/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ /* * csn.c - CSN */ #include #include "slap.h" #include #define _CSN_TSTAMP_STRSIZE_STR "8" #define _CSN_SEQNUM_STRSIZE_STR "4" #define _CSN_REPLID_STRSIZE_STR "4" #define _CSN_SUBSEQNUM_STRSIZE_STR "4" #define _CSN_TSTAMP_SCANSTR "%"_CSN_TSTAMP_STRSIZE_STR"lx" #define _CSN_SEQNUM_SCANSTR "%"_CSN_SEQNUM_STRSIZE_STR"hx" #define _CSN_REPLID_SCANSTR "%"_CSN_REPLID_STRSIZE_STR"hx" #define _CSN_SUBSEQNUM_SCANSTR "%"_CSN_SUBSEQNUM_STRSIZE_STR"hx" #define _CSN_TSORDER_SPRINTSTR "%08x%04x%04x%04x" #define _CSN_TSORDER_TSTAMP_OFFSET 0 #define _CSN_TSORDER_SEQNUM_OFFSET 8 #define _CSN_TSORDER_REPLID_OFFSET 12 #define _CSN_TSORDER_SUBSEQNUM_OFFSET 16 static PRBool _csnIsValidString(const char *csnStr); /* * Debugging counters. */ static int counters_created= 0; PR_DEFINE_COUNTER(slapi_csn_counter_created); PR_DEFINE_COUNTER(slapi_csn_counter_deleted); PR_DEFINE_COUNTER(slapi_csn_counter_exist); /* * ************************************************************************** * CSN Functions * ************************************************************************** */ static void csn_create_counters() { PR_CREATE_COUNTER(slapi_csn_counter_created,"Slapi_CSN","created",""); PR_CREATE_COUNTER(slapi_csn_counter_deleted,"Slapi_CSN","deleted",""); PR_CREATE_COUNTER(slapi_csn_counter_exist,"Slapi_CSN","exist",""); counters_created= 1; } CSN *csn_new() { if(!counters_created) { csn_create_counters(); } PR_INCREMENT_COUNTER(slapi_csn_counter_created); PR_INCREMENT_COUNTER(slapi_csn_counter_exist); return (CSN*)slapi_ch_calloc(sizeof(CSN),1); } CSN *csn_new_by_string(const char *s) { CSN *newcsn= NULL; if(s!=NULL) { if(_csnIsValidString(s)) { newcsn= csn_new(); csn_init_by_string(newcsn,s); } } return newcsn; } void csn_init(CSN *csn) { if(csn!=NULL) { memset(csn,0,sizeof(CSN)); } } void csn_init_by_csn(CSN *csn1,const CSN *csn2) { if(csn2!=NULL) { memcpy(csn1,csn2,sizeof(CSN)); } else { csn_init(csn1); } } void csn_init_by_string(CSN *csn, const char *s) { time_t csnTime= 0; PRUint16 csnSeqNum= 0; ReplicaId rid= 0; PRUint16 csnSubSeqNum= 0; if(_csnIsValidString(s)) { /* JCM - char2hex faster */ sscanf((s+_CSN_TSORDER_TSTAMP_OFFSET), _CSN_TSTAMP_SCANSTR, &csnTime); /* JCM - scanf is very slow */ sscanf((s+_CSN_TSORDER_SEQNUM_OFFSET), _CSN_SEQNUM_SCANSTR, &csnSeqNum);/* JCM - scanf is very slow */ sscanf((s+_CSN_TSORDER_REPLID_OFFSET), _CSN_REPLID_SCANSTR, &rid);/* JCM - scanf is very slow */ sscanf((s+_CSN_TSORDER_SUBSEQNUM_OFFSET), _CSN_SUBSEQNUM_SCANSTR, &csnSubSeqNum);/* JCM - scanf is very slow */ csn->tstamp= csnTime; csn->seqnum= csnSeqNum; csn->rid= rid; csn->subseqnum= csnSubSeqNum; } } CSN *csn_dup(const CSN *csn) { CSN *newcsn= NULL; if(csn!=NULL) { newcsn= csn_new(); csn_init_by_csn(newcsn,csn); } return newcsn; } void csn_done(CSN *csn) { } void csn_free(CSN **csn) { if(csn!=NULL && *csn!=NULL) { if(!counters_created) { csn_create_counters(); } PR_INCREMENT_COUNTER(slapi_csn_counter_deleted); PR_DECREMENT_COUNTER(slapi_csn_counter_exist); slapi_ch_free((void **)csn); } return; } void csn_set_replicaid(CSN *csn, ReplicaId rid) { csn->rid= rid; } void csn_set_time(CSN *csn, time_t csntime) { csn->tstamp= csntime; } void csn_set_seqnum(CSN *csn, PRUint16 seqnum) { csn->seqnum= seqnum; } ReplicaId csn_get_replicaid(const CSN *csn) { return csn->rid; } PRUint16 csn_get_seqnum(const CSN *csn) { return csn->seqnum; } time_t csn_get_time(const CSN *csn) { if(csn==NULL) { return 0; } else { return csn->tstamp; } } /* * WARNING: ss must point to memory at least CSN_STRSIZE bytes long, * WARNING: or be NULL, which means this function will allocate the * WARNING: memory, which must be free'd by the caller. */ char * csn_as_string(const CSN *csn, PRBool replicaIdOrder, char *ss) { char *s= ss; if(s==NULL) { s= slapi_ch_malloc(CSN_STRSIZE); } if(csn==NULL) { s[0]= '\0'; } else { /* JCM - hex2char would be quicker */ sprintf(s,"%08lx%04x%04x%04x", csn->tstamp,csn->seqnum,csn->rid, csn->subseqnum); } return s; } /* * WARNING: ss must point to memory at least (7+CSN_STRSIZE) bytes long, * WARNING: or be NULL, which means this function will allocate the * WARNING: memory, which must be free'd by the caller. */ char * csn_as_attr_option_string(CSNType t,const CSN *csn,char *ss) { char *s= ss; if(csn!=NULL) { if(s==NULL) { s= slapi_ch_malloc(8+CSN_STRSIZE); } s[0]= ';'; switch(t) { case CSN_TYPE_UNKNOWN: s[1]= 'x'; s[2]= '1'; break; case CSN_TYPE_NONE: s[1]= 'x'; s[2]= '2'; break; case CSN_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_DELETED: s[1]= 'a'; s[2]= 'd'; break; case CSN_TYPE_VALUE_UPDATED: s[1]= 'v'; s[2]= 'u'; break; case CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DELETED: s[1]= 'v'; s[2]= 'd'; break; case CSN_TYPE_VALUE_DISTINGUISHED: s[1]= 'm'; s[2]= 'd'; break; } s[3]= 'c'; s[4]= 's'; s[5]= 'n'; s[6]= '-'; csn_as_string(csn,PR_FALSE,s+7); } return s; } int csn_compare(const CSN *csn1, const CSN *csn2) { PRInt32 retVal; if(csn1!=NULL && csn2!=NULL) { /* csns can't be compared via memcmp (previuos version of the code) because, on NT, bytes are reversed */ if (csn1->tstamp < csn2->tstamp) retVal = -1; else if (csn1->tstamp > csn2->tstamp) retVal = 1; else { if (csn1->seqnum < csn2->seqnum) retVal = -1; else if (csn1->seqnum > csn2->seqnum) retVal = 1; else { if (csn1->rid < csn2->rid) retVal = -1; else if (csn1->rid > csn2->rid) retVal = 1; else { if (csn1->subseqnum < csn2->subseqnum) retVal = -1; else if (csn1->subseqnum > csn2->subseqnum) retVal = 1; else retVal = 0; } } } } else if(csn1!=NULL && csn2==NULL) { retVal= 1; /* csn1>csn2 */ } else if (csn1==NULL && csn2!=NULL) { retVal= -1; /* csn10) { return csn1; } else { return csn2; } } int csn_increment_subsequence (CSN *csn) { PRUint16 maxsubseq = (PRUint16)0xFFFFFFFF; if (csn == NULL) { return -1; } else if (csn->subseqnum == maxsubseq) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, NULL, "csn_increment_subsequence: subsequence overflow\n"); return -1; } else { csn->subseqnum ++; return 0; } } /* * sizeof(vucsn-011111111222233334444) * Does not include the trailing '\0' */ size_t csn_string_size() { return LDIF_CSNPREFIX_MAXLENGTH + _CSN_VALIDCSN_STRLEN; } static PRBool _csnIsValidString(const char *s) { if(NULL == s) { return(PR_FALSE); } if(strlen(s) < _CSN_VALIDCSN_STRLEN) { return(PR_FALSE); } /* some more checks on validity of tstamp portion? */ return(PR_TRUE); }