/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "errno.h" /* ENOMEM, EVAL used by Berkeley DB */ #include "db.h" /* Berkeley DB */ #include "cl5.h" /* changelog5Config */ #include "cl5_clcache.h" /* newer bdb uses DB_BUFFER_SMALL instead of ENOMEM as the error return if the given buffer in which to load a key or value is too small - if it is not defined, define it here to ENOMEM */ #ifndef DB_BUFFER_SMALL #define DB_BUFFER_SMALL ENOMEM #endif /* * Constants for the buffer pool: * * DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_PAGE_COUNT * Little performance boost if it is too small. * * DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE * Its value is determined based on the DB requirement that * the buffer size should be the multiple of 1024. */ #define DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_COUNT_MIN 10 #define DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_COUNT_MAX 0 #define DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_PAGE_COUNT 32 #define DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE 1024 enum { CLC_STATE_READY = 0, /* ready to iterate */ CLC_STATE_UP_TO_DATE, /* remote RUV already covers the CSN */ CLC_STATE_CSN_GT_RUV, /* local RUV doesn't conver the CSN */ CLC_STATE_NEW_RID, /* unknown RID to local RUVs */ CLC_STATE_UNSAFE_RUV_CHANGE,/* (RUV1 < maxcsn-in-buffer) && (RUV1 < RUV1') */ CLC_STATE_DONE, /* no more change */ CLC_STATE_ABORTING /* abort replication session */ }; typedef struct clc_busy_list CLC_Busy_List; struct csn_seq_ctrl_block { ReplicaId rid; /* RID this block serves */ CSN *consumer_maxcsn; /* Don't send CSN <= this */ CSN *local_maxcsn; /* Don't send CSN > this */ CSN *prev_local_maxcsn; /* */ int state; /* CLC_STATE_* */ }; /* * Each cl5replayiterator acquires a buffer from the buffer pool * at the beginning of a replication session, and returns it back * at the end. */ struct clc_buffer { char *buf_agmt_name; /* agreement acquired this buffer */ ReplicaId buf_consumer_rid; /* help checking threshold csn */ const RUV *buf_consumer_ruv; /* used to skip change */ const RUV *buf_local_ruv; /* used to refresh local_maxcsn */ /* * fields for retriving data from DB */ int buf_state; CSN *buf_current_csn; int buf_load_flag; /* db flag DB_MULTIPLE_KEY, DB_SET, DB_NEXT */ DBC *buf_cursor; DBT buf_key; /* current csn string */ DBT buf_data; /* data retrived from db */ void *buf_record_ptr; /* ptr to the current record in data */ CSN *buf_missing_csn; /* used to detect persistent missing of CSN */ /* fields for control the CSN sequence sent to the consumer */ struct csn_seq_ctrl_block *buf_cscbs [MAX_NUM_OF_MASTERS]; int buf_num_cscbs; /* number of csn sequence ctrl blocks */ /* fields for debugging stat */ int buf_load_cnt; /* number of loads for session */ int buf_record_cnt; /* number of changes for session */ int buf_record_skipped; /* number of changes skipped */ /* * fields that should be accessed via bl_lock or pl_lock */ CLC_Buffer *buf_next; /* next buffer in the same list */ CLC_Busy_List *buf_busy_list; /* which busy list I'm in */ }; /* * Each changelog has a busy buffer list */ struct clc_busy_list { PRLock *bl_lock; DB *bl_db; /* changelog db handle */ CLC_Buffer *bl_buffers; /* busy buffers of this list */ CLC_Busy_List *bl_next; /* next busy list in the pool */ }; /* * Each process has a buffer pool */ struct clc_pool { PRRWLock *pl_lock; /* cl writer and agreements */ DB_ENV **pl_dbenv; /* pointer to DB_ENV for all the changelog files */ CLC_Busy_List *pl_busy_lists; /* busy buffer lists, one list per changelog file */ int pl_buffer_cnt_now; /* total number of buffers */ int pl_buffer_cnt_min; /* free a newly returned buffer if _now > _min */ int pl_buffer_cnt_max; /* no use */ int pl_buffer_default_pages; /* num of pages in a new buffer */ }; /* static variables */ static struct clc_pool *_pool = NULL; /* process's buffer pool */ /* static prototypes */ static int clcache_adjust_anchorcsn ( CLC_Buffer *buf ); static void clcache_refresh_consumer_maxcsns ( CLC_Buffer *buf ); static int clcache_refresh_local_maxcsns ( CLC_Buffer *buf ); static int clcache_skip_change ( CLC_Buffer *buf ); static int clcache_load_buffer_bulk ( CLC_Buffer *buf, int flag ); static int clcache_open_cursor ( DB_TXN *txn, CLC_Buffer *buf, DBC **cursor ); static int clcache_cursor_get ( DBC *cursor, CLC_Buffer *buf, int flag ); static struct csn_seq_ctrl_block *clcache_new_cscb (); static void clcache_free_cscb ( struct csn_seq_ctrl_block ** cscb ); static CLC_Buffer *clcache_new_buffer ( ReplicaId consumer_rid ); static void clcache_delete_buffer ( CLC_Buffer **buf ); static CLC_Busy_List *clcache_new_busy_list (); static void clcache_delete_busy_list ( CLC_Busy_List **bl ); static int clcache_enqueue_busy_list( DB *db, CLC_Buffer *buf ); static void csn_dup_or_init_by_csn ( CSN **csn1, CSN *csn2 ); /* * Initiates the process buffer pool. This should be done * once and only once when process starts. */ int clcache_init ( DB_ENV **dbenv ) { if (_pool) { return 0; /* already initialized */ } _pool = (struct clc_pool*) slapi_ch_calloc ( 1, sizeof ( struct clc_pool )); _pool->pl_dbenv = dbenv; _pool->pl_buffer_cnt_min = DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_COUNT_MIN; _pool->pl_buffer_cnt_max = DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_COUNT_MAX; _pool->pl_buffer_default_pages = DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_COUNT_MAX; _pool->pl_lock = PR_NewRWLock (PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "clcache_pl_lock"); return 0; } /* * This is part of a callback function when changelog configuration * is read or updated. */ void clcache_set_config ( CL5DBConfig *config ) { if ( config == NULL ) return; PR_RWLock_Wlock ( _pool->pl_lock ); _pool->pl_buffer_cnt_max = config->maxChCacheEntries; /* * According to http://www.sleepycat.com/docs/api_c/dbc_get.html, * data buffer should be a multiple of 1024 bytes in size * for DB_MULTIPLE_KEY operation. */ _pool->pl_buffer_default_pages = config->maxChCacheSize / DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE + 1; _pool->pl_buffer_default_pages = DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_PAGE_COUNT; if ( _pool->pl_buffer_default_pages <= 0 ) { _pool->pl_buffer_default_pages = DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_PAGE_COUNT; } PR_RWLock_Unlock ( _pool->pl_lock ); } /* * Gets the pointer to a thread dedicated buffer, or allocates * a new buffer if there is no buffer allocated yet for this thread. * * This is called when a cl5replayiterator is created for * a replication session. */ int clcache_get_buffer ( CLC_Buffer **buf, DB *db, ReplicaId consumer_rid, const RUV *consumer_ruv, const RUV *local_ruv ) { int rc = 0; int need_new; if ( buf == NULL ) return CL5_BAD_DATA; *buf = NULL; /* if the pool was re-initialized, the thread private cache will be invalid, so we must get a new one */ need_new = (!_pool || !_pool->pl_busy_lists || !_pool->pl_busy_lists->bl_buffers); if ( (!need_new) && (NULL != ( *buf = (CLC_Buffer*) get_thread_private_cache())) ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, get_thread_private_agmtname(), "clcache_get_buffer: found thread private buffer cache %p\n", *buf); slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, get_thread_private_agmtname(), "clcache_get_buffer: _pool is %p _pool->pl_busy_lists is %p _pool->pl_busy_lists->bl_buffers is %p\n", _pool, _pool ? _pool->pl_busy_lists : NULL, (_pool && _pool->pl_busy_lists) ? _pool->pl_busy_lists->bl_buffers : NULL); (*buf)->buf_state = CLC_STATE_READY; (*buf)->buf_load_cnt = 0; (*buf)->buf_record_cnt = 0; (*buf)->buf_record_skipped = 0; (*buf)->buf_cursor = NULL; (*buf)->buf_num_cscbs = 0; } else { *buf = clcache_new_buffer ( consumer_rid ); if ( *buf ) { if ( 0 == clcache_enqueue_busy_list ( db, *buf ) ) { set_thread_private_cache ( (void*) (*buf) ); } else { clcache_delete_buffer ( buf ); } } } if ( NULL != *buf ) { (*buf)->buf_consumer_ruv = consumer_ruv; (*buf)->buf_local_ruv = local_ruv; } else { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, get_thread_private_agmtname(), "clcache_get_buffer: can't allocate new buffer\n" ); rc = CL5_MEMORY_ERROR; } return rc; } /* * Returns a buffer back to the buffer pool. */ void clcache_return_buffer ( CLC_Buffer **buf ) { int i; slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, (*buf)->buf_agmt_name, "session end: state=%d load=%d sent=%d skipped=%d\n", (*buf)->buf_state, (*buf)->buf_load_cnt, (*buf)->buf_record_cnt - (*buf)->buf_record_skipped, (*buf)->buf_record_skipped ); for ( i = 0; i < (*buf)->buf_num_cscbs; i++ ) { clcache_free_cscb ( &(*buf)->buf_cscbs[i] ); } (*buf)->buf_num_cscbs = 0; if ( (*buf)->buf_cursor ) { (*buf)->buf_cursor->c_close ( (*buf)->buf_cursor ); (*buf)->buf_cursor = NULL; } } /* * Loads a buffer from DB. * * anchorcsn - passed in for the first load of a replication session; * flag - DB_SET to load in the key CSN record. * DB_NEXT to load in the records greater than key CSN. * return - DB error code instead of cl5 one because of the * historic reason. */ int clcache_load_buffer ( CLC_Buffer *buf, CSN *anchorcsn, int flag ) { int rc = 0; clcache_refresh_local_maxcsns ( buf ); /* Set the loading key */ if ( anchorcsn ) { clcache_refresh_consumer_maxcsns ( buf ); buf->buf_load_flag = DB_MULTIPLE_KEY; csn_as_string ( anchorcsn, 0, (char*)buf->buf_key.data ); slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "session start: anchorcsn=%s\n", (char*)buf->buf_key.data ); } else if ( csn_get_time(buf->buf_current_csn) == 0 ) { /* time == 0 means this csn has never been set */ rc = DB_NOTFOUND; } else if ( clcache_adjust_anchorcsn ( buf ) != 0 ) { rc = DB_NOTFOUND; } else { csn_as_string ( buf->buf_current_csn, 0, (char*)buf->buf_key.data ); slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "load next: anchorcsn=%s\n", (char*)buf->buf_key.data ); } if ( rc == 0 ) { buf->buf_state = CLC_STATE_READY; rc = clcache_load_buffer_bulk ( buf, flag ); /* Reset some flag variables */ if ( rc == 0 ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < buf->buf_num_cscbs; i++ ) { buf->buf_cscbs[i]->state = CLC_STATE_READY; } } else if ( anchorcsn ) { /* Report error only when the missing is persistent */ if ( buf->buf_missing_csn && csn_compare (buf->buf_missing_csn, anchorcsn) == 0 ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "Can't locate CSN %s in the changelog (DB rc=%d). The consumer may need to be reinitialized.\n", (char*)buf->buf_key.data, rc ); } else { csn_dup_or_init_by_csn (&buf->buf_missing_csn, anchorcsn); } } } if ( rc != 0 ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "clcache_load_buffer: rc=%d\n", rc ); } return rc; } static int clcache_load_buffer_bulk ( CLC_Buffer *buf, int flag ) { DB_TXN *txn = NULL; DBC *cursor = NULL; int rc; /* txn control seems not improving anything so turn it off */ /* if ( *(_pool->pl_dbenv) ) { txn_begin( *(_pool->pl_dbenv), NULL, &txn, 0 ); } */ PR_Lock ( buf->buf_busy_list->bl_lock ); if ( 0 == ( rc = clcache_open_cursor ( txn, buf, &cursor )) ) { if ( flag == DB_NEXT ) { /* For bulk read, position the cursor before read the next block */ rc = cursor->c_get ( cursor, & buf->buf_key, & buf->buf_data, DB_SET ); } /* * Continue if the error is no-mem since we don't need to * load in the key record anyway with DB_SET. */ if ( 0 == rc || DB_BUFFER_SMALL == rc ) rc = clcache_cursor_get ( cursor, buf, flag ); } /* * Don't keep a cursor open across the whole replication session. * That had caused noticable DB resource contention. */ if ( cursor ) { cursor->c_close ( cursor ); } if ( txn ) { txn->commit ( txn, DB_TXN_NOSYNC ); } PR_Unlock ( buf->buf_busy_list->bl_lock ); buf->buf_record_ptr = NULL; if ( 0 == rc ) { DB_MULTIPLE_INIT ( buf->buf_record_ptr, &buf->buf_data ); if ( NULL == buf->buf_record_ptr ) rc = DB_NOTFOUND; else buf->buf_load_cnt++; } return rc; } /* * Gets the next change from the buffer. * *key : output - key of the next change, or NULL if no more change * *data: output - data of the next change, or NULL if no more change */ int clcache_get_next_change ( CLC_Buffer *buf, void **key, size_t *keylen, void **data, size_t *datalen, CSN **csn ) { int skip = 1; int rc = 0; do { *key = *data = NULL; *keylen = *datalen = 0; if ( buf->buf_record_ptr ) { DB_MULTIPLE_KEY_NEXT ( buf->buf_record_ptr, &buf->buf_data, *key, *keylen, *data, *datalen ); } /* * We're done with the current buffer. Now load the next chunk. */ if ( NULL == *key && CLC_STATE_READY == buf->buf_state ) { rc = clcache_load_buffer ( buf, NULL, DB_NEXT ); if ( 0 == rc && buf->buf_record_ptr ) { DB_MULTIPLE_KEY_NEXT ( buf->buf_record_ptr, &buf->buf_data, *key, *keylen, *data, *datalen ); } } /* Compare the new change to the local and remote RUVs */ if ( NULL != *key ) { buf->buf_record_cnt++; csn_init_by_string ( buf->buf_current_csn, (char*)*key ); skip = clcache_skip_change ( buf ); if (skip) buf->buf_record_skipped++; } } while ( rc == 0 && *key && skip ); if ( NULL == *key ) { *key = NULL; *csn = NULL; rc = DB_NOTFOUND; } else { *csn = buf->buf_current_csn; slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "load=%d rec=%d csn=%s\n", buf->buf_load_cnt, buf->buf_record_cnt, (char*)*key ); } return rc; } static void clcache_refresh_consumer_maxcsns ( CLC_Buffer *buf ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < buf->buf_num_cscbs; i++ ) { csn_free(&buf->buf_cscbs[i]->consumer_maxcsn); ruv_get_largest_csn_for_replica ( buf->buf_consumer_ruv, buf->buf_cscbs[i]->rid, &buf->buf_cscbs[i]->consumer_maxcsn ); } } static int clcache_refresh_local_maxcsn ( const ruv_enum_data *rid_data, void *data ) { CLC_Buffer *buf = (CLC_Buffer*) data; ReplicaId rid; int rc = 0; int i; rid = csn_get_replicaid ( rid_data->csn ); /* * No need to create cscb for consumer's RID. * If RID==65535, the CSN is originated from a * legacy consumer. In this case the supplier * and the consumer may have the same RID. */ if ( rid == buf->buf_consumer_rid && rid != MAX_REPLICA_ID ) return rc; for ( i = 0; i < buf->buf_num_cscbs; i++ ) { if ( buf->buf_cscbs[i]->rid == rid ) break; } if ( i >= buf->buf_num_cscbs ) { buf->buf_cscbs[i] = clcache_new_cscb (); if ( buf->buf_cscbs[i] == NULL ) { return -1; } buf->buf_cscbs[i]->rid = rid; buf->buf_num_cscbs++; } csn_dup_or_init_by_csn ( &buf->buf_cscbs[i]->local_maxcsn, rid_data->csn ); if ( buf->buf_cscbs[i]->consumer_maxcsn && csn_compare (buf->buf_cscbs[i]->consumer_maxcsn, rid_data->csn) >= 0 ) { /* No change need to be sent for this RID */ buf->buf_cscbs[i]->state = CLC_STATE_UP_TO_DATE; } return rc; } static int clcache_refresh_local_maxcsns ( CLC_Buffer *buf ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < buf->buf_num_cscbs; i++ ) { csn_dup_or_init_by_csn ( &buf->buf_cscbs[i]->prev_local_maxcsn, buf->buf_cscbs[i]->local_maxcsn ); } return ruv_enumerate_elements ( buf->buf_local_ruv, clcache_refresh_local_maxcsn, buf ); } /* * Algorithm: * * 1. Snapshot local RUVs; * 2. Load buffer; * 3. Send to the consumer only those CSNs that are covered * by the RUVs snapshot taken in the first step; * All CSNs that are covered by the RUVs snapshot taken in the * first step are guaranteed in consecutive order for the respected * RIDs because of the the CSN pending list control; * A CSN that is not covered by the RUVs snapshot may be out of order * since it is possible that a smaller CSN might not have committed * yet by the time the buffer was loaded. * 4. Determine anchorcsn for each RID: * * Case| Local vs. Buffer | New Local | Next * | MaxCSN MaxCSN | MaxCSN | Anchor-CSN * ----+-------------------+-----------+---------------- * 1 | Cl >= Cb | * | Cb * 2 | Cl < Cb | Cl | Cb * 3 | Cl < Cb | Cl2 | Cl * * 5. Determine anchorcsn for next load: * Anchor-CSN = min { all Next-Anchor-CSN, Buffer-MaxCSN } */ static int clcache_adjust_anchorcsn ( CLC_Buffer *buf ) { PRBool hasChange = PR_FALSE; struct csn_seq_ctrl_block *cscb; int i; if ( buf->buf_state == CLC_STATE_READY ) { for ( i = 0; i < buf->buf_num_cscbs; i++ ) { cscb = buf->buf_cscbs[i]; if ( cscb->state == CLC_STATE_UP_TO_DATE ) continue; /* * Case 3 unsafe ruv change: next buffer load should start * from where the maxcsn in the old ruv was. Since each * cscb has remembered the maxcsn sent to the consumer, * CSNs that may be loaded again could easily be skipped. */ if ( cscb->prev_local_maxcsn && csn_compare (cscb->prev_local_maxcsn, buf->buf_current_csn) < 0 && csn_compare (cscb->local_maxcsn, cscb->prev_local_maxcsn) != 0 ) { hasChange = PR_TRUE; cscb->state = CLC_STATE_READY; csn_init_by_csn ( buf->buf_current_csn, cscb->prev_local_maxcsn ); csn_as_string ( cscb->prev_local_maxcsn, 0, (char*)buf->buf_key.data ); slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "adjust anchor csn upon %s\n", ( cscb->state == CLC_STATE_CSN_GT_RUV ? "out of sequence csn" : "unsafe ruv change") ); continue; } /* * check if there are still changes to send for this RID * Assume we had compared the local maxcsn and the consumer * max csn before this function was called and hence the * cscb->state had been set accordingly. */ if ( hasChange == PR_FALSE && csn_compare (cscb->local_maxcsn, buf->buf_current_csn) > 0 ) { hasChange = PR_TRUE; } } } if ( !hasChange ) { buf->buf_state = CLC_STATE_DONE; } return buf->buf_state; } static int clcache_skip_change ( CLC_Buffer *buf ) { struct csn_seq_ctrl_block *cscb = NULL; ReplicaId rid; int skip = 1; int i; do { rid = csn_get_replicaid ( buf->buf_current_csn ); /* * Skip CSN that is originated from the consumer. * If RID==65535, the CSN is originated from a * legacy consumer. In this case the supplier * and the consumer may have the same RID. */ if (rid == buf->buf_consumer_rid && rid != MAX_REPLICA_ID) break; /* Skip helper entry (ENTRY_COUNT, PURGE_RUV and so on) */ if ( cl5HelperEntry ( NULL, buf->buf_current_csn ) == PR_TRUE ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "Skip helper entry type=%ld\n", csn_get_time( buf->buf_current_csn )); break; } /* Find csn sequence control block for the current rid */ for (i = 0; i < buf->buf_num_cscbs && buf->buf_cscbs[i]->rid != rid; i++); /* Skip CSN whose RID is unknown to the local RUV snapshot */ if ( i >= buf->buf_num_cscbs ) { buf->buf_state = CLC_STATE_NEW_RID; break; } cscb = buf->buf_cscbs[i]; /* Skip if the consumer is already up-to-date for the RID */ if ( cscb->state == CLC_STATE_UP_TO_DATE ) { break; } /* Skip CSN whose preceedents are not covered by local RUV snapshot */ if ( cscb->state == CLC_STATE_CSN_GT_RUV ) { break; } /* Skip CSNs already covered by consumer RUV */ if ( cscb->consumer_maxcsn && csn_compare ( buf->buf_current_csn, cscb->consumer_maxcsn ) <= 0 ) { break; } /* Send CSNs that are covered by the local RUV snapshot */ if ( csn_compare ( buf->buf_current_csn, cscb->local_maxcsn ) <= 0 ) { skip = 0; csn_dup_or_init_by_csn ( &cscb->consumer_maxcsn, buf->buf_current_csn ); break; } /* * Promote the local maxcsn to its next neighbor * to keep the current session going. Skip if we * are not sure if current_csn is the neighbor. */ if ( csn_time_difference(buf->buf_current_csn, cscb->local_maxcsn) == 0 && (csn_get_seqnum(buf->buf_current_csn) == csn_get_seqnum(cscb->local_maxcsn) + 1) ) { csn_init_by_csn ( cscb->local_maxcsn, buf->buf_current_csn ); csn_init_by_csn ( cscb->consumer_maxcsn, buf->buf_current_csn ); skip = 0; break; } /* Skip CSNs not covered by local RUV snapshot */ cscb->state = CLC_STATE_CSN_GT_RUV; } while (0); #ifdef DEBUG if (skip && cscb) { char consumer[24] = {'\0'}; char local[24] = {'\0'}; char current[24] = {'\0'}; if ( cscb->consumer_maxcsn ) csn_as_string ( cscb->consumer_maxcsn, PR_FALSE, consumer ); if ( cscb->local_maxcsn ) csn_as_string ( cscb->local_maxcsn, PR_FALSE, local ); csn_as_string ( buf->buf_current_csn, PR_FALSE, current ); slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "Skip %s consumer=%s local=%s\n", current, consumer, local ); } #endif return skip; } static struct csn_seq_ctrl_block * clcache_new_cscb () { struct csn_seq_ctrl_block *cscb; cscb = (struct csn_seq_ctrl_block *) slapi_ch_calloc ( 1, sizeof (struct csn_seq_ctrl_block) ); if (cscb == NULL) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, NULL, "clcache: malloc failure\n" ); } return cscb; } static void clcache_free_cscb ( struct csn_seq_ctrl_block ** cscb ) { csn_free ( & (*cscb)->consumer_maxcsn ); csn_free ( & (*cscb)->local_maxcsn ); csn_free ( & (*cscb)->prev_local_maxcsn ); slapi_ch_free ( (void **) cscb ); } /* * Allocate and initialize a new buffer * It is called when there is a request for a buffer while * buffer free list is empty. */ static CLC_Buffer * clcache_new_buffer ( ReplicaId consumer_rid ) { CLC_Buffer *buf = NULL; int welldone = 0; do { buf = (CLC_Buffer*) slapi_ch_calloc (1, sizeof(CLC_Buffer)); if ( NULL == buf ) break; buf->buf_key.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; buf->buf_key.ulen = CSN_STRSIZE + 1; buf->buf_key.size = CSN_STRSIZE; buf->buf_key.data = slapi_ch_calloc( 1, buf->buf_key.ulen ); if ( NULL == buf->buf_key.data ) break; buf->buf_data.flags = DB_DBT_USERMEM; buf->buf_data.ulen = _pool->pl_buffer_default_pages * DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE; buf->buf_data.data = slapi_ch_malloc( buf->buf_data.ulen ); if ( NULL == buf->buf_data.data ) break; if ( NULL == ( buf->buf_current_csn = csn_new()) ) break; buf->buf_state = CLC_STATE_READY; buf->buf_agmt_name = get_thread_private_agmtname(); buf->buf_consumer_rid = consumer_rid; buf->buf_num_cscbs = 0; welldone = 1; } while (0); if ( !welldone ) { clcache_delete_buffer ( &buf ); } return buf; } /* * Deallocates a buffer. * It is called when a buffer is returned to the buffer pool * and the pool size is over the limit. */ static void clcache_delete_buffer ( CLC_Buffer **buf ) { if ( buf && *buf ) { slapi_ch_free (&( (*buf)->buf_key.data )); slapi_ch_free (&( (*buf)->buf_data.data )); csn_free (&( (*buf)->buf_current_csn )); csn_free (&( (*buf)->buf_missing_csn )); slapi_ch_free ( (void **) buf ); } } static CLC_Busy_List * clcache_new_busy_list () { CLC_Busy_List *bl; int welldone = 0; do { if ( NULL == (bl = ( CLC_Busy_List* ) slapi_ch_calloc (1, sizeof(CLC_Busy_List)) )) break; if ( NULL == (bl->bl_lock = PR_NewLock ()) ) break; /* if ( NULL == (bl->bl_max_csn = csn_new ()) ) break; */ welldone = 1; } while (0); if ( !welldone ) { clcache_delete_busy_list ( &bl ); } return bl; } static void clcache_delete_busy_list ( CLC_Busy_List **bl ) { if ( bl && *bl ) { CLC_Buffer *buf = NULL; if ( (*bl)->bl_lock ) { PR_Lock ( (*bl)->bl_lock ); } buf = (*bl)->bl_buffers; while (buf) { CLC_Buffer *next = buf->buf_next; clcache_delete_buffer(&buf); buf = next; } (*bl)->bl_buffers = NULL; (*bl)->bl_db = NULL; if ( (*bl)->bl_lock ) { PR_Unlock ( (*bl)->bl_lock ); PR_DestroyLock ( (*bl)->bl_lock ); (*bl)->bl_lock = NULL; } /* csn_free (&( (*bl)->bl_max_csn )); */ slapi_ch_free ( (void **) bl ); } } static int clcache_enqueue_busy_list ( DB *db, CLC_Buffer *buf ) { CLC_Busy_List *bl; int rc = 0; PR_RWLock_Rlock ( _pool->pl_lock ); for ( bl = _pool->pl_busy_lists; bl && bl->bl_db != db; bl = bl->bl_next ); PR_RWLock_Unlock ( _pool->pl_lock ); if ( NULL == bl ) { if ( NULL == ( bl = clcache_new_busy_list ()) ) { rc = CL5_MEMORY_ERROR; } else { PR_RWLock_Wlock ( _pool->pl_lock ); bl->bl_db = db; bl->bl_next = _pool->pl_busy_lists; _pool->pl_busy_lists = bl; PR_RWLock_Unlock ( _pool->pl_lock ); } } if ( NULL != bl ) { PR_Lock ( bl->bl_lock ); buf->buf_busy_list = bl; buf->buf_next = bl->bl_buffers; bl->bl_buffers = buf; PR_Unlock ( bl->bl_lock ); } return rc; } static int clcache_open_cursor ( DB_TXN *txn, CLC_Buffer *buf, DBC **cursor ) { int rc; rc = buf->buf_busy_list->bl_db->cursor ( buf->buf_busy_list->bl_db, txn, cursor, 0 ); if ( rc != 0 ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, get_thread_private_agmtname(), "clcache: failed to open cursor; db error - %d %s\n", rc, db_strerror(rc)); } return rc; } static int clcache_cursor_get ( DBC *cursor, CLC_Buffer *buf, int flag ) { int rc; rc = cursor->c_get ( cursor, & buf->buf_key, & buf->buf_data, buf->buf_load_flag | flag ); if ( DB_BUFFER_SMALL == rc ) { /* * The record takes more space than the current size of the * buffer. Fortunately, buf->buf_data.size has been set by * c_get() to the actual data size needed. So we can * reallocate the data buffer and try to read again. */ buf->buf_data.ulen = ( buf->buf_data.size / DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE + 1 ) * DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_PAGE_SIZE; buf->buf_data.data = slapi_ch_realloc ( buf->buf_data.data, buf->buf_data.ulen ); if ( buf->buf_data.data != NULL ) { rc = cursor->c_get ( cursor, &( buf->buf_key ), &( buf->buf_data ), buf->buf_load_flag | flag ); slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_REPL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "clcache: (%d | %d) buf key len %d reallocated and retry returns %d\n", buf->buf_load_flag, flag, buf->buf_key.size, rc ); } } switch ( rc ) { case EINVAL: slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "clcache_cursor_get: invalid parameter\n" ); break; case DB_BUFFER_SMALL: slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, buf->buf_agmt_name, "clcache_cursor_get: can't allocate %u bytes\n", buf->buf_data.ulen ); break; default: break; } return rc; } static void csn_dup_or_init_by_csn ( CSN **csn1, CSN *csn2 ) { if ( *csn1 == NULL ) *csn1 = csn_new(); csn_init_by_csn ( *csn1, csn2 ); } void clcache_destroy() { if (_pool) { CLC_Busy_List *bl = NULL; if (_pool->pl_lock) { PR_RWLock_Wlock (_pool->pl_lock); } bl = _pool->pl_busy_lists; while (bl) { CLC_Busy_List *next = bl->bl_next; clcache_delete_busy_list(&bl); bl = next; } _pool->pl_busy_lists = NULL; _pool->pl_dbenv = NULL; if (_pool->pl_lock) { PR_RWLock_Unlock(_pool->pl_lock); PR_DestroyRWLock(_pool->pl_lock); _pool->pl_lock = NULL; } slapi_ch_free ( (void **) &_pool ); } }