/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "slap.h" /* * This module provides a mechanism for extending core server objects. * This functionality is provided to plugin writers so that they may * efficiently pass state information between plugin calls. Typically * a plugin might register both a pre-op and post-op call. It's very * convenient for the plugin to associate it's private data with the * operation object that's passed through the PBlock. * * --- An interface is made available to the core server. * * int factory_register_type(const char *name, size_t offset) * void *factory_create_extension(int type,void *object,void *parent) * void factory_destroy_extension(int type,void *object,void *parent,void **extension) * * An object that wishes to make itself available for extension must * register with the Factory. It passes it's name, say 'Operation', * and an offset into the structure of where the extension block * is to be stored. In return a type handle is passed back, which is * used in place of the name in the creation and destruction calls. * * When an object is created, which has registered as extensible, it * must call the factory_create_extension with its type handle so that * the extension block can be constructed. A pointer to the block is * returned that *must* be stored in the object structure at the offset * declared by the call to factory_register_type. * * When an extensible object is destroyed the extension block must also * be destroyed. The factory_destroy_extension call is provided to * tidy up and free any extenions created for this object. * * --- An interface is made available to the plugins. * * int slapi_register_object_extension( * const char* objectname, * slapi_extension_constructor_fnptr constructor, * slapi_extension_destructor_fnptr destructor, * int *objecttype, * int *extensionhandle) * void *slapi_get_object_extension(int objecttype,void *object,int extensionhandle) * * When the plugin is initialised it must register its object extensions. * It must provide the name of the object to be extended, say 'Operation', * and constructor and destructor functions. These functions are called * when the object is constructed and destroyed. The extension functions * would probably allocate some memory and initialise it for its * own use. The registration function will fail if any objects have already * been created. This is why the registration *must* happen during plugin * initialisation. In return the plugin will receive two handles, one for * the object type, and one for the object extension. These only have meaning * for the slapi_get_object_extension function. * * A plugin retrieves a pointer to its own extension by calling slapi_get_ * object_extension with the object from which the extension is to be * retrieved. The factory uses the objecttype to find the offset into the * object of where the extension block is stored. The extension handle is * then used to find the appropriate extension within the block. * * Currently (Oct 98) the only supported objects are Operation and Connection. * * This documentation is available here... * * http://warp/server/directory-server/hydra/replication/objext.html */ /* JCM: Could implement simple object leak detection here */ /* ---------------------- Factory Extension ---------------------- */ struct factory_extension { const char *pluginname; slapi_extension_constructor_fnptr constructor; slapi_extension_destructor_fnptr destructor; }; static struct factory_extension* new_factory_extension( const char *pluginname, slapi_extension_constructor_fnptr constructor, slapi_extension_destructor_fnptr destructor) { struct factory_extension* fe= (struct factory_extension*)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(struct factory_extension)); if(pluginname!=NULL) { fe->pluginname= slapi_ch_strdup(pluginname); } fe->constructor= constructor; fe->destructor= destructor; return fe; } static void delete_factory_extension(struct factory_extension **fe) { slapi_ch_free( (void **) &((*fe)->pluginname) ); slapi_ch_free( (void **) fe); } /* ---------------------- Factory Type ---------------------- */ #define MAX_EXTENSIONS 32 struct factory_type { char *name; /* The name of the object that can be extended */ int extension_count; /* The number of extensions registered for this object */ PRLock *extension_lock; /* Protect the array of extensions */ size_t extension_offset; /* The offset into the object where the extension pointer is */ long existence_count; /* Keep track of how many extensions blocks are in existence */ struct factory_extension *extensions[MAX_EXTENSIONS]; /* The extension registered for this object type */ }; static struct factory_type* new_factory_type(const char *name, size_t offset) { struct factory_type* ft= (struct factory_type*)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(struct factory_type)); ft->name= slapi_ch_strdup(name); ft->extension_lock = PR_NewLock(); ft->extension_count= 0; ft->extension_offset= offset; ft->existence_count= 0; return ft; } static void delete_factory_type(struct factory_type **ft) { slapi_ch_free( (void **) &((*ft)->name)); PR_DestroyLock((*ft)->extension_lock); slapi_ch_free( (void **) ft); } static int factory_type_add_extension(struct factory_type *ft,struct factory_extension *fe) { int extensionhandle= -1; PR_Lock(ft->extension_lock); if(ft->existence_count>0) { /* Can't register an extension if there are objects already with extension blocks */ LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: factory.c: Registration of %s extension by %s failed.\n", ft->name, fe->pluginname, 0); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: factory.c: %lu %s objects already in existence.\n", ft->existence_count, ft->name, 0); } else { if(ft->extension_countextension_count; ft->extensions[ft->extension_count]= fe; ft->extension_count++; } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: factory.c: Registration of %s extension by %s failed.\n", ft->name, fe->pluginname, 0); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: factory.c: %d extensions already registered. Max is %d\n", ft->extension_count, MAX_EXTENSIONS, 0); } } PR_Unlock(ft->extension_lock); return extensionhandle; } static void factory_type_increment_existence(struct factory_type *ft) { ft->existence_count++; } static void factory_type_decrement_existence(struct factory_type *ft) { ft->existence_count--; if(ft->existence_count<0) { /* This just shouldn't happen */ LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: factory.c: %lu %s object extensions in existence.\n", ft->extension_count, ft->name, 0); } } /* ---------------------- Factory Type Store ---------------------- */ #define MAX_TYPES 16 static PRLock *factory_type_store_lock; static struct factory_type* factory_type_store[MAX_TYPES]; static int number_of_types= 0; static void factory_type_store_init() { int i= 0; factory_type_store_lock= PR_NewLock(); /* JCM - Should really free this at shutdown */ for(i=0;i=0 && typename,name)==0) { return i; } } return -1; } /* ---------------------- Core Server Functions ---------------------- */ /* * Function for core server usage. * See documentation at head of file. */ int factory_register_type(const char *name, size_t offset) { int type= 0; if(number_of_types==0) { factory_type_store_init(); } PR_Lock(factory_type_store_lock); if(number_of_typesextension_lock); if((n = ft->extension_count)>0) { int i; factory_type_increment_existence(ft); PR_Unlock(ft->extension_lock); extension= (void**)slapi_ch_malloc(n*sizeof(void*)); for(i=0;iextensions[i]->constructor; if(constructor!=NULL) { extension[i]= (*constructor)(object,parent); } } } else { /* No extensions registered. That's OK */ PR_Unlock(ft->extension_lock); } } else { /* The type wasn't registered. Programming error? */ LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: factory.c: Object type handle %d not valid. Object not registered?\n", type, 0, 0); } return (void*)extension; } /* * Function for core server usage. * See documentation at head of file. */ void factory_destroy_extension(int type,void *object,void *parent,void **extension) { if(extension!=NULL && *extension!=NULL) { struct factory_type* ft= factory_type_store_get_factory_type(type); if(ft!=NULL) { int i,n; PR_Lock(ft->extension_lock); n=ft->extension_count; factory_type_decrement_existence(ft); PR_Unlock(ft->extension_lock); for(i=0;iextensions[i]->destructor; if(destructor!=NULL) { void **extention_array= (void**)(*extension); (*destructor)(extention_array[i],object,parent); } } } else { /* The type wasn't registered. Programming error? */ LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: factory.c: Object type handle %d not valid. Object not registered?\n", type, 0, 0); } slapi_ch_free(extension); } } /* ---------------------- Slapi Functions ---------------------- */ /* * Function for plugin usage. * See documentation at head of file. */ int slapi_register_object_extension( const char* pluginname, const char* objectname, slapi_extension_constructor_fnptr constructor, slapi_extension_destructor_fnptr destructor, int *objecttype, int *extensionhandle) { int rc= 0; struct factory_extension* fe; struct factory_type* ft; fe= new_factory_extension(pluginname,constructor, destructor); *objecttype= factory_type_store_name_to_type(objectname); ft= factory_type_store_get_factory_type(*objecttype); if(ft!=NULL) { *extensionhandle= factory_type_add_extension(ft,fe); if(*extensionhandle==-1) { delete_factory_extension(&fe); factory_type_store_remove(ft); delete_factory_type(&ft); } } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: factory.c: Plugin %s failed to register extension for object %s.\n", pluginname, objectname, 0); rc= -1; } return rc; } /* * Function for plugin usage. * See documentation at head of file. */ void * slapi_get_object_extension(int objecttype,void *object,int extensionhandle) { void *object_extension= NULL; struct factory_type* ft= factory_type_store_get_factory_type(objecttype); if(ft!=NULL) { char *object_base= (char*)object; void **o_extension= (void**)(object_base + ft->extension_offset); void **extension_array= (void**)(*o_extension); if ( extension_array != NULL ) { object_extension= extension_array[extensionhandle]; } } return object_extension; } /* * sometimes a plugin would like to change its extension, too. */ void slapi_set_object_extension(int objecttype, void *object, int extensionhandle, void *extension) { struct factory_type *ft = factory_type_store_get_factory_type(objecttype); if (ft != NULL) { char *object_base = (char *)object; void **o_extension = (void **)(object_base + ft->extension_offset); void **extension_array= (void**)(*o_extension); if (extension_array != NULL) { extension_array[extensionhandle] = extension; } } }