/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #include /* getenv */ #include /* memcpy */ #include /* LDAPU_SUCCESS, ldapu_VTable_set */ #include /* ldaputil_init */ #include /* ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry */ #ifndef _WIN32 #include /* MAXPATHLEN */ #endif #include "slap.h" /* slapi_ch_malloc */ #include "fe.h" char* client_auth_config_file = NULL; /* forward declarations */ static void generate_id(); static Slapi_ComponentId * auth_get_component_id(); #define internal_ld NULL static int LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_msgfree( LDAP* ld, LDAPMessage* msg ) { Slapi_PBlock* pb = (Slapi_PBlock*)msg; if (ld != internal_ld) { return ldap_msgfree (msg); } if (pb) { slapi_free_search_results_internal (pb); slapi_pblock_destroy (pb); } return LDAP_SUCCESS; } static int LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_search_s( LDAP* ld, const char* baseDN, int scope, const char* filter, char** attrs, int attrsonly, LDAPMessage** result ) { int err = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; Slapi_PBlock* pb; LDAPControl **ctrls; if (ld != internal_ld) { return ldap_search_s (ld, baseDN, scope, filter, attrs, attrsonly, result); } LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> slapu_search_s (\"%s\", %i, %s)\n", baseDN, scope, filter); if (filter == NULL) filter = "objectclass=*"; /* use new internal search API */ pb=slapi_pblock_new(); /* we need to provide managedsait control to avoid returning continuation references */ ctrls = (LDAPControl **)slapi_ch_calloc (2, sizeof (LDAPControl *)); ctrls[0] = (LDAPControl*)slapi_ch_malloc (sizeof (LDAPControl)); ctrls[0]->ldctl_oid = slapi_ch_strdup (LDAP_CONTROL_MANAGEDSAIT); ctrls[0]->ldctl_value.bv_val = NULL; ctrls[0]->ldctl_value.bv_len = 0; ctrls[0]->ldctl_iscritical = '\0'; slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, baseDN, scope, (char *)filter, attrs, attrsonly, ctrls, NULL, auth_get_component_id(), 0 /* actions */); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); if (pb != NULL) { if (slapi_pblock_get (pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &err)) { err = LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR; } if (err != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapu_msgfree (ld, (LDAPMessage*)pb); pb = NULL; if (scope == LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE) { char ebuf[ BUFSIZ ], fbuf[ BUFSIZ ]; LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "slapi_search_internal (\"%s\", subtree, %s) err %i\n", escape_string( (char*)baseDN, ebuf ), escape_string( (char*)filter, fbuf ), err); } } } else { char ebuf[ BUFSIZ ], fbuf[ BUFSIZ ]; LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "slapi_search_internal (\"%s\", %i, %s) NULL\n", escape_string( (char*)baseDN, ebuf ), scope, escape_string( (char*)filter, fbuf )); } *result = (LDAPMessage*)pb; LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= slapu_search_s %i\n", err, 0, 0); return err; } static int LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_count_entries( LDAP* ld, LDAPMessage* msg ) { Slapi_Entry** entry = NULL; int count = 0; if (ld != internal_ld) { return ldap_count_entries (ld, msg); } if (!slapi_pblock_get ((Slapi_PBlock*)msg, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entry) && entry) { for (; *entry; ++entry) ++count; } return count; } /* slapu_search_s() returns a Slapi_PBlock*, but slapu_first_entry() and * slapu_next_entry() return a Slapi_Entry** pointing into the same array * as the PBlock. If one of the iteration (Slapi_Entry**) pointers was * passed to slapu_msgfree(), havoc would ensue. ldaputil never does this. * But ldap_msgfree() would support it (no?); so a plugin function might. * Yet another way this doesn't support plugin functions. */ static LDAPMessage* LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_first_entry( LDAP* ld, LDAPMessage* msg ) { Slapi_Entry** entry = NULL; if (ld != internal_ld) { return ldap_first_entry (ld, msg); } if (!slapi_pblock_get ((Slapi_PBlock*)msg, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entry) && entry && *entry) { return (LDAPMessage*)entry; } return NULL; } static LDAPMessage* LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_next_entry( LDAP* ld, LDAPMessage* msg ) { Slapi_Entry** entry = (Slapi_Entry**)msg; if (ld != internal_ld) { return ldap_next_entry (ld, msg); } if (entry && *entry && *++entry) { return (LDAPMessage*)entry; } return NULL; } static char* LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_get_dn( LDAP* ld, LDAPMessage* entry ) { if (ld != internal_ld) { return ldap_get_dn (ld, entry); } return slapi_ch_strdup (slapi_entry_get_dn (*(Slapi_Entry**)entry)); } static void LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_memfree( LDAP* ld, void* dn ) { if (ld != internal_ld) { ldap_memfree (dn); } else { free (dn); } } static char* slapu_attr_get_desc( Slapi_Attr *attr ) { char* desc = NULL; if (slapi_attr_get_type (attr, &desc) == LDAP_SUCCESS && desc) { return slapi_ch_strdup (desc); } return NULL; } /* slapu_first_attribute and slapu_next_attribute use a Slapi_Attr* * as an iterator. It is malloc'd by first() and free'd by ber_free(). */ static char* LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_first_attribute( LDAP* ld, LDAPMessage* entry, BerElement** iter ) { if (ld != internal_ld) { return ldap_first_attribute (ld, entry, iter); } else { Slapi_Attr** attr = (Slapi_Attr**) slapi_ch_malloc (sizeof(Slapi_Attr*)); *iter = (BerElement*) attr; if (attr && slapi_entry_first_attr (*(Slapi_Entry**)entry, attr) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { return slapu_attr_get_desc (*attr); } } return NULL; } static char* LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_next_attribute( LDAP* ld, LDAPMessage* entry, BerElement* iter) { Slapi_Attr** attr = (Slapi_Attr**)iter; if (ld != internal_ld) { return ldap_next_attribute (ld, entry, iter); } if (attr && slapi_entry_next_attr (*(Slapi_Entry**)entry, *attr, attr) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { return slapu_attr_get_desc (*attr); } return NULL; } static void LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_ber_free( LDAP* ld, BerElement* iter, int freebuf ) { if (ld != internal_ld) { ldap_ber_free (iter, freebuf); } else { free ((Slapi_Attr**)iter); } } static struct berval** LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_get_values_len( LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *entry, const char *desc ) { Slapi_Attr* attr = NULL; if (ld != internal_ld) { return ldap_get_values_len (ld, entry, desc); } if (slapi_entry_attr_find (*(Slapi_Entry**)entry, desc, &attr) == LDAP_SUCCESS && attr) { struct berval** values = NULL; if ( slapi_attr_get_bervals_copy (attr, &values) == 0 ) { return (values); } } return NULL; } static void LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK slapu_value_free_len( LDAP* ld, struct berval **values ) { if (ld != internal_ld) { ldap_value_free_len (values); } else { ber_bvecfree (values); } } void client_auth_init () { char *instancedir; int len = 0; char *val = NULL; char* filename; char netsite_root[MAXPATHLEN]; int err; if (client_auth_config_file == NULL) { client_auth_config_file = "shared/config/certmap.conf"; } /* calculate the server_root from instance dir */ instancedir = config_get_instancedir(); /* make sure path does not end in the path separator character */ len = strlen(instancedir); if (instancedir[len-1] == '/' || instancedir[len-1] == '\\') { instancedir[len-1] = '\0'; } /* get the server root from the path */ val = strrchr(instancedir, '/'); if (!val) { val = strrchr(instancedir, '\\'); } if (val) { val++; *val = '\0'; } PL_strncpyz(netsite_root, instancedir, MAXPATHLEN); slapi_ch_free_string(&instancedir); filename = PR_smprintf("%s%s", netsite_root, client_auth_config_file); err = ldaputil_init (filename, "", netsite_root, "slapd", NULL); if (err != LDAPU_SUCCESS) { LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldaputil_init(%s,...) %i\n", filename, err, 0); } else { LDAPUVTable_t vtable = { NULL /* ssl_init */, NULL /* set_option */, NULL /* simple_bind_s */, NULL /* unbind */, slapu_search_s, slapu_count_entries, slapu_first_entry, slapu_next_entry, slapu_msgfree, slapu_get_dn, slapu_memfree, slapu_first_attribute, slapu_next_attribute, slapu_ber_free, NULL /* get_values */, NULL /* value_free */, slapu_get_values_len, slapu_value_free_len}; ldapu_VTable_set (&vtable); } PR_smprintf_free (filename); /* why do we define these strings if we never use them? */ if (ldapu_strings != NULL); /* Generate a component id for cert-based authentication */ generate_id(); } #include #include "slapi-plugin.h" /* SLAPI_BERVAL_EQ */ #include "slapi-private.h" /* COMPONENT_CERT_AUTH */ static Slapi_ComponentId * auth_component_id=NULL; static void generate_id() { if (auth_component_id == NULL ) { auth_component_id=generate_componentid (NULL /* Not a plugin */ , COMPONENT_CERT_AUTH); } } static Slapi_ComponentId * auth_get_component_id() { return auth_component_id; } static char* subject_of (CERTCertificate* cert) { char* dn = NULL; if (cert != NULL) { int err = ldapu_get_cert_subject_dn (cert, &dn); if (err != LDAPU_SUCCESS) { LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ldapu_get_cert_subject_dn(%p) %i (%s)\n", (void*)cert, err, ldapu_err2string (err)); } } return dn; } static char* issuer_of (CERTCertificate* cert) { char* dn = NULL; if (cert != NULL) { int err = ldapu_get_cert_issuer_dn (cert, &dn); if (err != LDAPU_SUCCESS) { LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "ldapu_get_cert_issuer_dn(%p) %i (%s)\n", (void*)cert, err, ldapu_err2string (err)); } } return dn; } /* * Log a certificate that was rejected because the client didn't * authenticate it. * * Note: handle_bad_certificate() is called via slapd_ssl_badCertHook(). * A Connection * is passed in client data. That connection must have its * c_mutex locked. */ int handle_bad_certificate (void* clientData, PRFileDesc *prfd) { char sbuf[ BUFSIZ ], ibuf[ BUFSIZ ]; Connection* conn = (Connection*) clientData; CERTCertificate* clientCert = slapd_ssl_peerCertificate (prfd); PRErrorCode errorCode = PR_GetError(); char* subject = subject_of (clientCert); char* issuer = issuer_of (clientCert); slapi_log_access( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "conn=%d " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %i (%s); unauthenticated client %s; issuer %s\n", conn->c_connid, errorCode, slapd_pr_strerror(errorCode), subject ? escape_string( subject, sbuf ) : "NULL", issuer ? escape_string( issuer, ibuf ) : "NULL" ); if (issuer) free (issuer); if (subject) free (subject); if (clientCert) CERT_DestroyCertificate (clientCert); return -1; /* non-zero means reject this certificate */ } /* * Get an identity from the client's certificate (if any was sent). * * Note: handle_handshake_done() is called via slapd_ssl_handshakeCallback(). * A Connection * is passed in client data. That connection must have its * c_mutex locked. */ void handle_handshake_done (PRFileDesc *prfd, void* clientData) { Connection* conn = (Connection*) clientData; CERTCertificate* clientCert = slapd_ssl_peerCertificate(prfd); char* clientDN = NULL; int keySize = 0; char* cipher = NULL; char* extraErrorMsg = ""; SSLChannelInfo channelInfo; SSLCipherSuiteInfo cipherInfo; if ( (slapd_ssl_getChannelInfo (prfd, &channelInfo, sizeof(channelInfo))) != SECSuccess ) { PRErrorCode errorCode = PR_GetError(); slapi_log_access (LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "conn=%d SSL failed to obtain channel info; " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %i (%s)\n", conn->c_connid, errorCode, slapd_pr_strerror(errorCode)); return; } if ( (slapd_ssl_getCipherSuiteInfo (channelInfo.cipherSuite, &cipherInfo, sizeof(cipherInfo)) ) != SECSuccess) { PRErrorCode errorCode = PR_GetError(); slapi_log_access (LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "conn=%d SSL failed to obtain cipher info; " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %i (%s)\n", conn->c_connid, errorCode, slapd_pr_strerror(errorCode)); return; } keySize = cipherInfo.effectiveKeyBits; cipher = slapi_ch_strdup(cipherInfo.symCipherName); /* If inside an Start TLS operation, perform the privacy level discovery * and if the security degree achieved after the handshake is not reckoned * to be enough, close the SSL connection. */ if ( conn->c_flags & CONN_FLAG_START_TLS ) { if ( cipherInfo.symKeyBits == 0 ) { start_tls_graceful_closure( conn, NULL, 1 ); slapi_ch_free((void **)&cipher); return ; } } if (config_get_SSLclientAuth() == SLAPD_SSLCLIENTAUTH_OFF ) { slapi_log_access (LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "conn=%d SSL %i-bit %s\n", conn->c_connid, keySize, cipher ? cipher : "NULL" ); slapi_ch_free((void **)&cipher); return; } if (clientCert == NULL) { slapi_log_access (LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "conn=%d SSL %i-bit %s\n", conn->c_connid, keySize, cipher ? cipher : "NULL" ); } else { char* subject = subject_of (clientCert); { char* issuer = issuer_of (clientCert); char sbuf[ BUFSIZ ], ibuf[ BUFSIZ ]; slapi_log_access( LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "conn=%d SSL %i-bit %s; client %s; issuer %s\n", conn->c_connid, keySize, cipher ? cipher : "NULL", subject ? escape_string( subject, sbuf ) : "NULL", issuer ? escape_string( issuer, ibuf ) : "NULL"); if (issuer) free (issuer); } slapi_dn_normalize (subject); { LDAPMessage* chain = NULL; char *basedn = config_get_basedn(); int err; err = ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry (clientCert, internal_ld, basedn?basedn:""/*baseDN*/, &chain); if (err == LDAPU_SUCCESS && chain) { LDAPMessage* entry = slapu_first_entry (internal_ld, chain); if (entry) { clientDN = slapu_get_dn (internal_ld, entry); if (clientDN) slapi_dn_normalize (clientDN); } else { extraErrorMsg = "no entry"; LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry() %s\n", extraErrorMsg, 0, 0); } } else { extraErrorMsg = ldapu_err2string(err); LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= ldapu_cert_to_ldap_entry() %i (%s)%s\n", err, extraErrorMsg, chain ? "" : " NULL"); } slapi_ch_free((void**)&basedn); slapu_msgfree (internal_ld, chain); } if (subject) free (subject); } if (clientDN != NULL) { char ebuf[ BUFSIZ ]; slapi_log_access (LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "conn=%d SSL client bound as %s\n", conn->c_connid, escape_string( clientDN, ebuf )); } else if (clientCert != NULL) { slapi_log_access (LDAP_DEBUG_STATS, "conn=%d SSL failed to map client certificate to LDAP DN (%s)\n", conn->c_connid, extraErrorMsg ); } /* * Associate the new credentials with the connection. Note that * clientDN and clientCert may be NULL. */ bind_credentials_set( conn, SLAPD_AUTH_SSL, clientDN, SLAPD_AUTH_SSL, clientDN, clientCert , NULL); slapi_ch_free((void **)&cipher); /* clientDN and clientCert will be freed later */ }