/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ /* filter.c - routines for parsing and dealing with filters */ #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "slap.h" #include "slapi-plugin.h" static int get_filter_list( Connection *conn, BerElement *ber, struct slapi_filter **f, char **fstr, int maxdepth, int curdepth, int *subentry_dont_rewrite, int *has_tombstone_filter); static int get_substring_filter(); static int get_extensible_filter( BerElement *ber, mr_filter_t* ); static int get_filter_internal( Connection *conn, BerElement *ber, struct slapi_filter **filt, char **fstr, int maxdepth, int curdepth, int *subentry_dont_rewrite, int *has_tombstone_filter); static int tombstone_check_filter(Slapi_Filter *f); static void filter_optimize(Slapi_Filter *f); /* * Read a filter off the wire and create a slapi_filter and string representation. * Both filt and fstr are allocated by this function, so must be freed by the caller. * * If the scope is not base and (objectclass=ldapsubentry) does not occur * in the filter then we add (!(objectclass=ldapsubentry)) to the filter * so that subentries are not returned. * If the scope is base or (objectclass=ldapsubentry) occurs in the filter, * then the caller is explicitly handling subentries himself and so we leave * the filter as is. */ int get_filter( Connection *conn, BerElement *ber, int scope, struct slapi_filter **filt, char **fstr ) { int subentry_dont_rewrite = 0; /* Re-write unless we're told not to */ int has_tombstone_filter = 0; /* Check if nsTombstone appears */ int return_value = 0; char *logbuf = NULL; size_t logbufsize = 0; return_value = get_filter_internal(conn, ber, filt, fstr, config_get_max_filter_nest_level(), /* maximum depth */ 0, /* current depth */ &subentry_dont_rewrite, &has_tombstone_filter); if (0 == return_value) { /* Don't try to re-write if there was an error */ if (subentry_dont_rewrite || scope == LDAP_SCOPE_BASE) (*filt)->f_flags |= SLAPI_FILTER_LDAPSUBENTRY; if (has_tombstone_filter) (*filt)->f_flags |= SLAPI_FILTER_TOMBSTONE; } if (LDAPDebugLevelIsSet( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER ) && *filt != NULL && *fstr != NULL) { logbufsize = strlen(*fstr) + 1; logbuf = slapi_ch_malloc(logbufsize); *logbuf = '\0'; slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, "get_filter", "before optimize: %s\n", slapi_filter_to_string(*filt, logbuf, logbufsize)); } filter_optimize(*filt); if (NULL != logbuf) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, "get_filter", " after optimize: %s\n", slapi_filter_to_string(*filt, logbuf, logbufsize)); slapi_ch_free_string( &logbuf ); } return return_value; } #define FILTER_EQ_FMT "(%s=%s)" #define FILTER_GE_FMT "(%s>=%s)" #define FILTER_LE_FMT "(%s<=%s)" #define FILTER_APROX_FMT "(%s~=%s)" #define FILTER_EXTENDED_FMT "(%s%s%s%s:=%s)" #define FILTER_EQ_LEN 4 #define FILTER_GE_LEN 5 #define FILTER_LE_LEN 5 #define FILTER_APROX_LEN 5 /* returns escaped filter string for extended filters only*/ static char * filter_escape_filter_value_extended(struct slapi_filter *f) { char ebuf[BUFSIZ], *ptr; const char *estr; estr = escape_filter_value( f->f_mr_value.bv_val, f->f_mr_value.bv_len, ebuf ); ptr = slapi_ch_smprintf(FILTER_EXTENDED_FMT, f->f_mr_type ? f->f_mr_type : "", f->f_mr_dnAttrs ? ":dn" : "", f->f_mr_oid ? ":" : "", f->f_mr_oid ? f->f_mr_oid : "", estr ); return ptr; } /* returns escaped filter string for EQ, LE, GE and APROX filters */ static char * filter_escape_filter_value(struct slapi_filter *f, const char *fmt, size_t len) { char ebuf[BUFSIZ], *ptr; const char *estr; estr = escape_filter_value( f->f_avvalue.bv_val, f->f_avvalue.bv_len, ebuf ); filter_compute_hash(f); ptr = slapi_ch_smprintf(fmt, f->f_avtype, estr ); return ptr; } /* * get_filter_internal(): extract an LDAP filter from a BerElement and create * a slapi_filter structure (*filt) and a string equivalent (*fstr). * * This function is recursive. It calls itself (to process NOT filters) and * it calls get_filter_list() for AND and OR filters, and get_filter_list() * calls this function again. */ static int get_filter_internal( Connection *conn, BerElement *ber, struct slapi_filter **filt, char **fstr, int maxdepth, int curdepth, int *subentry_dont_rewrite, int *has_tombstone_filter ) { ber_len_t len; int err; struct slapi_filter *f; char *ftmp, *type = NULL; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "=> get_filter_internal\n", 0, 0, 0 ); /* * Track and check the depth of nesting. Use post-increment on * current depth here because this function is called for the * top-level filter (which does not count towards the maximum depth). */ if ( ( curdepth++ > maxdepth ) && ( maxdepth > 0 )) { *filt = NULL; *fstr = NULL; err = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "<= get_filter_internal %d" " (maximum nesting level of %d exceeded)\n", err, maxdepth, 0 ); return( err ); } /* * A filter looks like this coming in: * Filter ::= CHOICE { * and [0] SET OF Filter, * or [1] SET OF Filter, * not [2] Filter, * equalityMatch [3] AttributeValueAssertion, * substrings [4] SubstringFilter, * greaterOrEqual [5] AttributeValueAssertion, * lessOrEqual [6] AttributeValueAssertion, * present [7] AttributeType, * approxMatch [8] AttributeValueAssertion, * extensibleMatch [9] MatchingRuleAssertion --v3 only * } * * SubstringFilter ::= SEQUENCE { * type AttributeType, * SEQUENCE OF CHOICE { * initial [0] IA5String, * any [1] IA5String, * final [2] IA5String * } * } * * The extensibleMatch was added in LDAPv3: * * MatchingRuleAssertion ::= SEQUENCE { * matchingRule [1] MatchingRuleID OPTIONAL, * type [2] AttributeDescription OPTIONAL, * matchValue [3] AssertionValue, * dnAttributes [4] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE * } */ f = (struct slapi_filter *) slapi_ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(struct slapi_filter) ); err = 0; *fstr = NULL; f->f_choice = ber_peek_tag( ber, &len ); switch ( f->f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "EQUALITY\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( (err = get_ava( ber, &f->f_ava )) == 0 ) { if ( 0 == strcasecmp ( f->f_avtype, "objectclass")) { /* Process objectclass oid's here */ if (strchr (f->f_avvalue.bv_val, '.')) { char *ocname = oc_find_name( f->f_avvalue.bv_val ); if ( NULL != ocname ) { slapi_ch_free((void**)&f->f_avvalue.bv_val ); f->f_avvalue.bv_val = ocname; f->f_avvalue.bv_len = strlen ( f->f_avvalue.bv_val ); } } /* * Process subentry searches here. * Only set (*subentry_dont_rewrite) if it's not already set. */ if (!(*subentry_dont_rewrite)) { *subentry_dont_rewrite = subentry_check_filter(f); } /* * Check if it's a Tomstone filter. * We need to do it once per filter, so if flag is already set, * don't bother doing it */ if (!(*has_tombstone_filter)) { *has_tombstone_filter = tombstone_check_filter(f); } } *fstr=filter_escape_filter_value(f, FILTER_EQ_FMT, FILTER_EQ_LEN); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "SUBSTRINGS\n", 0, 0, 0 ); err = get_substring_filter( conn, ber, f, fstr ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_GE: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "GE\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( (err = get_ava( ber, &f->f_ava )) == 0 ) { *fstr=filter_escape_filter_value(f, FILTER_GE_FMT, FILTER_GE_LEN); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_LE: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "LE\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( (err = get_ava( ber, &f->f_ava )) == 0 ) { *fstr=filter_escape_filter_value(f, FILTER_LE_FMT, FILTER_LE_LEN); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "PRESENT\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( ber_scanf( ber, "a", &type ) == LBER_ERROR ) { slapi_ch_free_string(&type); err = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } else { err = LDAP_SUCCESS; f->f_type = slapi_attr_syntax_normalize( type ); free( type ); filter_compute_hash(f); *fstr = slapi_ch_smprintf( "(%s=*)", f->f_type ); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "APPROX\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( (err = get_ava( ber, &f->f_ava )) == 0 ) { *fstr=filter_escape_filter_value(f, FILTER_APROX_FMT, FILTER_APROX_LEN); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_EXTENDED: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "EXTENDED\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( conn->c_ldapversion < 3 ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "extensible filter received from v2 client\n", 0, 0, 0 ); err = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } else if ( (err = get_extensible_filter( ber, &f->f_mr )) == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { *fstr=filter_escape_filter_value_extended(f); LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "%s\n", *fstr, 0, 0); if(f->f_mr_oid==NULL) { /* * We accept: * A) attr ":=" value * B) attr ":dn" ":=" value */ err = LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { err = plugin_mr_filter_create (&f->f_mr); } } break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "AND\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( (err = get_filter_list( conn, ber, &f->f_and, &ftmp, maxdepth, curdepth, subentry_dont_rewrite, has_tombstone_filter )) == 0 ) { filter_compute_hash(f); *fstr = slapi_ch_smprintf( "(&%s)", ftmp ); slapi_ch_free((void**)&ftmp ); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_OR: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "OR\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( (err = get_filter_list( conn, ber, &f->f_or, &ftmp, maxdepth, curdepth, subentry_dont_rewrite, has_tombstone_filter )) == 0 ) { filter_compute_hash(f); *fstr = slapi_ch_smprintf( "(|%s)", ftmp ); slapi_ch_free((void**)&ftmp ); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "NOT\n", 0, 0, 0 ); (void) ber_skip_tag( ber, &len ); if ( (err = get_filter_internal( conn, ber, &f->f_not, &ftmp, maxdepth, curdepth, subentry_dont_rewrite, has_tombstone_filter )) == 0 ) { filter_compute_hash(f); *fstr = slapi_ch_smprintf( "(!%s)", ftmp ); slapi_ch_free((void**)&ftmp ); } break; default: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "get_filter_internal: unknown type 0x%lX\n", f->f_choice, 0, 0 ); err = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; break; } if ( err != 0 ) { slapi_filter_free( f, 1 ); f = NULL; slapi_ch_free( (void**)fstr ); } *filt = f; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "<= get_filter_internal %d\n", err, 0, 0 ); return( err ); } static int get_filter_list( Connection *conn, BerElement *ber, struct slapi_filter **f, char **fstr, int maxdepth, int curdepth, int *subentry_dont_rewrite, int *has_tombstone_filter) { struct slapi_filter **new; int err; ber_tag_t tag; ber_len_t len; char *last; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "=> get_filter_list\n", 0, 0, 0 ); *fstr = NULL; new = f; for ( tag = ber_first_element( ber, &len, &last ); tag != LBER_ERROR && tag != LBER_END_OF_SEQORSET; tag = ber_next_element( ber, &len, last ) ) { char *ftmp; if ( (err = get_filter_internal( conn, ber, new, &ftmp, maxdepth, curdepth, subentry_dont_rewrite, has_tombstone_filter)) != 0 ) { if ( *fstr != NULL ) { slapi_ch_free((void**)fstr ); } return( err ); } if ( *fstr == NULL ) { *fstr = ftmp; } else { *fstr = slapi_ch_realloc( *fstr, strlen( *fstr ) + strlen( ftmp ) + 1 ); strcat( *fstr, ftmp ); slapi_ch_free((void**)&ftmp ); } new = &(*new)->f_next; } *new = NULL; if ( tag == LBER_ERROR && *fstr != NULL ) { slapi_ch_free((void**)fstr ); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "<= get_filter_list\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return(( *fstr == NULL ) ? LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR : 0 ); } static int get_substring_filter( Connection *conn, BerElement *ber, struct slapi_filter *f, char **fstr ) { ber_tag_t tag, rc; ber_len_t len; char *val, *last, *type = NULL; char ebuf[BUFSIZ]; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "=> get_substring_filter\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( ber_scanf( ber, "{a", &type ) == LBER_ERROR ) { slapi_ch_free_string(&type); return( LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR ); } f->f_sub_type = slapi_attr_syntax_normalize( type ); free( type ); f->f_sub_initial = NULL; f->f_sub_any = NULL; f->f_sub_final = NULL; *fstr = slapi_ch_malloc( strlen( f->f_sub_type ) + 3 ); sprintf( *fstr, "(%s=", f->f_sub_type ); for ( tag = ber_first_element( ber, &len, &last ); tag != LBER_ERROR && tag != LBER_END_OF_SEQORSET; tag = ber_next_element( ber, &len, last ) ) { val = NULL; rc = ber_scanf( ber, "a", &val ); if ( rc == LBER_ERROR ) { slapi_ch_free_string(&val); return( LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR ); } if ( val == NULL || *val == '\0' ) { if ( val != NULL ) { free( val ); } return( LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX ); } switch ( tag ) { case LDAP_SUBSTRING_INITIAL: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " INITIAL\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( f->f_sub_initial != NULL ) { return( LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR ); } f->f_sub_initial = val; /* jcm: Had to cast away a const */ val = (char*)escape_filter_value( val, -1, ebuf ); *fstr = slapi_ch_realloc( *fstr, strlen( *fstr ) + strlen( val ) + 1 ); strcat( *fstr, val ); break; case LDAP_SUBSTRING_ANY: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " ANY\n", 0, 0, 0 ); charray_add( &f->f_sub_any, val ); /* jcm: Had to cast away a const */ val = (char*)escape_filter_value( val, -1, ebuf ); *fstr = slapi_ch_realloc( *fstr, strlen( *fstr ) + strlen( val ) + 2 ); strcat( *fstr, "*" ); strcat( *fstr, val ); break; case LDAP_SUBSTRING_FINAL: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " FINAL\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( f->f_sub_final != NULL ) { return( LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR ); } f->f_sub_final = val; /* jcm: Had to cast away a const */ val = (char*)escape_filter_value( val, -1, ebuf ); *fstr = slapi_ch_realloc( *fstr, strlen( *fstr ) + strlen( val ) + 2 ); strcat( *fstr, "*" ); strcat( *fstr, val ); break; default: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " unknown tag 0x%lX\n", tag, 0, 0 ); return( LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR ); } } if ( tag == LBER_ERROR ) { return( LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR ); } if ( f->f_sub_initial == NULL && f->f_sub_any == NULL && f->f_sub_final == NULL ) { return( LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR ); } filter_compute_hash(f); *fstr = slapi_ch_realloc( *fstr, strlen( *fstr ) + 3 ); if ( f->f_sub_final == NULL ) { strcat( *fstr, "*" ); } strcat( *fstr, ")" ); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "<= get_substring_filter\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( 0 ); } static int get_extensible_filter( BerElement *ber, mr_filter_t* mrf ) { int gotelem, gotoid, gotvalue; ber_tag_t tag; ber_len_t len; char *last; int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "=> get_extensible_filter\n", 0, 0, 0 ); memset (mrf, 0, sizeof (mr_filter_t)); gotelem = gotoid = gotvalue = 0; for ( tag = ber_first_element( ber, &len, &last ); tag != LBER_ERROR && tag != LBER_END_OF_SEQORSET; tag = ber_next_element( ber, &len, last ) ) { /* * order of elements goes like this: * * [oid][type]value[dnattr] * * where either oid or type is required. */ switch ( tag ) { case LDAP_TAG_MRA_OID: if ( gotelem != 0 ) { goto parsing_error; } if (ber_scanf( ber, "a", &mrf->mrf_oid ) == LBER_ERROR) { rc = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } gotoid = 1; gotelem++; break; case LDAP_TAG_MRA_TYPE: if ( gotelem != 0 ) { if ( gotelem != 1 || gotoid != 1 ) { goto parsing_error; } } { char* type = NULL; if (ber_scanf( ber, "a", &type ) == LBER_ERROR) { slapi_ch_free_string (&type); rc = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } else { mrf->mrf_type = slapi_attr_syntax_normalize(type); free (type); } } gotelem++; break; case LDAP_TAG_MRA_VALUE: if ( gotelem != 1 && gotelem != 2 ) { goto parsing_error; } if (ber_scanf( ber, "o", &mrf->mrf_value ) == LBER_ERROR) { rc = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } gotvalue = 1; gotelem++; break; case LDAP_TAG_MRA_DNATTRS: if ( gotvalue != 1 ) { goto parsing_error; } if (ber_scanf( ber, "b", &mrf->mrf_dnAttrs ) == LBER_ERROR) { rc = LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR; } gotelem++; break; default: goto parsing_error; } if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { goto parsing_error; } } if ( tag == LBER_ERROR ) { goto parsing_error; } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "<= get_extensible_filter %i\n", rc, 0, 0 ); return rc; parsing_error:; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "error parsing extensible filter\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR ); } Slapi_Filter * slapi_filter_dup(Slapi_Filter *f) { Slapi_Filter *out = 0; struct slapi_filter *fl = 0; struct slapi_filter **outl = 0; struct slapi_filter *lastout = 0; if ( f == NULL ) { return NULL; } out = (struct slapi_filter*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct slapi_filter)); if ( out == NULL ) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "slapi_filter_dup: memory allocation error\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return NULL; } out->f_choice = f->f_choice; out->f_hash = f->f_hash; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "slapi_filter_dup type 0x%lX\n", f->f_choice, 0, 0 ); switch ( f->f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: case LDAP_FILTER_GE: case LDAP_FILTER_LE: case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: out->f_ava.ava_type = slapi_ch_strdup(f->f_ava.ava_type); out->f_ava.ava_value.bv_val = slapi_ch_malloc(f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_len+1); memcpy(out->f_ava.ava_value.bv_val,f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_val,f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_len); out->f_ava.ava_value.bv_val[f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_len] = 0; /* terminate */ out->f_ava.ava_value.bv_len = f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_len; break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: out->f_sub_type = slapi_ch_strdup(f->f_sub_type); out->f_sub_initial = slapi_ch_strdup(f->f_sub_initial ); out->f_sub_any = charray_dup( f->f_sub_any ); out->f_sub_final = slapi_ch_strdup(f->f_sub_final ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: out->f_type = slapi_ch_strdup( f->f_type ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: case LDAP_FILTER_OR: case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: outl = &out->f_list; /* out->f_list = slapi_filter_dup(f->f_list); */ for (fl = f->f_list; fl != NULL; fl = fl->f_next) { (*outl) = slapi_filter_dup( fl ); (*outl)->f_next = 0; if(lastout) lastout->f_next = *outl; lastout = *outl; outl = &((*outl)->f_next); } break; case LDAP_FILTER_EXTENDED: /* something needs to be done here, but Im not sure how to do it slapi_ch_free((void**)&f->f_mr_oid); slapi_ch_free((void**)&f->f_mr_type); slapi_ch_free((void **)&f->f_mr_value.bv_val ); if (f->f_mr.mrf_destroy != NULL) { Slapi_PBlock pb; pblock_init (&pb); if ( ! slapi_pblock_set (&pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_OBJECT, f->f_mr.mrf_object)) { f->f_mr.mrf_destroy (&pb); } } */ break; default: LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "slapi_filter_dup: unknown type 0x%lX\n", f->f_choice, 0, 0 ); break; } return out; } void slapi_filter_free( struct slapi_filter *f, int recurse ) { if ( f == NULL ) { return; } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, "slapi_filter_free type 0x%lX\n", f->f_choice, 0, 0 ); switch ( f->f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: case LDAP_FILTER_GE: case LDAP_FILTER_LE: case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: ava_done( &f->f_ava ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: slapi_ch_free((void**)&f->f_sub_type ); slapi_ch_free((void**)&f->f_sub_initial ); charray_free( f->f_sub_any ); slapi_ch_free((void**)&f->f_sub_final ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: slapi_ch_free((void**)&f->f_type ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: case LDAP_FILTER_OR: case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: if ( recurse ) { struct slapi_filter *fl, *next; for (fl = f->f_list; fl != NULL; fl = next) { next = fl->f_next; fl->f_next = NULL; slapi_filter_free( fl, recurse ); fl = next; } } break; case LDAP_FILTER_EXTENDED: slapi_ch_free((void**)&f->f_mr_oid); slapi_ch_free((void**)&f->f_mr_type); slapi_ch_free((void **)&f->f_mr_value.bv_val ); if (f->f_mr.mrf_destroy != NULL) { Slapi_PBlock pb; pblock_init (&pb); if ( ! slapi_pblock_set (&pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_OBJECT, f->f_mr.mrf_object)) { f->f_mr.mrf_destroy (&pb); } } break; default: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "slapi_filter_free: unknown type 0x%lX\n", f->f_choice, 0, 0 ); break; } slapi_ch_free((void**)&f); } #if 0 static void filter_list_insert( struct slapi_filter **into, struct slapi_filter *from ) { struct slapi_filter *f; if (into == NULL || from == NULL) return; if (*into != NULL) { for (f = from; f->f_next != NULL; f = f->f_next); f->f_next = *into; } *into = from; } #endif struct slapi_filter * slapi_filter_join( int ftype, struct slapi_filter *f1, struct slapi_filter *f2) { return slapi_filter_join_ex( ftype, f1, f2, 1 ); } struct slapi_filter * slapi_filter_join_ex( int ftype, struct slapi_filter *f1, struct slapi_filter *f2, int recurse_always ) { struct slapi_filter *fjoin; struct slapi_filter *add_to; struct slapi_filter *add_this; struct slapi_filter *return_this; int insert = 0; if(!recurse_always) { /* try to optimise the filter join */ switch(ftype) { case LDAP_FILTER_AND: case LDAP_FILTER_OR: if(ftype == (int)f1->f_choice) { add_to = f1; add_this = f2; insert = 1; } else if(ftype == (int)f2->f_choice) { add_to = f2; add_this = f1; insert = 1; } default: break; } } if(insert) { /* try to avoid ! filters as the first arg */ if(add_to->f_list->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_NOT) { add_this->f_next = add_to->f_list; add_to->f_list = add_this; filter_compute_hash(add_to); return_this = add_to; } else { /* find end of list, add the filter */ for (fjoin = add_to->f_list; fjoin != NULL; fjoin = fjoin->f_next) { if(fjoin->f_next == NULL) { fjoin->f_next = add_this; filter_compute_hash(add_to); return_this = add_to; break; } } } } else { fjoin = (struct slapi_filter *) slapi_ch_calloc( 1, sizeof(struct slapi_filter) ); fjoin->f_choice = ftype; fjoin->f_next = NULL; /* try to ensure ! filters dont cause allid search */ if(f1->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_NOT && f2) { fjoin->f_list = f2; f2->f_next = f1; } else { fjoin->f_list = f1; f1->f_next = f2; } filter_compute_hash(fjoin); return_this = fjoin; } return( return_this ); } int slapi_filter_get_choice( struct slapi_filter *f ) { return( f->f_choice ); } int slapi_filter_get_ava( struct slapi_filter *f, char **type, struct berval **bval ) { switch ( f->f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: case LDAP_FILTER_GE: case LDAP_FILTER_LE: case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: break; default: *type = NULL; *bval = NULL; return( -1 ); } *type = f->f_avtype; *bval = &f->f_avvalue; return( 0 ); } /* Deprecated--use slapi_filter_get_attribute_type() now */ SLAPI_DEPRECATED int slapi_filter_get_type( struct slapi_filter *f, char **type ) { if ( f->f_choice != LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT ) { return( -1 ); } *type = f->f_type; return( 0 ); } /* * Return the attribute type for all simple filter choices into type. * ie. for all except LDAP_FILTER_AND, LDAP_FILTER_OR and LDAP_FILTER_NOT. * * The returned type is "as is" and so may not be normalized. * Returns 0 for success, -1 otherwise. */ int slapi_filter_get_attribute_type( Slapi_Filter *f, char **type ) { if ( f == NULL ) { return -1; } switch ( f->f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_GE: case LDAP_FILTER_LE: case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: *type = f->f_ava.ava_type; break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: *type = f->f_sub_type; break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: *type = f->f_type; break; case LDAP_FILTER_EXTENDED: *type = f->f_mr_type; break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: case LDAP_FILTER_OR: case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: return(-1); default: /* Unknown filter choice */ return -1; } /* success */ return(0); } struct slapi_filter * slapi_filter_list_first( struct slapi_filter *f ) { if ( f->f_choice != LDAP_FILTER_AND && f->f_choice != LDAP_FILTER_OR && f->f_choice != LDAP_FILTER_NOT ) { return( NULL ); } return( f->f_list ); } struct slapi_filter * slapi_filter_list_next( struct slapi_filter *f, struct slapi_filter *fprev ) { return( fprev->f_next ); } int slapi_filter_get_subfilt( struct slapi_filter *f, char **type, char **initial, char ***any, char **final ) { if ( f->f_choice != LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS ) { return( -1 ); } *type = f->f_sub_type; *initial = f->f_sub_initial; *any = f->f_sub_any; *final = f->f_sub_final; return( 0 ); } static void filter_normalize_ava( struct ava *ava, int ftype ) { char *tmp; if ( ava == NULL ) { return; } tmp = ava->ava_type; ava->ava_type = slapi_attr_syntax_normalize(tmp); slapi_ch_free((void**)&tmp ); /* value will be normalized later */ } void filter_normalize( struct slapi_filter *f ); static void filter_normalize_list( struct slapi_filter *flist ) { struct slapi_filter *f; for ( f = flist; f != NULL; f = f->f_next ) { filter_normalize( f ); } } /* * Normalize all values and types in a filter. This isn't necessary * when we've read the slapi_filter off the wire, but if we've hand-constructed * a filter inside slapd (e.g. when calling the routines in wrapper.c), * we've called slapi_str2filter on something which *didn't* come over the wire, * so the attribute names and filters in the filter struct aren't * normalized. */ void filter_normalize( struct slapi_filter *f ) { char *tmp; if ( f == NULL ) { return; } switch ( f->f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_GE: case LDAP_FILTER_LE: case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: filter_normalize_ava( &f->f_ava, f->f_choice ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: tmp = f->f_sub_type; f->f_sub_type = slapi_attr_syntax_normalize(tmp); slapi_ch_free((void**)&tmp ); /* value will be normalized later */ break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: tmp = f->f_type; f->f_type = slapi_attr_syntax_normalize(tmp); slapi_ch_free((void**)&tmp ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_EXTENDED: tmp = f->f_mr_type; f->f_mr_type = slapi_attr_syntax_normalize(tmp); slapi_ch_free((void**)&tmp ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: filter_normalize_list( f->f_and ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_OR: filter_normalize_list( f->f_or ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: filter_normalize_list( f->f_not ); break; default: return; } } void filter_print( struct slapi_filter *f ) { int i; struct slapi_filter *p; if ( f == NULL ) { printf( "NULL" ); return; } switch ( f->f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: printf( "(%s=%s)", f->f_ava.ava_type, f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_val ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_GE: printf( "(%s>=%s)", f->f_ava.ava_type, f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_val ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_LE: printf( "(%s<=%s)", f->f_ava.ava_type, f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_val ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: printf( "(%s~=%s)", f->f_ava.ava_type, f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_val ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: printf( "(%s=", f->f_sub_type ); if ( f->f_sub_initial != NULL ) { printf( "%s", f->f_sub_initial ); } if ( f->f_sub_any != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; f->f_sub_any[i] != NULL; i++ ) { printf( "*%s", f->f_sub_any[i] ); } } if ( f->f_sub_final != NULL ) { printf( "*%s", f->f_sub_final ); } printf( ")" ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: printf( "(%s=*)", f->f_type ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: case LDAP_FILTER_OR: case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: printf( "(%c", f->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_AND ? '&' : f->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_OR ? '|' : '!' ); for ( p = f->f_list; p != NULL; p = p->f_next ) { filter_print( p ); } printf( ")" ); break; default: printf( "unknown type 0x%lX", f->f_choice ); break; } fflush( stdout ); } /* filter_to_string * ---------------- * translates the supplied filter to * the string representation and places * the result in buf * * NOTE: intended for debug purposes, buffer must be * large enough to contain filter string */ char * slapi_filter_to_string_internal( const struct slapi_filter *f, char *buf, size_t *bufsize ) { int i; char *return_buf = buf; struct slapi_filter *p; size_t size; char *operator = ""; /* for comparison operators */ if(buf == NULL) return 0; else *buf = 0; /* make sure buf is null terminated */ if ( f == NULL ) { sprintf( buf, "NULL" ); return 0; } switch ( f->f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: operator = "="; break; case LDAP_FILTER_GE: operator = ">="; break; case LDAP_FILTER_LE: operator = "<="; break; case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: operator = "~="; break; default: break; } switch ( f->f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: case LDAP_FILTER_GE: case LDAP_FILTER_LE: case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: /* +3 -> 1 for (, 1 for ), and one for the trailing null */ size = strlen(f->f_ava.ava_type) + f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_len + strlen(operator) + 3; if(size < *bufsize) { /* bv_val may not be null terminated, so use the max field width specifier .* with the bv_len as the length to avoid reading past bv_len in bv_val */ sprintf( buf, "(%s%s%.*s)", f->f_ava.ava_type, operator, (int)f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_len, f->f_ava.ava_value.bv_val ); *bufsize -= size; } break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: size = strlen(f->f_sub_type) + 2; if(size < *bufsize) { sprintf( buf, "(%s=", f->f_sub_type ); *bufsize -= size; if ( f->f_sub_initial != NULL ) { size = strlen(f->f_sub_initial); if(size < *bufsize) { buf += strlen(buf); sprintf( buf, "%s", f->f_sub_initial ); *bufsize -= size; } } if ( f->f_sub_any != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; f->f_sub_any[i] != NULL; i++ ) { size = strlen(f->f_sub_any[i]) + 1; if(size < *bufsize) { buf += strlen(buf); sprintf( buf, "*%s", f->f_sub_any[i] ); *bufsize -= size; } } } if ( f->f_sub_final != NULL ) { size = strlen(f->f_sub_final) + 1; if(size < *bufsize) { buf += strlen(buf); sprintf( buf, "*%s", f->f_sub_final ); *bufsize -= size; } } buf += strlen(buf); if(1 < *bufsize) { sprintf( buf, ")" ); *bufsize--; } } break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: size = strlen(f->f_type) + 4; if(size < *bufsize) { sprintf( buf, "(%s=*)", f->f_type ); *bufsize -= size; } break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: case LDAP_FILTER_OR: case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: if(2 < *bufsize) { sprintf( buf, "(%c", f->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_AND ? '&' : f->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_OR ? '|' : '!' ); *bufsize -= 2; for ( p = f->f_list; p != NULL; p = p->f_next ) { buf += strlen(buf); slapi_filter_to_string_internal( p, buf, bufsize ); } buf += strlen(buf); if(1 < *bufsize) { sprintf( buf, ")" ); *bufsize--; } } break; default: size = 25; if(size < *bufsize) { sprintf( buf, "unsupported type 0x%lX", f->f_choice ); *bufsize -= 25; } break; } return return_buf; } char * slapi_filter_to_string( const struct slapi_filter *f, char *buf, size_t bufsize ) { size_t size = bufsize; return slapi_filter_to_string_internal( f, buf, &size ); } /* rbyrne */ static int filter_apply_list( struct slapi_filter *flist, FILTER_APPLY_FN fn, caddr_t arg, int *error_code ) { struct slapi_filter *f; int rc; for ( f = flist; f != NULL; f = f->f_next ) { rc = slapi_filter_apply( f, fn, arg, error_code ); if ( rc == SLAPI_FILTER_SCAN_STOP || rc == SLAPI_FILTER_SCAN_ERROR) { return(rc); } } /* If we get here we've applied the whole list sucessfully so return 0 */ return(SLAPI_FILTER_SCAN_NOMORE); } /* * * The idea here is to apply, fn() to each "simple filter" in f as follows: * fn( Slapi_Filter *simple_filter, caddr_t arg). * * A 'simple filter' is anything other than AND, OR or NOT. * * If fn() wants the seasrch to abort it returns FILTER_SCAN_STOP. * In this case, FILTER_SCAN_STOP is returned by slapi_filter_apply(). * Otherwise fn() should return FILTER_SCAN_CONTINUE. * * If the whole filter is traversed, FILTER_SCAN_NO_MORE is returned. * If an error occurred during the traverse, the scan is aborted and * FILTER_SCAN_ERROR is returned, and in this case error_code can be checked * for more details--right now the only error is * SLAPI_FILTER_UNKNOWN_FILTER_TYPE. * * */ int slapi_filter_apply( struct slapi_filter *f, FILTER_APPLY_FN fn, void *arg, int *error_code) { int rc = SLAPI_FILTER_SCAN_ERROR; if ( f == NULL ) { return SLAPI_FILTER_SCAN_NOMORE; } switch ( f->f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_GE: case LDAP_FILTER_LE: case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: rc = (*fn)(f, arg ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: rc = (*fn)(f, arg); /* value will be normalized later */ break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: rc = (*fn)(f, arg); break; case LDAP_FILTER_EXTENDED: rc = (*fn)(f, arg); break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: rc = filter_apply_list( f->f_and, fn, arg, error_code ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_OR: rc = filter_apply_list( f->f_or, fn, arg, error_code ); break; case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: rc = filter_apply_list( f->f_not, fn, arg, error_code ); break; default: /* Unknown filter choice */ *error_code = SLAPI_FILTER_UNKNOWN_FILTER_TYPE; rc = SLAPI_FILTER_SCAN_ERROR; } /* * We propagate back FILTER_SCAN_ERROR and * FILTER_SCAN_STOP, anything else is success. */ if (rc != SLAPI_FILTER_SCAN_ERROR && rc != SLAPI_FILTER_SCAN_STOP) { rc = SLAPI_FILTER_SCAN_NOMORE; } return(rc); } int filter_flag_is_set(const Slapi_Filter *f, unsigned char flag) { return(f->f_flags & flag); } static int tombstone_check_filter(Slapi_Filter *f) { if ( 0 == strcasecmp ( f->f_avvalue.bv_val, SLAPI_ATTR_VALUE_TOMBSTONE)) { return 1; /* Contains a nsTombstone filter */ } return 0; /* Not nsTombstone filter */ } /* filter_optimize * --------------- * takes a filter and optimizes it for fast evaluation * currently this merely ensures that any AND or OR * does not start with a NOT sub-filter if possible */ static void filter_optimize(Slapi_Filter *f) { if(!f) return; switch(f->f_choice) { case LDAP_FILTER_AND: case LDAP_FILTER_OR: { /* first optimize children */ filter_optimize(f->f_list); /* optimize this */ if(f->f_list->f_choice == LDAP_FILTER_NOT) { Slapi_Filter *f_prev = 0; Slapi_Filter *f_child = 0; /* grab a non not filter to place at start */ for(f_child = f->f_list; f_child != 0; f_child = f_child->f_next) { if(f_child->f_choice != LDAP_FILTER_NOT) { /* we have a winner, do swap */ f_prev->f_next = f_child->f_next; f_child->f_next = f->f_list; f->f_list = f_child; break; } f_prev = f_child; } } } default: filter_optimize(f->f_next); break; } } /* slapi_filter_changetype * ------------------------ * changes the type used in equality/>/f_choice ) { case LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY: case LDAP_FILTER_GE: case LDAP_FILTER_LE: case LDAP_FILTER_APPROX: target = &f->f_ava.ava_type; break; case LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS: target = &f->f_sub_type; break; case LDAP_FILTER_PRESENT: target = &f->f_type; break; case LDAP_FILTER_AND: case LDAP_FILTER_OR: case LDAP_FILTER_NOT: default: goto bail; break; } slapi_ch_free_string(target); *target = slapi_ch_strdup(newtype); bail: return (!target); }