypeChar != 0)) { if (*pwcArgChar++ != *pwcTypeChar++) { bFound = FALSE; // no match break; // bail out now } } if (bFound) return QUERY_FOREIGN; // check for "Costly" request pwcArgChar = lpValue; pwcTypeChar = COSTLY_STRING; bFound = TRUE; // assume found until contradicted // check to the length of the shortest string while ((*pwcArgChar != 0) && (*pwcTypeChar != 0)) { if (*pwcArgChar++ != *pwcTypeChar++) { bFound = FALSE; // no match break; // bail out now } } if (bFound) return QUERY_COSTLY; // if not Global and not Foreign and not Costly, // then it must be an item list return QUERY_ITEMS; } BOOL IsNumberInUnicodeList ( IN DWORD dwNumber, IN LPWSTR lpwszUnicodeList ) /*++ IsNumberInUnicodeList Arguments: IN dwNumber DWORD number to find in list IN lpwszUnicodeList Null terminated, Space delimited list of decimal numbers Return Value: TRUE: dwNumber was found in the list of unicode number strings FALSE: dwNumber was not found in the list. --*/ { DWORD dwThisNumber; WCHAR *pwcThisChar; BOOL bValidNumber; BOOL bNewItem; //BOOL bReturnValue; WCHAR wcDelimiter; // could be an argument to be more flexible if (lpwszUnicodeList == 0) return FALSE; // null pointer, # not found pwcThisChar = lpwszUnicodeList; dwThisNumber = 0; wcDelimiter = (WCHAR)' '; bValidNumber = FALSE; bNewItem = TRUE; while (TRUE) { switch (EvalThisChar (*pwcThisChar, wcDelimiter)) { case DIGIT: // if this is the first digit after a delimiter, then // set flags to start computing the new number if (bNewItem) { bNewItem = FALSE; bValidNumber = TRUE; } if (bValidNumber) { dwThisNumber *= 10; dwThisNumber += (*pwcThisChar - (WCHAR)'0'); } break; case DELIMITER: // a delimiter is either the delimiter character or the // end of the string ('\0') if when the delimiter has been // reached a valid number was found, then compare it to the // number from the argument list. if this is the end of the // string and no match was found, then return. // if (bValidNumber) { if (dwThisNumber == dwNumber) return TRUE; bValidNumber = FALSE; } if (*pwcThisChar == 0) { return FALSE; } else { bNewItem = TRUE; dwThisNumber = 0; } break; case INVALID: // if an invalid character was encountered, ignore all // characters up to the next delimiter and then start fresh. // the invalid number is not compared. bValidNumber = FALSE; break; default: break; } pwcThisChar++; } } // IsNumberInUnicodeList