/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* mapping_tree.c - Maps the DIT onto backends and/or referrals. */ #include "slap.h" /* distribution plugin prototype */ typedef int (* mtn_distrib_fct) (Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_DN * target_dn, char **mtn_be_names, int be_count, Slapi_DN * mtn_node_dn, int *mtn_be_states); struct mt_node { Slapi_DN *mtn_subtree; /* dn for the node's subtree */ Slapi_Backend **mtn_be; /* backend pointer - the list of backends implementing this * node usually there is only one back-end here, there can * be several only when distribution is done on this node */ int *mtn_be_states; /* states for the backends in table mtn_be */ char **mtn_backend_names; /* list of backend names */ int mtn_be_list_size; /* size of the previous three tables */ int mtn_be_count; /* number of backends implementing this node */ char **mtn_referral; /* referral or list of referrals */ Slapi_Entry *mtn_referral_entry; /* referral or list of referrals */ struct mt_node *mtn_children; struct mt_node *mtn_parent; struct mt_node *mtn_brother; /* list of other nodes with the same parent */ int mtn_state; int mtn_private; /* Never show this node to the user. only used for * cn=config, cn=schema and root node */ char * mtn_dstr_plg_lib; /* distribution plugin library name */ char * mtn_dstr_plg_name; /* distribution plugin function name */ mtn_distrib_fct mtn_dstr_plg; /* pointer to the actual ditribution function */ void *mtn_extension; /* plugins can extend a mapping tree node */ }; #define BE_LIST_INIT_SIZE 10 #define BE_LIST_INCREMENT 10 /* Mapping tree locking strategy * * There are two goals for the mapping tree locking * - protect the mapping tree structures * - prevent stop or re-initialisation of a backend which is currently * used by an LDAP operation * This must be done without preventing parallelisation of LDAP operations * * we use * - one RW lock will be used to protect access to mapping tree structures * accessed throuh mtn_lock(), mtn_unlock(), mtn_wlock() * - one RW lock for each backend. This lock is taken in READ for each * LDAP operation in progree on the backend * and is taken in write for administrative operations like stop or * disable the backend * accessed through slapi_be_Rlock(), slapi_be_Wlock(), slapi_be_Unlock() * - a state flag for each backend : mtn_be_states[] * this state is set to SLAPI_BE_STATE_DELETE or SLAPI_BE_STATE_OFFLINE at the beginning * of stop/disable operation to ensure that no new operation starts * while the backend is stopped/disabled * * The algorithme for LDAP OPERATIONS is : * * lock mapping tree in read mode * get backend * check that backend is not in SLAPI_BE_STATE_DELETE or SLAPI_BE_STATE_OFFLINE state * lock backend in read mode * unlock mapping tree * do LDAP operation * release backend lock * * The algorithme for maintenance operation is * lock mapping tree in write mode * set state to SLAPI_BE_STATE_DELETE or SLAPI_BE_STATE_OFFLINE * unlock mapping tree * get backend lock in write mode * release backend lock * */ static PRRWLock *myLock; /* global lock on the mapping tree structures */ static mapping_tree_node *mapping_tree_root = NULL; static int mapping_tree_inited = 0; static int mapping_tree_freed = 0; static int extension_type = -1; /* type returned from the factory */ /* The different states a mapping tree node can be in. */ #define MTN_DISABLED 0 /* The server acts like the node isn't there. */ #define MTN_BACKEND 1 /* This node represents a backend. */ #define MTN_REFERRAL 2 /* A referral is returned instead of a backend. */ #define MTN_REFERRAL_ON_UPDATE 3 /* A referral is returned for update operations. */ #define MTN_CONTAINER 4 /* This node represents a container for backends. */ /* Need to add a modifier flag to the state - such as round robin */ /* Note: This DN is no need to be normalized. */ #define MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN "cn=mapping tree,cn=config" #define MAPPING_TREE_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE "nsslapd-parent-suffix" void mtn_wlock(); void mtn_lock(); void mtn_unlock(); static mapping_tree_node * mtn_get_mapping_tree_node_by_entry( mapping_tree_node* node, const Slapi_DN *dn); static void mtn_remove_node(mapping_tree_node * node); static void mtn_free_node (mapping_tree_node **node); static int mtn_get_be_distributed(Slapi_PBlock *pb, mapping_tree_node * target_node, Slapi_DN *target_sdn, int * flag_stop); static int mtn_get_be(mapping_tree_node *target_node, Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Backend **be, int * index, Slapi_Entry **referral, char *errorbuf); static mapping_tree_node * mtn_get_next_node(mapping_tree_node * node, mapping_tree_node * node_list, int scope); static mapping_tree_node * mtn_get_first_node(mapping_tree_node * node, int scope); static mapping_tree_node * get_mapping_tree_node_by_name(mapping_tree_node * node, char * be_name); #ifdef DEBUG static void dump_mapping_tree(mapping_tree_node *parent, int depth); #endif /* structure and static local variable used to store the * list of plugins that have registered to a callback when backend state * change */ struct mtn_be_ch_list { void * handle; struct mtn_be_ch_list * next; slapi_backend_state_change_fnptr fnct; }; static struct mtn_be_ch_list * mtn_plug_list = NULL; /* API for registering to a callback when backend state change */ void slapi_register_backend_state_change(void * handle, slapi_backend_state_change_fnptr funct) { struct mtn_be_ch_list * new_be_ch_plg; new_be_ch_plg = (struct mtn_be_ch_list *) slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(struct mtn_be_ch_list)); new_be_ch_plg->next = mtn_plug_list; new_be_ch_plg->handle = handle; new_be_ch_plg->fnct = funct; mtn_plug_list = new_be_ch_plg; } /* To unregister all the state change callbacks registered on the mapping tree */ int slapi_unregister_backend_state_change_all() { struct mtn_be_ch_list *cur_be_ch_plg; while (mtn_plug_list) { cur_be_ch_plg = mtn_plug_list; mtn_plug_list = mtn_plug_list->next; slapi_ch_free((void **) &cur_be_ch_plg); } return 1; } int slapi_unregister_backend_state_change(void * handle) { struct mtn_be_ch_list * cur_be_ch_plg = mtn_plug_list; struct mtn_be_ch_list * prev_be_ch_plg = mtn_plug_list; while (cur_be_ch_plg) { if (cur_be_ch_plg->handle == handle) { if (cur_be_ch_plg == mtn_plug_list) { mtn_plug_list = mtn_plug_list->next; slapi_ch_free((void **) &cur_be_ch_plg); return 0; } else { prev_be_ch_plg->next = cur_be_ch_plg->next; slapi_ch_free((void **) &cur_be_ch_plg); return 0; } } prev_be_ch_plg = cur_be_ch_plg; cur_be_ch_plg = cur_be_ch_plg->next; } return 1; } void mtn_be_state_change(char * be_name, int old_state, int new_state) { struct mtn_be_ch_list * cur_be_ch_plg = mtn_plug_list; while (cur_be_ch_plg) { (* (cur_be_ch_plg->fnct))(cur_be_ch_plg->handle, be_name, old_state, new_state); cur_be_ch_plg = cur_be_ch_plg->next; } } Slapi_DN* slapi_mtn_get_dn(mapping_tree_node *node) { return (node->mtn_subtree); } /* this will turn an array of url into a referral entry */ static Slapi_Entry * referral2entry(char ** url_array, const char *target) { int i; struct berval bv0,bv1,*bvals[3]; Slapi_Entry *anEntry; if (url_array == NULL) return NULL; anEntry = slapi_entry_alloc(); slapi_entry_set_dn(anEntry,slapi_ch_strdup(target)); bvals[2]=NULL; bvals[1]=&bv1; bv1.bv_val="referral"; bv1.bv_len=strlen(bv1.bv_val); bvals[0]=&bv0; bv0.bv_val="top"; bv0.bv_len=strlen(bv0.bv_val); slapi_entry_add_values( anEntry, "objectClass", bvals); bvals[1]=NULL; for (i=0; url_array[i]; i++) { bv0.bv_val=url_array[i]; bv0.bv_len=strlen(bv0.bv_val); slapi_entry_attr_merge( anEntry, "ref", bvals); } return anEntry; } /* mapping tree node extension */ int mapping_tree_get_extension_type () { if(extension_type==-1) { /* The factory is given the name of the object type, in * return for a type handle. Whenever the object is created * or destroyed the factory is called with the handle so * that it may call the constructors or destructors registered * with it. */ extension_type= factory_register_type(SLAPI_EXT_MTNODE, offsetof(mapping_tree_node, mtn_extension)); } return extension_type; } static mapping_tree_node * mapping_tree_node_new(Slapi_DN *dn, Slapi_Backend **be, char **backend_names, int *be_states, int count, int size, char **referral, mapping_tree_node *parent, int state, int private, char *plg_lib, char *plg_fct, mtn_distrib_fct plg) { Slapi_RDN rdn; mapping_tree_node *node; node = (mapping_tree_node *) slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(mapping_tree_node)); node->mtn_subtree = dn; node->mtn_be = be; node->mtn_be_states = be_states; node->mtn_backend_names = backend_names; node->mtn_referral = referral; node->mtn_referral_entry = referral2entry(referral, slapi_sdn_get_dn(dn)) ; node->mtn_parent = parent; node->mtn_children = NULL; node->mtn_brother = NULL; node->mtn_state = state; node->mtn_private = private; node->mtn_be_list_size = size; node->mtn_be_count = count; /* We use this count of the rdn components in the mapping tree to help * when selecting a mapping tree node for a dn. */ slapi_rdn_init_sdn(&rdn,dn); slapi_rdn_done(&rdn); node->mtn_dstr_plg_lib = plg_lib; node->mtn_dstr_plg_name = plg_fct; node->mtn_dstr_plg = plg; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, "mapping_tree", "Created new mapping tree node for suffix [%s] backend [%s] [%p]\n", slapi_sdn_get_dn(dn), backend_names && backend_names[0] ? backend_names[0] : "null", be ? be[0] : NULL); return node; } /* * Description: * Adds a mapping tree node to the child list of another mapping tree node. * * Arguments: * parent and child are pointers to mapping tree nodes. child will be added * to parent's child list. For now, the child is added to the head of the * linked list. Later we may come up a way to ordering the entries in the * list. * * Returns: * nothing */ static void mapping_tree_node_add_child(mapping_tree_node *parent, mapping_tree_node* child) { /* WARNING: * As for now the mapping tree is not locked when a child is added * this is possible only because the child is added into the mapping * the structure by a single operation after being fully initialized * should this be changed, the lock policy would have to be checked * see mapping_tree_entry_add_callback() */ child->mtn_brother = parent->mtn_children; parent->mtn_children = child; /* for debugging: dump_mapping_tree(mapping_tree_root, 0); */ } static Slapi_DN * get_parent_from_entry(Slapi_Entry * entry) { Slapi_Attr *attr = NULL; char *origparent = NULL; char *parent = NULL; Slapi_Value *val = NULL; Slapi_DN *parent_sdn = NULL; if (slapi_entry_attr_find(entry, MAPPING_TREE_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE, &attr)) return NULL; slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); origparent = parent = slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_value_get_string(val)); if (parent) { if(*parent == '"') { char *ptr = NULL; parent++; /* skipping the starting '"' */ ptr = PL_strnrchr(parent, '"', strlen(parent)); if (ptr) { *ptr = '\0'; } } parent_sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_passin(slapi_create_dn_string("%s", parent)); slapi_ch_free_string(&origparent); } return parent_sdn; } /* extract the subtree managed by a mapping tree entry from the entry */ static Slapi_DN * get_subtree_from_entry(Slapi_Entry * entry) { Slapi_Attr *attr = NULL; char *origcn = NULL; char *cn = NULL; Slapi_Value *val = NULL; Slapi_DN *subtree = NULL; if (slapi_entry_attr_find(entry, "cn", &attr)) return NULL; /* should check that there is only one value for cn attribute */ slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); /* The value of cn is the dn of the subtree for this node. * There is a slight problem though. The cn value is * quoted. We have to remove the quotes here. I'm sure * there is a proper way to do this, but for now we'll * just assume that the first and last chars are ". Later * we'll have to revisit this because things could be a * lot more complicated. Especially if there are quotes * in the dn of the subtree root dn! */ /* JCM - Need to dequote correctly. */ /* GB : I think removing the first and last " in the cn value * is the right stuff to do */ origcn = cn = slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_value_get_string(val)); if (cn) { if(*cn == '"') { char *ptr = NULL; cn++; /* skipping the starting '"' */ ptr = PL_strnrchr(cn, '"', strlen(cn)); if (ptr) { *ptr = '\0'; } } subtree = slapi_sdn_new_dn_passin(slapi_create_dn_string("%s", cn)); slapi_ch_free_string(&origcn); } return subtree; } static int mtn_state_to_int(const char * state_string, Slapi_Entry *entry) { if (!strcasecmp(state_string, "disabled")) { return MTN_DISABLED; } else if (!strcasecmp(state_string, "backend")) { return MTN_BACKEND; } else if (!strcasecmp(state_string, "referral")) { return MTN_REFERRAL; } else if (!strcasecmp(state_string, "referral on update")) { return MTN_REFERRAL_ON_UPDATE; } else if (!strcasecmp(state_string, "container")) { return MTN_CONTAINER; } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: Unknown state, %s, for mapping tree node %s." " Defaulting to DISABLED\n", state_string, slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0); return MTN_DISABLED; } } static char ** mtn_get_referral_from_entry(Slapi_Entry * entry) { int nb; int hint; char ** referral; Slapi_Attr * attr; Slapi_Value *val = NULL; if (slapi_entry_attr_find(entry, "nsslapd-referral", &attr)) return NULL; slapi_attr_get_numvalues(attr, &nb); hint = slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); if (NULL == val) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: The nsslapd-referral attribute has no value for the mapping tree node %s\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0, 0); return NULL; } referral = (char **) slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(char *) * (nb+1)); nb = 0; while (val) { referral[nb++] = slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_value_get_string(val)); hint = slapi_attr_next_value(attr, hint, &val); } referral[nb] = NULL; return referral; } static int get_backends_from_attr(Slapi_Attr *attr, backend ***be_list, char ***be_names, int ** be_states, int *be_list_count, int *be_list_size, mapping_tree_node * node) { Slapi_Value *val = NULL; backend *tmp_be = NULL; char * tmp_backend_name; int hint; mapping_tree_node* new_node; *be_list_size = BE_LIST_INIT_SIZE; *be_list_count = 0; *be_list = (backend **) slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(backend *) * BE_LIST_INIT_SIZE); *be_names = (char **) slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(char *) * BE_LIST_INIT_SIZE); *be_states = (int *) slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(int) * BE_LIST_INIT_SIZE); hint = slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); if (NULL == val) { slapi_ch_free ((void **)be_list); *be_list = NULL; return 0; } while (val) { tmp_backend_name = (char *) slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_value_get_string(val)); if (*be_list_count >= *be_list_size) { (*be_list_size) += BE_LIST_INCREMENT; *be_names = (char **) slapi_ch_realloc((char *) (*be_names), sizeof(char *) * (*be_list_size)); *be_list = (backend **) slapi_ch_realloc((char *) (*be_list), sizeof(backend *) * (*be_list_size)); *be_states = (int *) slapi_ch_realloc((char *) (*be_states), sizeof(int) * (*be_list_size)); } (*be_names)[*be_list_count] = tmp_backend_name; /* set backend as started by default */ (*be_states)[*be_list_count] = SLAPI_BE_STATE_ON; /* We now need to find the backend with name backend_name. */ tmp_be= slapi_be_select_by_instance_name(tmp_backend_name); new_node = get_mapping_tree_node_by_name(mapping_tree_root, tmp_backend_name); if (new_node && (new_node != node)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: backend %s is already pointed to by a mapping tree" " node. Only one mapping tree node can point to a backend\n", tmp_backend_name, 0, 0); tmp_be = NULL; return -1; } if(tmp_be!=NULL) { tmp_be->be_mapped = 1; (*be_list)[*be_list_count] = tmp_be; } else { /* It's just not here yet. That's OK. We'll fix it up at runtime. */ (*be_list)[*be_list_count] = NULL; } (*be_list_count) ++; hint = slapi_attr_next_value(attr, hint, &val); } return 0; } /* * Description: * Free the data allocated for mapping tree node arrays */ static void free_mapping_tree_node_arrays(backend ***be_list, char ***be_names, int ** be_states, int *be_list_count) { int i; /* sanity check */ PR_ASSERT (be_list != NULL && be_names != NULL && be_states != NULL && be_list_count != NULL); if (*be_names != NULL) for (i = 0; i < *be_list_count; ++i) { slapi_ch_free ((void **)&((*be_names)[i])); } slapi_ch_free ((void **)be_names); slapi_ch_free ((void **)be_list); slapi_ch_free ((void **)be_states); *be_list_count = 0; } /* * Description: * Takes an entry and creates a mapping tree node from it. Loops through the * attributes, pulling needed info from them. Right now, each node can only * have one backend and one referral. Once we move to supporting more than * one node and more than one referral, this function will need to be * massaged a little. * * We should make a objectclass for a mapping tree node entry. That way * schema checking would make this function more robust. * * Arguments: * A mapping tree node entry read in from the DIT. * * Returns: * An LDAP result code (LDAP_SUCCESS if all goes well). * If the return value is LDAP_SUCCESS, *newnodep is set to the new mapping * tree node (guaranteed to be non-NULL). */ static int mapping_tree_entry_add(Slapi_Entry *entry, mapping_tree_node **newnodep ) { Slapi_DN *subtree = NULL; const char *tmp_ndn; int be_list_count = 0; int be_list_size = 0; backend **be_list = NULL; char **be_names = NULL; int * be_states = NULL; char * plugin_funct = NULL; char * plugin_lib = NULL; mtn_distrib_fct plugin = NULL; char **referral = NULL; int state = MTN_DISABLED; Slapi_Attr *attr = NULL; mapping_tree_node *node = NULL; mapping_tree_node *parent_node = mapping_tree_root; int rc; int lderr = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; /* our default result code */ char *tmp_backend_name; Slapi_Backend *be; PR_ASSERT(newnodep != NULL); *newnodep = NULL; subtree = get_subtree_from_entry(entry); /* Make sure we know the root dn of the subtree for this node. */ if (NULL == subtree) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: Unable to determine the subtree represented by the mapping tree node %s\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0, 0); return lderr; } tmp_ndn = slapi_sdn_get_ndn( subtree ); if (tmp_ndn && ( '\0' == *tmp_ndn)) { /* This entry is associated with the "" subtree. Treat this is * a special case (no parent; will replace the internal root * node (mapping_tree_root) with data from this entry). */ slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_ARGS, "mapping_tree_entry_add", "NULL suffix\n" ); parent_node = NULL; } /* Make sure a node does not already exist for this subtree */ if ( parent_node != NULL && NULL != mtn_get_mapping_tree_node_by_entry(mapping_tree_root, subtree)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: a mapping tree node for the" " subtree %s already exists; unable to add the node %s\n", slapi_sdn_get_dn(subtree), slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); return LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS; } /* Loop through the attributes and handle the ones we care about. */ for (rc = slapi_entry_first_attr(entry, &attr); !rc && attr; rc = slapi_entry_next_attr(entry, attr, &attr)) { char *type = NULL; Slapi_Value *val = NULL; slapi_attr_get_type(attr, &type); if (NULL == type) { /* strange... I wonder if we should give a warning here? */ continue; } if (!strcasecmp(type, "nsslapd-backend")) { if (get_backends_from_attr(attr, &be_list, &be_names, &be_states, &be_list_count, &be_list_size, NULL)) { free_mapping_tree_node_arrays(&be_list, &be_names, &be_states, &be_list_count); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); return lderr; } if (NULL == be_list) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: The nsslapd-backend attribute has no value for the mapping tree node %s\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0, 0); continue; } } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "nsslapd-referral")) { referral = mtn_get_referral_from_entry(entry); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "nsslapd-state")) { const char *state_string; slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); if (NULL == val) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: Can't determine the state of the mapping tree node %s\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0, 0); continue; } /* Convert the string representation for the state to an int */ state_string = slapi_value_get_string(val); state = mtn_state_to_int(state_string, entry); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "nsslapd-distribution-plugin")) { slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); if (NULL == val) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: The nsslapd-distribution-plugin attribute has no value for the mapping tree node %s\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0, 0); continue; } plugin_lib = slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_value_get_string(val)); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "nsslapd-distribution-funct")) { slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); if (NULL == val) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: The nsslapd-distribution-plugin attribute has no value for the mapping tree node %s\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0, 0); continue; } plugin_funct = slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_value_get_string(val)); } else if (!strcasecmp(type, MAPPING_TREE_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE)) { Slapi_DN *parent_node_dn = get_parent_from_entry(entry); parent_node = mtn_get_mapping_tree_node_by_entry( mapping_tree_root, parent_node_dn); if (parent_node == NULL) { parent_node = mapping_tree_root; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: could not find parent for %s defaulting to root\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0, 0); } slapi_sdn_free(&parent_node_dn); } } if (state == MTN_CONTAINER) { /* this can be extended later to include the general null suffix, */ /* The "default" backend is used by the container node */ be = defbackend_get_backend(); if(be == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: default container has not been created for the NULL SUFFIX node.\n", 0, 0, 0); return -1; } be_list_size = 1; be_list_count = 0; be_list = (backend **) slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(backend *) ); be_names = (char **) slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(char *) ); be_states = (int *) slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(int) ); tmp_backend_name = (char *) slapi_ch_strdup("default"); /* "NULL_CONTAINER" */ (be_names)[be_list_count] = tmp_backend_name; /* set backend as started by default */ (be_states)[be_list_count] = SLAPI_BE_STATE_ON; be->be_mapped = 1; (be_list)[be_list_count] = be; be_list_count++; } /* check that all required attributes for the givene state are there : * state backend -> need nsslapd-backend attribute * state referral or referral on update -> need nsslapd-referral attribute */ if (((state == MTN_BACKEND) || (state == MTN_REFERRAL_ON_UPDATE)) && (be_names == NULL)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: node %s must define a backend\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0, 0); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); free_mapping_tree_node_arrays(&be_list, &be_names, &be_states, &be_list_count); return lderr; } if (((state == MTN_REFERRAL) || (state == MTN_REFERRAL_ON_UPDATE)) && (referral == NULL)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: node %s must define referrals to be in referral state\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0, 0); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); free_mapping_tree_node_arrays(&be_list, &be_names, &be_states, &be_list_count); return lderr; } if (plugin_lib && plugin_funct) { plugin = (mtn_distrib_fct)sym_load(plugin_lib, plugin_funct, "Entry Distribution", 1); if (plugin == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: node %s cannot find distribution plugin. " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " %d (%s)\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), PR_GetError(), slapd_pr_strerror(PR_GetError())); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); slapi_ch_free((void **) &plugin_funct); slapi_ch_free((void **) &plugin_lib); free_mapping_tree_node_arrays(&be_list, &be_names, &be_states, &be_list_count); return lderr; } } else if ((plugin_lib == NULL) && (plugin_funct == NULL)) { /* nothing configured -> OK */ plugin = NULL; } else { /* only one parameter configured -> ERROR */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: node %s must define both lib and funct" " for distribution plugin\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entry), 0, 0); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); slapi_ch_free((void **) &plugin_funct); slapi_ch_free((void **) &plugin_lib); free_mapping_tree_node_arrays(&be_list, &be_names, &be_states, &be_list_count); return lderr; } /* Now we can create the node for this mapping tree entry. */ node= mapping_tree_node_new(subtree, be_list, be_names, be_states, be_list_count, be_list_size, referral, parent_node, state, 0 /* Normal node. People can see and change it. */, plugin_lib, plugin_funct, plugin); tmp_ndn = slapi_sdn_get_ndn( subtree ); if ( NULL != node && NULL == parent_node && tmp_ndn && ('\0' == *tmp_ndn )) { /* The new node is actually the "" node. Replace the root * node with this new one by copying all information (we can't * free the root node completely because children of the root * node hold pointers to it in their mtn_parent field). */ slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_ARGS, "mapping_tree_entry_add", "fix up NULL suffix\n" ); node->mtn_children = mapping_tree_root->mtn_children; node->mtn_brother = mapping_tree_root->mtn_brother; *mapping_tree_root = *node; /* struct copy */ slapi_ch_free( (void **)&node ); node = mapping_tree_root; } if ( NULL != node ) { lderr = LDAP_SUCCESS; *newnodep = node; } return lderr; } /* * Recursive procedure used to create node extensions once the mapping tree * is fully initialized * This is done after full init of the mapping tree so that the extensions can do * searches */ void mtn_create_extension(mapping_tree_node *node) { if (node == NULL) return; node->mtn_extension = factory_create_extension(mapping_tree_get_extension_type(), node, NULL /* parent */); mtn_create_extension(node->mtn_children); mtn_create_extension(node->mtn_brother); } /* * Description: * Does the main work of building the in memory mapping tree form the entries * in the DIT. This function is called recursively on all the given nodes * children to build up the tree. Basically it does an internal search for * all the entries who have the target node as a parent. * * Arguments: * The target node and a flag that tells if it's the root of the tree. * * Returns: * Nothing */ static int mapping_tree_node_get_children(mapping_tree_node *target, int is_root) { Slapi_PBlock *pb; char * filter = NULL; int res; Slapi_Entry **entries = NULL; int x; int result = 0; pb = slapi_pblock_new(); /* Remember that the root node of the mapping tree is the NULL suffix. * Since we don't really support it, children of the root node won't * have a MAPPING_TREE_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE. */ if (is_root) { filter = slapi_ch_smprintf("(&(objectclass=nsMappingTree)(!(%s=*)))", MAPPING_TREE_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE); } else { filter = slapi_ch_smprintf("(&(objectclass=nsMappingTree)(|(%s=\"%s\")(%s=%s)))", MAPPING_TREE_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE, slapi_sdn_get_dn(target->mtn_subtree), MAPPING_TREE_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE, slapi_sdn_get_dn(target->mtn_subtree)); } slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, filter, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, (void *) plugin_get_default_component_id(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &res); if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "WARNING: Mapping tree unable to read %s: %d\n", MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN, res, 0); result = -1; goto done; } /* We now create the mapping tree node and call this function for each * of the target's children. */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (NULL == entries) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "WARNING: No mapping tree node entries found under %s\n", MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN, 0, 0); result = -1; goto done; } for(x = 0; entries[x] != NULL; x++) { mapping_tree_node *child = NULL; if (LDAP_SUCCESS != mapping_tree_entry_add(entries[x], &child)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: could not add mapping tree node %s\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entries[x]), 0, 0); result = -1; goto done; } if(target == child){ /* the mapping tree root got replaced * nothing to do */ } else { child->mtn_parent = target; mapping_tree_node_add_child(target, child); } if (mapping_tree_node_get_children(child, 0 /* not the root node */)) { result = -1; goto done; } } slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); done: slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); if (filter) slapi_ch_free((void **) &filter); return result; } /* * Description: * A first attempt at walking over the mapping tree and making sure things * make sense. Right now it just makes sure that each parent node has a * subtree that is the suffix of its children's subtrees. This function * is called recursively. * * Arguments: * The root node of the mapping tree. * * Returns: * Nothing - it just prints warnings. This should probably change. */ static void mapping_tree_node_validate(mapping_tree_node *node) { mapping_tree_node *child_entry; /* Call this function for all of nodes children */ for (child_entry = node->mtn_children; child_entry; child_entry = child_entry->mtn_brother) { mapping_tree_node_validate(child_entry); } if (node->mtn_parent) { if (!slapi_sdn_issuffix(node->mtn_subtree, node->mtn_parent->mtn_subtree)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: Invalid mapping tree. %s can not be a child of %s\n", slapi_sdn_get_ndn(node->mtn_subtree), slapi_sdn_get_ndn(node->mtn_parent->mtn_subtree), 0); } } } static void mtn_free_referral_in_node (mapping_tree_node *node) { char ** referral = node->mtn_referral; if (referral) { int i; for (i=0; referral[i]; i++) slapi_ch_free((void **) &(referral[i])); slapi_ch_free((void **) &referral); } if (node->mtn_referral_entry) slapi_entry_free(node->mtn_referral_entry); node->mtn_referral = NULL; node->mtn_referral_entry = NULL; } int mapping_tree_entry_modify_callback(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry* entryBefore, Slapi_Entry* entryAfter, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg) { LDAPMod **mods; int i; mapping_tree_node * node; Slapi_DN * subtree; Slapi_Attr * attr; Slapi_Value *val = NULL; int be_list_count = 0; int be_list_size = 0; backend **backends = NULL; char **be_names = NULL; int * be_states = NULL; char * plugin_fct = NULL; char * plugin_lib = NULL; int plugin_flag = 0; mtn_distrib_fct plugin = NULL; slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_MODIFY_MODS, &mods); subtree = get_subtree_from_entry(entryAfter); node = mtn_get_mapping_tree_node_by_entry(mapping_tree_root, subtree); if (node == NULL) { /* should never happen */ *returncode = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } for (i = 0; mods[i] != NULL; i++) { if ( (strcasecmp(mods[i]->mod_type, "cn") == 0) || (strcasecmp(mods[i]->mod_type, MAPPING_TREE_PARENT_ATTRIBUTE) == 0) ) { mapping_tree_node * parent_node; /* if we are deleting this attribute the new parent * node will be mapping_tree_root */ if (SLAPI_IS_MOD_DELETE(mods[i]->mod_op)) { parent_node = mapping_tree_root; } else if ((strcasecmp(mods[i]->mod_type, "cn") == 0) && SLAPI_IS_MOD_ADD(mods[i]->mod_op)) { /* Allow to add an additional cn. * e.g., cn: "" for the backward compatibility. * No need to update the mapping tree node itself. */ continue; } else { /* we have to find the new parent node */ Slapi_DN *parent_node_dn; parent_node_dn = get_parent_from_entry(entryAfter); parent_node = mtn_get_mapping_tree_node_by_entry( mapping_tree_root, parent_node_dn); if (parent_node == NULL) { parent_node = mapping_tree_root; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: could not find parent for %s\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entryAfter), 0, 0); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } slapi_sdn_free(&parent_node_dn); } mtn_wlock(); /* modifying the parent of a node means moving it to an * other place of the tree * this can be done simply by removing it from its old place and * moving it to the new one */ mtn_remove_node(node); mapping_tree_node_add_child(parent_node, node); node->mtn_parent = parent_node; mtn_unlock(); } else if (strcasecmp(mods[i]->mod_type, "nsslapd-backend" ) == 0) { slapi_entry_attr_find(entryAfter, "nsslapd-backend", &attr); if (NULL == attr) { /* if nsslapd-backend attribute is empty all backends have * been suppressed, set backend list to NULL * checks on the state are done a bit later */ backends = NULL; be_names = NULL; be_states = NULL; be_list_count = 0; be_list_size = 0; } else if (get_backends_from_attr(attr, &backends, &be_names, &be_states, &be_list_count, &be_list_size, node)) { free_mapping_tree_node_arrays(&backends, &be_names, &be_states, &be_list_count); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } mtn_wlock(); if ((backends == NULL) && (node->mtn_state == MTN_BACKEND)) { PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "mapping tree entry need at least one nsslapd-backend\n"); *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; mtn_unlock(); free_mapping_tree_node_arrays(&backends, &be_names, &be_states, &be_list_count); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } /* free any old data */ free_mapping_tree_node_arrays(&node->mtn_be, &node->mtn_backend_names, &node->mtn_be_states, &node->mtn_be_count); node->mtn_be_states = be_states; node->mtn_be = backends; node->mtn_backend_names = be_names; node->mtn_be_count = be_list_count; node->mtn_be_list_size = be_list_size; mtn_unlock(); } else if (strcasecmp(mods[i]->mod_type, "nsslapd-state" ) == 0) { Slapi_Value * val; const char * new_state; Slapi_Attr * attr; /* state change * for now only allow replace */ if (!SLAPI_IS_MOD_REPLACE(mods[i]->mod_op)) { PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "must use replace operation to change state\n"); *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } if ((mods[i]->mod_bvalues == NULL) || (mods[i]->mod_bvalues[0] == NULL)) { slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); *returncode = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } slapi_entry_attr_find(entryAfter, "nsslapd-state", &attr); slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); new_state = slapi_value_get_string(val); if (mtn_state_to_int(new_state, entryAfter) == MTN_BACKEND) { if (slapi_entry_attr_find(entryAfter, "nsslapd-backend", &attr)) { PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "need to set nsslapd-backend before moving to backend state\n"); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } } if ((mtn_state_to_int(new_state, entryAfter) == MTN_REFERRAL) || (mtn_state_to_int(new_state, entryAfter) == MTN_REFERRAL_ON_UPDATE)) { if (slapi_entry_attr_find(entryAfter, "nsslapd-referral", &attr)) { PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "need to set nsslapd-referral before moving to referral state\n"); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } } mtn_wlock(); node->mtn_state = mtn_state_to_int(new_state, entryAfter); mtn_unlock(); } else if (strcasecmp(mods[i]->mod_type, "nsslapd-referral" ) == 0) { char ** referral; mtn_wlock(); if (SLAPI_IS_MOD_REPLACE(mods[i]->mod_op) || SLAPI_IS_MOD_ADD(mods[i]->mod_op)) { /* delete old referrals, set new ones */ mtn_free_referral_in_node(node); referral = mtn_get_referral_from_entry(entryAfter); node->mtn_referral = referral; node->mtn_referral_entry = referral2entry(referral, slapi_sdn_get_dn(subtree)); } else if (SLAPI_IS_MOD_DELETE(mods[i]->mod_op)) { /* it is not OK to delete the referrals if they are still * used */ if ((node->mtn_state == MTN_REFERRAL) || (node->mtn_state == MTN_REFERRAL_ON_UPDATE)) { PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "cannot delete referrals in this state\n"); *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; mtn_unlock(); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } mtn_free_referral_in_node(node); } else { *returncode = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; mtn_unlock(); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } mtn_unlock(); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); *returncode = LDAP_SUCCESS; return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_OK; } else if (strcasecmp(mods[i]->mod_type, "nsslapd-distribution-funct" ) == 0) { if (SLAPI_IS_MOD_REPLACE(mods[i]->mod_op) || SLAPI_IS_MOD_ADD(mods[i]->mod_op)) { slapi_entry_attr_find(entryAfter, "nsslapd-distribution-funct", &attr); slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); if (NULL == val) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: The nsslapd-distribution-funct attribute" " has no value for the mapping tree node %s\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entryAfter), 0, 0); plugin_fct = NULL; } plugin_fct = slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_value_get_string(val)); } else if (SLAPI_IS_MOD_DELETE(mods[i]->mod_op)) { plugin_fct = NULL; } plugin_flag = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(mods[i]->mod_type, "nsslapd-distribution-plugin" ) == 0) { if (SLAPI_IS_MOD_REPLACE(mods[i]->mod_op) || SLAPI_IS_MOD_ADD(mods[i]->mod_op)) { slapi_entry_attr_find(entryAfter, "nsslapd-distribution-plugin", &attr); slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); if (NULL == val) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: The nsslapd-distribution-plugin attribute" " has no value for the mapping tree node %s\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entryAfter), 0, 0); plugin_lib = NULL; } plugin_lib = slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_value_get_string(val)); } else if (SLAPI_IS_MOD_DELETE(mods[i]->mod_op)) { plugin_lib = NULL; } plugin_flag = 1; } } /* if distribution plugin has been configured or modified * check that the library and function exist * and if yes apply the modifications */ if (plugin_flag) { if (plugin_lib && plugin_fct) { plugin = (mtn_distrib_fct) sym_load(plugin_lib, plugin_fct, "Entry Distribution", 1); if (plugin == NULL) { PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "cannot find distribution plugin\n"); slapi_ch_free((void **) &plugin_fct); slapi_ch_free((void **) &plugin_lib); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } } else if ((plugin_lib == NULL) && (plugin_fct == NULL)) { /* nothing configured -> OK */ plugin = NULL; } else { /* only one parameter configured -> ERROR */ PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "must define distribution function and library\n"); slapi_ch_free((void **) &plugin_fct); slapi_ch_free((void **) &plugin_lib); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } mtn_wlock(); if (node->mtn_dstr_plg_lib) slapi_ch_free((void **) &node->mtn_dstr_plg_lib); node->mtn_dstr_plg_lib = plugin_lib; if (node->mtn_dstr_plg_name) slapi_ch_free((void **) &node->mtn_dstr_plg_name); node->mtn_dstr_plg_name = plugin_fct; node->mtn_dstr_plg = plugin; mtn_unlock(); } slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_OK; } int mapping_tree_entry_add_callback(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry* entryBefore, Slapi_Entry* e, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg) { mapping_tree_node *node = NULL; int i; backend * be; /* WARNING * for adds we don't need to grab the mapping tree global lock, * because the add operation in the tree is atomic because * only one pointer is updated in the tree. * Should the mapping tree stucture change, this would have to * be checked again */ *returncode = mapping_tree_entry_add(entryBefore, &node); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != *returncode || !node) { return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; } if(node->mtn_parent != NULL && node != mapping_tree_root ) { /* If the node has a parent and the node is not the mapping tree root, * then add it as a child node. Note that the special case when the * node is the mapping tree root and has no parent is handled inside * the mapping_tree_entry_add() function by replacing the contents of * the mapping tree root node with information from the add request. */ mapping_tree_node_add_child(node->mtn_parent, node); } for (i = 0; ((i < node->mtn_be_count) && (node->mtn_backend_names) && (node->mtn_backend_names[i])); i++) { if ((be = slapi_be_select_by_instance_name(node->mtn_backend_names[i])) && (be->be_state == BE_STATE_STARTED)) { mtn_be_state_change(node->mtn_backend_names[i], SLAPI_BE_STATE_DELETE, node->mtn_be_states[i]); } } node->mtn_extension = factory_create_extension(mapping_tree_get_extension_type(), node, NULL); return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_OK; } /* utility function to remove a node from the tree of mapping_tree_node */ static void mtn_remove_node(mapping_tree_node * node) { if (node->mtn_parent->mtn_children == node) node->mtn_parent->mtn_children = node->mtn_brother; else { mapping_tree_node * tmp_node = node->mtn_parent->mtn_children; while (tmp_node && (tmp_node->mtn_brother != node)) tmp_node = tmp_node->mtn_brother; PR_ASSERT(tmp_node != NULL); if (tmp_node) tmp_node->mtn_brother = node->mtn_brother; } node->mtn_brother = NULL; } int mapping_tree_entry_delete_callback(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry* entryBefore, Slapi_Entry* e, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg) { int result; mapping_tree_node *node = NULL; Slapi_DN * subtree; int i; int removed = 0; mtn_wlock(); subtree = get_subtree_from_entry(entryBefore); if (subtree == NULL) { /* there is no cn attribute in this entry * -> this is not a mapping tree node * -> nothing to do */ result = SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_OK; goto done; } node = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(subtree); if (node == NULL) { /* should never happen */ *returncode = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; result = SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; goto done; } if (slapi_sdn_compare(subtree, node->mtn_subtree)) { /* There is no node associated to this entry * -> nothing to do */ result = SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_OK; goto done; } /* if node has children we must refuse the delete */ if (node->mtn_children) { result = SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR; *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "this node has some children"); goto done; } /* at this point the node should be different from mapping_tree_root * and therefore have a parent */ PR_ASSERT(node->mtn_parent != NULL); /* lets get the node out of the mapping tree */ mtn_remove_node(node); result = SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_OK; removed = 1; done: mtn_unlock(); slapi_sdn_free(&subtree); if (SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_OK == result && removed) { /* Signal the plugins that a new backend-suffix has been deleted * rq : we have to unlock the mapping tree in that case because * most of the plugins will try to search upon this notification * and should we keep the lock we would end with a dead-lock */ for (i = 0; ((i < node->mtn_be_count) && (node->mtn_backend_names) && (node->mtn_backend_names[i])); i++) { if ((node->mtn_be_states[i] != SLAPI_BE_STATE_DELETE) && (NULL != slapi_be_select_by_instance_name( node->mtn_backend_names[i]))) { mtn_be_state_change(node->mtn_backend_names[i], node->mtn_be_states[i], SLAPI_BE_STATE_DELETE); } } /* at this point the node is out of the mapping tree, * we can now free the structure */ mtn_free_node(&node); } return result; } /* * Add an internal mapping tree node. */ static mapping_tree_node * add_internal_mapping_tree_node(const char *subtree, Slapi_Backend *be, mapping_tree_node *parent) { Slapi_DN *dn; mapping_tree_node *node; backend ** be_list = (backend **) slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(backend **)); be_list[0] = be; dn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byval(subtree); node= mapping_tree_node_new( dn, be_list, NULL, /* backend_name */ NULL, 1, /* number of backends at this node */ 1, /* size of backend list structure */ NULL, /* referral */ parent, MTN_BACKEND, 1, /* The config node is a private node. * People can't see or change it. */ NULL, NULL, NULL); return node; } /* * Description: * Inits the mapping tree. The mapping tree is rooted at a node with * subtree "". Think of this node as the node for the NULL suffix * even though we don't really support it. This function will * create the root node and then consult the DIT for the rest of * the nodes. It will also add the node for cn=config. * * One thing to note... Until the mapping tree is inited. We use * slapi_be_select for all our selection needs. To read in the mapping * tree from the DIT, we need to some internal operations. These * operations need to use slapi_be_select. * * Arguments: * Nothing * * Returns: * Right now it always returns 0. This will most likely change. Right * now, we just log warnings when ever something goes wrong. */ int mapping_tree_init() { Slapi_Backend *be; mapping_tree_node *node; /* Create the root of the mapping tree. */ /* The root of the mapping tree is the NULL suffix. It's always there, * but, because we don't really support it, we won't have an entry in * the dit for the NULL suffix mapping tree node. */ /* Once we support the NULL suffix we should do something more clever here. * For now will use the current backend we use for "" */ /* I'm not really sure what the state of the root node should be. The root * node will end up being selected if none of the suffices for the backends * would work with the target. For now when the root node is selected, * the default backend will be returned. (The special case where the * target dn is "" is handled differently.) */ /* we call this function from a single thread, so it should be ok */ if(mapping_tree_freed){ /* shutdown has been detected */ return 0; } if (mapping_tree_inited) return 0; /* ONREPL - I have moved this up because otherwise we can endup calling this * function recursively */ mapping_tree_inited = 1; slapi_register_supported_control(MTN_CONTROL_USE_ONE_BACKEND_OID, SLAPI_OPERATION_SEARCH); slapi_register_supported_control(MTN_CONTROL_USE_ONE_BACKEND_EXT_OID, SLAPI_OPERATION_SEARCH); myLock = PR_NewRWLock(PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "mapping tree"); be= slapi_be_select_by_instance_name(DSE_BACKEND); mapping_tree_root= add_internal_mapping_tree_node("", be, NULL); /* We also need to add the config and schema backends to the mapping tree. * They are special in that users will not know about it's node in the * mapping tree. This is to prevent them from disableing it or * returning a referral for it. */ node= add_internal_mapping_tree_node("cn=config", be, mapping_tree_root); mapping_tree_node_add_child(mapping_tree_root, node); node= add_internal_mapping_tree_node("cn=monitor", be, mapping_tree_root); mapping_tree_node_add_child(mapping_tree_root, node); be= slapi_be_select_by_instance_name( DSE_SCHEMA ); node= add_internal_mapping_tree_node("cn=schema", be, mapping_tree_root); mapping_tree_node_add_child(mapping_tree_root, node); /* * Now we need to look under cn=mapping tree, cn=config to find the rest * of the mapping tree entries. * Builds the mapping tree from entries in the DIT. This function just * calls mapping_tree_node_get_children with the special case for the * root node. */ if (mapping_tree_node_get_children(mapping_tree_root, 1)) return -1; mtn_create_extension(mapping_tree_root); /* setup the dse callback functions for the ldbm instance config entry */ { slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_MODIFY, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectclass=nsMappingTree)", mapping_tree_entry_modify_callback, NULL); slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_ADD, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectclass=nsMappingTree)", mapping_tree_entry_add_callback, NULL); slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_DELETE, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectclass=nsMappingTree)", mapping_tree_entry_delete_callback, NULL); } return 0; } static void mtn_free_node (mapping_tree_node **node) { mapping_tree_node *child = (*node)->mtn_children; /* free children first */ while (child) { mapping_tree_node * tmp_child = child->mtn_brother; mtn_free_node (&child); child = tmp_child; } (*node)->mtn_children = NULL; (*node)->mtn_parent = NULL; /* free this node */ /* ONREPL - not quite sure which fields should be freed. For now, only freeing fields explicitely allocated in the new_node function */ factory_destroy_extension (mapping_tree_get_extension_type(), *node, NULL, &((*node)->mtn_extension)); slapi_sdn_free(&((*node)->mtn_subtree)); mtn_free_referral_in_node(*node); if ((*node)->mtn_be_count > 0) { free_mapping_tree_node_arrays(&((*node)->mtn_be), &((*node)->mtn_backend_names), &((*node)->mtn_be_states), &((*node)->mtn_be_count)); } slapi_ch_free_string(&((*node)->mtn_dstr_plg_lib)); slapi_ch_free_string(&((*node)->mtn_dstr_plg_name)); slapi_ch_free ((void**) node); } /* Description: frees the tree; should be called when the server shuts down */ void mapping_tree_free () { /* unregister dse callbacks */ slapi_config_remove_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_MODIFY, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", mapping_tree_entry_modify_callback); slapi_config_remove_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_ADD, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", mapping_tree_entry_add_callback); slapi_config_remove_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_DELETE, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", mapping_tree_entry_delete_callback); /* The state change plugins registered on the mapping tree * should not get any state change information * - unregister all those callbacks */ slapi_unregister_backend_state_change_all(); /* recursively free tree nodes */ mtn_free_node (&mapping_tree_root); mapping_tree_freed = 1; } /* This function returns the first node to parse when a search is done * on a given node in the mapping tree */ static mapping_tree_node * mtn_get_first_node(mapping_tree_node * node, int scope) { if (node == NULL) return NULL; /* never climb down the tree from base "" */ if (node == mapping_tree_root) { return node; } if (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE) return node; if (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL) { if (node->mtn_children) return node->mtn_children; else return node; } while (node->mtn_children) node = node->mtn_children; return node; } int slapi_mtn_get_first_be(mapping_tree_node * node_list, mapping_tree_node ** node, Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Backend **be, int * be_index, Slapi_Entry **referral, char *errorbuf, int scope) { *node = mtn_get_first_node(node_list, scope); if (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE) *be_index = -1; else *be_index = 0; return mtn_get_be(*node, pb, be, be_index, referral, errorbuf); } int slapi_mtn_get_next_be(mapping_tree_node * node_list, mapping_tree_node ** node, Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Backend **be, int * be_index, Slapi_Entry **referral, char *errorbuf, int scope) { int rc; if (((*node)->mtn_parent == NULL) || /* -> node has been deleted */ (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE)) { *node = NULL; *be = NULL; *referral = NULL; return 0; } /* never climb down the tree from the rootDSE */ if (node_list == mapping_tree_root) { *node = NULL; *be = NULL; *referral = NULL; return 0; } rc = mtn_get_be(*node, pb, be, be_index, referral, errorbuf); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { *node = mtn_get_next_node(*node, node_list, scope); return rc; } if ((*be == NULL) && (*referral == NULL)) { *node = mtn_get_next_node(*node, node_list, scope); if (*node == NULL) { *be = NULL; return 0; } *be_index = 0; return mtn_get_be(*node, pb, be, be_index, referral, errorbuf); } return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* This function returns the next node to parse when a subtree search is done * on a given node in the mapping tree */ static mapping_tree_node * mtn_get_next_node(mapping_tree_node * node, mapping_tree_node * node_list, int scope) { if (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE) return NULL; /* if we are back to the top of the subtree searched then we have finished */ if (node == node_list) node = NULL; else if (node->mtn_brother) { node = node->mtn_brother; if (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE) while (node->mtn_children) node = node->mtn_children; } else node = node->mtn_parent; return node; } /* Description : * return 0 if the given entry does not have any child node in the mapping tree * != otherwise * */ int mtn_sdn_has_child(Slapi_DN *target_sdn) { mapping_tree_node *node; /* algo : get the target node for the given dn * then loop through all its child to check if one of them is below * the target dn */ node = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(target_sdn); /* if there is no node for this dn then there is no child either */ if (node == NULL) return 0; node = node->mtn_children; while (node) { if (slapi_sdn_issuffix(node->mtn_subtree, target_sdn)) return 1; node = node->mtn_brother; } return 0; } /* Description: * Find the backend that would be used to store a dn. */ Slapi_Backend *slapi_mapping_tree_find_backend_for_sdn(Slapi_DN *sdn) { mapping_tree_node *target_node; Slapi_Backend *be; int flag_stop = 0, index; Slapi_PBlock *pb; Slapi_Operation *op; mtn_lock(); target_node = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(sdn); if ((target_node == mapping_tree_root) && (slapi_sdn_get_ndn_len(sdn) > 0)) { /* couldn't find a matching node */ be = defbackend_get_backend(); goto done; } if ((target_node == NULL) || (target_node->mtn_be_count == 0)) { /* no backend configured for this node */ be = NULL; goto done; } if (target_node->mtn_be_count == 1) { /* not distributed, so we've already found it */ if (target_node->mtn_be[0] == NULL) { target_node->mtn_be[0] = slapi_be_select_by_instance_name( target_node->mtn_backend_names[0]); } be = target_node->mtn_be[0]; goto done; } /* have to call the distribution plugin */ be = defbackend_get_backend(); pb = slapi_pblock_new(); if (!pb) { goto done; } op = internal_operation_new(SLAPI_OPERATION_ADD, 0); if (!op) { slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); goto done; } operation_set_target_spec(op, sdn); slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, op); index = mtn_get_be_distributed(pb, target_node, sdn, &flag_stop); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); /* also frees the operation */ if (target_node->mtn_be[index] == NULL) { target_node->mtn_be[index] = slapi_be_select_by_instance_name( target_node->mtn_backend_names[index]); } be = target_node->mtn_be[index]; done: mtn_unlock(); return be; } /* Check if the target dn is '\0' - the null dn */ static int sdn_is_nulldn(const Slapi_DN *sdn){ if(sdn){ const char *dn= slapi_sdn_get_ndn(sdn); if(dn && ( '\0' == *dn)){ return 1; } } return 0; } /* Checks if a write operation for a particular DN would * require a referral to be sent. */ int slapi_dn_write_needs_referral(Slapi_DN *target_sdn, Slapi_Entry **referral) { mapping_tree_node *target_node = NULL; int ret = 0; if(mapping_tree_freed){ /* shutdown detected */ goto done; } if(!mapping_tree_inited) { mapping_tree_init(); } if (target_sdn) { mtn_lock(); /* Get the mapping tree node that is the best match for the target dn. */ target_node = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(target_sdn); if (target_node == NULL) { target_node = mapping_tree_root; } /* See if we need to return a referral. */ if ((target_node->mtn_state == MTN_REFERRAL) || (target_node->mtn_state == MTN_REFERRAL_ON_UPDATE)) { *referral = (target_node->mtn_referral_entry ? slapi_entry_dup(target_node->mtn_referral_entry) : NULL); if (*referral) { ret = 1; } } mtn_unlock(); } done: return ret; } /* * Description: * The reason we have a mapping tree. This function selects a backend or * referral to handle a given request. Uses the target of the operation to * find a mapping tree node, then based on the operation type, bind dn, state * of the node, etc. it selects a backend or referral. * * In this initial implementation of the mapping tree, each node can only have * one backend and one referral. Later we should change this so each node has * a list of backends and a list of referrals. Then we should add a modifier * to the state of the node. For example, MTN_MODIFIER_ROUND_ROBIN could be a * modifer on the way a backend or referral is returned from the lists. * * Arguments: * pb is the pblock being used to service the operation. * be is an output param that will be set to the selected backend. * referral is an output param that will be set to the selected referral. * errorbuf is a pointer to a buffer that an error string will be written to * if there is an error. The caller is responsible for passing in a big * enough chunk of memory. BUFSIZ should be fine. If errorbuf is NULL, * no error string is written to it. The string returned in errorbuf * would be a good candidate for sending back to the client to describe the * error. * * Returns: * LDAP_SUCCESS on success, other LDAP result codes if there is a problem. */ int slapi_mapping_tree_select(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Backend **be, Slapi_Entry **referral, char *errorbuf) { Slapi_DN *target_sdn = NULL; mapping_tree_node *target_node; Slapi_Operation *op; int index; int ret; int scope=LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; int op_type; if(mapping_tree_freed){ /* shutdown detected */ return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } if (errorbuf) { errorbuf[0] = '\0'; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION_TYPE, &op_type); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_SCOPE, &scope); /* Get the target for this op */ target_sdn = operation_get_target_spec (op); if(!mapping_tree_inited) { mapping_tree_init(); } be[0] = NULL; referral[0] = NULL; mtn_lock(); /* Get the mapping tree node that is the best match for the target dn. */ target_node = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(target_sdn); if (target_node == NULL) target_node = mapping_tree_root; /* The processing of the base scope root DSE search and all other LDAP operations on "" * will be transferred to the internal DSE backend */ if( sdn_is_nulldn(target_sdn) && (((op_type == SLAPI_OPERATION_SEARCH) && (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE)) || (op_type != SLAPI_OPERATION_SEARCH)) ) { mtn_unlock(); *be = slapi_be_select_by_instance_name(DSE_BACKEND); if(*be != NULL && !be_isdeleted(*be)) { ret = LDAP_SUCCESS; slapi_be_Rlock(*be); /* also done inside mtn_get_be() below */ } else { ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } return ret; } /* index == -1 is used to specify that we want only one backend not a list * used for BASE search, ADD, DELETE, MODIFY */ index = -1; ret = mtn_get_be(target_node, pb, be, &index, referral, errorbuf); slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_BACKEND_COUNT, &index); mtn_unlock(); /* if a backend was returned, make sure that all non-search operations * fail if the backend is read-only, * or if the whole server is readonly AND backend is public (!private) */ if ((ret == LDAP_SUCCESS) && *be && !be_isdeleted(*be) && ((*be)->be_readonly || (slapi_config_get_readonly() && !slapi_be_private(*be)))) { unsigned long op_type = operation_get_type(op); if ((op_type != SLAPI_OPERATION_SEARCH) && (op_type != SLAPI_OPERATION_COMPARE) && (op_type != SLAPI_OPERATION_BIND) && (op_type != SLAPI_OPERATION_UNBIND)) { ret = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; PL_strncpyz(errorbuf, slapi_config_get_readonly() ? "Server is read-only" : "database is read-only", BUFSIZ); slapi_be_Unlock(*be); *be = NULL; } } return ret; } int slapi_mapping_tree_select_all(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Backend **be_list, Slapi_Entry **referral_list, char *errorbuf) { Slapi_DN *target_sdn = NULL; mapping_tree_node *node_list; mapping_tree_node *node; Slapi_Operation *op; int index; int ret; int ret_code = LDAP_SUCCESS; int be_index = 0 ; int referral_index = 0 ; Slapi_Backend * be; Slapi_Entry * referral; int scope = LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; Slapi_DN sdn; char *base; int flag_partial_result = 0; int op_type; if(mapping_tree_freed){ return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } if (errorbuf) { errorbuf[0] = '\0'; } /* get the operational parameters */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_TARGET, &base); slapi_sdn_init_dn_ndn_byref(&sdn, base); /* normalized in opshared.c */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op); target_sdn = operation_get_target_spec (op); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION_TYPE, &op_type); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_SCOPE, &scope); if(!mapping_tree_inited){ mapping_tree_init(); } mtn_lock(); be_list[0] = NULL; referral_list[0] = NULL; /* Get the mapping tree node that is the best match for the target dn. */ node_list = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(target_sdn); if (node_list == NULL) node_list = mapping_tree_root; if( sdn_is_nulldn(target_sdn) && ( op_type == SLAPI_OPERATION_SEARCH) && (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE) ) { mtn_unlock(); be = slapi_be_select_by_instance_name(DSE_BACKEND); if(be != NULL && !be_isdeleted(be)) { be_list[0]=be; be_list[1] = NULL; ret_code = LDAP_SUCCESS; slapi_be_Rlock(be); /* also done inside mtn_get_be() below */ } else { ret_code = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } return ret_code; } ret = slapi_mtn_get_first_be(node_list, &node, pb, &be, &index, &referral, errorbuf, scope); while ((node) &&(index < BE_LIST_SIZE)) { if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* flag we have problems at least on part of the tree */ flag_partial_result = 1; } else if ( ( ((!slapi_sdn_issuffix(&sdn, slapi_mtn_get_dn(node)) && !slapi_sdn_issuffix(slapi_mtn_get_dn(node), &sdn))) || ((node_list == mapping_tree_root) && node->mtn_private && (scope != LDAP_SCOPE_BASE)) ) && (!be || strncmp(be->be_name, "default", 8))) { if (be && !be_isdeleted(be)) { /* wrong backend or referall, ignore it */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ARGS, NULL, "mapping tree release backend : %s\n", slapi_be_get_name(be)); slapi_be_Unlock(be); } } else { if (be && !be_isdeleted(be)) { be_list[be_index++]=be; } if (referral) { referral_list[referral_index++] = referral; /* if we hit a referral at the base of the search * we must return a REFERRAL error with only this referral * all backend or referral below this node are ignored */ if (slapi_sdn_issuffix(target_sdn, slapi_mtn_get_dn(node))) { ret_code = LDAP_REFERRAL; break; /* get out of the while loop */ } } } ret = slapi_mtn_get_next_be(node_list, &node, pb, &be, &index, &referral, errorbuf, scope); } mtn_unlock(); slapi_sdn_done(&sdn); be_list[be_index] = NULL; referral_list[referral_index] = NULL; if (flag_partial_result) { /* if no node in active has been found -> return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR * but if only part of the nodes are disabled * do not return an error to allow directory browser to work OK * in the console * It would be better to return a meaningfull error * unfortunately LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS is not usable because * it is already used for V2 referrals * leave no error for now and fix this later */ if ((be_index == 0) && (referral_index == 0)) return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; else return ret_code; } else return ret_code; } void slapi_mapping_tree_free_all(Slapi_Backend **be_list, Slapi_Entry **referral_list) { int index = 0; /* go through the list of all backends that was used for the operation * and unlock them * go through the list of referrals and free them * free the two tables that were used to store the two lists */ if (be_list[index] != NULL) { Slapi_Backend * be; while ((be = be_list[index++])) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ARGS, NULL, "mapping tree release backend : %s\n", slapi_be_get_name(be)); slapi_be_Unlock(be); } } index = 0; if (referral_list[index] != NULL) { Slapi_Entry * referral; while ((referral = referral_list[index++])) { slapi_entry_free(referral); } } } /* same as slapi_mapping_tree_select() but will also check that the supplied * newdn is in the same backend */ int slapi_mapping_tree_select_and_check(Slapi_PBlock *pb,char *newdn, Slapi_Backend **be, Slapi_Entry **referral, char *errorbuf) { Slapi_DN *target_sdn = NULL; Slapi_DN dn_newdn; Slapi_Backend * new_be = NULL; Slapi_Entry * new_referral = NULL; mapping_tree_node *target_node; int index; Slapi_Operation *op; int ret; int need_unlock = 0; if(mapping_tree_freed){ return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } slapi_sdn_init(&dn_newdn); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op); target_sdn = operation_get_target_spec (op); * referral = NULL; ret = slapi_mapping_tree_select(pb, be, referral, errorbuf); if (ret) goto unlock_and_return; slapi_sdn_init_dn_byref(&dn_newdn,newdn); /* acquire lock now, after slapi_mapping_tree_select() which also locks, because we are accessing mt internals */ mtn_lock(); need_unlock = 1; /* we have now acquired the lock */ target_node = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(&dn_newdn); if (target_node == NULL) target_node = mapping_tree_root; index = -1; ret = mtn_get_be(target_node, pb, &new_be, &index, &new_referral, errorbuf); if (ret) goto unlock_and_return; if (*be) { /* suffix is a part of mapping tree. We should not free it */ const Slapi_DN *suffix = slapi_get_suffix_by_dn(target_sdn); if (NULL == suffix) { ret = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; PR_snprintf(errorbuf, BUFSIZ, "Target entry \"%s\" does not exist\n", slapi_sdn_get_dn(target_sdn)); goto unlock_and_return; } if (0 == slapi_sdn_compare(target_sdn, suffix)) { /* target_sdn is a suffix */ const Slapi_DN *new_suffix = NULL; /* new_suffix is a part of mapping tree. We should not free it */ new_suffix = slapi_get_suffix_by_dn(&dn_newdn); if (!slapi_be_exist((const Slapi_DN *)&dn_newdn)) { /* new_be is an empty backend */ ret = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; PR_snprintf(errorbuf, BUFSIZ, "Backend for suffix \"%s\" does not exist\n", newdn); goto unlock_and_return; } if (0 == slapi_sdn_compare(&dn_newdn, new_suffix)) { ret = LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS; PR_snprintf(errorbuf, BUFSIZ, "Suffix \"%s\" already exists\n", newdn); goto unlock_and_return; } ret = LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION; PR_snprintf(errorbuf, BUFSIZ, "Cannot rename suffix \"%s\"\n", slapi_sdn_get_dn(target_sdn)); goto unlock_and_return; } else { if ((*be != new_be) || mtn_sdn_has_child(target_sdn)) { ret = LDAP_AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS; PR_snprintf(errorbuf, BUFSIZ, "Cannot move entries accross backends\n"); goto unlock_and_return; } } } unlock_and_return: /* if slapi_mapping_tree_select failed, we won't have the lock */ if (need_unlock) { mtn_unlock(); } slapi_sdn_done(&dn_newdn); if (new_be) slapi_be_Unlock(new_be); if (new_referral) slapi_entry_free(new_referral); if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (be && *be && !be_isdeleted(*be)) { slapi_be_Unlock(*be); *be = NULL; } if (*referral) { slapi_entry_free(*referral); *referral = NULL; } } return ret; } /* * allow to solve the distribution problem when several back-ends are defined */ static int mtn_get_be_distributed(Slapi_PBlock *pb, mapping_tree_node * target_node, Slapi_DN *target_sdn, int * flag_stop) { int index; *flag_stop = 0; if (target_node->mtn_dstr_plg) { index = (*target_node->mtn_dstr_plg)(pb, target_sdn, target_node->mtn_backend_names, target_node->mtn_be_count, target_node->mtn_subtree, target_node->mtn_be_states); if (index == SLAPI_BE_ALL_BACKENDS) { /* special value to indicate all backends must be scanned * start with first one */ index = 0; } /* paranoid check, never trust another programmer */ else if ((index >= target_node->mtn_be_count) || (index < 0)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: distribution plugin returned wrong backend" " : %d for entry %s at node %s\n", index, slapi_sdn_get_ndn(target_sdn), slapi_sdn_get_ndn(target_node->mtn_subtree)); index = 0; } else { /* only one backend to scan * set flag_stop to indicate we must stop the search here */ *flag_stop = 1; } } else { /* there is several backends but no distribution function * return the first backend */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: distribution plugin not configured at node : %s\n", slapi_sdn_get_ndn(target_node->mtn_subtree), 0, 0); index = 0; } return index; } /* * this function is in charge of choosing the right backend for a given * mapping tree node * In case when several backends are used it is in charge of the spanning the * request among all the backend or choosing the only backend to use depending * on the type and scope of the LDAP operation * * index == -1 is used to specify that we want only the one best backend * used for BASE search, ADD, DELETE, MODIFY * index >0 means we are doing a SUBTREE or ONELEVEL search and that the be in * that position must be returned */ static int mtn_get_be(mapping_tree_node *target_node, Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Backend **be, int * index, Slapi_Entry **referral, char *errorbuf) { Slapi_DN *target_sdn; Slapi_Operation *op; int result = LDAP_SUCCESS; int override_referral = 0; unsigned long op_type; int flag_stop = 0; struct slapi_componentid *cid = NULL; if(mapping_tree_freed){ /* shut down detected */ return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } /* Get usefull stuff like the type of operation, target dn */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op); op_type = operation_get_type(op); target_sdn = operation_get_target_spec (op); if (target_node->mtn_state == MTN_DISABLED) { if (errorbuf) { PR_snprintf(errorbuf, BUFSIZ, "Warning: Operation attempted on a disabled node : %s\n", slapi_sdn_get_dn(target_node->mtn_subtree)); } result = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; return result; } slapi_pblock_get (pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_IDENTITY, &cid); override_referral = ((cid != NULL) && (pw_get_componentID() != NULL) && (pw_get_componentID() == cid)) || operation_is_flag_set(op, OP_FLAG_LEGACY_REPLICATION_DN) || /* 4.0 lgacy update */ operation_is_flag_set(op, OP_FLAG_REPLICATED) || /* 5.0 replication update */ operation_is_flag_set(op, OP_FLAG_TOMBSTONE_ENTRY); /* 5.1 fix to enable tombstone delete on a R-O consumer */ if ((target_node->mtn_state == MTN_BACKEND) || (target_node->mtn_state == MTN_CONTAINER ) || ((target_node->mtn_state == MTN_REFERRAL_ON_UPDATE) && ((SLAPI_OPERATION_SEARCH == op_type)||(SLAPI_OPERATION_BIND == op_type) || (SLAPI_OPERATION_UNBIND == op_type) || (SLAPI_OPERATION_COMPARE == op_type))) || override_referral) { if ((target_node == mapping_tree_root) ){ /* If we got here, then we couldn't find a matching node * for the target. We'll use the default backend. Once * we fully support the NULL suffix, we should do something more * clever here. */ *be = defbackend_get_backend(); } else { if ((*index == -1) || (*index == 0)) { /* In this case, we are doing * a READ, ADD, MODIDY or DELETE on a single entry * or we are starting a SEARCH * if there is several possible backend we want to apply * the distribution plugin */ if (target_node->mtn_be_count <= 1) { /* there is only one backend no choice possible */ *index = 0; } else { *index = mtn_get_be_distributed(pb, target_node, target_sdn, &flag_stop); } } if ((*index == -2) || (*index >= target_node->mtn_be_count)) { /* we have already returned all backends -> return NULL */ *be = NULL; *referral = NULL; } else { /* return next backend, increment index */ *be = target_node->mtn_be[*index]; if(*be==NULL) { if (NULL != target_node->mtn_be_states && target_node->mtn_be_states[*index] == SLAPI_BE_STATE_DELETE) { /* This MTN is being deleted */ *be = defbackend_get_backend(); } else { /* This MTN has not been linked to its backend * instance yet. */ target_node->mtn_be[*index] = slapi_be_select_by_instance_name( target_node->mtn_backend_names[*index]); *be = target_node->mtn_be[*index]; if(*be==NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: Mapping tree node entry for %s point to " "an unknown backend : %s\n", slapi_sdn_get_dn(target_node->mtn_subtree), target_node->mtn_backend_names[*index], 0); /* Well there's still not backend instance for * this MTN, so let's have the default backend * deal with this. */ *be = defbackend_get_backend(); } } } if ((target_node->mtn_be_states) && (target_node->mtn_be_states[*index] == SLAPI_BE_STATE_OFFLINE)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Warning: Operation attempted on backend in OFFLINE " "state : %s\n", target_node->mtn_backend_names[*index], 0, 0); result = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; *be = defbackend_get_backend(); } if (flag_stop) *index = -2; else (*index)++; } } *referral = NULL; } else { /* otherwise we must return the referral * if ((target_node->mtn_state == MTN_REFERRAL) || * (target_node->mtn_state == MTN_REFERRAL_ON_UPDATE)) */ if (*index > 0) { /* we have already returned this referral * send back NULL to jump to next node */ *be = NULL; *referral = NULL; result = LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { /* first time we hit this referral -> return it * set the be variable to NULL to indicate we use a referral * and increment index to rememeber later that we already * returned this referral */ *be = NULL; *referral = (target_node->mtn_referral_entry ? slapi_entry_dup(target_node->mtn_referral_entry) : NULL); (*index)++; if (NULL == *referral) { if (errorbuf) { PR_snprintf(errorbuf, BUFSIZ, "Mapping tree node for %s is set to return a referral," " but no referral is configured for it", slapi_sdn_get_ndn(target_node->mtn_subtree)); } result = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } else { result = LDAP_SUCCESS; } } } if (result == LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (*be && !be_isdeleted(*be)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ARGS, NULL, "mapping tree selected backend : %s\n", slapi_be_get_name(*be)); slapi_be_Rlock(*be); } else if (*referral) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ARGS, NULL, "mapping tree selected referral at node : %s\n", slapi_sdn_get_dn(target_node->mtn_subtree)); } } return result; } /* * Description: * Finds the best match for the targetdn from the children of parent. Uses * slapi_sdn_issuffix and the number of rdns to pick the best node. * * Arguments: * parent is a pointer to a mapping tree node. * targetdn is the dn we're trying to find the best match for. * * Returns: * A pointer to the child of parent that best matches the targetdn. NULL * if there were no good matches. */ static mapping_tree_node *best_matching_child(mapping_tree_node *parent, const Slapi_DN *targetdn) { mapping_tree_node *highest_match_node = NULL; mapping_tree_node *current; if(mapping_tree_freed){ /* shutdown detected */ return NULL; } for (current = parent->mtn_children; current; current = current->mtn_brother) { if (slapi_sdn_issuffix(targetdn, current->mtn_subtree)) { if ( (highest_match_node == NULL) || ((slapi_sdn_get_ndn_len(current->mtn_subtree)) > slapi_sdn_get_ndn_len(highest_match_node->mtn_subtree)) ) { highest_match_node = current; } } } return highest_match_node; } /* * look for the exact mapping tree node corresponding to a given entry dn */ static mapping_tree_node * mtn_get_mapping_tree_node_by_entry(mapping_tree_node* node, const Slapi_DN *dn) { mapping_tree_node *found_node = NULL; if(mapping_tree_freed){ /* shutdown detected */ return NULL; } if(NULL == dn){ /* bad mapping tree entry operation */ return NULL; } if (slapi_sdn_compare(node->mtn_subtree, dn) == 0) { return node; } if (node->mtn_children) { found_node = mtn_get_mapping_tree_node_by_entry(node->mtn_children, dn); if (found_node) return found_node; } if (node->mtn_brother) { found_node = mtn_get_mapping_tree_node_by_entry(node->mtn_brother, dn); } return found_node; } /* * Description: * Gets a mapping tree node that best matches the given dn. If the root * node is returned and the target dn is not "", then no match was found. * * Arguments: * dn is the target of the search. * * Returns: * The best matching node for the dn * if nothing match, NULL is returned */ mapping_tree_node * slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(const Slapi_DN *dn) { mapping_tree_node *current_best_match = mapping_tree_root; mapping_tree_node *next_best_match = mapping_tree_root; if(mapping_tree_freed){ /* shutdown detected */ return NULL; } /* Handle special case where the dn is "" and the mapping root * does not belong to the frontend-internal (DSE_BACKEND); * it has been assigned to a different backend. * e.g: a container backend */ if ( sdn_is_nulldn(dn) && mapping_tree_root && mapping_tree_root->mtn_be[0] && mapping_tree_root->mtn_be[0] != slapi_be_select_by_instance_name(DSE_BACKEND)) { return( mapping_tree_root ); } /* Start at the root and walk down the tree to find the best match. */ while (next_best_match) { current_best_match = next_best_match; next_best_match = best_matching_child(current_best_match, dn); } if (current_best_match == mapping_tree_root) return NULL; else return current_best_match; } static mapping_tree_node * get_mapping_tree_node_by_name(mapping_tree_node * node, char * be_name) { int i; mapping_tree_node *found_node = NULL; if(mapping_tree_freed){ /* shutdown detected */ return NULL; } /* now search the backend in this node */ i = 0; while ( ( i < node->mtn_be_count) && (node->mtn_backend_names) && (node->mtn_backend_names[i]) && (strcmp(node->mtn_backend_names[i],be_name))) { i++; } if ((i < node->mtn_be_count) && (node->mtn_backend_names != NULL) && (node->mtn_backend_names[i] != NULL)) { return node; } if (node->mtn_children) { found_node = get_mapping_tree_node_by_name(node->mtn_children, be_name); if (found_node) return found_node; } if (node->mtn_brother) { found_node = get_mapping_tree_node_by_name(node->mtn_brother, be_name); } return found_node; } /* * Description: construct the dn of the configuration entry for the * node originated at the root. The function just constructs * the dn it does not verify that the entry actually exist. * The format of the dn is * cn="",cn=mapping tree,cn=config * * Arguments: root - root of the node * * Returns: dn of the configuration entry if successful and null otherwise. */ char* slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_configdn (const Slapi_DN *root) { char *dn = NULL; if(mapping_tree_freed){ /* shutdown detected */ return NULL; } if (root == NULL) return NULL; /* This function converts the old DN style to the new one. */ dn = slapi_create_dn_string("cn=\"%s\",%s", slapi_sdn_get_dn(root), MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN); if (NULL == dn) { LDAPDebug1Arg(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_configdn: " "failed to crate mapping tree dn for %s\n", slapi_sdn_get_dn(root)); return NULL; } return dn; } /* * Description: this function returns root of the subtree to which the node applies * * Arguments: node - mapping tree node * * Returns: root of the subtree if function is successful and NULL otherwise. */ const Slapi_DN* slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_root (const mapping_tree_node *node) { if (node) return node->mtn_subtree; else return NULL; } /* GB : there is a potential problems with this function * when several backends are used */ PRBool slapi_mapping_tree_node_is_set (const mapping_tree_node *node, PRUint32 flag) { if (flag & SLAPI_MTN_LOCAL) return PR_TRUE; if (flag & SLAPI_MTN_PRIVATE) return ((node->mtn_be_count>0) && node->mtn_be && node->mtn_be[0] && node->mtn_private); if (flag & SLAPI_MTN_READONLY) return ((node->mtn_be_count>0) && node->mtn_be && node->mtn_be[0] && node->mtn_be[0]->be_readonly); return PR_FALSE; } /* * Description: this function returns root of the subtree to which the node applies * * Arguments: node * * Returns: dn of the parent of mapping tree node configuration entry. */ const char* slapi_get_mapping_tree_config_root () { return MAPPING_TREE_BASE_DN; } /* * slapi_be_select() finds the backend that should be used to service dn. * If no backend with an appropriate suffix is configured, the default backend * is returned. This function never returns NULL. */ Slapi_Backend * slapi_be_select( const Slapi_DN *sdn ) /* JCM - The name of this should change??? */ { Slapi_Backend *be; mapping_tree_node *node= slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(sdn); if(node!=NULL) be= node->mtn_be[0]; else be = NULL; if(be==NULL) be= defbackend_get_backend(); return be; } /* Check if the dn targets an internal reserved backends */ int slapi_on_internal_backends(const Slapi_DN *sdn) { char *backend_names[] = {DSE_BACKEND, DSE_SCHEMA}; int internal = 1; int numOfInternalBackends = 2; int count; Slapi_Backend *internal_be; Slapi_Backend *be = slapi_be_select(sdn); for (count=0; count < numOfInternalBackends ; ++count){ /* the internal backends are always in the begining of the list * so should not be very inefficient */ internal_be = slapi_be_select_by_instance_name(backend_names[count]); if(be == internal_be){ return internal; } } return 0; } /* Some of the operations are not allowed from the plugins * but default to specialized use of those operations * e.g rootDse search, ConfigRoot searches * cn=config, cn=schema etc */ int slapi_op_reserved(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { int scope=LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; int reservedOp=0; int op_type; Slapi_Operation *op = NULL; Slapi_DN *target_sdn=NULL; slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION_TYPE, &op_type); /* Get the target for this op */ target_sdn = operation_get_target_spec (op); if( op_type == SLAPI_OPERATION_SEARCH){ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_SCOPE, &scope); if( sdn_is_nulldn(target_sdn) && (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE) ){ reservedOp = 1; } } if(slapi_on_internal_backends(target_sdn)){ reservedOp = 1; } return reservedOp; } /* * Returns the name of the Backend that contains specified DN, * if only one matches. Otherwise returns NULL * The name is pointing to the mapping tree structure * and should not be altered. */ const char * slapi_mtn_get_backend_name( const Slapi_DN *sdn) { mapping_tree_node *node= slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(sdn); if ((node != NULL) && (node->mtn_be_count == 1) && (node->mtn_backend_names != NULL)) /* There's only one name, return it */ return node->mtn_backend_names[0]; else return NULL; } /* Check if the backend that contains specified DN exists */ int slapi_be_exist(const Slapi_DN *sdn) /* JCM - The name of this should change??? */ { Slapi_Backend *def_be = defbackend_get_backend(); Slapi_Backend *be = slapi_be_select (sdn); return (be != def_be); } /* The two following functions can be used to * parse the list of the root suffix of the DIT * Using */ Slapi_DN * slapi_get_first_suffix(void ** node, int show_private) { mapping_tree_node * first_node = mapping_tree_root->mtn_children; if (NULL == node) { return NULL; } *node = (void * ) first_node ; while (first_node && (first_node->mtn_private && (show_private == 0))) first_node = first_node->mtn_brother; return (first_node ? first_node->mtn_subtree : NULL); } Slapi_DN * slapi_get_next_suffix(void ** node, int show_private) { mapping_tree_node * next_node = NULL; if (NULL == node) { return NULL; } next_node = *node; if (next_node == NULL) { return NULL; } next_node = next_node->mtn_brother; while (next_node && (next_node->mtn_private && (show_private == 0))) next_node = next_node->mtn_brother; *node = next_node; return (next_node ? next_node->mtn_subtree : NULL); } /* get mapping tree node recursively */ Slapi_DN * slapi_get_next_suffix_ext(void ** node, int show_private) { mapping_tree_node * next_node = NULL; if (NULL == node) { return NULL; } next_node = *node; if (next_node == NULL) { return NULL; } if (next_node->mtn_children) { next_node = next_node->mtn_children; } else if (next_node->mtn_brother) { next_node = next_node->mtn_brother; } else { next_node = next_node->mtn_parent; if (next_node) { next_node = next_node->mtn_brother; } } while (next_node && (next_node->mtn_private && (show_private == 0))) next_node = next_node->mtn_brother; if (next_node) { *node = next_node; } return (next_node ? next_node->mtn_subtree : NULL); } /* check if a suffix is a root of the DIT * return 1 if yes, 0 if no */ int slapi_is_root_suffix(Slapi_DN * dn) { void * node; Slapi_DN * suffix = slapi_get_first_suffix (&node, 1); while (suffix) { if ( slapi_sdn_compare(dn, suffix) == 0 ) return 1; suffix = slapi_get_next_suffix(&node, 1); } return 0 ; } /* Return value is a part mapping tree; Don't free it. */ const Slapi_DN * slapi_get_suffix_by_dn(const Slapi_DN *dn) { mapping_tree_node *node = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_by_dn(dn); const Slapi_DN *suffix = NULL; if (node) { suffix = (const Slapi_DN *)slapi_mtn_get_dn(node); } return suffix; } /* * set referrals for the node * notes : * - referral is consumed by this function * - node must exist before calling this function * - mapping tree node state is not changed by this function */ int slapi_mtn_set_referral(const Slapi_DN *sdn, char ** referral) { Slapi_PBlock pb; Slapi_Mods smods; int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS,i = 0, j = 0; char * node_dn; char **values = NULL; int do_modify = 0; slapi_mods_init (&smods, 0); node_dn = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_configdn(sdn); if(!node_dn){ /* shutdown has been detected */ return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } if ((referral == NULL) || (referral[0] == NULL)) { /* NULL referral means we want to delete existing referral */ slapi_mods_add(&smods, LDAP_MOD_DELETE, "nsslapd-referral", 0, NULL); do_modify = 1; } else { int changes = 1; int referralCount = 0; for(; referral[referralCount]; referralCount++); if ( (values = slapi_mtn_get_referral(sdn)) != NULL ) { /* Check if there are differences between current values and values to be set */ for (i=0; values[i]; i++); if (i == referralCount) { changes = 0; for (i=0;values[i];i++){ int found = 0; for (j=0;referral[j];j++){ if (strcmp(values[i], referral[j]) == 0){ found = 1; break; } } if (!found) { changes = 1; break; } } } i=0; while(values[i]) slapi_ch_free((void**)&values[i++]); slapi_ch_free((void**)&values); } if (changes){ Slapi_Value *val; Slapi_Value ** svals = NULL; do_modify = 1; for (j =0; referral[j];j++) { val = slapi_value_new_string(referral[j]); valuearray_add_value(&svals, val); slapi_value_free(&val); } slapi_mods_add_mod_values(&smods, LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, "nsslapd-referral", svals); valuearray_free(&svals); } } if ( do_modify ) { pblock_init (&pb); slapi_modify_internal_set_pb (&pb, node_dn, slapi_mods_get_ldapmods_byref(&smods), NULL, NULL, (void *) plugin_get_default_component_id(), 0); slapi_modify_internal_pb (&pb); slapi_pblock_get (&pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &rc); pblock_done(&pb); } slapi_mods_done(&smods); slapi_ch_free_string(&node_dn); return rc; } /* * Change the state of a mapping tree node entry * notes : * - sdn argument is the dn of the subtree of the DIT managed by this node * not the dn of the mapping tree entry * - mapping tree node must exist before calling this function */ int slapi_mtn_set_state(const Slapi_DN *sdn, char *state) { Slapi_PBlock pb; Slapi_Mods smods; int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; char * node_dn; char * value; if (NULL == state) { return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } node_dn = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_configdn(sdn); if(!node_dn){ /* shutdown has been detected */ return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } if ( (value = slapi_mtn_get_state(sdn)) != NULL ) { if ( strcasecmp(value, state) == 0 ) { /* Same state, don't change anything */ goto bail; } } /* Otherwise, means that the state has changed, modify it */ slapi_mods_init (&smods, 1); slapi_mods_add(&smods, LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, "nsslapd-state", strlen(state), state); pblock_init (&pb); slapi_modify_internal_set_pb (&pb, node_dn, slapi_mods_get_ldapmods_byref(&smods), NULL, NULL, (void *) plugin_get_default_component_id(), 0); slapi_modify_internal_pb (&pb); slapi_pblock_get (&pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &rc); slapi_mods_done(&smods); pblock_done(&pb); bail: slapi_ch_free_string(&value); slapi_ch_free_string(&node_dn); return rc; } /* returns a copy of the attr - the caller must slapi_attr_free it */ Slapi_Attr * mtn_get_attr(char* node_dn, char * type) { Slapi_PBlock pb; int res = 0; Slapi_Entry **entries = NULL; Slapi_Attr *attr = NULL; Slapi_Attr *ret_attr = NULL; char **attrs = NULL; attrs = (char **)slapi_ch_calloc(2, sizeof(char *)); attrs[0] = slapi_ch_strdup(type); pblock_init(&pb); slapi_search_internal_set_pb(&pb, node_dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=nsMappingTree", attrs, 0, NULL, NULL, (void *) plugin_get_default_component_id(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(&pb); slapi_pblock_get(&pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &res); if (res != LDAP_SUCCESS) { goto done; } slapi_pblock_get(&pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (NULL == entries || NULL == entries[0]) { goto done; } /* always at most one entry entries[0] */ res = slapi_entry_attr_find(entries[0], type, &attr); if (res == 0) /* we need to make a copy here so we can free the search results */ ret_attr = slapi_attr_dup(attr); slapi_free_search_results_internal(&pb); done: slapi_ch_free((void **)&attrs[0]); slapi_ch_free((void **)&attrs); pblock_done(&pb); return ret_attr; } /* * Get the referral associated to the mapping tree node entry * notes : * - sdn argument is the dn of the subtree of the DIT managed by this node * not the dn of the mapping tree entry * - return NULL if no referral * - caller is reponsible for freeing the returned referrals */ char ** slapi_mtn_get_referral(const Slapi_DN *sdn) { int i, hint, nb; char * node_dn; Slapi_Attr *attr; char ** referral = NULL; Slapi_Value *val = NULL; node_dn = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_configdn(sdn); if(!node_dn){ /* shutdown has been detected */ return NULL; } attr = mtn_get_attr(node_dn, "nsslapd-referral"); if (attr) { /* if there are some referrals set in the entry build a list * to be returned to the caller */ slapi_attr_get_numvalues(attr, &nb); referral = (char**) slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(char*) * (nb+1)); hint = slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); i = 0; while (val) { referral[i++] = slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_value_get_string(val)); hint = slapi_attr_next_value(attr, hint, &val); } referral[i] = NULL; slapi_attr_free(&attr); } slapi_ch_free_string(&node_dn); return referral; } /* * Get the state of a mapping tree node entry * notes : * - sdn argument is the dn of the subtree of the DIT managed by this node * not the dn of the mapping tree entry * - the state is return in a newly allocated string that must be freed by * the caller */ char * slapi_mtn_get_state(const Slapi_DN *sdn) { char * node_dn; Slapi_Attr *attr; char * state = NULL; Slapi_Value *val = NULL; node_dn = slapi_get_mapping_tree_node_configdn(sdn); if(!node_dn){ /* shutdown has been detected */ return NULL; } attr = mtn_get_attr(node_dn, "nsslapd-state"); if (attr) { /* entry state was found */ slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &val); state = slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_value_get_string(val)); slapi_attr_free(&attr); } slapi_ch_free_string(&node_dn); return state; } static void mtn_internal_be_set_state(Slapi_Backend *be, int state) { mapping_tree_node * node; char * be_name; int i; int change_callback = 0; int old_state; mtn_wlock(); be_name = slapi_ch_strdup(slapi_be_get_name(be)); node = get_mapping_tree_node_by_name(mapping_tree_root, be_name); if (node == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Warning: backend %s is not declared in mapping tree\n", be_name, 0 ,0); goto done; } /* now search the backend in this node */ i = 0; while ( (i < node->mtn_be_count) && (node->mtn_backend_names) && (node->mtn_backend_names[i]) && (strcmp(node->mtn_backend_names[i],be_name))) { i++; } if ( (i >= node->mtn_be_count) || (node->mtn_backend_names == NULL) || (node->mtn_backend_names[i] == NULL) ) { /* backend is not declared in the mapping tree node * print out a warning */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Warning: backend %s is not declared in mapping node entry\n", be_name, 0 ,0); goto done; } change_callback = 1; old_state = node->mtn_be_states[i]; /* OK we found the backend at last, now do the real job: set the state */ switch (state) { case SLAPI_BE_STATE_OFFLINE: node->mtn_be[i] = be; node->mtn_be_states[i] = SLAPI_BE_STATE_OFFLINE; break; case SLAPI_BE_STATE_ON: node->mtn_be[i] = be; node->mtn_be_states[i] = SLAPI_BE_STATE_ON; break; case SLAPI_BE_STATE_DELETE: node->mtn_be[i] = NULL; node->mtn_be_states[i] = SLAPI_BE_STATE_DELETE; break; } done: mtn_unlock(); if (change_callback) mtn_be_state_change(be_name, old_state, state); slapi_ch_free( (void **) &be_name); } /* * This procedure must be called by previously stopped backends * to signal that they have started and are ready to process requests * The backend must be fully ready to handle requests before calling this * procedure * At startup tiem it is not mandatory for the backends to * call this procedure: backends are assumed on by default */ void slapi_mtn_be_started(Slapi_Backend *be) { /* Find the node where this backend stay * then update the backend structure * In the long term, the backend should have only one suffix and * stay in only one node as for now, check all suffixes * Rq : since mapping tree is initiatized very soon in the server * startup, we can be sure at that time that the mapping * tree is initialized */ mtn_internal_be_set_state(be, SLAPI_BE_STATE_ON); } /* these procedure can be called when backends need to be put in maintenance mode * after call to slapi_mtn_be_disable, the backend will still be known * by a server but the mapping tree won't route requests to it anymore * The slapi_mtn_be_enable function enable to route requests to the backend * again * the slapi_mtn_be_disable function only returns when there is no more * request in progress in the backend */ void slapi_mtn_be_disable(Slapi_Backend *be) { mtn_internal_be_set_state(be, SLAPI_BE_STATE_OFFLINE); /* the two following lines can seem weird, but they allow to check that no * LDAP operation is in progress on the backend */ slapi_be_Wlock(be); slapi_be_Unlock(be); } void slapi_mtn_be_enable(Slapi_Backend *be) { mtn_internal_be_set_state(be, SLAPI_BE_STATE_ON); } /* * This procedure must be called by backends before stopping * if some operations are in progress when this procedure * is called, this procedure will block until completion * of these operations * The backend must wait return from this procedure before stopping operation * Backends must serve operation until the return from this procedure. * Once this procedure return they will not be issued request anymore * and they have been removed from the server list of backends * It is also the bakend responsability to free the Slapi_Backend structures * that was given by slapi_be_new at startup time. * Should the backend start again, it would need to issue slapi_be_new again */ void slapi_mtn_be_stopping(Slapi_Backend *be) { mtn_internal_be_set_state(be, SLAPI_BE_STATE_DELETE); /* the two following lines can seem weird, but they allow to check that no * LDAP operation is in progress on the backend */ slapi_be_Wlock(be); slapi_be_Unlock(be); slapi_be_stopping(be); } /* * Switch a backend into read-only mode, or back to read-write mode. * To switch to read-only mode, we need to wait for all pending operations * to finish. */ void slapi_mtn_be_set_readonly(Slapi_Backend *be, int readonly) { if (readonly) { slapi_be_Wlock(be); slapi_be_set_readonly(be, 1); slapi_be_Unlock(be); } else { slapi_be_set_readonly(be, 0); } } #ifdef DEBUG static int lock_count = 0; #endif void mtn_wlock() { PR_RWLock_Wlock(myLock); #ifdef DEBUG lock_count--; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "mtn_wlock : lock count : %d\n", lock_count, 0, 0); #endif } void mtn_lock() { PR_RWLock_Rlock(myLock); #ifdef DEBUG lock_count++; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "mtn_lock : lock count : %d\n", lock_count, 0, 0); #endif } void mtn_unlock() { #ifdef DEBUG if (lock_count > 0) lock_count--; else if (lock_count < 0) lock_count++; else lock_count = (int) 11111111; /* this happening means problems */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "mtn_unlock : lock count : %d\n", lock_count, 0, 0); #endif PR_RWLock_Unlock(myLock); } #ifdef TEST_FOR_REGISTER_CHANGE void my_test_fnct1(void *handle, char *be_name, int old_state, int new_state) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ARGS, NULL, "my_test_fnct1 : handle %d, be %s, old state %d, new state %d\n", handle,be_name, old_state, new_state); if (old_state == 2) slapi_unregister_backend_state_change(handle); } void my_test_fnct2(void *handle, char *be_name, int old_state, int new_state) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ARGS, NULL, "my_test_fnct2 : handle %d, be %s, old state %d, new state %d\n", handle, be_name, old_state, new_state); } void test_register() { slapi_register_backend_state_change((void *) 1234, my_test_fnct1); slapi_register_backend_state_change((void *) 4321, my_test_fnct2); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG static void dump_mapping_tree(mapping_tree_node *parent, int depth) { mapping_tree_node *current = NULL; static char dump_indent[256]; int i; if (depth == 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dump_mapping_tree\n", 0, 0, 0); } dump_indent[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) PL_strcatn(dump_indent, sizeof(dump_indent), " "); for (current = parent->mtn_children; current; current = current->mtn_brother) { if (strlen(current->mtn_subtree->dn) == 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "MT_DUMP: %s%s (0x%x)\n", dump_indent, "none", current); } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "MT_DUMP: %s%s (0x%x)\n", dump_indent, current->mtn_subtree->dn, current); } dump_mapping_tree(current, depth+1); } return; } #endif