/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #undef OFF #undef LITTLE_ENDIAN #include #include #include #include #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(aix) #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #if defined( _WIN32 ) #include "ntslapdmessages.h" #include "proto-ntutil.h" #else #include #include #include #include #include #include /* getpwnam */ #if !defined(IRIX) && !defined(LINUX) union semun { int val; struct semid_ds *buf; ushort *array; }; #endif #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) #include /* dup2 */ #include #include #include /* MAXPATHLEN */ #endif #if defined(__sun) #include #include #endif #include "slap.h" #include "slapi-plugin.h" #include "prinit.h" #include "snmp_collator.h" #include "fe.h" /* client_auth_init() */ #include "protect_db.h" #include "getopt_ext.h" #include "fe.h" #include #ifndef LDAP_DONT_USE_SMARTHEAP #include "smrtheap.h" #endif #if defined( XP_WIN32 ) void dostounixpath(char *szText); #endif /* Forward Declarations */ static void register_objects(); static void process_command_line(int argc, char **argv, char *myname, char **extraname); static int slapd_exemode_ldif2db(); static int slapd_exemode_db2ldif(int argc, char **argv); static int slapd_exemode_db2index(); static int slapd_exemode_archive2db(); static int slapd_exemode_db2archive(); static int slapd_exemode_upgradedb(); static int slapd_exemode_dbverify(); static int slapd_exemode_dbtest(); static int slapd_exemode_suffix2instance(); static int slapd_debug_level_string2level( const char *s ); static void slapd_debug_level_log( int level ); static void slapd_debug_level_usage( void ); static void cmd_set_shutdown(int); /* * global variables */ static int slapd_exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_UNKNOWN; static int init_cmd_shutdown_detect() { #ifndef _WIN32 /* First of all, we must reset the signal mask to get rid of any blockages * the process may have inherited from its parent (such as the console), which * might result in the process not delivering those blocked signals, and thus, * misbehaving.... */ { int rc; sigset_t proc_mask; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Reseting signal mask....\n", 0, 0, 0); (void)sigemptyset( &proc_mask ); rc = pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &proc_mask, NULL ); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " %s \n", rc ? "Failed to reset signal mask":"....Done (signal mask reset)!!", 0, 0 ); } #endif #if defined ( HPUX10 ) PR_CreateThread ( PR_USER_THREAD, catch_signals, NULL, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE); #elif defined ( HPUX11 ) /* In the optimized builds for HPUX, the signal handler doesn't seem * to get set correctly unless the primordial thread gets a chance * to run before we make the call to SIGNAL. (At this point the * the primordial thread has spawned the daemon thread which called * this function.) The call to DS_Sleep will give the primordial * thread a chance to run. */ DS_Sleep(0); #endif #ifndef _WIN32 (void) SIGNAL( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); (void) SIGNAL( SIGCHLD, slapd_wait4child ); #ifndef LINUX /* linux uses USR1/USR2 for thread synchronization, so we aren't * allowed to mess with those. */ (void) SIGNAL( SIGUSR1, slapd_do_nothing ); (void) SIGNAL( SIGUSR2, cmd_set_shutdown ); #endif (void) SIGNAL( SIGTERM, cmd_set_shutdown ); (void) SIGNAL( SIGHUP, cmd_set_shutdown ); (void) SIGNAL( SIGINT, cmd_set_shutdown ); #endif /* _WIN32 */ return 0; } static void cmd_set_shutdown (int sig) { /* don't log anything from a signal handler: * you could be holding a lock when the signal was trapped. more * specifically, you could be holding the logfile lock (and deadlock * yourself). */ c_set_shutdown(); #ifndef _WIN32 #ifndef LINUX /* don't mess with USR1/USR2 on linux, used by libpthread */ (void) SIGNAL( SIGUSR2, cmd_set_shutdown ); #endif (void) SIGNAL( SIGTERM, cmd_set_shutdown ); (void) SIGNAL( SIGHUP, cmd_set_shutdown ); #endif } #ifdef HPUX10 extern void collation_init(); #endif #ifndef WIN32 /* Four cases: - change ownership of all files in directory (strip_fn=PR_FALSE) - change ownership of all files in directory; but trailing fn needs to be stripped (strip_fn=PR_TRUE) - fn is relative to root directory (/access); we print error message and let user shoot his foot - fn is relative to current directory (access); we print error message and let user shoot his other foot The docs say any valid filename. */ static void chown_dir_files(char *name, struct passwd *pw, PRBool strip_fn) { PRDir *dir; PRDirEntry *entry; char file[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; char *log=NULL, *ptr=NULL; int rc=0; log=slapi_ch_strdup(name); if(strip_fn) { if((ptr=strrchr(log,'/'))==NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Caution changing ownership of ./%s \n",name,0,0); slapd_chown_if_not_owner(log, pw->pw_uid, -1 ); rc=1; } else if(log==ptr) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Caution changing ownership of / directory and its contents to %s\n",pw->pw_name,0,0); *(++ptr)='\0'; } else { *ptr='\0'; } } if ((!rc) && ((dir = PR_OpenDir(log)) != NULL )) { /* change the owner for each of the files in the dir */ while( (entry = PR_ReadDir(dir , PR_SKIP_BOTH )) !=NULL ) { PR_snprintf(file,MAXPATHLEN+1,"%s/%s",log,entry->name); slapd_chown_if_not_owner( file, pw->pw_uid, -1 ); } PR_CloseDir( dir ); } slapi_ch_free_string(&log); } /* Changes the owner of the files in the logs and * config directory to the user that the server runs as. */ static void fix_ownership() { struct passwd* pw=NULL; slapdFrontendConfig_t *slapdFrontendConfig = getFrontendConfig(); if (slapdFrontendConfig->localuser != NULL) { if (slapdFrontendConfig->localuserinfo == NULL) { pw = getpwnam( slapdFrontendConfig->localuser ); if ( NULL == pw ) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Unable to find user %s in system account database, " "errno %d (%s)\n", slapdFrontendConfig->localuser, errno, strerror(errno)); return; } slapdFrontendConfig->localuserinfo = (struct passwd *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(struct passwd)); memcpy(slapdFrontendConfig->localuserinfo, pw, sizeof(struct passwd)); } pw = slapdFrontendConfig->localuserinfo; } /* config directory needs to be owned by the local user */ if (slapdFrontendConfig->configdir) { chown_dir_files(slapdFrontendConfig->configdir, pw, PR_FALSE); } /* do access log file, if any */ if (slapdFrontendConfig->accesslog) { chown_dir_files(slapdFrontendConfig->accesslog, pw, PR_TRUE); } /* do audit log file, if any */ if (slapdFrontendConfig->auditlog) { chown_dir_files(slapdFrontendConfig->auditlog, pw, PR_TRUE); } /* do error log file, if any */ if (slapdFrontendConfig->errorlog) { chown_dir_files(slapdFrontendConfig->errorlog, pw, PR_TRUE); } } #endif /* Changes identity to the named user * If username == NULL, does nothing. * Does nothing on NT regardless. */ static int main_setuid(char *username) { #ifndef _WIN32 if (username != NULL) { struct passwd *pw; /* Make sure everything in the log and config directory * is owned by the correct user */ fix_ownership(); pw = getpwnam (username); if (pw == NULL) { int oserr = errno; LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "getpwnam(%s) == NULL, error %d (%s)\n", username, oserr, slapd_system_strerror(oserr)); } else { if (setgid (pw->pw_gid) != 0) { int oserr = errno; LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "setgid(%li) != 0, error %d (%s)\n", (long)pw->pw_gid, oserr, slapd_system_strerror(oserr)); return -1; } if (setuid (pw->pw_uid) != 0) { int oserr = errno; LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "setuid(%li) != 0, error %d (%s)\n", (long)pw->pw_uid, oserr, slapd_system_strerror(oserr)); return -1; } } } #endif return 0; } /* set good defaults for front-end config in referral mode */ static void referral_set_defaults(void) { #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(AIX) char errorbuf[SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE]; config_set_maxdescriptors( CONFIG_MAXDESCRIPTORS_ATTRIBUTE, "1024", errorbuf, 1); #endif } static int name2exemode( char *progname, char *s, int exit_if_unknown ) { int exemode; if ( strcmp( s, "db2ldif" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF; } else if ( strcmp( s, "ldif2db" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB; } else if ( strcmp( s, "archive2db" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_ARCHIVE2DB; } else if ( strcmp( s, "db2archive" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2ARCHIVE; } else if ( strcmp( s, "server" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD; } else if ( strcmp( s, "dbtest" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBTEST; } else if ( strcmp( s, "db2index" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2INDEX; } else if ( strcmp( s, "refer" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL; } else if ( strcmp( s, "suffix2instance" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_SUFFIX2INSTANCE; } else if ( strcmp( s, "upgradedb" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_UPGRADEDB; } else if ( strcmp( s, "dbverify" ) == 0 ) { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBVERIFY; } else if ( exit_if_unknown ) { fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s -D configdir " "[ldif2db | db2ldif | archive2db " "| db2archive | db2index | refer | suffix2instance" " | upgradedb | dbverify] " "[options]\n", progname ); exit( 1 ); } else { exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_UNKNOWN; } return( exemode ); } static void usage( char *name, char *extraname ) { char *usagestr = NULL; char *extraspace; if ( extraname == NULL ) { extraspace = extraname = ""; } else { extraspace = " "; } switch( slapd_exemode ) { case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF: usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s-D configdir [-n backend-instance-name] [-d debuglevel] " "[-N] [-a outputfile] [-r] [-C] [{-s includesuffix}*] " "[{-x excludesuffix}*] [-u] [-U] [-m] [-M] [-E]\n" "Note: either \"-n backend_instance_name\" or \"-s includesuffix\" is required.\n"; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB: usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s-D configdir [-d debuglevel] " "[-n backend_instance_name] [-O] [-g uniqueid_type] [--namespaceid uniqueID]" "[{-s includesuffix}*] [{-x excludesuffix}*] [-E] {-i ldif-file}*\n" "Note: either \"-n backend_instance_name\" or \"-s includesuffix\" is required.\n"; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2ARCHIVE: usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s-D configdir [-d debuglevel] -a archivedir\n"; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_ARCHIVE2DB: usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s-D configdir [-d debuglevel] -a archivedir\n"; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2INDEX: usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s-D configdir -n backend-instance-name " "[-d debuglevel] {-t attributetype}* {-T VLV Search Name}*\n"; /* JCM should say 'Address Book' or something instead of VLV */ break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL: usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s-D configdir -r referral-url [-p port]\n"; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBTEST: usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s-D configdir -n backend-instance-name " "[-d debuglevel] [-S] [-v]\n"; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_SUFFIX2INSTANCE: usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s -D configdir {-s suffix}*\n"; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_UPGRADEDB: usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s-D configdir [-d debuglevel] [-f] -a archivedir\n"; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBVERIFY: usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s-D configdir [-d debuglevel] [-n backend-instance-name]\n"; break; default: /* SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD */ usagestr = "usage: %s %s%s-D configdir [-d debuglevel] " "[-i pidlogfile] [-v] [-V]\n"; } fprintf( stderr, usagestr, name, extraname, extraspace ); } /* * These nasty globals are the settings collected from the * command line by the process_command_line function. The * various slapd_exemode functions read these to drive their * execution. */ static char *extraname; static char *myname; static int n_port = 0; static int i_port = 0; static int s_port = 0; static char **ldif_file = NULL; static int ldif_files = 0; static char *cmd_line_instance_name = NULL; static char **cmd_line_instance_names = NULL; static int skip_db_protect_check = 0; static char **db2ldif_include = NULL; static char **db2ldif_exclude = NULL; static int ldif2db_removedupvals = 1; static int ldif2db_noattrindexes = 0; static char **db2index_attrs = NULL; static int ldif_printkey = EXPORT_PRINTKEY|EXPORT_APPENDMODE; static char *archive_name = NULL; static int db2ldif_dump_replica = 0; static int db2ldif_dump_uniqueid = 1; static int ldif2db_generate_uniqueid = SLAPI_UNIQUEID_GENERATE_TIME_BASED; static int dbverify_verbose = 0; static char *ldif2db_namespaceid = NULL; int importexport_encrypt = 0; static int upgradedb_force = 0; /* taken from idsktune */ #if defined(__sun) static void ids_get_platform_solaris(char *buf) { struct utsname u; char sbuf[128]; FILE *fp; #if defined(sparc) || defined(__sparc) int is_u = 0; sbuf[0] = '\0'; sysinfo(SI_MACHINE,sbuf,128); if (strcmp(sbuf,"sun4u") == 0) { is_u = 1; } sbuf[0] = '\0'; sysinfo(SI_PLATFORM,sbuf,128); PR_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%ssparc%s-%s-solaris", is_u ? "u" : "", sizeof(long) == 4 ? "" : "v9", sbuf); #else #if defined(i386) || defined(__i386) sprintf(buf,"i386-unknown-solaris"); #else sprintf(buf,"unknown-unknown-solaris"); #endif /* not i386 */ #endif /* not sparc */ uname(&u); if (isascii(u.release[0]) && isdigit(u.release[0])) strcat(buf,u.release); fp = fopen("/etc/release","r"); if (fp != NULL) { char *rp; sbuf[0] = '\0'; fgets(sbuf,128,fp); fclose(fp); rp = strstr(sbuf,"Solaris"); if (rp) { rp += 8; while(*rp != 's' && *rp != '\0') rp++; if (*rp == 's') { char *rp2; rp2 = strchr(rp,' '); if (rp2) *rp2 = '\0'; strcat(buf,"_"); strcat(buf,rp); } } } } #endif static void slapd_print_version(int verbose) { #if defined(__sun) char buf[8192]; #endif char *versionstring = config_get_versionstring(); char *buildnum = config_get_buildnum(); printf( SLAPD_VENDOR_NAME "\n%s B%s\n", versionstring, buildnum); /* not here in Win32 */ #if !defined(_WIN32) if (strcmp(buildnum,BUILD_NUM) != 0) { printf( "ns-slapd: B%s\n", BUILD_NUM); } #endif slapi_ch_free( (void **)&versionstring); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&buildnum); if (verbose == 0) return; #if defined(__sun) ids_get_platform_solaris(buf); printf("System: %s\n",buf); #endif /* this won't print much with the -v flag as the dse.ldif file * hasn't be read yet. */ plugin_print_versions(); } #if defined( _WIN32 ) /* On Windows, we signal the SCM when we're still starting up */ static int write_start_pid_file() { if( SlapdIsAService() ) { /* Initialization complete and successful. Set service to running */ LDAPServerStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; LDAPServerStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; LDAPServerStatus.dwWaitHint = 1000; if (!SetServiceStatus(hLDAPServerServiceStatus, &LDAPServerStatus)) { ReportSlapdEvent(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, MSG_SERVER_START_FAILED, 1, "Could not set Service status."); exit(1); } } ReportSlapdEvent(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, MSG_SERVER_STARTED, 0, NULL ); return 0; } #else /* WIN32 */ /* On UNIX, we create a file with our PID in it */ static int write_start_pid_file() { FILE *fp = NULL; /* * The following section of code is closely coupled with the * admin programs. Please do not make changes here without * consulting the start/stop code for the admin code. */ if ( (fp = fopen( start_pid_file, "w" )) != NULL ) { fprintf( fp, "%d\n", getpid() ); fclose( fp ); return 0; } else { return -1; } } #endif /* WIN32 */ #ifdef MEMPOOL_EXPERIMENTAL void _free_wrapper(void *ptr) { slapi_ch_free(&ptr); } #endif int main( int argc, char **argv) { int return_value = 0; slapdFrontendConfig_t *slapdFrontendConfig = getFrontendConfig(); daemon_ports_t ports_info = {0}; #ifndef __LP64__ #if defined(__hpux) && !defined(__ia64) /* for static constructors */ _main(); #endif #endif #ifdef MEMPOOL_EXPERIMENTAL /* to use LDAP C SDK lber functions seemlessly with slapi_ch_malloc funcs, * setting the slapi_ch_malloc funcs to lber option here. */ { struct ldap_memalloc_fns memalloc_fns; memalloc_fns.ldapmem_malloc = (LDAP_MALLOC_CALLBACK *)slapi_ch_malloc; memalloc_fns.ldapmem_calloc = (LDAP_CALLOC_CALLBACK *)slapi_ch_calloc; memalloc_fns.ldapmem_realloc = (LDAP_REALLOC_CALLBACK *)slapi_ch_realloc; memalloc_fns.ldapmem_free = (LDAP_FREE_CALLBACK *)_free_wrapper; ldap_set_option( 0x1, LDAP_OPT_MEMALLOC_FN_PTRS, &memalloc_fns ); } #endif /* * Initialize NSPR very early. NSPR supports implicit initialization, * but it is not bulletproof -- so it is better to be explicit. */ PR_Init( PR_USER_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0 ); FrontendConfig_init(); #ifdef _WIN32 /* Break into the debugger if DEBUG_BREAK is set in the environment to "slapd" */ { char *s = getenv( "DEBUG_BREAK" ); if ( (s != NULL) && !stricmp(s, "slapd") ) DebugBreak(); } /* do module debug level init for slapd, and libslapd */ module_ldap_debug = &slapd_ldap_debug; libldap_init_debug_level(&slapd_ldap_debug); dostounixpath( argv[0] ); _strlwr( argv[0] ); #else /* _WIN32 */ /* Pause for the debugger if DEBUG_SLEEP is set in the environment */ { char *s = getenv( "DEBUG_SLEEP" ); if ( (s != NULL) && isdigit(*s) ) { int secs = atoi(s); printf("slapd pid is %d\n", getpid()); sleep(secs); } } /* used to set configfile to the default config file name here */ #endif /* _WIN32 */ if ( (myname = strrchr( argv[0], '/' )) == NULL ) { myname = slapi_ch_strdup( argv[0] ); } else { myname = slapi_ch_strdup( myname + 1 ); } #if defined( XP_WIN32 ) /* Strip ".exe" if it's there */ { char *pdot; if ( (pdot = strrchr( myname, '.' )) != NULL ) { *pdot = '\0'; } } #endif process_command_line(argc,argv,myname,&extraname); if (NULL == slapdFrontendConfig->configdir) { usage( myname, extraname ); exit( 1 ); } /* display debugging level if it is anything other than the default */ if ( 0 != ( slapd_ldap_debug & ~LDAP_DEBUG_ANY )) { slapd_debug_level_log( slapd_ldap_debug ); } #ifndef LDAP_DONT_USE_SMARTHEAP MemRegisterTask(); #endif slapd_init(); g_log_init(1); vattr_init(); if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL) { slapdFrontendConfig_t *slapdFrontendConfig = getFrontendConfig(); /* make up the config stuff */ referral_set_defaults(); /* * Process the config files. */ if (0 == slapd_bootstrap_config(slapdFrontendConfig->configdir)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, "startup", "The configuration files in directory %s could not be read or were not found. Please refer to the error log or output for more information.\n", slapdFrontendConfig->configdir); exit(1); } n_port = config_get_port(); s_port = config_get_secureport(); register_objects(); } else { slapdFrontendConfig_t *slapdFrontendConfig = getFrontendConfig(); /* The 2 calls below have been moved to this place to make sure that * they are called before setup_internal_backends to avoid bug 524439 */ /* * The 2 calls below where being sometimes called AFTER * ldapi_register_extended_op (such fact was being stated and * reproducible for some optimized installations at startup (bug * 524439)... Such bad call was happening in the context of * setup_internal_backends -> dse_read_file -> load_plugin_entry -> * plugin_setup -> replication_multimaster_plugin_init -> * slapi_register_plugin -> plugin_setup -> * multimaster_start_extop_init -> * slapi_pblock_set -> * ldapi_register_extended_op... Unfortunately, the server * design is such that it is assumed that ldapi_init_extended_ops is * always called first. * THE FIX: Move the two calls below before a call to * setup_internal_backends (down in this same function) */ ldapi_init_extended_ops(); /* * Initialize the default backend. This should be done before we * process the config. files */ defbackend_init(); /* * Register the extensible objects with the factory. */ register_objects(); /* * Register the controls that we support. */ init_controls(); /* * Process the config files. */ if (0 == slapd_bootstrap_config(slapdFrontendConfig->configdir)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, "startup", "The configuration files in directory %s could not be read or were not found. Please refer to the error log or output for more information.\n", slapdFrontendConfig->configdir); exit(1); } /* We need to init sasl after we load the bootstrap config since * the config may be setting the sasl plugin path. */ init_saslmechanisms(); /* -sduloutre: must be done before any internal search */ /* do it before splitting off to other modes too -robey */ /* -richm: must be done before reading config files */ if (0 != (return_value = compute_init())) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Initialization Failed 0 %d\n",return_value,0,0); exit (1); } entry_computed_attr_init(); if (0 == setup_internal_backends(slapdFrontendConfig->configdir)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, "startup", "The configuration files in directory %s could not be read or were not found. Please refer to the error log or output for more information.\n", slapdFrontendConfig->configdir); exit(1); } n_port = config_get_port(); s_port = config_get_secureport(); } raise_process_limits(); /* should be done ASAP once config file read */ #ifdef PUMPKIN_HOUR if ( time( NULL ) > (PUMPKIN_HOUR - 10) ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: ** This beta software has expired **\n", 0, 0, 0 ); exit( 1 ); } #endif /* Set entry points in libslapd */ set_entry_points(); #if defined( XP_WIN32 ) if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD) { /* Register with the NT EventLog */ hSlapdEventSource = RegisterEventSource(NULL, pszServerName ); if( !hSlapdEventSource ) { char szMessage[256]; PR_snprintf( szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "Directory Server %s is terminating. Failed " "to set the EventLog source.", pszServerName); MessageBox(GetDesktopWindow(), szMessage, " ", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); exit( 1 ); } /* Check to ensure there isn't a copy of this server already running. */ if( MultipleInstances() ) exit( 1 ); } #endif /* * After we read the config file we should make * sure that everything we needed to read in has * been read in and we'll start whatever threads, * etc the backends need to start */ /* Important: up 'till here we could be running as root (on unix). * we believe that we've not created any files before here, otherwise * they'd be owned by root, which is bad. We're about to change identity * to some non-root user, but before we do, we call the daemon code * to let it open the listen sockets. If these sockets are low-numbered, * we need to be root in order to open them. */ if ((slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD) || (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL)) { ports_info.n_port = (unsigned short)n_port; if ( slapd_listenhost2addr( config_get_listenhost(), &ports_info.n_listenaddr ) != 0 || ports_info.n_listenaddr == NULL ) { return(1); } ports_info.s_port = (unsigned short)s_port; if ( slapd_listenhost2addr( config_get_securelistenhost(), &ports_info.s_listenaddr ) != 0 || ports_info.s_listenaddr == NULL ) { return(1); } #if defined(ENABLE_LDAPI) if( config_get_ldapi_switch() && config_get_ldapi_filename() != 0) { i_port = ports_info.i_port = 1; /* flag ldapi as on */ ports_info.i_listenaddr = (PRNetAddr **)slapi_ch_calloc(2, sizeof(PRNetAddr *)); *ports_info.i_listenaddr = (PRNetAddr *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(PRNetAddr)); (*ports_info.i_listenaddr)->local.family = PR_AF_LOCAL; PL_strncpyz((*ports_info.i_listenaddr)->local.path, config_get_ldapi_filename(), sizeof((*ports_info.i_listenaddr)->local.path)); unlink((*ports_info.i_listenaddr)->local.path); } #endif /* ENABLE_LDAPI */ return_value = daemon_pre_setuid_init(&ports_info); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Failed to init daemon\n", 0, 0, 0 ); exit(1); } } /* Now, sockets are open, so we can safely change identity now */ #ifndef _WIN32 return_value = main_setuid(slapdFrontendConfig->localuser); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Failed to change user and group identity to that of %s\n", slapdFrontendConfig->localuser, 0, 0 ); exit(1); } #endif /* Do NSS and/or SSL init for those modes other than listening modes */ if ((slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL) && (slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD)) { if (slapd_do_all_nss_ssl_init(slapd_exemode, importexport_encrypt, s_port, &ports_info)) { return_value = 1; goto cleanup; } } /* * if we were called upon to do special database stuff, do it and be * done. */ switch ( slapd_exemode ) { case SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB: return_value = slapd_exemode_ldif2db(); goto cleanup; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF: return_value = slapd_exemode_db2ldif(argc,argv); goto cleanup; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2INDEX: return_value = slapd_exemode_db2index(); goto cleanup; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_ARCHIVE2DB: return_value = slapd_exemode_archive2db(); goto cleanup; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2ARCHIVE: return_value = slapd_exemode_db2archive(); goto cleanup; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBTEST: return_value = slapd_exemode_dbtest(); goto cleanup; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL: /* check that all the necessary info was given, then go on */ if (! config_check_referral_mode()) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: No referral URL supplied\n", 0, 0, 0); usage( myname, extraname ); exit(1); } break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_SUFFIX2INSTANCE: return_value = slapd_exemode_suffix2instance(); goto cleanup; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_UPGRADEDB: return_value = slapd_exemode_upgradedb(); goto cleanup; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBVERIFY: return_value = slapd_exemode_dbverify(); goto cleanup; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_PRINTVERSION: slapd_print_version(1); return_value = 1; goto cleanup; break; default: { char *rundir = config_get_rundir(); /* Ensure that we can read from and write to our rundir */ if (access(rundir, R_OK | W_OK)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Unable to access nsslapd-rundir: %s\n", slapd_system_strerror(errno), 0, 0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Ensure that user \"%s\" has read and write " "permissions on %s\n", slapdFrontendConfig->localuser, rundir, 0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Shutting down.\n", 0, 0, 0); slapi_ch_free_string(&rundir); return_value = 1; goto cleanup; } slapi_ch_free_string(&rundir); break; } } /* * Detach ourselves from the terminal (unless running in debug mode). * We must detach before we start any threads since detach forks() on * UNIX. * Have to detach after ssl_init - the user may be prompted for the PIN * on the terminal, so it must be open. */ if (detach(slapd_exemode, importexport_encrypt, s_port, &ports_info)) { return_value = 1; goto cleanup; } /* * Now write our PID to the startup PID file. * This is used by the start up script to determine our PID quickly * after we fork, without needing to wait for the 'real' pid file to be * written. That could take minutes. And the start script will wait * that long looking for it. With this new 'early pid' file, it can avoid * doing that, by detecting the pid and watching for the process exiting. * This removes the blank stares all round from start-slapd when the server * fails to start for some reason */ write_start_pid_file(); /* Make sure we aren't going to run slapd in * a mode that is going to conflict with other * slapd processes that are currently running */ if ((slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL) && ( add_new_slapd_process(slapd_exemode, db2ldif_dump_replica, skip_db_protect_check) == -1 )) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return_value = 1; goto cleanup; } /* * Now it is safe to log our first startup message. If we were to * log anything earlier than now it would appear on the admin startup * screen twice because before we detach everything is sent to both * stderr and our error log. Yuck. */ if (1) { char *versionstring = config_get_versionstring(); char *buildnum = config_get_buildnum(); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s B%s starting up\n", versionstring, buildnum, 0 ); slapi_ch_free((void **)&buildnum); slapi_ch_free((void **)&versionstring); } /* -sduloutre: compute_init() and entry_computed_attr_init() moved up */ if (slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL) { int rc; Slapi_DN *sdn; fedse_create_startOK(DSE_FILENAME, DSE_STARTOKFILE, slapdFrontendConfig->configdir); eq_init(); /* must be done before plugins started */ /* Start the SNMP collator if counters are enabled. */ if (config_get_slapi_counters()) { snmp_collator_start(); } ps_init_psearch_system(); /* must come before plugin_startall() */ /* Initailize the mapping tree */ if (mapping_tree_init()) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Failed to init mapping tree\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return_value = 1; goto cleanup; } /* initialize UniqueID generator - must be done once backends are started and event queue is initialized but before plugins are started */ sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byval ("cn=uniqueid generator,cn=config"); rc = uniqueIDGenInit (NULL, sdn, slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD); slapi_sdn_free (&sdn); if (rc != UID_SUCCESS) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Fatal Error---Failed to initialize uniqueid generator; error = %d. " "Exiting now.\n", rc, 0, 0 ); return_value = 1; goto cleanup; } /* --ugaston: register the start-tls plugin */ #ifndef _WIN32 if ( slapd_security_library_is_initialized() != 0 ) { start_tls_register_plugin(); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_PLUGIN, "Start TLS plugin registered.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); } #endif passwd_modify_register_plugin(); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_PLUGIN, "Password Modify plugin registered.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); /* Cleanup old tasks that may still be in the DSE from a previous session. Call before plugin_startall since cleanup needs to be done before plugin_startall where user defined task plugins could be started. */ task_cleanup(); plugin_startall(argc, argv, 1 /* Start Backends */, 1 /* Start Globals */); if (housekeeping_start((time_t)0, NULL) == NULL) { return_value = 1; goto cleanup; } eq_start(); /* must be done after plugins started */ #ifdef HPUX10 /* HPUX linker voodoo */ if (collation_init == NULL) { return_value = 1; goto cleanup; } #endif /* HPUX */ normalize_oc(); if (n_port) { } else if (i_port) { } else if ( config_get_security()) { } else { #ifdef _WIN32 if( SlapdIsAService() ) { LDAPServerStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; LDAPServerStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; LDAPServerStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; LDAPServerStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 1; LDAPServerStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 1; SetServiceStatus(hLDAPServerServiceStatus, &LDAPServerStatus); /* Log this event */ ReportSlapdEvent(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, MSG_SERVER_START_FAILED, 1, "Check server port specification"); } else { char szMessage[256]; PR_snprintf( szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "The Directory Server %s is terminating due to an error. Check server port specification", pszServerName); MessageBox(GetDesktopWindow(), szMessage, " ", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); } #endif LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Fatal Error---No ports specified. " "Exiting now.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return_value = 1; goto cleanup; } } if (slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL) { /* else do this after seteuid() */ lite_entries_init(); /* setup cn=tasks tree */ task_init(); /* pw_init() needs to be here since it uses aci function calls. */ pw_init(); /* Initialize the sasl mapping code */ if (sasl_map_init()) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Failed to initialize sasl mapping code\n", 0, 0, 0 ); } } /* * search_register_reslimits() and daemon_register_reslimits() can * be called any time before we start accepting client connections. * We call these even when running in referral mode because they * do little harm and registering at least one resource limit forces * the reslimit subsystem to initialize itself... which prevents * strange error messages from being logged to the error log for * the first LDAP connection. */ if ( search_register_reslimits() != SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS || daemon_register_reslimits() != SLAPI_RESLIMIT_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { return_value = 1; goto cleanup; } { time( &starttime ); slapd_daemon(&ports_info); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "slapd stopped.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); reslimit_cleanup(); compute_terminate(); vattr_cleanup(); sasl_map_done(); cleanup: SSL_ShutdownServerSessionIDCache(); SSL_ClearSessionCache(); NSS_Shutdown(); PR_Cleanup(); #ifdef _WIN32 /* Clean up the mutex used to interlock processes, before we exit */ remove_slapd_process(); #endif #if ( defined( hpux ) || defined( irix ) || defined( aix ) || defined( OSF1 )) exit( return_value ); #else return return_value; #endif } #if ( defined( hpux ) || defined( irix )) void signal2sigaction( int s, void *a ) { struct sigaction act; memset(&act, 0, sizeof(struct sigaction)); act.sa_handler = (VFP)a; act.sa_flags = 0; (void)sigemptyset( &act.sa_mask ); (void)sigaddset( &act.sa_mask, s ); (void)sigaction( s, &act, NULL ); } #endif /* hpux || irix */ static void register_objects() { get_operation_object_type(); daemon_register_connection(); get_entry_object_type(); mapping_tree_get_extension_type (); } static void process_command_line(int argc, char **argv, char *myname, char **extraname) { int i; char errorbuf[SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE]; char *opts; static struct opt_ext *long_opts; int longopt_index=0; /* * Refer to the file getopt_ext.h for an overview of how to use the * long option names * */ /* * when a new option letter is used, please move it from the "available" * list to the "used" list. * */ /* * single-letter options already in use: * * a C c D E d f G g i * L l N m n O o P p r S s T t * u v V w x Z z * * 1 * */ /* * single-letter options still available: * * A B b e F H h I J j * K k M Q q R * W X Y y * * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * */ char *opts_dbtest = "vd:n:SD:"; struct opt_ext long_options_dbtest[] = { {"version",ArgNone,'v'}, {"debug",ArgRequired,'d'}, {"backend",ArgRequired,'n'}, {"allowMultipleProcesses",ArgNone,'S'}, {"configDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {0,0,0}}; char *opts_db2ldif = "vd:D:ENa:rs:x:CSut:n:UmMo1"; struct opt_ext long_options_db2ldif[] = { {"version",ArgNone,'v'}, {"debug",ArgRequired,'d'}, {"dontPrintKey",ArgNone,'n'}, {"archive",ArgRequired,'a'}, {"replica",ArgNone,'r'}, {"include",ArgRequired,'s'}, {"exclude",ArgRequired,'x'}, /*{"whatshouldwecallthis",ArgNone,'C'},*/ {"allowMultipleProcesses",ArgNone,'S'}, {"noUniqueIds",ArgNone,'u'}, {"configDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {"encrypt",ArgOptional,'E'}, {"nowrap",ArgNone,'U'}, {"minimalEncode",ArgNone,'m'}, {"oneOutputFile",ArgNone,'o'}, {"multipleOutputFile",ArgNone,'M'}, {"noVersionNum",ArgNone,'1'}, {0,0,0}}; char *opts_ldif2db = "vd:i:g:G:n:s:x:NOCc:St:D:E"; struct opt_ext long_options_ldif2db[] = { {"version",ArgNone,'v'}, {"debug",ArgRequired,'d'}, {"ldiffile",ArgRequired,'i'}, {"generateUniqueId",ArgOptional,'g'}, {"backend",ArgRequired,'n'}, {"include",ArgRequired,'s'}, {"exclude",ArgRequired,'x'}, {"noindex",ArgNone,'O'}, /*{"whatshouldwecallthis",ArgNone,'C'},*/ /*{"whatshouldwecallthis",ArgRequired,'c'},*/ {"allowMultipleProcesses",ArgNone,'S'}, {"namespaceid", ArgRequired, 'G'}, {"nostate",ArgNone,'Z'}, {"configDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {"encrypt",ArgOptional,'E'}, {0,0,0}}; char *opts_archive2db = "vd:i:a:n:SD:"; struct opt_ext long_options_archive2db[] = { {"version",ArgNone,'v'}, {"debug",ArgRequired,'d'}, {"pidfile",ArgRequired,'i'}, {"archive",ArgRequired,'a'}, {"backEndInstName",ArgRequired,'n'}, {"allowMultipleProcesses",ArgNone,'S'}, {"configDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {0,0,0}}; char *opts_db2archive = "vd:i:a:SD:"; struct opt_ext long_options_db2archive[] = { {"version",ArgNone,'v'}, {"debug",ArgRequired,'d'}, {"pidfile",ArgRequired,'i'}, {"archive",ArgRequired,'a'}, {"allowMultipleProcesses",ArgNone,'S'}, {"configDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {0,0,0}}; char *opts_db2index = "vd:a:t:T:SD:n:s:x:"; struct opt_ext long_options_db2index[] = { {"version",ArgNone,'v'}, {"debug",ArgRequired,'d'}, {"backend",ArgRequired,'n'}, {"archive",ArgRequired,'a'}, {"indexAttribute",ArgRequired,'t'}, {"vlvIndex",ArgRequired,'T'}, {"allowMultipleProcesses",ArgNone,'S'}, {"configDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {"include",ArgRequired,'s'}, {"exclude",ArgRequired,'x'}, {0,0,0}}; char *opts_upgradedb = "vfd:a:D:"; struct opt_ext long_options_upgradedb[] = { {"version",ArgNone,'v'}, {"debug",ArgRequired,'d'}, {"force",ArgNone,'f'}, {"archive",ArgRequired,'a'}, {"configDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {0,0,0}}; char *opts_dbverify = "vVfd:n:D:"; struct opt_ext long_options_dbverify[] = { {"version",ArgNone,'v'}, {"debug",ArgRequired,'d'}, {"backend",ArgRequired,'n'}, {"configDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {"verbose",ArgNone,'V'}, {0,0,0}}; char *opts_referral = "vd:p:r:SD:"; struct opt_ext long_options_referral[] = { {"version",ArgNone,'v'}, {"debug",ArgRequired,'d'}, {"port",ArgRequired,'p'}, {"referralMode",ArgRequired,'r'}, {"allowMultipleProcesses",ArgNone,'S'}, {"configDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {0,0,0}}; char *opts_suffix2instance = "s:D:"; struct opt_ext long_options_suffix2instance[] = { {"suffix",ArgRequired,'s'}, {"instanceDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {0,0,0}}; char *opts_slapd = "vVd:i:SD:w:"; struct opt_ext long_options_slapd[] = { {"version",ArgNone,'v'}, {"versionFull",ArgNone,'V'}, {"debug",ArgRequired,'d'}, {"pidfile",ArgRequired,'i'}, {"allowMultipleProcesses",ArgNone,'S'}, {"configDir",ArgRequired,'D'}, {"startpidfile",ArgRequired,'w'}, {0,0,0}}; /* * determine which of serveral modes we are executing in. */ *extraname = NULL; if (( slapd_exemode = name2exemode( myname, myname, 0 )) == SLAPD_EXEMODE_UNKNOWN ) { if ( argv[1] != NULL && argv[1][0] != '-' ) { slapd_exemode = name2exemode( myname, argv[1], 1 ); *extraname = argv[1]; optind_ext = 2; /* make getopt() skip argv[1] */ optind = 2; } } if ( slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_UNKNOWN ) { slapd_exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD; /* default */ } /* * richm: If running in regular slapd server mode, allow the front * end dse files (dse.ldif and ldbm.ldif) to be written in case of * additions or modifications. In all other modes, these files * should only be read and never written. */ if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD || slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_ARCHIVE2DB || /* bak2db adjusts config */ slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_UPGRADEDB) /* update idl-switch */ dse_unset_dont_ever_write_dse_files(); /* maintain compatibility with pre-5.x options */ switch( slapd_exemode ) { case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBTEST: opts = opts_dbtest; long_opts = long_options_dbtest; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF: opts = opts_db2ldif; long_opts = long_options_db2ldif; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB: opts = opts_ldif2db; long_opts = long_options_ldif2db; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_ARCHIVE2DB: opts = opts_archive2db; long_opts = long_options_archive2db; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2ARCHIVE: init_cmd_shutdown_detect(); opts = opts_db2archive; long_opts = long_options_db2archive; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2INDEX: opts = opts_db2index; long_opts = long_options_db2index; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL: opts = opts_referral; long_opts = long_options_referral; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_SUFFIX2INSTANCE: opts = opts_suffix2instance; long_opts = long_options_suffix2instance; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_UPGRADEDB: opts = opts_upgradedb; long_opts = long_options_upgradedb; break; case SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBVERIFY: opts = opts_dbverify; long_opts = long_options_dbverify; break; default: /* SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD */ opts = opts_slapd; long_opts = long_options_slapd; } while ( (i = getopt_ext( argc, argv, opts, long_opts, &longopt_index)) != EOF ) { char *configdir = 0; switch ( i ) { #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG case 'd': /* turn on debugging */ if ( optarg_ext[0] == '?' || 0 == strcasecmp( optarg_ext, "help" )) { slapd_debug_level_usage(); exit( 1 ); } else { should_detach = 0; slapd_ldap_debug = slapd_debug_level_string2level( optarg_ext ); if ( slapd_ldap_debug < 0 ) { slapd_debug_level_usage(); exit( 1 ); } slapd_ldap_debug |= LDAP_DEBUG_ANY; } break; #else case 'd': /* turn on debugging */ fprintf( stderr, "must compile with LDAP_DEBUG for debugging\n" ); break; #endif case 'D': /* config dir */ configdir = rel2abspath( optarg_ext ); #if defined( XP_WIN32 ) pszServerName = slapi_ch_malloc( MAX_SERVICE_NAME ); if( !SlapdGetServerNameFromCmdline(pszServerName, configdir, 1) ) { MessageBox(GetDesktopWindow(), "Failed to get the Directory" " Server name from the command-line argument.", " ", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); exit( 1 ); } #endif if ( config_set_configdir( "configdir (-D)", configdir, errorbuf, 1) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: aborting now\n", errorbuf ); usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } slapi_ch_free((void **)&configdir); break; case 'p': /* port on which to listen (referral mode only) */ if ( config_set_port ( "portnumber (-p)", optarg_ext, errorbuf, CONFIG_APPLY ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: aborting now\n", errorbuf ); usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } break; case 'i': /* set pid log file or ldif2db LDIF file */ if ( slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB ) { char *p; /* if LDIF comes through standard input, skip path checking */ if ( optarg_ext[0] != '-' || strlen(optarg_ext) != 1) { #if defined( XP_WIN32 ) if ( optarg_ext[0] != '/' && optarg_ext[0] != '\\' && (!isalpha( optarg_ext[0] ) || (optarg_ext[1] != ':')) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s file could not be opened: absolute path " " required.\n", optarg_ext ); break; } #else if ( optarg_ext[ 0 ] != '/' ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s file could not be opened: absolute path " " required.\n", optarg_ext ); break; } #endif } p = (char *) slapi_ch_malloc(strlen(optarg_ext) + 1); strcpy(p, optarg_ext); charray_add(&ldif_file, p); ldif_files++; } else { pid_file = rel2abspath( optarg_ext ); } break; case 'w': /* set startup pid file */ start_pid_file = rel2abspath( optarg_ext ); break; case 'n': /* which backend to do ldif2db/bak2db for */ if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB || slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBTEST || slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2INDEX || slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_ARCHIVE2DB) { /* The -n argument will give the name of a backend instance. */ cmd_line_instance_name = optarg_ext; } else if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF || slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBVERIFY) { char *s = slapi_ch_strdup(optarg_ext); charray_add(&cmd_line_instance_names, s); } break; case 's': /* which suffix to include in import/export */ { char *s= slapi_dn_normalize ( slapi_ch_strdup(optarg_ext) ); charray_add(&db2ldif_include,s); } break; case 'x': /* which suffix to exclude in import/export */ { char *s= slapi_dn_normalize ( slapi_ch_strdup(optarg_ext) ); charray_add(&db2ldif_exclude,s); } break; case 'r': /* db2ldif for replication */ if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL) { if (config_set_referral_mode( "referral (-r)", optarg_ext, errorbuf, CONFIG_APPLY) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: aborting now\n", errorbuf); usage(myname, *extraname); exit(1); } break; } if (slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } db2ldif_dump_replica = 1; break; case 'N': /* do not do ldif2db duplicate value check */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB && slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } /* * -N flag is obsolete, but we silently accept it * so we don't break customer's scripts. */ /* The -N flag now does what the -n flag used to do for db2ldif. * This is so -n cane be used for the instance name just like * with ldif2db. */ if ( slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF ) { ldif_printkey &= ~EXPORT_PRINTKEY; } break; case 'U': /* db2ldif only */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } /* * don't fold (wrap) long lines (default is to fold), * as of ldapsearch -T */ ldif_printkey |= EXPORT_NOWRAP; break; case 'm': /* db2ldif only */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } /* minimal base64 encoding */ ldif_printkey |= EXPORT_MINIMAL_ENCODING; break; case 'M': /* db2ldif only */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } /* * output ldif is stored in several file called intance_filename. * by default, all instances are stored in the single filename. */ ldif_printkey &= ~EXPORT_APPENDMODE; break; case 'o': /* db2ldif only */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } /* * output ldif is stored in one file. * by default, each instance is stored in instance_filename. */ ldif_printkey |= EXPORT_APPENDMODE; break; case 'C': if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB) { /* used to mean "Cool new import" (which is now * the default) -- ignore */ break; } if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF) { /* possibly corrupted db -- don't look at any * file except id2entry. yet another overloaded * flag. */ ldif_printkey |= EXPORT_ID2ENTRY_ONLY; break; } usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); case 'c': /* merge chunk size for Cool new import */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } ldif2db_removedupvals = atoi(optarg_ext); /* We overload this flag---ok since we always check for dupes in the new code */ break; case 'O': /* only create core db, no attr indexes */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } ldif2db_noattrindexes = 1; break; case 't': /* attribute type to index - may be repeated */ case 'T': /* VLV Search to index - may be repeated */ if ( slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2INDEX ) { char *p= slapi_ch_smprintf("%c%s",i,optarg_ext); charray_add( &db2index_attrs, p); break; } usage( myname, *extraname ); exit(1); case 'v': /* print version and exit */ slapd_print_version(0); exit( 1 ); break; case 'V': if ( slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_DBVERIFY ) { dbverify_verbose = 1; } else { slapd_exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_PRINTVERSION; } break; case 'a': /* archive pathname for db */ archive_name = optarg_ext; break; case 'Z': if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB) { break; } usage( myname, *extraname ); exit(1); case 'S': /* skip the check for slad running in conflicting modes */ skip_db_protect_check = 1; break; case 'u': /* do not dump uniqueid for db2ldif */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } db2ldif_dump_uniqueid = 0; break; case 'g': /* generate uniqueid for ldif2db */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } if (optarg_ext == NULL){ printf ("ldif2db: generation type is not specified for -g; " "random generation is used\n"); ldif2db_generate_uniqueid = SLAPI_UNIQUEID_GENERATE_TIME_BASED; } else if (strcasecmp (optarg_ext, "none") == 0) ldif2db_generate_uniqueid = SLAPI_UNIQUEID_GENERATE_NONE; else if (strcasecmp (optarg_ext, "deterministic") == 0) /* name based */ ldif2db_generate_uniqueid = SLAPI_UNIQUEID_GENERATE_NAME_BASED; else /* default - time based */ ldif2db_generate_uniqueid = SLAPI_UNIQUEID_GENERATE_TIME_BASED; break; case 'G': /* namespace id for name based uniqueid generation for ldif2db */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } ldif2db_namespaceid = optarg_ext; break; case 'E': /* encrypt data if importing, decrypt if exporting */ if ( (slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB) && (slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF)) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } importexport_encrypt = 1; break; case 'f': /* upgradedb only */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_UPGRADEDB ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } upgradedb_force = SLAPI_UPGRADEDB_FORCE; break; case '1': /* db2ldif only */ if ( slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } /* * do not output "version: 1" to the ldif file */ ldif_printkey |= EXPORT_NOVERSION; break; default: usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } } if ((NULL != cmd_line_instance_names) && (NULL != cmd_line_instance_names[1]) && (ldif_printkey & EXPORT_APPENDMODE)) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: several backends are being" " exported to a single ldif file\n"); fprintf(stderr, " use option -M to export to" " multiple ldif files\n"); } /* Any leftover arguments? */ if ( optind_last > optind ) { usage( myname, *extraname ); exit( 1 ); } return; } static int lookup_instance_name_by_suffix(char *suffix, char ***suffixes, char ***instances, int isexact) { Slapi_PBlock *pb = slapi_pblock_new(); Slapi_Entry **entries = NULL, **ep; char *query; char *backend; char *fullsuffix; int rval = -1; if (pb == NULL) goto done; if (isexact) { query = slapi_ch_smprintf("(&(objectclass=nsmappingtree)(|(cn=\"%s\")(cn=%s)))", suffix, suffix); if (query == NULL) goto done; slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, "cn=mapping tree,cn=config", LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, query, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, (void *)plugin_get_default_component_id(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_ch_free((void **)&query); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &rval); if (rval != LDAP_SUCCESS) goto done; slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if ((entries == NULL) || (entries[0] == NULL)) goto done; } else { char *suffixp = suffix; while (NULL != suffixp && strlen(suffixp) > 0) { query = slapi_ch_smprintf("(&(objectclass=nsmappingtree)(|(cn=*%s\")(cn=*%s)))", suffixp, suffixp); if (query == NULL) goto done; slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, "cn=mapping tree,cn=config", LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, query, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, (void *)plugin_get_default_component_id(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_ch_free((void **)&query); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &rval); if (rval != LDAP_SUCCESS) goto done; slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if ((entries == NULL) || (entries[0] == NULL)) { suffixp = strchr(suffixp, ','); /* get a parent dn */ if (NULL != suffixp) { suffixp++; } } else { break; /* found backend entries */ } } } rval = 0; for (ep = entries; ep && *ep; ep++) { backend = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(*ep, "nsslapd-backend"); if (backend) { charray_add(instances, backend); if (suffixes) { fullsuffix = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(*ep, "cn"); charray_add(suffixes, fullsuffix); /* NULL is ok */ } } } done: slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return rval; } int lookup_instance_name_by_suffixes(char **included, char **excluded, char ***instances) { char **incl_instances, **excl_instances; char **p; int rval = -1; incl_instances = NULL; for (p = included; p && *p; p++) { if (lookup_instance_name_by_suffix(*p, NULL, &incl_instances, 0) < 0) return rval; } excl_instances = NULL; for (p = excluded; p && *p; p++) { if (lookup_instance_name_by_suffix(*p, NULL, &excl_instances, 0) < 0) return rval; } rval = 0; charray_subtract(incl_instances, excl_instances, NULL); charray_free(excl_instances); *instances = incl_instances; return rval; } /* helper function for ldif2db & friends -- given an instance name, lookup * the plugin name in the DSE. this assumes the DSE has already been loaded. */ static struct slapdplugin *lookup_plugin_by_instance_name(const char *name) { Slapi_Entry **entries = NULL; Slapi_PBlock *pb = slapi_pblock_new(); struct slapdplugin *plugin; char *query, *dn, *cn; int ret = 0; if (pb == NULL) return NULL; query = slapi_ch_smprintf("(&(cn=%s)(objectclass=nsBackendInstance))", name); if (query == NULL) { slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return NULL; } slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, "cn=plugins,cn=config", LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, query, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, (void *)plugin_get_default_component_id(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_ch_free((void **)&query); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return NULL; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if ((entries == NULL) || (entries[0] == NULL)) { slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return NULL; } /* okay -- have the entry for this instance, now let's chop up the dn */ /* parent dn is the plugin */ dn = slapi_dn_parent(slapi_entry_get_dn(entries[0])); /* clean up */ slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); entries = NULL; slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); pb = NULL; /* this seems redundant . . . until we add code after this line */ /* now... look up the parent */ pb = slapi_pblock_new(); slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=nsSlapdPlugin)", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, (void *)plugin_get_default_component_id(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_ch_free((void **)&dn); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return NULL; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if ((entries == NULL) || (entries[0] == NULL)) { slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return NULL; } cn = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(entries[0], "cn"); slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); plugin = plugin_get_by_name(cn); slapi_ch_free((void **)&cn); return plugin; } static int slapd_exemode_ldif2db() { int return_value= 0; Slapi_PBlock pb; struct slapdplugin *plugin; slapdFrontendConfig_t *slapdFrontendConfig = getFrontendConfig(); if ( ldif_file == NULL ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: Required argument -i missing\n", 0, 0, 0 ); usage( myname, extraname ); return 1; } /* this should be the first time to be called! if the init order * is ever changed, these lines should be changed (or erased)! */ mapping_tree_init(); /* * if instance is given, just use it to get the backend. * otherwise, we use included/excluded suffix list to specify a backend. */ if (NULL == cmd_line_instance_name) { char **instances, **ip; int counter; if (lookup_instance_name_by_suffixes(db2ldif_include, db2ldif_exclude, &instances) < 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: backend instances name [-n ] or " "included suffix [-s ] need to be specified.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } if (instances) { for (ip = instances, counter = 0; ip && *ip; ip++, counter++) ; if (counter == 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR 1: There is no backend instance to import to.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } else if (counter > 1) { int i; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: There are multiple backend instances specified:\n", 0, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < counter; i++) LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, " : %s\n", instances[i], 0, 0); return 1; } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Backend Instance: %s\n", *instances, 0, 0); cmd_line_instance_name = *instances; } } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR 2: There is no backend instance to import to.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } } plugin = lookup_plugin_by_instance_name(cmd_line_instance_name); if (plugin == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: Could not find backend '%s'.\n", cmd_line_instance_name, 0, 0); return 1; } /* Make sure we aren't going to run slapd in * a mode that is going to conflict with other * slapd processes that are currently running */ if ( add_new_slapd_process(slapd_exemode, db2ldif_dump_replica, skip_db_protect_check) == -1 ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } /* check for slapi v2 support */ if (! SLAPI_PLUGIN_IS_V2(plugin)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: %s is too old to do imports.\n", plugin->plg_name, 0, 0); return 1; } memset( &pb, '\0', sizeof(pb) ); pb.pb_backend = NULL; pb.pb_plugin = plugin; pb.pb_removedupvals = ldif2db_removedupvals; pb.pb_ldif2db_noattrindexes = ldif2db_noattrindexes; pb.pb_ldif_generate_uniqueid = ldif2db_generate_uniqueid; pb.pb_ldif_namespaceid = ldif2db_namespaceid; pb.pb_ldif_encrypt = importexport_encrypt; pb.pb_instance_name = cmd_line_instance_name; pb.pb_ldif_files = ldif_file; pb.pb_ldif_include = db2ldif_include; pb.pb_ldif_exclude = db2ldif_exclude; pb.pb_task_flags = SLAPI_TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE; #ifndef _WIN32 main_setuid(slapdFrontendConfig->localuser); #endif if ( plugin->plg_ldif2db != NULL ) { return_value = (*plugin->plg_ldif2db)( &pb ); } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: no ldif2db function defined for " "%s\n", plugin->plg_name, 0, 0 ); return_value = -1; } slapi_ch_free((void**)&myname ); charray_free( db2index_attrs ); charray_free(ldif_file); return( return_value ); } static int slapd_exemode_db2ldif(int argc, char** argv) { int return_value= 0; Slapi_PBlock pb; struct slapdplugin *plugin; slapdFrontendConfig_t *slapdFrontendConfig = getFrontendConfig(); char *my_ldiffile; char **instp; /* this should be the first time this are called! if the init order * is ever changed, these lines should be changed (or erased)! */ mapping_tree_init(); /* * if instance is given, just pass it to the backend. * otherwise, we use included/excluded suffix list to specify a backend. */ if (NULL == cmd_line_instance_names) { char **instances, **ip; int counter; if (lookup_instance_name_by_suffixes(db2ldif_include, db2ldif_exclude, &instances) < 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: backend instances name [-n ] or " "included suffix [-s ] need to be specified.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } if (instances) { for (ip = instances, counter = 0; ip && *ip; ip++, counter++) ; if (counter == 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR 1: There is no backend instance to export from.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Backend Instance(s): \n", 0, 0, 0); for (ip = instances, counter = 0; ip && *ip; ip++, counter++) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "\t%s\n", *ip, 0, 0); } cmd_line_instance_names = instances; } } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR 2: There is no backend instance to export from.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } } #ifndef _WIN32 /* [622984] db2lidf -r changes database file ownership * should call setuid before "db2ldif_dump_replica" */ main_setuid(slapdFrontendConfig->localuser); #endif for (instp = cmd_line_instance_names; instp && *instp; instp++) { int release_me = 0; plugin = lookup_plugin_by_instance_name(*instp); if (plugin == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: Could not find backend '%s'.\n", *instp, 0, 0); return 1; } if (plugin->plg_db2ldif == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: no db2ldif function defined for " "backend %s - cannot export\n", *instp, 0, 0); return 1; } /* Make sure we aren't going to run slapd in * a mode that is going to conflict with other * slapd processes that are currently running */ if ( add_new_slapd_process(slapd_exemode, db2ldif_dump_replica, skip_db_protect_check) == -1 ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Shutting down due to possible conflicts " "with other slapd processes\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } if ( config_is_slapd_lite () && !slapi_config_get_readonly () && is_slapd_running() ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s\n", LITE_BACKUP_ERR, 0, 0); return 1; } if (! (SLAPI_PLUGIN_IS_V2(plugin))) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: %s is too old to do exports.\n", plugin->plg_name, 0, 0); return 1; } memset( &pb, '\0', sizeof(pb) ); pb.pb_backend = NULL; pb.pb_plugin = plugin; pb.pb_ldif_include = db2ldif_include; pb.pb_ldif_exclude = db2ldif_exclude; pb.pb_ldif_dump_replica = db2ldif_dump_replica; pb.pb_ldif_dump_uniqueid = db2ldif_dump_uniqueid; pb.pb_ldif_encrypt = importexport_encrypt; pb.pb_instance_name = *instp; pb.pb_task_flags = SLAPI_TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE; if (is_slapd_running()) pb.pb_server_running = 1; else pb.pb_server_running = 0; if (db2ldif_dump_replica) { eq_init(); /* must be done before plugins started */ ps_init_psearch_system(); /* must come before plugin_startall() */ plugin_startall(argc, argv, 1 /* Start Backends */, 1 /* Start Globals */); eq_start(); /* must be done after plugins started */ } pb.pb_ldif_file = NULL; if ( archive_name ) { /* redirect stdout to this file: */ char *p, *q; #if defined( XP_WIN32 ) char sep = '\\'; if (NULL != strchr(archive_name, '/')) sep = '/'; #else char sep = '/'; #endif my_ldiffile = archive_name; if (ldif_printkey & EXPORT_APPENDMODE) { if (instp == cmd_line_instance_names) { /* first export */ ldif_printkey |= EXPORT_APPENDMODE_1; } else { ldif_printkey &= ~EXPORT_APPENDMODE_1; } } else { /* not APPENDMODE */ if (strcmp(archive_name, "-")) { /* not '-' */ my_ldiffile = (char *)slapi_ch_malloc((unsigned long)(strlen(archive_name) + strlen(*instp) + 2)); p = strrchr(archive_name, sep); if (NULL == p) { sprintf(my_ldiffile, "%s_%s", *instp, archive_name); } else { q = p + 1; *p = '\0'; sprintf(my_ldiffile, "%s%c%s_%s", archive_name, sep, *instp, q); *p = sep; } release_me = 1; } } fprintf(stderr, "ldiffile: %s\n", my_ldiffile); /* just send the filename to the backend and let * the backend open it (so they can do special * stuff for 64-bit fs) */ pb.pb_ldif_file = my_ldiffile; pb.pb_ldif_printkey = ldif_printkey; } return_value = (plugin->plg_db2ldif)( &pb ); if (release_me) { slapi_ch_free((void **)&my_ldiffile); } } slapi_ch_free( (void**)&myname ); if (db2ldif_dump_replica) { eq_stop(); /* event queue should be shutdown before closing all plugins (especailly, replication plugin) */ plugin_closeall( 1 /* Close Backends */, 1 /* Close Globals */); } return( return_value ); } static int slapd_exemode_suffix2instance() { int return_value = 0; char **instances = NULL; char **suffixes = NULL; char **p, **q, **r; /* this should be the first time this are called! if the init order * is ever changed, these lines should be changed (or erased)! */ mapping_tree_init(); for (p = db2ldif_include; p && *p; p++) { if (lookup_instance_name_by_suffix(*p, &suffixes, &instances, 0) < 0) continue; fprintf(stderr, "Suffix, Instance name pair(s) under \"%s\":\n", *p); if (instances) for (q = suffixes, r = instances; *r; q++, r++) fprintf(stderr, "\tsuffix %s; instance name \"%s\"\n", *q?*q:"-", *r); else fprintf(stderr, "\tNo instance\n"); charray_free(suffixes); suffixes = NULL; charray_free(instances); instances = NULL; } return (return_value); } static int slapd_exemode_db2index() { int return_value= 0; struct slapdplugin *plugin; Slapi_PBlock pb; slapdFrontendConfig_t *slapdFrontendConfig = getFrontendConfig(); mapping_tree_init(); /* * if instance is given, just use it to get the backend. * otherwise, we use included/excluded suffix list to specify a backend. */ if (NULL == cmd_line_instance_name) { char **instances, **ip; int counter; if (lookup_instance_name_by_suffixes(db2ldif_include, db2ldif_exclude, &instances) < 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: backend instances name [-n ] or " "included suffix [-s ] need to be specified.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } if (instances) { for (ip = instances, counter = 0; ip && *ip; ip++, counter++) ; if (counter == 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR 1: There is no backend instance to import to.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } else if (counter > 1) { int i; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: There are multiple backend instances specified:\n", 0, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < counter; i++) LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, " : %s\n", instances[i], 0, 0); return 1; } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Backend Instance: %s\n", *instances, 0, 0); cmd_line_instance_name = *instances; } } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR 2: There is no backend instance to import to.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } } plugin = lookup_plugin_by_instance_name(cmd_line_instance_name); if (plugin == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: Could not find backend '%s'.\n", cmd_line_instance_name, 0, 0); return 1; } /* make sure nothing else is running */ if (add_new_slapd_process(slapd_exemode, db2ldif_dump_replica, skip_db_protect_check) == -1) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other " "slapd processes.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } if ( db2index_attrs == NULL ) { usage( myname, extraname ); return 1; } memset( &pb, '\0', sizeof(pb) ); pb.pb_backend = NULL; pb.pb_plugin = plugin; pb.pb_db2index_attrs = db2index_attrs; pb.pb_instance_name = cmd_line_instance_name; pb.pb_task_flags = SLAPI_TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE; #ifndef _WIN32 main_setuid(slapdFrontendConfig->localuser); #endif return_value = (*plugin->plg_db2index)( &pb ); slapi_ch_free( (void**)&myname ); return( return_value ); } static int slapd_exemode_db2archive() { int return_value= 0; Slapi_PBlock pb; struct slapdplugin *backend_plugin; slapdFrontendConfig_t *slapdFrontendConfig = getFrontendConfig(); if ((backend_plugin = plugin_get_by_name("ldbm database")) == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: Could not find the ldbm backend plugin.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } if (NULL == archive_name) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: no archive directory supplied\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } if ( config_is_slapd_lite () && !slapi_config_get_readonly () && is_slapd_running ()) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s\n", LITE_BACKUP_ERR, 0, 0); return 1; } /* Make sure we aren't going to run slapd in * a mode that is going to conflict with other * slapd processes that are currently running */ if ( add_new_slapd_process(slapd_exemode, db2ldif_dump_replica, skip_db_protect_check) == -1 ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } if (compute_init()) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Initialization Failed 0 %d\n",return_value,0,0); return 1; } memset( &pb, '\0', sizeof(pb) ); pb.pb_backend = NULL; pb.pb_plugin = backend_plugin; pb.pb_instance_name = cmd_line_instance_name; pb.pb_seq_val = archive_name; pb.pb_task_flags = SLAPI_TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE; #ifndef _WIN32 main_setuid(slapdFrontendConfig->localuser); #endif return_value = (backend_plugin->plg_db2archive)( &pb ); return return_value; } static int slapd_exemode_archive2db() { int return_value= 0; Slapi_PBlock pb; struct slapdplugin *backend_plugin; slapdFrontendConfig_t *slapdFrontendConfig = getFrontendConfig(); if ((backend_plugin = plugin_get_by_name("ldbm database")) == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: Could not find the ldbm backend plugin.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } if (NULL == archive_name) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: no archive directory supplied\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } /* Make sure we aren't going to run slapd in * a mode that is going to conflict with other * slapd processes that are currently running */ if ( add_new_slapd_process(slapd_exemode, db2ldif_dump_replica, skip_db_protect_check) == -1 ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } if (compute_init()) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Initialization Failed 0 %d\n",return_value,0,0); return 1; } memset( &pb, '\0', sizeof(pb) ); pb.pb_backend = NULL; pb.pb_plugin = backend_plugin; pb.pb_instance_name = cmd_line_instance_name; pb.pb_seq_val = archive_name; pb.pb_task_flags = SLAPI_TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE; #ifndef _WIN32 main_setuid(slapdFrontendConfig->localuser); #endif return_value = (backend_plugin->plg_archive2db)( &pb ); return return_value; } /* * functions to convert idl from the old format to the new one * (604921) Support a database uprev process any time post-install */ static int slapd_exemode_upgradedb() { int return_value= 0; Slapi_PBlock pb; struct slapdplugin *backend_plugin; slapdFrontendConfig_t *slapdFrontendConfig = getFrontendConfig(); if ( archive_name == NULL ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: Required argument -a missing\n", 0, 0, 0 ); usage( myname, extraname ); return 1; } /* this should be the first time to be called! if the init order * is ever changed, these lines should be changed (or erased)! */ mapping_tree_init(); if ((backend_plugin = plugin_get_by_name("ldbm database")) == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: Could not find the ldbm backend plugin.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } /* Make sure we aren't going to run slapd in * a mode that is going to conflict with other * slapd processes that are currently running */ if (add_new_slapd_process(slapd_exemode, 0, skip_db_protect_check) == -1) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } /* check for slapi v2 support */ if (! SLAPI_PLUGIN_IS_V2(backend_plugin)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: %s is too old to do convert idl.\n", backend_plugin->plg_name, 0, 0); return 1; } memset( &pb, '\0', sizeof(pb) ); pb.pb_backend = NULL; pb.pb_plugin = backend_plugin; pb.pb_seq_val = archive_name; pb.pb_seq_type = upgradedb_force; pb.pb_task_flags = SLAPI_TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE; /* borrowing import code, so need to set up the import variables */ pb.pb_ldif_generate_uniqueid = ldif2db_generate_uniqueid; pb.pb_ldif_namespaceid = ldif2db_namespaceid; pb.pb_ldif2db_noattrindexes = 0; pb.pb_removedupvals = 0; #ifndef _WIN32 main_setuid(slapdFrontendConfig->localuser); #endif if ( backend_plugin->plg_upgradedb != NULL ) { return_value = (*backend_plugin->plg_upgradedb)( &pb ); } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: no upgradedb function defined for " "%s\n", backend_plugin->plg_name, 0, 0 ); return_value = -1; } slapi_ch_free((void**)&myname ); return( return_value ); } /* * function to perform DB verify */ static int slapd_exemode_dbverify() { int return_value = 0; Slapi_PBlock pb; struct slapdplugin *backend_plugin; /* this should be the first time to be called! if the init order * is ever changed, these lines should be changed (or erased)! */ mapping_tree_init(); if ((backend_plugin = plugin_get_by_name("ldbm database")) == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: Could not find the ldbm backend plugin.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } /* check for slapi v2 support */ if (! SLAPI_PLUGIN_IS_V2(backend_plugin)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: %s is too old to do dbverify.\n", backend_plugin->plg_name, 0, 0); return 1; } memset( &pb, '\0', sizeof(pb) ); pb.pb_backend = NULL; pb.pb_seq_type = dbverify_verbose; pb.pb_plugin = backend_plugin; pb.pb_instance_name = (char *)cmd_line_instance_names; pb.pb_task_flags = SLAPI_TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE; if ( backend_plugin->plg_dbverify != NULL ) { return_value = (*backend_plugin->plg_dbverify)( &pb ); } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: no db verify function defined for " "%s\n", backend_plugin->plg_name, 0, 0 ); return_value = -1; } return( return_value ); } static int slapd_exemode_dbtest() { int return_value= 0; Slapi_PBlock pb; struct slapdplugin *plugin; if (NULL == cmd_line_instance_name) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dbtest: Required argument -n missing\n", 0, 0, 0); usage( myname, extraname ); return 1; } mapping_tree_init(); plugin = lookup_plugin_by_instance_name(cmd_line_instance_name); if (plugin == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: Could not find backend '%s'.\n", cmd_line_instance_name, 0, 0); return 1; } /* Make sure we aren't going to run slapd in * a mode that is going to conflict with other * slapd processes that are currently running */ if ( add_new_slapd_process(slapd_exemode, db2ldif_dump_replica, skip_db_protect_check) == -1 ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } pb.pb_backend = NULL; pb.pb_plugin = plugin; pb.pb_instance_name = cmd_line_instance_name; /* For dbtest, we do _not_ change identity (no setuid()) */ return_value= (*plugin->plg_dbtest)( &pb ); return return_value; } #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG /* * Table to associate a string with a debug level. */ static struct slapd_debug_level_entry { int dle_level; /* LDAP_DEBUG_XXX value */ const char *dle_string; /* string equivalent; NULL marks end of list */ char dle_hide; } slapd_debug_level_map[] = { { LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "trace", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_PACKETS, "packets", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "arguments", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "args", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_CONNS, "connections", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_CONNS, "conn", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_CONNS, "conns", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_BER, "ber", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "filters", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_CONFIG, "config", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "accesscontrol", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "acl", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_ACL, "acls", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "stats", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_STATS2, "stats2", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_SHELL, "shell", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_PARSE, "parsing", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_HOUSE, "housekeeping", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_REPL, "replication", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_REPL, "repl", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "errors", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ANY", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "error", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_CACHE, "caches", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_CACHE, "cache", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_PLUGIN, "plugins", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_PLUGIN, "plugin", 1 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_TIMING, "timing", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_ACLSUMMARY,"accesscontrolsummary", 0 }, { LDAP_DEBUG_ALL_LEVELS,"ALL", 0 }, { 0, NULL, 0 } }; /* * Given a string represention of a debug level, map it to a integer value * and return that value. -1 is returned upon error, with a message * printed to stderr. */ static int slapd_debug_level_string2level( const char *s ) { int level, i; char *cur, *next, *scopy; level = 0; cur = scopy = slapi_ch_strdup( s ); for ( cur = scopy; cur != NULL; cur = next ) { if (( next = strchr( cur, '+' )) != NULL ) { *next++ = '\0'; } if ( isdigit( *cur )) { level |= atoi( cur ); } else { for ( i = 0; NULL != slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_string; ++i ) { if ( strcasecmp( cur, slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_string ) == 0 ) { level |= slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_level; break; } } if ( NULL == slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_string ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unrecognized debug level \"%s\"\n", cur ); return -1; } } } slapi_ch_free( (void **)&scopy ); return level; } /* * Print to stderr the string equivalent of level. * The ANY level is omitted because it is always present. */ static void slapd_debug_level_log( int level ) { int i, count, len; char *msg, *p; level &= ~LDAP_DEBUG_ANY; /* first pass: determine space needed for the debug level string */ len = 1; /* room for '\0' terminator */ count = 0; for ( i = 0; NULL != slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_string; ++i ) { if ( !slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_hide && slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_level != LDAP_DEBUG_ALL_LEVELS && 0 != ( level & slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_level )) { if ( count > 0 ) { ++len; /* room for '+' character */ } len += strlen( slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_string ); ++count; } } /* second pass: construct the debug level string */ p = msg = slapi_ch_malloc( len ); count = 0; for ( i = 0; NULL != slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_string; ++i ) { if ( !slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_hide && slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_level != LDAP_DEBUG_ALL_LEVELS && 0 != ( level & slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_level )) { if ( count > 0 ) { *p++ = '+'; } strcpy( p, slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_string ); p += strlen( p ); ++count; } } slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, SLAPD_VERSION_STR, "%s: %s (%d)\n", "debug level", msg, level ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&msg ); } /* * Display usage/help for the debug level flag (-d) */ static void slapd_debug_level_usage( void ) { int i; fprintf( stderr, "Debug levels:\n" ); for ( i = 0; NULL != slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_string; ++i ) { if ( !slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_hide && slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_level != LDAP_DEBUG_ALL_LEVELS) { fprintf( stderr, " %6d - %s%s\n", slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_level, slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_string, ( 0 == ( slapd_debug_level_map[i].dle_level & LDAP_DEBUG_ANY )) ? "" : " (always logged)" ); } } fprintf( stderr, "To activate multiple levels, add the numeric" " values together or separate the\n" "values with a + character, e.g., all of the following" " have the same effect:\n" " -d connections+filters\n" " -d 8+32\n" " -d 40\n" ); } #endif /* LDAP_DEBUG */ /* This function does all NSS and SSL related initialization required during startup. We use this function rather than just call this code from main because we must perform all of this initialization after the fork() but before we detach from the controlling terminal. This is because the NSS softokn requires that NSS_Init is called after the fork - this was always the case, but it is a hard error in NSS 3.11.99 and later. We also have to call NSS_Init before doing the detach because NSS may prompt the user for the token (h/w or softokn) password on stdin. So we use this function that we can call from detach() if running in regular slapd exemode or from main() if running in other modes (or just not detaching). */ int slapd_do_all_nss_ssl_init(int slapd_exemode, int importexport_encrypt, int s_port, daemon_ports_t *ports_info) { /* * Initialise NSS once for the whole slapd process, whether SSL * is enabled or not. We use NSS for random number generation and * other things even if we are not going to accept SSL connections. * We also need NSS for attribute encryption/decryption on import and export. */ int init_ssl = config_get_security(); if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD) { init_ssl = init_ssl && (0 != s_port) && (s_port <= LDAP_PORT_MAX); } else { init_ssl = init_ssl && importexport_encrypt; } /* As of DS 6.1, always do a full initialization so that other * modules can assume NSS is available */ if ( slapd_nss_init((slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD), (slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL) /* have config? */ )) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: NSS Initialization Failed.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 1; } if (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD) { client_auth_init(); } if ( init_ssl && ( 0 != slapd_ssl_init())) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: SSL Initialization Failed.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } if ((slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_SLAPD) || (slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_REFERRAL)) { if ( init_ssl ) { PRFileDesc **sock; for (sock = ports_info->s_socket; sock && *sock; sock++) { if ( 0 != slapd_ssl_init2(sock, 0) ) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: SSL Initialization phase 2 Failed.\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; } } } } return 0; }