/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* repl5_connection.c */ /* The connection object manages a connection to a single replication consumer. XXXggood what to do on timeout? If we close connection, then we won't leave a replica locked. Seems like right thing to do. */ #include "repl5.h" #if defined(USE_OPENLDAP) #include "ldap.h" #else #include "ldappr.h" #include "ldap-extension.h" #endif #include "nspr.h" #include "private/pprio.h" #include "nss.h" typedef struct repl_connection { char *hostname; int port; char *binddn; int bindmethod; int state; int last_operation; int last_ldap_error; const char *status; char *last_ldap_errmsg; PRUint32 transport_flags; LDAP *ld; int supports_ldapv3; /* 1 if does, 0 if doesn't, -1 if not determined */ int supports_ds50_repl; /* 1 if does, 0 if doesn't, -1 if not determined */ int supports_ds40_repl; /* 1 if does, 0 if doesn't, -1 if not determined */ int supports_ds71_repl; /* 1 if does, 0 if doesn't, -1 if not determined */ int linger_time; /* time in seconds to leave an idle connection open */ PRBool linger_active; Slapi_Eq_Context *linger_event; PRBool delete_after_linger; int refcnt; const Repl_Agmt *agmt; PRLock *lock; struct timeval timeout; int flag_agmt_changed; char *plain; } repl_connection; /* #define DEFAULT_LINGER_TIME (5 * 60) */ /* 5 minutes */ #define DEFAULT_LINGER_TIME (60) /* Controls we add on every outbound operation */ static LDAPControl manageDSAITControl = {LDAP_CONTROL_MANAGEDSAIT, {0, ""}, '\0'}; static int attribute_string_value_present(LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *entry, const char *type, const char *value); static int bind_and_check_pwp(Repl_Connection *conn, char * binddn, char *password); static int s_debug_timeout = 0; static int s_debug_level = 0; static Slapi_Eq_Context repl5_start_debug_timeout(int *setlevel); static void repl5_stop_debug_timeout(Slapi_Eq_Context eqctx, int *setlevel); static void repl5_debug_timeout_callback(time_t when, void *arg); #define STATE_CONNECTED 600 #define STATE_DISCONNECTED 601 #define STATUS_DISCONNECTED "disconnected" #define STATUS_CONNECTED "connected" #define STATUS_PROCESSING_ADD "processing add operation" #define STATUS_PROCESSING_DELETE "processing delete operation" #define STATUS_PROCESSING_MODIFY "processing modify operation" #define STATUS_PROCESSING_RENAME "processing rename operation" #define STATUS_PROCESSING_EXTENDED_OPERATION "processing extended operation" #define STATUS_LINGERING "lingering" #define STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN "shutting down" #define STATUS_BINDING "connecting and binding" #define STATUS_SEARCHING "processing search operation" #define CONN_NO_OPERATION 0 #define CONN_ADD 1 #define CONN_DELETE 2 #define CONN_MODIFY 3 #define CONN_RENAME 4 #define CONN_EXTENDED_OPERATION 5 #define CONN_BIND 6 #define CONN_INIT 7 /* These are errors returned from ldap operations which should cause us to disconnect and retry the connection later */ #define IS_DISCONNECT_ERROR(rc) (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR || rc == LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS || rc == LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH || rc == LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR) /* Forward declarations */ static void close_connection_internal(Repl_Connection *conn); /* * Create a new conenction object. Returns a pointer to the object, or * NULL if an error occurs. */ Repl_Connection * conn_new(Repl_Agmt *agmt) { Repl_Connection *rpc; rpc = (Repl_Connection *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(repl_connection)); if ((rpc->lock = PR_NewLock()) == NULL) { goto loser; } rpc->hostname = agmt_get_hostname(agmt); rpc->port = agmt_get_port(agmt); rpc->binddn = agmt_get_binddn(agmt); rpc->bindmethod = agmt_get_bindmethod(agmt); rpc->transport_flags = agmt_get_transport_flags(agmt); rpc->ld = NULL; rpc->state = STATE_DISCONNECTED; rpc->last_operation = CONN_NO_OPERATION; rpc->last_ldap_error = LDAP_SUCCESS; rpc->last_ldap_errmsg = NULL; rpc->supports_ldapv3 = -1; rpc->supports_ds40_repl = -1; rpc->supports_ds50_repl = -1; rpc->supports_ds71_repl = -1; rpc->linger_active = PR_FALSE; rpc->delete_after_linger = PR_FALSE; rpc->linger_event = NULL; rpc->linger_time = DEFAULT_LINGER_TIME; rpc->status = STATUS_DISCONNECTED; rpc->agmt = agmt; rpc->refcnt = 1; rpc->timeout.tv_sec = agmt_get_timeout(agmt); rpc->timeout.tv_usec = 0; rpc->flag_agmt_changed = 0; rpc->plain = NULL; return rpc; loser: conn_delete(rpc); return NULL; } /* * Return PR_TRUE if the connection is in the connected state */ static PRBool conn_connected(Repl_Connection *conn) { PRBool return_value; PR_Lock(conn->lock); return_value = STATE_CONNECTED == conn->state; PR_Unlock(conn->lock); return return_value; } /* * Destroy a connection object. */ static void conn_delete_internal(Repl_Connection *conn) { PR_ASSERT(NULL != conn); close_connection_internal(conn); /* slapi_ch_free accepts NULL pointer */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&conn->hostname); slapi_ch_free((void **)&conn->binddn); slapi_ch_free((void **)&conn->plain); } /* * Destroy a connection. It is an error to use the connection object * after conn_delete() has been called. */ void conn_delete(Repl_Connection *conn) { PRBool destroy_it = PR_FALSE; PR_ASSERT(NULL != conn); PR_Lock(conn->lock); if (conn->linger_active) { if (slapi_eq_cancel(conn->linger_event) == 1) { /* Event was found and cancelled. Destroy the connection object. */ PR_Unlock(conn->lock); destroy_it = PR_TRUE; } else { /* * The event wasn't found, but we think it's still active. * That means an event is in the process of being fired * off, so arrange for the event to destroy the object . */ conn->delete_after_linger = PR_TRUE; PR_Unlock(conn->lock); } } if (destroy_it) { conn_delete_internal(conn); } } /* * Return the last operation type processed by the connection * object, and the LDAP error encountered. */ void conn_get_error(Repl_Connection *conn, int *operation, int *error) { PR_Lock(conn->lock); *operation = conn->last_operation; *error = conn->last_ldap_error; PR_Unlock(conn->lock); } /* * Return the last operation type processed by the connection * object, and the LDAP error encountered. * Beware that the error string will only be in scope and valid * before the next operation result has been read from the connection * (so don't alias the pointer). */ void conn_get_error_ex(Repl_Connection *conn, int *operation, int *error, char **error_string) { PR_Lock(conn->lock); *operation = conn->last_operation; *error = conn->last_ldap_error; *error_string = conn->last_ldap_errmsg; PR_Unlock(conn->lock); } /* Returns the result (asyncronously) from an opertation and also returns that operations message ID */ /* The _ex version handles a bunch of parameters (retoidp et al) that were present in the original * sync operation functions, but were never actually used) */ ConnResult conn_read_result_ex(Repl_Connection *conn, char **retoidp, struct berval **retdatap, LDAPControl ***returned_controls, int *message_id, int block) { LDAPMessage *res = NULL; int setlevel = 0; int rc = 0; int return_value = 0; LDAPControl **loc_returned_controls = NULL; struct timeval local_timeout = {0}; time_t time_now = 0; time_t start_time = time( NULL ); int backoff_time = 1; Slapi_Eq_Context eqctx = repl5_start_debug_timeout(&setlevel); /* Here, we want to not block inside ldap_result(). * Reason is that blocking there will deadlock with a * concurrent sender. We send concurrently, and hence * blocking is not good : deadlock results. * So, instead, we call ldap_result() with a zero timeout. * This makes it do a non-blocking poll and return to us * if there's no data to read. * We can then handle our timeout here by sleeping and re-trying. * In order that we do pickup results reasonably quickly, * we implement a backoff algorithm for the sleep: if we * keep getting results quickly then we won't spend much time sleeping. */ while (1) { /* we have to make sure the update sending thread does not attempt to call conn_disconnect while we are reading results - so lock the conn while we get the results */ PR_Lock(conn->lock); if ((STATE_CONNECTED != conn->state) || !conn->ld) { rc = -1; return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; PR_Unlock(conn->lock); break; } rc = ldap_result(conn->ld, LDAP_RES_ANY , 1, &local_timeout, &res); PR_Unlock(conn->lock); if (0 != rc) { /* Something other than a timeout happened */ break; } if (block) { /* Did the connection's timeout expire ? */ time_now = time( NULL ); if (conn->timeout.tv_sec <= ( time_now - start_time )) { /* We timed out */ rc = 0; break; } /* Otherwise we backoff */ DS_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(backoff_time)); if (backoff_time < 1000) { backoff_time <<= 1; } } else { rc = 0; break; } } repl5_stop_debug_timeout(eqctx, &setlevel); PR_Lock(conn->lock); /* we have to check again since the connection may have been closed in the meantime acquire the lock for the rest of the function to protect against another attempt to close the conn while we are using it */ if ((STATE_CONNECTED != conn->state) || !conn->ld) { rc = -1; return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } if (0 == rc) { /* Timeout */ rc = slapi_ldap_get_lderrno(conn->ld, NULL, NULL); conn->last_ldap_error = LDAP_TIMEOUT; return_value = CONN_TIMEOUT; } else if ((-1 == rc) && (CONN_NOT_CONNECTED == return_value)) { /* must not access conn->ld if disconnected in another thread */ /* the other thread that actually did the conn_disconnect() */ /* will set the status and error info */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Connection disconnected by another thread\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); } else if (-1 == rc) { /* Error */ char *s = NULL; rc = slapi_ldap_get_lderrno(conn->ld, NULL, &s); conn->last_ldap_errmsg = s; conn->last_ldap_error = rc; /* some errors will require a disconnect and retry the connection later */ if (IS_DISCONNECT_ERROR(rc)) { close_connection_internal(conn); /* we already have the lock */ return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } else { conn->status = STATUS_CONNECTED; return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } } else { int err; char *errmsg = NULL; char **referrals = NULL; char *matched = NULL; if (message_id) { *message_id = ldap_msgid(res); } rc = ldap_parse_result(conn->ld, res, &err, &matched, &errmsg, &referrals, &loc_returned_controls, 0 /* Don't free the result */); if (IS_DISCONNECT_ERROR(rc)) { conn->last_ldap_error = rc; close_connection_internal(conn); /* we already have the lock */ return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } else if (IS_DISCONNECT_ERROR(err)) { conn->last_ldap_error = err; close_connection_internal(conn); /* we already have the lock */ return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } /* Got a result */ if ((rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) && (err == LDAP_BUSY)) return_value = CONN_BUSY; else if (retoidp) { if (!((rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) && (err == LDAP_BUSY))) { if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { rc = ldap_parse_extended_result(conn->ld, res, retoidp, retdatap, 0 /* Don't Free it */); } conn->last_ldap_error = rc; return_value = (LDAP_SUCCESS == conn->last_ldap_error ? CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS : CONN_OPERATION_FAILED); } } else /* regular operation, result returned */ { if (NULL != returned_controls) { *returned_controls = loc_returned_controls; } if (LDAP_SUCCESS != rc) { conn->last_ldap_error = rc; } else { conn->last_ldap_error = err; } return_value = LDAP_SUCCESS == conn->last_ldap_error ? CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS : CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } /* * XXXggood do I need to free matched, referrals, * anything else? Or can I pass NULL for the args * I'm not interested in? */ /* Good question! Meanwhile, as RTM aproaches, let's free them... */ slapi_ch_free((void **) &errmsg); slapi_ch_free((void **) &matched); charray_free(referrals); conn->status = STATUS_CONNECTED; } if (res) ldap_msgfree(res); PR_Unlock(conn->lock); /* release the conn lock */ return return_value; } ConnResult conn_read_result(Repl_Connection *conn, int *message_id) { return conn_read_result_ex(conn,NULL,NULL,NULL,message_id,1); } /* Because the SDK isn't really thread-safe (it can deadlock between * a thread sending an operation and a thread trying to retrieve a response * on the same connection), we need to _first_ verify that the connection * is writable. If it isn't, we can deadlock if we proceed any further... */ #if defined(USE_OPENLDAP) /* openldap has LBER_SB_OPT_DATA_READY but that doesn't really work for our purposes - so we grab the openldap fd from the ber sockbuf layer, import it into a PR Poll FD, then do the poll */ static ConnResult see_if_write_available(Repl_Connection *conn, PRIntervalTime timeout) { PRFileDesc *pollfd = NULL; PRPollDesc polldesc; ber_socket_t fd = 0; int rc; /* get the sockbuf */ ldap_get_option(conn->ld, LDAP_OPT_DESC, &fd); if (fd <= 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: invalid connection insee_if_write_available \n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); conn->last_ldap_error = LDAP_PARAM_ERROR; return CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } /* wrap the sockbuf fd with a NSPR FD created especially for use with polling, and only with polling */ pollfd = PR_CreateSocketPollFd(fd); polldesc.fd = pollfd; polldesc.in_flags = PR_POLL_WRITE|PR_POLL_EXCEPT; polldesc.out_flags = 0; /* do the poll */ rc = PR_Poll(&polldesc, 1, timeout); /* unwrap the socket */ PR_DestroySocketPollFd(pollfd); /* check */ if (rc == 0) { /* timeout */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: poll timed out - poll interval [%d]\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), timeout); return CONN_TIMEOUT; } else if ((rc < 0) || ((polldesc.out_flags|PR_POLL_WRITE) == 0)) { /* error */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: error during poll attempt [%d:%s]\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), PR_GetError(), slapd_pr_strerror(PR_GetError())); conn->last_ldap_error = LDAP_PARAM_ERROR; return CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } return CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS; } #else /* ! USE_OPENLDAP */ /* Since we're poking around with ldap c sdk internals, we have to be careful since the PR layer stores different session and socket info than the NSS SSL layer than the SASL layer - and they all use different poll functions too */ static ConnResult see_if_write_available(Repl_Connection *conn, PRIntervalTime timeout) { LDAP_X_PollFD pollstr; int nfds = 1; struct ldap_x_ext_io_fns iofns; int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS; LDAP_X_EXTIOF_POLL_CALLBACK *ldap_poll; struct lextiof_session_private *private; /* get the poll function to use */ memset(&iofns, 0, sizeof(iofns)); iofns.lextiof_size = LDAP_X_EXTIO_FNS_SIZE; if (ldap_get_option(conn->ld, LDAP_X_OPT_EXTIO_FN_PTRS, &iofns) < 0) { rc = slapi_ldap_get_lderrno(conn->ld, NULL, NULL); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Failed call to ldap_get_option to get extiofns in " "see_if_write_available: LDAP error %d (%s)\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), rc, ldap_err2string(rc)); conn->last_ldap_error = rc; return CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } ldap_poll = iofns.lextiof_poll; /* set up the poll structure */ if (ldap_get_option(conn->ld, LDAP_OPT_DESC, &pollstr.lpoll_fd) < 0) { rc = slapi_ldap_get_lderrno(conn->ld, NULL, NULL); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Failed call to ldap_get_option for poll_fd in " "see_if_write_available: LDAP error %d (%s)\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), rc, ldap_err2string(rc)); conn->last_ldap_error = rc; return CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } if (ldap_get_option(conn->ld, LDAP_X_OPT_SOCKETARG, &pollstr.lpoll_socketarg) < 0) { rc = slapi_ldap_get_lderrno(conn->ld, NULL, NULL); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Failed call to ldap_get_option for socketarg in " "see_if_write_available: LDAP error %d (%s)\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), rc, ldap_err2string(rc)); conn->last_ldap_error = rc; return CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } pollstr.lpoll_events = LDAP_X_POLLOUT; pollstr.lpoll_revents = 0; private = iofns.lextiof_session_arg; if (0 == (*ldap_poll)(&pollstr, nfds, timeout, private)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: poll timed out - poll interval [%d]\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), timeout); return CONN_TIMEOUT; } return CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS; } #endif /* ! USE_OPENLDAP */ /* * Common code to send an LDAPv3 operation and collect the result. * Return values: * CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS - the operation succeeded * CONN_OPERATION_FAILED - the operation was sent to the consumer * and failed. Use conn_get_error() to determine the LDAP error * code. * CONN_NOT_CONNECTED - no connection is active. The caller should * use conn_connect() to connect to the replica and bind, then should * reacquire the replica (if needed). * CONN_BUSY - the server is busy with previous requests, must wait for a while * before retrying * DBDB: also returns the operation's message ID, if it was successfully sent, now that * we're reading results async. */ static ConnResult perform_operation(Repl_Connection *conn, int optype, const char *dn, LDAPMod **attrs, const char *newrdn, const char *newparent, int deleteoldrdn, LDAPControl *update_control, const char *extop_oid, struct berval *extop_payload, int *message_id) { int rc; ConnResult return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; LDAPControl *server_controls[3]; /* LDAPControl **loc_returned_controls; */ const char *op_string = NULL; int msgid = 0; server_controls[0] = &manageDSAITControl; server_controls[1] = update_control; server_controls[2] = NULL; /* lock the conn to prevent the result reader thread from closing the connection out from under us */ PR_Lock(conn->lock); if (STATE_CONNECTED == conn->state) { int setlevel = 0; Slapi_Eq_Context eqctx = repl5_start_debug_timeout(&setlevel); return_value = see_if_write_available( conn, PR_SecondsToInterval(conn->timeout.tv_sec)); if (return_value != CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS) { PR_Unlock(conn->lock); return return_value; } conn->last_operation = optype; switch (optype) { case CONN_ADD: conn->status = STATUS_PROCESSING_ADD; op_string = "add"; rc = ldap_add_ext(conn->ld, dn, attrs, server_controls, NULL /* clientctls */, &msgid); break; case CONN_MODIFY: conn->status = STATUS_PROCESSING_MODIFY; op_string = "modify"; rc = ldap_modify_ext(conn->ld, dn, attrs, server_controls, NULL /* clientctls */, &msgid); break; case CONN_DELETE: conn->status = STATUS_PROCESSING_DELETE; op_string = "delete"; rc = ldap_delete_ext(conn->ld, dn, server_controls, NULL /* clientctls */, &msgid); break; case CONN_RENAME: conn->status = STATUS_PROCESSING_RENAME; op_string = "rename"; rc = ldap_rename(conn->ld, dn, newrdn, newparent, deleteoldrdn, server_controls, NULL /* clientctls */, &msgid); break; case CONN_EXTENDED_OPERATION: conn->status = STATUS_PROCESSING_EXTENDED_OPERATION; op_string = "extended"; rc = ldap_extended_operation(conn->ld, extop_oid, extop_payload, server_controls, NULL /* clientctls */, &msgid); } repl5_stop_debug_timeout(eqctx, &setlevel); if (LDAP_SUCCESS == rc) { /* DBDB: The code that used to be here has been moved for async operation * Results are now picked up in another thread. All we need to do here is * queue the operation details in the outstanding operation list. */ return_value = CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS; } else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Failed to send %s operation: LDAP error %d (%s)\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), op_string ? op_string : "NULL", rc, ldap_err2string(rc)); conn->last_ldap_error = rc; if (IS_DISCONNECT_ERROR(rc)) { close_connection_internal(conn); /* already have the lock */ return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } else { conn->status = STATUS_CONNECTED; return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } } } else { /* conn->last_ldap_error has been set to a more specific value * in the thread that did the disconnection * conn->last_ldap_error = LDAP_SERVER_DOWN; */ return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } PR_Unlock(conn->lock); /* release the lock */ if (message_id) { *message_id = msgid; } return return_value; } /* * Send an LDAP add operation. */ ConnResult conn_send_add(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *dn, LDAPMod **attrs, LDAPControl *update_control, int *message_id) { return perform_operation(conn, CONN_ADD, dn, attrs, NULL /* newrdn */, NULL /* newparent */, 0 /* deleteoldrdn */, update_control, NULL /* extop OID */, NULL /* extop payload */, message_id); } /* * Send an LDAP delete operation. */ ConnResult conn_send_delete(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *dn, LDAPControl *update_control, int *message_id) { return perform_operation(conn, CONN_DELETE, dn, NULL /* attrs */, NULL /* newrdn */, NULL /* newparent */, 0 /* deleteoldrdn */, update_control, NULL /* extop OID */, NULL /* extop payload */, message_id); } /* * Send an LDAP modify operation. */ ConnResult conn_send_modify(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *dn, LDAPMod **mods, LDAPControl *update_control, int *message_id) { return perform_operation(conn, CONN_MODIFY, dn, mods, NULL /* newrdn */, NULL /* newparent */, 0 /* deleteoldrdn */, update_control, NULL /* extop OID */, NULL /* extop payload */, message_id); } /* * Send an LDAP moddn operation. */ ConnResult conn_send_rename(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *dn, const char *newrdn, const char *newparent, int deleteoldrdn, LDAPControl *update_control, int *message_id) { return perform_operation(conn, CONN_RENAME, dn, NULL /* attrs */, newrdn, newparent, deleteoldrdn, update_control, NULL /* extop OID */, NULL /* extop payload */, message_id); } /* * Send an LDAP extended operation. */ ConnResult conn_send_extended_operation(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *extop_oid, struct berval *payload, LDAPControl *update_control, int *message_id) { return perform_operation(conn, CONN_EXTENDED_OPERATION, NULL /* dn */, NULL /* attrs */, NULL /* newrdn */, NULL /* newparent */, 0 /* deleteoldrdn */, update_control, extop_oid, payload, message_id); } /* * Synchronously read an entry and return a specific attribute's values. * Returns CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS if successful. Returns * CONN_OPERATION_FAILED if the operation was sent but an LDAP error * occurred (conn->last_ldap_error is set in this case), and * CONN_NOT_CONNECTED if no connection was active. * * The caller must free the returned_bvals. */ ConnResult conn_read_entry_attribute(Repl_Connection *conn, const char *dn, char *type, struct berval ***returned_bvals) { ConnResult return_value; int ldap_rc; LDAPControl *server_controls[2]; LDAPMessage *res = NULL; char *attrs[2]; PR_ASSERT(NULL != type); if (conn_connected(conn)) { server_controls[0] = &manageDSAITControl; server_controls[1] = NULL; attrs[0] = type; attrs[1] = NULL; ldap_rc = ldap_search_ext_s(conn->ld, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", attrs, 0 /* attrsonly */, server_controls, NULL /* client controls */, &conn->timeout, 0 /* sizelimit */, &res); if (LDAP_SUCCESS == ldap_rc) { LDAPMessage *entry = ldap_first_entry(conn->ld, res); if (NULL != entry) { *returned_bvals = ldap_get_values_len(conn->ld, entry, type); } return_value = CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS; } else if (IS_DISCONNECT_ERROR(ldap_rc)) { conn_disconnect(conn); return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } else { return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } conn->last_ldap_error = ldap_rc; if (NULL != res) { ldap_msgfree(res); res = NULL; } } else { return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } return return_value; } /* * Return an pointer to a string describing the connection's status. */ const char * conn_get_status(Repl_Connection *conn) { return conn->status; } /* * Cancel any outstanding linger timer. Should be called when * a replication session is beginning. */ void conn_cancel_linger(Repl_Connection *conn) { PR_ASSERT(NULL != conn); PR_Lock(conn->lock); if (conn->linger_active) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Cancelling linger on the connection\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); conn->linger_active = PR_FALSE; if (slapi_eq_cancel(conn->linger_event) == 1) { conn->refcnt--; } conn->linger_event = NULL; conn->status = STATUS_CONNECTED; } else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: No linger to cancel on the connection\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); } PR_Unlock(conn->lock); } /* * Called when our linger timeout timer expires. This means * we should check to see if perhaps the connection's become * active again, in which case we do nothing. Otherwise, * we close the connection. */ static void linger_timeout(time_t event_time, void *arg) { PRBool delete_now; Repl_Connection *conn = (Repl_Connection *)arg; PR_ASSERT(NULL != conn); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Linger timeout has expired on the connection\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); PR_Lock(conn->lock); if (conn->linger_active) { conn->linger_active = PR_FALSE; conn->linger_event = NULL; close_connection_internal(conn); } delete_now = conn->delete_after_linger; PR_Unlock(conn->lock); if (delete_now) { conn_delete_internal(conn); } } /* * Indicate that a session is ending. The linger timer starts when * this function is called. */ void conn_start_linger(Repl_Connection *conn) { time_t now; PR_ASSERT(NULL != conn); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Beginning linger on the connection\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); if (!conn_connected(conn)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: No linger on the closed conn\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); return; } time(&now); PR_Lock(conn->lock); if (conn->linger_active) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Linger already active on the connection\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); } else { conn->linger_active = PR_TRUE; conn->linger_event = slapi_eq_once(linger_timeout, conn, now + conn->linger_time); conn->status = STATUS_LINGERING; } PR_Unlock(conn->lock); } /* * If no connection is currently active, opens a connection and binds to * the remote server. If a connection is open (e.g. lingering) then * this is a no-op. * * Returns CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS on success, or CONN_OPERATION_FAILED * on failure. Sets conn->last_ldap_error and conn->last_operation; */ ConnResult conn_connect(Repl_Connection *conn) { int optdata; int secure = 0; char* binddn = NULL; struct berval *creds; ConnResult return_value = CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS; int pw_ret = 1; /** Connection already open just return SUCCESS **/ if(conn->state == STATE_CONNECTED) return return_value; PR_Lock(conn->lock); if (conn->flag_agmt_changed) { /* So far we cannot change Hostname and Port */ /* slapi_ch_free((void **)&conn->hostname); */ /* conn->hostname = agmt_get_hostname(conn->agmt); */ /* conn->port = agmt_get_port(conn->agmt); */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&conn->binddn); conn->binddn = agmt_get_binddn(conn->agmt); conn->bindmethod = agmt_get_bindmethod(conn->agmt); conn->transport_flags = agmt_get_transport_flags(conn->agmt); conn->timeout.tv_sec = agmt_get_timeout(conn->agmt); conn->flag_agmt_changed = 0; slapi_ch_free((void **)&conn->plain); } PR_Unlock(conn->lock); creds = agmt_get_credentials(conn->agmt); if (conn->plain == NULL) { char *plain = NULL; /* kexcoff: for reversible encryption */ /* We need to test the return code of pw_rever_decode in order to decide * if a free for plain will be needed (pw_ret == 0) or not (pw_ret != 0) */ pw_ret = pw_rever_decode(creds->bv_val, &plain, type_nsds5ReplicaCredentials); /* Pb occured in decryption: stop now, binding will fail */ if ( pw_ret == -1 ) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Decoding of the credentials failed.\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; conn->last_ldap_error = LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS; conn->state = STATE_DISCONNECTED; return (return_value); } /* Else, does not mean that the plain is correct, only means the we had no internal decoding pb */ conn->plain = slapi_ch_strdup (plain); if (!pw_ret) slapi_ch_free((void**)&plain); } /* ugaston: if SSL has been selected in the replication agreement, SSL client * initialisation should be done before ever trying to open any connection at all. */ if (conn->transport_flags == TRANSPORT_FLAG_TLS) { secure = 2; } else if (conn->transport_flags == TRANSPORT_FLAG_SSL) { secure = 1; } if (secure > 0) { if (!NSS_IsInitialized()) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: SSL Not Initialized, Replication over SSL FAILED\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); conn->last_ldap_error = LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH; conn->last_operation = CONN_INIT; ber_bvfree(creds); creds = NULL; return CONN_SSL_NOT_ENABLED; } } if (return_value == CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS) { #if !defined(USE_OPENLDAP) int io_timeout_ms; #endif /* Now we initialize the LDAP Structure and set options */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Trying %s%s slapi_ldap_init_ext\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), secure ? "secure" : "non-secure", (secure == 2) ? " startTLS" : ""); /* shared = 1 because we will read results from a second thread */ conn->ld = slapi_ldap_init_ext(NULL, conn->hostname, conn->port, secure, 1, NULL); if (NULL == conn->ld) { return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; conn->state = STATE_DISCONNECTED; conn->last_operation = CONN_INIT; conn->last_ldap_error = LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Failed to establish %s%sconnection to the consumer\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), secure ? "secure " : "", (secure == 2) ? "startTLS " : ""); ber_bvfree(creds); creds = NULL; return return_value; } /* slapi_ch_strdup is OK with NULL strings */ binddn = slapi_ch_strdup(conn->binddn); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: binddn = %s, passwd = %s\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), binddn?binddn:"NULL", creds->bv_val?creds->bv_val:"NULL"); /* Set some options for the connection. */ optdata = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER; /* Don't dereference aliases */ ldap_set_option(conn->ld, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, &optdata); optdata = LDAP_VERSION3; /* We need LDAP version 3 */ ldap_set_option(conn->ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &optdata); /* Don't chase any referrals (although we shouldn't get any) */ ldap_set_option(conn->ld, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, LDAP_OPT_OFF); /* override the default timeout with the specified timeout */ #if defined(USE_OPENLDAP) ldap_set_option(conn->ld, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, &conn->timeout); #else io_timeout_ms = conn->timeout.tv_sec * 1000 + conn->timeout.tv_usec / 1000; prldap_set_session_option(conn->ld, NULL, PRLDAP_OPT_IO_MAX_TIMEOUT, io_timeout_ms); #endif /* We've got an ld. Now bind to the server. */ conn->last_operation = CONN_BIND; } if ( bind_and_check_pwp(conn, binddn, conn->plain) == CONN_OPERATION_FAILED ) { conn->last_ldap_error = slapi_ldap_get_lderrno (conn->ld, NULL, NULL); conn->state = STATE_DISCONNECTED; return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } else { conn->last_ldap_error = LDAP_SUCCESS; conn->state = STATE_CONNECTED; return_value = CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS; } ber_bvfree(creds); creds = NULL; slapi_ch_free((void**)&binddn); if(return_value == CONN_OPERATION_FAILED) { close_connection_internal(conn); } else { conn->last_ldap_error = LDAP_SUCCESS; conn->state = STATE_CONNECTED; } return return_value; } static void close_connection_internal(Repl_Connection *conn) { conn->state = STATE_DISCONNECTED; conn->status = STATUS_DISCONNECTED; conn->supports_ds50_repl = -1; conn->supports_ds71_repl = -1; /* do this last, to minimize the chance that another thread might read conn->state as not disconnected and attempt to use conn->ld */ if (NULL != conn->ld) { /* Since we call slapi_ldap_init, we must call slapi_ldap_unbind */ slapi_ldap_unbind(conn->ld); } conn->ld = NULL; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Disconnected from the consumer\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); } void conn_disconnect(Repl_Connection *conn) { PR_ASSERT(NULL != conn); PR_Lock(conn->lock); close_connection_internal(conn); PR_Unlock(conn->lock); } /* * Determine if the remote replica supports DS 5.0 replication. * Return codes: * CONN_SUPPORTS_DS5_REPL - the remote replica suport DS5 replication * CONN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DS5_REPL - the remote replica does not * support DS5 replication. * CONN_OPERATION_FAILED - it could not be determined if the remote * replica supports DS5 replication. * CONN_NOT_CONNECTED - no connection was active. */ ConnResult conn_replica_supports_ds5_repl(Repl_Connection *conn) { ConnResult return_value; int ldap_rc; if (conn_connected(conn)) { if (conn->supports_ds50_repl == -1) { LDAPMessage *res = NULL; LDAPMessage *entry = NULL; char *attrs[] = {"supportedcontrol", "supportedextension", NULL}; conn->status = STATUS_SEARCHING; ldap_rc = ldap_search_ext_s(conn->ld, "", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", attrs, 0 /* attrsonly */, NULL /* server controls */, NULL /* client controls */, &conn->timeout, LDAP_NO_LIMIT, &res); if (LDAP_SUCCESS == ldap_rc) { conn->supports_ds50_repl = 0; entry = ldap_first_entry(conn->ld, res); if (!attribute_string_value_present(conn->ld, entry, "supportedcontrol", REPL_NSDS50_UPDATE_INFO_CONTROL_OID)) { return_value = CONN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DS5_REPL; } else if (!attribute_string_value_present(conn->ld, entry, "supportedextension", REPL_START_NSDS50_REPLICATION_REQUEST_OID)) { return_value = CONN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DS5_REPL; } else if (!attribute_string_value_present(conn->ld, entry, "supportedextension", REPL_END_NSDS50_REPLICATION_REQUEST_OID)) { return_value = CONN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DS5_REPL; } else if (!attribute_string_value_present(conn->ld, entry, "supportedextension", REPL_NSDS50_REPLICATION_ENTRY_REQUEST_OID)) { return_value = CONN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DS5_REPL; } else if (!attribute_string_value_present(conn->ld, entry, "supportedextension", REPL_NSDS50_REPLICATION_RESPONSE_OID)) { return_value = CONN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DS5_REPL; } else { conn->supports_ds50_repl = 1; return_value = CONN_SUPPORTS_DS5_REPL; } } else { if (IS_DISCONNECT_ERROR(ldap_rc)) { conn->last_ldap_error = ldap_rc; /* specific reason */ conn_disconnect(conn); return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } else { return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } } if (NULL != res) ldap_msgfree(res); } else { return_value = conn->supports_ds50_repl ? CONN_SUPPORTS_DS5_REPL : CONN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DS5_REPL; } } else { /* Not connected */ return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } return return_value; } /* * Determine if the remote replica supports DS 5.0 replication. * Return codes: * CONN_SUPPORTS_DS71_REPL - the remote replica suport DS5 replication * CONN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DS71_REPL - the remote replica does not * support DS5 replication. * CONN_OPERATION_FAILED - it could not be determined if the remote * replica supports DS5 replication. * CONN_NOT_CONNECTED - no connection was active. */ ConnResult conn_replica_supports_ds71_repl(Repl_Connection *conn) { ConnResult return_value; int ldap_rc; if (conn_connected(conn)) { if (conn->supports_ds71_repl == -1) { LDAPMessage *res = NULL; LDAPMessage *entry = NULL; char *attrs[] = {"supportedcontrol", "supportedextension", NULL}; conn->status = STATUS_SEARCHING; ldap_rc = ldap_search_ext_s(conn->ld, "", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", attrs, 0 /* attrsonly */, NULL /* server controls */, NULL /* client controls */, &conn->timeout, LDAP_NO_LIMIT, &res); if (LDAP_SUCCESS == ldap_rc) { conn->supports_ds71_repl = 0; entry = ldap_first_entry(conn->ld, res); if (!attribute_string_value_present(conn->ld, entry, "supportedextension", REPL_NSDS71_REPLICATION_ENTRY_REQUEST_OID)) { return_value = CONN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DS71_REPL; } else { conn->supports_ds71_repl = 1; return_value = CONN_SUPPORTS_DS71_REPL; } } else { if (IS_DISCONNECT_ERROR(ldap_rc)) { conn->last_ldap_error = ldap_rc; /* specific reason */ conn_disconnect(conn); return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } else { return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } } if (NULL != res) ldap_msgfree(res); } else { return_value = conn->supports_ds71_repl ? CONN_SUPPORTS_DS71_REPL : CONN_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_DS71_REPL; } } else { /* Not connected */ return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; } return return_value; } /* Determine if the replica is read-only */ ConnResult conn_replica_is_readonly(Repl_Connection *conn) { ReplicaId rid = agmt_get_consumer_rid( (Repl_Agmt *) conn->agmt, conn ); if (rid == READ_ONLY_REPLICA_ID) { return CONN_IS_READONLY; } else { return CONN_IS_NOT_READONLY; } } /* * Return 1 if "value" is a value of attribute type "type" in entry "entry". * Otherwise, return 0. */ static int attribute_string_value_present(LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage *entry, const char *type, const char *value) { int return_value = 0; ber_len_t vallen; if (NULL != entry) { char *atype = NULL; BerElement *ber = NULL; vallen = strlen(value); atype = ldap_first_attribute(ld, entry, &ber); while (NULL != atype && 0 == return_value) { if (strcasecmp(atype, type) == 0) { struct berval **vals = ldap_get_values_len(ld, entry, atype); int i; for (i = 0; return_value == 0 && NULL != vals && NULL != vals[i]; i++) { if ((vallen == vals[i]->bv_len) && !strncmp(vals[i]->bv_val, value, vallen)) { return_value = 1; } } if (NULL != vals) { ldap_value_free_len(vals); } } ldap_memfree(atype); atype = ldap_next_attribute(ld, entry, ber); } if (NULL != ber) ber_free(ber, 0); /* The last atype has not been freed yet */ if (NULL != atype) ldap_memfree(atype); } return return_value; } /* * Read the remote server's schema entry, then read the local schema entry, * and compare the nsschemacsn attribute. If the local csn is newer, or * the remote csn is absent, push the schema down to the consumer. * Return codes: * CONN_SCHEMA_UPDATED if the schema was pushed successfully * CONN_SCHEMA_NO_UPDATE_NEEDED if the schema was as new or newer than * the local server's schema * CONN_OPERATION_FAILED if an error occurred * CONN_NOT_CONNECTED if no connection was active * NOTE: Should only be called when a replication session has been * established by sending a startReplication extended operation. */ ConnResult conn_push_schema(Repl_Connection *conn, CSN **remotecsn) { ConnResult return_value = CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS; char *nsschemacsn = "nsschemacsn"; Slapi_Entry **entries = NULL; Slapi_Entry *schema_entry = NULL; CSN *localcsn = NULL; Slapi_PBlock *spb = NULL; char localcsnstr[CSN_STRSIZE + 1] = {0}; if (!conn_connected(conn)) { return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Schema replication update failed: not connected to consumer\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); } else { localcsn = dup_global_schema_csn(); if (NULL == localcsn) { /* Local server has epoch CSN, so don't push schema */ return_value = CONN_SCHEMA_NO_UPDATE_NEEDED; } else if ( remotecsn && *remotecsn && csn_compare(localcsn, *remotecsn) <= 0 ) { /* Local server schema is not newer than the remote one */ return_value = CONN_SCHEMA_NO_UPDATE_NEEDED; } else { struct berval **remote_schema_csn_bervals = NULL; /* Get remote server's schema */ return_value = conn_read_entry_attribute(conn, "cn=schema", nsschemacsn, &remote_schema_csn_bervals); if (CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS == return_value) { if (NULL != remote_schema_csn_bervals && NULL != remote_schema_csn_bervals[0]) { char remotecsnstr[CSN_STRSIZE + 1] = {0}; memcpy(remotecsnstr, remote_schema_csn_bervals[0]->bv_val, remote_schema_csn_bervals[0]->bv_len); remotecsnstr[remote_schema_csn_bervals[0]->bv_len] = '\0'; *remotecsn = csn_new_by_string(remotecsnstr); if (NULL != remotecsn && (csn_compare(localcsn, *remotecsn) <= 0)) { return_value = CONN_SCHEMA_NO_UPDATE_NEEDED; } /* Need to free the remote_schema_csn_bervals */ ber_bvecfree(remote_schema_csn_bervals); } } } } if (CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS == return_value) { /* We know we need to push the schema out. */ LDAPMod ocmod = {0}; LDAPMod atmod = {0}; LDAPMod csnmod = {0}; LDAPMod *attrs[4] = {0}; int numvalues = 0; Slapi_Attr *attr = NULL; char *csnvalues[2]; ocmod.mod_type = "objectclasses"; ocmod.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; ocmod.mod_bvalues = NULL; atmod.mod_type = "attributetypes"; atmod.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE | LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; atmod.mod_bvalues = NULL; csnmod.mod_type = nsschemacsn; csnmod.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; csn_as_string (localcsn, PR_FALSE, localcsnstr); csnvalues[0] = localcsnstr; csnvalues[1] = NULL; csnmod.mod_values = csnvalues; attrs[0] = &ocmod; attrs[1] = &atmod; attrs[2] = &csnmod; attrs[3] = NULL; return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; /* assume failure */ /* Get local schema */ spb = slapi_search_internal("cn=schema", LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", NULL /* controls */, NULL /* schema_csn_attrs */, 0 /* attrsonly */); slapi_pblock_get(spb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (NULL == entries || NULL == entries[0]) { /* Whoops - couldn't read our own schema! */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Error: unable to read local schema definitions.\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; } else { schema_entry = entries[0]; if (slapi_entry_attr_find(schema_entry, "objectclasses", &attr) != -1) { int i, ind; Slapi_Value *value; slapi_attr_get_numvalues(attr, &numvalues); ocmod.mod_bvalues = (struct berval **)slapi_ch_malloc((numvalues + 1) * sizeof(struct berval *)); for (i = 0, ind = slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &value); ind != -1; ind = slapi_attr_next_value(attr, ind, &value), i++) { /* XXXggood had to cast away const below */ ocmod.mod_bvalues[i] = (struct berval *)slapi_value_get_berval(value); } ocmod.mod_bvalues[numvalues] = NULL; if (slapi_entry_attr_find(schema_entry, "attributetypes", &attr) != -1) { ConnResult result; slapi_attr_get_numvalues(attr, &numvalues); atmod.mod_bvalues = (struct berval **)slapi_ch_malloc((numvalues + 1) * sizeof(struct berval *)); for (i = 0, ind = slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &value); ind != -1; ind = slapi_attr_next_value(attr, ind, &value), i++) { /* XXXggood had to cast away const below */ atmod.mod_bvalues[i] = (struct berval *)slapi_value_get_berval(value); } atmod.mod_bvalues[numvalues] = NULL; result = conn_send_modify(conn, "cn=schema", attrs, NULL, NULL); /* DBDB: this needs to be fixed to use async */ result = conn_read_result(conn,NULL); switch (result) { case CONN_OPERATION_FAILED: { int ldaperr = -1, optype = -1; conn_get_error(conn, &optype, &ldaperr); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Schema replication update failed: %s\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), ldaperr == -1 ? "Unknown Error" : ldap_err2string(ldaperr)); return_value = CONN_OPERATION_FAILED; break; } case CONN_NOT_CONNECTED: return_value = CONN_NOT_CONNECTED; break; case CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS: return_value = CONN_SCHEMA_UPDATED; break; default: break; } } } else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Schema replication update failed: " "unable to prepare schema entry for transmission.\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt)); } } /* slapi_ch_free accepts NULL pointer */ slapi_ch_free((void **)&ocmod.mod_bvalues); slapi_ch_free((void **)&atmod.mod_bvalues); } if (NULL != spb) { slapi_free_search_results_internal(spb); slapi_pblock_destroy(spb); spb = NULL; } if (NULL != localcsn) { csn_free(&localcsn); } return return_value; } void conn_set_timeout(Repl_Connection *conn, long timeout) { PR_ASSERT(NULL != conn); PR_ASSERT(timeout >= 0); PR_Lock(conn->lock); conn->timeout.tv_sec = timeout; PR_Unlock(conn->lock); } long conn_get_timeout(Repl_Connection *conn) { long retval = 0; PR_ASSERT(NULL != conn); retval = conn->timeout.tv_sec; return retval; } void conn_set_agmt_changed(Repl_Connection *conn) { PR_ASSERT(NULL != conn); PR_Lock(conn->lock); if (NULL != conn->agmt) conn->flag_agmt_changed = 1; PR_Unlock(conn->lock); } static const char * bind_method_to_mech(int bindmethod) { switch (bindmethod) { case BINDMETHOD_SSL_CLIENTAUTH: return LDAP_SASL_EXTERNAL; break; case BINDMETHOD_SASL_GSSAPI: return "GSSAPI"; break; case BINDMETHOD_SASL_DIGEST_MD5: return "DIGEST-MD5"; break; default: /* anything else */ return LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE; } return LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE; } /* * Check the result of an ldap BIND operation to see we it * contains the expiration controls * return: -1 error, not bound * 0, OK bind has succeeded */ static int bind_and_check_pwp(Repl_Connection *conn, char * binddn, char *password) { LDAPControl **ctrls = NULL; LDAP *ld = conn->ld; int rc; const char *mech = bind_method_to_mech(conn->bindmethod); rc = slapi_ldap_bind(conn->ld, binddn, password, mech, NULL, &ctrls, NULL, NULL); if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { if (conn->last_ldap_error != rc) { conn->last_ldap_error = rc; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Replication bind with %s auth resumed\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), mech ? mech : "SIMPLE"); } if ( ctrls ) { int i; for( i = 0; ctrls[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { if ( !(strcmp( ctrls[ i ]->ldctl_oid, LDAP_CONTROL_PWEXPIRED)) ) { /* Bind is successfull but password has expired */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Succesfully bound %s to consumer, " "but password has expired on consumer.\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), binddn); } else if ( !(strcmp( ctrls[ i ]->ldctl_oid, LDAP_CONTROL_PWEXPIRING)) ) { /* The password is expiring in n seconds */ if ( (ctrls[ i ]->ldctl_value.bv_val != NULL) && (ctrls[ i ]->ldctl_value.bv_len > 0) ) { int password_expiring = atoi( ctrls[ i ]->ldctl_value.bv_val ); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Succesfully bound %s to consumer, " "but password is expiring on consumer in %d seconds.\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), binddn, password_expiring); } } } ldap_controls_free( ctrls ); } return (CONN_OPERATION_SUCCESS); } else { ldap_controls_free( ctrls ); /* Do not report the same error over and over again */ if (conn->last_ldap_error != rc) { char *errmsg = NULL; conn->last_ldap_error = rc; /* errmsg is a pointer directly into the ld structure - do not free */ rc = slapi_ldap_get_lderrno( ld, NULL, &errmsg ); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "%s: Replication bind with %s auth failed: LDAP error %d (%s) (%s)\n", agmt_get_long_name(conn->agmt), mech ? mech : "SIMPLE", rc, ldap_err2string(rc), errmsg); } return (CONN_OPERATION_FAILED); } } void repl5_set_debug_timeout(const char *val) { /* val looks like this: seconds[:debuglevel] */ /* seconds is the number of seconds to wait until turning on the debug level */ /* this should be less than the ldap connection timeout (default 10 minutes) */ /* the optional debug level is the error log debugging level to use (default repl) */ if (val) { const char *p = strchr(val, ':'); s_debug_timeout = atoi(val); if (p) { s_debug_level = atoi(p+1); } else { s_debug_level = 8192; } } } #ifdef FOR_DEBUGGING static time_t PRTime2time_t (PRTime tm) { PRInt64 rt; PR_ASSERT (tm); LL_DIV(rt, tm, PR_USEC_PER_SEC); return (time_t)rt; } #endif static Slapi_Eq_Context repl5_start_debug_timeout(int *setlevel) { Slapi_Eq_Context eqctx = 0; if (s_debug_timeout && s_debug_level) { time_t now = time(NULL); eqctx = slapi_eq_once(repl5_debug_timeout_callback, setlevel, s_debug_timeout + now); } return eqctx; } static void repl5_stop_debug_timeout(Slapi_Eq_Context eqctx, int *setlevel) { char buf[20]; char msg[SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE]; if (eqctx && !*setlevel) { (void)slapi_eq_cancel(eqctx); } if (s_debug_timeout && s_debug_level && *setlevel) { void config_set_errorlog_level(const char *type, char *buf, char *msg, int apply); sprintf(buf, "%d", 0); config_set_errorlog_level("nsslapd-errorlog-level", buf, msg, 1); } } static void repl5_debug_timeout_callback(time_t when, void *arg) { int *setlevel = (int *)arg; void config_set_errorlog_level(const char *type, char *buf, char *msg, int apply); char buf[20]; char msg[SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE]; *setlevel = 1; sprintf(buf, "%d", s_debug_level); config_set_errorlog_level("nsslapd-errorlog-level", buf, msg, 1); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, repl_plugin_name, "repl5_debug_timeout_callback: set debug level to %d at %ld\n", s_debug_level, when); }