/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* windows_private.c */ typedef struct windowsprivate Dirsync_Private; Dirsync_Private* windows_private_new(); void windows_private_set_windows_subtree (const Repl_Agmt *ra,Slapi_DN* sdn ); const Slapi_DN* windows_private_get_windows_subtree (const Repl_Agmt *ra); void windows_private_set_directory_subtree (const Repl_Agmt *ra,Slapi_DN* sdn ); const Slapi_DN* windows_private_get_directory_subtree (const Repl_Agmt *ra); LDAPControl* windows_private_dirsync_control(const Repl_Agmt *ra); ConnResult send_dirsync_search(Repl_Connection *conn); ConnResult windows_search_entry(Repl_Connection *conn, char* searchbase, char *filter, Slapi_Entry **entry); ConnResult windows_search_entry_ext(Repl_Connection *conn, char* searchbase, char *filter, Slapi_Entry **entry, LDAPControl **serverctrls); Slapi_Entry *windows_conn_get_search_result(Repl_Connection *conn ); void windows_private_update_dirsync_control(const Repl_Agmt *ra,LDAPControl **controls ); PRBool windows_private_dirsync_has_more(const Repl_Agmt *ra); void windows_private_null_dirsync_cookie(const Repl_Agmt *ra); int windows_private_save_dirsync_cookie(const Repl_Agmt *ra); int windows_private_load_dirsync_cookie(const Repl_Agmt *ra); void windows_private_set_create_users(const Repl_Agmt *ra, PRBool value); PRBool windows_private_create_users(const Repl_Agmt *ra); void windows_private_set_create_groups(const Repl_Agmt *ra, PRBool value); PRBool windows_private_create_groups(const Repl_Agmt *ra); const char *windows_private_get_windows_domain(const Repl_Agmt *ra); int windows_private_get_isnt4(const Repl_Agmt *ra); void windows_private_set_isnt4(const Repl_Agmt *ra, int isit); int windows_private_get_iswin2k3(const Repl_Agmt *ra); void windows_private_set_iswin2k3(const Repl_Agmt *ra, int isit); Slapi_Filter* windows_private_get_directory_filter(const Repl_Agmt *ra); Slapi_Filter* windows_private_get_deleted_filter(const Repl_Agmt *ra); const char* windows_private_get_purl(const Repl_Agmt *ra); /* * The raw entry is the last raw entry read from AD - raw as opposed * "cooked" - that is, having had schema processing done */ /* get returns a pointer to the structure - do not free */ Slapi_Entry *windows_private_get_raw_entry(const Repl_Agmt *ra); /* this is passin - windows_private owns the pointer, not a copy */ void windows_private_set_raw_entry(const Repl_Agmt *ra, Slapi_Entry *e); void windows_private_set_keep_raw_entry(const Repl_Agmt *ra, int keep); int windows_private_get_keep_raw_entry(const Repl_Agmt *ra); void *windows_private_get_api_cookie(const Repl_Agmt *ra); void windows_private_set_api_cookie(Repl_Agmt *ra, void *cookie); time_t windows_private_get_sync_interval(const Repl_Agmt *ra); void windows_private_set_sync_interval(Repl_Agmt *ra, char *str); /* in windows_connection.c */ ConnResult windows_conn_connect(Repl_Connection *conn); void windows_conn_disconnect(Repl_Connection *conn); void windows_conn_delete(Repl_Connection *conn); void windows_conn_get_error(Repl_Connection *conn, int *operation, int *error); void windows_conn_set_error(Repl_Connection *conn, int error); ConnResult windows_conn_send_add(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *dn, LDAPMod **attrs, LDAPControl **server_controls, LDAPControl ***returned_controls); ConnResult windows_conn_send_delete(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *dn, LDAPControl **server_controls, LDAPControl ***returned_controls); ConnResult windows_conn_send_modify(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *dn, LDAPMod **mods, LDAPControl **server_controls, LDAPControl ***returned_controls); ConnResult windows_conn_send_rename(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *dn, const char *newrdn, const char *newparent, int deleteoldrdn, LDAPControl **server_controls, LDAPControl ***returned_controls); ConnResult windows_conn_send_extended_operation(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *extop_oid, struct berval *payload, char **retoidp, struct berval **retdatap, LDAPControl **server_controls, LDAPControl ***returned_controls); const char *windows_conn_get_status(Repl_Connection *conn); void windows_conn_start_linger(Repl_Connection *conn); void windows_conn_cancel_linger(Repl_Connection *conn); ConnResult windows_conn_replica_supports_ds5_repl(Repl_Connection *conn); ConnResult windows_conn_replica_supports_dirsync(Repl_Connection *conn); ConnResult windows_conn_replica_is_win2k3(Repl_Connection *conn); ConnResult windows_conn_read_entry_attribute(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *dn, char *type, struct berval ***returned_bvals); ConnResult windows_conn_push_schema(Repl_Connection *conn, CSN **remotecsn); void windows_conn_set_timeout(Repl_Connection *conn, long timeout); void windows_conn_set_agmt_changed(Repl_Connection *conn); int windows_check_user_password(Repl_Connection *conn, Slapi_DN *sdn, char *password); /* Used to work around a schema incompatibility between Microsoft and the IETF */ #define FAKE_STREET_ATTR_NAME "in#place#of#streetaddress" /* Used to work around contrained attribute legth for initials on AD */ #define AD_INITIALS_LENGTH 6 /* Used to check for pre-hashed passwords when syncing */ #define PASSWD_CLEAR_PREFIX "{clear}" #define PASSWD_CLEAR_PREFIX_LEN 7 /* Used for GUID format conversion */ #define NTUNIQUEID_LENGTH 32 #define AD_GUID_LENGTH 36 /* * Periodic synchronization interval. This is used for scheduling the periodic_dirsync event. * The time is in seconds. */ #define PERIODIC_DIRSYNC_INTERVAL 5 * 60 /* default value is 5 minutes */ /* called for each replication agreement - so the winsync plugin can be agreement specific and store agreement specific data */ void windows_plugin_init(Repl_Agmt *ra); void winsync_plugin_call_dirsync_search_params_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const char *agmt_dn, char **base, int *scope, char **filter, char ***attrs, LDAPControl ***serverctrls); /* called before searching for a single entry from AD - agmt_dn will be NULL */ void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ad_search_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const char *agmt_dn, char **base, int *scope, char **filter, char ***attrs, LDAPControl ***serverctrls); /* called before an internal search to get a single DS entry - agmt_dn will be NULL */ void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ds_search_entry_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const char *agmt_dn, char **base, int *scope, char **filter, char ***attrs, LDAPControl ***serverctrls); /* called before the total update to get all entries from the DS to sync to AD */ void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ds_search_all_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const char *agmt_dn, char **base, int *scope, char **filter, char ***attrs, LDAPControl ***serverctrls); void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ad_mod_user_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, Slapi_Mods *smods, int *do_modify); void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ad_mod_group_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, Slapi_Mods *smods, int *do_modify); void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ds_mod_user_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, Slapi_Mods *smods, int *do_modify); void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ds_mod_group_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, Slapi_Mods *smods, int *do_modify); void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ds_add_user_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, Slapi_Entry *ds_entry); void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ds_add_group_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, Slapi_Entry *ds_entry); void winsync_plugin_call_get_new_ds_user_dn_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, char **new_dn_string, const Slapi_DN *ds_suffix, const Slapi_DN *ad_suffix); void winsync_plugin_call_get_new_ds_group_dn_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, Slapi_Entry *ad_entry, char **new_dn_string, const Slapi_DN *ds_suffix, const Slapi_DN *ad_suffix); void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ad_mod_user_mods_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, const Slapi_DN *local_dn, const Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, LDAPMod * const *origmods, Slapi_DN *remote_dn, LDAPMod ***modstosend); void winsync_plugin_call_pre_ad_mod_group_mods_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *rawentry, const Slapi_DN *local_dn, const Slapi_Entry *ds_entry, LDAPMod * const *origmods, Slapi_DN *remote_dn, LDAPMod ***modstosend); int winsync_plugin_call_can_add_entry_to_ad_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_Entry *local_entry, const Slapi_DN *remote_dn); void winsync_plugin_call_begin_update_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_DN *ds_subtree, const Slapi_DN *ad_subtree, int is_total); void winsync_plugin_call_end_update_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_DN *ds_subtree, const Slapi_DN *ad_subtree, int is_total); void winsync_plugin_call_destroy_agmt_cb(const Repl_Agmt *ra, const Slapi_DN *ds_subtree, const Slapi_DN *ad_subtree); /* Call stack for all places where windows_LDAPMessage2Entry is called: windows_LDAPMessage2Entry ++windows_seach_entry_ext ++++windows_search_entry ++++++windows_get_remote_entry map_dn_values windows_create_remote_entry process_replay_add windows_process_total_add windows_map_mods_for_replay windows_replay_update send_updates windows_inc_run windows_create_local_entry windows_process_dirsync_entry windows_generate_update_mods windows_update_remote_entry process_replay_add windows_process_total_add windows_update_local_entry windows_process_dirsync_entry process_replay_add windows_replay_update map_entry_dn_outbound map_dn_values windows_replay_update windows_process_total_entry send_entry windows_tot_run windows_process_total_add windows_process_total_entry send_entry windows_tot_run windows_process_dirsync_entry windows_dirsync_inc_run find_entry_by_attr_value_remote map_entry_dn_outbound ++++windows_get_remote_tombstone map_windows_tombstone_dn process_replay_add ++windows_conn_get_search_result windows_dirsync_inc_run windows_inc_protocol ++send_updates ++++windows_replay_update */