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But many apps cannot (or will not) use SASL as their authentication mechanism - they must use simple cleartext password BINDs. For these applications, it would be very useful to have the DS pass through the auth creds to PAM. BIND Preoperation Plugin for PAM The PAM BIND Preoperation Plugin intercepts the BIND request and uses the PAM API to authenticate the user. If PAM supports password expiration or creation, how to handle that with LDAP? Use standard LDAP mechanisms for password expiration handling? Should probably make this configurable - ignore and error out vs. sending back an appropriate control or error code. Configuration The administrator must be able to configure the following options in the plugin. These are the attributes of the objectclass pamConfig which is one of the objectclasses of the plugin entry: * subtrees (list of DNs) - suffixes and/or subtrees to which this applies o pamExcludeSuffix - suffixes to be excluded from checking o pamIncludeSuffix - suffixes to be included in checking and exclude all others o excludes "win" in case of duplicates o default is to apply to all suffixes if no includes or excludes are specified * pamMissingSuffix (string) o ERROR: error and abort if excluded or included suffix does not exist o ALLOW (default): warn if exclude or include is missing, but continue o IGNORE: allow missing suffixes and don't log error * pamFallback (boolean) - if false, if PAM auth fails, the BIND operation fails. If true, if PAM auth fails, the DS will attempt other BIND mechanisms e.g. userPassword. * pamSecure (boolean) - if true, a secure connection is required * pamIDAttr (string) - The value of this attribute, present in the user's entry, holds the PAM identity of the user - it maps the LDAP identity to the PAM identity * pamIDMapMethod (string) o RDN (default) - uses the value from the leftmost RDN in the BIND DN o ENTRY - gets the value of the PAM identity attribute from the BIND DN entry o DN - uses the full DN string o NOTE: if ENTRY is specified as the method, pamIDAttr must be set in the plugin config entry, and user entries should have the named attribute * pamService (string) - the service argument to pam_start() * others to keep statistics - TBD Design BIND -> this plugin -> get config -> make sure arguments and state conform to config settings -> pam_start() -> pam handshakes -> get auth status -> pam_end() -> report BIND status back to LDAP client The big problem is - how to map the BIND DN to the user name given to pam_start(). There are a couple of different ways to do this. One way is to just use the value part of the leftmost RDN in the BIND DN e.g. if you bound as uid=richm,ou=people,dc=redhat,dc=com, you would pass "richm" to PAM. Another way is to specify some attribute that must exist in the user's entry and use that value e.g. if my entry looks like this: dn: uid=richm,ou=people,dc=redhat,dc=com ... objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: redHatOrgPerson # has the extra attr ... rhuid: rmeggins ... "rhuid" would be specified in the PAM plugin config. When I bind as uid=richm, the plugin would look up my entry, get the value of the "rhuid" attribute, and use that value for PAM. The password is the same password passed in as the BIND credentials. We do not need to worry about PAM sessions - all we want to do is use PAM to verify the auth creds. However, we could implement sessions - we could do a pam_open_session() upon bind success and a pam_close_session() upon rebind, unbind, closure, or shutdown. However, this adds considerable complexity - must persist the pam_handle_t throughout the connection (probably in a connection extension), must ensure thread safe access to connection extension resources, must ensure clean up in a variety of situations. So, best to avoid it if possible. We may have to worry about different PAM policy in different subtrees e.g. maybe for dc=coke,dc=com you want to use the ENTRY map method, but for dc=pepsi,dc=com you want to use the RDN method. We could probably do this by having the pamIDMapMethod attr be multivalued, and have it's value like this: pamIDMapMethod: RDN dc=coke,dc=com pamIDMapMethod: RDN dc=sprite,dc=com pamIDMapMethod: ENTRY dc=pepsi,dc=com pamIDMapMethod: DN (the default for all other suffixes) The suffix that uses that map method would follow the map method used. We need to worry about account expiration or lockout e.g. the user's credentials are valid but the user has been locked out of his/her account, or the password has expired, or something like that. Some of this can be handled by LDAP e.g. returning password policy control values when the password has expired. So we need to call pam_acct_mgmt() somewhere during the pam handshakes and before pam_end() to get this information. We also try to return an appropriate LDAP error code. PAM Error Code LDAP Error Code Meaning ============== =============== ======= PAM_USER_UNKNOWN LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT User ID does not exist PAM_AUTH_ERROR LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS Password is not correct PAM_ACCT_EXPIRED LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS User's password is expired PAM_PERM_DENIED LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM User's account is locked out PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS User's password has expired and must be renewed PAM_MAXTRIES LDAP_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION Max retry count has been exceeded Other codes LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR PAM config is incorrect, machine problem, etc. There are three controls we might possibly add to the response: * the auth response control - returned upon success - contains the BIND DN (u: not currently supported) * LDAP_CONTROL_PWEXPIRED - returned when PAM reports ACCT_EXPIRED or NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD * the new password policy control - returned when PAM reports ACCT_EXPIRED, NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD, PERM_DENIED, MAXTRIES The controls can be used to get more information in the case of error (password incorrect or expired?). The latter two must be requested by the client. The plugin should report status in attributes of the plugin entry e.g. successfuls auth attempts, failed attempts, last pam error code and message, etc. We could also do this in an entry under cn=monitor. TBD. Configuration 1. Shutdown the server 2. Make sure the slapd-instance/config/schema contains the 60pam-config.ldif file 3. Make sure plugindir/libpam-passthru-plugin.so exists 4. Make sure /etc/pam.d/ldapserver exists and is configured correctly 5. If the configuration is not already in dse.ldif, append the following to slapd-instance/config/dse.ldif dn: cn=PAM Pass Through Auth,cn=plugins,cn=config objectclass: top objectclass: nsSlapdPlugin objectclass: extensibleObject objectclass: pamConfig cn: PAM Pass Through Auth nsslapd-pluginpath: /path/to/libpam-passthru-plugin.so nsslapd-plugininitfunc: pam_passthruauth_init nsslapd-plugintype: preoperation nsslapd-pluginenabled: on nsslapd-pluginLoadGlobal: true nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type: database pamMissingSuffix: ALLOW pamExcludeSuffix: o=NetscapeRoot pamExcludeSuffix: cn=config pamIDMapMethod: RDN pamFallback: FALSE pamSecure: TRUE pamService: ldapserver Make sure there is a blank line at the end. The line with o=NetscapeRoot may be omitted if this is not a configuration DS. Then restart slapd. Testing I find it convenient to just test against regular /etc/passwd accounts. 0) Create a server instance with suffix dc=example,dc=com and load the Example.ldif file 1) cd /etc/pam.d 2) cp system-auth ldapserver (make sure ldapserver is readable by nobody or whatever your ldap server account is) 3) useradd scarter (or any uid from Example.ldif) 4) passwd scarter - use a different password than the LDAP password 5) Make sure /etc/shadow is readable by nobody or whatever your ldap server account is You might want to turn off pamSecure for testing purposes unless you have already set up your server and ldap clients to use TLS. Then you can run a test like this: ldapsearch -x -D "uid=scarter,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" -w thepassword -s base -b "" Check /var/log/secure for any PAM authentication failures See Also PAM API for Linux http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/Linux-PAM-html/pam_appl.html PAM API for Solaris Writing PAM Applications and Services from the Solaris Security for Developers Guide http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/816-4863/6mb20lvfh?a=view PAM API for HP-UX http://docs.hp.com/en/B2355-60103/pam.3.html