/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* Common IDL code, used in both old and new indexing schemes */ #include "back-ldbm.h" size_t idl_sizeof(IDList *idl) { return (2 + idl->b_nmax) * sizeof(ID); } NIDS idl_length(IDList *idl) { return (idl->b_nmax == ALLIDSBLOCK) ? UINT_MAX : idl->b_nids; } int idl_is_allids(IDList *idl) { return (idl->b_nmax == ALLIDSBLOCK); } IDList * idl_alloc( NIDS nids ) { IDList *new; /* nmax + nids + space for the ids */ new = (IDList *) slapi_ch_calloc( (2 + nids), sizeof(ID) ); new->b_nmax = nids; new->b_nids = 0; return( new ); } IDList * idl_allids( backend *be ) { IDList *idl; idl = idl_alloc( 0 ); idl->b_nmax = ALLIDSBLOCK; idl->b_nids = next_id_get( be ); return( idl ); } void idl_free( IDList *idl ) /* JCM - pass in ** */ { if ( idl == NULL ) { return; } slapi_ch_free((void**)&idl ); } /* * idl_append - append an id to an id list. * * Warning: The ID List must be maintained in order. * Use idl_insert if the id may not * * returns * 0 - appended * 1 - already in there * 2 - not enough room */ int idl_append( IDList *idl, ID id) { if ( ALLIDS( idl ) || ( (idl->b_nids) && (idl->b_ids[idl->b_nids - 1] == id)) ) { return( 1 ); /* already there */ } if ( idl->b_nids == idl->b_nmax ) { return( 2 ); /* not enough room */ } idl->b_ids[idl->b_nids] = id; idl->b_nids++; return( 0 ); } static IDList * idl_dup( IDList *idl ) { IDList *new; if ( idl == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } new = idl_alloc( idl->b_nmax ); SAFEMEMCPY( (char *) new, (char *) idl, (idl->b_nmax + 2) * sizeof(ID) ); return( new ); } static IDList * idl_min( IDList *a, IDList *b ) { return( a->b_nids > b->b_nids ? b : a ); } /* * idl_intersection - return a intersection b */ IDList * idl_intersection( backend *be, IDList *a, IDList *b ) { NIDS ai, bi, ni; IDList *n; if ( a == NULL || b == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } if ( ALLIDS( a ) ) { slapi_be_set_flag(be, SLAPI_BE_FLAG_DONT_BYPASS_FILTERTEST); return( idl_dup( b ) ); } if ( ALLIDS( b ) ) { slapi_be_set_flag(be, SLAPI_BE_FLAG_DONT_BYPASS_FILTERTEST); return( idl_dup( a ) ); } n = idl_dup( idl_min( a, b ) ); for ( ni = 0, ai = 0, bi = 0; ai < a->b_nids; ai++ ) { for ( ; bi < b->b_nids && b->b_ids[bi] < a->b_ids[ai]; bi++ ) ; /* NULL */ if ( bi == b->b_nids ) { break; } if ( b->b_ids[bi] == a->b_ids[ai] ) { n->b_ids[ni++] = a->b_ids[ai]; } } if ( ni == 0 ) { idl_free( n ); return( NULL ); } n->b_nids = ni; return( n ); } /* * idl_union - return a union b */ IDList * idl_union( backend *be, IDList *a, IDList *b ) { NIDS ai, bi, ni; IDList *n; if ( a == NULL ) { return( idl_dup( b ) ); } if ( b == NULL ) { return( idl_dup( a ) ); } if ( ALLIDS( a ) || ALLIDS( b ) ) { return( idl_allids( be ) ); } if ( b->b_nids < a->b_nids ) { n = a; a = b; b = n; } n = idl_alloc( a->b_nids + b->b_nids ); for ( ni = 0, ai = 0, bi = 0; ai < a->b_nids && bi < b->b_nids; ) { if ( a->b_ids[ai] < b->b_ids[bi] ) { n->b_ids[ni++] = a->b_ids[ai++]; } else if ( b->b_ids[bi] < a->b_ids[ai] ) { n->b_ids[ni++] = b->b_ids[bi++]; } else { n->b_ids[ni++] = a->b_ids[ai]; ai++, bi++; } } for ( ; ai < a->b_nids; ai++ ) { n->b_ids[ni++] = a->b_ids[ai]; } for ( ; bi < b->b_nids; bi++ ) { n->b_ids[ni++] = b->b_ids[bi]; } n->b_nids = ni; return( n ); } /* * idl_notin - return a intersection ~b (or a minus b) * DB --- changed the interface of this function (no code called it), * such that it can modify IDL a in place (it'll always be the same * or smaller than the a passed in if not allids). * If a new list is generated, it's returned in new_result and the function * returns 1. Otherwise the result remains in a, and the function returns 0. * The intention is to optimize for the interesting case in filterindex.c * where we are computing foo AND NOT bar, and both foo and bar are not allids. */ int idl_notin( backend *be, IDList *a, IDList *b, IDList **new_result ) { NIDS ni, ai, bi; IDList *n; *new_result = NULL; if ( a == NULL ) { return( 0 ); } if ( b == NULL || ALLIDS( b ) ) { *new_result = idl_dup( a ); return( 1 ); } if ( ALLIDS( a ) ) { /* Not convinced that this code is really worth it */ /* It's trying to do allids notin b, where maxid is smaller than some size */ n = idl_alloc( SLAPD_LDBM_MIN_MAXIDS ); ni = 0; for ( ai = 1, bi = 0; ai < a->b_nids && ni < n->b_nmax && bi < b->b_nmax; ai++ ) { if ( b->b_ids[bi] == ai ) { bi++; } else { n->b_ids[ni++] = ai; } } for ( ; ai < a->b_nids && ni < n->b_nmax; ai++ ) { n->b_ids[ni++] = ai; } if ( ni == n->b_nmax ) { idl_free( n ); *new_result = idl_allids( be ); } else { n->b_nids = ni; *new_result = n; } return( 1 ); } /* This is the case we're interested in, we want to detect where a and b don't overlap */ { size_t ahii, aloi, bhii, bloi; size_t ahi, alo, bhi, blo; int aloblo, ahiblo, alobhi, ahibhi; aloi = bloi = 0; ahii = a->b_nids - 1; bhii = b->b_nids - 1; ahi = a->b_ids[ahii]; alo = a->b_ids[aloi]; bhi = b->b_ids[bhii]; blo = b->b_ids[bloi]; /* if the ranges don't overlap, we're done, current a is the result */ aloblo = alo < blo; ahiblo = ahi < blo; alobhi = ahi > bhi; ahibhi = alo > bhi; if ( (aloblo & ahiblo) || (alobhi & ahibhi) ) { return 0; } else { /* Do what we did before */ n = idl_dup( a ); ni = 0; for ( ai = 0, bi = 0; ai < a->b_nids; ai++ ) { for ( ; bi < b->b_nids && b->b_ids[bi] < a->b_ids[ai]; bi++ ) { ; /* NULL */ } if ( bi == b->b_nids ) { break; } if ( b->b_ids[bi] != a->b_ids[ai] ) { n->b_ids[ni++] = a->b_ids[ai]; } } for ( ; ai < a->b_nids; ai++ ) { n->b_ids[ni++] = a->b_ids[ai]; } n->b_nids = ni; *new_result = n; return( 1 ); } } } ID idl_firstid( IDList *idl ) { if ( idl == NULL || idl->b_nids == 0 ) { return( NOID ); } if ( ALLIDS( idl ) ) { return( idl->b_nids == 1 ? NOID : 1 ); } return( idl->b_ids[0] ); } ID idl_nextid( IDList *idl, ID id ) { NIDS i; if ( ALLIDS( idl ) ) { return( ++id < idl->b_nids ? id : NOID ); } for ( i = 0; i < idl->b_nids && idl->b_ids[i] < id; i++ ) { ; /* NULL */ } i++; if ( i >= idl->b_nids ) { return( NOID ); } else { return( idl->b_ids[i] ); } } /* Make an ID list iterator */ idl_iterator idl_iterator_init(const IDList *idl) { return (idl_iterator) 0; } idl_iterator idl_iterator_increment(idl_iterator *i) { size_t t = (size_t) *i; t += 1; *i = (idl_iterator) t; return *i; } idl_iterator idl_iterator_decrement(idl_iterator *i) { size_t t = (size_t) *i; t -= 1; *i = (idl_iterator) t; return *i; } ID idl_iterator_dereference(idl_iterator i, const IDList *idl) { if ( (NULL == idl) || (i >= idl->b_nids)) { return NOID; } if (ALLIDS(idl)) { return (ID) i + 1; } else { return idl->b_ids[i]; } } ID idl_iterator_dereference_increment(idl_iterator *i, const IDList *idl) { ID t = idl_iterator_dereference(*i,idl); idl_iterator_increment(i); return t; }