/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* repl_objset.c */ /* * Support for lifetime management of sets of objects. * Objects are refcounted. NOTE: this API is deprecated. * Use the object/objset API provided by libslapd. */ #include "slapi-plugin.h" #include "slapi-private.h" #include "repl_objset.h" #include #define REPL_OBJSET_OBJ_FLAG_DELETED 0x1 typedef struct repl_objset_object { void *data; /* pointer to actual node data */ char *key; /* key for this object. null-terminated string */ int refcnt; /* reference count for this object */ unsigned long flags; /* state of this object */ } Repl_Objset_object; typedef struct repl_objset { LList *objects; FNFree destructor; /* destructor for objects - provided by caller */ PRLock *lock; } repl_objset; /* Forward declarations */ static void removeObjectNolock(Repl_Objset *o, Repl_Objset_object *co); static Repl_Objset_object *removeCurrentObjectAndGetNextNolock (Repl_Objset *o, Repl_Objset_object *co, void *iterator); /* * Create a new set. * * Arguments: * destructor: a function to be called when an object is to be destroyed * * Returns: * A pointer to the object set, or NULL if an error occured. */ Repl_Objset * repl_objset_new(FNFree destructor) { Repl_Objset *p; p = (Repl_Objset *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(Repl_Objset)); p->lock = PR_NewLock(); if (NULL == p->lock) { slapi_ch_free((void **)&p); } p->objects = llistNew(); p->destructor = destructor; return p; } /* * Destroy a Repl_Objset. * Arguments: * o: the object set to be destroyed * maxwait: the maximum time to wait for all object refcnts to * go to zero. * panic_fn: a function to be called if, after waiting "maxwait" * seconds, not all object refcnts are zero. * The caller must ensure that no one else holds references to the * set or any objects it contains. */ void repl_objset_destroy(Repl_Objset **o, time_t maxwait, FNFree panic_fn) { Repl_Objset_object *co = NULL; time_t now, stop_time; int really_gone; int loopcount; void *cookie; PR_ASSERT(NULL != o); PR_ASSERT(NULL != *o); time(&now); stop_time = now + maxwait; /* * Loop over the objects until they all are actually gone, * or until maxwait seconds have passed. */ really_gone = 0; loopcount = 0; while (now < stop_time) { void *cookie; PR_Lock((*o)->lock); if ((co = llistGetFirst((*o)->objects, &cookie)) == NULL) { really_gone = 1; PR_Unlock((*o)->lock); break; } while (NULL != co) { /* Set the deleted flag so the object isn't returned by iterator */ co->flags |= REPL_OBJSET_OBJ_FLAG_DELETED; if (0 == co->refcnt) { /* Remove the object */ co = removeCurrentObjectAndGetNextNolock ((*o), co, cookie); } else co = llistGetNext((*o)->objects, &cookie); } PR_Unlock((*o)->lock); time(&now); if (loopcount > 0) { DS_Sleep(PR_TicksPerSecond()); } loopcount++; } if (!really_gone) { if (NULL != panic_fn) { /* * Call the "aargh, this thing won't go away" panic * function for each remaining object. */ PR_Lock((*o)->lock); if ((co = llistGetFirst((*o)->objects, &cookie)) == NULL) { panic_fn(co->data); while (NULL != co) { panic_fn(co->data); co = llistGetNext((*o)->objects, &cookie); } } PR_Unlock((*o)->lock); } } else { /* Free the linked list */ llistDestroy(&(*o)->objects, (*o)->destructor); PR_DestroyLock((*o)->lock); slapi_ch_free((void **)o); } } /* * Add an object to an object set. * * Arguments: * o: The object set to which the object is to be added. * name: a null-terminated string that names the object. Must * be unique. * obj: pointer to the object to be added. * * Return codes: * REPL_OBJSET_SUCCESS: the item was added to the object set * REPL_OBJSET_DUPLICATE_KEY: an item with the same key is already * in the object set. * REPL_OBJSET_INTERNAL_ERROR: something bad happened. */ int repl_objset_add(Repl_Objset *o, const char *name, void *obj) { Repl_Objset_object *co = NULL; Repl_Objset_object *tmp = NULL; int rc = REPL_OBJSET_SUCCESS; PR_ASSERT(NULL != o); PR_ASSERT(NULL != name); PR_ASSERT(NULL != obj); PR_Lock(o->lock); tmp = llistGet(o->objects, name); if (NULL != tmp) { rc = REPL_OBJSET_DUPLICATE_KEY; goto loser; } co = (Repl_Objset_object *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(Repl_Objset_object)); co->data = obj; co->key = slapi_ch_strdup(name); co->refcnt = 0; co->flags = 0UL; if (llistInsertHead(o->objects, name, co) != 0) { rc = REPL_OBJSET_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto loser; } PR_Unlock(o->lock); return rc; loser: PR_Unlock(o->lock); if (NULL != co) { if (NULL != co->key) { slapi_ch_free((void **)&co->key); } slapi_ch_free((void **)&co); } return rc; } /* Must be called with the repl_objset locked */ static void removeObjectNolock(Repl_Objset *o, Repl_Objset_object *co) { /* Remove from list */ llistRemove(o->objects, co->key); /* Destroy the object */ o->destructor(&(co->data)); slapi_ch_free((void **)&(co->key)); /* Deallocate the container */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&co); } static Repl_Objset_object * removeCurrentObjectAndGetNextNolock (Repl_Objset *o, Repl_Objset_object *co, void *iterator) { Repl_Objset_object *ro; PR_ASSERT (o); PR_ASSERT (co); PR_ASSERT (iterator); ro = llistRemoveCurrentAndGetNext (o->objects, &iterator); o->destructor(&(co->data)); slapi_ch_free((void **)&(co->key)); /* Deallocate the container */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&co); return ro; } /* Must be called with the repl_objset locked */ static void acquireNoLock(Repl_Objset_object *co) { co->refcnt++; } /* Must be called with the repl_objset locked */ static void releaseNoLock(Repl_Objset *o, Repl_Objset_object *co) { PR_ASSERT(co->refcnt >= 1); if (--co->refcnt == 0) { if (co->flags & REPL_OBJSET_OBJ_FLAG_DELETED) { /* Remove the object */ removeObjectNolock(o, co); } } } /* * Retrieve an object from the object set. If an object with * the given key is found, its reference count is incremented, * a pointer to the object is returned, and a handle to use * to refer to the object is returned. * * Arguments: * o: The object set to be searched. * key: key of the object to be retrieved * obj: pointer to void * that will be set to point to the * object, if found. * handle: pointer to void * that will be set to point to a * handle, used to refer to the object, if found. * * Returns: * REPL_OBJSET_SUCCESS: an item was found. * REPL_OBJSET_KEY_NOT_FOUND: no item with the given key was found. */ int repl_objset_acquire(Repl_Objset *o, const char *key, void **obj, void **handle) { Repl_Objset_object *co = NULL; int rc = REPL_OBJSET_KEY_NOT_FOUND; PR_ASSERT(NULL != o); PR_ASSERT(NULL != key); PR_ASSERT(NULL != obj); PR_ASSERT(NULL != handle); PR_Lock(o->lock); co = llistGet(o->objects, key); if (NULL != co && !(co->flags & REPL_OBJSET_OBJ_FLAG_DELETED)) { acquireNoLock(co); *obj = (void *)co->data; *handle = (void *)co; rc = REPL_OBJSET_SUCCESS; } PR_Unlock(o->lock); return rc; } /* * Return an object to the object set. * * Arguments: * o: The object set containing the objct * handle: reference to the object. * */ void repl_objset_release(Repl_Objset *o, void *handle) { Repl_Objset_object *co; PR_ASSERT(NULL != o); PR_ASSERT(NULL != handle); co = (Repl_Objset_object *)handle; PR_Lock(o->lock); releaseNoLock(o, co); PR_Unlock(o->lock); } /* * Delete an object from the object set * * Arguments: * o: The object set containing the object. * handle: reference to the object. */ void repl_objset_delete(Repl_Objset *o, void *handle) { Repl_Objset_object *co = (Repl_Objset_object *)handle; PR_ASSERT(NULL != o); PR_ASSERT(NULL != co); PR_Lock(o->lock); if (co->refcnt == 0) { removeObjectNolock(o, co); } else { /* Set deleted flag, clean up later */ co->flags |= REPL_OBJSET_OBJ_FLAG_DELETED; } PR_Unlock(o->lock); } typedef struct _iterator { Repl_Objset *o; /* set for which iterator was created */ void *cookie; /* for linked list */ Repl_Objset_object *co; /* our wrapper */ } iterator; /* * Get the first object in an object set. * Used when enumerating all of the objects in a set. * Arguments: * o: The object set being enumerated * itcontext: an iteration context, to be passed back to subsequent calls * to repl_objset_next_object. * handle: a pointer to pointer to void. This will be filled in with * a reference to the object's enclosing object. * Returns: * A pointer to the next object in the set, or NULL if there are no * objects in the set. * */ void * repl_objset_first_object(Repl_Objset *o, void **itcontext, void **handle) { Repl_Objset_object *co = NULL; void *cookie; void *retptr = NULL; iterator *it; PR_ASSERT(NULL != o); PR_ASSERT(NULL != itcontext); *itcontext = NULL; if (NULL == o->objects) { return(NULL); } /* Find the first non-deleted object */ PR_Lock(o->lock); co = llistGetFirst(o->objects, &cookie); while (NULL != co && (co->flags & REPL_OBJSET_OBJ_FLAG_DELETED)) { co = llistGetNext(o->objects, &cookie); } if (NULL != co) { /* Increment refcnt until item given back to us */ acquireNoLock(co); /* Save away context */ it = (iterator *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(iterator)); *itcontext = it; it->o = o; it->cookie = cookie; it->co = co; retptr = co->data; } PR_Unlock(o->lock); if (NULL != handle) { *handle = co; } return retptr; } /* * Get the next object in the set. * Arguments: * o: The object set being enumerated * itcontext: an iteration context, to be passed back to subsequent calls * to repl_objset_next_object. * handle: a pointer to pointer to void. This will be filled in with * a reference to the object's enclosing object. * * Returns: * A pointer to the next object in the set, or NULL if there are no more * objects. */ void * repl_objset_next_object(Repl_Objset *o, void *itcontext, void **handle) { Repl_Objset_object *co = NULL; Repl_Objset_object *tmp_co; void *retptr = NULL; iterator *it = (iterator *)itcontext; PR_ASSERT(NULL != o); PR_ASSERT(NULL != it); PR_ASSERT(NULL != it->co); PR_Lock(o->lock); tmp_co = it->co; /* Find the next non-deleted object */ while ((co = llistGetNext(o->objects, &it->cookie)) != NULL && !(co->flags & REPL_OBJSET_OBJ_FLAG_DELETED)); if (NULL != co) { acquireNoLock(co); it->co = co; retptr = co->data; } else { /* * No more non-deleted objects - erase context (freeing * it is responsibility of caller. */ it->cookie = NULL; it->co = NULL; } releaseNoLock(o, tmp_co); PR_Unlock(o->lock); if (NULL != handle) { *handle = co; } return retptr; } /* * Destroy an itcontext iterator */ void repl_objset_iterator_destroy(void **itcontext) { if (NULL != itcontext && NULL != *itcontext) { /* check if we did not iterate through the entire list and need to release last accessed element */ iterator *it = *(iterator**)itcontext; if (it->co) repl_objset_release (it->o, it->co); slapi_ch_free((void **)itcontext); } }