/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* repl5_inc_protocol.c */ /* The Prot_Incremental object implements the DS 5.0 multi-master incremental replication protocol. Stuff to do: - Need to figure out how asynchronous events end up in here. They are: - entry updated in replicated area. - backoff timeout - enter/leave. Perhaps these events should be properties of the main protocol. */ #include "repl.h" #include "repl5.h" #include "windowsrepl.h" #include "windows_prot_private.h" #include "slap.h" /* PSEUDO_ATTR_UNHASHED */ #include "repl5_ruv.h" #include "cl5_api.h" #include "slapi-plugin.h" extern int slapi_log_urp; /*** from proto-slap.h ***/ void ava_done(struct ava *ava); typedef struct windows_inc_private { char *ruv; /* RUV on remote replica (use diff type for this? - ggood */ Backoff_Timer *backoff; Repl_Protocol *rp; PRLock *lock; PRUint32 eventbits; } windows_inc_private; /* Various states the incremental protocol can pass through */ #define STATE_START 0 /* ONREPL - should we rename this - we don't use it just to start up? */ #define STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN 1 #define STATE_WAIT_CHANGES 2 #define STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE 3 #define STATE_BACKOFF_START 4 /* ONREPL - can we combine BACKOFF_START and BACKOFF states? */ #define STATE_BACKOFF 5 #define STATE_SENDING_UPDATES 6 #define STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR 7 #define STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR_PART2 8 #define STATE_STOP_NORMAL_TERMINATION 9 /* Events (synchronous and asynchronous; these are bits) */ #define EVENT_WINDOW_OPENED 1 #define EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSED 2 #define EVENT_TRIGGERING_CRITERIA_MET 4 /* ONREPL - should we rename this to EVENT_CHANGE_AVAILABLE */ #define EVENT_BACKOFF_EXPIRED 8 #define EVENT_REPLICATE_NOW 16 #define EVENT_PROTOCOL_SHUTDOWN 32 #define EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED 64 #define EVENT_RUN_DIRSYNC 128 #define UPDATE_NO_MORE_UPDATES 201 #define UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR 202 #define UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR 203 #define UPDATE_SCHEDULE_WINDOW_CLOSED 204 #define UPDATE_CONNECTION_LOST 205 #define UPDATE_TIMEOUT 206 #define UPDATE_YIELD 207 /* Return codes from examine_update_vector */ #define EXAMINE_RUV_PRISTINE_REPLICA 401 #define EXAMINE_RUV_GENERATION_MISMATCH 402 #define EXAMINE_RUV_REPLICA_TOO_OLD 403 #define EXAMINE_RUV_OK 404 #define EXAMINE_RUV_PARAM_ERROR 405 #define MAX_CHANGES_PER_SESSION 10000 /* * Maximum time to wait between replication sessions. If we * don't see any updates for a period equal to this interval, * we go ahead and start a replication session, just to be safe */ #define MAX_WAIT_BETWEEN_SESSIONS PR_SecondsToInterval(60 * 5) /* 5 minutes */ /* * tests if the protocol has been shutdown and we need to quit * event_occurred resets the bits in the bit flag, so whoever tests for shutdown * resets the flags, so the next one who tests for shutdown won't get it, so we * also look at the terminate flag */ #define PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN(prp) (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_PROTOCOL_SHUTDOWN) || prp->terminate) /* Forward declarations */ static PRUint32 event_occurred(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp, PRUint32 event); static void reset_events (Private_Repl_Protocol *prp); static void protocol_sleep(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp, PRIntervalTime duration); static int send_updates(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp, RUV *ruv, PRUint32 *num_changes_sent); static void windows_inc_backoff_expired(time_t timer_fire_time, void *arg); static int windows_examine_update_vector(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp, RUV *ruv); static const char* state2name (int state); static const char* event2name (int event); static const char* acquire2name (int code); static void periodic_dirsync(time_t when, void *arg); static Slapi_Eq_Context dirsync; /* * It's specifically ok to delete a protocol instance that * is currently running. The instance will be shut down, and * then resources will be freed. Since a graceful shutdown is * attempted, this function may take some time to complete. */ static void windows_inc_delete(Private_Repl_Protocol **prpp) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_inc_delete\n" ); /* First, stop the protocol if it isn't already stopped */ /* Then, delete all resources used by the protocol */ slapi_eq_cancel(dirsync); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_inc_delete\n" ); } /* helper function */ void w_set_pause_and_busy_time(long *pausetime, long *busywaittime) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> w_set_pause_and_busy_time\n" ); /* If neither are set, set busy time to its default */ if (!*pausetime && !*busywaittime) { *busywaittime = PROTOCOL_BUSY_BACKOFF_MINIMUM; } /* pause time must be at least 1 more than the busy backoff time */ if (*pausetime && !*busywaittime) { /* * user specified a pause time but no busy wait time - must * set busy wait time to 1 less than pause time - if pause * time is 1, we must set it to 2 */ if (*pausetime < 2) { *pausetime = 2; } *busywaittime = *pausetime - 1; } else if (!*pausetime && *busywaittime) { /* * user specified a busy wait time but no pause time - must * set pause time to 1 more than busy wait time */ *pausetime = *busywaittime + 1; } else if (*pausetime && *busywaittime && *pausetime <= *busywaittime) { /* * user specified both pause and busy wait times, but the pause * time was <= busy wait time - pause time must be at least * 1 more than the busy wait time */ *pausetime = *busywaittime + 1; } LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= w_set_pause_and_busy_time\n" ); } /* * Do the incremental protocol. * * What's going on here? This thing is a state machine. It has the * following states: * * State transition table: * * Curr State Condition/Event Next State * ---------- ------------ ----------- * START schedule window is open ACQUIRE_REPLICA * schedule window is closed WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN * WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN schedule change START * replicate now ACQUIRE_REPLICA * schedule window opens ACQUIRE_REPLICA * ACQUIRE_REPLICA acquired replica SEND_CHANGES * failed to acquire - transient error START_BACKOFF * failed to acquire - fatal error STOP_FATAL_ERROR * SEND_CHANGES can't update CONSUMER_NEEDS_REINIT * no changes to send WAIT_CHANGES * can't send - thransient error START_BACKOF * can't send - window closed WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN * can'r send - fatal error STOP_FATAL_ERROR * START_BACKOF replicate now ACQUIRE_REPLICA * schedule changes START * schedule window closes WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN * backoff expires & can acquire SEND_CHANGES * backoff expires & can't acquire-trans BACKOFF * backoff expires & can't acquire-fatal STOP_FATAL_ERROR * BACKOF replicate now ACQUIRE_REPLICA * schedule changes START * schedule window closes WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN * backoff expires & can acquire SEND_CHANGES * backoff expires & can't acquire-trans BACKOFF * backoff expires & can't acquire-fatal STOP_FATAL_ERROR * WAIT_CHANGES schedule window closes WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN * replicate_now ACQUIRE_REPLICA * change available ACQUIRE_REPLICA * schedule_change START */ /* * DBDB: what follows is quite possibly the worst code I have ever seen. * Unfortunately we chose not to re-write it when we did the windows sync version. */ /* * Main state machine for the incremental protocol. This routine will, * under normal circumstances, not return until the protocol is shut * down. */ static void windows_inc_run(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp) { int current_state = STATE_START; int next_state = STATE_START; windows_inc_private *prp_priv = (windows_inc_private *)prp->private; int done = 0; int e1 = 0; RUV *ruv = NULL; Replica *replica = NULL; int wait_change_timer_set = 0; time_t last_start_time = 0; PRUint32 num_changes_sent = 0; /* use a different backoff timer strategy for ACQUIRE_REPLICA_BUSY errors */ PRBool use_busy_backoff_timer = PR_FALSE; long pausetime = 0; long busywaittime = 0; /* Some operations should only be done the first time STATE_START is true. */ static PRBool is_first_start = PR_TRUE; PRBool run_dirsync = PR_FALSE; LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_inc_run\n" ); prp->stopped = 0; prp->terminate = 0; windows_private_load_dirsync_cookie(prp->agmt); do { int rc = 0; /* Take action, based on current state, and compute new state. */ switch (current_state) { case STATE_START: dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_START)"); if (PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN(prp)) { done = 1; break; } /* * Our initial state. See if we're in a schedule window. If * so, then we're ready to acquire the replica and see if it * needs any updates from us. If not, then wait for the window * to open. */ if (agmt_schedule_in_window_now(prp->agmt)) { next_state = STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE; } else { next_state = STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN; } /* we can get here from other states because some events happened and were not cleared. For instance when we wake up in STATE_WAIT_CHANGES state. Since this is a fresh start state, we should clear all events */ /* ONREPL - this does not feel right - we should take another look at this state machine */ reset_events (prp); /* Cancel any linger timer that might be in effect... */ windows_conn_cancel_linger(prp->conn); /* ... and disconnect, if currently connected */ windows_conn_disconnect(prp->conn); /* get the new pause time, if any */ pausetime = agmt_get_pausetime(prp->agmt); /* get the new busy wait time, if any */ busywaittime = agmt_get_busywaittime(prp->agmt); if (pausetime || busywaittime) { /* helper function to make sure they are set correctly */ w_set_pause_and_busy_time(&pausetime, &busywaittime); } if (is_first_start) { unsigned long interval = windows_private_get_sync_interval(prp->agmt) * 1000; /* * The function, the arguments, the time (hence) when it is first to be called, * and the repeat interval. */ /* DBDB: we should probably make this polling interval configurable */ dirsync = slapi_eq_repeat(periodic_dirsync, (void*) prp, (time_t)0 , interval); is_first_start = PR_FALSE; } break; case STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN: /* * We're waiting for a schedule window to open. If one did, * or we receive a "replicate now" event, then start a protocol * session immediately. If the replication schedule changed, go * back to start. Otherwise, go back to sleep. */ dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN)"); if (PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN(prp)) { done = 1; break; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_WINDOW_OPENED)) { next_state = STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_REPLICATE_NOW)) { next_state = STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED)) { next_state = STATE_START; run_dirsync = PR_TRUE; windows_conn_set_agmt_changed(prp->conn); } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_TRIGGERING_CRITERIA_MET)) /* change available */ { /* just ignore it and go to sleep */ protocol_sleep(prp, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } else if ((e1 = event_occurred(prp, EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSED)) || event_occurred(prp, EVENT_BACKOFF_EXPIRED)) { /* this events - should not occur - log a warning and go to sleep */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Incremental protocol: " "event %s should not occur in state %s; going to sleep\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), e1 ? event2name(EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSED) : event2name(EVENT_BACKOFF_EXPIRED), state2name(current_state)); protocol_sleep(prp, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } else { /* wait until window opens or an event occurs */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Incremental protocol: " "waiting for update window to open\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); protocol_sleep(prp, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } break; case STATE_WAIT_CHANGES: /* * We're in a replication window, but we're waiting for more * changes to accumulate before we actually hook up and send * them. */ dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_WAIT_CHANGES)"); if (PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN(prp)) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_WAIT_CHANGES): PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTING_DOWN -> end windows_inc_run\n"); done = 1; break; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_REPLICATE_NOW)) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_WAIT_CHANGES): EVENT_REPLICATE_NOW received -> STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE\n"); next_state = STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE; wait_change_timer_set = 0; /* We also want to run dirsync on a 'replicate now' event */ run_dirsync = PR_TRUE; } else if ( event_occurred(prp, EVENT_RUN_DIRSYNC)) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_WAIT_CHANGES): EVENT_REPLICATE_NOW received -> STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE\n"); next_state = STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE; wait_change_timer_set = 0; run_dirsync = PR_TRUE; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED)) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_WAIT_CHANGES): EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED received -> STATE_START\n"); next_state = STATE_START; windows_conn_set_agmt_changed(prp->conn); wait_change_timer_set = 0; /* We also want to run dirsync on a 'agreement changed' event, because that's how we receive 'send updates now' */ run_dirsync = PR_TRUE; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSED)) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_WAIT_CHANGES): EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSED received -> STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN\n"); next_state = STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN; wait_change_timer_set = 0; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_TRIGGERING_CRITERIA_MET) ) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_WAIT_CHANGES): EVENT_TRIGGERING_CRITERIA_MET received -> STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE\n"); next_state = STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE; wait_change_timer_set = 0; } else if ((e1 = event_occurred(prp, EVENT_WINDOW_OPENED)) || event_occurred(prp, EVENT_BACKOFF_EXPIRED)) { /* this events - should not occur - log a warning and clear the event */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Incremental protocol: " "event %s should not occur in state %s\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), e1 ? event2name(EVENT_WINDOW_OPENED) : event2name(EVENT_BACKOFF_EXPIRED), state2name(current_state)); wait_change_timer_set = 0; } else { if (wait_change_timer_set) { /* We are here because our timer expired */ dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_WAIT_CHANGES): wait_change_timer_set expired -> STATE_START\n"); next_state = STATE_START; run_dirsync = PR_TRUE; wait_change_timer_set = 0; } else { /* We are here because the last replication session * finished or aborted. */ wait_change_timer_set = 1; protocol_sleep(prp, MAX_WAIT_BETWEEN_SESSIONS); } } break; case STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE: dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE)"); if (PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN(prp)) { done = 1; break; } /* ONREPL - at this state we unconditionally acquire the replica ignoring all events. Not sure if this is good */ object_acquire(prp->replica_object); replica = object_get_data(prp->replica_object); rc = windows_acquire_replica(prp, &ruv , (run_dirsync == 0) /* yes, check the consumer RUV for incremental, but not if we're going to dirsync afterwards */); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "windows_acquire_replica returned %s (%d)\n", acquire2name(rc), rc); use_busy_backoff_timer = PR_FALSE; /* default */ if (rc == ACQUIRE_SUCCESS) { next_state = STATE_SENDING_UPDATES; } else if (rc == ACQUIRE_REPLICA_BUSY) { next_state = STATE_BACKOFF_START; use_busy_backoff_timer = PR_TRUE; } else if (rc == ACQUIRE_CONSUMER_WAS_UPTODATE) { next_state = STATE_WAIT_CHANGES; } else if (rc == ACQUIRE_TRANSIENT_ERROR) { next_state = STATE_BACKOFF_START; } else if (rc == ACQUIRE_FATAL_ERROR) { next_state = STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR; } if (rc != ACQUIRE_SUCCESS) { int optype, ldaprc; windows_conn_get_error(prp->conn, &optype, &ldaprc); agmt_set_last_update_status(prp->agmt, ldaprc, prp->last_acquire_response_code, NULL); } object_release(prp->replica_object); replica = NULL; break; case STATE_BACKOFF_START: dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_BACKOFF_START)"); if (PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN(prp)) { done = 1; break; } if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_REPLICATE_NOW) || event_occurred(prp, EVENT_RUN_DIRSYNC)) { next_state = STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED)) { next_state = STATE_START; run_dirsync = PR_TRUE; /* Also trigger dirsync for the 'send updates now' feature */ windows_conn_set_agmt_changed(prp->conn); } else if (event_occurred (prp, EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSED)) { next_state = STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN; } else if (event_occurred (prp, EVENT_TRIGGERING_CRITERIA_MET)) { /* consume and ignore */ } else if ((e1 = event_occurred (prp, EVENT_WINDOW_OPENED)) || event_occurred (prp, EVENT_BACKOFF_EXPIRED)) { /* This should never happen */ /* this events - should not occur - log a warning and go to sleep */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Incremental protocol: event %s should not occur in state %s\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), e1 ? event2name(EVENT_WINDOW_OPENED) : event2name(EVENT_BACKOFF_EXPIRED), state2name(current_state)); } else { /* Set up the backoff timer to wake us up at the appropriate time */ if (use_busy_backoff_timer) { /* we received a busy signal from the consumer, wait for a while */ if (!busywaittime) { busywaittime = PROTOCOL_BUSY_BACKOFF_MINIMUM; } prp_priv->backoff = backoff_new(BACKOFF_FIXED, busywaittime, busywaittime); } else { prp_priv->backoff = backoff_new(BACKOFF_EXPONENTIAL, PROTOCOL_BACKOFF_MINIMUM, PROTOCOL_BACKOFF_MAXIMUM); } next_state = STATE_BACKOFF; backoff_reset(prp_priv->backoff, windows_inc_backoff_expired, (void *)prp); protocol_sleep(prp, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); use_busy_backoff_timer = PR_FALSE; } break; case STATE_BACKOFF: /* * We're in a backoff state. */ dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_BACKOFF)"); if (PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN(prp)) { if (prp_priv->backoff) backoff_delete(&prp_priv->backoff); done = 1; break; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_REPLICATE_NOW) || event_occurred(prp, EVENT_RUN_DIRSYNC)) { next_state = STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED)) { next_state = STATE_START; run_dirsync = PR_TRUE; windows_conn_set_agmt_changed(prp->conn); /* Destroy the backoff timer, since we won't need it anymore */ if (prp_priv->backoff) backoff_delete(&prp_priv->backoff); } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSED)) { next_state = STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN; /* Destroy the backoff timer, since we won't need it anymore */ if (prp_priv->backoff) backoff_delete(&prp_priv->backoff); } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_BACKOFF_EXPIRED)) { rc = windows_acquire_replica(prp, &ruv, 1 /* check RUV for incremental */); use_busy_backoff_timer = PR_FALSE; if (rc == ACQUIRE_SUCCESS) { next_state = STATE_SENDING_UPDATES; } else if (rc == ACQUIRE_REPLICA_BUSY) { next_state = STATE_BACKOFF; use_busy_backoff_timer = PR_TRUE; } else if (rc == ACQUIRE_CONSUMER_WAS_UPTODATE) { next_state = STATE_WAIT_CHANGES; } else if (rc == ACQUIRE_TRANSIENT_ERROR) { next_state = STATE_BACKOFF; } else if (rc == ACQUIRE_FATAL_ERROR) { next_state = STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR; } if (rc != ACQUIRE_SUCCESS) { int optype, ldaprc; windows_conn_get_error(prp->conn, &optype, &ldaprc); agmt_set_last_update_status(prp->agmt, ldaprc, prp->last_acquire_response_code, NULL); } /* * We either need to step the backoff timer, or * destroy it if we don't need it anymore. */ if (STATE_BACKOFF == next_state) { time_t next_fire_time; time_t now; /* Step the backoff timer */ time(&now); next_fire_time = backoff_step(prp_priv->backoff); /* And go back to sleep */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Replication session backing off for %ld seconds\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), next_fire_time - now); protocol_sleep(prp, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } else { /* Destroy the backoff timer, since we won't need it anymore */ backoff_delete(&prp_priv->backoff); } use_busy_backoff_timer = PR_FALSE; } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_TRIGGERING_CRITERIA_MET)) { /* changes are available */ if ( prp_priv->backoff == NULL || backoff_expired (prp_priv->backoff, 60) ) { /* * Have seen cases that the agmt stuck here forever since * somehow the backoff timer was not in event queue anymore. * If the backoff timer has expired more than 60 seconds, * destroy it. */ if ( prp_priv->backoff ) backoff_delete(&prp_priv->backoff); next_state = STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE; } else { /* ignore changes and go to sleep */ protocol_sleep(prp, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } } else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_WINDOW_OPENED)) { /* this should never happen - log an error and go to sleep */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Incremental protocol: " "event %s should not occur in state %s; going to sleep\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), event2name(EVENT_WINDOW_OPENED), state2name(current_state)); protocol_sleep(prp, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } break; case STATE_SENDING_UPDATES: dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_SENDING_UPDATES)"); agmt_set_update_in_progress(prp->agmt, PR_TRUE); num_changes_sent = 0; last_start_time = current_time(); agmt_set_last_update_start(prp->agmt, last_start_time); /* * We've acquired the replica, and are ready to send any * needed updates. */ if (PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN(prp)) { windows_release_replica (prp); done = 1; agmt_set_update_in_progress(prp->agmt, PR_FALSE); agmt_set_last_update_end(prp->agmt, current_time()); /* MAB: I don't find the following status correct. How do we know it has been stopped by an admin and not by a total update request, for instance? In any case, how is this protocol shutdown situation different from all the other ones that are present in this state machine? */ /* richm: We at least need to let monitors know that the protocol has been shutdown - maybe they can figure out why */ agmt_set_last_update_status(prp->agmt, 0, 0, "Protocol stopped"); break; } agmt_set_last_update_status(prp->agmt, 0, 0, "Incremental update started"); dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_SENDING_UPDATES) -> windows_examine_update_vector"); rc = windows_examine_update_vector(prp, ruv); /* * Decide what to do next - proceed with incremental, * backoff, or total update */ switch (rc) { case EXAMINE_RUV_PARAM_ERROR: /* this is really bad - we have NULL prp! */ next_state = STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR; break; case EXAMINE_RUV_PRISTINE_REPLICA: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Replica has no update vector. It has never been initialized.\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); next_state = STATE_BACKOFF_START; break; case EXAMINE_RUV_GENERATION_MISMATCH: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Replica has a different generation ID than the local data.\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); next_state = STATE_BACKOFF_START; break; case EXAMINE_RUV_REPLICA_TOO_OLD: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Replica update vector is too out of date to bring " "into sync using the incremental protocol. The replica " "must be reinitialized.\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); next_state = STATE_BACKOFF_START; break; case EXAMINE_RUV_OK: /* update our csn generator state with the consumer's ruv data */ dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_SENDING_UPDATES) -> windows_examine_update_vector OK"); object_acquire(prp->replica_object); replica = object_get_data(prp->replica_object); rc = replica_update_csngen_state (replica, ruv); object_release (prp->replica_object); replica = NULL; if (rc == CSN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) /* too much skew */ { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Incremental protocol: fatal error - too much time skew between replicas!\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); next_state = STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR; } else if (rc != 0) /* internal error */ { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Incremental protocol: fatal internal error updating the CSN generator!\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); next_state = STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR; } else { /* call begin incremental update callback */ winsync_plugin_call_begin_update_cb(prp->agmt, windows_private_get_directory_subtree(prp->agmt), windows_private_get_windows_subtree(prp->agmt), 0 /* is_total == FALSE */); rc = send_updates(prp, ruv, &num_changes_sent); if (rc == UPDATE_NO_MORE_UPDATES) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_SENDING_UPDATES) -> send_updates = UPDATE_NO_MORE_UPDATES -> STATE_WAIT_CHANGES"); agmt_set_last_update_status(prp->agmt, 0, 0, "Incremental update succeeded"); next_state = STATE_WAIT_CHANGES; } else if (rc == UPDATE_YIELD) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_SENDING_UPDATES) -> send_updates = UPDATE_YIELD -> STATE_BACKOFF_START"); agmt_set_last_update_status(prp->agmt, 0, 0, "Incremental update succeeded and yielded"); next_state = STATE_BACKOFF_START; } else if (rc == UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_SENDING_UPDATES) -> send_updates = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR -> STATE_BACKOFF_START"); next_state = STATE_BACKOFF_START; } else if (rc == UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_SENDING_UPDATES) -> send_updates = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR -> STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR"); next_state = STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR; } else if (rc == UPDATE_SCHEDULE_WINDOW_CLOSED) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_SENDING_UPDATES) -> send_updates = UPDATE_SCHEDULE_WINDOW_CLOSED -> STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN"); /* ONREPL - I don't think we should check this. We might be here because of replicate_now event - so we don't care about the schedule */ next_state = STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN; /* ONREPL - do we need to release the replica here ? */ windows_conn_disconnect (prp->conn); } else if (rc == UPDATE_CONNECTION_LOST) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_SENDING_UPDATES) -> send_updates = UPDATE_CONNECTION_LOST -> STATE_BACKOFF_START"); next_state = STATE_BACKOFF_START; } else if (rc == UPDATE_TIMEOUT) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_SENDING_UPDATES) -> send_updates = UPDATE_TIMEOUT -> STATE_BACKOFF_START"); next_state = STATE_BACKOFF_START; } } last_start_time = 0UL; break; } if ( run_dirsync ) { windows_dirsync_inc_run(prp); windows_private_save_dirsync_cookie(prp->agmt); run_dirsync = PR_FALSE; } agmt_set_last_update_end(prp->agmt, current_time()); agmt_set_update_in_progress(prp->agmt, PR_FALSE); /* If timed out, close the connection after released the replica */ windows_release_replica(prp); if (rc == UPDATE_TIMEOUT) { windows_conn_disconnect(prp->conn); } /* call end incremental update callback */ winsync_plugin_call_end_update_cb(prp->agmt, windows_private_get_directory_subtree(prp->agmt), windows_private_get_windows_subtree(prp->agmt), 0 /* is_total == FALSE */); if (rc == UPDATE_NO_MORE_UPDATES && num_changes_sent > 0) { if (pausetime > 0) { /* richm - 20020219 - If we have acquired the consumer, and another master has gone into backoff waiting for us to release it, we may acquire the replica sooner than the other master has a chance to, and the other master may not be able to acquire the consumer for a long time (hours, days?) if this server is under a heavy load (see reliab06 et. al. system tests) So, this sleep gives the other master(s) a chance to acquire the consumer replica */ long loops = pausetime; /* the while loop is so that we don't just sleep and sleep if an event comes in that we should handle immediately (like shutdown) */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Pausing updates for %ld seconds to allow other suppliers to update consumer\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), pausetime); while (loops-- && !(PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN(prp))) { DS_Sleep(PR_SecondsToInterval(1)); } } else if (num_changes_sent > 10) { /* wait for consumer to write its ruv if the replication was busy */ /* When asked, consumer sends its ruv in cache to the supplier. */ /* DS_Sleep ( PR_SecondsToInterval(1) ); */ } } break; case STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR: /* * We encountered some sort of a fatal error. Suspend. */ /* XXXggood update state in replica */ agmt_set_last_update_status(prp->agmt, -1, 0, "Incremental update has failed and requires administrator action"); dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR)"); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Incremental update failed and requires administrator action\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); next_state = STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR_PART2; break; case STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR_PART2: if (PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN(prp)) { done = 1; break; } /* MAB: This state is the FATAL state where we are supposed to get as a result of a FATAL error on send_updates. But, as bug states, send_updates was always returning TRANSIENT errors and never FATAL... In other words, this code has never been tested before... As of 01/16/01, this piece of code was in a very dangerous state. In particular, 1) it does not catch any events 2) it is a terminal state (once reached it never transitions to a different state) Both things combined make this state to become a consuming infinite loop that is useless after all (we are in a fatal place requiring manual admin jobs */ /* MAB: The following lines fix problem number 1 above... When the code gets into this state, it should only get a chance to get out of it by an EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED event... All other events should be ignored */ else if (event_occurred(prp, EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED)) { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR): EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED received\n"); /* Chance to recover for the EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED event. This is not mandatory, but fixes problem 2 above */ next_state = STATE_STOP_NORMAL_TERMINATION; } else { dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR): Event received. Clearing it\n"); reset_events (prp); } protocol_sleep (prp, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); break; case STATE_STOP_NORMAL_TERMINATION: /* * We encountered some sort of a fatal error. Return. */ /* XXXggood update state in replica */ dev_debug("windows_inc_run(STATE_STOP_NORMAL_TERMINATION)"); done = 1; break; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: State: %s -> %s\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), state2name(current_state), state2name(next_state)); current_state = next_state; } while (!done); /* remove_protocol_callbacks(prp); */ prp->stopped = 1; /* Cancel any linger timer that might be in effect... */ conn_cancel_linger(prp->conn); /* ... and disconnect, if currently connected */ conn_disconnect(prp->conn); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_inc_run\n" ); } /* * Go to sleep until awakened. */ static void protocol_sleep(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp, PRIntervalTime duration) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> protocol_sleep\n" ); PR_ASSERT(NULL != prp); PR_Lock(prp->lock); /* we should not go to sleep if there are events available to be processed. Otherwise, we can miss the event that suppose to wake us up */ if (prp->eventbits == 0) PR_WaitCondVar(prp->cvar, duration); else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Incremental protocol: can't go to sleep: event bits - %x\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), prp->eventbits); } PR_Unlock(prp->lock); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= protocol_sleep\n" ); } /* * Notify the protocol about some event. Signal the condition * variable in case the protocol is sleeping. Multiple occurences * of a single event type are not remembered (e.g. no stack * of events is maintained). */ static void event_notify(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp, PRUint32 event) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> event_notify\n" ); PR_ASSERT(NULL != prp); PR_Lock(prp->lock); prp->eventbits |= event; PR_NotifyCondVar(prp->cvar); PR_Unlock(prp->lock); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= event_notify\n" ); } /* * Test to see if an event occurred. The event is cleared when * read. */ static PRUint32 event_occurred(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp, PRUint32 event) { PRUint32 return_value; LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> event_occurred\n" ); PR_ASSERT(NULL != prp); PR_Lock(prp->lock); return_value = (prp->eventbits & event); prp->eventbits &= ~event; /* Clear event */ PR_Unlock(prp->lock); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= event_occurred\n" ); return return_value; } static void reset_events (Private_Repl_Protocol *prp) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> reset_events\n" ); PR_ASSERT(NULL != prp); PR_Lock(prp->lock); prp->eventbits = 0; PR_Unlock(prp->lock); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= reset_events\n" ); } static PRBool is_dummy_operation (const slapi_operation_parameters *op) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> is_dummy_operation\n" ); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= is_dummy_operation\n" ); return (strcmp (op->target_address.uniqueid, START_ITERATION_ENTRY_UNIQUEID) == 0); } void w_cl5_operation_parameters_done (struct slapi_operation_parameters *sop) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> w_cl5_operation_parameters_done\n" ); if(sop!=NULL) { switch(sop->operation_type) { case SLAPI_OPERATION_BIND: slapi_ch_free((void **)&(sop->p.p_bind.bind_saslmechanism)); if (sop->p.p_bind.bind_creds) ber_bvecfree((struct berval**)&(sop->p.p_bind.bind_creds)); if (sop->p.p_bind.bind_ret_saslcreds) ber_bvecfree((struct berval**)&(sop->p.p_bind.bind_ret_saslcreds)); sop->p.p_bind.bind_creds = NULL; sop->p.p_bind.bind_ret_saslcreds = NULL; break; case SLAPI_OPERATION_COMPARE: ava_done((struct ava *)&(sop->p.p_compare.compare_ava)); break; case SLAPI_OPERATION_SEARCH: slapi_ch_free((void **)&(sop->p.p_search.search_strfilter)); charray_free(sop->p.p_search.search_attrs); slapi_filter_free(sop->p.p_search.search_filter,1); break; case SLAPI_OPERATION_MODRDN: sop->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_deloldrdn = 0; break; case SLAPI_OPERATION_EXTENDED: slapi_ch_free((void **)&(sop->p.p_extended.exop_oid)); if (sop->p.p_extended.exop_value) ber_bvecfree((struct berval**)&(sop->p.p_extended.exop_value)); sop->p.p_extended.exop_value = NULL; break; default: break; } } operation_parameters_done(sop); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= w_cl5_operation_parameters_done\n" ); } /* * Send a set of updates to the replica. Assumes that (1) the replica * has already been acquired, (2) that the consumer's update vector has * been checked and (3) that it's ok to send incremental updates. * Returns: * UPDATE_NO_MORE_UPDATES - all updates were sent succussfully * UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR - some non-permanent error occurred. Try again later. * UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR - some bad, permanent error occurred. * UPDATE_SCHEDULE_WINDOW_CLOSED - the schedule window closed on us. */ static int send_updates(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp, RUV *remote_update_vector, PRUint32 *num_changes_sent) { CL5Entry entry; slapi_operation_parameters op; int return_value; int rc; int set_mincsn = 0; CL5ReplayIterator *changelog_iterator = NULL; RUV *current_ruv = ruv_dup(remote_update_vector); CSN *mincsn = NULL; LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> send_updates\n" ); *num_changes_sent = 0; /* Check if the min csn is set in our RUV to see if we need to set it below. */ ruv_get_min_csn(current_ruv, &mincsn); if (!mincsn) { set_mincsn = 1; } else { csn_free(&mincsn); } /* * Iterate over the changelog. Retrieve each update, * construct an appropriate LDAP operation, * attaching the CSN, and send the change. */ rc = cl5CreateReplayIteratorEx( prp, remote_update_vector, &changelog_iterator, agmt_get_consumerRID(prp->agmt)); if (CL5_SUCCESS != rc) { switch (rc) { case CL5_BAD_DATA: /* invalid parameter passed to the function */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Invalid parameter passed to cl5CreateReplayIterator\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; break; case CL5_BAD_FORMAT: /* db data has unexpected format */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Unexpected format encountered in changelog database\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; break; case CL5_BAD_STATE: /* changelog is in an incorrect state for attempted operation */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Changelog database was in an incorrect state\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; break; case CL5_BAD_DBVERSION: /* changelog has invalid dbversion */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Incorrect dbversion found in changelog database\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; break; case CL5_DB_ERROR: /* database error */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: A changelog database error was encountered\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; break; case CL5_NOTFOUND: /* we have no changes to send */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: No changes to send\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_NO_MORE_UPDATES; break; case CL5_MEMORY_ERROR: /* memory allocation failed */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Memory allocation error occurred\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; break; case CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR: /* NSPR error occurred: use PR_GetError for furhter info */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: An NSPR error (%d) occurred\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), PR_GetError()); return_value = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR; break; case CL5_CSN_ERROR: /* CSN API failed */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: A CSN API failure was encountered\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR; break; case CL5_RUV_ERROR: /* RUV API failed */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: An RUV API failure occurred\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR; break; case CL5_OBJSET_ERROR: /* namedobjset api failed */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: A namedobject API failure occurred\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR; break; case CL5_PURGED_DATA: /* requested data has been purged */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Data required to update replica has been purged. " "The replica must be reinitialized.\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; break; case CL5_MISSING_DATA: /* data should be in the changelog, but is missing */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Missing data encountered\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; break; case CL5_UNKNOWN_ERROR: /* unclassified error */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: An unknown error was ecountered\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR; break; default: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: An unknown error (%d) occurred " "(cl5CreateReplayIterator)\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), rc); return_value = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR; } } else { int finished = 0; ConnResult replay_crc; char csn_str[CSN_STRSIZE]; memset ( (void*)&op, 0, sizeof (op) ); entry.op = &op; do { int mark_record_done = 0; w_cl5_operation_parameters_done ( entry.op ); memset ( (void*)entry.op, 0, sizeof (op) ); rc = cl5GetNextOperationToReplay(changelog_iterator, &entry); switch (rc) { case CL5_SUCCESS: /* check that we don't return dummy entries */ if (is_dummy_operation (entry.op)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: changelog iteration code returned a dummy entry with csn %s, " "skipping ...\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), csn_as_string(entry.op->csn, PR_FALSE, csn_str)); continue; } /* This is where the work actually happens: */ replay_crc = windows_replay_update(prp, entry.op); if (CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS != replay_crc) { int operation, error; conn_get_error(prp->conn, &operation, &error); csn_as_string(entry.op->csn, PR_FALSE, csn_str); /* Figure out what to do next */ if (CONN_OPERATION_FAILED == replay_crc) { /* Map ldap error code to return value */ if (!windows_ignore_error_and_keep_going(error)) { return_value = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR; finished = 1; } else { agmt_inc_last_update_changecount (prp->agmt, csn_get_replicaid(entry.op->csn), 1 /*skipped*/); mark_record_done = 1; } slapi_log_error(finished ? SLAPI_LOG_FATAL : slapi_log_urp, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Consumer failed to replay change (uniqueid %s, CSN %s): %s. %s.\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), entry.op->target_address.uniqueid, csn_str, ldap_err2string(error), finished ? "Will retry later" : "Skipping"); } else if (CONN_NOT_CONNECTED == replay_crc) { /* We lost the connection - enter backoff state */ return_value = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR; finished = 1; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Consumer failed to replay change (uniqueid %s, CSN %s): " "%s. Will retry later.\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), entry.op->target_address.uniqueid, csn_str, error ? ldap_err2string(error) : "Connection lost"); } else if (CONN_TIMEOUT == replay_crc) { return_value = UPDATE_TIMEOUT; finished = 1; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Consumer timed out to replay change (uniqueid %s, CSN %s): " "%s.\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), entry.op->target_address.uniqueid, csn_str, error ? ldap_err2string(error) : "Timeout"); } else if (CONN_LOCAL_ERROR == replay_crc) { /* * Something bad happened on the local server - enter * backoff state. */ return_value = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR; finished = 1; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Failed to replay change (uniqueid %s, CSN %s): " "Local error. Will retry later.\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), entry.op->target_address.uniqueid, csn_str); } } else { /* Positive response received */ (*num_changes_sent)++; agmt_inc_last_update_changecount (prp->agmt, csn_get_replicaid(entry.op->csn), 0 /*replayed*/); mark_record_done = 1; } if (mark_record_done) { /* If this is the very first change being sent, * it's possible that we haven't set a min csn * in the RUV yet. This is possible because we * simply copy the supplier RUV during the total * update process. The supplier RUV will not have * a min or max csn set if no changes have ever * been written to it's changelog. We need to set * the min csn for the consumer here to prevent * problems with further sync operations. */ if (set_mincsn) { ruv_set_min_csn(current_ruv, entry.op->csn, NULL); set_mincsn = 0; } /* Bring the consumers (AD) RUV up to date. * This sets the max csn. */ ruv_force_csn_update(current_ruv, entry.op->csn); } break; case CL5_BAD_DATA: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Invalid parameter passed to cl5GetNextOperationToReplay\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; finished = 1; break; case CL5_NOTFOUND: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: No more updates to send (cl5GetNextOperationToReplay)\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_NO_MORE_UPDATES; finished = 1; break; case CL5_DB_ERROR: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: A database error occurred (cl5GetNextOperationToReplay)\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; finished = 1; break; case CL5_BAD_FORMAT: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: A malformed changelog entry was encountered (cl5GetNextOperationToReplay)\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); break; case CL5_MEMORY_ERROR: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: A memory allocation error occurred (cl5GetNextOperationToRepla)\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt)); return_value = UPDATE_FATAL_ERROR; break; default: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: Unknown error code (%d) returned from cl5GetNextOperationToReplay\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), rc); return_value = UPDATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR; break; } /* Check for protocol shutdown */ if (prp->terminate) { return_value = UPDATE_NO_MORE_UPDATES; finished = 1; } if (*num_changes_sent >= MAX_CHANGES_PER_SESSION) { return_value = UPDATE_YIELD; finished = 1; } } while (!finished); w_cl5_operation_parameters_done ( entry.op ); cl5DestroyReplayIterator(&changelog_iterator); } /* Save the RUV that we successfully replayed, this ensures that next time we start off at the next changelog record */ if (current_ruv) { agmt_set_consumer_ruv(prp->agmt,current_ruv); ruv_destroy(¤t_ruv); } LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= send_updates\n" ); return return_value; } /* * XXXggood this should probably be in the superclass, since the full update * protocol is going to need it too. */ static int windows_inc_stop(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp) { int return_value; PRIntervalTime start, maxwait, now; int seconds = 1200; LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_inc_stop\n" ); maxwait = PR_SecondsToInterval(seconds); prp->terminate = 1; event_notify(prp, EVENT_PROTOCOL_SHUTDOWN); start = PR_IntervalNow(); now = start; while (!prp->stopped && ((now - start) < maxwait)) { DS_Sleep(PR_SecondsToInterval(1)); now = PR_IntervalNow(); } if (!prp->stopped) { /* Isn't listening. Do something drastic. */ return_value = -1; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: windows_inc_stop: protocol does not stop after %d seconds\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), seconds); } else { return_value = 0; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "%s: windows_inc_stop: protocol stopped after %d seconds\n", agmt_get_long_name(prp->agmt), PR_IntervalToSeconds(now-start)); } LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_inc_stop\n" ); return return_value; } static int windows_inc_status(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp) { int return_value = 0; LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_inc_status\n" ); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_inc_status\n" ); return return_value; } static void windows_inc_notify_update(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_inc_notify_update\n" ); event_notify(prp, EVENT_TRIGGERING_CRITERIA_MET); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_inc_notify_update\n" ); } static void windows_inc_update_now(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_inc_update_now\n" ); event_notify(prp, EVENT_REPLICATE_NOW); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_inc_update_now\n" ); } static void windows_inc_notify_agmt_changed(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_inc_notify_agmt_changed\n" ); event_notify(prp, EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_inc_notify_agmt_changed\n" ); } static void windows_inc_notify_window_opened (Private_Repl_Protocol *prp) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_inc_notify_window_opened\n" ); event_notify(prp, EVENT_WINDOW_OPENED); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_inc_notify_window_opened\n" ); } static void windows_inc_notify_window_closed (Private_Repl_Protocol *prp) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_inc_notify_window_closed\n" ); event_notify(prp, EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSED); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_inc_notify_window_closed\n" ); } Private_Repl_Protocol * Windows_Inc_Protocol_new(Repl_Protocol *rp) { windows_inc_private *rip = NULL; Private_Repl_Protocol *prp = (Private_Repl_Protocol *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(Private_Repl_Protocol)); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> Windows_Inc_Protocol_new\n" ); prp->delete = windows_inc_delete; prp->run = windows_inc_run; prp->stop = windows_inc_stop; prp->status = windows_inc_status; prp->notify_update = windows_inc_notify_update; prp->notify_agmt_changed = windows_inc_notify_agmt_changed; prp->notify_window_opened = windows_inc_notify_window_opened; prp->notify_window_closed = windows_inc_notify_window_closed; prp->update_now = windows_inc_update_now; prp->replica_object = prot_get_replica_object(rp); if ((prp->lock = PR_NewLock()) == NULL) { goto loser; } if ((prp->cvar = PR_NewCondVar(prp->lock)) == NULL) { goto loser; } prp->stopped = 0; prp->terminate = 0; prp->eventbits = 0; prp->conn = prot_get_connection(rp); prp->agmt = prot_get_agreement(rp); prp->last_acquire_response_code = NSDS50_REPL_REPLICA_READY; rip = (void *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(windows_inc_private)); rip->ruv = NULL; rip->backoff = NULL; rip->rp = rp; prp->private = (void *)rip; prp->replica_acquired = PR_FALSE; LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= Windows_Inc_Protocol_new\n" ); return prp; loser: windows_inc_delete(&prp); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= Windows_Inc_Protocol_new (loser)\n" ); return NULL; } static void windows_inc_backoff_expired(time_t timer_fire_time, void *arg) { Private_Repl_Protocol *prp = (Private_Repl_Protocol *)arg; LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_inc_backoff_expired\n" ); PR_ASSERT(NULL != prp); event_notify(prp, EVENT_BACKOFF_EXPIRED); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_inc_backoff_expired\n" ); } /* * Examine the update vector and determine our course of action. * There are 3 different possibilities, plus a catch-all error: * 1 - no update vector (ruv is NULL). The consumer's replica is * pristine, so it needs to be initialized. Return * EXAMINE_RUV_PRISTINE_REPLICA. * 2 - ruv is present, but its database generation ID doesn't * match the local generation ID. This means that either * the local replica must be reinitialized from the remote * replica or vice-versa. Return * EXAMINE_RUV_GENERATION_MISMATCH. * 3 - ruv is present, and we have all updates needed to bring * the replica up to date using the incremental protocol. * return EXAMINE_RUV_OK. * 4 - parameter error. Return EXAMINE_RUV_PARAM_ERROR */ static int windows_examine_update_vector(Private_Repl_Protocol *prp, RUV *remote_ruv) { int return_value; LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> windows_examine_update_vector\n" ); PR_ASSERT(NULL != prp); if (NULL == prp) { return_value = EXAMINE_RUV_PARAM_ERROR; } else if (NULL == remote_ruv) { return_value = EXAMINE_RUV_PRISTINE_REPLICA; } else { char *local_gen = NULL; char *remote_gen = ruv_get_replica_generation(remote_ruv); Object *local_ruv_obj; RUV *local_ruv; Replica *replica; PR_ASSERT(NULL != prp->replica_object); replica = object_get_data(prp->replica_object); PR_ASSERT(NULL != replica); local_ruv_obj = replica_get_ruv (replica); if (NULL != local_ruv_obj) { local_ruv = (RUV*) object_get_data (local_ruv_obj); PR_ASSERT (local_ruv); local_gen = ruv_get_replica_generation(local_ruv); object_release (local_ruv_obj); } if (NULL == remote_gen || NULL == local_gen || strcmp(remote_gen, local_gen) != 0) { return_value = EXAMINE_RUV_GENERATION_MISMATCH; } else { return_value = EXAMINE_RUV_OK; } slapi_ch_free((void**)&remote_gen); slapi_ch_free((void**)&local_gen); } LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= windows_examine_update_vector\n" ); return return_value; } /* this function converts an aquisition code to a string - for debug output */ static const char* acquire2name (int code) { switch (code) { case ACQUIRE_SUCCESS: return "success"; case ACQUIRE_REPLICA_BUSY: return "replica_busy"; case ACQUIRE_FATAL_ERROR: return "fatal_error"; case ACQUIRE_CONSUMER_WAS_UPTODATE: return "consumer_was_uptodate"; case ACQUIRE_TRANSIENT_ERROR: return "transient_error"; default: return "invalid_code"; } } /* this function converts a state to its name - for debug output */ static const char* state2name (int state) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> state2name\n" ); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= state2name\n" ); switch (state) { case STATE_START: return "start"; case STATE_WAIT_WINDOW_OPEN: return "wait_for_window_to_open"; case STATE_WAIT_CHANGES: return "wait_for_changes"; case STATE_READY_TO_ACQUIRE: return "ready_to_acquire_replica"; case STATE_BACKOFF_START: return "start_backoff"; case STATE_BACKOFF: return "backoff"; case STATE_SENDING_UPDATES: return "sending_updates"; case STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR: return "stop_fatal_error"; case STATE_STOP_FATAL_ERROR_PART2: return "stop_fatal_error"; case STATE_STOP_NORMAL_TERMINATION: return "stop_normal_termination"; default: return "invalid_state"; } } /* this function convert s an event to its name - for debug output */ static const char* event2name (int event) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> event2name\n" ); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= event2name\n" ); switch (event) { case EVENT_WINDOW_OPENED: return "update_window_opened"; case EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSED: return "update_window_closed"; case EVENT_TRIGGERING_CRITERIA_MET: return "data_modified"; case EVENT_BACKOFF_EXPIRED: return "backoff_timer_expired"; case EVENT_REPLICATE_NOW: return "replicate_now"; case EVENT_PROTOCOL_SHUTDOWN: return "protocol_shutdown"; case EVENT_AGMT_CHANGED: return "agreement_changed"; case EVENT_RUN_DIRSYNC: return "run_dirsync"; default: return "invalid_event"; } } static void periodic_dirsync(time_t when, void *arg) { LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "=> periodic_dirsync\n" ); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, windows_repl_plugin_name, "Running Dirsync \n"); event_notify( (Private_Repl_Protocol*) arg, EVENT_RUN_DIRSYNC); LDAPDebug0Args( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "<= periodic_dirsync\n" ); }