/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "cb.h" /* ** Controls that can't be forwarded due to the current implementation */ static char * unsupported_ctrls[] = {LDAP_CONTROL_PERSISTENTSEARCH,NULL}; int cb_is_control_forwardable(cb_backend * cb, char *controloid) { return (!(charray_inlist(unsupported_ctrls,controloid))); } void cb_register_supported_control( cb_backend * cb, char *controloid, unsigned long controlops ) { /* For now, ignore controlops */ if ( controloid != NULL ) { PR_RWLock_Wlock(cb->config.rwl_config_lock); charray_add( &cb->config.forward_ctrls,slapi_ch_strdup( controloid )); PR_RWLock_Unlock(cb->config.rwl_config_lock); } } void cb_unregister_all_supported_control( cb_backend * cb ) { PR_RWLock_Wlock(cb->config.rwl_config_lock); charray_free(cb->config.forward_ctrls); cb->config.forward_ctrls=NULL; PR_RWLock_Unlock(cb->config.rwl_config_lock); } void cb_unregister_supported_control( cb_backend * cb, char *controloid, unsigned long controlops ) { /* For now, ignore controlops */ if ( controloid != NULL ) { int i; PR_RWLock_Wlock(cb->config.rwl_config_lock); for ( i = 0; cb->config.forward_ctrls != NULL && cb->config.forward_ctrls[i] != NULL; ++i ) { if ( strcmp( cb->config.forward_ctrls[i], controloid ) == 0 ) { break; } } if ( cb->config.forward_ctrls == NULL || cb->config.forward_ctrls[i] == NULL) { PR_RWLock_Unlock(cb->config.rwl_config_lock); return; } if ( controlops == 0 ) { charray_remove(cb->config.forward_ctrls,controloid,0/* free it */); } PR_RWLock_Unlock(cb->config.rwl_config_lock); } } int cb_create_loop_control ( const ber_int_t hops, LDAPControl **ctrlp) { BerElement *ber; int rc; if ((ber = ber_alloc()) == NULL) return -1; if ( ber_printf( ber, "i", hops ) < 0) { ber_free(ber,1); return -1; } rc = slapi_build_control( CB_LDAP_CONTROL_CHAIN_SERVER, ber, 0, ctrlp); ber_free(ber,1); return rc; } /* ** Return the controls to be passed to the remote ** farm server and the LDAP error to return. ** ** Add the Proxied Authorization control when impersonation ** is enabled. Other controls present in the request are added ** to the control list ** ** #622885 .abandon should not inherit the to-be-abandoned-operation's controls ** .controls attached to abandon should not be critical */ int cb_update_controls( Slapi_PBlock * pb, LDAP * ld, LDAPControl *** controls, int ctrl_flags ) { int cCount=0; int dCount=0; int i; char * proxyDN=NULL; LDAPControl ** reqControls = NULL; LDAPControl ** ctrls = NULL; cb_backend_instance * cb; cb_backend * cbb; Slapi_Backend * be; int rc=LDAP_SUCCESS; ber_int_t hops=0; int useloop=0; int addauth = (ctrl_flags & CB_UPDATE_CONTROLS_ADDAUTH); int isabandon = (ctrl_flags & CB_UPDATE_CONTROLS_ISABANDON); int op_type = 0; *controls = NULL; slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION_TYPE, &op_type); if (!isabandon || op_type == SLAPI_OPERATION_ABANDON) { /* if not abandon or abandon sent by client */ slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_REQCONTROLS, &reqControls ); } slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_BACKEND, &be ); slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRIVATE, &cbb ); cb = cb_get_instance(be); /*****************************************/ /* First, check for unsupported controls */ /* Return an error if critical control */ /* else remove it from the control list */ /*****************************************/ for ( cCount=0; reqControls && reqControls[cCount]; cCount++ ); ctrls = (LDAPControl **)slapi_ch_calloc(1,sizeof(LDAPControl *) * (cCount +3)); PR_RWLock_Rlock(cbb->config.rwl_config_lock); for ( cCount=0; reqControls && reqControls[cCount]; cCount++ ) { /* XXXSD CASCADING */ /* For now, allow PROXY_AUTH control forwarding only when */ /* local acl evaluation to prevent unauthorized access */ if (!strcmp(reqControls[cCount]->ldctl_oid,LDAP_CONTROL_PROXYAUTH)) { /* we have to force remote acl checking if the associated backend to this chaining backend is disabled - disabled == no acl check possible */ if (!cb->local_acl && !cb->associated_be_is_disabled) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN,CB_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "local aci check required to handle proxied auth control. Deny access.\n"); rc= LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; break; } /* XXXSD Not safe to use proxied authorization with Directory Manager */ /* checked earlier when impersonation is on */ if (!cb->impersonate) { char * requestor,*rootdn; char * requestorCopy=NULL; rootdn=cb_get_rootdn(); slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_REQUESTOR_DN, &requestor ); requestorCopy=slapi_ch_strdup(requestor); slapi_dn_normalize_case(requestorCopy); if (!strcmp( requestorCopy, rootdn )) { /* UTF8- aware */ slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN,CB_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "Use of user <%s> incompatible with proxied auth. control\n",rootdn); rc=LDAP_UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION; slapi_ch_free((void **)&requestorCopy); break; } slapi_ch_free((void **)&rootdn); slapi_ch_free((void **)&requestorCopy); } addauth=0; ctrls[dCount]=slapi_dup_control(reqControls[cCount]); dCount++; } else if (!strcmp(reqControls[cCount]->ldctl_oid,CB_LDAP_CONTROL_CHAIN_SERVER)) { /* Max hop count reached ? */ /* Checked realier by a call to cb_forward_operation() */ BerElement *ber = NULL; ber = ber_init(&(reqControls[cCount]->ldctl_value)); ber_scanf(ber,"i",&hops); ber_free(ber,1); useloop=1; /* Add to the control list later */ } else { int i; for ( i = 0; cbb->config.forward_ctrls != NULL && cbb->config.forward_ctrls[i] != NULL; ++i ) { if ( strcmp( cbb->config.forward_ctrls[i], reqControls[cCount]->ldctl_oid ) == 0 ) { break; } } /* For now, ignore optype */ if ( cbb->config.forward_ctrls == NULL || cbb->config.forward_ctrls[i] == NULL) { if (reqControls[cCount]->ldctl_iscritical) { rc = LDAP_UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION; break; } /* Skip it */ } else { ctrls[dCount]=slapi_dup_control(reqControls[cCount]); dCount++; } } } PR_RWLock_Unlock(cbb->config.rwl_config_lock); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != rc) { ldap_controls_free(ctrls); return rc; } /***************************************/ /* add impersonation control if needed */ /***************************************/ if ( !(cb->impersonate) ) { /* don't add proxy control */ addauth=0; } if (addauth) { slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_REQUESTOR_DN, &proxyDN ); if ( ldap_create_proxyauth_control(ld, proxyDN, isabandon?0:1, &ctrls[dCount] )) { ldap_controls_free(ctrls); slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, CB_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "LDAP_CONTROL_PROXYAUTH control encoding failed.\n"); return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } dCount++; } /***********************************************************/ /* add loop control if needed */ /* Don't add it if not in the list of forwardable controls */ /***********************************************************/ if (!useloop) { for ( i = 0; cbb->config.forward_ctrls != NULL && cbb->config.forward_ctrls[i] != NULL; ++i ) { if ( strcmp( cbb->config.forward_ctrls[i], CB_LDAP_CONTROL_CHAIN_SERVER) == 0 ) { break; } } } if ( useloop || (cbb->config.forward_ctrls !=NULL && cbb->config.forward_ctrls[i] !=NULL)){ if (hops > 0) { hops--; } else { hops = cb->hoplimit; } /* loop control's critical flag is 0; * no special treatment is needed for abandon */ cb_create_loop_control(hops,&ctrls[dCount]); dCount++; } if (dCount==0) { ldap_controls_free(ctrls); } else { *controls = ctrls; } return LDAP_SUCCESS; }