/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* idl.c - ldap id list handling routines */ #include "back-ldbm.h" /* * Disable idl locking since it causes unbreakable deadlock. */ #undef IDL_LOCKING_ENABLE static void make_cont_key( DBT *contkey, DBT *key, ID id ); static int idl_insert_maxids( IDList **idl, ID id, int maxids ); /* for the cache of open index files */ struct idl_private { int idl_maxids; /* Number of IDS in a block */ int idl_maxindirect; /* Number of blocks allowed */ size_t idl_allidslimit; /* Max number of IDs before it turns to allids */ #ifdef IDL_LOCKING_ENABLE PRRWLock *idl_rwlock; #endif }; static int idl_tune = DEFAULT_IDL_TUNE; /* tuning parameters for IDL code */ #define IDL_TUNE_BSEARCH 1 /* do a binary search when inserting into an IDL */ #define IDL_TUNE_NOPAD 2 /* Don't pad IDLs with space at the end */ void idl_old_set_tune(int val) { idl_tune = val; } int idl_old_get_tune() { return idl_tune; } size_t idl_old_get_allidslimit(struct attrinfo *a) { idl_private *priv = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != a); PR_ASSERT(NULL != a->ai_idl); priv = a->ai_idl; return priv->idl_allidslimit; } static void idl_init_maxids(struct ldbminfo *li,idl_private *priv) { const size_t blksize = dblayer_get_optimal_block_size(li); if (0 == li->li_allidsthreshold) { li->li_allidsthreshold = DEFAULT_ALLIDSTHRESHOLD; } priv->idl_maxids = (blksize / sizeof(ID)) - 2; priv->idl_maxindirect = (li->li_allidsthreshold / priv->idl_maxids) + 1; priv->idl_allidslimit = (priv->idl_maxids * priv->idl_maxindirect); LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ARGS, "idl_init_private: blksize %lu, maxids %i, maxindirect %i\n", (unsigned long)blksize, priv->idl_maxids, priv->idl_maxindirect); } /* routine to initialize the private data used by the IDL code per-attribute */ int idl_old_init_private(backend *be,struct attrinfo *a) { idl_private *priv = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != a); PR_ASSERT(NULL == a->ai_idl); priv = (idl_private*) slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(idl_private)); if (NULL == priv) { return -1; /* Memory allocation failure */ } { priv->idl_maxids = 0; priv->idl_maxindirect = 0; } #ifdef IDL_LOCKING_ENABLE priv->idl_rwlock = PR_NewRWLock(PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "idl lock"); if (NULL == priv->idl_rwlock) { slapi_ch_free((void**)&priv); return -1; } #endif a->ai_idl = (void*)priv; return 0; } /* routine to release resources used by IDL private data structure */ int idl_old_release_private(struct attrinfo *a) { PR_ASSERT(NULL != a); if (NULL != a->ai_idl) { #ifdef IDL_LOCKING_ENABLE idl_private *priv = a->ai_idl; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv->idl_rwlock); PR_DestroyRWLock(priv->idl_rwlock); #endif slapi_ch_free( (void **)&(a->ai_idl) ); } return 0; } /* Locks one IDL so we can modify it knowing that * nobody else is trying to do so at the same time * also called by readers, since they need to be blocked * when they read to avoid them seeing inconsistent data * This is not really necessary for update operations * today because they are already serialized by a lock * at the backend level but is still necessary to * stop concurrent access by one update thread and * some other search threads */ #ifdef IDL_LOCKING_ENABLE static void idl_Wlock_list(idl_private *priv, DBT *key) { PRRWLock *lock = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); lock = priv->idl_rwlock; PR_ASSERT(NULL != lock); PR_RWLock_Wlock(lock); } static void idl_Rlock_list(idl_private *priv, DBT *key) { PRRWLock *lock = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); lock = priv->idl_rwlock; PR_ASSERT(NULL != lock); PR_RWLock_Rlock(lock); } static void idl_unlock_list(idl_private *priv, DBT *key) { PRRWLock *lock = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); lock = priv->idl_rwlock; PR_ASSERT(NULL != lock); PR_RWLock_Unlock(lock); } #endif #ifndef IDL_LOCKING_ENABLE #define idl_Wlock_list(idl,dbt) #define idl_Rlock_list(idl,dbt) #define idl_unlock_list(idl,dbt) #endif /* * idl_fetch_one - fetch a single IDList from the database and return a * pointer to it. * * this routine always propagates errors other than DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK. * for DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK, it propagates the error if called inside a * transaction. if called not inside a transaction, it loops on * DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK, retrying the fetch. * */ static IDList * idl_fetch_one( struct ldbminfo *li, DB *db, DBT *key, DB_TXN *txn, int *err ) { DBT data = {0}; IDList *idl = NULL; /* LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> idl_fetch_one\n", 0, 0, 0 ); */ data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; do { *err = db->get( db, txn, key, &data, 0 ); if ( 0 != *err && DB_NOTFOUND != *err && DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK != *err ) { char *msg; if ( EPERM == *err && *err != errno ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_fetch_one(%s): Database failed to run, " "There is either insufficient disk space or " "insufficient memory available for database.\n", ((char*)key->dptr)[ key->dsize - 1 ] ? "" : (char*)key->dptr, 0, 0 ); } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_fetch_one error %d %s\n", *err, (msg = dblayer_strerror( *err )) ? msg : "", 0 ); } } } while ( DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK == *err && NULL == txn ); if (0 == *err) { idl = (IDList *) data.data; } return( idl ); } IDList * idl_old_fetch( backend *be, DB *db, DBT *key, DB_TXN *txn, struct attrinfo *a, int *err ) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_database->plg_private; DBT k2 = {0}; IDList *idl; IDList **tmp; back_txn s_txn; char *kstr; int i; unsigned long nids; /* LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> idl_fetch\n", 0, 0, 0 ); */ if ( (idl = idl_fetch_one( li, db, key, txn, err )) == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } /* regular block */ if ( ! INDIRECT_BLOCK( idl ) ) { /* make sure we have the current value of highest id */ if ( ALLIDS(idl) ) { idl_free( idl ); idl = idl_allids( be ); } return( idl ); } idl_free( idl ); /* Taking a transaction is expensive; so we try and optimize for the common case by not taking one above. If we have a indirect block; we need to take a transaction and re-read the idl since they could have been changed by another thread after we read the first block above */ dblayer_txn_init(li,&s_txn); if (NULL != txn) { dblayer_read_txn_begin(li,txn,&s_txn); } if ( (idl = idl_fetch_one( li, db, key, s_txn.back_txn_txn, err )) == NULL ) { dblayer_read_txn_commit(li,&s_txn); return( NULL ); } /* regular block */ if ( ! INDIRECT_BLOCK( idl ) ) { dblayer_read_txn_commit(li,&s_txn); /* make sure we have the current value of highest id */ if ( ALLIDS(idl) ) { idl_free( idl ); idl = idl_allids( be ); } return( idl ); } /* * this is an indirect block which points to other blocks. * we need to read in all the blocks it points to and construct * a big id list containing all the ids, which we will return. */ /* count the number of blocks & allocate space for pointers to them */ for ( i = 0; idl->b_ids[i] != NOID; i++ ) ; /* NULL */ tmp = (IDList **) slapi_ch_malloc( (i + 1) * sizeof(IDList *) ); /* read in all the blocks */ kstr = (char *) slapi_ch_malloc( key->dsize + 20 ); nids = 0; for ( i = 0; idl->b_ids[i] != NOID; i++ ) { ID thisID = idl->b_ids[i]; ID nextID = idl->b_ids[i+1]; sprintf( kstr, "%c%s%lu", CONT_PREFIX, (char *)key->dptr, (u_long)thisID ); k2.dptr = kstr; k2.dsize = strlen( kstr ) + 1; if ( (tmp[i] = idl_fetch_one( li, db, &k2, s_txn.back_txn_txn, err )) == NULL ) { if(*err == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) { dblayer_read_txn_abort(li,&s_txn); } else { dblayer_read_txn_commit(li,&s_txn); } slapi_ch_free((void**)&kstr ); slapi_ch_free((void**)&tmp ); return( NULL ); } nids += tmp[i]->b_nids; /* Check for inconsistencies: */ if ( tmp[i]->b_ids[0] != thisID ) { LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_fetch_one(%s)->b_ids[0] == %lu\n", k2.dptr, (u_long)tmp[i]->b_ids[0], 0); } if ( nextID != NOID ) { if ( nextID <= thisID ) { LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "indirect block (%s) contains %lu, %lu\n", key->dptr, (u_long)thisID, (u_long)nextID); } if ( nextID <= tmp[i]->b_ids[(tmp[i]->b_nids)-1] ) { LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_fetch_one(%s)->b_ids[last] == %lu" " >= %lu (next indirect ID)\n", k2.dptr, (u_long)tmp[i]->b_ids[(tmp[i]->b_nids)-1], (u_long)nextID); } } } dblayer_read_txn_commit(li,&s_txn); tmp[i] = NULL; slapi_ch_free((void**)&kstr ); idl_free( idl ); /* allocate space for the big block */ idl = idl_alloc( nids ); idl->b_nids = nids; nids = 0; /* copy in all the ids from the component blocks */ for ( i = 0; tmp[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if ( tmp[i] == NULL ) { continue; } SAFEMEMCPY( (char *) &idl->b_ids[nids], (char *) tmp[i]->b_ids, tmp[i]->b_nids * sizeof(ID) ); nids += tmp[i]->b_nids; idl_free( tmp[i] ); } slapi_ch_free((void**)&tmp ); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= idl_fetch %lu ids (%lu max)\n", (u_long)idl->b_nids, (u_long)idl->b_nmax, 0 ); return( idl ); } static int idl_store( backend *be, DB *db, DBT *key, IDList *idl, DB_TXN *txn ) { int rc; DBT data = {0}; /* LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> idl_store\n", 0, 0, 0 ); */ data.dptr = (char *) idl; data.dsize = (2 + idl->b_nmax) * sizeof(ID); rc = db->put( db, txn, key, &data, 0 ); if ( 0 != rc ) { char *msg; if ( EPERM == rc && rc != errno ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_store(%s): Database failed to run, " "There is insufficient memory available for database.\n", ((char*)key->dptr)[ key->dsize - 1 ] ? "" : (char*)key->dptr, 0, 0 ); } else { if (LDBM_OS_ERR_IS_DISKFULL(rc)) { operation_out_of_disk_space(); } LDAPDebug( ((DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK == rc) ? LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE : LDAP_DEBUG_ANY), "idl_store(%s) returns %d %s\n", ((char*)key->dptr)[ key->dsize - 1 ] ? "" : (char*)key->dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); if (rc == DB_RUNRECOVERY) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s\n", "Note: idl_store failures can be an indication of insufficient disk space.", 0, 0); ldbm_nasty("idl_store",71,rc); } } } /* LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= idl_store %d\n", rc, 0, 0 ); */ return( rc ); } static void idl_split_block( IDList *b, ID id, IDList **n1, IDList **n2 ) { ID i; /* find where to split the block */ for ( i = 0; i < b->b_nids && id > b->b_ids[i]; i++ ) ; /* NULL */ *n1 = idl_alloc( i == 0 ? 1 : i ); *n2 = idl_alloc( b->b_nids - i + (i == 0 ? 0 : 1)); /* * everything before the id being inserted in the first block * unless there is nothing, in which case the id being inserted * goes there. */ SAFEMEMCPY( (char *) &(*n1)->b_ids[0], (char *) &b->b_ids[0], i * sizeof(ID) ); (*n1)->b_nids = (i == 0 ? 1 : i); if ( i == 0 ) { (*n1)->b_ids[0] = id; } else { (*n2)->b_ids[0] = id; } /* the id being inserted & everything after in the second block */ SAFEMEMCPY( (char *) &(*n2)->b_ids[i == 0 ? 0 : 1], (char *) &b->b_ids[i], (b->b_nids - i) * sizeof(ID) ); (*n2)->b_nids = b->b_nids - i + (i == 0 ? 0 : 1); } /* * idl_change_first - called when an indirect block's first key has * changed, meaning it needs to be stored under a new key, and the * header block pointing to it needs updating. */ static int idl_change_first( backend *be, DB *db, DBT *hkey, /* header block key */ IDList *h, /* header block */ int pos, /* pos in h to update */ DBT *bkey, /* data block key */ IDList *b, /* data block */ DB_TXN *txn ) { int rc; char *msg; /* LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> idl_change_first\n", 0, 0, 0 ); */ /* delete old key block */ rc = db->del( db, txn, bkey, 0 ); if ( (rc != 0) && (DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK != rc) ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_change_first del (%s) err %d %s\n", bkey->dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); if (rc == DB_RUNRECOVERY) { ldbm_nasty("idl_store",72,rc); } return( rc ); } /* write block with new key */ sprintf( bkey->dptr, "%c%s%lu", CONT_PREFIX, (char *)hkey->dptr, (u_long)b->b_ids[0] ); bkey->dsize = strlen( bkey->dptr ) + 1; if ( (rc = idl_store( be, db, bkey, b, txn )) != 0 ) { return( rc ); } /* update + write indirect header block */ h->b_ids[pos] = b->b_ids[0]; if ( (rc = idl_store( be, db, hkey, h, txn )) != 0 ) { return( rc ); } return( 0 ); } #define IDL_CHECK_FAILED(FORMAT, ARG1, ARG2) \ do { \ char* fmt = slapi_ch_malloc (strlen(func) + strlen(note) + strlen(FORMAT) + 30); \ if (fmt != NULL) { \ sprintf (fmt, "%s(%%s,%lu) %s: %s\n", func, (u_long)id, note, FORMAT); \ LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, fmt, key->dptr, ARG1, ARG2); \ slapi_ch_free((void**)&fmt); \ } \ } while(0) static void idl_check_indirect (IDList* idl, int i, IDList* tmp, IDList* tmp2, char* func, char* note, DBT* key, ID id) /* Check for inconsistencies; report any via LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY). The caller alleges that *idl is a header block, in which the i'th item points to the indirect block *tmp, and either tmp2 == NULL or *tmp2 is the indirect block to which the i+1'th item in *idl points. The other parameters are merely output in each error message, like: printf ("%s(%s,%lu) %s: ...", func, key->dptr, (u_long)id, note, ...) */ { /* The implementation is optimized for no inconsistencies. */ const ID thisID = idl->b_ids[i]; const ID nextID = idl->b_ids[i+1]; const ID tmp0 = tmp->b_ids[0]; const ID tmpLast = tmp->b_ids[tmp->b_nids-1]; if (tmp0 != thisID) { IDL_CHECK_FAILED ("tmp->b_ids[0] == %lu, not %lu\n", (u_long)tmp0, (u_long)thisID); } if (tmp0 > tmpLast) { IDL_CHECK_FAILED ("tmp->b_ids[0] == %lu > %lu [last]\n", (u_long)tmp0, (u_long)tmpLast); } if (nextID == NOID) { if (tmp2 != NULL) { IDL_CHECK_FAILED ("idl->b_ids[%i+1] == NOID, but tmp2 != NULL\n", i, 0); } } else { if (nextID <= thisID) { IDL_CHECK_FAILED ("idl->b_ids contains %lu, %lu\n", (u_long)thisID, (u_long)nextID); } if (nextID <= tmpLast) { IDL_CHECK_FAILED ("idl->b_ids[i+1] == %lu <= %lu (last of idl->b_ids[i])\n", (u_long)nextID, (u_long)tmpLast); } if (tmp2 != NULL && tmp2->b_ids[0] != nextID) { IDL_CHECK_FAILED ("tmp2->b_ids[0] == %lu, not %lu\n", (u_long)tmp2->b_ids[0], (u_long)nextID); } } } int idl_old_insert_key( backend *be, DB *db, DBT *key, ID id, DB_TXN *txn, struct attrinfo *a, int *disposition ) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_database->plg_private; int i, j, rc = 0; char *msg; IDList *idl, *tmp, *tmp2, *tmp3; char *kstr; DBT k2 = {0}; DBT k3 = {0}; if (NULL != disposition) { *disposition = IDL_INSERT_NORMAL; } if (0 == a->ai_idl->idl_maxids) { idl_init_maxids(li,a->ai_idl); } idl_Wlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); if ( (idl = idl_fetch_one( li, db, key, txn, &rc )) == NULL ) { if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_NOTFOUND ) { if ( rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_insert_key 0 BAD %d %s\n", rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "", 0 ); } return( rc ); } idl = idl_alloc( 1 ); idl->b_ids[idl->b_nids++] = id; rc = idl_store( be, db, key, idl, txn ); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_insert_key 1 BAD %d %s\n", rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "", 0 ); } idl_free( idl ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); return( rc ); } /* regular block */ if ( ! INDIRECT_BLOCK( idl ) ) { switch ( idl_insert_maxids( &idl, id, a->ai_idl->idl_maxids ) ) { case 0: /* id inserted - store the updated block */ case 1: rc = idl_store( be, db, key, idl, txn ); break; case 2: /* id already there - nothing to do */ rc = 0; /* Could be an ALLID block, let's check */ if (ALLIDS(idl)) { if (NULL != disposition) { *disposition = IDL_INSERT_ALLIDS; } } break; case 3: /* id not inserted - block must be split */ /* check threshold for marking this an all-id block */ if ( a->ai_idl->idl_maxindirect < 2 ) { idl_free( idl ); idl = idl_allids( be ); rc = idl_store( be, db, key, idl, txn ); idl_free( idl ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_insert_key 2 BAD %d %s\n", rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "", 0 ); } if (NULL != disposition) { *disposition = IDL_INSERT_NOW_ALLIDS; } return( rc ); } idl_split_block( idl, id, &tmp, &tmp2 ); idl_free( idl ); /* create the header indirect block */ idl = idl_alloc( 3 ); idl->b_nmax = 3; idl->b_nids = INDBLOCK; idl->b_ids[0] = tmp->b_ids[0]; idl->b_ids[1] = tmp2->b_ids[0]; idl->b_ids[2] = NOID; /* store it */ rc = idl_store( be, db, key, idl, txn ); if ( rc != 0 ) { idl_free( idl ); idl_free( tmp ); idl_free( tmp2 ); if ( rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_insert_key 3 BAD %d %s\n", rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "", 0 ); } return( rc ); } /* store the first id block */ kstr = (char *) slapi_ch_malloc( key->dsize + 20 ); sprintf( kstr, "%c%s%lu", CONT_PREFIX, (char *)key->dptr, (u_long)tmp->b_ids[0] ); k2.dptr = kstr; k2.dsize = strlen( kstr ) + 1; rc = idl_store( be, db, &k2, tmp, txn ); /* store the second id block */ sprintf( kstr, "%c%s%lu", CONT_PREFIX, (char *)key->dptr, (u_long)tmp2->b_ids[0] ); k2.dptr = kstr; k2.dsize = strlen( kstr ) + 1; rc = idl_store( be, db, &k2, tmp2, txn ); if ( rc != 0 ) { idl_free( idl ); idl_free( tmp ); idl_free( tmp2 ); if ( rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_insert_key 4 BAD %d %s\n", rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "", 0 ); } return( rc ); } idl_check_indirect (idl, 0, tmp, tmp2, "idl_insert_key", "split", key, id); slapi_ch_free((void**)&kstr ); idl_free( tmp ); idl_free( tmp2 ); break; } idl_free( idl ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_insert_key 5 BAD %d %s\n", rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "", 0 ); } return( rc ); } /* * this is an indirect block which points to other blocks. * we need to read in the block into which the id should be * inserted, then insert the id and store the block. we might * have to split the block if it is full, which means we also * need to write a new "header" block. */ /* select the block to try inserting into */ for ( i = 0; idl->b_ids[i] != NOID && id > idl->b_ids[i]; i++ ) ; /* NULL */ if ( id == idl->b_ids[i] ) { /* already in a block */ #ifdef _DEBUG_LARGE_BLOCKS LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "id %lu for key (%s) is already in block %d\n", (u_long)id, key.dptr, i); #endif idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); idl_free( idl ); return( 0 ); } if ( i != 0 ) { i--; } /* get the block */ kstr = (char *) slapi_ch_malloc( key->dsize + 20 ); sprintf( kstr, "%c%s%lu", CONT_PREFIX, (char *)key->dptr, (u_long)idl->b_ids[i] ); k2.dptr = kstr; k2.dsize = strlen( kstr ) + 1; if ( (tmp = idl_fetch_one( li, db, &k2, txn, &rc )) == NULL ) { if ( rc != 0 ) { if ( rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_insert_key 5.5 BAD %d %s\n", rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "", 0 ); } return( rc ); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "nonexistent continuation block (%s)\n", k2.dptr, 0, 0 ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); idl_free( idl ); slapi_ch_free((void**)&kstr ); return( -1 ); } /* insert the id */ switch ( idl_insert_maxids( &tmp, id, a->ai_idl->idl_maxids ) ) { case 0: /* id inserted ok */ rc = idl_store( be, db, &k2, tmp, txn ); if (0 != rc) { idl_check_indirect (idl, i, tmp, NULL, "idl_insert_key", "indirect", key, id); } break; case 1: /* id inserted - first id in block has changed */ /* * key for this block has changed, so we have to * write the block under the new key, delete the * old key block + update and write the indirect * header block. */ rc = idl_change_first( be, db, key, idl, i, &k2, tmp, txn ); if ( rc != 0 ) { break; /* return error in rc */ } idl_check_indirect (idl, i, tmp, NULL, "idl_insert_key", "indirect 1", key, id); break; case 2: /* id not inserted - already there */ idl_check_indirect (idl, i, tmp, NULL, "idl_insert_key", "indirect no change", key, id); break; case 3: /* id not inserted - block is full */ /* * first, see if we can shift ids down one, moving * the last id in the current block to the next * block, and then adding the id we are inserting to * the current block. we'll need to split the block * otherwise. */ /* is there a next block? */ if ( idl->b_ids[i + 1] != NOID ) { char *kstr3 = (char *) slapi_ch_malloc( key->dsize + 20 ); /* yes - read it in */ sprintf( kstr3, "%c%s%lu", CONT_PREFIX, (char *)key->dptr, (u_long)idl->b_ids[i + 1] ); k3.dptr = kstr3; k3.dsize = strlen( kstr3 ) + 1; if ( (tmp2 = idl_fetch_one( li, db, &k3, txn, &rc )) == NULL ) { if ( rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_fetch_one (%s) returns NULL\n", k3.dptr, 0, 0 ); } if (0 != rc) { idl_check_indirect (idl, i, tmp, NULL, "idl_insert_key", "indirect missing", key, id); } break; } /* * insert the last key in the previous block in * the next block. it should go at the beginning * always, if it fits at all. */ rc = idl_insert_maxids (&tmp2, id > tmp->b_ids[tmp->b_nids-1] ? id : tmp->b_ids[tmp->b_nids-1], a->ai_idl->idl_maxids); switch ( rc ) { case 1: /* id inserted first in block */ rc = idl_change_first( be, db, key, idl, i + 1, &k3, tmp2, txn ); if ( rc != 0 ) { break; /* return error in rc */ } if (id < tmp->b_ids[tmp->b_nids-1]) { /* * we inserted the last id in the previous * block in this block. we need to "remove" * it from the previous block and insert the * new id. decrementing the b_nids count * in the previous block has the effect * of removing the last id. */ /* remove last id in previous block */ tmp->b_nids--; /* insert new id in previous block */ switch ( (rc = idl_insert_maxids( &tmp, id, a->ai_idl->idl_maxids )) ) { case 0: /* id inserted */ rc = idl_store( be, db, &k2, tmp, txn ); break; case 1: /* first in block */ rc = idl_change_first( be, db, key, idl, i, &k2, tmp, txn ); break; case 2: /* already there - how? */ case 3: /* split block - how? */ LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "not expecting (%d) from idl_insert_maxids of %lu in (%s)\n", rc, (u_long)id, k2.dptr ); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "likely database corruption\n", 0, 0, 0 ); rc = 0; break; } } if ( rc != 0 ) { break; /* return error in rc */ } idl_check_indirect (idl, i, tmp, tmp2, "idl_insert_key", "overflow", key, id); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&(k2.dptr) ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&(k3.dptr) ); idl_free( tmp ); idl_free( tmp2 ); idl_free( idl ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); return( rc ); case 0: /* id inserted not at start - how? */ case 2: /* id already there - how? */ /* * if either of these cases happen, this * index entry must have been corrupt when * we started this insert. what can we do * aside from log a warning? */ LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "not expecting return %d from idl_insert_maxids of id %lu in block with key (%s)\n", rc, (u_long)tmp->b_ids[tmp->b_nids-1], k3.dptr ); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "likely database corruption\n", 0, 0, 0 ); /* FALL */ case 3: /* block is full */ /* * if this case happens, we fall back to * splitting the original block. * This is not an error condition. So set * rc = 0 to continue. Otherwise, it will break * from the case statement and return rc=3, * which is not correct. */ rc = 0; idl_free( tmp2 ); break; } if ( rc != 0 ) { break; /* return error in rc */ } } /* * must split the block, write both new blocks + update * and write the indirect header block. */ /* count how many indirect blocks */ for ( j = 0; idl->b_ids[j] != NOID; j++ ) ; /* NULL */ /* check it against all-id thresholed */ if ( j + 1 > a->ai_idl->idl_maxindirect ) { /* * we've passed the all-id threshold, meaning * that this set of blocks should be replaced * by a single "all-id" block. our job: delete * all the indirect blocks, and replace the header * block by an all-id block. */ /* delete all indirect blocks */ for ( j = 0; idl->b_ids[j] != NOID; j++ ) { sprintf( kstr, "%c%s%lu", CONT_PREFIX, (char *)key->dptr, (u_long)idl->b_ids[j] ); k2.dptr = kstr; k2.dsize = strlen( kstr ) + 1; rc = db->del( db, txn, &k2, 0 ); if ( rc != 0 ) { if (rc == DB_RUNRECOVERY) { ldbm_nasty("",73,rc); } break; } } /* store allid block in place of header block */ if ( 0 == rc ) { idl_free( idl ); idl = idl_allids( be ); rc = idl_store( be, db, key, idl, txn ); if (NULL != disposition) { *disposition = IDL_INSERT_NOW_ALLIDS; } } slapi_ch_free( (void **)&(k2.dptr) ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&(k3.dptr) ); idl_free( idl ); idl_free( tmp ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); return( rc ); } idl_split_block( tmp, id, &tmp2, &tmp3 ); idl_free( tmp ); /* create a new updated indirect header block */ tmp = idl_alloc( idl->b_nmax + 1 ); tmp->b_nids = INDBLOCK; /* everything up to the split block */ SAFEMEMCPY( (char *) tmp->b_ids, (char *) idl->b_ids, i * sizeof(ID) ); /* the two new blocks */ tmp->b_ids[i] = tmp2->b_ids[0]; tmp->b_ids[i + 1] = tmp3->b_ids[0]; /* everything after the split block */ SAFEMEMCPY( (char *) &tmp->b_ids[i + 2], (char *) &idl->b_ids[i + 1], (idl->b_nmax - i - 1) * sizeof(ID) ); /* store the header block */ rc = idl_store( be, db, key, tmp, txn ); if ( rc != 0 ) { idl_free( tmp2 ); idl_free( tmp3 ); break; } /* store the first id block */ sprintf( kstr, "%c%s%lu", CONT_PREFIX, (char *)key->dptr, (u_long)tmp2->b_ids[0] ); k2.dptr = kstr; k2.dsize = strlen( kstr ) + 1; rc = idl_store( be, db, &k2, tmp2, txn ); if ( rc != 0 ) { idl_free( tmp2 ); idl_free( tmp3 ); break; } /* store the second id block */ sprintf( kstr, "%c%s%lu", CONT_PREFIX, (char *)key->dptr, (u_long)tmp3->b_ids[0] ); k2.dptr = kstr; k2.dsize = strlen( kstr ) + 1; rc = idl_store( be, db, &k2, tmp3, txn ); if ( rc != 0 ) { idl_free( tmp2 ); idl_free( tmp3 ); break; } idl_check_indirect (tmp, i, tmp2, tmp3, "idl_insert_key", "indirect split", key, id); idl_free( tmp2 ); idl_free( tmp3 ); break; } slapi_ch_free( (void **)&(k2.dptr) ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&(k3.dptr) ); idl_free( tmp ); idl_free( idl ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); return( rc ); } /* Store a complete IDL all in one go, there must not be an existing key with the same value */ /* Routine used by merging import code */ int idl_old_store_block( backend *be, DB *db, DBT *key, IDList *idl, DB_TXN *txn, struct attrinfo *a ) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_database->plg_private; int ret = 0; idl_private *priv = a->ai_idl; if (0 == a->ai_idl->idl_maxids) { idl_init_maxids(li,a->ai_idl); } /* First, is it an ALLIDS block ? */ if (ALLIDS(idl)) { /* If so, we can store it as-is */ ret = idl_store(be,db,key,idl,txn); } else { /* Next, is it a block with so many IDs in it that it _should_ be an ALLIDS block ? */ if (idl->b_nids > (ID)li->li_allidsthreshold) { /* If so, store an ALLIDS block */ IDList *all = idl_allids(be); ret = idl_store(be,db,key,all,txn); idl_free(all); } else { /* Then , is it a block which is smaller than the size at which it needs splitting ? */ if (idl->b_nids <= (ID)priv->idl_maxids) { /* If so, store as-is */ ret = idl_store(be,db,key,idl,txn); } else { size_t number_of_ids = 0; size_t max_ids_in_block = 0; size_t number_of_cont_blks = 0; size_t i = 0; size_t number_of_ids_left = 0; IDList *master_block = NULL; size_t index = 0; DBT cont_key = {0}; number_of_ids = idl->b_nids; max_ids_in_block = priv->idl_maxids; number_of_cont_blks = number_of_ids / max_ids_in_block; if (0 != number_of_ids % max_ids_in_block) { number_of_cont_blks++; } number_of_ids_left = number_of_ids; /* Block needs splitting into continuation blocks */ /* We need to make up a master block and n continuation blocks */ /* Alloc master block */ master_block = idl_alloc(number_of_cont_blks + 1); if (NULL == master_block) { return -1; } master_block->b_nids = INDBLOCK; master_block->b_ids[number_of_cont_blks] = NOID; /* Iterate over ids making the continuation blocks */ for (i = 0 ; i < number_of_cont_blks; i++) { IDList *this_cont_block = NULL; size_t size_of_this_block = 0; ID lead_id = NOID; size_t j = 0; lead_id = idl->b_ids[index]; if (number_of_ids_left >= max_ids_in_block) { size_of_this_block = max_ids_in_block; } else { size_of_this_block = number_of_ids_left; } this_cont_block = idl_alloc(size_of_this_block); if (NULL == this_cont_block) { return -1; } this_cont_block->b_nids = size_of_this_block; /* Copy over the ids to the cont block we're making */ for (j = 0; j < size_of_this_block; j++) { this_cont_block->b_ids[j] = idl->b_ids[index + j]; } /* Make the continuation key */ make_cont_key(&cont_key,key,lead_id); /* Now store the continuation block */ ret = idl_store(be,db,&cont_key,this_cont_block,txn); idl_free(this_cont_block); slapi_ch_free(&(cont_key.data)); if ( ret != 0 && ret != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_store_block(%s) 1 BAD %d %s\n",key->data, ret, dblayer_strerror( ret )); return ret; } /* Put the lead ID number in the header block */ master_block->b_ids[i] = lead_id; /* Make our loop invariants correct */ number_of_ids_left -= size_of_this_block; index += size_of_this_block; } PR_ASSERT(0 == number_of_ids_left); /* Now store the master block */ ret = idl_store(be,db,key,master_block,txn); /* And free it */ idl_free(master_block); } } } return ret; } /* * idl_insert - insert an id into an id list. */ void idl_insert(IDList **idl, ID id) { ID i, j; NIDS nids; if ((*idl) == NULL) { (*idl) = idl_alloc(1); idl_append((*idl), id); return; } if (ALLIDS(*idl)) { return; } i = nids = (*idl)->b_nids; if (nids > 0) { /* optimize for a simple append */ if (id == (*idl)->b_ids[nids-1]) { return; } else if (id > (*idl)->b_ids[nids-1]) { if (nids < (*idl)->b_nmax) { (*idl)->b_ids[nids] = id; (*idl)->b_nids++; return; } i = nids; } else if (id < (*idl)->b_ids[0]) { /* prepend */ i = 0; } else { int lo = 0; int hi = (*idl)->b_nids - 1; int mid = 0; ID *ids = (*idl)->b_ids; if (0 != (*idl)->b_nids) { while (lo <= hi) { mid = (hi + lo) >> 1; if (ids[mid] > id) { hi = mid - 1; } else { if (ids[mid] < id) { lo = mid + 1; } else { /* Found it ! */ return; } } } } i = lo; } } /* do we need to make room for it? */ if ( (*idl)->b_nids == (*idl)->b_nmax ) { (*idl)->b_nmax *= 2; (*idl) = (IDList *) slapi_ch_realloc( (char *) (*idl), ((*idl)->b_nmax + 2) * sizeof(ID) ); } /* make a slot for the new id */ for ( j = (*idl)->b_nids; j != i; j-- ) { (*idl)->b_ids[j] = (*idl)->b_ids[j-1]; } (*idl)->b_ids[i] = id; (*idl)->b_nids++; memset( (char *) &(*idl)->b_ids[(*idl)->b_nids], '\0', ((*idl)->b_nmax - (*idl)->b_nids) * sizeof(ID) ); return; } /* * idl_insert_maxids - insert an id into an id list. * returns 0 id inserted * 1 id inserted, first id in block has changed * 2 id not inserted, already there * 3 id not inserted, block must be split */ static int idl_insert_maxids( IDList **idl, ID id, int maxids ) { ID i, j; NIDS nids; if ( ALLIDS( *idl ) ) { return( 2 ); /* already there */ } nids = (*idl)->b_nids; if (nids > 0) { /* optimize for a simple append */ if (id == (*idl)->b_ids[nids-1]) { return (2); } else if (id > (*idl)->b_ids[nids-1]) { if (nids < (*idl)->b_nmax) { (*idl)->b_ids[nids] = id; (*idl)->b_nids++; return 0; } i = nids; } else if (idl_tune & IDL_TUNE_BSEARCH) { int lo = 0; int hi = (*idl)->b_nids - 1; int mid = 0; ID *ids = (*idl)->b_ids; if (0 != (*idl)->b_nids) { while (lo <= hi) { mid = (hi + lo) >> 1; if (ids[mid] > id) { hi = mid - 1; } else { if (ids[mid] < id) { lo = mid + 1; } else { /* Found it ! */ return(2); } } } } i = lo; } else { /* is it already there? linear search */ for ( i = 0; i < (*idl)->b_nids && id > (*idl)->b_ids[i]; i++ ) { ; /* NULL */ } if ( i < (*idl)->b_nids && (*idl)->b_ids[i] == id ) { return( 2 ); /* already there */ } } } /* do we need to make room for it? */ if ( (*idl)->b_nids == (*idl)->b_nmax ) { /* make room or indicate block needs splitting */ if ( (*idl)->b_nmax == (ID) maxids ) { return( 3 ); /* block needs splitting */ } if (idl_tune & IDL_TUNE_NOPAD) { (*idl)->b_nmax++; } else { (*idl)->b_nmax *= 2; } if ( (*idl)->b_nmax > (ID)maxids ) { (*idl)->b_nmax = maxids; } *idl = (IDList *) slapi_ch_realloc( (char *) *idl, ((*idl)->b_nmax + 2) * sizeof(ID) ); } /* make a slot for the new id */ for ( j = (*idl)->b_nids; j != i; j-- ) { (*idl)->b_ids[j] = (*idl)->b_ids[j-1]; } (*idl)->b_ids[i] = id; (*idl)->b_nids++; (void) memset( (char *) &(*idl)->b_ids[(*idl)->b_nids], '\0', ((*idl)->b_nmax - (*idl)->b_nids) * sizeof(ID) ); return( i == 0 ? 1 : 0 ); /* inserted - first id changed or not */ } /* * idl_delete_key - delete an id from the index entry identified by key * returns 0 id was deleted * -666 no such index entry or id in index entry * other an error code from db */ int idl_old_delete_key( backend *be, DB *db, DBT *key, ID id, DB_TXN *txn, struct attrinfo *a ) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_database->plg_private; int i, j, rc; char *msg; IDList *idl, *didl; DBT contkey = {0}; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> idl_delete_key(%s,%lu)\n", key->dptr, (u_long)id, 0 ); idl_Wlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); if ( (idl = idl_fetch_one( li, db, key, txn, &rc )) == NULL ) { idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_NOTFOUND && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key(%s) 0 BAD %d %s\n", key->dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); } if ( 0 == rc || DB_NOTFOUND == rc ) rc = -666; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= idl_delete_key(%s,%lu) %d !idl_fetch_one\n", key->dptr, (u_long)id, rc ); return rc; } /* regular block */ if ( ! INDIRECT_BLOCK( idl ) ) { switch ( idl_delete( &idl, id ) ) { case 0: /* id deleted, store the updated block */ case 1: /* first id changed - ok in direct block */ rc = idl_store( be, db, key, idl, txn ); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key(%s) 1 BAD %d %s\n", key->dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); } break; case 2: /* id deleted, block empty - delete it */ rc = db->del( db, txn, key, 0 ); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key(%s) 2 BAD %d %s\n", key->dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); if (rc == DB_RUNRECOVERY) { ldbm_nasty("",74,rc); } } break; case 3: /* not there - previously deleted */ case 4: /* all ids block */ rc = 0; break; default: LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key(%s) 3 BAD idl_delete\n", key->dptr, 0, 0 ); break; } idl_free( idl ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= idl_delete_key(%s,%lu) %d (not indirect)\n", key->dptr, (u_long)id, rc ); return( rc ); } /* * this is an indirect block that points to other blocks. we * need to read the block containing the id to delete, delete * the id, and store the changed block. if the first id in the * block changes, or the block becomes empty, we need to rewrite * the header block too. */ /* select the block the id is in */ for ( i = 0; idl->b_ids[i] != NOID && id > idl->b_ids[i]; i++ ) { ; /* NULL */ } /* id smaller than smallest id - not there */ if ( i == 0 && id < idl->b_ids[i] ) { idl_free( idl ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= idl_delete_key(%s,%lu) -666 (id not found)\n", key->dptr, (u_long)id, 0 ); return( -666 ); } if ( id != idl->b_ids[i] ) { i--; } /* get the block to delete from */ make_cont_key( &contkey, key, idl->b_ids[i] ); if ( (didl = idl_fetch_one( li, db, &contkey, txn, &rc )) == NULL ) { idl_free( idl ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); if ( rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key(%s) 5 BAD %d %s\n", contkey.dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= idl_delete_key(%s,%lu) %d idl_fetch_one(contkey)\n", contkey.dptr, (u_long)id, rc ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&(contkey.dptr) ); return( rc ); } rc = 0; switch ( idl_delete( &didl, id ) ) { case 0: /* id deleted - rewrite block */ if ( (rc = idl_store( be, db, &contkey, didl, txn )) != 0 ) { if ( rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key(%s) BAD %d %s\n", contkey.dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); } } if (0 != rc) { idl_check_indirect( idl, i, didl, NULL, "idl_delete_key", "0", key, id ); } break; case 1: /* id deleted, first id changed, - write hdr, block */ rc = idl_change_first( be, db, key, idl, i, &contkey, didl, txn ); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key(%s) 7 BAD %d %s\n", contkey.dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); } if (0 != rc) { idl_check_indirect( idl, i, didl, NULL, "idl_delete_key", "1", key, id ); } break; case 2: /* id deleted, block empty - write hdr, del block */ for ( j = i; idl->b_ids[j] != NOID; j++ ) { idl->b_ids[j] = idl->b_ids[j+1]; } if ( idl->b_ids[0] != NOID ) { /* Write the header, first: */ rc = idl_store( be, db, key, idl, txn ); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key: idl_store(%s) BAD %d %s\n", key->dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); } } else { /* This index is entirely empty. Delete the header: */ rc = db->del( db, txn, key, 0 ); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key: db->del(%s) BAD %d %s\n", key->dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); if (rc == DB_RUNRECOVERY) { ldbm_nasty("",75,rc); } } } if ( rc == 0 ) { /* Delete the indirect block: */ rc = db->del( db, txn, &contkey, 0 ); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key: db->del(%s) BAD %d %s\n", contkey.dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); if (rc == DB_RUNRECOVERY) { ldbm_nasty("",76,rc); } } } break; case 3: /* id not found - previously deleted */ rc = 0; idl_check_indirect( idl, i, didl, NULL, "idl_delete_key", "3", key, id ); break; case 4: /* all ids block - should not happen */ LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key: cont block (%s) is allids\n", contkey.dptr, 0, 0 ); rc = 0; break; } idl_free( idl ); idl_free( didl ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&(contkey.dptr) ); idl_unlock_list(a->ai_idl,key); if ( rc != 0 && rc != DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "idl_delete_key(%s) 9 BAD %d %s\n", key->dptr, rc, (msg = dblayer_strerror( rc )) ? msg : "" ); } LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= idl_delete_key(%s,%lu) %d (indirect)\n", key->dptr, (u_long)id, rc ); return( rc ); } /* * idl_delete - delete an id from an id list. * returns 0 id deleted * 1 id deleted, first id in block has changed * 2 id deleted, block is empty * 3 id not there * 4 cannot delete from allids block */ int idl_delete( IDList **idl, ID id ) { ID i, delpos; if ( ALLIDS( *idl ) ) { return( 4 ); /* cannot delete from allids block */ } /* find the id to delete */ for ( i = 0; i < (*idl)->b_nids && id > (*idl)->b_ids[i]; i++ ) { ; /* NULL */ } if ( i == (*idl)->b_nids || (*idl)->b_ids[i] != id ) { return( 3 ); /* id not there */ } if ( --((*idl)->b_nids) == 0 ) { return( 2 ); /* id deleted, block empty */ } /* delete it */ delpos = i; for ( ; i < (*idl)->b_nids; i++ ) { (*idl)->b_ids[i] = (*idl)->b_ids[i+1]; } return( delpos == 0 ? 1 : 0 ); /* first id changed : id deleted */ } static void make_cont_key( DBT *contkey, DBT *key, ID id ) { contkey->dptr = (char *) slapi_ch_malloc( key->dsize + 20 ); sprintf( contkey->dptr, "%c%s%lu", CONT_PREFIX, (char *)key->dptr, (u_long)id ); contkey->dsize = strlen( contkey->dptr ) + 1; }