/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* entrywsi.c - routines for dealing with entries... With State Information */ #include "slap.h" #include "slapi-plugin.h" static void resolve_attribute_state(Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Attr *a, int attribute_state, int delete_priority); static int entry_present_value_to_deleted_value(Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_Value *v) { Slapi_Value *r= valueset_remove_value(a, &a->a_present_values, v); if(r!=NULL) { slapi_valueset_add_value_ext(&a->a_deleted_values, r, SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PASSIN); } return LDAP_SUCCESS; } static int entry_present_value_to_zapped_value(Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_Value *v) { if(v!=NULL) { Slapi_Value *r= valueset_remove_value(a, &a->a_present_values, v); if(r!=NULL) { slapi_value_free(&r); } } return LDAP_SUCCESS; } static int entry_deleted_value_to_present_value(Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_Value *v) { Slapi_Value *r= valueset_remove_value(a, &a->a_deleted_values, v); if(r!=NULL) { slapi_valueset_add_value_ext(&a->a_present_values, r, SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PASSIN); } return LDAP_SUCCESS; } static int entry_deleted_value_to_zapped_value(Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_Value *v) { if(v!=NULL) { Slapi_Value *r= valueset_remove_value(a, &a->a_deleted_values, v); if(r!=NULL) { slapi_value_free(&r); } } return LDAP_SUCCESS; } static int entry_present_attribute_to_deleted_attribute(Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Attr *a) { attrlist_remove(&e->e_attrs,a->a_type); attrlist_add(&e->e_deleted_attrs,a); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } static int entry_deleted_attribute_to_present_attribute(Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Attr *a) { attrlist_remove(&e->e_deleted_attrs,a->a_type); attrlist_add(&e->e_attrs,a); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * Get the first deleted attribute. * * Return 0: Return the type and the CSN of the deleted attribute. * Return -1: There are no deleted attributes. */ int entry_first_deleted_attribute( const Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Attr **a) { *a= e->e_deleted_attrs; return( *a ? 0 : -1 ); } /* * Get the next deleted attribute. * * Return 0: the type and the CSN of the deleted attribute. * Return -1: no deleted attributes. */ int entry_next_deleted_attribute( const Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Attr **a) { *a= (*a)->a_next; return( *a ? 0 : -1 ); } const CSN * entry_get_maxcsn ( const Slapi_Entry *entry ) { return entry->e_maxcsn; } void entry_set_maxcsn ( Slapi_Entry *entry, const CSN *csn ) { if ( NULL == entry->e_maxcsn ) { entry->e_maxcsn = csn_dup ( csn ); } else if ( csn_compare ( entry->e_maxcsn, csn ) < 0 ) { csn_init_by_csn ( entry->e_maxcsn, csn ); } } /* * Get the DN CSN of an entry. */ const CSN * entry_get_dncsn(const Slapi_Entry *entry) { return csnset_get_last_csn(entry->e_dncsnset); } /* * Get the DN CSN set of an entry. */ const CSNSet * entry_get_dncsnset(const Slapi_Entry *entry) { return entry->e_dncsnset; } /* * Add a DN CSN to an entry. */ int entry_add_dncsn(Slapi_Entry *entry, const CSN *csn) { PR_ASSERT(entry!=NULL); if(!csnset_contains(entry->e_dncsnset,csn)) { csnset_add_csn(&entry->e_dncsnset, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DISTINGUISHED, csn); } return 0; } /* * Add a DN CSN to an entry, but uses flags to control the behavior * Using the ENTRY_DNCSN_INCREASING flag makes sure the csnset is in * order of increasing csn. csnset_insert_csn may not be very fast, so * we may have to revisit this if it becomes a performance problem. * In most cases, storing the csn unsorted is ok since the server * usually makes sure the csn is already in order. However, when doing * a str2entry, the order is not preserved unless we sort it. */ int entry_add_dncsn_ext(Slapi_Entry *entry, const CSN *csn, PRUint32 flags) { PR_ASSERT(entry!=NULL); if(!csnset_contains(entry->e_dncsnset,csn)) { if (flags & ENTRY_DNCSN_INCREASING) { csnset_insert_csn(&entry->e_dncsnset, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DISTINGUISHED, csn); } else { csnset_add_csn(&entry->e_dncsnset, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DISTINGUISHED, csn); } } return 0; } /* * Set the CSN for all the present values on the entry. * This is only intended to be used for new entries * being added. */ int entry_set_csn(Slapi_Entry *entry, const CSN *csn) { Slapi_Attr *a; PR_ASSERT(entry!=NULL); slapi_entry_first_attr( entry, &a ); while(a!=NULL) { /* * JCM - it'd be more efficient if the str2entry code * set a flag on the attribute structure. */ if(strcasecmp(a->a_type, SLAPI_ATTR_UNIQUEID)!=0) { attr_set_csn(a,csn); } slapi_entry_next_attr( entry, a, &a ); } return 0; } /* * Set the Distinguished CSN for the RDN components of the entry. */ void entry_add_rdn_csn(Slapi_Entry *e, const CSN *csn) { char *type; char *value; int index; const Slapi_DN *dn= slapi_entry_get_sdn_const(e); Slapi_RDN *rdn= slapi_rdn_new_sdn(dn); index= slapi_rdn_get_first(rdn, &type, &value); while(index!=-1) { Slapi_Attr *a= NULL; Slapi_Value *v= NULL; entry_attr_find_wsi(e, type, &a); if(a!=NULL) { struct berval bv; bv.bv_len= strlen(value); bv.bv_val= (void*)value; attr_value_find_wsi(a, &bv, &v); } if(v!=NULL) { value_update_csn(v,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DISTINGUISHED,csn); } else { /* JCM RDN component isn't a present value - this is illegal. */ } index= slapi_rdn_get_next(rdn, index, &type, &value); } slapi_rdn_free(&rdn); } CSN* entry_assign_operation_csn ( Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Entry *parententry ) { Slapi_Operation *op; const CSN *basecsn = NULL; const CSN *parententry_dncsn = NULL; CSN *opcsn = NULL; slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op ); /* * The replication pre-op would have set op->o_csngen_handler for * user requests that are against a replica. */ if ( op->o_csngen_handler ) { /* * Sync up the CSN generator so that the new csn is greater * than the entry's maxcsn and/or the parent's max dncsn. */ if ( e ) { basecsn = entry_get_maxcsn ( e ); } if ( parententry ) { parententry_dncsn = entry_get_dncsn ( parententry ); if ( csn_compare ( parententry_dncsn, basecsn ) > 0 ) { basecsn = parententry_dncsn; } } opcsn = op->o_csngen_handler ( pb, basecsn ); if (NULL != opcsn) { operation_set_csn (op, opcsn); } } return opcsn; } /* * Purge state information from the entry older than csnUpTo * * if csnUpTo is NULL, get rid of all the CSN related info. * if csnUpTo is non-NULL, purge all info older than csnUpTo */ void entry_purge_state_information(Slapi_Entry *e, const CSN *csnUpTo) { Slapi_Attr *a=NULL; PR_ASSERT(e!=NULL); for(a = e->e_attrs; NULL != a; a = a->a_next) { /* * we are passing in the entry so that we may be able to "optimize" * the csn related information and roll it up higher to the level * of entry */ attr_purge_state_information(e, a, csnUpTo); } for(a = e->e_deleted_attrs; NULL != a; a = a->a_next) { /* * we are passing in the entry so that we may be able to "optimize" * the csn related information and roll it up higher to the level * of entry */ attr_purge_state_information(e, a, csnUpTo); } } /* * Look for the attribute on the present and deleted attribute lists. */ int entry_attr_find_wsi(Slapi_Entry *e, const char *type, Slapi_Attr **a) { int retVal= ATTRIBUTE_NOTFOUND; PR_ASSERT(e!=NULL); PR_ASSERT(type!=NULL); PR_ASSERT(a!=NULL); /* Look on the present attribute list */ *a= attrlist_find(e->e_attrs,type); if(*a!=NULL) { /* The attribute is present */ retVal= ATTRIBUTE_PRESENT; } else { /* Maybe the attribue was deleted... */ *a= attrlist_find(e->e_deleted_attrs,type); if(*a!=NULL) { /* The attribute is deleted */ retVal= ATTRIBUTE_DELETED; } else { /* The attribute was not found */ retVal= ATTRIBUTE_NOTFOUND; } } return retVal; } /* * Add the attribute to the deleted attribute list. * * Consumes the attribute. */ int entry_add_deleted_attribute_wsi(Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Attr *a) { PR_ASSERT( e!=NULL ); PR_ASSERT( a!=NULL ); attrlist_add(&e->e_deleted_attrs, a); return 0; } /* * Add the attribute to the present attribute list. * * Consumes the attribute. */ int entry_add_present_attribute_wsi(Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Attr *a) { PR_ASSERT( e!=NULL ); PR_ASSERT( a!=NULL ); attrlist_add(&e->e_attrs, a); return 0; } /* * Add a list of values to the attribute, whilst maintaining state information. * * Preserves LDAP Information Model constraints, * returning an LDAP result code. */ static int entry_add_present_values_wsi(Slapi_Entry *e, const char *type, struct berval **bervals, const CSN *csn, int urp, long flags) { int retVal= LDAP_SUCCESS; Slapi_Value **valuestoadd = NULL; valuearray_init_bervalarray(bervals,&valuestoadd); /* JCM SLOW FUNCTION */ if(!valuearray_isempty(valuestoadd)) { Slapi_Attr *a= NULL; long a_flags_orig; int attr_state= entry_attr_find_wsi(e, type, &a); if (ATTRIBUTE_NOTFOUND == attr_state) { /* Create a new attribute */ a = slapi_attr_new(); slapi_attr_init(a, type); attrlist_add(&e->e_attrs, a); } a_flags_orig = a->a_flags; a->a_flags |= flags; if(urp) { /* * Consolidate a->a_present_values and the pending values: * Delete the pending values from a->a_present_values * and transfer their csnsets to valuestoadd. */ valueset_remove_valuearray (&a->a_present_values, a, valuestoadd, SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_IGNOREERROR | SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PRESERVECSNSET, NULL); /* * Consolidate a->a_deleted_values and the pending values * similarly. */ valueset_remove_valuearray (&a->a_deleted_values, a, valuestoadd, SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_IGNOREERROR | SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PRESERVECSNSET, NULL); /* Append the pending values to a->a_present_values */ valuearray_update_csn (valuestoadd,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_UPDATED,csn); valueset_add_valuearray_ext(&a->a_present_values, valuestoadd, SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PASSIN); slapi_ch_free ( (void **)&valuestoadd ); /* * Now delete non-RDN values from a->a_present_values; and * restore possible RDN values from a->a_deleted_values */ resolve_attribute_state(e, a, attr_state, 0); retVal= LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { Slapi_Value **deletedvalues= NULL; switch(attr_state) { case ATTRIBUTE_PRESENT: /* The attribute is already on the present list */ break; case ATTRIBUTE_DELETED: /* Move the deleted attribute onto the present list */ entry_deleted_attribute_to_present_attribute(e, a); break; case ATTRIBUTE_NOTFOUND: /* No-op - attribute was initialized & added to entry above */ break; } /* Check if any of the values to be added are on the deleted list */ valueset_remove_valuearray(&a->a_deleted_values, a, valuestoadd, SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_IGNOREERROR|SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_USENEWVALUE, &deletedvalues); /* JCM Check return code */ if(deletedvalues!=NULL && deletedvalues[0]!=NULL) { /* Some of the values to be added were on the deleted list */ Slapi_Value **v= NULL; Slapi_ValueSet vs; /* Add each deleted value to the present list */ valuearray_update_csn(deletedvalues,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_UPDATED,csn); valueset_add_valuearray_ext(&a->a_present_values, deletedvalues, SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PASSIN); /* Remove the deleted values from the values to add */ valueset_set_valuearray_passin(&vs,valuestoadd); valueset_remove_valuearray(&vs, a, deletedvalues, SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_IGNOREERROR, &v); valuestoadd= valueset_get_valuearray(&vs); valuearray_free(&v); slapi_ch_free((void **)&deletedvalues); } valuearray_update_csn(valuestoadd,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_UPDATED,csn); retVal= attr_add_valuearray(a, valuestoadd, slapi_entry_get_dn_const(e)); valuearray_free(&valuestoadd); } a->a_flags = a_flags_orig; } return(retVal); } /* * Delete a list of values from an attribute, whilst maintaining state information. * * Preserves LDAP Information Model constraints, * returning an LDAP result code. */ static int entry_delete_present_values_wsi(Slapi_Entry *e, const char *type, struct berval **vals, const CSN *csn, int urp, int mod_op) { int retVal= LDAP_SUCCESS; Slapi_Attr *a= NULL; int attr_state= entry_attr_find_wsi(e, type, &a); if(attr_state==ATTRIBUTE_PRESENT || (attr_state==ATTRIBUTE_DELETED && urp)) { /* The attribute is on the present list, or the deleted list and we're doing URP */ if ( vals == NULL || vals[0] == NULL ) { /* delete the entire attribute */ LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "removing entire attribute %s\n", type, 0, 0 ); attr_set_deletion_csn(a,csn); if(urp) { resolve_attribute_state(e, a, attr_state, 1 /* set delete priority */); /* ABSOLVED */ } else { if(!slapi_attr_flag_is_set(a,SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_SINGLE)) { /* We don't maintain a deleted value list for single valued attributes */ valueset_add_valueset(&a->a_deleted_values, &a->a_present_values); /* JCM Would be better to passin the valuestodelete */ } slapi_valueset_done(&a->a_present_values); entry_present_attribute_to_deleted_attribute(e, a); } retVal= LDAP_SUCCESS; /* This Operation always succeeds when the attribute is Present */ } else { /* delete some specific values */ Slapi_Value **valuestodelete= NULL; valuearray_init_bervalarray(vals,&valuestodelete); /* JCM SLOW FUNCTION */ if(urp) { Slapi_Value **valuesupdated= NULL; valueset_update_csn_for_valuearray(&a->a_present_values, a, valuestodelete, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DELETED, csn, &valuesupdated); /* if we removed the last value, we need to mark the attribute as deleted the resolve_attribute_state() code will "resurrect" the attribute if there are present values with a later CSN - otherwise, even though the value will be updated with a VDCSN which is later than the VUCSN, the attribute will not be deleted */ if(slapi_attr_flag_is_set(a,SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_SINGLE) && valuesupdated && *valuesupdated) { attr_set_deletion_csn(a,csn); } valuearray_free(&valuesupdated); valueset_update_csn_for_valuearray(&a->a_deleted_values, a, valuestodelete, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DELETED, csn, &valuesupdated); valuearray_free(&valuesupdated); valuearray_update_csn(valuestodelete,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DELETED,csn); valueset_add_valuearray_ext(&a->a_deleted_values, valuestodelete, SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PASSIN); /* all the elements in valuestodelete are passed; * should free valuestodelete only (don't call valuearray_free) * [622023] */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&valuestodelete); resolve_attribute_state(e, a, attr_state, 0); retVal= LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { Slapi_Value **deletedvalues= NULL; retVal= valueset_remove_valuearray(&a->a_present_values, a, valuestodelete, 0 /* Do Not Ignore Errors */,&deletedvalues); if(retVal==LDAP_SUCCESS && deletedvalues != NULL) { if(!slapi_attr_flag_is_set(a,SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_SINGLE)) { /* We don't maintain a deleted value list for single valued attributes */ /* Add each deleted value to the deleted set */ valuearray_update_csn(deletedvalues,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DELETED,csn); valueset_add_valuearray_ext(&a->a_deleted_values, deletedvalues, SLAPI_VALUE_FLAG_PASSIN); slapi_ch_free((void **)&deletedvalues); } else { valuearray_free(&deletedvalues); } if(valueset_isempty(&a->a_present_values)) { /* There are no present values, so move the * attribute to the deleted attribute list. */ entry_present_attribute_to_deleted_attribute(e, a); } } else if (retVal != LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* Failed * - Duplicate value * - Value not found * - Operations error */ if ( retVal==LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Possible existing duplicate " "value for attribute type %s found in " "entry %s\n", a->a_type, slapi_entry_get_dn_const(e), 0 ); } } valuearray_free(&valuestodelete); } } } else if (attr_state==ATTRIBUTE_DELETED) { retVal= LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; } else if (attr_state==ATTRIBUTE_NOTFOUND) { if (!urp) { /* Only warn if not urping */ LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "could not find attribute %s\n", type, 0, 0 ); } retVal= LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE; if (LDAP_MOD_REPLACE == mod_op) { /* Create a new attribute and set the adcsn */ Slapi_Attr *a = slapi_attr_new(); slapi_attr_init(a, type); /* According to URP there should be an adcsn. * According to Tests, there should not * since the attribute never existed * Tests 26 and 27 of MMRepl state. */ if (urp) attr_set_deletion_csn(a,csn); attrlist_add(&e->e_attrs, a); } } return( retVal ); } /* * Replace all the values of an attribute with a list of attribute values. * * Preserves LDAP Information Model constraints, * returning an LDAP result code. */ static int entry_replace_present_values_wsi(Slapi_Entry *e, const char *type, struct berval **vals, const CSN *csn, int urp) { /* * Remove all existing values. */ entry_delete_present_values_wsi(e, type, NULL /* Delete all values */, csn, urp, LDAP_MOD_REPLACE); /* * Add the new values. If there are no new values, * slapi_entry_add_values() returns LDAP_SUCCESS and so the * attribute remains deleted (which is the correct outcome). */ return( entry_add_present_values_wsi( e, type, vals, csn, urp, SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_CMP_BITBYBIT )); } /* * Applies the modification to the entry whilst * maintaining state information. */ int entry_apply_mod_wsi(Slapi_Entry *e, const LDAPMod *mod, const CSN *csn, int urp) { int retVal= LDAP_SUCCESS; int i; switch ( mod->mod_op & ~LDAP_MOD_BVALUES ) { case LDAP_MOD_ADD: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, " add: %s\n", mod->mod_type, 0, 0 ); retVal = entry_add_present_values_wsi( e, mod->mod_type, mod->mod_bvalues, csn, urp, 0 ); break; case LDAP_MOD_DELETE: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, " delete: %s\n", mod->mod_type, 0, 0 ); retVal = entry_delete_present_values_wsi( e, mod->mod_type, mod->mod_bvalues, csn, urp, mod->mod_op ); break; case LDAP_MOD_REPLACE: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, " replace: %s\n", mod->mod_type, 0, 0 ); retVal = entry_replace_present_values_wsi( e, mod->mod_type, mod->mod_bvalues, csn, urp ); break; } for ( i = 0; mod->mod_bvalues != NULL && mod->mod_bvalues[i] != NULL; i++ ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, " %s: %s\n", mod->mod_type, mod->mod_bvalues[i]->bv_val, 0 ); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, " -\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return retVal; } /* * Applies the set of modifications to the entry whilst * maintaining state information. */ int entry_apply_mods_wsi(Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Mods *smods, const CSN *csn, int urp) { int retVal= LDAP_SUCCESS; LDAPMod *mod; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> entry_apply_mods_wsi\n", 0, 0, 0 ); mod = slapi_mods_get_first_mod(smods); while(NULL!=mod && retVal==LDAP_SUCCESS) { if(csn!=NULL) { retVal= entry_apply_mod_wsi(e, mod, csn, urp); } else { retVal= entry_apply_mod(e, mod); } mod = slapi_mods_get_next_mod(smods); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= entry_apply_mods_wsi %d\n", retVal, 0, 0 ); return retVal; } /* * This code implements a computed attribute called 'nscpEntryWSI'. * By specifically asking for this attribute the client will receive * an LDIF dump of the entry with all its state information. * * JCM - Security... Only for the Directory Manager. */ static const char *nscpEntryWSI= "nscpEntryWSI"; /* */ static int entry_compute_nscpentrywsi(computed_attr_context *c,char* type,Slapi_Entry *e,slapi_compute_output_t outputfn) { int rc = 0; if ( strcasecmp(type, nscpEntryWSI ) == 0) { /* If not, we return it as zero */ char *es; char *s; char *p; int len; Slapi_Attr our_attr; slapi_attr_init(&our_attr, nscpEntryWSI); our_attr.a_flags = SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_OPATTR; es= slapi_entry2str_with_options(e, &len, SLAPI_DUMP_STATEINFO | SLAPI_DUMP_UNIQUEID | SLAPI_DUMP_NOWRAP); s= es; p= ldif_getline( &s ); while(p!=NULL) { Slapi_Value *v; char *t, *d; /* Strip out the Continuation Markers (JCM - I think that NOWRAP means we don't need to do this any more)*/ for ( t = p, d = p; *t; t++ ) { if ( *t != 0x01 ) *d++ = *t; } *d = '\0'; v= slapi_value_new_string(p); slapi_attr_add_value(&our_attr,v); slapi_value_free(&v); p= ldif_getline( &s ); } slapi_ch_free((void**)&es); rc = (*outputfn) (c, &our_attr, e); attr_done(&our_attr); return (rc); } return -1; /* I see no ships */ } int entry_computed_attr_init() { slapi_compute_add_evaluator(entry_compute_nscpentrywsi); return 0; } static void purge_attribute_state_multi_valued(const Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_Value *v) { const CSN *vdcsn= value_get_csn(v,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DELETED); const CSN *vucsn= value_get_csn(v,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_UPDATED); if(vdcsn && csn_compare(vdcsn,vucsn)<0) { value_remove_csn(v,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DELETED); } } /* * utility function for value_distinguished_at_csn... */ static const CSN * vdac_sniff_value(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, const Slapi_Value *v, const CSN *csn, const CSN *most_recent_mdcsn) { const CSN *mdcsn= value_get_csn(v,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DISTINGUISHED); if(mdcsn!=NULL) { /* This value was/is distinguished... */ if(csn_compare(csn,most_recent_mdcsn)<0) { /* ...and was distinguished before the point in time we're interested in... */ int r= csn_compare(mdcsn,most_recent_mdcsn); if(r>0) { /* ...and is the most recent MDCSN we've seen thus far. */ slapi_valueset_done(vs); slapi_valueset_add_value(vs,v); most_recent_mdcsn= mdcsn; } else if(r==0) { /* ...and is as recent as the last most recent MDCSN we've seen thus far. */ /* Must have been a multi-valued RDN */ slapi_valueset_add_value(vs,v); } } } return most_recent_mdcsn; } /* * utility function for value_distinguished_at_csn... */ static const CSN * vdac_sniff_attribute(Slapi_ValueSet *vs, Slapi_Attr *a, const CSN *csn, const CSN *most_recent_mdcsn) { Slapi_Value *v; int i= slapi_attr_first_value( a, &v ); while(i!=-1) { most_recent_mdcsn= vdac_sniff_value( vs, v, csn, most_recent_mdcsn ); i= slapi_attr_next_value( a, i, &v ); } i= attr_first_deleted_value( a, &v ); while(i!=-1) { most_recent_mdcsn= vdac_sniff_value( vs, v, csn, most_recent_mdcsn ); i= attr_next_deleted_value( a, i, &v ); } return most_recent_mdcsn; } /* * utility function for value_distinguished_at_csn... * * Return the set of values that made up the RDN at or before the csn point. */ static const CSN * distinguished_values_at_csn(const Slapi_Entry *e, const CSN *csn, Slapi_ValueSet *vs) { const CSN *most_recent_mdcsn= NULL; Slapi_Attr *a; int i= slapi_entry_first_attr( e, &a ); while(i!=-1) { most_recent_mdcsn= vdac_sniff_attribute( vs, a, csn, most_recent_mdcsn); i= slapi_entry_next_attr( e, a, &a ); } i= entry_first_deleted_attribute( e, &a ); while(i!=-1) { most_recent_mdcsn= vdac_sniff_attribute( vs, a, csn, most_recent_mdcsn); i= entry_next_deleted_attribute( e, &a ); } return most_recent_mdcsn; } /* * Work out if the value was distinguished at time csn. */ static int value_distinguished_at_csn(const Slapi_Entry *e, const Slapi_Attr *original_attr, Slapi_Value *original_value, const CSN *csn) { int r= 0; const CSN *mdcsn= value_get_csn(original_value,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DISTINGUISHED); if(mdcsn!=NULL) { /* * Oh bugger. This means that we have to work out what the RDN components * were at this point in time. This is non-trivial since we must walk * through all the present and deleted attributes and their present and * deleted values. Slow :-( */ Slapi_ValueSet *vs= slapi_valueset_new(); const CSN *most_recent_mdcsn= distinguished_values_at_csn(e, csn, vs); /* * We now know what the RDN components were at the point in time we're interested in. * And the question we need to answer is :- * 'Was the provided value one of those RDN components?' */ if(most_recent_mdcsn!=NULL) { Slapi_Value *v; int i= slapi_valueset_first_value( vs, &v ); while(i!=-1) { if(slapi_value_compare(original_attr, original_value, v)==0) { /* This value was distinguished at the time in question. */ r= 1; i= -1; } else { i= slapi_valueset_next_value( vs, i, &v ); } } } slapi_valueset_free(vs); } else { /* This value has never been distinguished */ r= 0; } return r; } static void resolve_attribute_state_multi_valued(Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Attr *a, int attribute_state, int delete_priority) { int i; const CSN *adcsn= attr_get_deletion_csn(a); Slapi_ValueSet *vs= valueset_dup(&a->a_present_values); /* JCM This is slow... but otherwise we end up iterating through a changing array */ Slapi_Value *v; /* Loop over the present attribute values */ i= slapi_valueset_first_value( vs, &v ); while(v!=NULL) { const CSN *vdcsn; const CSN *vucsn; const CSN *deletedcsn; /* This call ensures that the value does not contain a deletion_csn * which is before the presence_csn or distinguished_csn of the value. */ purge_attribute_state_multi_valued(a, v); vdcsn= value_get_csn(v, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DELETED); vucsn= value_get_csn(v, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_UPDATED); deletedcsn= csn_max(vdcsn, adcsn); /* Check if the attribute or value was deleted after the value was * last updated. If the value update CSN and the deleted CSN are * the same (meaning they are separate mods from the same exact * operation), we should only delete the value if delete priority * is set. Delete priority should only be set when we are deleting * all value of an attribute. This prevents us from leaving a value * that was added as a previous mod in the same exact modify * operation as the subsequent delete.*/ if((csn_compare(vucsn,deletedcsn)<0) || (delete_priority && (csn_compare(vucsn,deletedcsn) == 0))) { if(!value_distinguished_at_csn(e, a, v, deletedcsn)) { entry_present_value_to_deleted_value(a,v); } } i= slapi_valueset_next_value( vs, i, &v ); } slapi_valueset_free(vs); /* Loop over the deleted attribute values */ vs= valueset_dup(&a->a_deleted_values); /* JCM This is slow... but otherwise we end up iterating through a changing array */ i= slapi_valueset_first_value( vs, &v ); while(v!=NULL) { const CSN *vdcsn; const CSN *vucsn; const CSN *deletedcsn; /* This call ensures that the value does not contain a deletion_csn which is before the presence_csn or distinguished_csn of the value. */ purge_attribute_state_multi_valued(a, v); vdcsn= value_get_csn(v, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DELETED); vucsn= value_get_csn(v, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_UPDATED); deletedcsn= csn_max(vdcsn, adcsn); /* check if the attribute or value was deleted after the value was last updated */ if((csn_compare(vucsn,deletedcsn)>0) || value_distinguished_at_csn(e, a, v, deletedcsn)) { entry_deleted_value_to_present_value(a,v); } i= slapi_valueset_next_value( vs, i, &v ); } slapi_valueset_free(vs); if(valueset_isempty(&a->a_present_values)) { if(attribute_state==ATTRIBUTE_PRESENT) { entry_present_attribute_to_deleted_attribute(e, a); } } else { if(attribute_state==ATTRIBUTE_DELETED) { entry_deleted_attribute_to_present_attribute(e, a); } } } static void resolve_attribute_state_single_valued(Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Attr *a, int attribute_state) { Slapi_Value *current_value= NULL; Slapi_Value *pending_value= NULL; Slapi_Value *new_value= NULL; const CSN *current_value_vucsn; const CSN *pending_value_vucsn; const CSN *adcsn; int i; /* * this call makes sure that the attribute does not have a pending_value * or deletion_csn which is before the current_value. */ i= slapi_attr_first_value(a,¤t_value); if(i!=-1) { slapi_attr_next_value(a,i,&new_value); } attr_first_deleted_value(a,&pending_value); /* purge_attribute_state_single_valued */ adcsn= attr_get_deletion_csn(a); current_value_vucsn= value_get_csn(current_value, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_UPDATED); pending_value_vucsn= value_get_csn(pending_value, CSN_TYPE_VALUE_UPDATED); if((pending_value!=NULL && (csn_compare(adcsn, pending_value_vucsn)<0)) || (pending_value==NULL && (csn_compare(adcsn, current_value_vucsn)<0))) { attr_set_deletion_csn(a,NULL); adcsn= NULL; } if(new_value==NULL) { /* check if the pending value should become the current value */ if(pending_value!=NULL) { if(!value_distinguished_at_csn(e,a,current_value,pending_value_vucsn)) { /* attribute.current_value = attribute.pending_value; */ /* attribute.pending_value = NULL; */ entry_present_value_to_zapped_value(a,current_value); entry_deleted_value_to_present_value(a,pending_value); current_value= pending_value; pending_value= NULL; current_value_vucsn= pending_value_vucsn; pending_value_vucsn= NULL; } } /* check if the current value should be deleted */ if(current_value!=NULL) { if(csn_compare(adcsn,current_value_vucsn)>0) /* check if the attribute was deleted after the value was last updated */ { if(!value_distinguished_at_csn(e,a,current_value,current_value_vucsn)) { entry_present_value_to_zapped_value(a,current_value); current_value= NULL; current_value_vucsn= NULL; } } } } else /* addition of a new value */ { const CSN *new_value_vucsn= value_get_csn(new_value,CSN_TYPE_VALUE_UPDATED); if(csn_compare(new_value_vucsn,current_value_vucsn)<0) { /* * if the new value was distinguished at the time the current value was added * then the new value should become current */ if(value_distinguished_at_csn(e,a,new_value,current_value_vucsn)) { /* attribute.pending_value = attribute.current_value */ /* attribute.current_value = new_value */ if(pending_value==NULL) { entry_present_value_to_deleted_value(a,current_value); } else { entry_present_value_to_zapped_value(a,current_value); } pending_value= current_value; current_value= new_value; new_value= NULL; pending_value_vucsn= current_value_vucsn; current_value_vucsn= new_value_vucsn; } else { /* new_value= NULL */ entry_present_value_to_zapped_value(a, new_value); new_value= NULL; } } else /* new value is after the current value */ { if(!value_distinguished_at_csn(e, a, current_value, new_value_vucsn)) { /* attribute.current_value = new_value */ entry_present_value_to_zapped_value(a, current_value); current_value= new_value; new_value= NULL; current_value_vucsn= new_value_vucsn; } else /* value is distinguished - check if we should replace the current pending value */ { if(csn_compare(new_value_vucsn, pending_value_vucsn)>0) { /* attribute.pending_value = new_value */ entry_deleted_value_to_zapped_value(a,pending_value); entry_present_value_to_deleted_value(a,new_value); pending_value= new_value; new_value= NULL; pending_value_vucsn= new_value_vucsn; } } } } /* * This call ensures that the attribute does not have a pending_value * or a deletion_csn that is earlier than the current_value. */ /* purge_attribute_state_single_valued */ if((pending_value!=NULL && (csn_compare(adcsn, pending_value_vucsn)<0)) || (pending_value==NULL && (csn_compare(adcsn, current_value_vucsn)<0))) { attr_set_deletion_csn(a,NULL); adcsn= NULL; } /* set attribute state */ if(current_value==NULL) { if(attribute_state==ATTRIBUTE_PRESENT) { entry_present_attribute_to_deleted_attribute(e, a); } } else { if(attribute_state==ATTRIBUTE_DELETED) { entry_deleted_attribute_to_present_attribute(e, a); } } } static void resolve_attribute_state(Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Attr *a, int attribute_state, int delete_priority) { if(slapi_attr_flag_is_set(a,SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_SINGLE)) { resolve_attribute_state_single_valued(e,a,attribute_state); } else { resolve_attribute_state_multi_valued(e,a,attribute_state, delete_priority); } }