/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* index.c - routines for dealing with attribute indexes */ #include "back-ldbm.h" #if ( defined ( OSF1 )) #undef BUFSIZ #define BUFSIZ 1024 #endif static const char *errmsg = "database index operation failed"; static int is_indexed (const char* indextype, int indexmask, char** index_rules); static Slapi_Value ** valuearray_minus_valuearray( const Slapi_Attr *sattr, Slapi_Value **a, Slapi_Value **b ); const char* indextype_PRESENCE = "pres"; const char* indextype_EQUALITY = "eq"; const char* indextype_APPROX = "approx"; const char* indextype_SUB = "sub"; static char prefix_PRESENCE[2] = {PRES_PREFIX, 0}; static char prefix_EQUALITY[2] = {EQ_PREFIX, 0}; static char prefix_APPROX [2] = {APPROX_PREFIX, 0}; static char prefix_SUB [2] = {SUB_PREFIX, 0}; /* Yes, prefix_PRESENCE and prefix_SUB are identical. * It works because SUB is always followed by a key value, * but PRESENCE never is. Too slick by half. */ /* Structures for index key buffering magic used by import code */ struct _index_buffer_bin { DBT key; IDList *value; }; typedef struct _index_buffer_bin index_buffer_bin; struct _index_buffer_handle { int flags; size_t buffer_size; size_t idl_size; size_t max_key_length; index_buffer_bin *bins; unsigned char high_key_byte_range; unsigned char low_key_byte_range; unsigned char special_byte_a; unsigned char special_byte_b; size_t byte_range; /* Statistics */ int inserts; int keys; }; typedef struct _index_buffer_handle index_buffer_handle; #define INDEX_BUFFER_FLAG_SERIALIZE 1 #define INDEX_BUFFER_FLAG_STATS 2 /* Index buffering functions */ static int index_buffer_init_internal(size_t idl_size, unsigned char high_key_byte_range, unsigned char low_key_byte_range, size_t max_key_length,unsigned char special_byte_a, unsigned char special_byte_b, int flags,void **h) { size_t bin_count = 0; /* Allocate the handle */ index_buffer_bin *bins = NULL; size_t i = 0; size_t byte_range = 0; int rc = 0; index_buffer_handle *handle = (index_buffer_handle *) slapi_ch_calloc(1,sizeof(index_buffer_handle)); if (NULL == handle) { rc = -1; goto error; } handle->idl_size = idl_size; handle->flags = flags; handle->high_key_byte_range = high_key_byte_range; handle->low_key_byte_range = low_key_byte_range; handle->special_byte_a = special_byte_a; handle->special_byte_b = special_byte_b; handle->max_key_length = max_key_length; byte_range = (high_key_byte_range - low_key_byte_range) + 3 + 10; handle->byte_range = byte_range; /* Allocate the bins */ bin_count = 1; for (i = 0 ; i < max_key_length - 2; i++) { bin_count *= byte_range; } handle->buffer_size = bin_count; bins = (index_buffer_bin *)slapi_ch_calloc(bin_count, sizeof(index_buffer_bin)); if (NULL == bins) { rc = -1; goto error; } handle->bins = bins; *h = (void*) handle; goto done; error: slapi_ch_free((void**)&handle); done: return rc; } int index_buffer_init(size_t size,int flags,void **h) { return index_buffer_init_internal(size,'z','a',5,'^','$',flags,h); } static int index_put_idl(index_buffer_bin *bin,backend *be, DB_TXN *txn,struct attrinfo *a) { int ret = 0; DB *db = NULL; int need_to_freed_new_idl = 0; IDList *old_idl = NULL; IDList *new_idl = NULL; if ( (ret = dblayer_get_index_file( be, a, &db, DBOPEN_CREATE )) != 0 ) { return ret; } if (bin->key.data && bin->value) { /* Need to read the IDL at the key, if present, and form the union with what we have */ ret = NEW_IDL_NOOP; /* this flag is for new idl only; * but this func is called only from index_buffer, * which is enabled only for old idl. */ old_idl = idl_fetch(be,db,&bin->key,txn,a,&ret); if ( (0 != ret) && (DB_NOTFOUND != ret)) { goto error; } if ( (old_idl != NULL) && !ALLIDS(old_idl)) { /* We need to merge in our block with what was there */ new_idl = idl_union(be,old_idl,bin->value); need_to_freed_new_idl = 1; } else { /* Nothing there previously, we store just what we have */ new_idl = bin->value; } /* Then write back the result, but only if the existing idl wasn't ALLIDS */ if (!old_idl || (old_idl && !ALLIDS(old_idl))) { ret = idl_store_block(be,db,&bin->key,new_idl,txn,a); } if (0 != ret) { goto error; } slapi_ch_free( &(bin->key.data) ); idl_free(bin->value); /* If we're already at allids, store an allids block to prevent needless accumulation of blocks */ if (old_idl && ALLIDS(old_idl)) { bin->value = idl_allids(be); } else { bin->value = NULL; } } error: if (old_idl) { idl_free(old_idl); } if (new_idl && need_to_freed_new_idl) { idl_free(new_idl); } dblayer_release_index_file( be, a, db ); return ret; } /* The caller MUST check for DB_RUNRECOVERY being returned */ int index_buffer_flush(void *h,backend *be, DB_TXN *txn,struct attrinfo *a) { index_buffer_handle *handle = (index_buffer_handle *) h; index_buffer_bin *bin = NULL; int ret = 0; size_t i = 0; DB *db = NULL; PR_ASSERT(h); /* Note to the wary: here we do NOT create the index file up front */ /* This is becuase there may be no buffers to flush, and the goal is to * never create the index file (merging gets confused by this, among other things */ /* Walk along the bins, writing them to the database */ for (i = 0; i < handle->buffer_size; i++) { bin = &(handle->bins[i]); if (bin->key.data && bin->value) { if (NULL == db) { if ( (ret = dblayer_get_index_file( be, a, &db, DBOPEN_CREATE )) != 0 ) { return ret; } } ret = index_put_idl(bin,be,txn,a); if (0 != ret) { goto error; } } } error: if (NULL != db) { dblayer_release_index_file( be, a, db ); } return ret; } int index_buffer_terminate(void *h) { index_buffer_handle *handle = (index_buffer_handle *) h; index_buffer_bin *bin = NULL; size_t i = 0; PR_ASSERT(h); /* Free all the buffers */ /* First walk down the bins, freeing the IDLs and the bins they're in */ for (i = 0; i < handle->buffer_size; i++) { bin = &(handle->bins[i]); if (bin->value) { idl_free(bin->value); bin->value = NULL; } slapi_ch_free(&(bin->key.data)); } slapi_ch_free((void **)&(handle->bins)); /* Now free the handle */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&handle); return 0; } /* This function returns -1 or -2 for local errors, and DB_ errors as well. */ static int index_buffer_insert(void *h, DBT *key, ID id,backend *be, DB_TXN *txn,struct attrinfo *a) { index_buffer_handle *handle = (index_buffer_handle *) h; index_buffer_bin *bin = NULL; size_t index = 0; int idl_ret = 0; unsigned char x = 0; unsigned int i = 0; int ret = 0; PR_ASSERT(h); /* Check key length for validity */ if (key->size > handle->max_key_length) { return -2; } /* discard the first character, as long as its the substring prefix */ if ((unsigned char)((char*)key->data)[0] != SUB_PREFIX) { return -2; } /* Compute the bin index from the key */ /* Walk along the key data, byte by byte */ for (i = 1; i < (key->size - 1); i++) { /* foreach byte, normalize to the range we accept */ x = (unsigned char) ((char*)key->data)[i]; if ( (x == handle->special_byte_a) || (x == handle->special_byte_b) ) { if (x == handle->special_byte_a) { x = handle->high_key_byte_range + 1; } if (x == handle->special_byte_b) { x = handle->high_key_byte_range + 2; } } else { if ( x >= '0' && x <= '9' ) { x = (x - '0') + handle->high_key_byte_range + 3; } else { if (x > handle->high_key_byte_range) { return -2; /* Out of range */ } if (x < handle->low_key_byte_range) { return -2; /* Out of range */ } } } x = x - handle->low_key_byte_range; index *= handle->byte_range; index += x; } /* Check that the last byte in the key is zero */ if (0 != (unsigned char)((char*)key->data)[i]) { return -2; } PR_ASSERT(index < handle->buffer_size); /* Get the bin */ bin = &(handle->bins[index]); /* Is the key already there ? */ retry: if (!(bin->key).data) { (bin->key).size = key->size; (bin->key).data = slapi_ch_malloc(key->size); if (NULL == bin->key.data) { return -1; } memcpy(bin->key.data,key->data,key->size); /* Make the IDL */ bin->value = idl_alloc(handle->idl_size); if (!bin->value) { return -1; } } idl_ret = idl_append(bin->value, id); if (0 != idl_ret) { if (1 == idl_ret) { /* ID already present */ } else { /* If we get to here, it means that we've overflowed our IDL */ /* So, we need to write it out to the DB and zero out the pointers */ ret = index_put_idl(bin,be,txn,a); /* Now we need to append the ID we have at hand */ if (0 == ret) { goto retry; } } } return ret; } /* * Add or Delete an entry from the attribute indexes. * 'flags' is either BE_INDEX_ADD or BE_INDEX_DEL */ int index_addordel_entry( backend *be, struct backentry *e, int flags, back_txn *txn ) { char *type; Slapi_Value **svals; int rc, result; Slapi_Attr *attr; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> index_%s_entry( \"%s\", %lu )\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", backentry_get_ndn(e), (u_long)e->ep_id ); /* if we are adding a tombstone entry (see ldbm_add.c) */ if ((flags & BE_INDEX_TOMBSTONE) && (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD)) { Slapi_DN parent; Slapi_DN *sdn = slapi_entry_get_sdn(e->ep_entry); slapi_sdn_init(&parent); slapi_sdn_get_parent(sdn, &parent); /* * Just index the "nstombstone" attribute value from the objectclass * attribute, and the nsuniqueid attribute value, and the * nscpEntryDN value of the deleted entry. */ result = index_addordel_string(be, SLAPI_ATTR_OBJECTCLASS, SLAPI_ATTR_VALUE_TOMBSTONE, e->ep_id, flags, txn); if ( result != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1010, result); return( result ); } result = index_addordel_string(be, SLAPI_ATTR_UNIQUEID, slapi_entry_get_uniqueid(e->ep_entry), e->ep_id, flags, txn); if ( result != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1020, result); return( result ); } result = index_addordel_string(be, SLAPI_ATTR_NSCP_ENTRYDN, slapi_sdn_get_ndn(&parent), e->ep_id, flags, txn); if ( result != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1020, result); return( result ); } slapi_sdn_done(&parent); if (entryrdn_get_switch()) { /* subtree-rename: on */ /* Even if this is a tombstone, we have to add it to entryrdn; * This is needed for RUV. */ result = entryrdn_index_entry(be, e, flags, txn); if ( result != 0 ) { return( result ); } } } else { /* NOT a tombstone or delete a tombstone */ /* add each attribute to the indexes */ rc = 0, result = 0; for ( rc = slapi_entry_first_attr( e->ep_entry, &attr ); rc == 0; rc = slapi_entry_next_attr( e->ep_entry, attr, &attr ) ) { slapi_attr_get_type( attr, &type ); svals = attr_get_present_values(attr); if ( 0 == strcmp( type, LDBM_ENTRYDN_STR )) { if (entryrdn_get_switch()) { /* subtree-rename: on */ /* skip "entrydn" */ continue; } else { slapi_values_set_flags(svals, SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_NORMALIZED); } } result = index_addordel_values_sv( be, type, svals, NULL, e->ep_id, flags, txn ); if ( result != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1030, result); return( result ); } } if (!entryrdn_get_noancestorid()) { /* update ancestorid index . . . */ /* . . . only if we are not deleting a tombstone entry - * tombstone entries are not in the ancestor id index - * see bug 603279 */ if (!((flags & BE_INDEX_TOMBSTONE) && (flags & BE_INDEX_DEL))) { result = ldbm_ancestorid_index_entry(be, e, flags, txn); if ( result != 0 ) { return( result ); } } } if (entryrdn_get_switch()) { /* subtree-rename: on */ result = entryrdn_index_entry(be, e, flags, txn); if ( result != 0 ) { return( result ); } } } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= index_%s_entry%s %d\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", (flags & BE_INDEX_TOMBSTONE) ? " (tombstone)" : "", result ); return( result ); } /* * Add ID to attribute indexes for which Add/Replace/Delete modifications exist * [olde is the OLD entry, before modifications] * [newe is the NEW entry, after modifications] * the old entry is used for REPLACE; the new for DELETE */ int index_add_mods( backend *be, const LDAPMod **mods, struct backentry *olde, struct backentry *newe, back_txn *txn ) { int rc = 0; int i, j; ID id = olde->ep_id; int flags = 0; char buf[SLAPD_TYPICAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; char *basetype = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; Slapi_Attr *curr_attr = NULL; Slapi_ValueSet *all_vals = NULL; Slapi_ValueSet *mod_vals = NULL; Slapi_Value **evals = NULL; /* values that still exist after a * delete. */ Slapi_Value **mods_valueArray = NULL; /* values that are specified in this * operation. */ Slapi_Value **deleted_valueArray = NULL; /* values whose index entries * should be deleted. */ for ( i = 0; mods[i] != NULL; i++ ) { /* Get base attribute type */ basetype = buf; tmp = slapi_attr_basetype(mods[i]->mod_type, buf, sizeof(buf)); if(tmp != NULL) { basetype = tmp; /* basetype was malloc'd */ } /* Get a list of all remaining values for the base type * and any present subtypes. */ all_vals = slapi_valueset_new(); for (curr_attr = newe->ep_entry->e_attrs; curr_attr != NULL; curr_attr = curr_attr->a_next) { if (slapi_attr_type_cmp( basetype, curr_attr->a_type, SLAPI_TYPE_CMP_BASE ) == 0) { valueset_add_valuearray(all_vals, attr_get_present_values(curr_attr)); } } evals = valueset_get_valuearray(all_vals); /* Get a list of all values specified in the operation. */ if ( mods[i]->mod_bvalues != NULL ) { valuearray_init_bervalarray(mods[i]->mod_bvalues, &mods_valueArray); } switch ( mods[i]->mod_op & ~LDAP_MOD_BVALUES ) { case LDAP_MOD_REPLACE: flags = BE_INDEX_DEL; /* Get a list of all values being deleted. */ mod_vals = slapi_valueset_new(); for (curr_attr = olde->ep_entry->e_attrs; curr_attr != NULL; curr_attr = curr_attr->a_next) { if (slapi_attr_type_cmp( mods[i]->mod_type, curr_attr->a_type, SLAPI_TYPE_CMP_EXACT ) == 0) { valueset_add_valuearray(mod_vals, attr_get_present_values(curr_attr)); } } deleted_valueArray = valueset_get_valuearray(mod_vals); /* If subtypes exist, don't remove the presence * index. */ if ( evals != NULL && deleted_valueArray != NULL) { /* evals will contain the new value that is being * added as part of the replace operation if one * was specified. We must remove this value from * evals to know if any subtypes are present. */ slapi_entry_attr_find( olde->ep_entry, mods[i]->mod_type, &curr_attr ); if ( mods_valueArray != NULL ) { for ( j = 0; mods_valueArray[j] != NULL; j++ ) { Slapi_Value *rval = valuearray_remove_value(curr_attr, evals, mods_valueArray[j]); slapi_value_free( &rval ); } } /* Search evals for the values being deleted. If * they don't exist, delete the equality index. */ for ( j = 0; deleted_valueArray[j] != NULL; j++ ) { if (valuearray_find(curr_attr, evals, deleted_valueArray[j]) == -1) { if (!(flags & BE_INDEX_EQUALITY)) { flags |= BE_INDEX_EQUALITY; } } else { /* Remove duplicate value from deleted value array */ Slapi_Value *rval = valuearray_remove_value(curr_attr, deleted_valueArray, deleted_valueArray[j]); slapi_value_free( &rval ); j--; } } } else { flags |= BE_INDEX_PRESENCE|BE_INDEX_EQUALITY; } /* We need to first remove the old values from the * index, if any. */ if (deleted_valueArray) { index_addordel_values_sv( be, mods[i]->mod_type, deleted_valueArray, evals, id, flags, txn ); } /* Free valuearray */ slapi_valueset_free(mod_vals); case LDAP_MOD_ADD: if ( mods_valueArray == NULL ) { rc = 0; } else { rc = index_addordel_values_sv( be, mods[i]->mod_type, mods_valueArray, NULL, id, BE_INDEX_ADD, txn ); } break; case LDAP_MOD_DELETE: if ( (mods[i]->mod_bvalues == NULL) || (mods[i]->mod_bvalues[0] == NULL) ) { rc = 0; flags = BE_INDEX_DEL; /* Get a list of all values that are being * deleted. */ mod_vals = slapi_valueset_new(); for (curr_attr = olde->ep_entry->e_attrs; curr_attr != NULL; curr_attr = curr_attr->a_next) { if (slapi_attr_type_cmp( mods[i]->mod_type, curr_attr->a_type, SLAPI_TYPE_CMP_EXACT ) == 0) { valueset_add_valuearray(mod_vals, attr_get_present_values(curr_attr)); } } deleted_valueArray = valueset_get_valuearray(mod_vals); /* If subtypes exist, don't remove the * presence index. */ if (evals != NULL) { for (curr_attr = newe->ep_entry->e_attrs; (curr_attr != NULL); curr_attr = curr_attr->a_next) { if (slapi_attr_type_cmp( basetype, curr_attr->a_type, SLAPI_TYPE_CMP_BASE ) == 0) { /* Check if the any values being deleted * also exist in a subtype. */ for ( j=0; deleted_valueArray[j] != NULL; j++) { if ( valuearray_find(curr_attr, evals, deleted_valueArray[j]) == -1 ) { /* If the equality flag isn't already set, set it */ if (!(flags & BE_INDEX_EQUALITY)) { flags |= BE_INDEX_EQUALITY; } } else { /* Remove duplicate value from the mod list */ Slapi_Value *rval = valuearray_remove_value(curr_attr, deleted_valueArray, deleted_valueArray[j]); slapi_value_free( &rval ); j--; } } } } } else { flags = BE_INDEX_DEL|BE_INDEX_PRESENCE|BE_INDEX_EQUALITY; } /* Update the index, if necessary */ if (deleted_valueArray) { index_addordel_values_sv( be, mods[i]->mod_type, deleted_valueArray, evals, id, flags, txn ); } slapi_valueset_free(mod_vals); } else { /* determine if the presence key should be * removed (are we removing the last value * for this attribute?) */ if (evals == NULL || evals[0] == NULL) { /* The new entry newe does not have the attribute at all * including the one with subtypes. Thus it's safe to * remove the presence and equality index. */ flags = BE_INDEX_DEL|BE_INDEX_PRESENCE|BE_INDEX_EQUALITY; } else { flags = BE_INDEX_DEL; /* If the same value doesn't exist in a subtype, set * BE_INDEX_EQUALITY flag so the equality index is * removed. */ slapi_entry_attr_find( olde->ep_entry, mods[i]->mod_type, &curr_attr ); if (curr_attr) { int found = 0; for (j = 0; mods_valueArray[j] != NULL; j++ ) { if ( valuearray_find(curr_attr, evals, mods_valueArray[j]) > -1 ) { /* The same value found in evals. * We don't touch the equality index. */ found = 1; break; } } /* * to-be-deleted curr_attr does not exist in the * new value set evals. So, we can remove it. */ if (!found && !(flags & BE_INDEX_EQUALITY)) { flags |= BE_INDEX_EQUALITY; } } } rc = index_addordel_values_sv( be, basetype, mods_valueArray, evals, id, flags, txn ); } rc = 0; break; } /* free memory */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&tmp); valuearray_free(&mods_valueArray); slapi_valueset_free(all_vals); if ( rc != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1040, rc); return( rc ); } } return( 0 ); } /* * Convert a 'struct berval' into a displayable ASCII string */ #define SPECIAL(c) (c < 32 || c > 126 || c == '\\' || c == '"') const char* encode (const struct berval* data, char buf[BUFSIZ]) { char* s; char* last; if (data == NULL || data->bv_len == 0) return ""; last = data->bv_val + data->bv_len - 1; for (s = data->bv_val; s < last; ++s) { if ( SPECIAL (*s)) { char* first = data->bv_val; char* bufNext = buf; size_t bufSpace = BUFSIZ - 4; while (1) { /* printf ("%lu bytes ASCII\n", (unsigned long)(s - first)); */ if (bufSpace < (size_t)(s - first)) s = first + bufSpace - 1; if (s != first) { memcpy (bufNext, first, s - first); bufNext += (s - first); bufSpace -= (s - first); } do { *bufNext++ = '\\'; --bufSpace; if (bufSpace < 2) { memcpy (bufNext, "..", 2); bufNext += 2; goto bail; } if (*s == '\\' || *s == '"') { *bufNext++ = *s; --bufSpace; } else { sprintf (bufNext, "%02x", (unsigned)*(unsigned char*)s); bufNext += 2; bufSpace -= 2; } } while (++s <= last && SPECIAL (*s)); if (s > last) break; first = s; while ( ! SPECIAL (*s) && s <= last) ++s; } bail: *bufNext = '\0'; /* printf ("%lu chars in buffer\n", (unsigned long)(bufNext - buf)); */ return buf; } } /* printf ("%lu bytes, all ASCII\n", (unsigned long)(s - data->bv_val)); */ return data->bv_val; } static const char* encoded (DBT* d, char buf [BUFSIZ]) { struct berval data; data.bv_len = d->dsize; data.bv_val = d->dptr; return encode (&data, buf); } IDList * index_read( backend *be, char *type, const char *indextype, const struct berval *val, back_txn *txn, int *err ) { return index_read_ext(be, type, indextype, val, txn, err, NULL); } /* * Extended version of index_read. * The unindexed flag can be used to distinguish between a * return of allids due to the attr not being indexed or * the value really being allids. */ IDList * index_read_ext( backend *be, char *type, const char *indextype, const struct berval *val, back_txn *txn, int *err, int *unindexed ) { DB *db = NULL; DB_TXN *db_txn = NULL; DBT key = {0}; IDList *idl = NULL; char *prefix; char *tmpbuf = NULL; char buf[BUFSIZ]; char typebuf[ SLAPD_TYPICAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH ]; struct attrinfo *ai = NULL; char *basetmp, *basetype; int retry_count = 0; struct berval *encrypted_val = NULL; *err = 0; if (unindexed != NULL) *unindexed = 0; prefix = index_index2prefix( indextype ); if (prefix == NULL) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "index_read_ext: NULL prefix\n" ); return NULL; } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> index_read( \"%s\" %s \"%s\" )\n", type, prefix, encode (val, buf)); basetype = typebuf; if ( (basetmp = slapi_attr_basetype( type, typebuf, sizeof(typebuf) )) != NULL ) { basetype = basetmp; } ainfo_get( be, basetype, &ai ); if (ai == NULL) { index_free_prefix( prefix ); slapi_ch_free_string( &basetmp ); return NULL; } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, " indextype: \"%s\" indexmask: 0x%x\n", indextype, ai->ai_indexmask, 0 ); /* If entryrdn switch is on AND the type is entrydn AND the prefix is '=', * use the entryrdn index directly */ if (entryrdn_get_switch() && (*prefix == '=') && (0 == PL_strcasecmp(basetype, LDBM_ENTRYDN_STR))) { int rc = 0; ID id = 0; Slapi_DN sdn = {0}; /* We don't need these values... */ index_free_prefix( prefix ); slapi_ch_free_string( &basetmp ); if (NULL == val || NULL == val->bv_val) { /* entrydn value was not given */ return NULL; } slapi_sdn_init_dn_byval(&sdn, val->bv_val); rc = entryrdn_index_read(be, &sdn, &id, txn); slapi_sdn_done(&sdn); if (rc) { /* failure */ return NULL; } else { /* success */ rc = idl_append_extend(&idl, id); if (rc) { /* failure */ return NULL; } return idl; } } if ( !is_indexed( indextype, ai->ai_indexmask, ai->ai_index_rules ) ) { idl = idl_allids( be ); if (unindexed != NULL) *unindexed = 1; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= index_read %lu candidates " "(allids - not indexed)\n", (u_long)IDL_NIDS(idl), 0, 0 ); index_free_prefix( prefix ); slapi_ch_free_string( &basetmp ); return( idl ); } if ( (*err = dblayer_get_index_file( be, ai, &db, DBOPEN_CREATE )) != 0 ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= index_read NULL (index file open for attr %s)\n", basetype, 0, 0 ); index_free_prefix (prefix); slapi_ch_free_string( &basetmp ); return( NULL ); } slapi_ch_free_string( &basetmp ); if ( val != NULL ) { size_t plen, vlen; char *realbuf; int ret = 0; /* If necessary, encrypt this index key */ ret = attrcrypt_encrypt_index_key(be, ai, val, &encrypted_val); if (ret) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "index_read failed to encrypt index key for %s\n", basetype, 0, 0 ); } if (encrypted_val) { val = encrypted_val; } plen = strlen( prefix ); vlen = val->bv_len; realbuf = (plen + vlen < sizeof(buf)) ? buf : (tmpbuf = slapi_ch_malloc( plen + vlen + 1 )); memcpy( realbuf, prefix, plen ); memcpy( realbuf+plen, val->bv_val, vlen ); realbuf[plen+vlen] = '\0'; key.data = realbuf; key.size = key.ulen = plen + vlen + 1; key.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; } else { key.data = prefix; key.size = key.ulen = strlen( prefix ) + 1; /* include 0 terminator */ key.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; } if (NULL != txn) { db_txn = txn->back_txn_txn; } for (retry_count = 0; retry_count < IDL_FETCH_RETRY_COUNT; retry_count++) { *err = NEW_IDL_DEFAULT; idl = idl_fetch( be, db, &key, db_txn, ai, err ); if(*err == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) { ldbm_nasty("index read retrying transaction", 1045, *err); continue; } else { break; } } if(retry_count == IDL_FETCH_RETRY_COUNT) { ldbm_nasty("index_read retry count exceeded",1046,*err); } else if ( *err != 0 && *err != DB_NOTFOUND ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1050, *err); } slapi_ch_free_string(&tmpbuf); dblayer_release_index_file( be, ai, db ); index_free_prefix (prefix); if (encrypted_val) { ber_bvfree(encrypted_val); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= index_read %lu candidates\n", (u_long)IDL_NIDS(idl), 0, 0 ); return( idl ); } /* This function compares two index keys. It is assumed that the values are already normalized, since they should have been when the index was created (by int_values2keys). richm - actually, the current syntax compare functions always normalize both arguments. We need to add an additional syntax compare function that does not normalize or takes an argument like value_cmp to specify to normalize or not. More fun - this function is used to compare both raw database keys (e.g. with the prefix '=' or '+' or '*' etc.) and without (in the case of two equality keys, we want to strip off the leading '=' to compare the actual values). We only use the value_compare function if both keys are equality keys with some data after the equality prefix. In every other case, we will just use a standard berval cmp function. see also dblayer_bt_compare */ static int DBTcmp (DBT* L, DBT* R, value_compare_fn_type cmp_fn) { struct berval Lv; struct berval Rv; if ((L->data && (L->size>1) && (*((char*)L->data) == EQ_PREFIX)) && (R->data && (R->size>1) && (*((char*)R->data) == EQ_PREFIX))) { Lv.bv_val = (char*)L->data+1; Lv.bv_len = (ber_len_t)L->size-1; Rv.bv_val = (char*)R->data+1; Rv.bv_len = (ber_len_t)R->size-1; /* use specific compare fn, if any */ cmp_fn = (cmp_fn ? cmp_fn : slapi_berval_cmp); } else { Lv.bv_val = (char*)L->data; Lv.bv_len = (ber_len_t)L->size; Rv.bv_val = (char*)R->data; Rv.bv_len = (ber_len_t)R->size; /* just compare raw bervals */ cmp_fn = slapi_berval_cmp; } return cmp_fn(&Lv, &Rv); } /* This only works with normalized keys, which should be ok because at this point both L and R should have already been normalized */ #define DBT_EQ(L,R) ((L)->dsize == (R)->dsize &&\ ! memcmp ((L)->dptr, (R)->dptr, (L)->dsize)) #define DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(d) if ((d).data) {free((d).data);(d).data=NULL;} /* Steps to the next key without keeping a cursor open */ /* Returns the new key value in the DBT */ static int index_range_next_key(DB *db,DBT *key,DB_TXN *db_txn) { DBC *cursor = NULL; DBT data = {0}; int ret = 0; void *saved_key = key->data; /* Make cursor */ retry: ret = db->cursor(db,db_txn,&cursor, 0); if (0 != ret) { return ret; } /* Seek to the last key */ data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; ret = cursor->c_get(cursor,key,&data,DB_SET); /* both key and data could be allocated */ /* data allocated here, we don't need it */ DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(data); if (DB_NOTFOUND == ret) { void *old_key_buffer = key->data; /* If this happens, it means that we tried to seek to a key which has just been deleted */ /* So, we seek to the nearest one instead */ ret = cursor->c_get(cursor,key,&data,DB_SET_RANGE); /* a new key and data are allocated here, need to free them both */ if (old_key_buffer != key->data) { DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(*key); } DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(data); } if (0 != ret) { if (DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK == ret) { /* Deadlock detected, retry the operation */ cursor->c_close(cursor); cursor = NULL; key->data = saved_key; goto retry; } else { goto error; } } if (saved_key != key->data) { /* key could be allocated in the above c_get */ DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(*key); } /* Seek to the next one * [612498] NODUP is needed for new idl to get the next non-duplicated key * No effect on old idl since there's no dup there (i.e., DB_NEXT == DB_NEXT_NODUP) */ ret = cursor->c_get(cursor,key,&data,DB_NEXT_NODUP); /* new key and data are allocated, we only need the key */ DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(data); if (DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK == ret) { /* Deadlock detected, retry the operation */ cursor->c_close(cursor); cursor = NULL; key->data = saved_key; goto retry; } error: /* Close the cursor */ cursor->c_close(cursor); if (saved_key) { /* Need to free the original key passed in */ if (saved_key == key->data) { /* Means that we never allocated a new key */ ; } else { slapi_ch_free(&saved_key); } } return ret; } IDList * index_range_read( Slapi_PBlock *pb, backend *be, char *type, const char *indextype, int operator, struct berval *val, struct berval *nextval, int range, back_txn *txn, int *err ) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_database->plg_private; DB *db; DB_TXN *db_txn = NULL; DBC *dbc = NULL; DBT lowerkey = {0}; DBT upperkey = {0}; DBT cur_key = {0}; DBT data = {0} ; IDList *idl= NULL; char *prefix = NULL; char *realbuf, *nextrealbuf; size_t reallen, nextreallen; size_t plen; ID i; struct attrinfo *ai = NULL; int lookthrough_limit = -1; /* default no limit */ int retry_count = 0; int is_and = 0; int sizelimit = 0; time_t curtime, stoptime, optime; int timelimit = -1; back_search_result_set *sr = NULL; if (!pb) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "index_range_read: NULL pblock\n", 0, 0, 0); return NULL; } *err = 0; prefix = index_index2prefix( indextype ); if (prefix == NULL) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "index_range_read: NULL prefix\n" ); return( NULL ); } plen = strlen(prefix); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_IS_AND, &is_and); if (!is_and) { slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_SIZELIMIT, &sizelimit); } slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_OPINITIATED_TIME, &optime ); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_TIMELIMIT, &timelimit); stoptime = optime + timelimit; /* * Determine the lookthrough_limit from the PBlock. * No limit if there is no search result set and the requestor is root. */ slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_RESULT_SET, &sr ); if (sr != NULL) { /* the normal case */ lookthrough_limit = sr->sr_lookthroughlimit; } else { int isroot = 0; slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_REQUESTOR_ISROOT, &isroot ); if (!isroot) { lookthrough_limit = li->li_lookthroughlimit; } } LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "index_range_read lookthrough_limit=%d\n", lookthrough_limit, 0, 0); switch( operator ) { case SLAPI_OP_LESS: case SLAPI_OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL: case SLAPI_OP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL: case SLAPI_OP_GREATER: break; default: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "<= index_range_read(%s,%s) NULL (operator %i)\n", type, prefix, operator ); index_free_prefix(prefix); return( NULL ); } ainfo_get( be, type, &ai ); if (ai == NULL) { index_free_prefix(prefix); return NULL; } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, " indextype: \"%s\" indexmask: 0x%x\n", indextype, ai->ai_indexmask, 0 ); if ( !is_indexed( indextype, ai->ai_indexmask, ai->ai_index_rules )) { idl = idl_allids( be ); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= index_range_read(%s,%s) %lu candidates (allids)\n", type, prefix, (u_long)IDL_NIDS(idl) ); index_free_prefix(prefix); return( idl ); } if ( (*err = dblayer_get_index_file( be, ai, &db, DBOPEN_CREATE )) != 0 ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "<= index_range_read(%s,%s) NULL (could not open index file)\n", type, prefix, 0 ); index_free_prefix(prefix); return( NULL ); /* why not allids? */ } if (NULL != txn) { db_txn = txn->back_txn_txn; } /* get a cursor so we can walk over the table */ *err = db->cursor(db,db_txn,&dbc,0); if (0 != *err ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1060, *err); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "<= index_range_read(%s,%s) NULL: db->cursor() == %i\n", type, prefix, *err ); dblayer_release_index_file( be, ai, db ); index_free_prefix(prefix); return( NULL ); /* why not allids? */ } /* set up the starting and ending keys for a range search */ if ( val != NULL ) { /* compute a key from val */ const size_t vlen = val->bv_len; reallen = plen + vlen + 1; realbuf = slapi_ch_malloc( reallen ); memcpy( realbuf, prefix, plen ); memcpy( realbuf+plen, val->bv_val, vlen ); realbuf[plen+vlen] = '\0'; } else { reallen = plen + 1; /* include 0 terminator */ realbuf = slapi_ch_strdup(prefix); } if (range != 1) { char *tmpbuf = NULL; /* this is a search with only one boundary value */ switch( operator ) { case SLAPI_OP_LESS: case SLAPI_OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL: lowerkey.dptr = slapi_ch_strdup(prefix); lowerkey.dsize = plen; upperkey.dptr = realbuf; upperkey.dsize = reallen; break; case SLAPI_OP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL: case SLAPI_OP_GREATER: lowerkey.dptr = realbuf; lowerkey.dsize = reallen; /* upperkey = a value slightly greater than prefix */ tmpbuf = slapi_ch_malloc (plen + 1); memcpy (tmpbuf, prefix, plen + 1); ++(tmpbuf[plen-1]); upperkey.dptr = tmpbuf; upperkey.dsize = plen; tmpbuf = NULL; /* ... but not greater than the last key in the index */ cur_key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; *err = dbc->c_get(dbc,&cur_key,&data,DB_LAST); /* key and data allocated here, need to free them */ DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(data); /* Note that cur_key needs to get freed somewhere below */ if (0 != *err) { if (DB_NOTFOUND == *err) { /* There are no keys in the index so we should return no candidates. */ *err = 0; idl = NULL; slapi_ch_free( (void**)&realbuf); dbc->c_close(dbc); goto error; } else { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1070, *err); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "index_range_read(%s,%s) seek to end of index file err %i\n", type, prefix, *err ); } } else if (DBTcmp (&upperkey, &cur_key, ai->ai_key_cmp_fn) > 0) { tmpbuf = slapi_ch_realloc (tmpbuf, cur_key.dsize); memcpy (tmpbuf, cur_key.dptr, cur_key.dsize); DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(upperkey); upperkey.dptr = tmpbuf; upperkey.dsize = cur_key.dsize; } break; } } else { /* this is a search with two boundary values (starting and ending) */ if ( nextval != NULL ) { /* compute a key from nextval */ const size_t vlen = nextval->bv_len; nextreallen = plen + vlen + 1; nextrealbuf = slapi_ch_malloc( plen + vlen + 1 ); memcpy( nextrealbuf, prefix, plen ); memcpy( nextrealbuf+plen, nextval->bv_val, vlen ); nextrealbuf[plen+vlen] = '\0'; } else { nextreallen = plen + 1; /* include 0 terminator */ nextrealbuf = slapi_ch_strdup(prefix); } /* set up the starting and ending keys for search */ switch( operator ) { case SLAPI_OP_LESS: case SLAPI_OP_LESS_OR_EQUAL: lowerkey.dptr = nextrealbuf; lowerkey.dsize = nextreallen; upperkey.dptr = realbuf; upperkey.dsize = reallen; break; case SLAPI_OP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL: case SLAPI_OP_GREATER: lowerkey.dptr = realbuf; lowerkey.dsize = reallen; upperkey.dptr = nextrealbuf; upperkey.dsize = nextreallen; break; } } /* if (LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER) { char encbuf [BUFSIZ]; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " lowerkey=%s(%li bytes)\n", encoded (&lowerkey, encbuf), (long)lowerkey.dsize, 0 ); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " upperkey=%s(%li bytes)\n", encoded (&upperkey, encbuf), (long)upperkey.dsize, 0 ); } */ data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; lowerkey.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; { void *old_lower_key_data = lowerkey.data; *err = dbc->c_get(dbc,&lowerkey,&data,DB_SET_RANGE); /* lowerkey, if allocated and needs freed */ DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(data); if (old_lower_key_data != lowerkey.data) { slapi_ch_free(&old_lower_key_data); } } /* If the seek above fails due to DB_NOTFOUND, this means that there are no keys which are >= the target key. This means that we should return no candidates */ if (0 != *err) { /* Free the key we just read above */ DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(lowerkey); if (DB_NOTFOUND == *err) { *err = 0; idl = NULL; } else { idl = idl_allids( be ); ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1080, *err); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "<= index_range_read(%s,%s) allids (seek to lower key in index file err %i)\n", type, prefix, *err ); } dbc->c_close(dbc); goto error; } /* We now close the cursor, since we're about to iterate over many keys */ *err = dbc->c_close(dbc); /* step through the indexed db to retrive IDs within the search range */ DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(cur_key); cur_key.data = lowerkey.data; cur_key.size = lowerkey.size; lowerkey.data = NULL; /* Don't need this any more, since the memory will be freed from cur_key */ if (operator == SLAPI_OP_GREATER) { *err = index_range_next_key(db,&cur_key,db_txn); } while (*err == 0 && (operator == SLAPI_OP_LESS) ? DBTcmp(&cur_key, &upperkey, ai->ai_key_cmp_fn) < 0 : DBTcmp(&cur_key, &upperkey, ai->ai_key_cmp_fn) <= 0) { /* exit the loop when we either run off the end of the table, * fail to read a key, or read a key that's out of range. */ IDList *tmp, *tmp2; /* char encbuf [BUFSIZ]; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " cur_key=%s(%li bytes)\n", encoded (&cur_key, encbuf), (long)cur_key.dsize, 0 ); */ /* Check to see if we've already looked too hard */ if (idl != NULL && lookthrough_limit != -1 && idl->b_nids > (ID)lookthrough_limit) { if (NULL != idl) { idl_free(idl); } idl = idl_allids( be ); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "index_range_read lookthrough_limit exceeded\n", 0, 0, 0); break; } if (idl != NULL && sizelimit > 0 && idl->b_nids > (ID)sizelimit) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "index_range_read sizelimit exceeded\n", 0, 0, 0); break; } /* check time limit */ curtime = current_time(); if ( timelimit != -1 && curtime >= stoptime ) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "index_range_read timelimit exceeded\n", 0, 0, 0); break; } /* Check to see if the operation has been abandoned (also happens * when the connection is closed by the client). */ if ( slapi_op_abandoned( pb )) { if (NULL != idl) { idl_free(idl); idl = NULL; } LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "index_range_read - operation abandoned\n", 0, 0, 0); break; /* clean up happens outside the while() loop */ } /* the cur_key DBT already has the first entry in it when we enter the loop */ /* so we process the entry then step to the next one */ cur_key.flags = 0; for (retry_count = 0; retry_count < IDL_FETCH_RETRY_COUNT; retry_count++) { *err = NEW_IDL_DEFAULT; tmp = idl_fetch( be, db, &cur_key, NULL, ai, err ); if(*err == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) { ldbm_nasty("index_range_read retrying transaction", 1090, *err); continue; } else { break; } } if(retry_count == IDL_FETCH_RETRY_COUNT) { ldbm_nasty("index_range_read retry count exceeded",1095,*err); } tmp2 = idl_union( be, idl, tmp ); idl_free( idl ); idl_free( tmp ); idl = tmp2; if (ALLIDS(idl)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "index_range_read hit an allids value\n", 0, 0, 0); break; } if (DBT_EQ (&cur_key, &upperkey)) { /* this is the last key */ break; /* Another c_get would return the same key, with no error. */ } data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; cur_key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; *err = index_range_next_key(db,&cur_key,db_txn); /* *err = dbc->c_get(dbc,&cur_key,&data,DB_NEXT); */ if (*err == DB_NOTFOUND) { *err = 0; break; } } if (*err) LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " dbc->c_get(...DB_NEXT) == %i\n", *err, 0, 0); #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG /* this is for debugging only */ if (idl != NULL) { if (ALLIDS(idl)) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " idl=ALLIDS\n", 0, 0, 0 ); } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " idl->b_nids=%d\n", idl->b_nids, 0, 0 ); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " idl->b_nmax=%d\n", idl->b_nmax, 0, 0 ); for ( i= 0; i< idl->b_nids; i++) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_FILTER, " idl->b_ids[%d]=%d\n", i, idl->b_ids[i], 0); } } } #endif error: index_free_prefix(prefix); DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(cur_key); DBT_FREE_PAYLOAD(upperkey); dblayer_release_index_file( be, ai, db ); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= index_range_read(%s,%s) %lu candidates\n", type, prefix, (u_long)IDL_NIDS(idl) ); return( idl ); } /* DBDB: this function is never actually called */ #if 0 static int addordel_values( backend *be, DB *db, char *type, const char *indextype, struct berval **vals, ID id, int flags, /* BE_INDEX_ADD, etc */ back_txn *txn, struct attrinfo *a, int *idl_disposition, void *buffer_handle ) { int rc = 0; int i = 0; DBT key = {0}; DB_TXN *db_txn = NULL; size_t plen, vlen, len; char *tmpbuf = NULL; size_t tmpbuflen = 0; char *realbuf; char *prefix; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> %s_values\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", 0, 0); prefix = index_index2prefix( indextype ); if (prefix == NULL) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "<= %s_values: NULL prefix\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", 0, 0 ); return( -1 ); } if ( vals == NULL ) { key.dptr = prefix; key.dsize = strlen( prefix ) + 1; /* include null terminator */ key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; if (NULL != txn) { db_txn = txn->back_txn_txn; } if (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) { rc = idl_insert_key( be, db, &key, id, db_txn, a, idl_disposition ); } else { rc = idl_delete_key( be, db, &key, id, db_txn, a ); /* check for no such key/id - ok in some cases */ if ( rc == DB_NOTFOUND || rc == -666 ) { rc = 0; } } if ( rc != 0) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1090, rc); } index_free_prefix (prefix); if (NULL != key.dptr && prefix != key.dptr) slapi_ch_free( (void**)&key.dptr ); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= %s_values %d\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", rc, 0 ); return( rc ); } plen = strlen( prefix ); for ( i = 0; vals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { vlen = vals[i]->bv_len; len = plen + vlen; if ( len < tmpbuflen ) { realbuf = tmpbuf; } else { tmpbuf = slapi_ch_realloc( tmpbuf, len + 1 ); tmpbuflen = len + 1; realbuf = tmpbuf; } memcpy( realbuf, prefix, plen ); memcpy( realbuf+plen, vals[i]->bv_val, vlen ); realbuf[len] = '\0'; key.dptr = realbuf; key.size = plen + vlen + 1; /* should be okay to use USERMEM here because we know what * the key is and it should never return a different value * than the one we pass in. */ key.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; key.ulen = tmpbuflen; #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG /* XXX if ( slapd_ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE ) XXX */ { char encbuf[BUFSIZ]; LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " %s_value(\"%s\")\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", encoded (&key, encbuf), 0); } #endif if (NULL != txn) { db_txn = txn->back_txn_txn; } if ( flags & BE_INDEX_ADD ) { if (buffer_handle) { rc = index_buffer_insert(buffer_handle,&key,id,be,db_txn,a); if (rc == -2) { rc = idl_insert_key( be, db, &key, id, db_txn, a, idl_disposition ); } } else { rc = idl_insert_key( be, db, &key, id, db_txn, a, idl_disposition ); } } else { rc = idl_delete_key( be, db, &key, id, db_txn, a ); /* check for no such key/id - ok in some cases */ if ( rc == DB_NOTFOUND || rc == -666 ) { rc = 0; } } if ( rc != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1100, rc); break; } if ( NULL != key.dptr && realbuf != key.dptr) { /* realloc'ed */ tmpbuf = key.dptr; tmpbuflen = key.size; } } index_free_prefix (prefix); if ( tmpbuf != NULL ) { slapi_ch_free( (void**)&tmpbuf ); } if ( rc != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1110, rc); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= %s_values %d\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", rc, 0 ); return( rc ); } #endif static int addordel_values_sv( backend *be, DB *db, char *type, const char *indextype, Slapi_Value **vals, ID id, int flags, /* BE_INDEX_ADD, etc */ back_txn *txn, struct attrinfo *a, int *idl_disposition, void *buffer_handle ) { int rc = 0; int i = 0; DBT key = {0}; DB_TXN *db_txn = NULL; size_t plen, vlen, len; char *tmpbuf = NULL; size_t tmpbuflen = 0; char *realbuf; char *prefix = NULL; const struct berval *bvp; struct berval *encrypted_bvp = NULL; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> %s_values\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", 0, 0); prefix = index_index2prefix( indextype ); if (prefix == NULL) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "addordel_values_sv: NULL prefix\n" ); return( -1 ); } if ( vals == NULL ) { key.dptr = prefix; key.dsize = strlen( prefix ) + 1; /* include null terminator */ /* key could be read in idl_{insert,delete}_key. * It must be DB_DBT_MALLOC. It's freed if key.dptr != prefix. */ key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; if (NULL != txn) { db_txn = txn->back_txn_txn; } if (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) { rc = idl_insert_key( be, db, &key, id, db_txn, a, idl_disposition ); } else { rc = idl_delete_key( be, db, &key, id, db_txn, a ); /* check for no such key/id - ok in some cases */ if ( rc == DB_NOTFOUND || rc == -666 ) { rc = 0; } } if ( rc != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1120, rc); } if (NULL != key.dptr && prefix != key.dptr) { slapi_ch_free( (void**)&key.dptr ); } index_free_prefix (prefix); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= %s_values %d\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", rc, 0 ); return( rc ); } plen = strlen( prefix ); for ( i = 0; vals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { bvp = slapi_value_get_berval(vals[i]); /* Encrypt the index key if necessary */ { if (a->ai_attrcrypt && (0 == (flags & BE_INDEX_DONT_ENCRYPT))) { rc = attrcrypt_encrypt_index_key(be,a,bvp,&encrypted_bvp); if (rc) { LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Failed to encrypt index key for %s\n", a->ai_type ,0,0); } else { bvp = encrypted_bvp; } } } vlen = bvp->bv_len; len = plen + vlen; if ( len < tmpbuflen ) { realbuf = tmpbuf; } else { tmpbuf = slapi_ch_realloc( tmpbuf, len + 1 ); tmpbuflen = len + 1; realbuf = tmpbuf; } memcpy( realbuf, prefix, plen ); memcpy( realbuf+plen, bvp->bv_val, vlen ); realbuf[len] = '\0'; key.dptr = realbuf; key.size = plen + vlen + 1; /* Free the encrypted berval if necessary */ if (encrypted_bvp) { ber_bvfree(encrypted_bvp); encrypted_bvp = NULL; } /* should be okay to use USERMEM here because we know what * the key is and it should never return a different value * than the one we pass in. */ key.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; key.ulen = tmpbuflen; #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG /* XXX if ( slapd_ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE ) XXX */ { char encbuf[BUFSIZ]; LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, " %s_value(\"%s\")\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", encoded (&key, encbuf), 0); } #endif if (NULL != txn) { db_txn = txn->back_txn_txn; } if ( flags & BE_INDEX_ADD ) { if (buffer_handle) { rc = index_buffer_insert(buffer_handle,&key,id,be,db_txn,a); if (rc == -2) { rc = idl_insert_key( be, db, &key, id, db_txn, a, idl_disposition ); } } else { rc = idl_insert_key( be, db, &key, id, db_txn, a, idl_disposition ); } } else { rc = idl_delete_key( be, db, &key, id, db_txn, a ); /* check for no such key/id - ok in some cases */ if ( rc == DB_NOTFOUND || rc == -666 ) { rc = 0; } } if ( rc != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1130, rc); break; } if ( NULL != key.dptr && realbuf != key.dptr) { /* realloc'ed */ tmpbuf = key.dptr; tmpbuflen = key.size; } } index_free_prefix (prefix); if ( tmpbuf != NULL ) { slapi_ch_free( (void**)&tmpbuf ); } if ( rc != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1140, rc); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= %s_values %d\n", (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) ? "add" : "del", rc, 0 ); return( rc ); } int index_addordel_string(backend *be, const char *type, const char *s, ID id, int flags, back_txn *txn) { Slapi_Value *svp[2]; Slapi_Value sv; memset(&sv,0,sizeof(Slapi_Value)); sv.bv.bv_len= strlen(s); sv.bv.bv_val= (void*)s; svp[0] = &sv; svp[1] = NULL; if (flags & BE_INDEX_NORMALIZED) slapi_value_set_flags(&sv, BE_INDEX_NORMALIZED); return index_addordel_values_ext_sv(be,type,svp,NULL,id,flags,txn,NULL,NULL); } int index_addordel_values_sv( backend *be, const char *type, Slapi_Value **vals, Slapi_Value **evals, /* existing values */ ID id, int flags, back_txn *txn ) { return index_addordel_values_ext_sv(be,type,vals,evals, id,flags,txn,NULL,NULL); } int index_addordel_values_ext_sv( backend *be, const char *type, Slapi_Value **vals, Slapi_Value **evals, ID id, int flags, back_txn *txn, int *idl_disposition, void *buffer_handle ) { DB *db; struct attrinfo *ai = NULL; int err = -1; Slapi_Value **ivals; char buf[SLAPD_TYPICAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; char *basetmp, *basetype; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> index_addordel_values_ext_sv( \"%s\", %lu )\n", type, (u_long)id, 0 ); basetype = buf; if ( (basetmp = slapi_attr_basetype( type, buf, sizeof(buf) )) != NULL ) { basetype = basetmp; } ainfo_get( be, basetype, &ai ); if ( ai == NULL || ai->ai_indexmask == 0 || ai->ai_indexmask == INDEX_OFFLINE ) { slapi_ch_free_string( &basetmp ); return( 0 ); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, " index_addordel_values_ext_sv indexmask 0x%x\n", ai->ai_indexmask, 0, 0 ); if ( (err = dblayer_get_index_file( be, ai, &db, DBOPEN_CREATE )) != 0 ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "<= index_read NULL (could not open index attr %s)\n", basetype, 0, 0 ); slapi_ch_free_string( &basetmp ); if ( err != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1210, err); } goto bad; } /* * presence index entry */ if (( ai->ai_indexmask & INDEX_PRESENCE ) && (flags & (BE_INDEX_ADD|BE_INDEX_PRESENCE))) { /* on delete, only remove the presence index if the * BE_INDEX_PRESENCE flag is set. */ err = addordel_values_sv( be, db, basetype, indextype_PRESENCE, NULL, id, flags, txn, ai, idl_disposition, NULL ); if ( err != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1220, err); goto bad; } } /* * equality index entry */ if (( ai->ai_indexmask & INDEX_EQUALITY ) && (flags & (BE_INDEX_ADD|BE_INDEX_EQUALITY))) { /* on delete, only remove the equality index if the * BE_INDEX_EQUALITY flag is set. */ slapi_attr_values2keys_sv( &ai->ai_sattr, vals, &ivals, LDAP_FILTER_EQUALITY ); err = addordel_values_sv( be, db, basetype, indextype_EQUALITY, ivals != NULL ? ivals : vals, id, flags, txn, ai, idl_disposition, NULL ); if ( ivals != NULL ) { valuearray_free( &ivals ); } if ( err != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1230, err); goto bad; } } /* * approximate index entry */ if ( ai->ai_indexmask & INDEX_APPROX ) { slapi_attr_values2keys_sv( &ai->ai_sattr, vals, &ivals, LDAP_FILTER_APPROX ); if ( ivals != NULL ) { err = addordel_values_sv( be, db, basetype, indextype_APPROX, ivals, id, flags, txn, ai, idl_disposition, NULL ); valuearray_free( &ivals ); if ( err != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1240, err); goto bad; } } } /* * substrings index entry */ if ( ai->ai_indexmask & INDEX_SUB ) { Slapi_Value **esubvals = NULL; Slapi_Value **substresult = NULL; Slapi_Value **origvals = NULL; Slapi_PBlock pipb; /* prepare pblock to pass ai_substr_lens */ pblock_init( &pipb ); slapi_pblock_set( &pipb, SLAPI_SYNTAX_SUBSTRLENS, ai->ai_substr_lens ); slapi_attr_values2keys_sv_pb( &ai->ai_sattr, vals, &ivals, LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS, &pipb ); origvals = ivals; /* delete only: if the attribute has multiple values, * figure out the substrings that should remain * by slapi_attr_values2keys, * then get rid of them from the being deleted values */ if ( evals != NULL ) { slapi_attr_values2keys_sv_pb( &ai->ai_sattr, evals, &esubvals, LDAP_FILTER_SUBSTRINGS, &pipb ); substresult = valuearray_minus_valuearray( &ai->ai_sattr, ivals, esubvals ); ivals = substresult; valuearray_free( &esubvals ); } if ( ivals != NULL ) { err = addordel_values_sv( be, db, basetype, indextype_SUB, ivals, id, flags, txn, ai, idl_disposition, buffer_handle ); if ( ivals != origvals ) valuearray_free( &origvals ); valuearray_free( &ivals ); if ( err != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1250, err); goto bad; } ivals = NULL; } } /* * matching rule index entries */ if ( ai->ai_indexmask & INDEX_RULES ) { Slapi_PBlock* pb = slapi_pblock_new(); char** oid = ai->ai_index_rules; for (; *oid != NULL; ++oid) { if(create_matchrule_indexer(&pb,*oid,basetype)==0) { char* officialOID = NULL; if (!slapi_pblock_get (pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_MR_OID, &officialOID) && officialOID != NULL) { Slapi_Value** keys = NULL; matchrule_values_to_keys_sv(pb,vals,&keys); if(keys != NULL && keys[0] != NULL) { /* we've computed keys */ err = addordel_values_sv (be, db, basetype, officialOID, keys, id, flags, txn, ai, idl_disposition, NULL); if ( err != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(errmsg, 1260, err); slapi_ch_free((void **)&keys); goto bad; } } /* * It would improve speed to save the indexer, for future use. * But, for simplicity, we destroy it now: */ destroy_matchrule_indexer(pb); slapi_ch_free((void **)&keys); } } } slapi_pblock_destroy (pb); } dblayer_release_index_file( be, ai, db ); if ( basetmp != NULL ) { slapi_ch_free( (void**)&basetmp ); } LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= index_addordel_values_ext_sv\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( 0 ); bad: dblayer_release_index_file(be, ai, db); return err; } int index_delete_values( struct ldbminfo *li, char *type, struct berval **vals, ID id ) { return -1; } static int is_indexed (const char* indextype, int indexmask, char** index_rules) { int indexed; if (indextype == indextype_PRESENCE) indexed = INDEX_PRESENCE & indexmask; else if (indextype == indextype_EQUALITY) indexed = INDEX_EQUALITY & indexmask; else if (indextype == indextype_APPROX) indexed = INDEX_APPROX & indexmask; else if (indextype == indextype_SUB) indexed = INDEX_SUB & indexmask; else { /* matching rule */ indexed = 0; if (INDEX_RULES & indexmask) { char** rule; for (rule = index_rules; *rule; ++rule) { if ( ! strcmp( *rule, indextype )) { indexed = INDEX_RULES; break; } } } } /* if index is currently being generated, pretend it doesn't exist */ if (indexmask & INDEX_OFFLINE) indexed = 0; return indexed; } char* index_index2prefix (const char* indextype) { char* prefix; if ( indextype == NULL ) prefix = NULL; else if ( indextype == indextype_PRESENCE ) prefix = prefix_PRESENCE; else if ( indextype == indextype_EQUALITY ) prefix = prefix_EQUALITY; else if ( indextype == indextype_APPROX ) prefix = prefix_APPROX; else if ( indextype == indextype_SUB ) prefix = prefix_SUB; else { /* indextype is a matching rule name */ const size_t len = strlen (indextype); char* p = slapi_ch_malloc (len + 3); p[0] = RULE_PREFIX; memcpy( p+1, indextype, len ); p[len+1] = ':'; p[len+2] = '\0'; prefix = p; } return( prefix ); } void index_free_prefix (char* prefix) { if (prefix == NULL || prefix == prefix_PRESENCE || prefix == prefix_EQUALITY || prefix == prefix_APPROX || prefix == prefix_SUB) { /* do nothing */ } else { slapi_ch_free( (void**)&prefix); } } /* helper stuff for valuearray_minus_valuearray */ typedef struct { value_compare_fn_type cmp_fn; Slapi_Value *data; } SVSORT; static int svsort_cmp(const void *x, const void *y) { return ((SVSORT*)x)->cmp_fn(slapi_value_get_berval(((SVSORT*)x)->data), slapi_value_get_berval(((SVSORT*)y)->data)); } static int bvals_strcasecmp(const struct berval *a, const struct berval *b) { return strcasecmp(a->bv_val, b->bv_val); } /* a - b = c */ /* the returned array of Slapi_Value needs to be freed. */ static Slapi_Value ** valuearray_minus_valuearray( const Slapi_Attr *sattr, Slapi_Value **a, Slapi_Value **b ) { int rc, i, j, k, acnt, bcnt; SVSORT *atmp = NULL, *btmp = NULL; Slapi_Value **c; value_compare_fn_type cmp_fn; /* get berval comparison function */ attr_get_value_cmp_fn(sattr, &cmp_fn); if (cmp_fn == NULL) { cmp_fn = (value_compare_fn_type)bvals_strcasecmp; } /* determine length of a */ for (acnt = 0; a[acnt] != NULL; acnt++); /* determine length of b */ for (bcnt = 0; b[bcnt] != NULL; bcnt++); /* allocate return array as big as a */ c = (Slapi_Value**)slapi_ch_calloc(acnt+1, sizeof(Slapi_Value*)); if (acnt == 0) return c; /* sort a */ atmp = (SVSORT*) slapi_ch_malloc(acnt*sizeof(SVSORT)); for (i = 0; i < acnt; i++) { atmp[i].cmp_fn = cmp_fn; atmp[i].data = a[i]; } qsort((void*)atmp, acnt, (size_t)sizeof(SVSORT), svsort_cmp); /* sort b */ if (bcnt > 0) { btmp = (SVSORT*) slapi_ch_malloc(bcnt*sizeof(SVSORT)); for (i = 0; i < bcnt; i++) { btmp[i].cmp_fn = cmp_fn; btmp[i].data = b[i]; } qsort((void*)btmp, bcnt, (size_t)sizeof(SVSORT), svsort_cmp); } /* lock step through a and b */ for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < acnt && j < bcnt; ) { rc = svsort_cmp(&atmp[i], &btmp[j]); if (rc == 0) { i++; } else if (rc < 0) { c[k++] = slapi_value_new_value(atmp[i++].data); } else { j++; } } /* copy what's left from a */ while (i < acnt) { c[k++] = slapi_value_new_value(atmp[i++].data); } /* clean up */ slapi_ch_free((void**)&atmp); if (btmp) slapi_ch_free((void**)&btmp); return c; }