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This attribute contains the distinguished name of the entry which was added, modified or deleted. In the case of a ModifyDN operation, the targetDN attribute contains the DN of the entry before it was renamed or moved. - changeType. This attribute contains one of the following values: "add", "delete", "modify" or "modrdn". - changes. This attribute contains the changes made to the entry, in LDIF format, for a add or modify change. - newRDN. This attribute contains the new RDN of the entry, for a modifyDN change. - deleteOldRDN. This attribute contains whether the old RDN of the entry was deleted, for a modifyDN change. - newSuperior. This attribute contains the newSuperior field of the entry, for a modifyDN change. The change log is implemented in an LDBM database. 2. Configuration To enable the change log, the following steps should be performed. First, change the nsslapd-pluginenabled attribute of the DSE cn=Retrocl Plugin, cn=plugins,cn=config to "on" instead of "off", Then start or restart the server. The server will automatically create the change log database. 3. Trimming The entries in the change log may be automatically removed if they are older than a specified period of time. This is done by setting the changelogmaximumage attribute in the change log plugin DSE cn=Retrocl Plugin, cn=plugins,cn=config and restarting the server. If this attribute is not present, then changed are not trimmed. The changelogmaximumage attribute is single-valued, and its value consists of two parts: a number and a time units code. The time units codes are: - 's' for seconds, - 'm' for minutes, - 'h' for hours, - 'd' for days, - 'w' for weeks. For example, changelogmaximumage: 2d The minimum value is 5 minutes. 4. Access Control When the changelog backend is created, the default access control is to allow anonymous read, search and compare to the changelog base entry, cn=changelog, by anyone. No access is granted, except implicitly to the Directory Manager, to any of the entries in the change log. Read access to the entries in the change log should not be granted to anonymous users, as the changes attribute could contain modifications to sensitive attribute values (such as passwords). Only authenticated services should be allowed to access this information. 5. Protocol interaction All search and compare operations are supported on the change log database. Search operations whose filter is of the form (&(changenumber>=X)(changeNumber<=Y) are optimized. Add or modify operations should not be performed on change log entries in the change log database. Change log entries can be deleted if desired. The change log base entry, cn=changelog, can be modified if desired, to vary the access control policy of the change log database. 6. Caveats The change log does not currently record changes which are internally constructed to resolve conflicts during multi-master replication. As a result, the change log should not be used in deployments which use multi-master replication with more than two masters or suppliers for a database. == root dse firstchangenumber and lastchangenumber changelogdir attribute test chaining be if changelog db deleted - what happens? cannot change trim max age without restarting the server