/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #include "back-ldbm.h" static char *sourcefile = "ancestorid"; /* Start of definitions for a simple cache using a hash table */ typedef struct id2idl { ID keyid; IDList *idl; struct id2idl *next; } id2idl; static void id2idl_free(id2idl **ididl); static int id2idl_same_key(const void *ididl, const void *k); typedef Hashtable id2idl_hash; #define id2idl_new_hash(size) new_hash(size,HASHLOC(id2idl,next),NULL,id2idl_same_key) #define id2idl_hash_lookup(ht,key,he) find_hash(ht,key,sizeof(ID),(void**)(he)) #define id2idl_hash_add(ht,key,he,alt) add_hash(ht,key,sizeof(ID),he,(void**)(alt)) #define id2idl_hash_remove(ht,key) remove_hash(ht,key,sizeof(ID)) static void id2idl_hash_destroy(id2idl_hash *ht); /* End of definitions for a simple cache using a hash table */ static int ldbm_parentid(backend *be, DB_TXN *txn, ID id, ID *ppid); static int check_cache(id2idl_hash *ht); static IDList *idl_union_allids(backend *be, struct attrinfo *ai, IDList *a, IDList *b); static int ldbm_get_nonleaf_ids(backend *be, DB_TXN *txn, IDList **idl) { int ret = 0; DB *db = NULL; DBC *dbc = NULL; DBT key = {0}; DBT data = {0}; struct attrinfo *ai = NULL; IDList *nodes = NULL; ID id; /* Open the parentid index */ ainfo_get( be, "parentid", &ai ); /* Open the parentid index file */ ret = dblayer_get_index_file(be, ai, &db, DBOPEN_CREATE); if (ret != 0) { ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13010,ret); goto out; } /* Get a cursor so we can walk through the parentid */ ret = db->cursor(db,txn,&dbc,0); if (ret != 0 ) { ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13020,ret); goto out; } /* For each key which is an equality key */ do { ret = dbc->c_get(dbc,&key,&data,DB_NEXT_NODUP); if ((ret == 0) && (*(char*)key.data == EQ_PREFIX)) { id = (ID) strtoul((char*)key.data+1, NULL, 10); idl_insert(&nodes, id); } } while (ret == 0); /* Check for success */ if (ret == DB_NOTFOUND) ret = 0; if (ret != 0) ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13030,ret); out: /* Close the cursor */ if (dbc != NULL) { if (ret == 0) { ret = dbc->c_close(dbc); if (ret != 0) ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13040,ret); } else { (void)dbc->c_close(dbc); } } /* Release the parentid file */ if (db != NULL) { dblayer_release_index_file( be, ai, db ); } /* Return the idlist */ if (ret == 0) { *idl = nodes; LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "found %lu nodes for ancestorid\n", (u_long)IDL_NIDS(nodes), 0, 0); } else { idl_free(nodes); *idl = NULL; } return ret; } /* * XXX: This function creates ancestorid index, which is a sort of hack. * This function handles idl directly, * which should have been implemented in the idl file(s). * When the idl code would be updated in the future, * this function may also get affected. * (see also bug#: 605535) * * Construct the ancestorid index. Requirements: * - The backend is read only. * - The parentid index is accurate. * - Non-leaf entries have IDs less than their descendants * (guaranteed after a database import but not after a subtree move) * */ int ldbm_ancestorid_create_index(backend *be) { int ret = 0; DB *db_pid = NULL; DB *db_aid = NULL; DBT key = {0}; DB_TXN *txn = NULL; struct attrinfo *ai_pid = NULL; struct attrinfo *ai_aid = NULL; char keybuf[24]; IDList *nodes = NULL; IDList *children = NULL, *descendants = NULL; NIDS nids; ID id, parentid; id2idl_hash *ht = NULL; id2idl *ididl; /* * We need to iterate depth-first through the non-leaf nodes * in the tree amassing an idlist of descendant ids for each node. * We would prefer to go through the parentid keys just once from * highest id to lowest id but the btree ordering is by string * rather than number. So we go through the parentid keys in btree * order first of all to create an idlist of all the non-leaf nodes. * Then we can use the idlist to iterate through parentid in the * correct order. */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Creating ancestorid index\n", 0,0,0); /* Get the non-leaf node IDs */ ret = ldbm_get_nonleaf_ids(be, txn, &nodes); if (ret != 0) return ret; /* Get the ancestorid index */ ainfo_get(be, "ancestorid", &ai_aid); /* Prevent any other use of the index */ ai_aid->ai_indexmask |= INDEX_OFFLINE; /* Open the ancestorid index file */ ret = dblayer_get_index_file(be, ai_aid, &db_aid, DBOPEN_CREATE); if (ret != 0) { ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13050,ret); goto out; } /* Maybe nothing to do */ if (nodes == NULL || nodes->b_nids == 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Nothing to do to build ancestorid index\n", 0, 0, 0); goto out; } /* Create an ancestorid cache */ ht = id2idl_new_hash(nodes->b_nids); /* Get the parentid index */ ainfo_get( be, "parentid", &ai_pid ); /* Open the parentid index file */ ret = dblayer_get_index_file(be, ai_pid, &db_pid, DBOPEN_CREATE); if (ret != 0) { ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13060,ret); goto out; } /* Initialize key DBT */ key.data = keybuf; key.ulen = sizeof(keybuf); key.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; /* Iterate from highest to lowest ID */ nids = nodes->b_nids; do { nids--; id = nodes->b_ids[nids]; /* Get immediate children from parentid index */ key.size = PR_snprintf(key.data, key.ulen, "%c%lu", EQ_PREFIX, (u_long)id); key.size++; /* include the null terminator */ ret = NEW_IDL_NO_ALLID; children = idl_fetch(be, db_pid, &key, txn, ai_pid, &ret); if (ret != 0) { ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13070,ret); break; } /* Insert into ancestorid for this node */ if (id2idl_hash_lookup(ht, &id, &ididl)) { descendants = idl_union_allids(be, ai_aid, ididl->idl, children); idl_free(children); if (id2idl_hash_remove(ht, &id) == 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ancestorid hash_remove failed\n", 0,0,0); } else { id2idl_free(&ididl); } } else { descendants = children; } ret = idl_store_block(be, db_aid, &key, descendants, txn, ai_aid); if (ret != 0) break; /* Get parentid for this entry */ ret = ldbm_parentid(be, txn, id, &parentid); if (ret != 0) { idl_free(descendants); break; } /* A suffix entry does not have a parent */ if (parentid == NOID) { idl_free(descendants); continue; } /* Insert into ancestorid for this node's parent */ if (id2idl_hash_lookup(ht, &parentid, &ididl)) { IDList *idl = idl_union_allids(be, ai_aid, ididl->idl, descendants); idl_free(descendants); idl_free(ididl->idl); ididl->idl = idl; } else { ididl = (id2idl*)slapi_ch_calloc(1,sizeof(id2idl)); ididl->keyid = parentid; ididl->idl = descendants; if (id2idl_hash_add(ht, &parentid, ididl, NULL) == 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ancestorid hash_add failed\n", 0,0,0); } } } while (nids > 0); if (ret != 0) { goto out; } /* We're expecting the cache to be empty */ ret = check_cache(ht); out: if (ret == 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Created ancestorid index\n", 0,0,0); } else { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Failed to create ancestorid index\n", 0,0,0); } /* Destroy the cache */ id2idl_hash_destroy(ht); /* Free any leftover idlists */ idl_free(nodes); /* Release the parentid file */ if (db_pid != NULL) { dblayer_release_index_file( be, ai_pid, db_pid ); } /* Release the ancestorid file */ if (db_aid != NULL) { dblayer_release_index_file( be, ai_aid, db_aid ); } /* Enable the index */ if (ret == 0) { ai_aid->ai_indexmask &= ~INDEX_OFFLINE; } return ret; } /* * Get parentid of an id by reading the operational attr from id2entry. */ static int ldbm_parentid(backend *be, DB_TXN *txn, ID id, ID *ppid) { int ret = 0; DB *db = NULL; DBT key = {0}; DBT data = {0}; ID stored_id; char *p; /* Open the id2entry file */ ret = dblayer_get_id2entry(be, &db); if (ret != 0) { ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13100,ret); goto out; } /* Initialize key and data DBTs */ id_internal_to_stored(id, (char *)&stored_id); key.data = (char *)&stored_id; key.size = sizeof(stored_id); key.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC; /* Read id2entry */ ret = db->get(db, txn, &key, &data, 0); if (ret != 0) { ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13110,ret); goto out; } /* Extract the parentid value */ #define PARENTID_STR "\nparentid:" p = strstr(data.data, PARENTID_STR); if (p == NULL) { *ppid = NOID; goto out; } *ppid = strtoul(p + strlen(PARENTID_STR), NULL, 10); out: /* Free the entry value */ if (data.data != NULL) free(data.data); /* Release the id2entry file */ if (db != NULL) { dblayer_release_id2entry(be, db); } return ret; } static void id2idl_free(id2idl **ididl) { idl_free((*ididl)->idl); slapi_ch_free((void**)ididl); } static int id2idl_same_key(const void *ididl, const void *k) { return (((id2idl *)ididl)->keyid == *(ID *)k); } static int check_cache(id2idl_hash *ht) { id2idl *e; u_long i, found = 0; int ret = 0; if (ht == NULL) return 0; for (i = 0; i < ht->size; i++) { e = (id2idl *)ht->slot[i]; while (e) { found++; e = e->next; } } if (found > 0) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ERROR: parentid index is not complete (%lu extra keys in ancestorid cache)\n", found,0,0); ret = -1; } return ret; } static void id2idl_hash_destroy(id2idl_hash *ht) { u_long i; id2idl *e, *next; if (ht == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < ht->size; i++) { e = (id2idl *)ht->slot[i]; while (e) { next = e->next; id2idl_free(&e); e = next; } } slapi_ch_free((void **)&ht); } /* * idl_union_allids - return a union b * takes attr index allids setting into account */ static IDList *idl_union_allids(backend *be, struct attrinfo *ai, IDList *a, IDList *b) { if (!idl_get_idl_new()) { if (a != NULL && b != NULL) { if (ALLIDS( a ) || ALLIDS( b ) || (IDL_NIDS(a) + IDL_NIDS(b) > idl_get_allidslimit(ai))) { return( idl_allids( be ) ); } } } return idl_union(be, a, b); } static int ancestorid_addordel( backend *be, DB* db, ID node_id, ID id, DB_TXN *txn, struct attrinfo *ai, int flags, int *allids ) { DBT key = {0}; char keybuf[24]; int ret = 0; /* Initialize key DBT */ key.data = keybuf; key.ulen = sizeof(keybuf); key.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; key.size = PR_snprintf(key.data, key.ulen, "%c%lu", EQ_PREFIX, (u_long)node_id); key.size++; /* include the null terminator */ if (flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) { #if 1 LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "insert ancestorid %lu:%lu\n", (u_long)node_id, (u_long)id, 0); #endif ret = idl_insert_key(be, db, &key, id, txn, ai, allids); } else { #if 1 LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "delete ancestorid %lu:%lu\n", (u_long)node_id, (u_long)id, 0); #endif ret = idl_delete_key(be, db, &key, id, txn, ai); } if (ret != 0) { ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13120,ret); } return ret; } /* * Update ancestorid index inserting or deleting depending on flags. * The entry ids to be indexed are given by id (a base object) * and optionally subtree_idl (descendants of the base object). * The ancestorid keys to be updated are derived from nodes * in the tree from low up to high. Whether the low and high nodes * themselves are updated is given by include_low and include_high. */ static int ldbm_ancestorid_index_update( backend *be, const Slapi_DN *low, const Slapi_DN *high, int include_low, int include_high, ID id, IDList *subtree_idl, int flags, /* BE_INDEX_ADD, BE_INDEX_DEL */ back_txn *txn ) { DB *db = NULL; int allids = IDL_INSERT_NORMAL; Slapi_DN dn = {0}; Slapi_DN nextdn = {0}; struct attrinfo *ai = NULL; struct berval ndnv; ID node_id, sub_id; IDList *idl; idl_iterator iter; int err = 0, ret = 0; DB_TXN *db_txn = txn != NULL ? txn->back_txn_txn : NULL; /* Open the ancestorid index */ ainfo_get(be, "ancestorid", &ai); ret = dblayer_get_index_file(be, ai, &db, DBOPEN_CREATE); if (ret != 0) { ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13130,ret); goto out; } slapi_sdn_copy(low, &dn); if (include_low == 0) { if (slapi_sdn_compare(&dn, high) == 0) { goto out; } /* Get the next highest DN */ slapi_sdn_get_parent(&dn, &nextdn); slapi_sdn_copy(&nextdn, &dn); } /* Iterate up through the tree */ do { if (slapi_sdn_isempty(&dn)) { break; } /* Have we reached the high node? */ if (include_high == 0 && slapi_sdn_compare(&dn, high) == 0) { break; } /* Get the id for that DN */ ndnv.bv_val = (void*)slapi_sdn_get_ndn(&dn); ndnv.bv_len = slapi_sdn_get_ndn_len(&dn); err = 0; idl = index_read(be, "entrydn", indextype_EQUALITY, &ndnv, txn, &err); if (idl == NULL) { if (err != 0 && err != DB_NOTFOUND) { ldbm_nasty(sourcefile,13140,ret); ret = err; } break; } node_id = idl_firstid(idl); idl_free(idl); /* Update ancestorid for the base entry */ ret = ancestorid_addordel(be, db, node_id, id, db_txn, ai, flags, &allids); if (ret != 0) break; /* * If this node was already allids then all higher nodes must already * be at allids since the higher nodes must have a greater number * of descendants. Therefore no point continuing. */ if (allids == IDL_INSERT_ALLIDS) break; /* Update ancestorid for any subtree entries */ if (subtree_idl != NULL && ((flags & BE_INDEX_ADD) || (!ALLIDS(subtree_idl)))) { iter = idl_iterator_init(subtree_idl); while ((sub_id = idl_iterator_dereference_increment(&iter, subtree_idl)) != NOID) { ret = ancestorid_addordel(be, db, node_id, sub_id, db_txn, ai, flags, &allids); if (ret != 0) break; } if (ret != 0) break; } /* Have we reached the high node? */ if (slapi_sdn_compare(&dn, high) == 0) { break; } /* Get the next highest DN */ slapi_sdn_get_parent(&dn, &nextdn); slapi_sdn_copy(&nextdn, &dn); } while (ret == 0); out: slapi_sdn_done(&dn); slapi_sdn_done(&nextdn); /* Release the ancestorid file */ if (db != NULL) { dblayer_release_index_file(be, ai, db); } return ret; } /* * Update the ancestorid index for a single entry. * This function depends on the integrity of the entrydn index. */ int ldbm_ancestorid_index_entry( backend *be, struct backentry *e, int flags, /* BE_INDEX_ADD, BE_INDEX_DEL */ back_txn *txn ) { int ret = 0; ret = ldbm_ancestorid_index_update(be, slapi_entry_get_sdn_const(e->ep_entry), slapi_be_getsuffix(be, 0), 0, 1, e->ep_id, NULL, flags, txn); return ret; } /* * Returns <0, 0, >0 according to whether right is a suffix of left, * neither is a suffix of the other, or left is a suffix of right. * If common is non-null then the common suffix of left and right * is returned in *common. */ int slapi_sdn_suffix_cmp( const Slapi_DN *left, const Slapi_DN *right, Slapi_DN *common ) { char **rdns1, **rdns2; int count1, count2, i, ret = 0; size_t len = 0; char *p, *ndnstr; rdns1 = ldap_explode_dn(slapi_sdn_get_ndn(left), 0); rdns2 = ldap_explode_dn(slapi_sdn_get_ndn(right), 0); for(count1 = 0; rdns1[count1]!=NULL; count1++){ } count1--; for(count2 = 0; rdns2[count2]!=NULL; count2++){ } count2--; while (count1 >= 0 && count2 >= 0) { if (strcmp(rdns1[count1], rdns2[count2]) != 0) break; count1--; count2--; } count1++; count2++; if (count1 == 0 && count2 == 0) { /* equal */ ret = 0; } else if (count1 == 0) { /* left is suffix of right */ ret = 1; } else if (count2 == 0) { /* right is suffix of left */ ret = -1; } else { /* common prefix (possibly root), not left nor right */ ret = 0; } /* if caller does not want the common prefix then we're done */ if (common == NULL) goto out; /* figure out how much space we need */ for (i = count1; rdns1[i] != NULL; i++) { len += strlen(rdns1[i]) + 1; } /* write the string */ p = ndnstr = slapi_ch_calloc(len+1,sizeof(char)); for (i = count1; rdns1[i] != NULL; i++) { sprintf(p, "%s%s", (p != ndnstr) ? "," : "", rdns1[i]); p += strlen(p); } /* return the DN */ slapi_sdn_set_dn_passin(common, ndnstr); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "common suffix <%s>\n", slapi_sdn_get_dn(common), 0, 0); out: ldap_value_free(rdns1); ldap_value_free(rdns2); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "slapi_sdn_suffix_cmp(<%s>, <%s>) => %d\n", slapi_sdn_get_dn(left), slapi_sdn_get_dn(right), ret); return ret; } int ldbm_ancestorid_move_subtree( backend *be, const Slapi_DN *olddn, const Slapi_DN *newdn, ID id, IDList *subtree_idl, back_txn *txn ) { int ret = 0; Slapi_DN commondn = {0}; /* Determine the common ancestor */ (void)slapi_sdn_suffix_cmp(olddn, newdn, &commondn); /* Delete from old ancestors */ ret = ldbm_ancestorid_index_update(be, olddn, &commondn, 0, 0, id, subtree_idl, BE_INDEX_DEL, txn); if (ret != 0) goto out; /* Add to new ancestors */ ret = ldbm_ancestorid_index_update(be, newdn, &commondn, 0, 0, id, subtree_idl, BE_INDEX_ADD, txn); out: slapi_sdn_done(&commondn); return ret; } int ldbm_ancestorid_read( backend *be, back_txn *txn, ID id, IDList **idl ) { int ret = 0; struct berval bv; char keybuf[24]; bv.bv_val = keybuf; bv.bv_len = PR_snprintf(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), "%lu", (u_long)id); *idl = index_read(be, "ancestorid", indextype_EQUALITY, &bv, txn, &ret); return ret; }