/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* repl5_init.c - plugin initialization functions */ /* * Add an entry like the following to dse.ldif to enable this plugin: dn: cn=Multi-Master Replication Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: nsSlapdPlugin objectclass: extensibleObject cn: Legacy Replication Plugin nsslapd-pluginpath: /export2/servers/Hydra-supplier/lib/replication-plugin.so nsslapd-plugininitfunc: replication_multimaster_plugin_init nsslapd-plugintype: object nsslapd-pluginenabled: on nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type: database nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-named: Class of Service nsslapd-pluginid: replication-multimaster nsslapd-pluginversion: 5.0b1 nsslapd-pluginvendor: Netscape Communications nsslapd-plugindescription: Multi-Master Replication Plugin */ #include "slapi-plugin.h" #include "repl.h" #include "repl5.h" #include "cl5.h" /* changelog interface */ #include "dirver.h" #include /* PLUGIN_MAGIC_VENDOR_STR */ #include "plstr.h" /* #ifdef _WIN32 int *module_ldap_debug = 0; void plugin_init_debug_level(int *level_ptr) { module_ldap_debug = level_ptr; } #endif*/ #define NSDS_REPL_NAME_PREFIX "Netscape Replication" static char *start_oid_list[] = { REPL_START_NSDS50_REPLICATION_REQUEST_OID, NULL }; static char *start_name_list[] = { NSDS_REPL_NAME_PREFIX " Start Session", NULL }; static char *end_oid_list[] = { REPL_END_NSDS50_REPLICATION_REQUEST_OID, NULL }; static char *end_name_list[] = { NSDS_REPL_NAME_PREFIX " End Session", NULL }; static char *total_oid_list[] = { REPL_NSDS50_REPLICATION_ENTRY_REQUEST_OID, REPL_NSDS71_REPLICATION_ENTRY_REQUEST_OID, NULL }; static char *total_name_list[] = { NSDS_REPL_NAME_PREFIX " Total Update Entry", NULL }; static char *response_oid_list[] = { REPL_NSDS50_REPLICATION_RESPONSE_OID, NULL }; static char *response_name_list[] = { NSDS_REPL_NAME_PREFIX " Response", NULL }; /* List of plugin identities for every plugin registered. Plugin identity is passed by the server in the plugin init function and must be supplied by the plugin to all internal operations it initiates */ /* ----------------------------- Multi-Master Replication Plugin */ static Slapi_PluginDesc multimasterdesc = {"replication-multimaster", PLUGIN_MAGIC_VENDOR_STR, PRODUCTTEXT, "Multi-master Replication Plugin"}; static Slapi_PluginDesc multimasterpreopdesc = {"replication-multimaster-preop", PLUGIN_MAGIC_VENDOR_STR, PRODUCTTEXT, "Multi-master replication pre-operation plugin"}; static Slapi_PluginDesc multimasterpostopdesc = {"replication-multimaster-postop", PLUGIN_MAGIC_VENDOR_STR, PRODUCTTEXT, "Multi-master replication post-operation plugin"}; static Slapi_PluginDesc multimasterinternalpreopdesc = {"replication-multimaster-internalpreop", PLUGIN_MAGIC_VENDOR_STR, PRODUCTTEXT, "Multi-master replication internal pre-operation plugin"}; static Slapi_PluginDesc multimasterinternalpostopdesc = {"replication-multimaster-internalpostop", PLUGIN_MAGIC_VENDOR_STR, PRODUCTTEXT, "Multimaster replication internal post-operation plugin"}; static Slapi_PluginDesc multimasterbepreopdesc = {"replication-multimaster-bepreop", PLUGIN_MAGIC_VENDOR_STR, PRODUCTTEXT, "Multimaster replication bepre-operation plugin"}; static Slapi_PluginDesc multimasterbepostopdesc = {"replication-multimaster-bepostop", PLUGIN_MAGIC_VENDOR_STR, PRODUCTTEXT, "Multimaster replication bepost-operation plugin"}; static Slapi_PluginDesc multimasterextopdesc = { "replication-multimaster-extop", PLUGIN_MAGIC_VENDOR_STR, PRODUCTTEXT, "Multimaster replication extended-operation plugin" }; static int multimaster_stopped_flag; /* A flag which is set when all the plugin threads are to stop */ static int multimaster_started_flag = 0; /* Thread private data and interface */ static PRUintn thread_private_agmtname; /* thread private index for logging*/ static PRUintn thread_private_cache; char* get_thread_private_agmtname() { char *agmtname = NULL; if (thread_private_agmtname) agmtname = PR_GetThreadPrivate(thread_private_agmtname); return (agmtname ? agmtname : ""); } void set_thread_private_agmtname(const char *agmtname) { if (thread_private_agmtname) PR_SetThreadPrivate(thread_private_agmtname, (void *)agmtname); } void* get_thread_private_cache () { void *buf = NULL; if ( thread_private_cache ) buf = PR_GetThreadPrivate ( thread_private_cache ); return buf; } void set_thread_private_cache ( void *buf ) { if ( thread_private_cache ) PR_SetThreadPrivate ( thread_private_cache, buf ); } char* get_repl_session_id (Slapi_PBlock *pb, char *idstr, CSN **csn) { int opid=-1; PRUint64 connid = 0; CSN *opcsn; char opcsnstr[CSN_STRSIZE]; *idstr = '\0'; opcsn = NULL; opcsnstr[0] = '\0'; if (pb) { Slapi_Operation *op; slapi_pblock_get (pb, SLAPI_OPERATION_ID, &opid); /* Avoid "Connection is NULL and hence cannot access SLAPI_CONN_ID" */ if (opid) { slapi_pblock_get (pb, SLAPI_CONN_ID, &connid); PR_snprintf (idstr, REPL_SESSION_ID_SIZE, "conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d", connid, opid); } slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op ); opcsn = operation_get_csn (op); if (opcsn) { csn_as_string (opcsn, PR_FALSE, opcsnstr); PL_strcatn (idstr, REPL_SESSION_ID_SIZE, " csn="); PL_strcatn (idstr, REPL_SESSION_ID_SIZE, opcsnstr); } } if (csn) { *csn = opcsn; } return idstr; } int multimaster_preop_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ if( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterpreopdesc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRE_BIND_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_bind ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRE_ADD_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_add ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRE_DELETE_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_delete ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRE_MODIFY_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_modify ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRE_MODRDN_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_modrdn ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRE_SEARCH_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_search ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRE_COMPARE_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_compare ) != 0) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_preop_init failed\n" ); rc= -1; } return rc; } int multimaster_postop_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ if( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterpostopdesc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_POST_BIND_FN, (void *) multimaster_postop_bind ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_POST_ADD_FN, (void *) multimaster_postop_add ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_POST_DELETE_FN, (void *) multimaster_postop_delete ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_POST_MODIFY_FN, (void *) multimaster_postop_modify ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_POST_MODRDN_FN, (void *) multimaster_postop_modrdn ) != 0 ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_postop_init failed\n" ); rc= -1; } return rc; } int multimaster_internalpreop_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ if( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterinternalpreopdesc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTERNAL_PRE_ADD_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_add ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTERNAL_PRE_DELETE_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_delete ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTERNAL_PRE_MODIFY_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_modify ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTERNAL_PRE_MODRDN_FN, (void *) multimaster_preop_modrdn ) != 0 ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_internalpreop_init failed\n" ); rc= -1; } return rc; } int multimaster_internalpostop_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ if( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterinternalpostopdesc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTERNAL_POST_ADD_FN, (void *) multimaster_postop_add ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTERNAL_POST_DELETE_FN, (void *) multimaster_postop_delete ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTERNAL_POST_MODIFY_FN, (void *) multimaster_postop_modify ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTERNAL_POST_MODRDN_FN, (void *) multimaster_postop_modrdn ) != 0 ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_internalpostop_init failed\n" ); rc= -1; } return rc; } int multimaster_bepreop_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ if( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterbepreopdesc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_ADD_FN, (void *) multimaster_bepreop_add ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_DELETE_FN, (void *) multimaster_bepreop_delete ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_MODIFY_FN, (void *) multimaster_bepreop_modify ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_MODRDN_FN, (void *) multimaster_bepreop_modrdn ) != 0 ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_bepreop_init failed\n" ); rc= -1; } return rc; } int multimaster_bepostop_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ if( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterbepostopdesc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_MODRDN_FN, (void *) multimaster_bepostop_modrdn ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_DELETE_FN, (void *) multimaster_bepostop_delete ) != 0 ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_bepostop_init failed\n" ); rc= -1; } return rc; } int multimaster_start_extop_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ if ( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterextopdesc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_OIDLIST, (void *)start_oid_list ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_NAMELIST, (void *)start_name_list ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_FN, (void *)multimaster_extop_StartNSDS50ReplicationRequest )) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_start_extop_init (StartNSDS50ReplicationRequest) failed\n" ); rc= -1; } return rc; } int multimaster_end_extop_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ if ( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterextopdesc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_OIDLIST, (void *)end_oid_list ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_NAMELIST, (void *)end_name_list ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_FN, (void *)multimaster_extop_EndNSDS50ReplicationRequest )) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_end_extop_init (EndNSDS50ReplicationRequest) failed\n" ); rc= -1; } return rc; } int multimaster_total_extop_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ void *identity = NULL; /* get plugin identity and store it to pass to internal operations */ slapi_pblock_get (pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_IDENTITY, &identity); PR_ASSERT (identity); if ( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterextopdesc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_OIDLIST, (void *)total_oid_list ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_NAMELIST, (void *)total_name_list ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_FN, (void *)multimaster_extop_NSDS50ReplicationEntry )) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_start_extop_init (NSDS50ReplicationEntry failed\n" ); rc= -1; } return rc; } int multimaster_response_extop_init( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ void *identity = NULL; /* get plugin identity and store it to pass to internal operations */ slapi_pblock_get (pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_IDENTITY, &identity); PR_ASSERT (identity); if ( slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterextopdesc ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_OIDLIST, (void *)response_oid_list ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_NAMELIST, (void *)response_name_list ) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_FN, (void *)extop_noop )) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_start_extop_init (NSDS50ReplicationResponse failed\n" ); rc= -1; } return rc; } static PRBool check_for_ldif_dump(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { int i; int argc; char **argv; PRBool return_value = PR_FALSE; slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_ARGC, &argc); slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_ARGV, &argv); for (i = 1; i < argc && !return_value; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "db2ldif") == 0) { return_value = PR_TRUE; } } return return_value; } static PRBool is_ldif_dump = PR_FALSE; int multimaster_start( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ if (!multimaster_started_flag) { /* Initialize thread private data for logging. Ignore if fails */ PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex (&thread_private_agmtname, NULL); PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex (&thread_private_cache, NULL); /* Decode the command line args to see if we're dumping to LDIF */ is_ldif_dump = check_for_ldif_dump(pb); /* allow online replica configuration */ rc = replica_config_init (); if (rc != 0) goto out; slapi_register_supported_control(REPL_NSDS50_UPDATE_INFO_CONTROL_OID, SLAPI_OPERATION_ADD | SLAPI_OPERATION_DELETE | SLAPI_OPERATION_MODIFY | SLAPI_OPERATION_MODDN); /* Stash away our partial URL, used in RUVs */ rc = multimaster_set_local_purl(); if (rc != 0) goto out; /* Initialise support for cn=monitor */ rc = repl_monitor_init(); if (rc != 0) goto out; /* initialize name hash */ rc = replica_init_name_hash (); if (rc != 0) goto out; /* initialize dn hash */ rc = replica_init_dn_hash (); if (rc != 0) goto out; /* create replicas */ multimaster_mtnode_construct_replicas (); /* Initialise the 5.0 Changelog */ rc = changelog5_init(); if (rc != 0) goto out; /* Initialize the replication agreements, unless we're dumping LDIF */ if (!is_ldif_dump) { rc = agmtlist_config_init(); if (rc != 0) goto out; } /* check if the replica's data was reloaded offline and we need to reinitialize replica's changelog. This should be done after the changelog is initialized */ replica_enumerate_replicas (replica_check_for_data_reload, NULL); /* register to be notified when backend state changes */ slapi_register_backend_state_change((void *)multimaster_be_state_change, multimaster_be_state_change); multimaster_started_flag = 1; multimaster_stopped_flag = 0; } out: return rc; } int multimaster_stop( Slapi_PBlock *pb ) { int rc= 0; /* OK */ if (!multimaster_stopped_flag) { if (!is_ldif_dump) { agmtlist_shutdown(); /* Shut down replication agreements */ } /* unregister backend state change notification */ slapi_unregister_backend_state_change((void *)multimaster_be_state_change); changelog5_cleanup(); /* Shut down the changelog */ multimaster_mtnode_extension_destroy(); /* Destroy mapping tree node exts */ replica_destroy_name_hash(); /* destroy the hash and its remaining content */ replica_config_destroy (); /* Destroy replica config info */ multimaster_stopped_flag = 1; /* JCMREPL - Wait for all our threads to stop */ /* JCMREPL - Shut down the replication plugin */ /* JCMREPL - Mark all the replication plugin interfaces at not enabled. */ } return rc; } PRBool multimaster_started() { return(multimaster_started_flag != 0); } /* * Initialize the multimaster replication plugin. */ int replication_multimaster_plugin_init(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { static int multimaster_initialised= 0; int rc= 0; /* OK */ void *identity = NULL; slapi_pblock_get (pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_IDENTITY, &identity); PR_ASSERT (identity); repl_set_plugin_identity (PLUGIN_MULTIMASTER_REPLICATION, identity); /* need the repl plugin path for the chain on update function */ /* slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_ADD_ENTRY, &entry); PR_ASSERT(entry); path = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(entry, "nsslapd-pluginpath"); repl_set_repl_plugin_path(path); slapi_ch_free_string(&path); */ multimaster_mtnode_extension_init (); if(config_is_slapd_lite()) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "replication plugin not approved for restricted" " mode Directory Server.\n" ); rc= -1; } if(rc==0 && !multimaster_initialised) { /* initialize replica hash - has to be done before mapping tree is initialized so we can't do it in the start function */ if (rc != 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "replication_multimaster_plugin_init: failed to initialize replica hash\n"); return -1; } /* Initialize extensions */ repl_con_init_ext(); repl_sup_init_ext(); rc= slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01 ); rc= slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterdesc ); rc= slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_START_FN, (void *) multimaster_start ); rc= slapi_pblock_set( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_CLOSE_FN, (void *) multimaster_stop ); /* Register the plugin interfaces we implement */ rc= slapi_register_plugin("preoperation", 1 /* Enabled */, "multimaster_preop_init", multimaster_preop_init, "Multimaster replication preoperation plugin", NULL, identity); rc= slapi_register_plugin("postoperation", 1 /* Enabled */, "multimaster_postop_init", multimaster_postop_init, "Multimaster replication postoperation plugin", NULL, identity); rc= slapi_register_plugin("bepreoperation", 1 /* Enabled */, "multimaster_bepreop_init", multimaster_bepreop_init, "Multimaster replication bepreoperation plugin", NULL, identity); rc= slapi_register_plugin("bepostoperation", 1 /* Enabled */, "multimaster_bepostop_init", multimaster_bepostop_init, "Multimaster replication bepostoperation plugin", NULL, identity); rc= slapi_register_plugin("internalpreoperation", 1 /* Enabled */, "multimaster_internalpreop_init", multimaster_internalpreop_init, "Multimaster replication internal preoperation plugin", NULL, identity); rc= slapi_register_plugin("internalpostoperation", 1 /* Enabled */, "multimaster_internalpostop_init", multimaster_internalpostop_init, "Multimaster replication internal postoperation plugin", NULL, identity); rc= slapi_register_plugin("extendedop", 1 /* Enabled */, "multimaster_start_extop_init", multimaster_start_extop_init, "Multimaster replication start extended operation plugin", NULL, identity); rc= slapi_register_plugin("extendedop", 1 /* Enabled */, "multimaster_end_extop_init", multimaster_end_extop_init, "Multimaster replication end extended operation plugin", NULL, identity); rc= slapi_register_plugin("extendedop", 1 /* Enabled */, "multimaster_total_extop_init", multimaster_total_extop_init, "Multimaster replication total update extended operation plugin", NULL, identity); rc= slapi_register_plugin("extendedop", 1 /* Enabled */, "multimaster_response_extop_init", multimaster_response_extop_init, "Multimaster replication extended response plugin", NULL, identity); } return rc; }