/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ /* Abstraction layer which sits between db2.0 and higher layers in the directory server---typically the back-end. This module's purposes are 1) to hide messy stuff which db2.0 needs, and with which we don't want to pollute the back-end code. 2) Provide some degree of portability to other databases if that becomes a requirement. Note that it is NOT POSSIBLE to revert to db1.85 because the backend is now using features from db2.0 which db1.85 does not have. Also provides an emulation of the ldbm_ functions, for anyone who is still calling those. The use of these functions is deprecated. Only for backwards-compatibility. Blame: dboreham */ /* Return code conventions: Unless otherwise advertised, all the functions in this module return an int which is zero if the operation was successful and non-zero if it wasn't. If the return'ed value was > 0, it can be interpreted as a system errno value. If it was < 0, its meaning is defined in dblayer.h */ /* Some information about how this stuff is to be used: Call dblayer_init() near the beginning of the application's life. This allocates some resources and allows the config line processing stuff to work. Call dblayer_start() when you're sure all config stuff has been seen. This needs to be called before you can do anything else. Call dblayer_close() when you're finished using the db and want to exit. This closes and flushes all files opened by your application since calling dblayer_start. If you do NOT call dblayer_close(), we assume that the application crashed, and initiate recover next time you call dblayer_start(). Call dblayer_terminate() after close. This releases resources. DB* handles are retrieved from dblayer via these functions: dblayer_get_id2entry() dblayer_get_index_file() the caller must honour the protocol that these handles are released back to dblayer when you're done using them, use thse functions to do this: dblayer_release_id2entry() dblayer_release_index_file() */ #include "back-ldbm.h" #include "dblayer.h" #include #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 4100 #define DB_OPEN(oflags, db, txnid, file, database, type, flags, mode, rval) \ { \ if (((oflags) & DB_INIT_TXN) && ((oflags) & DB_INIT_LOG)) \ { \ (rval) = (db)->open((db), (txnid), (file), (database), (type), (flags)|DB_AUTO_COMMIT, (mode)); \ } \ else \ { \ (rval) = (db)->open((db), (txnid), (file), (database), (type), (flags), (mode)); \ } \ } /* 608145: db4.1 and newer does not require exclusive lock for checkpointing * and transactions */ #define DB_CHECKPOINT_LOCK(use_lock, lock) ; #define DB_CHECKPOINT_UNLOCK(use_lock, lock) ; #else /* older then db 41 */ #define DB_OPEN(oflags, db, txnid, file, database, type, flags, mode, rval) \ (rval) = (db)->open((db), (file), (database), (type), (flags), (mode)) #define DB_CHECKPOINT_LOCK(use_lock, lock) if(use_lock) PR_RWLock_Wlock(lock); #define DB_CHECKPOINT_UNLOCK(use_lock, lock) if(use_lock) PR_RWLock_Unlock(lock); #endif #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 4000 #define DB_ENV_SET_REGION_INIT(env) (env)->set_flags((env), DB_REGION_INIT, 1) #define DB_ENV_SET_TAS_SPINS(env, tas_spins) \ (env)->set_tas_spins((env), (tas_spins)) #define TXN_BEGIN(env, parent_txn, tid, flags) \ (env)->txn_begin((env), (parent_txn), (tid), (flags)) #define TXN_COMMIT(txn, flags) (txn)->commit((txn), (flags)) #define TXN_ABORT(txn) (txn)->abort(txn) #define TXN_CHECKPOINT(env, kbyte, min, flags) \ (env)->txn_checkpoint((env), (kbyte), (min), (flags)) #define MEMP_STAT(env, gsp, fsp, flags, malloc) \ (env)->memp_stat((env), (gsp), (fsp), (flags)) #define MEMP_TRICKLE(env, pct, nwrotep) \ (env)->memp_trickle((env), (pct), (nwrotep)) #define LOG_ARCHIVE(env, listp, flags, malloc) \ (env)->log_archive((env), (listp), (flags)) #define LOG_FLUSH(env, lsn) (env)->log_flush((env), (lsn)) #define LOCK_DETECT(env, flags, atype, aborted) \ (env)->lock_detect((env), (flags), (atype), (aborted)) #else /* older than db 4.0 */ #define DB_ENV_SET_REGION_INIT(env) db_env_set_region_init(1) #define DB_ENV_SET_TAS_SPINS(env, tas_spins) \ db_env_set_tas_spins((tas_spins)) #define TXN_BEGIN(env, parent_txn, tid, flags) \ txn_begin((env), (parent_txn), (tid), (flags)) #define TXN_COMMIT(txn, flags) txn_commit((txn), (flags)) #define TXN_ABORT(txn) txn_abort((txn)) #define TXN_CHECKPOINT(env, kbyte, min, flags) \ txn_checkpoint((env), (kbyte), (min), (flags)) #define MEMP_TRICKLE(env, pct, nwrotep) memp_trickle((env), (pct), (nwrotep)) #define LOG_FLUSH(env, lsn) log_flush((env), (lsn)) #define LOCK_DETECT(env, flags, atype, aborted) \ lock_detect((env), (flags), (atype), (aborted)) #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 3300 #define MEMP_STAT(env, gsp, fsp, flags, malloc) memp_stat((env), (gsp), (fsp)) #define LOG_ARCHIVE(env, listp, flags, malloc) \ log_archive((env), (listp), (flags)) #else /* older than db 3.3 */ #define MEMP_STAT(env, gsp, fsp, flags, malloc) \ memp_stat((env), (gsp), (fsp), (malloc)) #define LOG_ARCHIVE(env, listp, flags, malloc) \ log_archive((env), (listp), (flags), (malloc)) #endif #endif #define NEWDIR_MODE 0755 static int perf_threadmain(void *param); static int checkpoint_threadmain(void *param); static int trickle_threadmain(void *param); static int deadlock_threadmain(void *param); static int commit_good_database(dblayer_private *priv); static int read_metadata(struct ldbminfo *li); static int count_dbfiles_in_dir(char *directory, int *count, int recurse); static int dblayer_override_libdb_functions(DB_ENV *pEnv, dblayer_private *priv); static int dblayer_force_checkpoint(struct ldbminfo *li); static int log_flush_threadmain(void *param); static int dblayer_delete_transaction_logs(const char * log_dir); static int dblayer_is_logfilename(const char* path); static int dblayer_start_log_flush_thread(dblayer_private *priv); static int dblayer_start_deadlock_thread(struct ldbminfo *li); static int dblayer_start_checkpoint_thread(struct ldbminfo *li); static int dblayer_start_trickle_thread(struct ldbminfo *li); static int dblayer_start_perf_thread(struct ldbminfo *li); static int trans_batch_count=1; static int trans_batch_limit=0; static PRBool log_flush_thread=PR_FALSE; static int dblayer_db_remove_ex(dblayer_private_env *env, char const path[], char const dbName[], PRBool use_lock); #define MEGABYTE (1024 * 1024) #define GIGABYTE (1024 * MEGABYTE) /* this flag use if user remotely turned batching off */ #define FLUSH_REMOTEOFF -1 /* routine that allows batch value to be changed remotely: 1. value = 0 turns batching off 2. value = 1 makes behavior be like 5.0 but leaves batching on 3. value > 1 changes batch value 2 and 3 assume that nsslapd-db-transaction-batch-val is greater 0 at startup */ int dblayer_set_batch_transactions(void *arg, void *value, char *errorbuf, int phase, int apply) { int val = (int) value; int retval = LDAP_SUCCESS; if (apply) { if(phase == CONFIG_PHASE_STARTUP) { trans_batch_limit=val; } else if(trans_batch_limit != FLUSH_REMOTEOFF ) { if((val == 0) && (log_flush_thread)) { log_flush_thread=PR_FALSE; trans_batch_limit = FLUSH_REMOTEOFF; } else if(val > 0) { trans_batch_limit=val; } } } return retval; } void * dblayer_get_batch_transactions(void *arg) { return (void *)trans_batch_limit; } /* Threading: dblayer isolates upper layers from threading considerations Everything in dblayer is free-threaded. That is, you can have multiple threads performing operations on a database and not worry about things. Obviously, if you do something stupid, like move a cursor forward in one thread, and backwards in another at the same time, you get what you deserve. However, such a calling pattern will not crash your application ! */ static int dblayer_txn_checkpoint(struct ldbminfo *li, struct dblayer_private_env *env, PRBool use_lock, PRBool busy_skip) { int ret = 0; if (busy_skip && is_anyinstance_busy(li)) { return ret; } DB_CHECKPOINT_LOCK(use_lock, env->dblayer_env_lock); ret = TXN_CHECKPOINT(env->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0, 0, DB_FORCE); DB_CHECKPOINT_UNLOCK(use_lock, env->dblayer_env_lock); return ret; } static int _dblayer_check_version(dblayer_private *priv) { int major, minor = 0; char *string = 0; int ret = 0; string = db_version(&major,&minor,NULL); if (major < DB_VERSION_MAJOR) { ret = -1; } else { ret = 0; } /* DB3X: always POST 24 :) */ priv->dblayer_lib_version = DBLAYER_LIB_VERSION_POST_24; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"version check: %s (%d.%d)\n", string, major, minor); return ret; } /* * return nsslapd-db-home-directory (dblayer_dbhome_directory), if exists. * Otherwise, return nsslapd-directory (dblayer_home_directory). * * if dblayer_dbhome_directory exists, set 1 to dbhome. */ char * dblayer_get_home_dir(struct ldbminfo *li, int *dbhome) { dblayer_private *priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; char *home_dir = priv->dblayer_home_directory; if (dbhome) *dbhome = 0; if (priv->dblayer_dbhome_directory && *(priv->dblayer_dbhome_directory)) { if (dbhome) *dbhome = 1; home_dir = priv->dblayer_dbhome_directory; } if (NULL == home_dir) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Db home directory is not set. " "Possibly %s (optinally %s) is missing in the config file.\n", CONFIG_DIRECTORY, CONFIG_DB_HOME_DIRECTORY, 0); } return home_dir; } /* Helper function which deletes the persistent state of the database library * IMHO this should be in inside libdb, but keith won't have it. * Stop press---libdb now does delete these files on recovery, so we don't call this any more. */ static void dblayer_reset_env(struct ldbminfo *li) { /* Remove the memory regions */ dblayer_private *priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; DB_ENV *pEnv = priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV; char *home_dir = dblayer_get_home_dir(li, NULL); if (home_dir) pEnv->remove(pEnv, home_dir, DB_FORCE); } /* Callback function for libdb to spit error info into our log */ void dblayer_log_print(const char* prefix, char *buffer) { /* We ignore the prefix since we know who we are anyway */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"libdb: %s\n", buffer, 0, 0); } void dblayer_remember_disk_filled(struct ldbminfo *li) { dblayer_private *priv = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); priv->dblayer_bad_stuff_happened = 1; } /* Function which calls libdb to override some system calls which * the library makes. We call this before calling any other function * in libdb. * Several OS use this, either partially or completely. * This will eventually change---we will simply pass to libdb * the addresses of a bunch of NSPR functions, and everything * will magically work on all platforms (Ha!) */ #ifdef DB_USE_64LFS /* What is going on here ? * Well, some platforms now support an extended API for dealing with * files larger than 2G. (This apparently comes from the LFS -- "Large * File Summit"... Summit, indeed.) Anyway, we try to detect at runtime * whether this machine has the extended API, and use it if it's present. * */ /* helper function for open64 */ static int dblayer_open_large(const char *path, int oflag, mode_t mode) { int err; err = open64(path, oflag, mode); /* weird but necessary: */ if (err >= 0) errno = 0; return err; } /* this is REALLY dumb. but nspr 19980529(x) doesn't support 64-bit files * because of some weirdness we're doing at initialization (?), so we need * to export some function that can open huge files, so that exporting * can work right. when we fix the nspr problem (or get a more recent * version of nspr that might magically work?), this should be blown away. * (call mode_t an int because NT can't handle that in prototypes.) * -robey, 28oct98 */ int dblayer_open_huge_file(const char *path, int oflag, int mode) { return dblayer_open_large(path, oflag, (mode_t)mode); } /* Helper function for large seeks, db2.4 */ static int dblayer_seek24_large(int fd, size_t pgsize, db_pgno_t pageno, u_long relative, int isrewind, int whence) { off64_t offset = 0, ret; offset = (off64_t)pgsize * pageno + relative; if (isrewind) offset = -offset; ret = lseek64(fd, offset, whence); return (ret < 0) ? errno : 0; } /* helper function for large fstat -- this depends on 'struct stat64' having * the following members: * off64_t st_size; * long st_blksize; */ static int dblayer_ioinfo_large(const char *path, int fd, u_int32_t *mbytesp, u_int32_t *bytesp, u_int32_t *iosizep) { struct stat64 sb; if (fstat64(fd, &sb) < 0) return (errno); /* Return the size of the file. */ if (mbytesp) *mbytesp = (u_int32_t) (sb.st_size / (off64_t) MEGABYTE); if (bytesp) *bytesp = (u_int32_t) (sb.st_size % (off64_t) MEGABYTE); if (iosizep) *iosizep = (u_int32_t)(sb.st_blksize); return 0; } /* Helper function to tell if a file exists */ /* On Solaris, if you use stat() on a file >4Gbytes, it fails with EOVERFLOW, causing us to think that the file does not exist when it in fact does */ static int dblayer_exists_large(char *path, int *isdirp) { struct stat64 sb; if (stat64(path, &sb) != 0) return (errno); if (isdirp != NULL) *isdirp = S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode); return (0); } #else /* DB_USE_64LFS */ int dblayer_open_huge_file(const char *path, int oflag, int mode) { return open(path, oflag, mode); } #endif /* DB_USE_64LFS */ static int dblayer_override_libdb_functions(DB_ENV *pEnv, dblayer_private *priv) { #ifdef DB_USE_64LFS int major = 0; int minor = 0; /* Find out whether we are talking to a 2.3 or 2.4+ libdb */ db_version(&major, &minor, NULL); #ifndef irix /* irix doesn't have open64() */ db_env_set_func_open((int (*)(const char *, int, ...))dblayer_open_large); #endif /* !irix */ db_env_set_func_ioinfo(dblayer_ioinfo_large); db_env_set_func_exists((int (*)())dblayer_exists_large); db_env_set_func_seek((int (*)())dblayer_seek24_large); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Enabled 64-bit files\n", 0, 0, 0); #endif /* DB_USE_64LFS */ return 0; } /* This function is called in the initialization code, before the * config file is read in, so we can't do much here */ int dblayer_init(struct ldbminfo *li) { /* Allocate memory we need, create mutexes etc. */ dblayer_private *priv = NULL; int ret = 0; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); if (NULL != li->li_dblayer_private) { return -1; } priv = (dblayer_private*) slapi_ch_calloc(1,sizeof(dblayer_private)); if (NULL == priv) { /* Memory allocation failed */ return -1; } li->li_dblayer_private = priv; /* For now, we call this to get debug printout */ _dblayer_check_version(priv); /* moved db_env_create to dblayer_start */ return ret; } int dblayer_terminate(struct ldbminfo *li) { /* We assume that dblayer_close has been called already */ dblayer_private *priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; Object *inst_obj; ldbm_instance *inst; int rval = 0; if (NULL == priv) /* already terminated. nothing to do */ return rval; /* clean up mutexes */ for (inst_obj = objset_first_obj(li->li_instance_set); inst_obj; inst_obj = objset_next_obj(li->li_instance_set, inst_obj)) { inst = (ldbm_instance *)object_get_data(inst_obj); if (NULL != inst->inst_db_mutex) { PR_DestroyLock(inst->inst_db_mutex); } if (NULL != inst->inst_handle_list_mutex) { PR_DestroyLock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex); } } slapi_ch_free_string(&priv->dblayer_log_directory); /* no need to release dblayer_home_directory, * which is one of dblayer_data_directories */ charray_free(priv->dblayer_data_directories); slapi_ch_free((void**)&priv); li->li_dblayer_private = NULL; return 0; } static void dblayer_select_ncache(size_t cachesize, int *ncachep) { /* First thing, if the user asked to use a particular ncache, * we let them, and don't override it here. */ if (*ncachep) { return; } /* If the user asked for a cache that's larger than 4G, * we _must_ select an ncache >0 , such that each * chunk is <4G. This is because DB won't accept a * larger chunk. */ #if defined(__LP64__) || defined (_LP64) if ( (sizeof(cachesize) > 4) && (cachesize > (4L * GIGABYTE))) { *ncachep = (cachesize / (4L * GIGABYTE)) + 1; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Setting ncache to: %d to keep each chunk below 4Gbytes\n", *ncachep, 0, 0); } #endif /* On Windows, we know that it's hard to allocate more than some * maximum chunk. In that case * we set ncache to a sensible value. */ #if defined(_WIN32) { size_t max_windows_chunk = (300 * MEGABYTE); /* This number was determined empirically on Win2k */ if (cachesize > max_windows_chunk) { *ncachep = (cachesize / max_windows_chunk) + 1; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Setting ncache to: %d for Windows memory address space fragmentation\n", *ncachep, 0, 0); } } #endif } /* This function is no longer called : It attempts to find the maximum allocatable chunk size by performing the actual allocations. However as a result it allocates pretty much _all_ the available memory, causing the actual cache allocation to fail later. If there turns out to be a good safe way to determine the maximum chunk size, then we should use that instead. For now we just guess in dblayer_pick_ncache(). */ #if 0 static void dblayer_get_ncache(size_t cachesize, int *ncachep) { int myncache; int mymaxncache; int found = 0; char **head; if (*ncachep <= 0) /* negative ncache is not allowed */ myncache = 1; else myncache = *ncachep; mymaxncache = myncache + 20; /* should be reasonable */ head = (char **)slapi_ch_malloc(mymaxncache * sizeof(char *)); do { int i; int end; size_t sz; size_t firstsz; size_t rest; rest = cachesize % myncache; sz = cachesize / myncache; firstsz = sz + rest; end = myncache; for (i = 0; i < myncache; i++) { if (i == 0) head[i] = (char *)malloc(firstsz); else head[i] = (char *)malloc(sz); if (NULL == head[i]) { end = i; myncache++; goto cleanup; } } found = 1; cleanup: for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { slapi_ch_free((void **)&head[i]); } if (myncache == mymaxncache) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "WARNING: dbcachesize %lu too big\n", cachesize, 0, 0); myncache = 0; found = -1; } } while (0 == found); *ncachep = myncache; slapi_ch_free((void **)&head); return; } #endif static void dblayer_init_dbenv(DB_ENV *pEnv, dblayer_private *priv) { size_t mysize; int myncache = 1; mysize = priv->dblayer_cachesize; myncache = priv->dblayer_ncache; dblayer_select_ncache(mysize, &myncache); priv->dblayer_ncache = myncache; dblayer_set_env_debugging(pEnv,priv); pEnv->set_lg_max(pEnv, priv->dblayer_logfile_size); pEnv->set_cachesize(pEnv, mysize / GIGABYTE, mysize % GIGABYTE, myncache); pEnv->set_lk_max_locks(pEnv, priv->dblayer_lock_config); pEnv->set_lk_max_objects(pEnv, priv->dblayer_lock_config); pEnv->set_lk_max_lockers(pEnv, priv->dblayer_lock_config); /* shm_key required for named_regions (DB_SYSTEM_MEM) */ pEnv->set_shm_key(pEnv, priv->dblayer_shm_key); /* increase max number of active transactions */ pEnv->set_tx_max(pEnv, priv->dblayer_tx_max); #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 3300 pEnv->set_alloc(pEnv, malloc, realloc, free); /* * The log region is used to store filenames and so needs to be * increased in size from the default for a large number of files. */ pEnv->set_lg_regionmax(pEnv, 1 * 1048576); /* 1 MB */ #endif } /* returns system pagesize (in bytes) and the number of pages of physical * RAM this machine has. * as a bonus, if 'procpages' is non-NULL, it will be filled in with the * approximate number of pages this process is using! * on platforms that we haven't figured out how to do this yet, both fields * are filled with zero and you're on your own. * * platforms supported so far: * Solaris, Linux, Windows */ #ifdef OS_solaris #include #include #endif #ifdef LINUX #include #include #include /* undocumented (?) */ #include #endif #if defined ( hpux ) #include #include #endif #if !defined(_WIN32) static size_t dblayer_getvirtualmemsize() { struct rlimit rl; /* the maximum size of a process's total available memory, in bytes */ getrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &rl); return rl.rlim_cur; } #endif /* pages = number of pages of physical ram on the machine (corrected for 32-bit build on 64-bit machine). * procpages = pages currently used by this process (or working set size, sometimes) * availpages = some notion of the number of pages 'free'. Typically this number is not useful. */ void dblayer_sys_pages(size_t *pagesize, size_t *pages, size_t *procpages, size_t *availpages) { *pagesize = *pages = *availpages = 0; if (procpages) *procpages = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 { SYSTEM_INFO si; MEMORYSTATUS ms; GetSystemInfo(&si); ms.dwLength = sizeof(ms); GlobalMemoryStatus(&ms); *pagesize = si.dwPageSize; *pages = ms.dwTotalPhys / si.dwPageSize; *availpages = ms.dwAvailVirtual / *pagesize; if (procpages) { DWORD minwss = 0, maxwss = 0; GetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), &minwss, &maxwss); *procpages = (int)(maxwss / si.dwPageSize); } } #endif #ifdef OS_solaris *pagesize = (int)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); *pages = (int)sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES); *availpages = dblayer_getvirtualmemsize() / *pagesize; /* solaris has THE most annoying way to get this info */ if (procpages) { struct prpsinfo psi; char fn[40]; int fd; sprintf(fn, "/proc/%d", getpid()); fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { memset(&psi, 0, sizeof(psi)); if (ioctl(fd, PIOCPSINFO, (void *)&psi) == 0) *procpages = psi.pr_size; close(fd); } } #endif #ifdef LINUX { struct sysinfo si; size_t pages_per_mem_unit = 0; size_t mem_units_per_page = 0; /* We don't know if these units are really pages */ sysinfo(&si); *pagesize = getpagesize(); if (si.mem_unit > *pagesize) { pages_per_mem_unit = si.mem_unit / *pagesize; *pages = si.totalram * pages_per_mem_unit; } else { mem_units_per_page = *pagesize / si.mem_unit; *pages = si.totalram / mem_units_per_page; } *availpages = dblayer_getvirtualmemsize() / *pagesize; /* okay i take that back, linux's method is more retarded here. * hopefully linux doesn't have the FILE* problem that solaris does * (where you can't use FILE if you have more than 256 fd's open) */ if (procpages) { FILE *f; char fn[40], s[80]; sprintf(fn, "/proc/%d/status", getpid()); f = fopen(fn, "r"); while (! feof(f)) { fgets(s, 79, f); if (feof(f)) break; if (strncmp(s, "VmSize:", 7) == 0) { sscanf(s+7, "%d", procpages); break; } } fclose(f); /* procpages is now in 1k chunks, not pages... */ *procpages /= (*pagesize / 1024); } } #endif #if defined ( hpux ) { struct pst_static pst; int rval = pstat_getstatic(&pst, sizeof(pst), (size_t)1, 0); if (rval < 0) /* pstat_getstatic failed */ return; *pagesize = pst.page_size; *pages = pst.physical_memory; *availpages = dblayer_getvirtualmemsize() / *pagesize; if (procpages) { #define BURST (size_t)32 /* get BURST proc info at one time... */ struct pst_status psts[BURST]; int i, count; int idx = 0; /* index within the context */ int mypid = getpid(); *procpages = 0; /* loop until count == 0, will occur all have been returned */ while ((count = pstat_getproc(psts, sizeof(psts[0]), BURST, idx)) > 0) { /* got count (max of BURST) this time. process them */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (psts[i].pst_pid == mypid) { *procpages = (size_t)(psts[i].pst_dsize + psts[i].pst_tsize + psts[i].pst_ssize); break; } } if (i < count) break; /* * now go back and do it again, using the next index after * the current 'burst' */ idx = psts[count-1].pst_idx + 1; } } } #endif /* If this is a 32-bit build, it might be running on a 64-bit machine, * in which case, if the box has tons of ram, we can end up telling * the auto cache code to use more memory than the process can address. * so we cap the number returned here. */ #if defined(__LP64__) || defined (_LP64) #else { size_t one_gig_pages = GIGABYTE / *pagesize; if (*pages > (2 * one_gig_pages) ) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"More than 2Gbytes physical memory detected. Since this is a 32-bit process, truncating memory size used for auto cache calculations to 2Gbytes\n", 0, 0, 0); *pages = (2 * one_gig_pages); } } #endif } int dblayer_is_cachesize_sane(size_t *cachesize) { size_t pages = 0, pagesize = 0, procpages = 0, availpages = 0; int issane = 1; dblayer_sys_pages(&pagesize, &pages, &procpages, &availpages); if (!pagesize || !pages) return 1; /* do nothing when we can't get the avail mem */ /* If the requested cache size is larger than the remaining pysical memory * after the current working set size for this process has been subtracted, * then we say that's insane and try to correct. */ issane = (int)(*cachesize / pagesize) <= (pages - procpages); if (!issane) { *cachesize = (size_t)((pages - procpages) * pagesize); } /* We now compensate for DB's own compensation for metadata size * They increase the actual cache size by 25%, but only for sizes * less than 500Meg. */ if (*cachesize < 500*MEGABYTE) { *cachesize = (size_t)((double)*cachesize * (double)0.8); } return issane; } static void dblayer_dump_config_tracing(dblayer_private *priv) { if (priv->dblayer_home_directory) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"home_directory=%s\n",priv->dblayer_home_directory,0,0); } if (priv->dblayer_log_directory) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"log_directory=%s\n",priv->dblayer_log_directory,0,0); } if (priv->dblayer_dbhome_directory) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"dbhome_directory=%s\n",priv->dblayer_dbhome_directory,0,0); } LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"trickle_percentage=%d\n",priv->dblayer_trickle_percentage,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"page_size=%lu\n",priv->dblayer_page_size,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"index_page_size=%lu\n",priv->dblayer_index_page_size,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"cachesize=%lu\n",priv->dblayer_cachesize,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"previous_cachesize=%lu\n",priv->dblayer_previous_cachesize,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"ncache=%d\n",priv->dblayer_ncache,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"previous_ncache=%d\n",priv->dblayer_previous_ncache,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"recovery_required=%d\n",priv->dblayer_recovery_required,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"durable_transactions=%d\n",priv->dblayer_durable_transactions,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"checkpoint_interval=%d\n",priv->dblayer_checkpoint_interval,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"transaction_batch_val=%d\n",trans_batch_limit,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"circular_logging=%d\n",priv->dblayer_circular_logging,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"idl_divisor=%d\n",priv->dblayer_idl_divisor,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"logfile_size=%lu\n",priv->dblayer_logfile_size,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"logbuf_size=%lu\n",priv->dblayer_logbuf_size,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"file_mode=%d\n",priv->dblayer_file_mode,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"cache_config=%d\n",priv->dblayer_cache_config,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"lib_version=%d\n",priv->dblayer_lib_version,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"spin_count=%d\n",priv->dblayer_spin_count,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"named_regions=%d\n",priv->dblayer_named_regions,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"private mem=%d\n",priv->dblayer_private_mem,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"private import mem=%d\n",priv->dblayer_private_import_mem,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"shm_key=%ld\n",priv->dblayer_shm_key,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"lockdown=%d\n",priv->dblayer_lockdown,0,0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE,"tx_max=%d\n",priv->dblayer_tx_max,0,0); } /* Check a given filesystem directory for access we need */ #define DBLAYER_DIRECTORY_READ_ACCESS 1 #define DBLAYER_DIRECTORY_WRITE_ACCESS 2 #define DBLAYER_DIRECTORY_READWRITE_ACCESS 3 static int dblayer_grok_directory(char *directory, int flags) { /* First try to open the directory using NSPR */ /* If that fails, we can tell whether it's because it cannot be created or * we don't have any permission to access it */ /* If that works, proceed to try to access files in the directory */ char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; PRFileInfo info; dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(directory); if (NULL == dirhandle) { /* it does not exist or wrong file is there */ /* try delete and mkdir */ PR_Delete(directory); return mkdir_p(directory, 0700); } while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { if (NULL == direntry->name) { break; } PR_snprintf(filename, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s",directory,direntry->name); /* Right now this is set up to only look at files here. * With multiple instances of the backend the are now other directories * in the db home directory. This function wasn't ment to deal with * other directories, so we skip them. */ if (PR_GetFileInfo(filename, &info) == PR_SUCCESS && info.type == PR_FILE_DIRECTORY) { /* go into it (instance dir) */ int retval = dblayer_grok_directory(filename, flags); PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); return retval; } /* If we are here, it means that the directory exists, that we can read * from it, and that there is at least one file there */ /* We will try to open that file now if we were asked for read access */ if (flags) { PRFileDesc *prfd; PRIntn open_flags = 0; char *access_string = NULL; if (DBLAYER_DIRECTORY_READ_ACCESS & flags) { open_flags = PR_RDONLY; } if (DBLAYER_DIRECTORY_WRITE_ACCESS & flags) { open_flags = PR_RDWR; } /* Let's hope that on Solaris we get to open large files OK */ prfd = PR_Open(filename,open_flags,0); if (NULL == prfd) { if (DBLAYER_DIRECTORY_READ_ACCESS == flags) { access_string = "read"; } else { if (DBLAYER_DIRECTORY_READ_ACCESS & flags) { access_string = "write"; } else { access_string = "****"; } } /* If we're here, it means that we did not have the requested * permission on this file */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "WARNING---no %s permission to file %s\n", access_string,filename,0); } else { PR_Close(prfd); /* okay */ } } } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); return 0; } static void dblayer_set_data_dir(dblayer_private *priv, struct dblayer_private_env *pEnv, char **data_directories) { char **dirp; if (!(pEnv->dblayer_priv_flags & DBLAYER_PRIV_SET_DATA_DIR)) { for (dirp = data_directories; dirp && *dirp; dirp++) { pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->set_data_dir(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, *dirp); } pEnv->dblayer_priv_flags |= DBLAYER_PRIV_SET_DATA_DIR; } } static int dblayer_inst_exists(ldbm_instance *inst, char *dbname) { PRStatus prst; char id2entry_file[MAXPATHLEN]; char *parent_dir = inst->inst_parent_dir_name; char sep = get_sep(parent_dir); char *dbnamep; if (dbname) dbnamep = dbname; else dbnamep = ID2ENTRY LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX; PR_snprintf(id2entry_file, sizeof(id2entry_file), "%s%c%s%c%s", parent_dir, sep, inst->inst_dir_name, sep, dbnamep); prst = PR_Access(id2entry_file, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS); if (PR_SUCCESS == prst) return 1; return 0; } /* * create a new DB_ENV and fill it with the goodies from dblayer_private */ static int dblayer_make_env(struct dblayer_private_env **env, struct ldbminfo *li) { dblayer_private *priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; struct dblayer_private_env *pEnv; char *home_dir = NULL; int ret; Object *inst_obj; ldbm_instance *inst = NULL; pEnv = (struct dblayer_private_env *) PR_Calloc(1, sizeof(dblayer_private_env)); if ((ret = db_env_create(&pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0)) != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR -- Failed to create DB_ENV (returned: %d).\n", ret, 0, 0); } DB_ENV_SET_REGION_INIT(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV); /* Here we overide various system functions called by libdb */ ret = dblayer_override_libdb_functions(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, priv); if (ret != 0) return ret; if (priv->dblayer_spin_count != 0) { DB_ENV_SET_TAS_SPINS(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, priv->dblayer_spin_count); } dblayer_dump_config_tracing(priv); /* set data dir to avoid having absolute paths in the transaction log */ priv->dblayer_data_directories = NULL; for (inst_obj = objset_first_obj(li->li_instance_set); inst_obj; inst_obj = objset_next_obj(li->li_instance_set, inst_obj)) { inst = (ldbm_instance *)object_get_data(inst_obj); if (inst->inst_parent_dir_name) { if (!charray_utf8_inlist(priv->dblayer_data_directories, inst->inst_parent_dir_name)) { charray_add(&(priv->dblayer_data_directories), inst->inst_parent_dir_name); } } } home_dir = dblayer_get_home_dir(li, NULL); /* user specified db home */ if (!charray_utf8_inlist(priv->dblayer_data_directories, home_dir)) { charray_add(&(priv->dblayer_data_directories), home_dir); } /* user specified log dir */ if (priv->dblayer_log_directory && *(priv->dblayer_log_directory)) { pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->set_lg_dir(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, priv->dblayer_log_directory); } /* set up cache sizes */ dblayer_init_dbenv(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, priv); pEnv->dblayer_env_lock = PR_NewRWLock(PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "checkpointer"); if (pEnv->dblayer_env_lock) { *env = pEnv; } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR -- Failed to create RWLock (returned: %d).\n", ret, 0, 0); } return ret; } /* generate an absolute path if the given instance dir is not. */ char * dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(struct ldbminfo *li, ldbm_instance *inst, char *buf, int buflen) { char *parent_dir; int mylen; if (!inst) return NULL; if (inst->inst_parent_dir_name) { parent_dir = inst->inst_parent_dir_name; if (inst->inst_parent_dir_name) { mylen = strlen(parent_dir) + strlen(inst->inst_dir_name) + 2; } else { mylen = strlen(parent_dir) + 1; } } else { parent_dir = dblayer_get_home_dir(li, NULL); mylen = strlen(parent_dir); inst->inst_parent_dir_name = slapi_ch_strdup(parent_dir); } if (inst->inst_dir_name) { mylen += strlen(inst->inst_dir_name) + 2; if (!buf || mylen > buflen) buf = slapi_ch_malloc(mylen); sprintf(buf, "%s%c%s", parent_dir, get_sep(parent_dir), inst->inst_dir_name); } else if (inst->inst_name) { inst->inst_dir_name = slapi_ch_strdup(inst->inst_name); mylen += strlen(inst->inst_dir_name) + 2; if (!buf || mylen > buflen) buf = slapi_ch_malloc(mylen); sprintf(buf, "%s%c%s", parent_dir, get_sep(parent_dir), inst->inst_dir_name); } else { mylen += 1; if (!buf || mylen > buflen) buf = slapi_ch_malloc(mylen); sprintf(buf, "%s", parent_dir); } return buf; } #if defined( OS_solaris ) #include #include #endif #if defined( hpux ) #undef f_type #include #include #define f_type f_un.f_un_type #endif #if defined( linux ) #undef f_type #include #define f_type f_un.f_un_type #endif static int no_diskspace(struct ldbminfo *li) { int rval = 0; #if defined( OS_solaris ) || defined( hpux ) struct statvfs fsbuf; if (statvfs(li->li_directory, &fsbuf) < 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Cannot get file system info; file system corrupted?\n", 0, 0, 0); rval = 1; } else { double fsiz = ((double)fsbuf.f_bavail) * fsbuf.f_frsize; double expected_siz = ((double)li->li_dbcachesize) * 1.5; /* dbcache + region files */ if (fsiz < expected_siz) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "No enough space left on device (%lu bytes); " "at least %lu bytes space is needed for db region files\n", fsiz, expected_siz, 0); rval = 1; } } #endif #if defined( linux ) struct statfs fsbuf; if (statfs(li->li_directory, &fsbuf) < 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Cannot get file system info; file system corrupted?\n", 0, 0, 0); rval = 1; } else { double fsiz = ((double)fsbuf.f_bavail) * fsbuf.f_bsize; double expected_siz = ((double)li->li_dbcachesize) * 1.5; /* dbcache + region files */ if (fsiz < expected_siz) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "No enough space left on device (%lu bytes); " "at least %lu bytes space is needed for db region files\n", fsiz, expected_siz, 0); rval = 1; } } #endif return rval; } /* * This function is called after all the config options have been read in, * so we can do real initialization work here. */ #define DBCONFLEN 3 #define CATASTROPHIC (struct dblayer_private_env *)-1 int dblayer_start(struct ldbminfo *li, int dbmode) { /* * So, here we open our DB_ENV session. We store it away for future use. * We also check to see if we exited cleanly last time. If we didn't, * we try to recover. If recovery fails, we're hosed. * We also create the thread which handles checkpointing and logfile * truncation here. */ int return_value = -1; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; struct dblayer_private_env *pEnv = NULL; char *region_dir = NULL; /* directory to place region files */ char *log_dir = NULL; /* directory to place txn log files */ int open_flags = 0; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; if (NULL == priv) { /* you didn't call init successfully */ return -1; } if (NULL != priv->dblayer_env) { if (CATASTROPHIC == priv->dblayer_env) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: DB previously failed to start.\n", 0, 0, 0); return -1; } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: DB already started.\n", 0, 0, 0); return 0; } } /* DBDB we should pick these up in our config routine, and do away with * the li_ one */ PR_Lock(li->li_config_mutex); priv->dblayer_home_directory = li->li_directory; /* nsslapd-directory */ priv->dblayer_cachesize = li->li_dbcachesize; priv->dblayer_file_mode = li->li_mode; priv->dblayer_ncache = li->li_dbncache; PR_Unlock(li->li_config_mutex); /* use nsslapd-db-home-directory (dblayer_dbhome_directory), if set */ /* Otherwise, nsslapd-directory (dblayer_home_directory). */ region_dir = dblayer_get_home_dir(li, NULL); if (!region_dir || !(*region_dir)) { return -1; } /* Check here that the database directory both exists, and that we have * the appropriate access to it */ return_value = dblayer_grok_directory(region_dir, DBLAYER_DIRECTORY_READWRITE_ACCESS); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Can't start because the database " "directory \"%s\" either doesn't exist, or is not " "accessible\n", region_dir, 0, 0); return return_value; } log_dir = priv->dblayer_log_directory; /* nsslapd-db-logdirectory */ if (log_dir && *log_dir) { return_value = dblayer_grok_directory(log_dir, DBLAYER_DIRECTORY_READWRITE_ACCESS); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Can't start because the log " "directory \"%s\" either doesn't exist, or is not " "accessible\n", log_dir, 0, 0); return return_value; } } /* Sanity check on cache size on platforms which allow us to figure out * the available phys mem */ if (!dblayer_is_cachesize_sane(&(priv->dblayer_cachesize))) { /* Oops---looks like the admin misconfigured, let's warn them */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"WARNING---Likely CONFIGURATION ERROR---" "dbcachesize is configured to use more than the available " "physical memory, decreased to the largest available size (%lu bytes).\n", priv->dblayer_cachesize, 0, 0); li->li_dbcachesize = priv->dblayer_cachesize; } /* fill in DB_ENV stuff from the common configuration */ return_value = dblayer_make_env(&pEnv, li); if (return_value != 0) return return_value; if ((DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE|DBLAYER_CLEAN_RECOVER_MODE) & dbmode) { /* Now, we read our metadata */ return_value = read_metadata(li); if (0 != return_value) { /* The error message was output by read_metadata() */ return -1; } } priv->dblayer_env = pEnv; open_flags = DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_THREAD; if (priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) { open_flags |= (DB_INIT_TXN | DB_INIT_LOG | DB_INIT_LOCK); if (priv->dblayer_recovery_required) { open_flags |= DB_RECOVER; if (DBLAYER_RESTORE_MODE & dbmode) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Recovering database after restore " "from archive.\n", 0, 0, 0); } else if (DBLAYER_CLEAN_RECOVER_MODE & dbmode) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Clean up db environment and start " "from archive.\n", 0, 0, 0); } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Detected Disorderly Shutdown last " "time Directory Server was running, recovering " "database.\n", 0, 0, 0); } } switch (dbmode&DBLAYER_RESTORE_MASK) { case DBLAYER_RESTORE_MODE: open_flags |= DB_RECOVER_FATAL; open_flags &= ~DB_RECOVER; /* shouldn't set both */ if (!(dbmode & DBLAYER_NO_DBTHREADS_MODE)) dbmode = DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE; /* to restart helper threads */ break; case DBLAYER_RESTORE_NO_RECOVERY_MODE: open_flags &= ~(DB_RECOVER | DB_RECOVER_FATAL); if (!(dbmode & DBLAYER_NO_DBTHREADS_MODE)) dbmode = DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE; /* to restart helper threads */ } } if (priv->dblayer_private_mem) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "WARNING: Server is running with nsslapd-db-private-mem on; " "No other process is allowed to access the database\n", 0, 0, 0); open_flags |= DB_PRIVATE; } if (priv->dblayer_named_regions) { open_flags |= DB_SYSTEM_MEM; } if (priv->dblayer_lockdown) { open_flags |= DB_LOCKDOWN; } /* Is the cache being re-sized ? (If we're just doing an archive or export, * we don't care if the cache is being re-sized) */ if ( (priv->dblayer_previous_cachesize || priv->dblayer_previous_ncache) && ((priv->dblayer_cachesize != priv->dblayer_previous_cachesize) || (priv->dblayer_ncache != priv->dblayer_previous_ncache)) && !(dbmode & (DBLAYER_ARCHIVE_MODE|DBLAYER_EXPORT_MODE)) ) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "I'm resizing my cache now...cache was %lu and is now %lu\n", priv->dblayer_previous_cachesize, priv->dblayer_cachesize, 0); dblayer_reset_env(li); /* * Once pEnv->remove (via dblayer_reset_env) has been called, * the DB_ENV (pEnv) needs to be created again. */ if ((return_value = dblayer_make_env(&pEnv, li)) != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR -- Failed to create DBENV (returned: %d).\n", return_value, 0, 0); } priv->dblayer_env = pEnv; } /* transactions enabled and logbuf size greater than sleepycat's default */ if(priv->dblayer_enable_transactions && (priv->dblayer_logbuf_size > 0)) { if(priv->dblayer_logbuf_size >= 32768) { pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->set_lg_bsize(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV,priv->dblayer_logbuf_size); } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "using default value for log bufsize because configured value (%lu) is too small.\n", priv->dblayer_logbuf_size, 0, 0); } } /* check if there's enough disk space to start */ if (no_diskspace(li)) { return ENOSPC; } dblayer_set_data_dir(priv, pEnv, priv->dblayer_data_directories); /* If we're doing recovery, we MUST open the env single-threaded ! */ if ( (open_flags & DB_RECOVER) || (open_flags & DB_RECOVER_FATAL) ) { /* Recover, then close, then open again */ int recover_flags = open_flags & ~DB_THREAD; if (DBLAYER_CLEAN_RECOVER_MODE & dbmode) /* upgrade case */ { DB_ENV *thisenv = pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV; return_value = thisenv->remove(thisenv, region_dir, DB_FORCE); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_start: failed to remove old db env " "in %s: %s\n", region_dir, dblayer_strerror(return_value), 0); return return_value; } dbmode = DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE; if ((return_value = dblayer_make_env(&pEnv, li)) != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR -- Failed to create DBENV (returned: %d).\n", return_value, 0, 0); return return_value; } } return_value = pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->open( pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, region_dir, recover_flags, priv->dblayer_file_mode ); if (0 != return_value) { if (return_value == ENOMEM) { /* * https://blackflag.mcom.com/show_bug.cgi?id=557319 * Crash ns-slapd while running scalab01 after restart slapd */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "mmap in opening database environment (recovery mode) " "failed trying to allocate %lu bytes. (OS err %d - %s)\n", li->li_dbcachesize, return_value, dblayer_strerror(return_value)); priv->dblayer_env = CATASTROPHIC; } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Database Recovery Process FAILED. " "The database is not recoverable. err=%d: %s\n", return_value, dblayer_strerror(return_value), 0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Please make sure there is enough disk space for " "dbcache (%lu bytes) and db region files\n", li->li_dbcachesize, 0, 0); } return return_value; } else { open_flags &= ~(DB_RECOVER | DB_RECOVER_FATAL); pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->close(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0); if ((return_value = dblayer_make_env(&pEnv, li)) != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR -- Failed to create DBENV (returned: %d).\n", return_value, 0, 0); return return_value; } priv->dblayer_env = pEnv; dblayer_set_data_dir(priv, pEnv, priv->dblayer_data_directories); } } if ((!priv->dblayer_durable_transactions) || ((priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) && (trans_batch_limit > 0))){ #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 3200 #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR >= 4100 /* db4.1 and newer */ pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->set_flags(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC, 1); #else /* db3.3 */ pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->set_flags(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, DB_TXN_NOSYNC, 1); #endif #else /* older */ open_flags |= DB_TXN_NOSYNC; #endif } if (!((DBLAYER_IMPORT_MODE|DBLAYER_INDEX_MODE) & dbmode)) { pEnv->dblayer_openflags = open_flags; return_value = pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->open( pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, region_dir, open_flags, priv->dblayer_file_mode ); /* Now attempt to start up the checkpoint and deadlock threads */ /* note: need to be '==', not '&' to omit DBLAYER_NO_DBTHREADS_MODE */ if ( (DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE == dbmode ) && (0 == return_value)) { /* update the dbversion file */ dbversion_write(li, region_dir, NULL); /* if dblayer_close then dblayer_start is called, this flag is set */ priv->dblayer_stop_threads = 0; if (0 != (return_value = dblayer_start_deadlock_thread(li))) { return return_value; } if (0 != (return_value = dblayer_start_checkpoint_thread(li))) { return return_value; } if (0 != (return_value = dblayer_start_log_flush_thread(priv))) { return return_value; } if (0 != (return_value = dblayer_start_trickle_thread(li))) { return return_value; } if (0 != (return_value = dblayer_start_perf_thread(li))) { return return_value; } /* Now open the performance counters stuff */ perfctrs_init(li,&(priv->perf_private)); } if (return_value != 0) { if (return_value == ENOMEM) { /* * https://blackflag.mcom.com/show_bug.cgi?id=557319 * Crash ns-slapd while running scalab01 after restart slapd */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "mmap in opening database environment " "failed trying to allocate %d bytes. (OS err %lu - %s)\n", li->li_dbcachesize, return_value, dblayer_strerror(return_value)); priv->dblayer_env = CATASTROPHIC; } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Opening database environment (%s) failed. err=%d: %s\n", region_dir, return_value, dblayer_strerror(return_value)); } } return return_value; } return 0; } void autosize_import_cache(struct ldbminfo *li) { /* * default behavior for ldif2db import cache, * nsslapd-import-cache-autosize==-1, * autosize 50% mem to import cache */ if (li->li_import_cache_autosize == -1) { li->li_import_cache_autosize = 50; } /* sanity check */ if (li->li_import_cache_autosize > 100) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "cache autosizing: bad setting, " "import cache autosizing value should not be larger than 100(%).\n" "set: 100(%).\n", NULL, NULL, NULL); li->li_import_cache_autosize = 100; } /* autosizing importCache */ if (li->li_import_cache_autosize > 0) { size_t pagesize, pages, procpages, availpages; dblayer_sys_pages(&pagesize, &pages, &procpages, &availpages); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_instance_start: " "pagesize: %d, pages: %d, procpages: %d\n", pagesize, pages, procpages); if (pagesize) { char s[32]; /* big enough to hold %ld */ int import_pages; int pages_limit = (200 * 1024) / (pagesize/1024); import_pages = (li->li_import_cache_autosize * pages) / 125; /* We don't want to go wild with memory when auto-sizing, cap the * cache size at 200 Megs to try to avoid situations where we * attempt to allocate more memory than there is free page pool for, or * where there's some system limit on the size of process memory */ if (import_pages > pages_limit) { import_pages = pages_limit; } LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "cache autosizing: import cache: %dk \n", import_pages*(pagesize/1024), NULL, NULL); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "li_import_cache_autosize: %d, import_pages: %d, pagesize: %d\n", li->li_import_cache_autosize, import_pages, pagesize); sprintf(s, "%lu", (unsigned long)(import_pages * pagesize)); ldbm_config_internal_set(li, CONFIG_IMPORT_CACHESIZE, s); } } } /* mode is one of * DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE, * DBLAYER_INDEX_MODE, * DBLAYER_IMPORT_MODE, * DBLAYER_EXPORT_MODE */ int dblayer_instance_start(backend *be, int mode) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_database->plg_private; ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info; dblayer_private *priv; struct dblayer_private_env *pEnv; char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *inst_dirp = NULL; int return_value; priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; pEnv = priv->dblayer_env; if (CATASTROPHIC == pEnv || NULL == pEnv) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "instance %s: dbenv is not available (0x%x).\n", inst?inst->inst_name:"unknown", pEnv, 0); return -1; } if (NULL != inst->inst_id2entry) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: DB instance \"%s\" already started.\n", inst->inst_name, 0, 0); return 0; } attrcrypt_init(inst); /* Get the name of the directory that holds index files * for this instance. */ if (dblayer_get_instance_data_dir(be) != 0) { /* Problem getting the name of the directory that holds the * index files for this instance. */ return -1; } inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN); return_value = dblayer_grok_directory(inst_dirp, DBLAYER_DIRECTORY_READWRITE_ACCESS); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Can't start because the database instance " "directory \"%s\" either doesn't exist, " "or the db files are not accessible\n", inst_dirp, 0, 0); goto errout; } if (mode & DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE) { /* In normal mode (not db2ldif, ldif2db, etc.) we need to deal with * the dbversion file here. */ /* Read the dbversion file if there is one, and create it * if it doesn't exist. */ if (dbversion_exists(li, inst_dirp)) { char ldbmversion[LDBM_VERSION_MAXBUF]; char dataversion[LDBM_VERSION_MAXBUF]; if (dbversion_read(li, inst_dirp, ldbmversion, dataversion) != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: Unable to read dbversion " "file in %s\n", inst->inst_dir_name, 0, 0); } else { int rval = 0; #if defined(UPGRADEDB) /* check the DBVERSION and reset idl-switch if needed (DS6.2) */ /* from the next major rel, we won't do this and just upgrade */ if (!(li->li_flags & LI_FORCE_MOD_CONFIG)) adjust_idl_switch(ldbmversion, li); #endif /* check to make sure these instance was made with the correct * version. */ rval = check_db_inst_version(inst); if (rval & DBVERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Instance %s does not have the " "expected version\n", inst->inst_name, 0, 0); PR_ASSERT(0); return_value = -1; goto errout; } if (rval & DBVERSION_NEED_IDL_OLD2NEW) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Instance %s: idl-switch is new while db idl format is " "old, modify nsslapd-idl-switch in dse.ldif to old\n", inst->inst_name, 0, 0); } if (rval & DBVERSION_NEED_IDL_NEW2OLD) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Instance %s: idl-switch is old while db idl format is " "new, modify nsslapd-idl-switch in dse.ldif to new\n", inst->inst_name, 0, 0); } /* record the dataversion */ if (dataversion[0] != '\0') { inst->inst_dataversion = slapi_ch_strdup(dataversion); } rval = ldbm_upgrade(inst, rval); if (0 != rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Upgrading instance %s failed\n", inst->inst_name, 0, 0); PR_ASSERT(0); return_value = -1; goto errout; } } } else { /* The dbversion file didn't exist, so we'll create one. */ dbversion_write(li, inst_dirp, NULL); } } /* on import we don't mess with the dbversion file except to write it * when done with the import. */ /* Now attempt to open id2entry */ { char *id2entry_file; int open_flags = 0; DB *dbp; char *subname; struct dblayer_private_env *mypEnv; id2entry_file = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s", inst->inst_dir_name, ID2ENTRY LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX); open_flags = DB_CREATE | DB_THREAD; /* The subname argument allows applications to have * subdatabases, i.e., multiple databases inside of a single * physical file. This is useful when the logical databases * are both numerous and reasonably small, in order to * avoid creating a large number of underlying files. */ subname = NULL; mypEnv = NULL; if (mode & (DBLAYER_IMPORT_MODE|DBLAYER_INDEX_MODE)) { size_t cachesize; char *data_directories[2] = {0, 0}; /* [605974] delete DB_PRIVATE: * to make import visible to the other process */ int oflags = DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_THREAD; /* * but nsslapd-db-private-import-mem should work with import, * as well */ if (priv->dblayer_private_import_mem) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "WARNING: Import is running with " "nsslapd-db-private-import-mem on; " "No other process is allowed to access the database\n", 0, 0, 0); oflags |= DB_PRIVATE; } PR_Lock(li->li_config_mutex); if ((li->li_flags & TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE) && (li->li_import_cache_autosize)) /* Autosizing importCache * Need to re-eval every time * to guarantee the memory is * really available * (just for command line I/F) */ { autosize_import_cache(li); } cachesize = li->li_import_cachesize; PR_Unlock(li->li_config_mutex); if (cachesize < 1048576) { /* make it at least 1M */ cachesize = 1048576; } priv->dblayer_cachesize = cachesize; /* We always auto-calculate ncache for the import region */ priv->dblayer_ncache = 0; /* use our own env */ return_value = dblayer_make_env(&mypEnv, li); if (return_value != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Unable to create new DB_ENV for import/export! %d\n", return_value, 0, 0); goto out; } /* do not assume import cache size is under 1G */ mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->set_cachesize(mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, cachesize/GIGABYTE, cachesize%GIGABYTE, priv->dblayer_ncache); /* probably want to change this -- but for now, create the * mpool files in the instance directory. */ mypEnv->dblayer_openflags = oflags; data_directories[0] = inst->inst_parent_dir_name; dblayer_set_data_dir(priv, mypEnv, data_directories); return_value = mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->open(mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, inst_dirp, oflags, priv->dblayer_file_mode); if (return_value != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Unable to open new DB_ENV for import/export! %d\n", return_value, 0, 0); goto out; } inst->import_env = mypEnv; } else { mypEnv = pEnv; } inst->inst_id2entry = NULL; return_value = db_create(&inst->inst_id2entry, mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Unable to create id2entry db file! %d\n", return_value, 0, 0); goto out; } dbp = inst->inst_id2entry; return_value = dbp->set_pagesize(dbp, (priv->dblayer_page_size == 0) ? DBLAYER_PAGESIZE : priv->dblayer_page_size); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dbp->set_pagesize(%lu or %lu) failed %d\n", priv->dblayer_page_size, DBLAYER_PAGESIZE, return_value); goto out; } #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR < 3300 return_value = dbp->set_malloc(dbp, malloc); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dbp->set_malloc failed %d\n", return_value, 0, 0); goto out; } #endif if ((charray_get_index(priv->dblayer_data_directories, inst->inst_parent_dir_name) != 0) && !dblayer_inst_exists(inst, NULL)) { char *abs_id2entry_file = NULL; /* create a file with abs path, then try again */ abs_id2entry_file = slapi_ch_smprintf( "%s%c%s", inst_dirp, get_sep(inst_dirp), ID2ENTRY LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX); DB_OPEN(mypEnv->dblayer_openflags, dbp, NULL/* txnid */, abs_id2entry_file, subname, DB_BTREE, open_flags, priv->dblayer_file_mode, return_value); dbp->close(dbp, 0); return_value = db_create(&inst->inst_id2entry, mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0); if (0 != return_value) goto out; dbp = inst->inst_id2entry; slapi_ch_free_string(&abs_id2entry_file); } DB_OPEN(mypEnv->dblayer_openflags, dbp, NULL/* txnid */, id2entry_file, subname, DB_BTREE, open_flags, priv->dblayer_file_mode, return_value); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dbp->open(\"%s\") failed: %s (%d)\n", id2entry_file, dblayer_strerror(return_value), return_value); /* if it's a newly created backend instance, * need to check the inst_parent_dir already exists and * set as a data dir */ if (strstr(dblayer_strerror(return_value), "No such file or directory")) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Instance %s is not registered as a db data directory. " "Please restart the server to create it.\n", inst?inst->inst_name:"unknown", pEnv, 0); } else if (strstr(dblayer_strerror(return_value), "Permission denied")) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Instance directory %s may not be writable\n", inst_dirp, 0, 0); } goto out; } #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR == 4100 /* lower the buffer cache priority to avoid sleep in memp_alloc */ /* W/ DB_PRIORITY_LOW, the db buffer page priority is calculated as: * priority = lru_count + pages / (-1) * (by default, priority = lru_count) * When upgraded to db4.2, this setting may not needed, hopefully. * ask sleepycat [#8301]; blackflag #619964 */ dbp->set_cache_priority(dbp, DB_PRIORITY_LOW); #endif out: slapi_ch_free((void**)&id2entry_file); } if (0 == return_value) { /* get nextid from disk now */ get_ids_from_disk(be); } if (mode & DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE) { dbversion_write(li, inst_dirp, NULL); /* richm - not sure if need to acquire the be lock first? */ /* need to set state back to started - set to stopped in dblayer_instance_close */ be->be_state = BE_STATE_STARTED; } /* * check if nextid is valid: it only matters if the database is either * being imported or is in normal mode */ if (inst->inst_nextid > MAXID && !(mode & DBLAYER_EXPORT_MODE)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_instance_start fail: backend '%s' " "has no IDs left. DATABASE MUST BE REBUILT.\n", be->be_name, 0, 0); return 1; } if (return_value != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_instance_start fail: %s (%d)\n", dblayer_strerror(return_value), return_value, 0); } errout: if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); return return_value; } /* This returns a DB* for the primary index. * If the database library is non-reentrant, we lock it. * the caller MUST call to unlock the db library once they're * finished with the handle. Luckily, the back-end already has * these semantics for the older dbcache stuff. */ /* Things have changed since the above comment was * written. The database library is reentrant. */ int dblayer_get_id2entry(backend *be, DB **ppDB) { ldbm_instance *inst; PR_ASSERT(NULL != be); inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info; *ppDB = inst->inst_id2entry; return 0; } int dblayer_release_id2entry(backend *be, DB *pDB) { return 0; } #ifdef UPGRADEDB /* * dblayer_get_aux_id2entry: * - create a dedicated db env and db handler for id2entry. * - introduced for upgradedb not to share the env and db handler with * other index files to support multiple passes and merge. */ int dblayer_get_aux_id2entry(backend *be, DB **ppDB, DB_ENV **ppEnv) { ldbm_instance *inst; struct dblayer_private_env *mypEnv = NULL; DB *dbp = NULL; int rval = 1; struct ldbminfo *li; dblayer_private *opriv; dblayer_private *priv; char *subname = NULL; int envflags; size_t cachesize; PRFileInfo prfinfo; PRStatus prst; char *id2entry_file; char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *inst_dirp = NULL; char *data_directories[2] = {0, 0}; PR_ASSERT(NULL != be); *ppDB = NULL; *ppEnv = NULL; inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info; if (NULL == inst) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "No instance/env: persistent id2entry is not available\n", 0, 0, 0); goto done; } li = inst->inst_li; if (NULL == li) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "No ldbm info: persistent id2entry is not available\n", 0, 0, 0); goto done; } opriv = li->li_dblayer_private; if (NULL == opriv) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "No dblayer info: persistent id2entry is not available\n", 0, 0, 0); goto done; } priv = (dblayer_private *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(dblayer_private)); memcpy(priv, opriv, sizeof(dblayer_private)); priv->dblayer_spin_count = 0; inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN); priv->dblayer_home_directory = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/dbenv", inst_dirp); priv->dblayer_log_directory = slapi_ch_strdup(priv->dblayer_home_directory); prst = PR_GetFileInfo(inst_dirp, &prfinfo); if (PR_FAILURE == prst || PR_FILE_DIRECTORY != prfinfo.type) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "No inst dir: persistent id2entry is not available\n", 0, 0, 0); goto done; } prst = PR_GetFileInfo(priv->dblayer_home_directory, &prfinfo); if (PR_SUCCESS == prst) { ldbm_delete_dirs(priv->dblayer_home_directory); } rval = mkdir_p(priv->dblayer_home_directory, 0700); if (0 != rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "can't create env dir: persistent id2entry is not available\n", 0, 0, 0); goto done; } /* use our own env */ rval = dblayer_make_env(&mypEnv, li); if (rval != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Unable to create new DB_ENV for import/export! %d\n", rval, 0, 0); goto err; } envflags = DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_PRIVATE; cachesize = 1048576; /* 1M */ mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->set_cachesize(mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0, cachesize, priv->dblayer_ncache); /* probably want to change this -- but for now, create the * mpool files in the instance directory. */ mypEnv->dblayer_openflags = envflags; data_directories[0] = inst->inst_parent_dir_name; dblayer_set_data_dir(priv, mypEnv, data_directories); rval = mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->open(mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, priv->dblayer_home_directory, envflags, priv->dblayer_file_mode); if (rval != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Unable to open new DB_ENV for upgradedb/reindex %d\n", rval, 0, 0); goto err; } *ppEnv = mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV; rval = db_create(&dbp, mypEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0); if (0 != rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Unable to create id2entry db handler! %d\n", rval, 0, 0); goto err; } rval = dbp->set_pagesize(dbp, (priv->dblayer_page_size == 0) ? DBLAYER_PAGESIZE : priv->dblayer_page_size); if (0 != rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dbp->set_pagesize(%lu or %lu) failed %d\n", priv->dblayer_page_size, DBLAYER_PAGESIZE, rval); goto err; } id2entry_file = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s", inst->inst_dir_name, ID2ENTRY LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX); PR_ASSERT(dblayer_inst_exists(inst, NULL)); DB_OPEN(mypEnv->dblayer_openflags, dbp, NULL/* txnid */, id2entry_file, subname, DB_BTREE, 0, priv->dblayer_file_mode, rval); if (0 != rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dbp->open(\"%s\") failed: %s (%d)\n", id2entry_file, dblayer_strerror(rval), rval); if (strstr(dblayer_strerror(rval), "Permission denied")) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Instance directory %s may not be writable\n", inst_dirp, 0, 0); } goto err; } *ppDB = dbp; goto done; err: if (*ppEnv) (*ppEnv)->close(*ppEnv, 0); if (priv->dblayer_home_directory) ldbm_delete_dirs(priv->dblayer_home_directory); done: slapi_ch_free_string(&id2entry_file); slapi_ch_free_string(&priv->dblayer_home_directory); slapi_ch_free_string(&priv->dblayer_log_directory); /* Don't free priv->dblayer_data_directories since priv doesn't own the memory */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&priv); slapi_ch_free((void **)&mypEnv); if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); return rval; } int dblayer_release_aux_id2entry(backend *be, DB *pDB, DB_ENV *pEnv) { ldbm_instance *inst; char *envdir = NULL; char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *inst_dirp = NULL; inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info; if (NULL == inst) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "No instance/env: persistent id2entry is not available\n", 0, 0, 0); goto done; } inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(inst->inst_li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN); envdir = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/dbenv", inst_dirp); done: if (pDB) pDB->close(pDB, 0); if (pEnv) pEnv->close(pEnv, 0); if (envdir) { ldbm_delete_dirs(envdir); slapi_ch_free_string(&envdir); } if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); return 0; } #endif int dblayer_close_indexes(backend *be) { ldbm_instance *inst; DB *pDB = NULL; dblayer_handle *handle = NULL; dblayer_handle *next = NULL; int return_value = 0; PR_ASSERT(NULL != be); inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info; PR_ASSERT(NULL != inst); for (handle = inst->inst_handle_head; handle != NULL; handle = next) { /* Close it, and remove from the list */ pDB = handle->dblayer_dbp; return_value |= pDB->close(pDB,0); next = handle->dblayer_handle_next; *(handle->dblayer_handle_ai_backpointer) = NULL; slapi_ch_free((void**)&handle); } /* reset the list to make sure we don't use it again */ inst->inst_handle_tail = NULL; inst->inst_handle_head = NULL; return return_value; } int dblayer_instance_close(backend *be) { DB *pDB = NULL; int return_value = 0; DB_ENV * env = 0; ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *)be->be_instance_info; if (NULL == inst) return -1; return_value = dblayer_close_indexes(be); /* Now close id2entry if it's open */ pDB = inst->inst_id2entry; if (NULL != pDB) { return_value |= pDB->close(pDB,0); } inst->inst_id2entry = NULL; if (inst->import_env) { /* ignore the value of env, close, because at this point, work is done with import env by calling env.close, env and all the associated db handles will be closed, ignore, if sleepycat complains, that db handles are open at env close time */ return_value |= inst->import_env->dblayer_DB_ENV->close(inst->import_env->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0); return_value = db_env_create(&env, 0); if (return_value == 0) { char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(inst->inst_li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN); return_value = env->remove(env, inst_dirp, 0); if (return_value == EBUSY) { return_value = 0; /* something else is using the env so ignore */ } if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); } PR_DestroyRWLock(inst->import_env->dblayer_env_lock); PR_Free((void *)inst->import_env); inst->import_env = NULL; } else { be->be_state = BE_STATE_STOPPED; } return return_value; } void dblayer_pre_close(struct ldbminfo *li) { dblayer_private *priv = 0; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; if (priv->dblayer_stop_threads) /* already stopped. do nothing... */ return; /* Now stop the make sure they've stopped, * the various threads we have running */ priv->dblayer_stop_threads = 1; if (priv->dblayer_thread_count > 0) { int sleep_counter = 0; /* Print handy-dandy log message */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Waiting for %d database threads to stop\n", priv->dblayer_thread_count, 0,0); while(priv->dblayer_thread_count > 0) { /* We have no alternative here but to wait for them to finish, * since if any thread activity, * such as a checkpoint, wasn't finished when we shut down, * the database would need recovery on startup */ PRIntervalTime interval; sleep_counter++; if (0 == sleep_counter % 10) { if (priv->dblayer_thread_count > 1) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Still waiting on %d database threads...\n", priv->dblayer_thread_count,0,0); } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Still waiting one database thread...\n",0,0,0); } } interval = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(DBLAYER_SLEEP_INTERVAL); DS_Sleep(interval); if (sleep_counter >= 100) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Timeout; leave %d thread(s)...\n", priv->dblayer_thread_count,0,0); /* * The guardian file should not * get created under the timeout condition. */ priv->dblayer_bad_stuff_happened = 1; goto timeout_escape; } } LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"All database threads now stopped\n",0,0,0); } timeout_escape: return; } int dblayer_post_close(struct ldbminfo *li, int dbmode) { dblayer_private *priv = 0; int return_value = 0; dblayer_private_env *pEnv; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; /* We close all the files we ever opened, and call pEnv->close. */ if (NULL == priv->dblayer_env) /* db env is already closed. do nothing. */ return return_value; /* Shutdown the performance counter stuff */ if (DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE & dbmode) { if (priv->perf_private) { perfctrs_terminate(&priv->perf_private); } } /* Now release the db environment */ pEnv = priv->dblayer_env; return_value = pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV->close(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0); PR_DestroyRWLock(priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_env_lock); PR_Free((void *) priv->dblayer_env); priv->dblayer_env = NULL; /* pEnv is now garbage */ #if 0 /* DBDB do NOT remove the environment: bad, bad idea */ if (return_value == 0) { DB_ENV *env = 0; return_value = db_env_create(&env, 0); /* don't be tempted to use the previously nulled out env handle as Sleepycat 3.x is unhappy if the env handle handed to remove was used elsewhere. rwagner */ if (return_value == 0) { char *home_dir = dblayer_get_home_dir(li, NULL); if (home_dir) return_value = env->remove(env, home_dir, 0); if (0 == return_value && !((DBLAYER_ARCHIVE_MODE|DBLAYER_EXPORT_MODE) & dbmode) && !priv->dblayer_bad_stuff_happened) { /* * If we got here, we have a good consistent database, * so we write the guard file */ commit_good_database(priv); } else if (return_value == EBUSY) { /* something else is using the env so ignore */ /* but let's not make a guardian file */ return_value = 0; } } } #endif commit_good_database(priv); return return_value; } /* * This function is called when the server is shutting down. * This is not safe to call while other threads are calling into the open * databases !!! So: DON'T ! */ int dblayer_close(struct ldbminfo *li, int dbmode) { backend *be = NULL; ldbm_instance *inst; Object *inst_obj; int return_value = 0; dblayer_pre_close(li); /* * dblayer_close_indexes and pDB->close used to be located above loop: * while(priv->dblayer_thread_count > 0) in pre_close. * This order fixes a bug: shutdown under the stress makes txn_checkpoint * (checkpoint_thread) fail b/c the mpool might have been already closed. */ for (inst_obj = objset_first_obj(li->li_instance_set); inst_obj; inst_obj = objset_next_obj(li->li_instance_set, inst_obj)) { inst = (ldbm_instance *)object_get_data(inst_obj); be = inst->inst_be; if (NULL != be->be_instance_info) { return_value |= dblayer_instance_close(be); } } if (return_value != 0) { /* force recovery next startup if any close failed */ dblayer_private *priv; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); priv->dblayer_bad_stuff_happened = 1; } return_value |= dblayer_post_close(li, dbmode); return return_value; } /* * Called to tell us to flush any data not on disk to the disk * for the transacted database, we interpret this as an instruction * to write a checkpoint. */ int dblayer_flush(struct ldbminfo *li) { return 0; } #if !defined(DB_DUPSORT) #define DB_DUPSORT 0 #endif /* Routines for opening and closing random files in the DB_ENV. Used by ldif2db merging code currently. Return value: Success: 0 Failure: -1 */ int dblayer_open_file(backend *be, char* indexname, int open_flag, int index_flags, DB **ppDB) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_database->plg_private; ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info; int open_flags = 0; char *file_name = NULL; char *rel_path = NULL; dblayer_private_env *pENV = 0; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; int return_value = 0; DB *dbp = NULL; char *subname = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); if (NULL == inst->inst_dir_name) { if (dblayer_get_instance_data_dir(be) != 0) return -1; } if (NULL != inst->inst_parent_dir_name) { if (!charray_utf8_inlist(priv->dblayer_data_directories, inst->inst_parent_dir_name) && !is_fullpath(inst->inst_dir_name)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "The instance path %s is not registered for db_data_dir, " "although %s is a relative path.\n", inst->inst_parent_dir_name, inst->inst_dir_name, 0); return -1; } } pENV = priv->dblayer_env; if (inst->import_env) pENV = inst->import_env; PR_ASSERT(NULL != pENV); file_name = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s%s", indexname, LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX); rel_path = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s", inst->inst_dir_name, file_name); open_flags = DB_THREAD; if (open_flag & DBOPEN_CREATE) open_flags |= DB_CREATE; if (!ppDB) goto out; return_value = db_create(ppDB, pENV->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0); if (0 != return_value) goto out; dbp = *ppDB; /* With the new idl design, the large 8Kbyte pages we use are not optimal. The page pool churns very quickly as we add new IDs under a sustained add load. Smaller pages stop this happening so much and consequently make us spend less time flushing dirty pages on checkpoints. But 8K is still a good page size for id2entry. So we now allow different page sizes for the primary and secondary indices. Filed as bug: 604654 */ if (idl_get_idl_new()) { return_value = dbp->set_pagesize( dbp, (priv->dblayer_index_page_size == 0) ? DBLAYER_INDEX_PAGESIZE : priv->dblayer_index_page_size ); } else { return_value = dbp->set_pagesize( dbp, (priv->dblayer_page_size == 0) ? DBLAYER_PAGESIZE : priv->dblayer_page_size ); } if (0 != return_value) goto out; #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR < 3300 return_value = dbp->set_malloc(dbp, malloc); if (0 != return_value) { goto out; } #endif if (idl_get_idl_new() && !(index_flags & INDEX_VLV)) { return_value = dbp->set_flags(dbp, DB_DUP | DB_DUPSORT); if (0 != return_value) goto out; return_value = dbp->set_dup_compare( dbp, idl_new_compare_dups ); if (0 != return_value) goto out; } if (index_flags & INDEX_VLV) { /* * Need index with record numbers for * Virtual List View index */ return_value = dbp->set_flags(dbp, DB_RECNUM); if (0 != return_value) goto out; } /* The subname argument allows applications to have * subdatabases, i.e., multiple databases inside of a single * physical file. This is useful when the logical databases * are both numerous and reasonably small, in order to * avoid creating a large number of underlying files. */ if ((charray_get_index(priv->dblayer_data_directories, inst->inst_parent_dir_name) != 0) && !dblayer_inst_exists(inst, file_name)) { char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *inst_dirp = NULL; char *abs_file_name = NULL; /* create a file with abs path, then try again */ inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN); abs_file_name = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s%c%s", inst_dirp, get_sep(inst_dirp), file_name); DB_OPEN(pENV->dblayer_openflags, dbp, NULL/* txnid */, abs_file_name, subname, DB_BTREE, open_flags, priv->dblayer_file_mode, return_value); dbp->close(dbp, 0); return_value = db_create(ppDB, pENV->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0); if (0 != return_value) goto out; dbp = *ppDB; slapi_ch_free_string(&abs_file_name); if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); } DB_OPEN(pENV->dblayer_openflags, dbp, NULL, /* txnid */ rel_path, subname, DB_BTREE, open_flags, priv->dblayer_file_mode, return_value); #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR == 4100 /* lower the buffer cache priority to avoid sleep in memp_alloc */ /* W/ DB_PRIORITY_LOW, the db buffer page priority is calculated as: * priority = lru_count + pages / (-1) * (by default, priority = lru_count) * When upgraded to db4.2, this setting may not needed, hopefully. * ask sleepycat [#8301]; blackflag #619964 */ dbp->set_cache_priority(dbp, DB_PRIORITY_LOW); #endif out: slapi_ch_free((void**)&file_name); slapi_ch_free((void**)&rel_path); /* close the database handle to avoid handle leak */ if (dbp && (return_value != 0)) { dblayer_close_file(dbp); } return return_value; } int dblayer_close_file(DB *db) { return db->close(db,0); } /* * OK, this is a tricky one. We store open DB* handles within an AVL * structure used in other parts of the back-end. This is nasty, because * that code has no idea we're doing this, and we don't have much control * over what it does. But, the reason is that we want to get fast lookup * of the index file pertaining to each particular attribute. Putting the * DB* handles in the attribute info structures is an easy way to achieve this * because we already lookup this structure as part of an index lookup. */ /* * This function takes an attrinfo structure and returns a valid * DB* handle for the index file corresponding to this attribute. */ /* * If the db library is non-reentrant, we lock the mutex here, * see comments above for id2entry for the details on this. */ /* * The create flag determines if the index file should be created if it * does not already exist. */ int dblayer_get_index_file(backend *be, struct attrinfo *a, DB** ppDB, int open_flags) { /* * We either already have a DB* handle in the attrinfo structure. * in which case we simply return it to the caller, OR: * we need to make one. We do this as follows: * 1a) acquire the mutex that protects the handle list. * 1b) check that the DB* is still null. * 2) get the filename, and call libdb to open it * 3) if successful, store the result in the attrinfo stucture * 4) store the DB* in our own list so we can close it later. * 5) release the mutex. */ ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info; int return_value = -1; DB *pDB = NULL; char *attribute_name = a->ai_type; *ppDB = NULL; /* it's like a semaphore -- when count > 0, any file handle that's in * the attrinfo will remain valid from here on. */ PR_AtomicIncrement(&a->ai_dblayer_count); if (NULL != a->ai_dblayer) { /* This means that the pointer is valid, so we should return it. */ *ppDB = ((dblayer_handle*)(a->ai_dblayer))->dblayer_dbp; return 0; } /* attrinfo handle is NULL, at least for now -- grab the mutex and try * again. */ PR_Lock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex); if (NULL != a->ai_dblayer) { /* another thread set the handle while we were waiting on the lock */ *ppDB = ((dblayer_handle*)(a->ai_dblayer))->dblayer_dbp; PR_Unlock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex); return 0; } /* attrinfo handle is still blank, and we have the mutex: open the * index file and stuff it in the attrinfo. */ return_value = dblayer_open_file(be, attribute_name, open_flags, a->ai_indexmask, &pDB); if (0 == return_value) { /* Opened it OK */ dblayer_handle *handle = (dblayer_handle *) slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(dblayer_handle)); if (NULL == handle) { /* Memory allocation failed */ return_value = -1; } else { dblayer_handle *prev_handle = inst->inst_handle_tail; PR_ASSERT(NULL != pDB); /* Store the returned DB* in our own private list of * open files */ if (NULL == prev_handle) { /* List was empty */ inst->inst_handle_tail = handle; inst->inst_handle_head = handle; } else { /* Chain the handle onto the last structure in the * list */ inst->inst_handle_tail = handle; prev_handle->dblayer_handle_next = handle; } /* Stash a pointer to our wrapper structure in the * attrinfo structure */ handle->dblayer_dbp = pDB; /* And, most importantly, return something to the caller!*/ *ppDB = pDB; /* and save the hande in the attrinfo structure for * next time */ a->ai_dblayer = handle; /* don't need to update count -- we incr'd it already */ handle->dblayer_handle_ai_backpointer = &(a->ai_dblayer); } } else { /* Did not open it OK ! */ /* Do nothing, because return value and fact that we didn't * store a DB* in the attrinfo is enough */ } PR_Unlock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex); if (return_value != 0) { /* some sort of error -- we didn't open a handle at all. * decrement the refcount back to where it was. */ PR_AtomicDecrement(&a->ai_dblayer_count); } return return_value; } /* * Unlock the db lib mutex here if we need to. */ int dblayer_release_index_file(backend *be,struct attrinfo *a, DB* pDB) { PR_AtomicDecrement(&a->ai_dblayer_count); return 0; } /* dblayer_db_remove assumptions: No environment has the given database open. */ static int dblayer_db_remove_ex(dblayer_private_env *env, char const path[], char const dbName[], PRBool use_lock) { DB_ENV * db_env = 0; int rc; DB *db; if (env) { if(use_lock) PR_RWLock_Wlock(env->dblayer_env_lock); /* We will be causing logging activity */ db_env = env->dblayer_DB_ENV; } rc = db_create(&db, db_env, 0); /* must use new handle to database */ if (0 != rc) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "db_remove: Failed to create db (%d) %s\n", rc, dblayer_strerror(rc), 0); goto done; } rc = db->remove(db, path, dbName, 0); /* kiss the db goodbye! */ done: if (env) { if(use_lock) PR_RWLock_Unlock(env->dblayer_env_lock); } return rc; } int dblayer_db_remove(dblayer_private_env * env, char const path[], char const dbName[]) { return(dblayer_db_remove_ex(env,path,dbName,PR_TRUE)); } #define DBLAYER_CACHE_DELAY PR_MillisecondsToInterval(250) int dblayer_erase_index_file_ex(backend *be, struct attrinfo *a, PRBool use_lock, int no_force_checkpoint) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_database->plg_private; dblayer_private *priv = (dblayer_private*) li->li_dblayer_private; struct dblayer_private_env *pEnv = priv->dblayer_env; ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info; dblayer_handle *handle; char dbName[MAXPATHLEN]; char *dbNamep; char *p; int dbbasenamelen, dbnamelen; int rc = 0; DB *db = 0; if (NULL == pEnv) /* index file does not exist */ return rc; /* Added for bug 600401. Somehow the checkpoint thread deadlocked on index file with this function, index file couldn't be removed on win2k. Force a checkpoint here to break deadlock. */ if (0 == no_force_checkpoint) { dblayer_force_checkpoint(li); } if (dblayer_get_index_file(be, a, &db, DBOPEN_CREATE) == 0) { /* first, remove the file handle for this index, if we have it open */ PR_Lock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex); if (a->ai_dblayer) { /* there is a handle */ handle = (dblayer_handle *)a->ai_dblayer; /* when we successfully called dblayer_get_index_file we bumped up the reference count of how many threads are using the index. So we must manually back off the count by one here.... rwagner */ dblayer_release_index_file(be, a, db); while (a->ai_dblayer_count > 0) { /* someone is using this index file */ /* ASSUMPTION: you have already set the INDEX_OFFLINE flag, because * you intend to mess with this index. therefore no new requests * for this indexfile should happen, so the dblayer_count should * NEVER increase. */ PR_ASSERT(a->ai_indexmask & INDEX_OFFLINE); PR_Unlock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex); DS_Sleep(DBLAYER_CACHE_DELAY); PR_Lock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex); } dblayer_close_file(handle->dblayer_dbp); /* remove handle from handle-list */ if (inst->inst_handle_head == handle) { inst->inst_handle_head = handle->dblayer_handle_next; if (inst->inst_handle_tail == handle) { inst->inst_handle_tail = NULL; } } else { dblayer_handle *hp; for (hp = inst->inst_handle_head; hp; hp = hp->dblayer_handle_next) { if (hp->dblayer_handle_next == handle) { hp->dblayer_handle_next = handle->dblayer_handle_next; if (inst->inst_handle_tail == handle) { inst->inst_handle_tail = hp; } break; } } } dbNamep = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(li, inst, dbName, MAXPATHLEN); dbbasenamelen = strlen(dbNamep); dbnamelen = dbbasenamelen + strlen(a->ai_type) + 6; if (dbnamelen > MAXPATHLEN) { dbNamep = (char *)slapi_ch_realloc(dbNamep, dbnamelen); } p = dbNamep + dbbasenamelen; sprintf(p, "%c%s%s", get_sep(dbNamep), a->ai_type, LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX); rc = dblayer_db_remove_ex(pEnv, dbNamep, 0, use_lock); a->ai_dblayer = NULL; slapi_ch_free((void **)&handle); if (dbNamep != dbName) slapi_ch_free_string(&dbNamep); } else { /* no handle to close */ } PR_Unlock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex); } return rc; } int dblayer_erase_index_file_nolock(backend *be, struct attrinfo *a, int no_force_chkpt) { return dblayer_erase_index_file_ex(be,a,PR_FALSE,no_force_chkpt); } int dblayer_erase_index_file(backend *be, struct attrinfo *a, int no_force_chkpt) { return dblayer_erase_index_file_ex(be,a,PR_TRUE,no_force_chkpt); } /* * Transaction stuff. The idea is that the caller doesn't need to * know the transaction mechanism underneath (because the caller is * typically a few calls up the stack from any DB stuff). * Sadly, in slapd there was no handy structure associated with * an LDAP operation, and passed around evberywhere, so we had * to invent the back_txn structure. * The lower levels of the back-end look into this structure, and * take out the DB_TXN they need. */ int dblayer_txn_init(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txn *txn) { PR_ASSERT(NULL != txn); txn->back_txn_txn = NULL; return 0; } int dblayer_txn_begin_ext(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txnid parent_txn, back_txn *txn, PRBool use_lock) { int return_value = -1; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != txn); PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); /* * When server is shutting down, some components need to * flush some data (e.g. replication to write ruv). * So don't check shutdown signal unless we can't write. */ if ( g_get_shutdown() == SLAPI_SHUTDOWN_DISKFULL ) { return return_value; } priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); if (priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) { dblayer_private_env *pEnv = priv->dblayer_env; if(use_lock) PR_RWLock_Rlock(pEnv->dblayer_env_lock); return_value = TXN_BEGIN(pEnv->dblayer_DB_ENV, (DB_TXN*)parent_txn, &txn->back_txn_txn, 0); if (0 != return_value) { if(use_lock) PR_RWLock_Unlock(priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_env_lock); txn->back_txn_txn = NULL; } } else { return_value = 0; } if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Serious Error---Failed in dblayer_txn_begin, err=%d (%s)\n", return_value, dblayer_strerror(return_value), 0); } return return_value; } int dblayer_read_txn_begin(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txnid parent_txn, back_txn *txn) { return (dblayer_txn_begin_ext(li,parent_txn,txn,PR_FALSE)); } int dblayer_txn_begin(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txnid parent_txn, back_txn *txn) { return (dblayer_txn_begin_ext(li,parent_txn,txn,PR_TRUE)); } int dblayer_txn_commit_ext(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txn *txn, PRBool use_lock) { int return_value = -1; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; DB_TXN *db_txn; PR_ASSERT(NULL != txn); PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); db_txn = txn->back_txn_txn; if (NULL != db_txn && 1 != priv->dblayer_stop_threads && priv->dblayer_env && priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) { return_value = TXN_COMMIT(db_txn, 0); if ((priv->dblayer_durable_transactions) && use_lock ) { if(trans_batch_limit > 0) { if(trans_batch_count % trans_batch_limit) { trans_batch_count++; } else { LOG_FLUSH(priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV,0); trans_batch_count=1; } } else if(trans_batch_limit == FLUSH_REMOTEOFF) { /* user remotely turned batching off */ LOG_FLUSH(priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV,0); } } if(use_lock) PR_RWLock_Unlock(priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_env_lock); } else { return_value = 0; } if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Serious Error---Failed in dblayer_txn_commit, err=%d (%s)\n", return_value, dblayer_strerror(return_value), 0); if (LDBM_OS_ERR_IS_DISKFULL(return_value)) { operation_out_of_disk_space(); } } return return_value; } int dblayer_read_txn_commit(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txn *txn) { return(dblayer_txn_commit_ext(li,txn,PR_FALSE)); } int dblayer_txn_commit(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txn *txn) { return(dblayer_txn_commit_ext(li,txn,PR_TRUE)); } int dblayer_txn_abort_ext(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txn *txn, PRBool use_lock) { int return_value = -1; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; DB_TXN *db_txn; PR_ASSERT(NULL != txn); PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); db_txn = txn->back_txn_txn; if (NULL != db_txn && priv->dblayer_env && priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) { return_value = TXN_ABORT(db_txn); if(use_lock) PR_RWLock_Unlock(priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_env_lock); } else { return_value = 0; } if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Serious Error---Failed in dblayer_txn_abort, err=%d (%s)\n", return_value, dblayer_strerror(return_value), 0); if (LDBM_OS_ERR_IS_DISKFULL(return_value)) { operation_out_of_disk_space(); } } return return_value; } int dblayer_read_txn_abort(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txn *txn){ return(dblayer_txn_abort_ext(li,txn,PR_FALSE)); } int dblayer_txn_abort(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txn *txn){ return(dblayer_txn_abort_ext(li,txn,PR_TRUE)); } size_t dblayer_get_optimal_block_size(struct ldbminfo *li) { dblayer_private *priv = NULL; size_t page_size = 0; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); page_size = (priv->dblayer_page_size == 0) ? DBLAYER_PAGESIZE : priv->dblayer_page_size; if (priv->dblayer_idl_divisor == 0) { return page_size - DB_EXTN_PAGE_HEADER_SIZE; } else { return page_size / priv->dblayer_idl_divisor; } } /* * The dblock serializes writes to the database, * which reduces deadlocking in the db code, * which means that we run faster. */ void dblayer_lock_backend(backend *be) { ldbm_instance *inst; PR_ASSERT(NULL != be); inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info; PR_ASSERT(NULL != inst); if (NULL != inst->inst_db_mutex) { PR_Lock(inst->inst_db_mutex); } } void dblayer_unlock_backend(backend *be) { ldbm_instance *inst; PR_ASSERT(NULL != be); inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info; PR_ASSERT(NULL != inst); if (NULL != inst->inst_db_mutex) { PR_Unlock(inst->inst_db_mutex); } } /* code which implements checkpointing and log file truncation */ /* * create a thread for perf_threadmain */ static int dblayer_start_perf_thread(struct ldbminfo *li) { int return_value = 0; if (NULL == PR_CreateThread (PR_USER_THREAD, (VFP) (void *) perf_threadmain, li, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE) ) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "failed to create database perf thread, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr), 0); return_value = -1; } return return_value; } /* Performance thread */ static int perf_threadmain(void *param) { dblayer_private *priv = NULL; struct ldbminfo *li = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != param); li = (struct ldbminfo*)param; priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); PR_AtomicIncrement(&(priv->dblayer_thread_count)); while (!priv->dblayer_stop_threads) { /* sleep for a while, updating perf counters if we need to */ perfctrs_wait(1000,priv->perf_private,priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV); } PR_AtomicDecrement(&(priv->dblayer_thread_count)); return 0; } /* * create a thread for deadlock_threadmain */ static int dblayer_start_deadlock_thread(struct ldbminfo *li) { int return_value = 0; if (NULL == PR_CreateThread (PR_USER_THREAD, (VFP) (void *) deadlock_threadmain, li, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE) ) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "failed to create database deadlock thread, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr), 0); return_value = -1; } return return_value; } /* checkpoint thread main function */ static int deadlock_threadmain(void *param) { int rval = -1; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; struct ldbminfo *li = NULL; PRIntervalTime interval; /*NSPR timeout stuffy*/ PR_ASSERT(NULL != param); li = (struct ldbminfo*)param; priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); interval = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100); PR_AtomicIncrement(&(priv->dblayer_thread_count)); while (!priv->dblayer_stop_threads) { if (priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) { if (NULL != priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV->lk_handle) { int aborted; if ((rval = LOCK_DETECT(priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0, DB_LOCK_YOUNGEST, &aborted)) != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Serious Error---Failed in deadlock detect (aborted at 0x%x), err=%d (%s)\n", aborted, rval, dblayer_strerror(rval)); } } } DS_Sleep(interval); } PR_AtomicDecrement(&(priv->dblayer_thread_count)); return 0; } #define checkpoint_debug_message(debug, fmt, a1, a2, a3) \ if (debug) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,fmt,a1,a2,a3); } /* this thread tries to do two things: 1. catch a group of transactions that are pending allowing a worker thread to work 2. flush any left over transactions ( a single transaction for example) */ static int dblayer_start_log_flush_thread(dblayer_private *priv) { int return_value = 0; if ((priv->dblayer_durable_transactions) && (priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) && (trans_batch_limit > 0)) { log_flush_thread=PR_TRUE; if (NULL == PR_CreateThread (PR_USER_THREAD, (VFP) (void *) log_flush_threadmain, priv, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE) ) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "failed to create database log flush thread, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr), 0); return_value = -1; } } return return_value; } /* this thread tries to do two things: 1. catch a group of transactions that are pending allowing a worker thread to work 2. flush any left over transactions ( a single transaction for example) */ static int log_flush_threadmain(void *param) { dblayer_private *priv = NULL; PRIntervalTime interval; PR_ASSERT(NULL != param); priv = (dblayer_private *) param; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); interval = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(300); PR_AtomicIncrement(&(priv->dblayer_thread_count)); while ((!priv->dblayer_stop_threads) && (log_flush_thread)) { if (priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) { DB_CHECKPOINT_LOCK(1, priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_env_lock); if(trans_batch_limit > 0) { if(trans_batch_count > 1) { LOG_FLUSH(priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV,0); trans_batch_count=1; } } DB_CHECKPOINT_UNLOCK(1, priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_env_lock); } DS_Sleep(interval); } PR_AtomicDecrement(&(priv->dblayer_thread_count)); return 0; } /* * create a thread for checkpoint_threadmain */ static int dblayer_start_checkpoint_thread(struct ldbminfo *li) { int return_value = 0; if (NULL == PR_CreateThread (PR_USER_THREAD, (VFP) (void *) checkpoint_threadmain, li, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE) ) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "failed to create database checkpoint thread, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr), 0); return_value = -1; } return return_value; } static int checkpoint_threadmain(void *param) { time_t time_of_last_checkpoint_completion = 0; /* seconds since epoch */ PRIntervalTime interval; /*NSPR timeout stuffy*/ int rval = -1; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; struct ldbminfo *li = NULL; int debug_checkpointing = 0; int checkpoint_interval; char *home_dir = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != param); li = (struct ldbminfo*)param; home_dir = dblayer_get_home_dir(li, NULL); if (NULL == home_dir) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Checkpoint thread failed due to missing db home directory info\n", 0, 0, 0); return rval; } priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); /* work around a problem with newly created environments */ dblayer_force_checkpoint(li); interval = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(DBLAYER_SLEEP_INTERVAL); debug_checkpointing = priv->db_debug_checkpointing; PR_AtomicIncrement(&(priv->dblayer_thread_count)); /* assumes dblayer_force_checkpoint worked */ time_of_last_checkpoint_completion = current_time(); while (!priv->dblayer_stop_threads) { /* sleep for a while */ /* why aren't we sleeping exactly the right amount of time ? */ /* answer---because the interval might be changed after the server * starts up */ DS_Sleep(interval); if (0 == priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) continue; PR_Lock(li->li_config_mutex); checkpoint_interval = priv->dblayer_checkpoint_interval; PR_Unlock(li->li_config_mutex); /* Check to see if the checkpoint interval has elapsed */ if (current_time() - time_of_last_checkpoint_completion < checkpoint_interval) continue; if (NULL == priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV->tx_handle) continue; /* now checkpoint */ checkpoint_debug_message(debug_checkpointing, "Starting checkpoint\n", 0, 0, 0); rval = dblayer_txn_checkpoint(li, priv->dblayer_env, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR < 4100 if (DB_INCOMPLETE == rval) { checkpoint_debug_message(debug_checkpointing, "Retrying checkpoint\n", 0, 0, 0); } else #endif { checkpoint_debug_message(debug_checkpointing, "Checkpoint Done\n", 0, 0, 0); if (rval != 0) { /* bad error */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Serious Error---Failed to checkpoint database, " "err=%d (%s)\n", rval, dblayer_strerror(rval), 0); if (LDBM_OS_ERR_IS_DISKFULL(rval)) { operation_out_of_disk_space(); goto diskfull_return; } } else { time_of_last_checkpoint_completion = current_time(); } } checkpoint_debug_message(debug_checkpointing, "Starting checkpoint\n", 0, 0, 0); rval = dblayer_txn_checkpoint(li, priv->dblayer_env, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR < 4100 if (DB_INCOMPLETE == rval) { checkpoint_debug_message(debug_checkpointing, "Retrying checkpoint\n", 0, 0, 0); } else #endif { checkpoint_debug_message(debug_checkpointing, "Checkpoint Done\n", 0, 0, 0); if (rval != 0) { /* bad error */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Serious Error---Failed to checkpoint database, " "err=%d (%s)\n", rval, dblayer_strerror(rval), 0); if (LDBM_OS_ERR_IS_DISKFULL(rval)) { operation_out_of_disk_space(); goto diskfull_return; } } else { time_of_last_checkpoint_completion = current_time(); } } { char **list = NULL; char **listp = NULL; int return_value = -1; char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; char *prefix = NULL; struct dblayer_private_env *penv = priv->dblayer_env; if ((NULL != priv->dblayer_log_directory) && (0 != strlen(priv->dblayer_log_directory))) { prefix = priv->dblayer_log_directory; } else { prefix = home_dir; } /* find out which log files don't contain active txns */ DB_CHECKPOINT_LOCK(PR_TRUE, penv->dblayer_env_lock); return_value = LOG_ARCHIVE(penv->dblayer_DB_ENV, &list, 0, malloc); DB_CHECKPOINT_UNLOCK(PR_TRUE, penv->dblayer_env_lock); checkpoint_debug_message(debug_checkpointing, "Got list of logfiles not needed %d %p\n", return_value,list, 0); if (0 == return_value && NULL != list) { /* zap 'em ! */ for (listp = list; *listp != NULL; ++listp) { PR_snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s/%s",prefix,*listp); if (priv->dblayer_circular_logging) { checkpoint_debug_message(debug_checkpointing, "Deleting %s\n",filename, 0, 0); unlink(filename); } else { char new_filename[MAXPATHLEN]; PR_snprintf(new_filename,sizeof(new_filename),"%s/old.%s", prefix,*listp); checkpoint_debug_message(debug_checkpointing, "Renaming %s\n",filename,0, 0); rename(filename,new_filename); } } slapi_ch_free((void**)&list); } } } dblayer_force_checkpoint(li); diskfull_return: PR_AtomicDecrement(&(priv->dblayer_thread_count)); return 0; } /* * create a thread for trickle_threadmain */ static int dblayer_start_trickle_thread(struct ldbminfo *li) { int return_value = 0; if (NULL == PR_CreateThread (PR_USER_THREAD, (VFP) (void *) trickle_threadmain, li, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE) ) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "failed to create database trickle thread, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr), 0); return_value = -1; } return return_value; } static int trickle_threadmain(void *param) { PRIntervalTime interval; /*NSPR timeout stuffy*/ int rval = -1; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; struct ldbminfo *li = NULL; int debug_checkpointing = 0; PR_ASSERT(NULL != param); li = (struct ldbminfo*)param; priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); interval = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(DBLAYER_SLEEP_INTERVAL); debug_checkpointing = priv->db_debug_checkpointing; PR_AtomicIncrement(&(priv->dblayer_thread_count)); while (!priv->dblayer_stop_threads) { DS_Sleep(interval); /* 622855: wait for other threads fully started */ if (priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) { if ( (NULL != priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV->mp_handle) && (0 != priv->dblayer_trickle_percentage) ) { int pages_written = 0; if ((rval = MEMP_TRICKLE( priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV, priv->dblayer_trickle_percentage, &pages_written)) != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Serious Error---Failed to trickle, err=%d (%s)\n",rval,dblayer_strerror(rval), 0); } if (pages_written > 0) { checkpoint_debug_message(debug_checkpointing,"Trickle thread wrote %d pages\n",pages_written,0, 0); } } } } PR_AtomicDecrement(&(priv->dblayer_thread_count)); return 0; } /* better atol -- it understands a trailing multiplier k/m/g * for example, "32k" will be returned as 32768 * richm: added better error checking and support for 64 bit values. * The err parameter is used by the caller to tell if there was an error * during the a to i conversion - if 0, the value was successfully * converted - if non-zero, there was some error (e.g. not a number) */ PRInt64 db_atol(char *str, int *err) { PRInt64 mres1 = LL_INIT(0, 1); PRInt64 mres2 = LL_INIT(0, 1); PRInt64 mres3 = LL_INIT(0, 1); PRInt64 onek = LL_INIT(0, 1024); PRInt64 multiplier = LL_INIT(0, 1); PRInt64 val = LL_INIT(0, 0); PRInt64 result = LL_INIT(0, 0); char x = 0; int num = PR_sscanf(str, "%lld%c", &val, &x); if (num < 1) { /* e.g. not a number */ if (err) *err = 1; return result; /* return 0 */ } switch (x) { case 'g': case 'G': LL_MUL(mres1, onek, multiplier); /* multiplier *= 1024;*/ case 'm': case 'M': LL_MUL(mres2, onek, mres1); /* multiplier *= 1024;*/ case 'k': case 'K': LL_MUL(mres3, onek, mres2); /* multiplier *= 1024;*/ } LL_MUL(result, val, mres3); /* result = val * multiplier;*/ if (err) *err = 0; return result; } PRInt64 db_atoi(char *str, int *err) { return db_atol(str, err); } unsigned long db_strtoul(const char *str, int *err) { unsigned long val, result, multiplier = 1; char *p; errno = 0; val = strtoul(str, &p, 10); if (errno != 0) { if (err) *err = errno; return val; } switch (*p) { case 'g': case 'G': multiplier *= 1024; case 'm': case 'M': multiplier *= 1024; case 'k': case 'K': multiplier *= 1024; p++; if (*p == 'b' || *p == 'B') p++; if (err) { /* extra chars? */ *err = (*p != '\0') ? EINVAL : 0; } break; case '\0': if (err) *err = 0; break; default: if (err) *err = EINVAL; return val; } result = val * multiplier; return result; } /* functions called directly by the plugin interface from the front-end */ /* Begin transaction */ int dblayer_plugin_begin(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { int return_value = -1; struct ldbminfo *li = NULL; back_txnid parent; back_txn current; slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRIVATE, &li ); slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_PARENT_TXN, (void**)&parent ); /* call begin, and put the result in the txnid parameter */ return_value = dblayer_txn_begin(li,parent,¤t); if (0 == return_value) { slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_TXN, (void*)current.back_txn_txn ); } return return_value; } /* Commit transaction */ int dblayer_plugin_commit(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { /* get the txnid and call commit */ int return_value = -1; struct ldbminfo *li = NULL; back_txn current; slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRIVATE, &li ); slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_TXN, (void**)&(current.back_txn_txn) ); /* call begin, and put the result in the txnid parameter */ return_value = dblayer_txn_commit(li,¤t); return return_value; } /* Abort Transaction */ int dblayer_plugin_abort(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { /* get the txnid and call abort */ return 0; } /* Helper function for monitor stuff */ int dblayer_memp_stat(struct ldbminfo *li, DB_MPOOL_STAT **gsp, DB_MPOOL_FSTAT ***fsp) { dblayer_private *priv = NULL; DB_ENV *env = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); env = priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV; PR_ASSERT(NULL != env); return MEMP_STAT(env, gsp, fsp, 0, malloc); } /* import wants this one */ int dblayer_memp_stat_instance(ldbm_instance *inst, DB_MPOOL_STAT **gsp, DB_MPOOL_FSTAT ***fsp) { DB_ENV *env = NULL; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; PR_ASSERT(NULL != inst); if (inst->import_env->dblayer_DB_ENV) { env = inst->import_env->dblayer_DB_ENV; } else { priv = (dblayer_private *)inst->inst_li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); env = priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV; } PR_ASSERT(NULL != env); return MEMP_STAT(env, gsp, fsp, 0, malloc); } /* Helper functions for recovery */ #define DB_LINE_LENGTH 80 static int commit_good_database(dblayer_private *priv) { /* Write out the guard file */ char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; char line[DB_LINE_LENGTH * 2]; PRFileDesc *prfd; int return_value = 0; int num_bytes; PR_snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename), "%s/guardian",priv->dblayer_home_directory); prfd = PR_Open(filename, PR_RDWR | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE, priv->dblayer_file_mode ); if (NULL == prfd) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Fatal Error---Failed to write guardian file, database corruption possible" SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " %d (%s)\n", filename, PR_GetError(), slapd_pr_strerror(PR_GetError()) ); return -1; } PR_snprintf(line,sizeof(line),"cachesize:%lu\nncache:%d\nversion:%d\n", priv->dblayer_cachesize, priv->dblayer_ncache, 3); num_bytes = strlen(line); return_value = slapi_write_buffer(prfd, line, num_bytes); if (return_value != num_bytes) { goto error; } return_value = PR_Close(prfd); if (PR_SUCCESS == return_value) { return 0; } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Fatal Error---Failed to write guardian file, database corruption possible\n", 0,0, 0 ); (void)PR_Delete(filename); return -1; } error: (void)PR_Close(prfd); (void)PR_Delete(filename); return -1; } /* read the guardian file from db/ and possibly recover the database */ static int read_metadata(struct ldbminfo *li) { char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; char *buf; char *thisline; char *nextline; char **dirp; PRFileDesc *prfd; PRFileInfo prfinfo; int return_value = 0; PRInt32 byte_count = 0; char attribute[512]; char value[128], delimiter; int number = 0; dblayer_private *priv = (dblayer_private *)li->li_dblayer_private; /* dblayer_recovery_required is initialized in dblayer_init; * and might be set 1 in check_db_version; * we don't want to override it * priv->dblayer_recovery_required = 0; */ priv->dblayer_previous_cachesize = 0; priv->dblayer_previous_ncache = 0; /* Open the guard file and read stuff, then delete it */ PR_snprintf(filename,sizeof(filename),"%s/guardian",priv->dblayer_home_directory); memset(&prfinfo, '\0', sizeof(PRFileInfo)); (void)PR_GetFileInfo(filename, &prfinfo); prfd = PR_Open(filename,PR_RDONLY,priv->dblayer_file_mode); if (NULL == prfd || 0 == prfinfo.size) { /* file empty or not present--means the database needs recovered */ int count = 0; for (dirp = priv->dblayer_data_directories; dirp && *dirp; dirp++) { count_dbfiles_in_dir(*dirp, &count, 1 /* recurse */); if (count > 0) { #if 0 char *home_dir; /* This code used to check for a broken import by looking * for a dbversion file. If it wasn't there, then an import * failed. Now each instance has its own dbversion file. * If this check is done at all, it ought to be done when * bringing up individual backend instances. */ /* While we're here, let's check for a broken import. This would be indicated by the following conditions: 1. db files in the directory. 2. No guardian file. 3. No DBVERSION file. If we're here we have confitions 1 and 2, so we should check for condition 3. */ if (!dbversion_exists(li, home_dir)) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"Fatal Error---database is corrupt. Server can't start. Most likely cause is a previously aborted import. Either re-import or delete the database and re-start the server.\n", 0,0, 0 ); return -1; } else { priv->dblayer_recovery_required = 1; } #endif priv->dblayer_recovery_required = 1; return 0; } } return 0; /* no files found; no need to run recover start */ } /* So, we opened the file, now let's read the cache size and version stuff */ buf = slapi_ch_calloc(1, prfinfo.size + 1); byte_count = slapi_read_buffer(prfd, buf, prfinfo.size); if (byte_count < 0) { /* something bad happened while reading */ priv->dblayer_recovery_required = 1; } else { buf[ byte_count ] = '\0'; thisline = buf; while (1) { /* Find the end of the line */ nextline = strchr( thisline, '\n' ); if (NULL != nextline) { *nextline++ = '\0'; while ('\n' == *nextline) { nextline++; } } sscanf(thisline,"%[a-z]%c%s",attribute,&delimiter,value); if (0 == strcmp("cachesize",attribute)) { priv->dblayer_previous_cachesize = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); } else if (0 == strcmp("ncache",attribute)) { number = atoi(value); priv->dblayer_previous_ncache = number; } else if (0 == strcmp("version",attribute)) { } if (NULL == nextline || '\0' == *nextline) { /* Nothing more to read */ break; } thisline = nextline; } } slapi_ch_free((void **)&buf); (void)PR_Close(prfd); return_value = PR_Delete(filename); /* very important that this happen ! */ if (PR_SUCCESS != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Fatal Error---Failed to delete guardian file, " "database corruption possible\n", 0, 0, 0 ); } return return_value; } /* handy routine for checkpointing the db */ static int dblayer_force_checkpoint(struct ldbminfo *li) { int ret = 0, i; dblayer_private *priv = (dblayer_private *)li->li_dblayer_private; struct dblayer_private_env *pEnv; if (NULL == priv || NULL == priv->dblayer_env){ /* already terminated. nothing to do */ return -1; } pEnv= priv->dblayer_env; if (priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Checkpointing database ...\n", 0, 0, 0); /* * DB workaround. Newly created environments do not know what the * previous checkpoint LSN is. The default LSN of [0][0] would * cause us to read all log files from very beginning during a * later recovery. Taking two checkpoints solves the problem. */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ret = dblayer_txn_checkpoint(li, pEnv, PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE); if (ret == 0) continue; #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR < 4100 if (ret != DB_INCOMPLETE) #endif { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Checkpoint FAILED, error %s (%d)\n", dblayer_strerror(ret), ret, 0); break; } #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR < 4100 LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Busy: retrying checkpoint\n", 0, 0, 0); /* teletubbies: "again! again!" */ ret = dblayer_txn_checkpoint(li, pEnv, PR_TRUE, PR_FALSE); if (ret == DB_INCOMPLETE) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Busy: giving up on checkpoint\n", 0, 0, 0); break; } else if (ret != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Checkpoint FAILED, error %s (%d)\n", dblayer_strerror(ret), ret, 0); break; } #endif } } return ret; } /* TEL: Added startdb flag. If set (1), the DB environment will be started so * that dblayer_db_remove_ex will be used to remove the database files instead * of simply deleting them. That is important when doing a selective restoration * of a single backend (FRI). If not set (0), the traditional remove is used. */ static int _dblayer_delete_instance_dir(ldbm_instance *inst, int startdb) { PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; struct ldbminfo *li = inst->inst_li; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; struct dblayer_private_env *pEnv = NULL; char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *inst_dirp = NULL; int rval = 0; if (NULL != li) { if (startdb) { /* close immediately; no need to run db threads */ rval = dblayer_start(li, DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE|DBLAYER_NO_DBTHREADS_MODE); if (rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "_dblayer_delete_instance_dir: dblayer_start failed! %s (%d)\n", dblayer_strerror(rval), rval, 0); goto done; } } priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; if (NULL != priv) { pEnv = priv->dblayer_env; } } if (inst->inst_dir_name == NULL) dblayer_get_instance_data_dir(inst->inst_be); inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN); dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(inst_dirp); if (! dirhandle) { if ( PR_GetError() == PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR ) { /* the directory does not exist... that's not an error */ rval = 0; goto done; } LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "_dblayer_delete_instance_dir: PR_OpenDir(%s) failed (%d): %s\n", inst_dirp, PR_GetError(),slapd_pr_strerror(PR_GetError())); rval = -1; goto done; } /* Note the use of PR_Delete here as opposed to using sleepycat to "remove" the file. Reason: One should not expect logging to be able to recover the wholesale removal of a complete directory... a directory that includes files outside the scope of sleepycat's logging. rwagner ADDITIONAL COMMENT: libdb41 is more strict on the transaction log control. Even if checkpoint is forced before this delete function, no log regarding the file deleted found in the log file, following checkpoint repeatedly complains with these error messages: libdb: /mail.db4: cannot sync: No such file or directory libdb: txn_checkpoint: failed to flush the buffer cache No such file or directory */ while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { if (! direntry->name) break; PR_snprintf(filename, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", inst_dirp, direntry->name); if (pEnv && strcmp(LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX , last_four_chars(direntry->name)) == 0) { rval = dblayer_db_remove_ex(pEnv, filename, 0, PR_TRUE); } else { rval = PR_Delete(filename); } } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); if (pEnv && startdb) { rval = dblayer_close(li, DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE); if (rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "_dblayer_delete_instance_dir: dblayer_close failed! %s (%d)\n", dblayer_strerror(rval), rval, 0); } } done: /* remove the directory itself too */ if (0 == rval) PR_RmDir(inst_dirp); if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); return rval; } /* delete the db3 files in a specific backend instance -- * this is probably only used for import. * assumption: dblayer is open, but the instance has been closed. */ int dblayer_delete_instance_dir(backend *be) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *)be->be_database->plg_private; int ret = dblayer_force_checkpoint(li); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } else { ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *)be->be_instance_info; return _dblayer_delete_instance_dir(inst, 0); } } /* delete an entire db/ directory, including either all instances, or * just a single instance (leaving the others intact), if the instance param is non-NULL ! * this is used mostly for restores. * dblayer is assumed to be closed. */ int dblayer_delete_database_ex(struct ldbminfo *li, char *instance) { dblayer_private *priv = NULL; Object *inst_obj; PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; PRFileInfo fileinfo; char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; char *log_dir; int ret; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private *)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); /* delete each instance */ for (inst_obj = objset_first_obj(li->li_instance_set); inst_obj; inst_obj = objset_next_obj(li->li_instance_set, inst_obj)) { ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *)object_get_data(inst_obj); if (inst->inst_be->be_instance_info != NULL) { if ((NULL != instance) && (strcmp(inst->inst_name,instance) != 0)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_delete_database: skipping instance %s\n",inst->inst_name , 0, 0); } else { if (NULL == instance) { ret = _dblayer_delete_instance_dir(inst, 0 /* Do not start DB environment: traditional */); } else { ret = _dblayer_delete_instance_dir(inst, 1 /* Start DB environment: for FRI */); } if (ret != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_delete_database: WARNING _dblayer_delete_instance_dir failed (%d)\n", ret, 0, 0); return ret; } } } } /* now smash everything else in the db/ dir */ dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(priv->dblayer_home_directory); if (! dirhandle) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "PR_OpenDir (%s) failed (%d): %s\n", priv->dblayer_home_directory, PR_GetError(),slapd_pr_strerror(PR_GetError())); return -1; } while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { int rval_tmp = 0; if (! direntry->name) break; PR_snprintf(filename, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", priv->dblayer_home_directory, direntry->name); /* Do not call PR_Delete on the instance directories if they exist. * It would not work, but we still should not do it. */ rval_tmp = PR_GetFileInfo(filename, &fileinfo); if (rval_tmp == PR_SUCCESS && fileinfo.type != PR_FILE_DIRECTORY) { /* Skip deleting log files; that should be handled below. * (Note, we don't want to use "filename," because that is qualified and would * not be compatibile with what dblayer_is_logfilename expects.) */ if (!dblayer_is_logfilename(direntry->name)) { PR_Delete(filename); } } } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); /* remove transaction logs */ if ((NULL != priv->dblayer_log_directory) && (0 != strlen(priv->dblayer_log_directory) )) { log_dir = priv->dblayer_log_directory; } else { log_dir = dblayer_get_home_dir(li, NULL); } if (instance == NULL) { ret = dblayer_delete_transaction_logs(log_dir); if(ret) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_delete_database: dblayer_delete_transaction_logs failed (%d)\n", ret, 0, 0); return -1; } } return 0; } /* delete an entire db/ directory, including all instances under it! * this is used mostly for restores. * dblayer is assumed to be closed. */ int dblayer_delete_database(struct ldbminfo *li) { return dblayer_delete_database_ex(li, NULL); } /* * Return the size of the database (in kilobytes). XXXggood returning * the size in units of kb is really a hack, and is done because we * don't have NSPR support for 64-bit file offsets. * Caveats: * - We can still return incorrect results if an individual file is * larger than fit in a PRUint32. * - PR_GetFileInfo doesn't do any special processing for symlinks, * nor does it inform us if the file is a symlink. Nice. So if * a file in the db directory is a symlink, the size we return * will probably be way too small. */ int dblayer_database_size(struct ldbminfo *li, unsigned int *size) { dblayer_private *priv = NULL; int return_value = 0; char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; /* * XXXggood - NSPR will only give us an unsigned 32-bit quantity for * file sizes. This is bad. Files can be bigger than that these days. */ unsigned int cumulative_size = 0; unsigned int remainder = 0; PRFileInfo info; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(priv->dblayer_home_directory); if (NULL != dirhandle) { PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { if (NULL == direntry->name) { break; } PR_snprintf(filename,MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s",priv->dblayer_home_directory,direntry->name); return_value = PR_GetFileInfo(filename, &info); if (PR_SUCCESS == return_value) { cumulative_size += (info.size / 1024); remainder += (info.size % 1024); } else { cumulative_size = (PRUint32) 0; return_value = -1; break; } } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); } else { return_value = -1; } *size = cumulative_size + (remainder / 1024); return return_value; } static int count_dbfiles_in_dir(char *directory, int *count, int recurse) { /* The new recurse argument was added to help with multiple backend * instances. When recurse is true, this function will also look through * the directories in the given directory for .db3 files. */ int return_value = 0; PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; if (!recurse) { /* It is really the callers responsibility to set count to 0 before * calling. However, if recurse isn't true, we can make sure it is * set to 0. */ *count = 0; } dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(directory); if (NULL != dirhandle) { PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; char *direntry_name; PRFileInfo info; while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { if (NULL == direntry->name) { break; } direntry_name = PR_smprintf("%s/%s", directory, direntry->name); if ((PR_GetFileInfo(direntry_name, &info) == PR_SUCCESS) && (PR_FILE_DIRECTORY == info.type) && recurse) { /* Recurse into this directory but not any further. This is * because each instance gets its own directory, but in those * directories there should be only .db3 files. There should * not be any more directories in an instance directory. */ count_dbfiles_in_dir(direntry_name, count, 0 /* don't recurse */); } if (direntry_name) { PR_smprintf_free(direntry_name); } if (strcmp( LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX , last_four_chars(direntry->name)) == 0) { (*count)++; } } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); } else { return_value = -1; } return return_value; } /* And finally... Tubular Bells. * Well, no, actually backup and restore... */ /* Backup works like this: * the slapd executable is run like for ldif2ldbm and so on. * this means that the front-end gets the back-end loaded, and then calls * into the back-end backup entry point. This then gets us down to here. * * So, we need to copy the data files to the backup point. * While we are doing that, we need to make sure that the logfile * truncator in slapd doesn't delete our files. To do this we need * some way to signal to it that it should cease its work, or we need * to do something like start a long-lived transaction so that the * log files look like they're needed. * * When we've copied the data files, we can then copy the log files * too. * * Finally, we tell the log file truncator to go back about its business in peace * */ int dblayer_copyfile(char *source, char *destination, int overwrite, int mode) { #if defined _WIN32 return (0 == CopyFile(source,destination,overwrite ? FALSE : TRUE)); #else #ifdef DB_USE_64LFS #define OPEN_FUNCTION dblayer_open_large #else #define OPEN_FUNCTION open #endif int source_fd = -1; int dest_fd = -1; char *buffer = NULL; int return_value = -1; int bytes_to_write = 0; /* malloc the buffer */ buffer = slapi_ch_malloc(64*1024); if (NULL == buffer) { goto error; } /* Open source file */ source_fd = OPEN_FUNCTION(source,O_RDONLY,0); if (-1 == source_fd) { goto error; } /* Open destination file */ dest_fd = OPEN_FUNCTION(destination,O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, mode); if (-1 == dest_fd) { goto error; } /* Loop round reading data and writing it */ while (1) { return_value = read(source_fd,buffer,64*1024); if (return_value <= 0) { /* means error or EOF */ break; } bytes_to_write = return_value; return_value = write(dest_fd,buffer,bytes_to_write); if (return_value != bytes_to_write) { /* means error */ return_value = -1; break; } } error: if (source_fd != -1) { close(source_fd); } if (dest_fd != -1) { close(dest_fd); } slapi_ch_free((void**)&buffer); return return_value; #endif } /* * Copies all the .db# files in instance_dir to a directory with the same name * in destination_dir. Both instance_dir and destination_dir are absolute * paths. * (#604921: added indexonly flag for the use in convindices * -- backup/restore indices) * * If the argument restore is true, * logging messages will be about "Restoring" files. * If the argument restore is false, * logging messages will be about "Backing up" files. * The argument cnt is used to count the number of files that were copied. * * This function is used during db2bak and bak2db. * DBDB added resetlsns arg which is used in partial restore (because the LSNs need to be reset to avoid * confusing transaction logging code). */ int dblayer_copy_directory(struct ldbminfo *li, Slapi_Task *task, char *src_dir, char *dest_dir, int restore, int *cnt, int instance_dir_flag, int indexonly, int resetlsns) { dblayer_private *priv = NULL; char *new_src_dir = NULL; char *new_dest_dir = NULL; PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; size_t filename_length = 0; size_t offset = 0; char *compare_piece = NULL; char *filename1; char *filename2; int return_value = -1; char *relative_instance_name = NULL; char *inst_dirp = NULL; char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char sep; ldbm_instance *inst; if (!src_dir || '\0' == *src_dir || !dest_dir || '\0' == *dest_dir) return return_value; priv = (dblayer_private *) li->li_dblayer_private; /* get the backend instance name */ sep = get_sep(src_dir); if ((relative_instance_name = strrchr(src_dir, sep)) == NULL) relative_instance_name = src_dir; else relative_instance_name++; inst = ldbm_instance_find_by_name(li, relative_instance_name); if (NULL == inst) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Backend instance \"%s\" does not exist; " "Instance path %s could be invalid.\n", relative_instance_name, src_dir, 0); return return_value; } inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(inst->inst_li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN); if (is_fullpath(src_dir)) new_src_dir = src_dir; else { int len = strlen(inst_dirp); sep = get_sep(inst_dirp); if (*(inst_dirp+len-1) == sep) sep = '\0'; new_src_dir = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s%c%s", inst_dirp, sep, src_dir); } dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(new_src_dir); if (NULL == dirhandle) return return_value; while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { if (NULL == direntry->name) { /* NSPR doesn't behave like the docs say it should */ break; } if (indexonly && 0 == strcmp(direntry->name, ID2ENTRY LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX)) { continue; } /* Look at the last three characters in the filename */ filename_length = strlen(direntry->name); if (filename_length > 4) { offset = filename_length - 4; } else { offset = 0; } compare_piece = (char *)direntry->name + offset; if (0 == strcmp(compare_piece, LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX) || /* .db4 */ 0 == strcmp(compare_piece, LDBM_SUFFIX_OLD) || /* support .db3 */ 0 == strcmp(direntry->name, DBVERSION_FILENAME)) { /* Found a database file. Copy it. */ if (NULL == new_dest_dir) { /* Need to create the new directory where the files will be * copied to. */ PRFileInfo info; char *prefix = ""; char mysep = 0; if (!is_fullpath(dest_dir)) { prefix = dblayer_get_home_dir(li, NULL); mysep = get_sep(prefix); } if (mysep) new_dest_dir = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s%c%s%c%s", prefix, mysep, dest_dir, mysep, relative_instance_name); else new_dest_dir = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s", dest_dir, relative_instance_name); /* } */ if (PR_SUCCESS == PR_GetFileInfo(new_dest_dir, &info)) { ldbm_delete_dirs(new_dest_dir); } if (mkdir_p(new_dest_dir, 0700) != PR_SUCCESS) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Can't create new directory %s, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", new_dest_dir, PR_GetError(), slapd_pr_strerror(PR_GetError())); goto out; } } filename1 = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s", new_src_dir, direntry->name); filename2 = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s", new_dest_dir, direntry->name); if (restore) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Restoring file %d (%s)\n", *cnt, filename2, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Restoring file %d (%s)", *cnt, filename2); slapi_task_log_status(task, "Restoring file %d (%s)", *cnt, filename2); } } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Backing up file %d (%s)\n", *cnt, filename2, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Backing up file %d (%s)", *cnt, filename2); slapi_task_log_status(task, "Backing up file %d (%s)", *cnt, filename2); } } /* copy filename1 to filename2 */ /* If the file is a database file, and resetlsns is set, then we need to do a key by key copy */ if (strcmp(LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX, last_four_chars(filename1)) == 0 && resetlsns) { return_value = dblayer_copy_file_resetlsns(src_dir, filename1, filename2, 0, priv); } else { return_value = dblayer_copyfile(filename1, filename2, 0, priv->dblayer_file_mode); } slapi_ch_free((void**)&filename1); slapi_ch_free((void**)&filename2); if (0 > return_value) break; (*cnt)++; } } out: PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); slapi_ch_free((void**)&new_dest_dir); if (new_src_dir != src_dir) slapi_ch_free((void**)&new_src_dir); return return_value; } /* Destination Directory is an absolute pathname */ int dblayer_backup(struct ldbminfo *li, char *dest_dir, Slapi_Task *task) { dblayer_private *priv = NULL; char **listA = NULL, **listB = NULL, **listi, **listj, *prefix; char *home_dir = NULL; int return_value = 0; char *pathname1; char *pathname2; back_txn txn; int cnt = 1, ok = 0; ldbm_instance *inst; Object *inst_obj; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); home_dir = dblayer_get_home_dir(li, NULL); if (NULL == home_dir) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Backup failed due to missing db home directory info\n", 0, 0, 0); return -1; } /* * What are we doing here ? * We want to copy into the backup directory: * All the backend instance dir / database files; * All the logfiles * The version file */ /* changed in may 1999 for political correctness. * 1. take checkpoint * 2. open transaction * 3. get list of logfiles (A) * 4. copy the db# files * 5. get list of logfiles (B) * 6. if !(A in B), goto 3 * (logfiles were flushed during our backup) * 7. copy logfiles from list B * 8. abort transaction * 9. backup index config info */ /* Order of checkpointing and txn creation reversed to work * around DB problem. If we don't do it this way around DB * thinks all old transaction logs are required for recovery * when the DB environment has been newly created (such as * after an import). */ /* do a quick checkpoint */ dblayer_force_checkpoint(li); dblayer_txn_init(li,&txn); return_value=dblayer_txn_begin(li,NULL,&txn); if (0 != return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Backup failed due to transaction failure\n", 0, 0, 0); return -1; } if ( g_get_shutdown() || c_get_shutdown() ) { dblayer_txn_abort(li,&txn); return -1; } /* repeat this until the logfile sets match... */ do { /* get the list of logfiles currently existing */ if (priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) { return_value = LOG_ARCHIVE(priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV, &listA, DB_ARCH_LOG, malloc); if ((return_value != 0) || (listA == NULL)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "BAD: can't get list of logs\n", 0, 0, 0); dblayer_txn_abort(li,&txn); return return_value; } } else { ok=1; } if ( g_get_shutdown() || c_get_shutdown() ) { dblayer_txn_abort(li,&txn); return -1; } for (inst_obj = objset_first_obj(li->li_instance_set); inst_obj; inst_obj = objset_next_obj(li->li_instance_set, inst_obj)) { char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *inst_dirp = NULL; inst = (ldbm_instance *)object_get_data(inst_obj); inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(inst->inst_li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN); return_value = dblayer_copy_directory(li, task, inst_dirp, dest_dir, 0 /* backup */, &cnt, 0, 0, 0); if (return_value != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: error copying directory (%s -> %s): err=%d\n", inst_dirp, dest_dir, return_value); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "ERROR: error copying directory (%s -> %s): err=%d", inst_dirp, dest_dir, return_value); } if (listA) { free(listA); } dblayer_txn_abort(li,&txn); if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); return return_value; } if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); } if (priv->dblayer_enable_transactions) { /* now, get the list of logfiles that still exist */ return_value = LOG_ARCHIVE(priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV, &listB, DB_ARCH_LOG, malloc); if ((return_value != 0) || (listB == NULL)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: can't get list of logs\n", 0, 0, 0); free(listA); dblayer_txn_abort(li,&txn); return return_value; } /* compare: make sure everything in list A is still in list B */ ok = 1; for (listi = listA; listi && *listi && ok; listi++) { int found = 0; for (listj = listB; listj && *listj && !found; listj++) { if (strcmp(*listi, *listj) == 0) { found = 1; break; } } if (! found) { ok = 0; /* missing log: start over */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "WARNING: Log %s has been swiped " "out from under me! (retrying)\n", *listi, 0, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "WARNING: Log %s has been swiped out from under me! " "(retrying)", *listi); } } } if ( g_get_shutdown() || c_get_shutdown() ) { dblayer_txn_abort(li,&txn); return -1; } if (ok) { size_t p1len, p2len; char **listptr; prefix = NULL; if ((NULL != priv->dblayer_log_directory) && (0 != strlen(priv->dblayer_log_directory))) { prefix = priv->dblayer_log_directory; } else { prefix = home_dir; } /* log files have the same filename len(100 is a safety net:) */ p1len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(*listB) + 100; pathname1 = (char *)slapi_ch_malloc(p1len); p2len = strlen(dest_dir) + strlen(*listB) + 100; pathname2 = (char *)slapi_ch_malloc(p2len); /* We copy those over */ for (listptr = listB; listptr && *listptr && ok; ++listptr) { PR_snprintf(pathname1, p1len, "%s/%s", prefix, *listptr); PR_snprintf(pathname2, p2len, "%s/%s", dest_dir, *listptr); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Backing up file %d (%s)\n", cnt, pathname2, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Backing up file %d (%s)", cnt, pathname2); slapi_task_log_status(task, "Backing up file %d (%s)", cnt, pathname2); } return_value = dblayer_copyfile(pathname1, pathname2, 0, priv->dblayer_file_mode); if (0 > return_value) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error copying file '%s' " "(err=%d) -- Starting over...\n", pathname1, return_value, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Error copying file '%s' (err=%d) -- Starting " "over...", pathname1, return_value); } ok = 0; } if ( g_get_shutdown() || c_get_shutdown() ) { dblayer_txn_abort(li,&txn); return -1; } cnt++; } slapi_ch_free((void **)&pathname1); slapi_ch_free((void **)&pathname2); } if (listA) { free(listA); listA = NULL; } if (listB) { free(listB); listB = NULL; } } } while (!ok); if ( g_get_shutdown() || c_get_shutdown() ) { dblayer_txn_abort(li,&txn); return -1; } /* now copy the version file */ pathname1 = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s", home_dir, DBVERSION_FILENAME); pathname2 = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s", dest_dir, DBVERSION_FILENAME); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Backing up file %d (%s)\n", cnt, pathname2, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Backing up file %d (%s)", cnt, pathname2); slapi_task_log_status(task, "Backing up file %d (%s)", cnt, pathname2); } return_value = dblayer_copyfile(pathname1,pathname2,0,priv->dblayer_file_mode); slapi_ch_free((void **)&pathname1); slapi_ch_free((void **)&pathname2); /* Lastly we tell log file truncation to start again */ if (0 == return_value) /* if everything went well, backup the index conf */ return_value = dse_conf_backup(li, dest_dir); return_value = dblayer_txn_abort(li,&txn); return return_value; } /* * Restore is pretty easy. * We delete the current database. * We then copy all the files over from the backup point. * We then leave them there for the slapd process to pick up and do the recovery * (which it will do as it sees no guard file). */ /* Helper function first */ static int dblayer_is_logfilename(const char* path) { int ret = 0; /* Is the filename at least 4 characters long ? */ if (strlen(path) < 4) { return 0; /* Not a log file then */ } /* Are the first 4 characters "log." ? */ ret = strncmp(path,"log.",4); if (0 == ret) { /* Now, are the last 4 characters _not_ .db# ? */ const char *piece = path + (strlen(path) - 4); ret = strcmp(piece,LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX); if (0 != ret) { /* Is */ return 1; } } return 0; /* Is not */ } /* remove log.xxx from log directory*/ static int dblayer_delete_transaction_logs(const char * log_dir) { int rc=0; char filename1[MAXPATHLEN]; PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(log_dir); if (NULL != dirhandle) { PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; int is_a_logfile = 0; int pre=0; PRFileInfo info ; while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { if (NULL == direntry->name) { /* NSPR doesn't behave like the docs say it should */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "PR_ReadDir failed (%d): %s\n", PR_GetError(),slapd_pr_strerror(PR_GetError()), 0); break; } PR_snprintf(filename1, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", log_dir, direntry->name); pre = PR_GetFileInfo(filename1, &info); if (pre == PR_SUCCESS && PR_FILE_DIRECTORY == info.type) { continue; } is_a_logfile = dblayer_is_logfilename(direntry->name); if (is_a_logfile && (NULL != log_dir) && (0 != strlen(log_dir)) ) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Deleting log file: (%s)\n", filename1, 0, 0); unlink(filename1); } } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); } else if (PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR != PR_GetError()) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_delete_transaction_logs: PR_OpenDir(%s) failed (%d): %s\n", log_dir, PR_GetError(),slapd_pr_strerror(PR_GetError())); rc=1; } return rc; } const char *skip_list[] = { ".ldif", NULL }; static int doskip(const char *filename) { const char **p; int len = strlen(filename); for (p = skip_list; p && *p; p++) { int n = strlen(*p); if (0 == strncmp(filename + len - n, *p, n)) return 1; } return 0; } static int dblayer_copy_dirand_contents(char* src_dir, char* dst_dir, int mode, Slapi_Task *task) { int return_value = 0; int tmp_rval; char filename1[MAXPATHLEN]; char filename2[MAXPATHLEN]; PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; PRFileInfo info; dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(src_dir); if (NULL != dirhandle) { while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { if (NULL == direntry->name) { /* NSPR doesn't behave like the docs say it should */ break; } PR_snprintf(filename1, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", src_dir, direntry->name); PR_snprintf(filename2, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", dst_dir, direntry->name); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Moving file %s\n", filename2, 0, 0); /* Is this entry a directory? */ tmp_rval = PR_GetFileInfo(filename1, &info); if (tmp_rval == PR_SUCCESS && PR_FILE_DIRECTORY == info.type) { PR_MkDir(filename2,NEWDIR_MODE); return_value = dblayer_copy_dirand_contents(filename1, filename2, mode,task); if (return_value) { if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Failed to copy directory %s", filename1); } break; } } else { if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Moving file %s", filename2); slapi_task_log_status(task, "Moving file %s", filename2); } return_value = dblayer_copyfile(filename1, filename2, 0, mode); } if (0 > return_value) break; } } return return_value; } static int dblayer_fri_trim(char *fri_dir_path, char* bename) { int retval = 0; int tmp_rval; char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; PRFileInfo info; dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(fri_dir_path); if (NULL != dirhandle) { while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { if (NULL == direntry->name) { /* NSPR doesn't behave like the docs say it should */ break; } PR_snprintf(filename, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", fri_dir_path, direntry->name); /* Is this entry a directory? */ tmp_rval = PR_GetFileInfo(filename, &info); if (tmp_rval == PR_SUCCESS && PR_FILE_DIRECTORY == info.type) { if(strcmp(direntry->name,bename)!=0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Removing file %s from staging area\n", filename, 0, 0); ldbm_delete_dirs(filename); } continue; } if ((strcmp(direntry->name,"DBVERSION") == 0)|| (strncmp(direntry->name,"__",2) == 0)|| (strncmp(direntry->name,"log",3) == 0)){ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Removing file %s from staging area\n", filename, 0, 0); PR_Delete(filename); } } } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); return retval; } /* Recover a stand-alone environment , used in filesystem replica intialization restore */ static int dblayer_recover_environment_path(char *dbhome_dir, dblayer_private *priv) { int retval = 0; DB_ENV *env = NULL; /* Make an environment for recovery */ retval = dblayer_make_private_recovery_env(dbhome_dir, priv, &env); if (retval) { goto error; } if (env) { retval = env->close(env,0); if (retval) { } } error: return retval; } static int dblayer_fri_restore(char *home_dir, char *src_dir, dblayer_private *priv, Slapi_Task *task, char** new_src_dir, char* bename) { int retval = 0; char *fribak_dir_path = NULL; char *fribak_dir_name = "fribak"; int mode = priv->dblayer_file_mode; *new_src_dir = NULL; /* First create the recovery directory */ fribak_dir_path = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/../%s",home_dir,fribak_dir_name); if((-1 == PR_MkDir(fribak_dir_path,NEWDIR_MODE))) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_fri_restore: %s exists\n",fribak_dir_path, 0, 0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_fri_restore: Removing %s.\n",fribak_dir_path, 0, 0); retval = ldbm_delete_dirs(fribak_dir_path); if (retval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_fri_restore: Removal of %s failed!\n", fribak_dir_path, 0, 0); goto error; } PR_MkDir(fribak_dir_path,NEWDIR_MODE); if (retval != PR_SUCCESS) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_fri_restore: Creation of %s failed!\n", fribak_dir_path, 0, 0); goto error; } } /* Next copy over the entire backup file set to the recovery directory */ /* We do this because we want to run recovery there, and we need all the files for that */ retval = dblayer_copy_dirand_contents(src_dir, fribak_dir_path, mode, task); if (retval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_fri_restore: Copy contents to %s failed!\n", fribak_dir_path, 0, 0); goto error; } /* Next, run recovery on the files */ retval = dblayer_recover_environment_path(fribak_dir_path, priv); if (retval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_fri_restore: Recovery failed!\n", 0, 0, 0); goto error; } /* Files nicely recovered, next we stip out what we don't need from the backup set */ retval = dblayer_fri_trim(fribak_dir_path,bename); if (retval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_fri_restore: Trim failed!\n", 0, 0, 0); goto error; } *new_src_dir = fribak_dir_path; error: return retval; } /* Destination Directory is an absolute pathname */ int dblayer_restore(struct ldbminfo *li, char *src_dir, Slapi_Task *task, char *bename) { dblayer_private *priv = NULL; int return_value = 0; int tmp_rval; char filename1[MAXPATHLEN]; char filename2[MAXPATHLEN]; PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; PRFileInfo info; ldbm_instance *inst; int seen_logfiles = 0; /* Tells us if we restored any logfiles */ int is_a_logfile = 0; int dbmode; int action = 0; char *home_dir = NULL; char *real_src_dir = NULL; int frirestore = 0; /* Is a an FRI/single instance restore. 0 for no, 1 for yes */ struct stat sbuf; PR_ASSERT(NULL != li); priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv); /* DBDB this is a hack, take out later */ PR_Lock(li->li_config_mutex); priv->dblayer_home_directory = li->li_directory; priv->dblayer_cachesize = li->li_dbcachesize; priv->dblayer_ncache = li->li_dbncache; priv->dblayer_file_mode = li->li_mode; PR_Unlock(li->li_config_mutex); home_dir = dblayer_get_home_dir(li, NULL); if (NULL == home_dir) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Restore failed due to missing db home directory info\n", 0, 0, 0); return -1; } /* We find out if slapd is running */ /* If it is, we fail */ /* We check on the source staging area, no point in going further if it * isn't there */ if (stat(src_dir, &sbuf) < 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "restore: backup directory %s does not " "exist.\n", src_dir, 0, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Backup directory %s does not exist.\n", src_dir); } return LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; } else if (!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "restore: backup directory %s is not " "a directory.\n", src_dir, 0, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Backup directory %s is not a directory.\n", src_dir); } return LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; } if (!dbversion_exists(li, src_dir)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "restore: backup directory %s does not " "contain a complete backup\n", src_dir, 0, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Backup directory %s does not " "contain a complete backup", src_dir ); } return LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; } /* If this is a FRI restore, the bename will be non-NULL */ if (bename != NULL) frirestore = 1; /* * Check if the target is a superset of the backup. * If not don't restore any db at all, otherwise * the target will be crippled. */ dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(src_dir); if (NULL != dirhandle) { while ((direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT)) && direntry->name) { PR_snprintf(filename1, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", src_dir, direntry->name); if(!frirestore || strcmp(direntry->name,bename)==0) { tmp_rval = PR_GetFileInfo(filename1, &info); if (tmp_rval == PR_SUCCESS && PR_FILE_DIRECTORY == info.type) { inst = ldbm_instance_find_by_name(li, (char *)direntry->name); if ( inst == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: target server has no %s configured\n", direntry->name, 0, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "ERROR: target server has no %s configured\n", direntry->name); } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); return LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; } if (slapd_comp_path(src_dir, inst->inst_parent_dir_name) == 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: backup dir %s and target dir %s are identical\n", src_dir, inst->inst_parent_dir_name, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "ERROR: backup dir %s and target dir %s are identical\n", src_dir, inst->inst_parent_dir_name); } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); return LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; } } } } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); } /* We delete the existing database */ return_value = dblayer_delete_database_ex(li, bename); if (return_value) { return return_value; } if (frirestore) /*if we are restoring a single backend*/ { char *new_src_dir = NULL; return_value = dblayer_fri_restore(home_dir,src_dir,priv,task,&new_src_dir,bename); if (return_value) { return return_value; } /* Now modify the src_dir to point to our recovery area and carry on as if nothing had happened... */ real_src_dir = new_src_dir; } else { /* Otherwise use the src_dir from the caller */ real_src_dir = src_dir; } /* We copy the files over from the staging area */ /* We want to treat the logfiles specially: if there's * a log file directory configured, copy the logfiles there * rather than to the db dirctory */ if (0 == return_value) { dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(real_src_dir); if (NULL != dirhandle) { char *restore_dir; char *prefix = NULL; int cnt = 1; while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { if (NULL == direntry->name) { /* NSPR doesn't behave like the docs say it should */ break; } /* Is this entry a directory? */ PR_snprintf(filename1, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", real_src_dir, direntry->name); tmp_rval = PR_GetFileInfo(filename1, &info); if (tmp_rval == PR_SUCCESS && PR_FILE_DIRECTORY == info.type) { /* This is an instance directory. It contains the *.db# * files for the backend instance. * restore directory is supposed to be where the backend * directory is located. */ inst = ldbm_instance_find_by_name(li, (char *)direntry->name); if (inst == NULL) continue; restore_dir = inst->inst_parent_dir_name; /* If we're doing a partial restore, we need to reset the LSNs on the data files */ if (dblayer_copy_directory(li, task, filename1, restore_dir, 1 /* restore */, &cnt, 0, 0, (bename) ? 1 : 0) == 0) continue; else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "restore: failed to copy directory %s\n", filename1, 0, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Failed to copy directory %s", filename1); } break; } } if (doskip(direntry->name)) continue; /* Is this a log file ? */ /* Log files have names of the form "log.xxxxx" */ /* We detect these by looking for the prefix "log." and * the lack of the ".db#" suffix */ is_a_logfile = dblayer_is_logfilename(direntry->name); if (is_a_logfile) { seen_logfiles = 1; } if (is_a_logfile && (NULL != priv->dblayer_log_directory) && (0 != strlen(priv->dblayer_log_directory)) ) { prefix = priv->dblayer_log_directory; } else { prefix = home_dir; } mkdir_p(prefix, 0700); PR_snprintf(filename1, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", real_src_dir, direntry->name); PR_snprintf(filename2, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", prefix, direntry->name); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Restoring file %d (%s)\n", cnt, filename2, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Restoring file %d (%s)", cnt, filename2); slapi_task_log_status(task, "Restoring file %d (%s)", cnt, filename2); } return_value = dblayer_copyfile(filename1, filename2, 0, priv->dblayer_file_mode); if (0 > return_value) break; cnt++; } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); } } /* We're done ! */ #if defined(UPGRADEDB) /* [605024] check the DBVERSION and reset idl-switch if needed */ if (dbversion_exists(li, home_dir)) { char ldbmversion[LDBM_VERSION_MAXBUF]; char dataversion[LDBM_VERSION_MAXBUF]; if (dbversion_read(li, home_dir, ldbmversion, dataversion) != 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: Unable to read dbversion " "file in %s\n", home_dir, 0, 0); } else { adjust_idl_switch(ldbmversion, li); } } #endif return_value = check_db_version(li, &action); if (action & DBVERSION_UPGRADE_3_4) { dbmode = DBLAYER_CLEAN_RECOVER_MODE;/* upgrade: remove logs & recover */ } else if (seen_logfiles) { dbmode = DBLAYER_RESTORE_MODE; } else { dbmode = DBLAYER_RESTORE_NO_RECOVERY_MODE; } /* now start the database code up, to prevent recovery next time the * server starts; * dse_conf_verify may need to have db started, as well. */ /* If no logfiles were stored, then fatal recovery isn't required */ if (li->li_flags & TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE) { /* command line mode; no need to run db threads */ dbmode |= DBLAYER_NO_DBTHREADS_MODE; } else /* on-line mode */ { allinstance_set_not_busy(li); } tmp_rval = dblayer_start(li, dbmode); if (0 != tmp_rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_restore: Failed to init database\n", 0, 0, 0); if (task) { slapi_task_log_notice(task, "Failed to init database"); } return_value = tmp_rval; goto error_out; } if (0 == return_value) { /* only when the copyfile succeeded */ /* check the DSE_* files, if any */ tmp_rval = dse_conf_verify(li, real_src_dir, bename); if (0 != tmp_rval) LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Warning: Unable to verify the index configuration\n", 0, 0, 0); } if (li->li_flags & TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE) { /* command line: close the database down again */ tmp_rval = dblayer_close(li, dbmode); if (0 != tmp_rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_restore: Failed to close database\n", 0, 0, 0); } } else { allinstance_set_busy(li); /* on-line mode */ } return_value = tmp_rval?tmp_rval:return_value; error_out: /* Free the restore src dir, but only if we allocated it above */ if (real_src_dir != src_dir) { /* If this was an FRI restore and the staging area exists, go ahead and remove it */ if (frirestore && PR_Access(real_src_dir, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_SUCCESS) { int ret1 = 0; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_restore: Removing staging area %s.\n",real_src_dir, 0, 0); ret1 = ldbm_delete_dirs(real_src_dir); if (ret1) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dblayer_restore: Removal of staging area %s failed!\n", real_src_dir, 0, 0); } } slapi_ch_free((void**)&real_src_dir); } return return_value; } /* * inst_dir_name is a relative path (from 6.21) * ==> txn log stores relative paths and becomes relocatable * if full path is given, parent dir is inst_parent_dir_name; * otherwise, inst_dir in home_dir * * Set an appropriate path to inst_dir_name, if not yet. * Create the specified directory, if not exists. */ int dblayer_get_instance_data_dir(backend *be) { ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *)be->be_instance_info; char *full_namep = NULL; char full_name[MAXPATHLEN]; PRDir *db_dir = NULL; int ret = -1; /* if a specific directory name was specified for this particular * instance use it othewise use the ldbm-wide one */ full_namep = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(inst->inst_li, inst, full_name, MAXPATHLEN); /* Does this directory already exist? */ if ((db_dir = PR_OpenDir(full_namep)) != NULL) { /* yep. */ PR_CloseDir(db_dir); ret = 0; } else { /* nope -- create it. */ ret = mkdir_p(full_namep, 0700); } if (full_name != full_namep) slapi_ch_free_string(&full_namep); return ret; } char * dblayer_strerror(int error) { return db_strerror(error); } /* [605974] check a db region file's existence to know whether import is executed by other process or not */ #define DB_REGION_PREFIX "__db." int dblayer_in_import(ldbm_instance *inst) { PRDir *dirhandle = NULL; PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL; char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *inst_dirp = NULL; int rval = 0; inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(inst->inst_li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN); dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(inst_dirp); if (NULL == dirhandle) goto done; while (NULL != (direntry = PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) { if (NULL == direntry->name) { break; } if (0 ==strncmp(direntry->name, DB_REGION_PREFIX, 5)) { rval = 1; break; } } PR_CloseDir(dirhandle); done: if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); return rval; } /* * to change the db extention (e.g., .db3 -> .db4) */ int dblayer_update_db_ext(ldbm_instance *inst, char *oldext, char *newext) { struct attrinfo *a = NULL; backend *be = NULL; struct ldbminfo *li = NULL; dblayer_private *priv = NULL; DB *thisdb = NULL; int rval = 0; char *ofile = NULL; char *nfile = NULL; char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *inst_dirp; if (NULL == inst) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "update_db_ext: Null instance is passed\n", 0, 0, 0); return -1; /* non zero */ } be = inst->inst_be; li = inst->inst_li; priv = (dblayer_private*)li->li_dblayer_private; inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN); for (a = (struct attrinfo *)avl_getfirst(inst->inst_attrs); NULL != a; a = (struct attrinfo *)avl_getnext()) { PRFileInfo info; ofile = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s%s", inst_dirp, a->ai_type, oldext); if (PR_GetFileInfo(ofile, &info) != PR_SUCCESS) { slapi_ch_free_string(&ofile); continue; } /* db->rename disable DB in it; we need to create for each */ rval = db_create(&thisdb, priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0); if (0 != rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "db_create returned %d (%s)\n", rval, dblayer_strerror(rval), 0); goto done; } nfile = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s%s", inst_dirp, a->ai_type, newext); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "update_db_ext: rename %s -> %s\n", ofile, nfile, 0); rval = thisdb->rename(thisdb, (const char *)ofile, NULL /* subdb */, (const char *)nfile, 0); if (0 != rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rename returned %d (%s)\n", rval, dblayer_strerror(rval), 0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "update_db_ext: index (%s) Failed to update index %s -> %s\n", inst->inst_name, ofile, nfile); goto done; } slapi_ch_free_string(&ofile); slapi_ch_free_string(&nfile); } rval = db_create(&thisdb, priv->dblayer_env->dblayer_DB_ENV, 0); if (0 != rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "db_create returned %d (%s)\n", rval, dblayer_strerror(rval), 0); goto done; } ofile = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s%s", inst_dirp, ID2ENTRY, oldext); nfile = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s%s", inst_dirp, ID2ENTRY, newext); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "update_db_ext: rename %s -> %s\n", ofile, nfile, 0); rval = thisdb->rename(thisdb, (const char *)ofile, NULL /* subdb */, (const char *)nfile, 0); if (0 != rval) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "rename returned %d (%s)\n", rval, dblayer_strerror(rval), 0); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "update_db_ext: index (%s) Failed to update index %s -> %s\n", inst->inst_name, ofile, nfile); } done: slapi_ch_free_string(&ofile); slapi_ch_free_string(&nfile); if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); return rval; } /* * delete the index files belonging to the instance */ int dblayer_delete_indices(ldbm_instance *inst) { int rval = -1; struct attrinfo *a = NULL; int i; if (NULL == inst) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "update_index_ext: Null instance is passed\n", 0, 0, 0); return rval; } rval = 0; for (a = (struct attrinfo *)avl_getfirst(inst->inst_attrs), i = 0; NULL != a; a = (struct attrinfo *)avl_getnext(), i++) { rval += dblayer_erase_index_file(inst->inst_be, a, i/* chkpt; 1st time only */); } return rval; } void dblayer_set_recovery_required(struct ldbminfo *li) { if (NULL == li || NULL == li->li_dblayer_private) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY,"set_recovery_required: no dblayer info\n", 0, 0, 0); return; } li->li_dblayer_private->dblayer_recovery_required = 1; }