/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* attrsyntax.c */ #include "slap.h" #include /* * Note: if both the oid2asi and name2asi locks are acquired at the * same time, the old2asi one should be acquired first, */ /* * This hashtable maps the oid to the struct asyntaxinfo for that oid. */ static PLHashTable *oid2asi = NULL; /* read/write lock to protect table */ static PRRWLock *oid2asi_lock = NULL; /* * This hashtable maps the name or alias of the attribute to the * syntax info structure for that attribute. An attribute type has as * many entries in the name2asi table as it has names and aliases, but * all entries point to the same struct asyntaxinfo. */ static PLHashTable *name2asi = NULL; /* read/write lock to protect table */ static PRRWLock *name2asi_lock = NULL; #define AS_LOCK_READ(l) PR_RWLock_Rlock(l) #define AS_LOCK_WRITE(l) PR_RWLock_Wlock(l) #define AS_UNLOCK_READ(l) PR_RWLock_Unlock(l) #define AS_UNLOCK_WRITE(l) PR_RWLock_Unlock(l) static void *attr_syntax_get_plugin_by_name_with_default( const char *type ); static void attr_syntax_delete_no_lock( struct asyntaxinfo *asip, PRBool remove_from_oid_table ); static struct asyntaxinfo *attr_syntax_get_by_oid_locking_optional( const char *oid, PRBool use_lock); #ifdef ATTR_LDAP_DEBUG static void attr_syntax_print(); #endif static int attr_syntax_init(void); void attr_syntax_read_lock(void) { if (0 != attr_syntax_init()) return; AS_LOCK_READ(oid2asi_lock); AS_LOCK_READ(name2asi_lock); } void attr_syntax_unlock_read(void) { if(name2asi_lock) AS_UNLOCK_READ(name2asi_lock); if(oid2asi_lock) AS_UNLOCK_READ(oid2asi_lock); } #if 0 static int check_oid( const char *oid ) { int i = 0, length_oid = 0, rc = 0; if ( oid == NULL) { /* this is bad */ LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "NULL passed to check_oid\n",0,0,0); return 0; } length_oid = strlen(oid); if (length_oid < 4) { /* this is probably bad */ LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Bad oid %s passed to check_oid\n",oid,0,0); return 0; } rc = strcasecmp(oid+(length_oid-4), "-oid"); if ( 0 == rc ) { return 1; } /* If not, the OID must begin and end with a digit, and contain only digits and dots */ if ( !isdigit(oid[0]) || !isdigit(oid[length_oid-1]) ) { LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Non numeric oid %s passed to check_oid\n",oid,0,0); return 0; } /* check to see that it contains only digits and dots */ for ( i = 0; i < length_oid; i++ ) { if ( !isdigit(oid[i]) && oid[i] != '.' ){ LDAPDebug (LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Non numeric oid %s passed to check_oid\n",oid,0,0); return 0; } } /* The oid is OK if we're here */ return 1; } #endif #define NBUCKETS(ht) (1 << (PL_HASH_BITS - (ht)->shift)) #if 0 static int attr_syntax_check_oids() { int ii = 0; int nbad = 0; AS_LOCK_READ(oid2asi_lock); ii = NBUCKETS(oid2asi); for (;ii;--ii) { PLHashEntry *he = oid2asi->buckets[ii-1]; for (; he; he = he->next) { if (!check_oid(he->key)) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Error: bad oid %s in bucket %d\n", he->key, ii-1, 0); nbad++; } } } AS_UNLOCK_READ(oid2asi_lock); return nbad; } #endif void attr_syntax_free( struct asyntaxinfo *a ) { PR_ASSERT( a->asi_refcnt == 0 ); cool_charray_free( a->asi_aliases ); slapi_ch_free( (void**)&a->asi_name ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&a->asi_desc ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&a->asi_oid ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&a->asi_superior ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&a->asi_mr_equality ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&a->asi_mr_ordering ); slapi_ch_free( (void **)&a->asi_mr_substring ); cool_charray_free( a->asi_origin ); slapi_ch_free( (void **) &a ); } static struct asyntaxinfo * attr_syntax_new() { return (struct asyntaxinfo *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(struct asyntaxinfo)); } /* * hashNocaseString - used for case insensitive hash lookups */ static PLHashNumber hashNocaseString(const void *key) { PLHashNumber h = 0; const unsigned char *s; for (s = key; *s; s++) h = (h >> 28) ^ (h << 4) ^ (tolower(*s)); return h; } /* * hashNocaseCompare - used for case insensitive hash key comparisons */ static PRIntn hashNocaseCompare(const void *v1, const void *v2) { return (strcasecmp((char *)v1, (char *)v2) == 0); } /* * Given an OID, return the syntax info. If there is more than one * attribute syntax with the same OID (i.e. aliases), the first one * will be returned. This is usually the "canonical" one, but it may * not be. * * Note: once the caller is finished using it, the structure returned must * be returned by calling to attr_syntax_return(). */ struct asyntaxinfo * attr_syntax_get_by_oid(const char *oid) { return attr_syntax_get_by_oid_locking_optional( oid, PR_TRUE); } /* * A version of attr_syntax_get_by_oid() that allows you to bypass using * a lock to access the global oid hash table. * * Note: once the caller is finished using it, the structure must be * returned by calling attr_syntax_return_locking_optional() with the * same use_lock parameter. */ static struct asyntaxinfo * attr_syntax_get_by_oid_locking_optional( const char *oid, PRBool use_lock ) { struct asyntaxinfo *asi = 0; if (oid2asi) { if ( use_lock ) AS_LOCK_READ(oid2asi_lock); asi = (struct asyntaxinfo *)PL_HashTableLookup_const(oid2asi, oid); if (asi) { PR_AtomicIncrement( &asi->asi_refcnt ); } if ( use_lock ) AS_UNLOCK_READ(oid2asi_lock); } return asi; } /* * Add the syntax info pointer to the look-up-by-oid table. * The lock parameter is used by the initialization code. Normally, we want * to acquire a write lock before we modify the table, but during * initialization, we are running in single threaded mode, so we don't have * to worry about resource contention. */ static void attr_syntax_add_by_oid(const char *oid, struct asyntaxinfo *a, int lock) { if (0 != attr_syntax_init()) return; if (lock) AS_LOCK_WRITE(oid2asi_lock); PL_HashTableAdd(oid2asi, oid, a); if (lock) AS_UNLOCK_WRITE(oid2asi_lock); } /* * Return the syntax info given an attribute name. The name may be the * "canonical" name, an alias, or an OID. The given name need not be * normalized since the look up is done case insensitively. * * Note: once the caller is finished using it, the structure returned must * be returned by calling to attr_syntax_return(). */ struct asyntaxinfo * attr_syntax_get_by_name(const char *name) { return attr_syntax_get_by_name_locking_optional(name, PR_TRUE); } /* * A version of attr_syntax_get_by_name() that allows you to bypass using * a lock around the global name hashtable. * * Note: once the caller is finished using it, the structure must be * returned by calling attr_syntax_return_locking_optional() with the * same use_lock parameter. */ struct asyntaxinfo * attr_syntax_get_by_name_locking_optional(const char *name, PRBool use_lock) { struct asyntaxinfo *asi = 0; if (name2asi) { if ( use_lock ) AS_LOCK_READ(name2asi_lock); asi = (struct asyntaxinfo *)PL_HashTableLookup_const(name2asi, name); if ( NULL != asi ) { PR_AtomicIncrement( &asi->asi_refcnt ); } if ( use_lock ) AS_UNLOCK_READ(name2asi_lock); } if (!asi) /* given name may be an OID */ asi = attr_syntax_get_by_oid_locking_optional(name, use_lock); return asi; } /* * Give up a reference to an asi. * If the asi has been marked for delete, free it. This would be a bit * easier if we could upgrade a read lock to a write one... but NSPR does * not support that paradigm. */ void attr_syntax_return( struct asyntaxinfo *asi ) { attr_syntax_return_locking_optional( asi, PR_TRUE ); } void attr_syntax_return_locking_optional( struct asyntaxinfo *asi, PRBool use_lock ) { if ( NULL != asi ) { if ( 0 == PR_AtomicDecrement( &asi->asi_refcnt )) { PRBool delete_it; if(use_lock) AS_LOCK_READ(name2asi_lock); delete_it = asi->asi_marked_for_delete; if(use_lock) AS_UNLOCK_READ(name2asi_lock); if ( delete_it ) { AS_LOCK_WRITE(name2asi_lock); /* get a write lock */ if ( asi->asi_marked_for_delete ) /* one final check */ { /* ref count is 0 and it's flagged for * deletion, so it's safe to free now */ attr_syntax_free(asi); } AS_UNLOCK_WRITE(name2asi_lock); } } } } /* * Add the syntax info to the look-up-by-name table. The asi_name and * elements of the asi_aliasses field of the syntax info are the keys. * These need not be normalized since the look up table is case insensitive. * The lock parameter is used by the initialization code. Normally, we want * to acquire a write lock before we modify the table, but during * initialization, we are running in single threaded mode, so we don't have * to worry about resource contention. */ static void attr_syntax_add_by_name(struct asyntaxinfo *a, int lock) { if (0 != attr_syntax_init()) return; if (lock) AS_LOCK_WRITE(name2asi_lock); PL_HashTableAdd(name2asi, a->asi_name, a); if ( a->asi_aliases != NULL ) { int i; for ( i = 0; a->asi_aliases[i] != NULL; ++i ) { PL_HashTableAdd(name2asi, a->asi_aliases[i], a); } } if (lock) AS_UNLOCK_WRITE(name2asi_lock); } /* * Delete the attribute syntax and all entries corresponding to aliases * and oids. */ void attr_syntax_delete( struct asyntaxinfo *asi ) { PR_ASSERT( asi ); if (oid2asi && name2asi) { AS_LOCK_WRITE(oid2asi_lock); AS_LOCK_WRITE(name2asi_lock); attr_syntax_delete_no_lock( asi, PR_TRUE ); AS_UNLOCK_WRITE(name2asi_lock); AS_UNLOCK_WRITE(oid2asi_lock); } } /* * Dispose of a node. The caller is responsible for locking. See * attr_syntax_delete() for an example. */ static void attr_syntax_delete_no_lock( struct asyntaxinfo *asi, PRBool remove_from_oidtable ) { int i; if (oid2asi && remove_from_oidtable ) { PL_HashTableRemove(oid2asi, asi->asi_oid); } if(name2asi) { PL_HashTableRemove(name2asi, asi->asi_name); if ( asi->asi_aliases != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; asi->asi_aliases[i] != NULL; ++i ) { PL_HashTableRemove(name2asi, asi->asi_aliases[i]); } } if ( asi->asi_refcnt > 0 ) { asi->asi_marked_for_delete = PR_TRUE; } else { /* This is ok, but the correct thing is to call delete first, * then to call return. The last return will then take care of * the free. The only way this free would happen here is if * you return the syntax before calling delete. */ attr_syntax_free(asi); } } } /* * Look up the attribute type in the syntaxes and return a copy of the * normalised attribute type. If it's not there then return a normalised * copy of what the caller gave us. * * Warning: The caller must free the returned string. */ char * slapi_attr_syntax_normalize( const char *s ) { struct asyntaxinfo *asi = NULL; char *r; if((asi=attr_syntax_get_by_name(s)) != NULL ) { r = slapi_ch_strdup(asi->asi_name); attr_syntax_return( asi ); } if ( NULL == asi ) { r = attr_syntax_normalize_no_lookup( s ); } return r; } /* * attr_syntax_exists: return 1 if attr_name exists, 0 otherwise * */ int attr_syntax_exists(const char *attr_name) { struct asyntaxinfo *asi; asi = attr_syntax_get_by_name(attr_name); attr_syntax_return( asi ); if ( asi != NULL ) { return 1; } return 0; } /* check syntax */ static void * attr_syntax_get_plugin_by_name_with_default( const char *type ) { struct asyntaxinfo *asi; void *plugin = NULL; /* * first we look for this attribute type explictly */ if ( (asi = attr_syntax_get_by_name(type)) == NULL ) { /* * no syntax for this type... return Octet String * syntax. we accomplish this by looking up a well known * attribute type that has that syntax. */ asi = attr_syntax_get_by_name(ATTR_WITH_OCTETSTRING_SYNTAX); } if ( NULL != asi ) { plugin = asi->asi_plugin; attr_syntax_return( asi ); } return( plugin ); } static struct asyntaxinfo * attr_syntax_dup( struct asyntaxinfo *a ) { struct asyntaxinfo *newas = attr_syntax_new(); newas->asi_aliases = cool_charray_dup( a->asi_aliases ); newas->asi_name = slapi_ch_strdup( a->asi_name ); newas->asi_desc = slapi_ch_strdup( a->asi_desc ); newas->asi_superior = slapi_ch_strdup( a->asi_superior ); newas->asi_mr_equality = slapi_ch_strdup( a->asi_mr_equality ); newas->asi_mr_ordering = slapi_ch_strdup( a->asi_mr_ordering ); newas->asi_mr_substring = slapi_ch_strdup( a->asi_mr_substring ); newas->asi_origin = cool_charray_dup( a->asi_origin ); newas->asi_plugin = a->asi_plugin; newas->asi_flags = a->asi_flags; newas->asi_oid = slapi_ch_strdup( a->asi_oid); newas->asi_syntaxlength = a->asi_syntaxlength; return( newas ); } /* * Add a new attribute type to the schema. * * Returns an LDAP error code (LDAP_SUCCESS if all goes well). */ int attr_syntax_add( struct asyntaxinfo *asip ) { int i, rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; int nolock = asip->asi_flags & SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_NOLOCKING; struct asyntaxinfo *oldas_from_oid = NULL, *oldas_from_name = NULL; /* attr names may have subtypes in them, and we may not want this if strip_subtypes is true, the ; and anything after it in the attr name or alias will be stripped */ /*int strip_subtypes = 1;*/ /* make sure the oid is unique */ if ( NULL != ( oldas_from_oid = attr_syntax_get_by_oid_locking_optional( asip->asi_oid, !nolock))) { if ( 0 == (asip->asi_flags & SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_OVERRIDE)) { /* failure - OID is in use; no override flag */ rc = LDAP_TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto cleanup_and_return; } } /* make sure the primary name is unique OR, if override is allowed, that * the primary name and OID point to the same schema definition. */ if ( NULL != ( oldas_from_name = attr_syntax_get_by_name_locking_optional( asip->asi_name, !nolock))) { if ( 0 == (asip->asi_flags & SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_OVERRIDE) || ( oldas_from_oid != oldas_from_name )) { /* failure; no override flag OR OID and name don't match */ rc = LDAP_TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto cleanup_and_return; } /* Flag for deletion. We are going to override this attr */ attr_syntax_delete(oldas_from_name); } else if ( NULL != oldas_from_oid ) { /* failure - OID is in use but name does not exist */ rc = LDAP_TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; goto cleanup_and_return; } if ( NULL != asip->asi_aliases ) { /* make sure the aliases are unique */ for (i = 0; asip->asi_aliases[i] != NULL; ++i) { struct asyntaxinfo *tmpasi; if ( NULL != ( tmpasi = attr_syntax_get_by_name_locking_optional( asip->asi_aliases[i], !nolock))) { if (asip->asi_flags & SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_OVERRIDE) { /* Flag for tmpasi for deletion. It will be free'd * when attr_syntax_return is called. */ attr_syntax_delete(tmpasi); } else { /* failure - one of the aliases is already in use */ rc = LDAP_TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS; } attr_syntax_return_locking_optional( tmpasi, !nolock ); if ( LDAP_SUCCESS != rc ) { goto cleanup_and_return; } } } } /* the no lock flag is not worth keeping around */ asip->asi_flags &= ~SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_NOLOCKING; /* ditto for the override one */ asip->asi_flags &= ~SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_OVERRIDE; attr_syntax_add_by_oid( asip->asi_oid, asip, !nolock); attr_syntax_add_by_name( asip, !nolock); cleanup_and_return: attr_syntax_return_locking_optional( oldas_from_oid, !nolock ); attr_syntax_return_locking_optional( oldas_from_name, !nolock ); return rc; } /* * Returns an LDAP result code. */ int attr_syntax_create( const char *attr_oid, char *const *attr_names, int num_names, const char *attr_desc, const char *attr_superior, const char *mr_equality, const char *mr_ordering, const char *mr_substring, char *const *attr_origins, const char *attr_syntax, int syntaxlength, unsigned long flags, struct asyntaxinfo **asip ) { char *s; struct asyntaxinfo a; /* XXXmcs: had to cast away const in many places below */ memset(&a, 0, sizeof(a)); a.asi_name = slapi_ch_strdup(attr_names[0]); if ( NULL != attr_names[1] ) { a.asi_aliases = (char **)&attr_names[1]; /* all but the zero'th element */ } a.asi_desc = (char*)attr_desc; a.asi_oid = (char*)attr_oid; a.asi_superior = (char*)attr_superior; a.asi_mr_equality = (char*)mr_equality; a.asi_mr_ordering = (char*)mr_ordering; a.asi_mr_substring = (char*)mr_substring; a.asi_origin = (char **)attr_origins; a.asi_plugin = plugin_syntax_find( attr_syntax ); a.asi_syntaxlength = syntaxlength; a.asi_flags = flags; /* * If the 'return exact case' option is on (the default), we store the * first name (the canonical one) unchanged so that attribute names are * returned exactly as they appear in the schema configuration files. * But if 'return exact case' has been turned off, we convert the name * to lowercase. In Netscape Directory Server 4.x and earlier versions, * the default was to convert to lowercase. */ if (!config_get_return_exact_case()) { for (s = a.asi_name; *s; ++s) { *s = TOLOWER(*s); } } *asip = attr_syntax_dup(&a); slapi_ch_free((void **)&a.asi_name); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } /* * slapi_attr_type2plugin - return the plugin handling the attribute type * if type is unknown, we return the caseIgnoreString plugin used by the * objectClass attribute type. */ int slapi_attr_type2plugin( const char *type, void **pi ) { char buf[SLAPD_TYPICAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; char *tmp, *basetype; int rc; basetype = buf; if ( (tmp = slapi_attr_basetype( type, buf, sizeof(buf) )) != NULL ) { basetype = tmp; } rc = -1; *pi = attr_syntax_get_plugin_by_name_with_default( basetype ); if ( NULL != *pi ) { rc = 0; } slapi_ch_free_string(&tmp); return( rc ); } /* deprecated -- not MT safe (pointer into asi is returned!) */ int slapi_attr_get_oid( const Slapi_Attr *a, char **oid ) { struct asyntaxinfo *asi = attr_syntax_get_by_name(a->a_type); if (asi) { *oid = asi->asi_oid; attr_syntax_return(asi); return( 0 ); } else { *oid = NULL; return( -1 ); } } /* The caller must dispose of oid by calling slapi_ch_free(). */ int slapi_attr_get_oid_copy( const Slapi_Attr *a, char **oidp ) { struct asyntaxinfo *asi = attr_syntax_get_by_name(a->a_type); if (asi) { *oidp = slapi_ch_strdup( asi->asi_oid ); attr_syntax_return(asi); return( 0 ); } else { *oidp = NULL; return( -1 ); } } /* Returns the oid of the syntax of the Slapi_Attr that's passed in. * The caller must dispose of oid by calling slapi_ch_free_string(). */ int slapi_attr_get_syntax_oid_copy( const Slapi_Attr *a, char **oidp ) { void *pi = NULL; if (a && (slapi_attr_type2plugin(a->a_type, &pi) == 0)) { *oidp = slapi_ch_strdup(plugin_syntax2oid(pi)); return( 0 ); } else { *oidp = NULL; return( -1 ); } } #ifdef ATTR_LDAP_DEBUG PRIntn attr_syntax_printnode(PLHashEntry *he, PRIntn i, void *arg) { char *alias = (char *)he->key; struct asyntaxinfo *a = (struct asyntaxinfo *)he->value; printf( " name: %s\n", a->asi_name ); printf( "\t flags : 0x%x\n", a->asi_flags ); printf( "\t alias : %s\n", alias ); printf( "\t desc : %s\n", a->asi_desc ); printf( "\t oid : %s\n", a->asi_oid ); printf( "\t superior : %s\n", a->asi_superior ); printf( "\t mr_equality : %s\n", a->asi_mr_equality ); printf( "\t mr_ordering : %s\n", a->asi_mr_ordering ); printf( "\t mr_substring: %s\n", a->asi_mr_substring ); if ( NULL != a->asi_origin ) { for ( i = 0; NULL != a->asi_origin[i]; ++i ) { printf( "\t origin : %s\n", a->asi_origin[i] ); } } printf( "\tplugin: %p\n", a->asi_plugin ); printf( "--------------\n" ); return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT; } void attr_syntax_print() { printf( "*** attr_syntax_print ***\n" ); PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(name2asi, attr_syntax_printnode, 0); } #endif /* lowercase the attr name and chop trailing spaces */ /* note that s may contain options also, e.g., userCertificate;binary */ char * attr_syntax_normalize_no_lookup( const char *s ) { char *save, *tmps; tmps = slapi_ch_strdup(s); for ( save = tmps; (*tmps != '\0') && (*tmps != ' '); tmps++ ) { *tmps = TOLOWER( *tmps ); } *tmps = '\0'; return save; } struct enum_arg_wrapper { AttrEnumFunc aef; void *arg; }; PRIntn attr_syntax_enumerate_internal(PLHashEntry *he, PRIntn i, void *arg) { struct enum_arg_wrapper *eaw = (struct enum_arg_wrapper *)arg; int rc; rc = (eaw->aef)((struct asyntaxinfo *)he->value, eaw->arg); if ( ATTR_SYNTAX_ENUM_STOP == rc ) { rc = HT_ENUMERATE_STOP; } else if ( ATTR_SYNTAX_ENUM_REMOVE == rc ) { rc = HT_ENUMERATE_REMOVE; } else { rc = HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT; } return rc; } void attr_syntax_enumerate_attrs(AttrEnumFunc aef, void *arg, PRBool writelock ) { struct enum_arg_wrapper eaw; eaw.aef = aef; eaw.arg = arg; if (!oid2asi) return; if ( writelock ) { AS_LOCK_WRITE(oid2asi_lock); AS_LOCK_WRITE(name2asi_lock); } else { AS_LOCK_READ(oid2asi_lock); AS_LOCK_READ(name2asi_lock); } PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(oid2asi, attr_syntax_enumerate_internal, &eaw); if ( writelock ) { AS_UNLOCK_WRITE(oid2asi_lock); AS_UNLOCK_WRITE(name2asi_lock); } else { AS_UNLOCK_READ(oid2asi_lock); AS_UNLOCK_READ(name2asi_lock); } } struct attr_syntax_enum_flaginfo { unsigned long asef_flag; }; static int attr_syntax_clear_flag_callback(struct asyntaxinfo *asip, void *arg) { struct attr_syntax_enum_flaginfo *fi; PR_ASSERT( asip != NULL ); fi = (struct attr_syntax_enum_flaginfo *)arg; PR_ASSERT( fi != NULL ); asip->asi_flags &= ~(fi->asef_flag); return ATTR_SYNTAX_ENUM_NEXT; } static int attr_syntax_delete_if_not_flagged(struct asyntaxinfo *asip, void *arg) { struct attr_syntax_enum_flaginfo *fi; PR_ASSERT( asip != NULL ); fi = (struct attr_syntax_enum_flaginfo *)arg; PR_ASSERT( fi != NULL ); if ( 0 == ( asip->asi_flags & fi->asef_flag )) { attr_syntax_delete_no_lock( asip, PR_FALSE ); return ATTR_SYNTAX_ENUM_REMOVE; } else { return ATTR_SYNTAX_ENUM_NEXT; } } static int attr_syntax_force_to_delete(struct asyntaxinfo *asip, void *arg) { struct attr_syntax_enum_flaginfo *fi; PR_ASSERT( asip != NULL ); fi = (struct attr_syntax_enum_flaginfo *)arg; PR_ASSERT( fi != NULL ); attr_syntax_delete_no_lock( asip, PR_FALSE ); return ATTR_SYNTAX_ENUM_REMOVE; } /* * Clear 'flag' within all attribute definitions. */ void attr_syntax_all_clear_flag( unsigned long flag ) { struct attr_syntax_enum_flaginfo fi; memset( &fi, 0, sizeof(fi)); fi.asef_flag = flag; attr_syntax_enumerate_attrs( attr_syntax_clear_flag_callback, (void *)&fi, PR_TRUE ); } /* * Delete all attribute definitions that do not contain any bits of 'flag' * in their flags. */ void attr_syntax_delete_all_not_flagged( unsigned long flag ) { struct attr_syntax_enum_flaginfo fi; memset( &fi, 0, sizeof(fi)); fi.asef_flag = flag; attr_syntax_enumerate_attrs( attr_syntax_delete_if_not_flagged, (void *)&fi, PR_TRUE ); } /* * Delete all attribute definitions */ void attr_syntax_delete_all() { struct attr_syntax_enum_flaginfo fi; memset( &fi, 0, sizeof(fi)); attr_syntax_enumerate_attrs( attr_syntax_force_to_delete, (void *)&fi, PR_TRUE ); } static int attr_syntax_init(void) { if (!oid2asi) { oid2asi = PL_NewHashTable(2047, hashNocaseString, hashNocaseCompare, PL_CompareValues, 0, 0); if ( NULL == ( oid2asi_lock = PR_NewRWLock( PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "attrsyntax oid rwlock" ))) { if(oid2asi) PL_HashTableDestroy(oid2asi); oid2asi = NULL; slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, "attr_syntax_init", "PR_NewRWLock() for oid2asi lock failed\n" ); return 1; } } if (!name2asi) { name2asi = PL_NewHashTable(2047, hashNocaseString, hashNocaseCompare, PL_CompareValues, 0, 0); if ( NULL == ( name2asi_lock = PR_NewRWLock( PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "attrsyntax name2asi rwlock"))) { if(name2asi) PL_HashTableDestroy(name2asi); name2asi = NULL; slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, "attr_syntax_init", "PR_NewRWLock() for oid2asi lock failed\n" ); return 1; } } return 0; }