; /* ; BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK ; This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ; Foundation; version 2 of the License. ; ; This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS ; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ; this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple ; Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ; ; In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional ; right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU ; General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations ; including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code ; permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program ; through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION ; found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of ; Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from ; the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by ; the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or ; additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General ; Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used ; in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this ; exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your ; version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to ; provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception ; statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without ; exception. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. ; Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. ; All rights reserved. ; END COPYRIGHT BLOCK ; ; Microsoft Developer Support ; Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation ; ; This file contains the message definitions for the Win32 ; messages.exe sample program. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; HEADER SECTION ; ; The header section defines names and language identifiers for use ; by the message definitions later in this file. The MessageIdTypedef, ; SeverityNames, FacilityNames, and LanguageNames keywords are ; optional and not required. ; ; ; ; The MessageIdTypedef keyword gives a typedef name that is used in a ; type cast for each message code in the generated include file. Each ; message code appears in the include file with the format: #define ; name ((type) 0xnnnnnnnn) The default value for type is empty, and no ; type cast is generated. It is the programmer's responsibility to ; specify a typedef statement in the application source code to define ; the type. The type used in the typedef must be large enough to ; accomodate the entire 32-bit message code. ; MessageIdTypedef=DWORD ; ; The SeverityNames keyword defines the set of names that are allowed ; as the value of the Severity keyword in the message definition. The ; set is delimited by left and right parentheses. Associated with each ; severity name is a number that, when shifted left by 30, gives the ; bit pattern to logical-OR with the Facility value and MessageId ; value to form the full 32-bit message code. The default value of ; this keyword is: ; ; SeverityNames=( ; Success=0x0 ; Informational=0x1 ; Warning=0x2 ; Error=0x3 ; ) ; ; Severity values occupy the high two bits of a 32-bit message code. ; Any severity value that does not fit in two bits is an error. The ; severity codes can be given symbolic names by following each value ; with :name ; SeverityNames=(Success=0x0:STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational=0x1:STATUS_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning=0x2:STATUS_SEVERITY_WARNING Error=0x3:STATUS_SEVERITY_ERROR ) ; ; The FacilityNames keyword defines the set of names that are allowed ; as the value of the Facility keyword in the message definition. The ; set is delimited by left and right parentheses. Associated with each ; facility name is a number that, when shift it left by 16 bits, gives ; the bit pattern to logical-OR with the Severity value and MessageId ; value to form the full 32-bit message code. The default value of ; this keyword is: ; ; FacilityNames=( ; System=0x0FF ; Application=0xFFF ; ) ; ; Facility codes occupy the low order 12 bits of the high order ; 16-bits of a 32-bit message code. Any facility code that does not ; fit in 12 bits is an error. This allows for 4,096 facility codes. ; The first 256 codes are reserved for use by the system software. The ; facility codes can be given symbolic names by following each value ; with :name ; FacilityNames=(System=0x0FF:FACILITY_SYSTEM Runtime=0x200:FACILITY_RUNTIME Cgi=0x201:FACILITY_CGI Slapd=0x202:FACILITY_SERVICE Network=0x203:FACILITY_NETWORK Startup=0x204:FACILITY_STARTUP Filesytem=0x205:FACILITY_FILESYSTEM Registry=0x206:FACILITY_REGISTRY ) ; ; The LanguageNames keyword defines the set of names that are allowed ; as the value of the Language keyword in the message definition. The ; set is delimited by left and right parentheses. Associated with each ; language name is a number and a file name that are used to name the ; generated resource file that contains the messages for that ; language. The number corresponds to the language identifier to use ; in the resource table. The number is separated from the file name ; with a colon. The initial value of LanguageNames is: ; ; LanguageNames=(English=1:MSG00001) ; ; Any new names in the source file which don't override the built-in ; names are added to the list of valid languages. This allows an ; application to support private languages with descriptive names. ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MESSAGE DEFINITION SECTION ; ; Following the header section is the body of the Message Compiler ; source file. The body consists of zero or more message definitions. ; Each message definition begins with one or more of the following ; statements: ; ; MessageId = [number|+number] ; Severity = severity_name ; Facility = facility_name ; SymbolicName = name ; ; The MessageId statement marks the beginning of the message ; definition. A MessageID statement is required for each message, ; although the value is optional. If no value is specified, the value ; used is the previous value for the facility plus one. If the value ; is specified as +number then the value used is the previous value ; for the facility, plus the number after the plus sign. Otherwise, if ; a numeric value is given, that value is used. Any MessageId value ; that does not fit in 16 bits is an error. ; ; The Severity and Facility statements are optional. These statements ; specify additional bits to OR into the final 32-bit message code. If ; not specified they default to the value last specified for a message ; definition. The initial values prior to processing the first message ; definition are: ; ; Severity=Success ; Facility=Application ; ; The value associated with Severity and Facility must match one of ; the names given in the FacilityNames and SeverityNames statements in ; the header section. The SymbolicName statement allows you to ; associate a C/C++ symbolic constant with the final 32-bit message ; code. ; */ MessageId=0x1 Severity=Success Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_SERVER_STARTED Language=English Directory Server: %1. The directory server has successfully started. . MessageId=0x2 Severity=Success Facility=Slapd SymbolicName=MSG_SERVER_SHUTDOWN Language=English Directory Server: %1. The directory server has shutdown. . MessageId=0x3 Severity=Success Facility=Slapd SymbolicName=MSG_SERVER_STOPPED Language=English Directory Server: %1. The directory server has stopped. . MessageId=0x4 Severity=Success Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_SERVER_STARTING Language=English Directory Server: %1. The directory server is starting. . MessageId=0x5 Severity=Error Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_SERVER_START_FAILED Language=English Directory Server: %1. The directory server has failed on startup. %2 . MessageId=0x6 Severity=Error Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_SERVER_START_FAILED_CTRL_HANDLER Language=English Directory Server: %1. The directory server has failed on startup. Failed to Register with Service Control handler. . MessageId=0x7 Severity=Error Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_SERVER_PASSWORD_DIALOG_FAILED Language=English Directory Server: %1. The directory server failed to create the Key Database Passphrase dialog. . MessageId=0x8 Severity=Error Facility=Registry SymbolicName=MSG_WD_REGISTRY Language=English Directory Server: %1. Could not open registry key: %2 . MessageId=0x9 Severity=Error Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_WD_BADCMDLINE Language=English Directory Server: %1 Invalid command line specified: %2 . MessageId=0xA Severity=Error Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_WD_BADPASSWORD Language=English Directory Server: %1. Incorrect SSL password entered. . MessageId=0xB Severity=Error Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_WD_STRING Language=English Directory Server: %1. %2 . MessageId=0xC Severity=Error Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_WD_STARTFAILED Language=English Directory Server: %1. The directory server could not be started. Command line used: %2 . MessageId=0xD Severity=Error Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_WD_RESTART Language=English Directory Server: %1. The directory server terminated abnormally with error code %2. An attempt will be made to restart it. . MessageId=0xE Severity=Error Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_CRON_STARTFAILED Language=English Directory Server: %1. The scheduled job (%2) could not be started. . MessageId=0xF Severity=Error Facility=Slapd SymbolicName=MSG_SERVER_SHUTDOWN_STARTING Language=English Directory Server: %1. The directory server is shutting down. . MessageId=0x10 Severity=Error Facility=Startup SymbolicName=MSG_SERVER_KEYDB_PASSPHRASE_WRONG Language=English Directory Server: %1. The specified key database passphrase is incorrect. . MessageId=0x11 Severity=Error Facility=Slapd SymbolicName=MSG_SERVER_FAILED_TO_WRITE_LOG Language=English Directory Server: %1. Failed to write log: %2. .