/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include "acl.h" /**************************************************************************** * * acl.c * * * This file contains the functions related to Access Control List (ACL) * checking. The ACL checking is based on the ONE ACL design implemented * in the Web server 2.0. For more information on the ACL design look * into the barracuda home page. * * ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /* Globals. Must be protected by Mutex. */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Signatures to see if things have changed */ static short acl_signature = 0; /****************************************************************************/ /* Defines, Constants, ande Declarations */ /****************************************************************************/ static char *ds_map_generic[2] = { NULL, NULL }; /****************************************************************************/ /* prototypes */ /****************************************************************************/ static int acl__resource_match_aci(struct acl_pblock *aclpb, aci_t *aci , int skip_attrEval, int *a_matched); static int acl__TestRights(Acl_PBlock *aclpb,int access, char **right, char ** map_generic, aclResultReason_t *result_reason); static int acl__scan_for_acis(struct acl_pblock *aclpb, int *err); static void acl__reset_cached_result (struct acl_pblock *aclpb ); static int acl__scan_match_handles ( struct acl_pblock *aclpb, int type); static int acl__attr_cached_result (struct acl_pblock *aclpb, char *attr, int access ); static int acl__match_handlesFromCache (struct acl_pblock *aclpb, char *attr, int access); static int acl__get_attrEval ( struct acl_pblock *aclpb, char *attr ); static int acl__recompute_acl (Acl_PBlock *aclpb, AclAttrEval *a_eval, int access, int aciIndex); static void __acl_set_aclIndex_inResult ( Acl_PBlock *aclpb, int access, int index ); static int acl__make_filter_test_entry ( Slapi_Entry **entry, char *attr_type, struct berval *attr_val); static int acl__test_filter ( Slapi_Entry *entry, struct slapi_filter *f, int filter_sense); static void print_access_control_summary( char * source, int ret_val, char *clientDn, struct acl_pblock *aclpb, char *right, char *attr, const char *edn, aclResultReason_t *acl_reason); static int check_rdn_access( Slapi_PBlock *pb,Slapi_Entry *e, char * newrdn, int access); /* * Check the rdn permissions for this entry: * require: write access to the entry, write (add) access to the new * naming attribute, write (del) access to the old naming attribute if * deleteoldrdn set. * * Valid only for the modrdn operation. */ int acl_access_allowed_modrdn( Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, /* The Slapi_Entry */ char *attr, /* Attribute of the entry */ struct berval *val, /* value of attr. NOT USED */ int access /* requested access rights */ ) { int retCode ; char *newrdn, *oldrdn; int deleteoldrdn = 0; /* * First check write permission on the entry--this is actually * specially for modrdn. */ retCode = acl_access_allowed ( pb, e, NULL /* attr */, NULL /* val */, SLAPI_ACL_WRITE); if ( retCode != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "modrdn:write permission to entry not allowed\n"); return(retCode); } /* Now get the new rdn attribute name and value */ slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_MODRDN_TARGET, &oldrdn ); slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_MODRDN_NEWRDN, &newrdn ); /* Check can add the new naming attribute */ retCode = check_rdn_access( pb, e, newrdn, ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_ADD) ; if ( retCode != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "modrdn:write permission to add new naming attribute not allowed\n"); return(retCode); } /* Check can delete the new naming attribute--if required */ slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_MODRDN_DELOLDRDN, &deleteoldrdn ); if ( deleteoldrdn ) { retCode = check_rdn_access( pb, e, oldrdn, ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_DEL) ; if ( retCode != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "modrdn:write permission to delete old naming attribute not allowed\n"); return(retCode); } } return(retCode); } /* * Test if have access to make the first rdn of dn in entry e. */ static int check_rdn_access( Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, char *dn, int access) { char **dns; char **rdns; int retCode = LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; int i; if ( (dns = slapi_ldap_explode_dn( dn, 0 )) != NULL ) { if ( (rdns = slapi_ldap_explode_rdn( dns[0], 0 )) != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; rdns[i] != NULL; i++ ) { char *type; struct berval bv; if ( slapi_rdn2typeval( rdns[i], &type, &bv ) != 0 ) { char ebuf[ BUFSIZ ]; slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "modrdn: rdn2typeval (%s) failed\n", escape_string( rdns[i], ebuf )); retCode = LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; break; } else { if ( (retCode = acl_access_allowed ( pb, e, type /* attr */, &bv /* val */, access)) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } } } slapi_ldap_value_free( rdns ); } slapi_ldap_value_free( dns ); } return(retCode); } /*************************************************************************** * * acl_access_allowed * Determines if access to the resource is allowed or not. * * Input: *  * * Returns: * * Returns success/Denied/error condition * * LDAP_SUCCESS -- access allowed * LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS -- access denied * * Errors returned: * * Some of the definition of the return values used copied from * "ldap.h" for convienience. * LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR * LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR * LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM * * * Error Handling: * Returned error code. **************************************************************************/ int acl_access_allowed( Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, /* The Slapi_Entry */ char *attr, /* Attribute of the entry */ struct berval *val, /* value of attr */ int access /* requested access rights */ ) { char *n_edn; /* Normalized DN of the entry */ int rv; int err; int ret_val; char *right; struct acl_pblock *aclpb = NULL; AclAttrEval *c_attrEval = NULL; int got_reader_locked = 0; int deallocate_attrEval = 0; char ebuf [ BUFSIZ ]; char *clientDn; Slapi_DN *e_sdn; Slapi_Operation *op = NULL; aclResultReason_t decision_reason; int loglevel; loglevel = slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_ACL) ? SLAPI_LOG_ACL : SLAPI_LOG_ACLSUMMARY; slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op); /* for logging */ TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_access_allowed_start,"ACL","", tnf_int,access,access); decision_reason.deciding_aci = NULL; decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_NONE; /** * First, if the acl private write/delete on attribute right * is requested, turn this into SLAPI_ACL_WRITE * and record the original value. * Need to make sure that these rights do not clash with the SLAPI * public rights. This should be easy as the requested rights * in the aclpb are stored in the bottom byte of aclpb_res_type, * so if we keep the ACL private bits here too we make sure * not to clash. * */ if ( access & (ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_ADD | ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_DEL) ) { access |= SLAPI_ACL_WRITE; } n_edn = slapi_entry_get_ndn ( e ); e_sdn = slapi_entry_get_sdn ( e ); /* Check if this is a write operation and the database is readonly */ /* No one, even the rootdn should be allowed to write to the database */ /* jcm: ReadOnly only applies to the public backends, the private ones */ /* (the DSEs) should still be writable for configuration. */ if ( access & ( SLAPI_ACL_WRITE | SLAPI_ACL_ADD | SLAPI_ACL_DELETE )) { int be_readonly, privateBackend; Slapi_Backend *be; slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_BE_READONLY, &be_readonly ); slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_BACKEND, &be ); privateBackend = slapi_be_private ( be ); if ( !privateBackend && (be_readonly || slapi_config_get_readonly () )){ slapi_log_error (loglevel, plugin_name, "conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d (main): Deny %s on entry(%s)" ": readonly backend\n", op->o_connid, op->o_opid, acl_access2str(access), escape_string_with_punctuation(n_edn,ebuf)); return LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; } } /* Check for things we need to skip */ TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_skipaccess_start,"ACL",""); if ( acl_skip_access_check ( pb, e )) { slapi_log_error (loglevel, plugin_name, "conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d (main): Allow %s on entry(%s)" ": root user\n", op->o_connid, op->o_opid, acl_access2str(access), escape_string_with_punctuation(n_edn,ebuf)); return(LDAP_SUCCESS); } TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_skipaccess_end,"ACL",""); /* Get the bindDN */ slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_REQUESTOR_DN, &clientDn ); /* Initialize aclpb */ aclplugin_preop_common( pb ); /* get the right acl pblock to work with */ if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_PROXY ) aclpb = acl_get_aclpb ( pb, ACLPB_PROXYDN_PBLOCK ); else aclpb = acl_get_aclpb ( pb, ACLPB_BINDDN_PBLOCK ); if ( !aclpb ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, plugin_name, "Missing aclpb 1 \n" ); ret_val = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto cleanup_and_ret; } if ( !aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry_sdn ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, plugin_name, "NULL aclpb_curr_entry_sdn \n" ); ret_val = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto cleanup_and_ret; } /* check if aclpb is initialized or not */ TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_aclpbinit_start,"ACL",""); acl_init_aclpb ( pb, aclpb, clientDn, 0 ); TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_aclpbinit_end,"ACL",""); /* Here we mean if "I am trying to add/delete "myself" to a group, etc." We * basically just want to see if the value matches the DN of the user that * we're checking access for */ if (val && (access & SLAPI_ACL_WRITE) && (val->bv_len > 0)) { Slapi_Attr *sa = slapi_attr_new(); char *oid = NULL; slapi_attr_init(sa, attr); slapi_attr_get_syntax_oid_copy(sa, &oid); /* We only want to perform this check if the attribute is * defined using the DN or Name And Optional UID syntaxes. */ if (oid && ((strcasecmp(oid, DN_SYNTAX_OID) == 0) || (strcasecmp(oid, NAMEANDOPTIONALUID_SYNTAX_OID) == 0))) { /* should use slapi_sdn_compare() but that'a an extra malloc/free */ char *dn_val_to_write = slapi_create_dn_string("%s", val->bv_val); if ( dn_val_to_write && aclpb->aclpb_authorization_sdn && slapi_utf8casecmp((ACLUCHP)dn_val_to_write, (ACLUCHP) slapi_sdn_get_ndn(aclpb->aclpb_authorization_sdn)) == 0) { access |= SLAPI_ACL_SELF; } slapi_ch_free_string(&dn_val_to_write); } slapi_ch_free_string(&oid); slapi_attr_free(&sa); } /* Convert access to string of rights eg SLAPI_ACL_ADD->"add". */ if ((right= acl_access2str(access)) == NULL) { /* ERROR: unknown rights */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "acl_access_allowed unknown rights:%d\n", access); ret_val = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto cleanup_and_ret; } /* * Am I a anonymous dude ? then we can use our anonymous profile * We don't require the aclpb to have been initialized for anom stuff * */ TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_anon_test_start,"ACL",""); if ( (access & (SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH | SLAPI_ACL_READ )) && (clientDn && *clientDn == '\0')) { aclanom_get_suffix_info(e, aclpb); ret_val = aclanom_match_profile ( pb, aclpb, e, attr, access ); if (ret_val != -1 ) { if (ret_val == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_ANON_ALLOWED; } else if (ret_val == LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS) { decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_ANON_DENIED; } goto cleanup_and_ret; } } TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_anon_test_end,"ACL",""); /* copy the value into the aclpb for later checking by the value acl code */ aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrVal = val; if (!(aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_SEARCH_BASED_ON_LIST) && (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH)) { /* We are evaluating SEARCH right for the entry. After that ** we will eval the READ right. We need to refresh the ** list of acls selected for evaluation for the entry. ** Initialize the array so that we indicate nothing has been ** selected. */ aclpb->aclpb_handles_index[0] = -1; /* access is not allowed on entry for search -- it's for ** read only. */ aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ON_ENTRY; } /* set that this is a new entry */ aclpb->aclpb_res_type |= ACLPB_NEW_ENTRY; aclpb->aclpb_access = 0; aclpb->aclpb_access |= access; /* * stub the Slapi_Entry info first time and only it has changed * or if the pblock is a psearch pblock--in this case the lifetime * of entries associated with psearches is such that we cannot cache * pointers to them--we must always start afresh (see psearch.c). */ slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op); if ( operation_is_flag_set(op, OP_FLAG_PS) || (aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry_sdn == NULL) || (slapi_sdn_compare ( aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry_sdn, e_sdn) != 0) || (aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry != e) /* cannot trust the cached entry */ ) { TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_entry_first_touch_start,"ACL",""); slapi_log_error(loglevel, plugin_name, "#### conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d binddn=\"%s\"\n", op->o_connid, op->o_opid, clientDn); aclpb->aclpb_stat_total_entries++; if (!(access & SLAPI_ACL_PROXY) && !( aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_DONOT_EVALUATE_PROXY )) { Acl_PBlock *proxy_pb; proxy_pb = acl_get_aclpb( pb, ACLPB_PROXYDN_PBLOCK ); if (proxy_pb) { TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_access_allowed_proxy_start,"ACL",""); ret_val = acl_access_allowed( pb, e, attr, val, SLAPI_ACL_PROXY ); TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_access_allowed_proxy_end,"ACL",""); if (ret_val != LDAP_SUCCESS) goto cleanup_and_ret; } } if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) { aclpb->aclpb_num_entries++; if ( aclpb->aclpb_num_entries == 1) { aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_COPY_EVALCONTEXT; } else if ( aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_COPY_EVALCONTEXT ) { /* We need to copy the evalContext */ acl_copyEval_context ( aclpb, &aclpb->aclpb_curr_entryEval_context, &aclpb->aclpb_prev_entryEval_context, 0 ); aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_COPY_EVALCONTEXT; } acl_clean_aclEval_context ( &aclpb->aclpb_curr_entryEval_context, 1 /*scrub */); } /* reset the cached result based on the scope */ acl__reset_cached_result (aclpb ); /* Find all the candidate aci's that apply by scanning up the DIT tree from edn. */ TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_aciscan_start,"ACL",""); slapi_sdn_done ( aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry_sdn ); slapi_sdn_set_dn_byval ( aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry_sdn, n_edn ); acllist_aciscan_update_scan ( aclpb, n_edn ); TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_aciscan_end,"ACL",""); /* Keep the ptr to the current entry */ aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry = (Slapi_Entry *) e; /* Get the attr info */ deallocate_attrEval = acl__get_attrEval ( aclpb, attr ); aclutil_print_resource ( aclpb, right, attr, clientDn ); /* * Used to be PListInitProp(aclpb->aclpb_proplist, 0, * DS_ATTR_ENTRY, e, 0); * * The difference is that PListInitProp() allocates a new property * every time it's called, overwriting the old name in the PList hash * table, but not freeing the original property. * Now, we just create the property at aclpb_malloc() time and * Assign a new value each time. */ rv = PListAssignValue(aclpb->aclpb_proplist, DS_ATTR_ENTRY, e, 0); if (rv < 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Unable to set the Slapi_Entry in the Plist\n"); ret_val = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto cleanup_and_ret; } TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_entry_first_touch_end,"ACL",""); } else { /* we are processing the same entry but for a different ** attribute. If access is already allowed on that, entry, then ** it's not a new entry anymore. It's the same old one. */ TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_entry_subs_touch_start,"ACL",""); aclpb->aclpb_res_type &= ~ACLPB_NEW_ENTRY; /* Get the attr info */ deallocate_attrEval = acl__get_attrEval ( aclpb, attr ); TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_entry_subs_touch_end,"ACL",""); } /* get a lock for the reader */ acllist_acicache_READ_LOCK(); got_reader_locked = 1; /* ** Check if we can use any cached information to determine ** access to this resource */ if ( (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) && (ret_val = acl__match_handlesFromCache ( aclpb , attr, access)) != -1) { /* means got a result: allowed or not*/ if (ret_val == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_EVALCONTEXT_CACHED_ALLOW; } else if (ret_val == LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS) { decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_EVALCONTEXT_CACHED_NOT_ALLOWED; } goto cleanup_and_ret; } /* ** Now we have all the information about the resource. Now we need to ** figure out if there are any ACLs which can be applied. ** If no ACLs are there, then it's a DENY as default. */ if (!(acl__scan_for_acis(aclpb, &err))) { /* We might have accessed the ACL first time which could ** have caused syntax error. */ if ( err == ACL_ONEACL_TEXT_ERR) ret_val = LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; else { ret_val = LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_NO_MATCHED_RESOURCE_ALLOWS; } goto cleanup_and_ret; } slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Processed attr:%s for entry:%s\n", attr ? attr : "NULL", ACL_ESCAPE_STRING_WITH_PUNCTUATION ( n_edn, ebuf)); /* ** Now evaluate the rights. ** This is what we have been waiting for. ** The return value should be ACL_RES_DENY or ACL_RES_ALLOW. */ rv = acl__TestRights(aclpb, access, &right, ds_map_generic, &decision_reason); if ( rv != ACL_RES_ALLOW && (0 == strcasecmp ( right, "selfwrite") ) ) { /* If I am adding myself to a group, we don't need selfwrite always, ** write priv is good enough. Since libaccess doesn't provide me a nice ** way to evaluate OR rights, I have to try again with wite priv. ** bug: 339051 */ right = access_str_write; rv = acl__TestRights(aclpb, access, &right, ds_map_generic, &decision_reason); } if (rv == ACL_RES_ALLOW) { ret_val = LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { ret_val = LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; } cleanup_and_ret: TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_cleanup_start,"ACL",""); /* I am ready to get out. */ if ( got_reader_locked ) acllist_acicache_READ_UNLOCK(); /* Store the status of the evaluation for this attr */ if ( aclpb && (c_attrEval = aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval )) { if ( deallocate_attrEval ) { /* In this case we are not caching the result as ** we have too many attrs. we have malloced space. ** Get rid of it. */ slapi_ch_free ( (void **) &c_attrEval->attrEval_name ); slapi_ch_free ( (void **) &c_attrEval ); } else if (ret_val == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH ) c_attrEval->attrEval_s_status |= ACL_ATTREVAL_SUCCESS; else if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_READ ) c_attrEval->attrEval_r_status |= ACL_ATTREVAL_SUCCESS; else c_attrEval->attrEval_r_status |= ACL_ATTREVAL_INVALID; } else { if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH ) c_attrEval->attrEval_s_status |= ACL_ATTREVAL_FAIL; else if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_READ ) c_attrEval->attrEval_r_status |= ACL_ATTREVAL_FAIL; else c_attrEval->attrEval_r_status |= ACL_ATTREVAL_INVALID; } } if ( aclpb ) aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval = NULL; print_access_control_summary( "main", ret_val, clientDn, aclpb, right, (attr ? attr : "NULL"), escape_string_with_punctuation (n_edn, ebuf), &decision_reason); TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_cleanup_end,"ACL",""); TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_access_allowed_end,"ACL",""); return(ret_val); } static void print_access_control_summary( char *source, int ret_val, char *clientDn, struct acl_pblock *aclpb, char *right, char *attr, const char *edn, aclResultReason_t *acl_reason) { struct codebook { int code; char *text; }; static struct codebook reasonbook[] = { {ACL_REASON_NO_ALLOWS, "no allow acis"}, {ACL_REASON_RESULT_CACHED_DENY, "cached deny"}, {ACL_REASON_RESULT_CACHED_ALLOW, "cached allow"}, {ACL_REASON_EVALUATED_ALLOW, "allowed"}, {ACL_REASON_EVALUATED_DENY, "denied"}, {ACL_REASON_NO_MATCHED_RESOURCE_ALLOWS, "no aci matched the resource"}, {ACL_REASON_NO_MATCHED_SUBJECT_ALLOWS, "no aci matched the subject"}, {ACL_REASON_ANON_ALLOWED, "allow anyone aci matched anon user"}, {ACL_REASON_ANON_DENIED, "no matching anyone aci for anon user"}, {ACL_REASON_EVALCONTEXT_CACHED_ALLOW, "cached context/parent allow"}, {ACL_REASON_EVALCONTEXT_CACHED_NOT_ALLOWED, "cached context/parent deny"}, {ACL_REASON_EVALCONTEXT_CACHED_ATTR_STAR_ALLOW, "cached context/parent allow any attr"}, {ACL_REASON_NONE, "error occurred"}, }; char *anon = "anonymous"; char *null_user = "NULL"; /* bizare case */ char *real_user = NULL; char *proxy_user = NULL; char *access_allowed_string = "Allow"; char *access_not_allowed_string = "Deny"; char *access_error_string = "access_error"; char *access_status = NULL; char *access_reason_none = "no reason available"; char *access_reason = access_reason_none; char acl_info[ BUFSIZ ]; Slapi_Operation *op = NULL; int loglevel; int i; loglevel = slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_ACL) ? SLAPI_LOG_ACL : SLAPI_LOG_ACLSUMMARY; if ( !slapi_is_loglevel_set(loglevel) ) { return; } if ( !aclpb ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, plugin_name, "Missing aclpb \n" ); return; } slapi_pblock_get(aclpb->aclpb_pblock, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op); /* for logging */ if (ret_val == LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS) { access_status = access_not_allowed_string; } else if ( ret_val == LDAP_SUCCESS) { access_status = access_allowed_string; } else { /* some kind of error */ access_status = access_error_string; } /* decode the reason */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(reasonbook) / sizeof(struct codebook); i++) { if ( acl_reason->reason == reasonbook[i].code ) { access_reason = reasonbook[i].text; break; } } /* get the acl */ acl_info[0] = '\0'; if (acl_reason->deciding_aci) { if (acl_reason->reason == ACL_REASON_RESULT_CACHED_DENY || acl_reason->reason == ACL_REASON_RESULT_CACHED_ALLOW) { /* acl is in cache. Its detail must have been printed before. * So no need to print out acl detail this time. */ PR_snprintf( &acl_info[0], BUFSIZ, "%s by aci(%d)", access_reason, acl_reason->deciding_aci->aci_index); } else { PR_snprintf( &acl_info[0], BUFSIZ, "%s by aci(%d): aciname=%s, acidn=\"%s\"", access_reason, acl_reason->deciding_aci->aci_index, acl_reason->deciding_aci->aclName, slapi_sdn_get_ndn (acl_reason->deciding_aci->aci_sdn) ); } } /* Say who was denied access */ if (clientDn) { if (clientDn[0] == '\0') { /* anon */ real_user = anon; } else { real_user = clientDn; } } else { real_user = null_user; } /* Is there a proxy */ if ( aclpb->aclpb_proxy != NULL) { if ( aclpb->aclpb_authorization_sdn != NULL ) { proxy_user = (char *)(slapi_sdn_get_ndn(aclpb->aclpb_authorization_sdn)? slapi_sdn_get_ndn(aclpb->aclpb_authorization_sdn): null_user); slapi_log_error(loglevel, plugin_name, "conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d (%s): %s %s on entry(%s).attr(%s) to proxy (%s)" ": %s\n", op->o_connid, op->o_opid, source, access_status, right, edn, attr ? attr: "NULL", proxy_user, acl_info[0] ? acl_info : access_reason); } else { proxy_user = null_user; slapi_log_error(loglevel, plugin_name, "conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d (%s): %s %s on entry(%s).attr(%s) to proxy (%s)" ": %s\n", op->o_connid, op->o_opid, source, access_status, right, edn, attr ? attr: "NULL", proxy_user, acl_info[0] ? acl_info : access_reason); } } else{ slapi_log_error(loglevel, plugin_name, "conn=%" NSPRIu64 " op=%d (%s): %s %s on entry(%s).attr(%s) to %s" ": %s\n", op->o_connid, op->o_opid, source, access_status, right, edn, attr ? attr: "NULL", real_user, acl_info[0] ? acl_info : access_reason); } } /*************************************************************************** * * acl_read_access_allowed_on_entry * check read access control on the given entry. * * Only used during seearch to test for read access on the entry. * (Could be generalized). * * attrs is the list of requested attributes passed with the search. * If the entry has no attributes (weird case) then the routine survives. * * Input: * * * Returns: * LDAP_SUCCESS - access allowed * LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS - access denied * * Error Handling: * None. * **************************************************************************/ int acl_read_access_allowed_on_entry ( Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, /* The Slapi_Entry */ char **attrs, int access /* access rights */ ) { struct acl_pblock *aclpb; Slapi_Attr *currAttr; Slapi_Attr *nextAttr; int len; int attr_index = -1; char *attr_type = NULL; int rv, isRoot; char *clientDn; unsigned long flags; aclResultReason_t decision_reason; int loglevel; loglevel = slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_ACL) ? SLAPI_LOG_ACL : SLAPI_LOG_ACLSUMMARY; TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_entry_start ,"ACL",""); decision_reason.deciding_aci = NULL; decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_NONE; slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_REQUESTOR_ISROOT, &isRoot ); /* ** If it's the root, or acl is off or the entry is a rootdse, ** Then you have the privilege to read it. */ if ( acl_skip_access_check ( pb, e ) ) { char *n_edn = slapi_entry_get_ndn ( e ); char ebuf [ BUFSIZ ]; slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Root access (%s) allowed on entry(%s)\n", acl_access2str(access), ACL_ESCAPE_STRING_WITH_PUNCTUATION (n_edn, ebuf)); TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_entry_end ,"ACL","", tnf_string,skip_access,""); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } aclpb = acl_get_aclpb ( pb, ACLPB_BINDDN_PBLOCK ); if ( !aclpb ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, plugin_name, "Missing aclpb 2 \n" ); TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_entry_end ,"ACL","", tnf_string,end,"aclpb error"); return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } /* * Am I a anonymous dude ? then we can use our anonympous profile * We don't require the aclpb to have been initialized for anom stuff * */ slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_REQUESTOR_DN, &clientDn ); if ( clientDn && *clientDn == '\0' ) { int ret_val; ret_val = aclanom_match_profile ( pb, aclpb, e, NULL, SLAPI_ACL_READ ); TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_entry_end ,"ACL","", tnf_string,end,"anon"); if (ret_val != -1 ) return ret_val; } aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_RESET_MASK; if (aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_MATCHES_ALL_ACLS ) { int ret_val; ret_val = acl__attr_cached_result (aclpb, NULL, SLAPI_ACL_READ); if (ret_val != -1 ) { /* print summary if loglevel set */ if ( slapi_is_loglevel_set(loglevel) ) { char *n_edn; n_edn = slapi_entry_get_ndn ( e ); if ( ret_val == LDAP_SUCCESS) { decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_EVALCONTEXT_CACHED_ALLOW; } else { decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_EVALCONTEXT_CACHED_NOT_ALLOWED; } /* * pass NULL as the attr as this routine is concerned with * access at the entry level. */ print_access_control_summary( "on entry", ret_val, clientDn, aclpb, acl_access2str(SLAPI_ACL_READ), NULL, n_edn, &decision_reason); } TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_entry_end ,"ACL","", tnf_string,eval_context_cached,""); return ret_val; } } /* * Currently do not use this code--it results in confusing * behaviour..see 529905 */ #ifdef DETERMINE_ACCESS_BASED_ON_REQUESTED_ATTRIBUTES /* Do we have access to the entry by virtue of ** having access to an attr. Before that, let's find out which attrs ** the user want. If the user has specified certain attributes, then ** we check aginst that set of attributes. */ if (!((aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_USER_WANTS_ALL_ATTRS) || (aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_USER_SPECIFIED_ATTARS))) { int i; if (attrs == NULL) { aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_USER_WANTS_ALL_ATTRS; } else { for ( i = 0; attrs != NULL && attrs[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( LDAP_ALL_USER_ATTRS, attrs[i] ) == 0 ) { aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_USER_WANTS_ALL_ATTRS; break; } } } if (!(aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_USER_WANTS_ALL_ATTRS)) { for (i = 0; attrs != NULL && attrs[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if ( !slapi_entry_attr_find ( e, attrs[i], &currAttr ) ) { aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_USER_SPECIFIED_ATTARS; break; } } } } /* end of all user test*/ /* ** If user has specified a list of attrs, might as well use it ** to determine access control. */ currAttr = NULL; attr_index = -1; if ( aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_USER_SPECIFIED_ATTARS) { attr_index = 0; attr_type = attrs[attr_index++]; } else { /* Skip the operational attributes -- if there are any in the front */ slapi_entry_first_attr ( e, &currAttr ); if (currAttr != NULL) { slapi_attr_get_flags ( currAttr, &flags ); while ( flags & SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_OPATTR ) { flags = 0; rv = slapi_entry_next_attr ( e, currAttr, &nextAttr ); if ( !rv ) slapi_attr_get_flags ( nextAttr, &flags ); currAttr = nextAttr; } /* Get the attr type */ if ( currAttr ) slapi_attr_get_type ( currAttr , &attr_type ); } } #endif /*DETERMINE_ACCESS_BASED_ON_REQUESTED_ATTRIBUTES*/ #ifndef DETERMINE_ACCESS_BASED_ON_REQUESTED_ATTRIBUTES /* * Here look at each attribute in the entry and see if * we have read access to it--if we do * and we are not denied access to the entry then this * is taken as implying access to the entry. */ slapi_entry_first_attr ( e, &currAttr ); if (currAttr != NULL) { slapi_attr_get_type ( currAttr , &attr_type ); } #endif aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_EVALUATING_FIRST_ATTR; while (attr_type) { if (acl_access_allowed (pb, e,attr_type, NULL, SLAPI_ACL_READ) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* ** We found a rule which requires us to test access ** to the entry. */ if ( aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_FOUND_A_ENTRY_TEST_RULE){ /* Do I have access on the entry itself */ if (acl_access_allowed (pb, e, NULL, NULL, access) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* How was I denied ? ** I could be denied on a DENY rule or because ** there is no allow rule. If it's a DENY from ** a DENY rule, then we don't have access to ** the entry ( nice trick to get in ) */ if ( aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_EXECUTING_DENY_HANDLES) return LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; /* The other case is I don't have an ** explicit allow rule -- which is fine. ** Since, I am already here, it means that I have ** an implicit allow to the entry. */ } } aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_EVALUATING_FIRST_ATTR; /* ** If we are not sending all the attrs, then we must ** make sure that we have right on a attr that we are ** sending */ len = strlen(attr_type); if ( (len + 1) > ACLPB_MAX_ATTR_LEN) { slapi_ch_free ( (void **) &aclpb->aclpb_Evalattr); aclpb->aclpb_Evalattr = slapi_ch_malloc(len+1); } PL_strncpyz (aclpb->aclpb_Evalattr, attr_type, len); if ( attr_index >= 0 ) { /* * access was granted to one of the user specified attributes * which was found in the entry and that attribute is * now in aclpb_Evalattr */ aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_ACCESS_ALLOWED_USERATTR; } else { /* * Access was granted to _an_ attribute in the entry and that * attribute is now in aclpb_Evalattr */ aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ON_A_ATTR; } TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_entry_end , "ACL","", tnf_string,called_access_allowed,""); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { /* try the next one */ attr_type = NULL; if (attr_index >= 0) { attr_type = attrs[attr_index++]; } else { rv = slapi_entry_next_attr ( e, currAttr, &nextAttr ); if ( rv != 0 ) break; currAttr = nextAttr; slapi_attr_get_flags ( currAttr, &flags ); while ( flags & SLAPI_ATTR_FLAG_OPATTR ) { flags = 0; rv = slapi_entry_next_attr ( e, currAttr, &nextAttr ); if ( !rv ) slapi_attr_get_flags ( nextAttr, &flags ); currAttr = nextAttr; } /* Get the attr type */ if ( currAttr ) slapi_attr_get_type ( currAttr , &attr_type ); } } } /* ** That means. we have searched thru all the attrs and found ** access is denied on all attrs. ** ** If there were no attributes in the entry at all (can have ** such entries thrown up by the b/e, then we do ** not have such an implied access. */ aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_ACCESS_DENIED_ON_ALL_ATTRS; aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_EVALUATING_FIRST_ATTR; TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_entry_end ,"ACL",""); return LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; } /*************************************************************************** * * acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr * check access control on the given attr. * * Only used during search to test for read access to an attr. * (Could be generalized) * * Input: * * * Returns: * LDAP_SUCCESS - access allowed * LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS - access denied * * Error Handling: * None. * **************************************************************************/ int acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr ( Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, /* The Slapi_Entry */ char *attr, /* Attribute of the entry */ struct berval *val, /* value of attr. NOT USED */ int access /* access rights */ ) { struct acl_pblock *aclpb = NULL; char ebuf [ BUFSIZ ]; char *clientDn = NULL; char *n_edn; aclResultReason_t decision_reason; int ret_val = -1; int loglevel; loglevel = slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_ACL) ? SLAPI_LOG_ACL : SLAPI_LOG_ACLSUMMARY; TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr_start ,"ACL",""); decision_reason.deciding_aci = NULL; decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_NONE; /* I am here, because I have access to the entry */ n_edn = slapi_entry_get_ndn ( e ); /* If it's the root or acl is off or rootdse, he has all the priv */ if ( acl_skip_access_check ( pb, e ) ) { char ebuf [ BUFSIZ ]; slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Root access (%s) allowed on entry(%s)\n", acl_access2str(access), ACL_ESCAPE_STRING_WITH_PUNCTUATION (n_edn, ebuf)); TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr_end ,"ACL","", tnf_string,skip_aclcheck,""); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } aclpb = acl_get_aclpb ( pb, ACLPB_BINDDN_PBLOCK ); if ( !aclpb ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, plugin_name, "Missing aclpb 3 \n" ); TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr_end ,"ACL","", tnf_string,aclpb_error,""); return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } /* * Am I a anonymous dude ? then we can use our anonympous profile * We don't require the aclpb to have been initialized for anom stuff * */ slapi_pblock_get (pb, SLAPI_REQUESTOR_DN ,&clientDn ); if ( clientDn && *clientDn == '\0' ) { ret_val = aclanom_match_profile ( pb, aclpb, e, attr, SLAPI_ACL_READ ); TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr_end ,"ACL","", tnf_string,anon_decision,""); if (ret_val != -1 ) return ret_val; } /* Then I must have a access to the entry. */ aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ON_ENTRY; if ( aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_MATCHES_ALL_ACLS ) { ret_val = acl__attr_cached_result (aclpb, attr, SLAPI_ACL_READ); if (ret_val != -1 ) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "MATCHED HANDLE:dn:%s attr: %s val:%d\n", ACL_ESCAPE_STRING_WITH_PUNCTUATION (n_edn, ebuf), attr, ret_val ); if ( ret_val == LDAP_SUCCESS) { decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_EVALCONTEXT_CACHED_ALLOW; } else { decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_EVALCONTEXT_CACHED_NOT_ALLOWED; } goto acl_access_allowed_on_attr_Exit; } else { aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_COPY_EVALCONTEXT; } } if (aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_ACCESS_DENIED_ON_ALL_ATTRS) { /* access is denied on all the attributes */ TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr_end ,"ACL","", tnf_string,deny_all_attrs,""); return LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; } /* do I have access to all the entries by virtue of having aci ** rules with targetattr ="*". If yes, then allow access to ** rest of the attributes. */ if (aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_ATTR_STAR_MATCHED) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "STAR Access allowed on attr:%s; entry:%s \n", attr, ACL_ESCAPE_STRING_WITH_PUNCTUATION (n_edn, ebuf)); decision_reason.reason = ACL_REASON_EVALCONTEXT_CACHED_ATTR_STAR_ALLOW; ret_val = LDAP_SUCCESS; goto acl_access_allowed_on_attr_Exit; } if (aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ON_A_ATTR) { /* access is allowed on that attr. ** for example: Slapi_Entry: cn, sn. phone, uid, passwd, address ** We found that access is allowed on phone. That means the ** -- access is denied on cn, sn ** -- access is allowed on phone ** -- Don't know about the rest. Need to evaluate. */ if ( slapi_attr_type_cmp (attr, aclpb->aclpb_Evalattr, 1) == 0) { /* from now on we need to evaluate access on ** rest of the attrs. */ aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ON_A_ATTR; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr_end ,"ACL","", tnf_string,aclp_Evalattr1,""); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { /* * Here, the attr that implied access to the entry (aclpb_Evalattr), * is not * the one we currently want evaluated--so * we need to evaluate access to attr--so fall through. */ } } else if (aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_ACCESS_ALLOWED_USERATTR) { /* Only skip evaluation on the user attr on which we have ** evaluated before. */ if ( slapi_attr_type_cmp (attr, aclpb->aclpb_Evalattr, 1) == 0) { aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_ACCESS_ALLOWED_USERATTR; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr_end ,"ACL","", tnf_string,aclp_Evalattr2,""); return LDAP_SUCCESS; } } /* we need to evaluate the access on this attr */ return ( acl_access_allowed(pb, e, attr, val, access) ); /* This exit point prints a summary and returns ret_val */ acl_access_allowed_on_attr_Exit: /* print summary if loglevel set */ if ( slapi_is_loglevel_set(loglevel) ) { print_access_control_summary( "on attr", ret_val, clientDn, aclpb, acl_access2str(SLAPI_ACL_READ), attr, n_edn, &decision_reason); } TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl_read_access_allowed_on_attr_end ,"ACL",""); return(ret_val); } /*************************************************************************** * * acl_check_mods * check access control on the given entry to see if * it allows the given modifications by the user associated with op. * * * Input: * * * Returns: * LDAP_SUCCESS - mods allowed ok * - same return value as acl_access_allowed() * * Error Handling: * None. * **************************************************************************/ int acl_check_mods( Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, LDAPMod **mods, char **errbuf ) { int i; int rv, accessCheckDisabled; int lastmod = 0; Slapi_Attr *attr = NULL; char *n_edn; Slapi_Backend *be = NULL; Slapi_DN *e_sdn; Acl_PBlock *aclpb = acl_get_aclpb ( pb, ACLPB_PROXYDN_PBLOCK ); LDAPMod *mod; Slapi_Mods smods; rv = slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DB_NO_ACL, &accessCheckDisabled ); if ( rv != -1 && accessCheckDisabled ) return LDAP_SUCCESS; if ( NULL == aclpb ) aclpb = acl_get_aclpb ( pb, ACLPB_BINDDN_PBLOCK ); n_edn = slapi_entry_get_ndn ( e ); e_sdn = slapi_entry_get_sdn ( e ); slapi_mods_init_byref(&smods,mods); for (mod = slapi_mods_get_first_mod(&smods); mod != NULL; mod = slapi_mods_get_next_mod(&smods)) { switch (mod->mod_op & ~LDAP_MOD_BVALUES ) { case LDAP_MOD_DELETE: if (mod->mod_bvalues != NULL ) { break; } /* * Here, check that we have the right to delete all * the values of the attribute in the entry. */ case LDAP_MOD_REPLACE: if ( !lastmod ) { if (be == NULL) { if (slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_BACKEND, &be )) { be = NULL; } } if (be != NULL) slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_BE_LASTMOD, &lastmod ); } if (lastmod && (strcmp (mod->mod_type, "modifiersname")== 0 || strcmp (mod->mod_type, "modifytimestamp")== 0)) { continue; } slapi_entry_attr_find (e, mod->mod_type, &attr); if ( attr != NULL) { Slapi_Value *sval=NULL; const struct berval *attrVal=NULL; int k= slapi_attr_first_value(attr,&sval); while(k != -1) { attrVal = slapi_value_get_berval(sval); rv = slapi_access_allowed (pb, e, mod->mod_type, (struct berval *)attrVal, /* XXXggood had to cast away const - BAD */ ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_DEL); /* was SLAPI_ACL_WRITE */ if ( rv != LDAP_SUCCESS) { acl_gen_err_msg ( SLAPI_ACL_WRITE, n_edn, mod->mod_type, errbuf); /* Cleanup */ slapi_mods_done(&smods); return(rv); } k= slapi_attr_next_value(attr, k, &sval); } } else { rv = slapi_access_allowed (pb, e, mod->mod_type, NULL, ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_DEL); /* was SLAPI_ACL_WRITE */ if ( rv != LDAP_SUCCESS) { acl_gen_err_msg ( SLAPI_ACL_WRITE, n_edn, mod->mod_type, errbuf); /* Cleanup */ slapi_mods_done(&smods); return(rv); } } break; default: break; } /* switch */ /* * Check that we have add/delete writes on the specific values * we are trying to add. */ if ( aclpb && aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry_sdn ) slapi_sdn_done ( aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry_sdn ); if ( mod->mod_bvalues != NULL ) { /* * Here, there are specific values specified. * For add and replace--we need add rights for these values. * For delete we need delete rights for these values. */ for ( i = 0; mod->mod_bvalues[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if (SLAPI_IS_MOD_ADD(mod->mod_op) || SLAPI_IS_MOD_REPLACE(mod->mod_op)) { rv = acl_access_allowed (pb,e, mod->mod_type, mod->mod_bvalues[i], ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_ADD); /*was SLAPI_ACL_WRITE*/ } else if (SLAPI_IS_MOD_DELETE(mod->mod_op)) { rv = acl_access_allowed (pb,e, mod->mod_type, mod->mod_bvalues[i], ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_DEL); /*was SLAPI_ACL_WRITE*/ } else { rv = LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; } if ( rv != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { acl_gen_err_msg ( SLAPI_ACL_WRITE, n_edn, mod->mod_type, errbuf); /* Cleanup */ slapi_mods_done(&smods); return rv; } /* Need to check for all the values because ** we may be modifying a "self" value. */ /* Are we adding/replacing a aci attribute ** value. In that case, we need to make ** sure that the new value has thr right ** syntax */ if (strcmp(mod->mod_type, aci_attr_type) == 0) { if ( 0 != (rv = acl_verify_syntax( e_sdn, mod->mod_bvalues[i]))) { aclutil_print_err(rv, e_sdn, mod->mod_bvalues[i], errbuf); /* Cleanup */ slapi_mods_done(&smods); return LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX; } } } /* for */ } } /* end of big for */ /* Cleanup */ slapi_mods_done(&smods); return( LDAP_SUCCESS ); } /*************************************************************************** * * acl_modified * Modifies ( removed, add, changes) the ACI LIST. * * Input: * int *optype - op code * char *dn - DN of the entry * void *change - The change struct which contais the * - change value * * Returns: * None. * * Error Handling: * None. * **************************************************************************/ extern void acl_modified (Slapi_PBlock *pb, int optype, char *n_dn, void *change) { struct berval **bvalue; char **value; int rv=0; /* returned value */ char* new_RDN; char* parent_DN; char* new_DN; LDAPMod **mods; struct berval b; int j; Slapi_Attr *attr = NULL; Slapi_Entry *e = NULL; char ebuf [ BUFSIZ]; Slapi_DN *e_sdn; aclUserGroup *ugroup = NULL; e_sdn = slapi_sdn_new_ndn_byval ( n_dn ); /* Before we proceed, Let's first check if we are changing any groups. ** If we are, then we need to change the signature */ switch ( optype ) { case SLAPI_OPERATION_MODIFY: case SLAPI_OPERATION_DELETE: slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_ENTRY_PRE_OP, (void*)&e); break; case SLAPI_OPERATION_ADD: e = (Slapi_Entry *)change; break; } /* e can be null for RDN */ if ( e ) slapi_entry_attr_find( e, "objectclass", &attr); if ( attr ) { int group_change = 0; Slapi_Value *sval=NULL; const struct berval *attrVal; int i; i= slapi_attr_first_value ( attr,&sval ); while(i != -1) { attrVal = slapi_value_get_berval ( sval ); if ( (strcasecmp (attrVal->bv_val, "groupOfNames") == 0 ) || (strcasecmp (attrVal->bv_val, "groupOfUniqueNames") == 0 ) || (strcasecmp (attrVal->bv_val, "groupOfCertificates") == 0 ) || (strcasecmp (attrVal->bv_val, "groupOfURLs") == 0 ) ) { group_change= 1; if ( optype == SLAPI_OPERATION_MODIFY ) { Slapi_Attr *a = NULL; int rv; rv = slapi_entry_attr_find ( e, "uniqueMember", &a); if ( rv != 0 ) break; rv = slapi_entry_attr_find ( e, "Member", &a ); if ( rv != 0 ) break; rv = slapi_entry_attr_find ( e, "MemberURL", &a ); if ( rv != 0 ) break; /* That means we are not changing the member ** list, so it's okay to let go this ** change */ group_change = 0; } break; } i= slapi_attr_next_value ( attr, i, &sval ); } /* ** We can do better here XXX, i.e invalidate the cache for users who ** use this group. for now just do the whole thing. */ if ( group_change ) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Group Change: Invalidating entire UserGroup Cache %s\n", ACL_ESCAPE_STRING_WITH_PUNCTUATION(n_dn, ebuf)); aclg_regen_group_signature(); if ( (optype == SLAPI_OPERATION_MODIFY) || (optype == SLAPI_OPERATION_DELETE ) ) { /* Then we need to invalidate the acl signature also */ acl_signature = aclutil_gen_signature ( acl_signature ); } } } /* * Here if the target entry is in the group cache * as a user then, as it's being changed it may move out of any dynamic * groups it belongs to. * Just remove it for now--can do better XXX by checking to see if * it really needs to be removed by testing to see if he's * still in th group after the change--but this requires keeping * the memberURL of the group which we don't currently do. * Also, if we keep * the attributes that are being used in dynamic * groups then we could only remove the user if a sensitive * attribute was being modified (rather than scanning the whole user cache * all the time). Also could do a hash lookup. * * aclg_find_userGroup() incs a refcnt so we can still refer to ugroup. * aclg_markUgroupForRemoval() decs it and marks it for removal * , so after that you cannot refer to ugroup. * */ if ( (ugroup = aclg_find_userGroup(n_dn)) != NULL) { /* * Mark this for deletion next time round--try to impact * this mainline code as little as possible. */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Marking entry %s for removal from ACL user Group Cache\n", ACL_ESCAPE_STRING_WITH_PUNCTUATION(n_dn, ebuf)); aclg_markUgroupForRemoval (ugroup); } /* * Take the write lock around all the mods--so that * other operations will see the acicache either before the whole mod * or after but not, as it was before, during the mod. * This is in line with the LDAP concept of the operation * on the whole entry being the atomic unit. * */ switch(optype) { case SLAPI_OPERATION_DELETE: /* In this case we have already checked if the user has ** right to delete the entry. Part of delete of entry is ** remove all the ACLs also. */ acllist_acicache_WRITE_LOCK(); rv = acllist_remove_aci_needsLock(e_sdn, NULL); acllist_acicache_WRITE_UNLOCK(); break; case SLAPI_OPERATION_ADD: slapi_entry_attr_find ( (Slapi_Entry *) change, aci_attr_type, &attr ); if ( attr ) { Slapi_Value *sval=NULL; const struct berval *attrVal; int i; acllist_acicache_WRITE_LOCK(); i= slapi_attr_first_value ( attr,&sval ); while ( i != -1 ) { attrVal = slapi_value_get_berval(sval); rv= acllist_insert_aci_needsLock(e_sdn, attrVal ); if (rv <= ACL_ERR) aclutil_print_err(rv, e_sdn, attrVal, NULL); /* Print the aci list */ i= slapi_attr_next_value ( attr, i, &sval ); } acllist_acicache_WRITE_UNLOCK(); } break; case SLAPI_OPERATION_MODIFY: { int got_write_lock = 0; mods = (LDAPMod **) change; for (j=0; mods[j] != NULL; j++) { if (strcasecmp(mods[j]->mod_type, aci_attr_type) == 0) { /* Got an aci to mod in this list of mods, so * take the acicache lock for the whole list of mods, * remembering to free it below. */ if ( !got_write_lock) { acllist_acicache_WRITE_LOCK(); got_write_lock = 1; } switch (mods[j]->mod_op & ~LDAP_MOD_BVALUES) { case LDAP_MOD_REPLACE: /* First remove the item */ rv = acllist_remove_aci_needsLock(e_sdn, NULL); /* now fall thru to add the new one */ case LDAP_MOD_ADD: /* Add the new aci */ if (mods[j]->mod_op & LDAP_MOD_BVALUES) { bvalue = mods[j]->mod_bvalues; if (bvalue == NULL) break; for (; *bvalue != NULL; ++bvalue) { rv=acllist_insert_aci_needsLock( e_sdn, *bvalue); if (rv <= ACL_ERR) { aclutil_print_err(rv, e_sdn, *bvalue, NULL); } } } else { value = mods[j]->mod_values; if (value == NULL) break; for (; *value != NULL; ++value) { b.bv_len = strlen (*value); b.bv_val = *value; rv=acllist_insert_aci_needsLock( e_sdn, &b); if (rv <= ACL_ERR) { aclutil_print_err(rv, e_sdn, &b, NULL); } } } break; case LDAP_MOD_DELETE: if (mods[j]->mod_op & LDAP_MOD_BVALUES) { bvalue = mods[j]->mod_bvalues; if (bvalue == NULL || *bvalue == NULL) { rv = acllist_remove_aci_needsLock( e_sdn, NULL); } else { for (; *bvalue != NULL; ++bvalue) acllist_remove_aci_needsLock( e_sdn, *bvalue); } } else { value = mods[j]->mod_values; if (value == NULL || *value == NULL) { acllist_remove_aci_needsLock( e_sdn,NULL); } else { for (; *value != NULL; ++value) { b.bv_len = strlen (*value); b.bv_val = *value; acllist_remove_aci_needsLock( e_sdn, &b); } } } break; default: break; }/* modtype switch */ }/* attrtype is aci */ } /* end of for */ if ( got_write_lock ) { acllist_acicache_WRITE_UNLOCK(); got_write_lock = 0; } break; }/* case op is modify*/ case SLAPI_OPERATION_MODRDN: new_RDN = (char*) change; slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "acl_modified (MODRDN %s => \"%s\"\n", ACL_ESCAPE_STRING_WITH_PUNCTUATION (n_dn, ebuf), new_RDN); /* compute new_DN: */ parent_DN = slapi_dn_parent (n_dn); if (parent_DN == NULL) { new_DN = new_RDN; } else { new_DN = slapi_create_dn_string("%s,%s", new_RDN, parent_DN); } /* Change the acls */ acllist_acicache_WRITE_LOCK(); acllist_moddn_aci_needsLock ( e_sdn, new_DN ); acllist_acicache_WRITE_UNLOCK(); /* deallocat the parent_DN */ if (parent_DN != NULL) { slapi_ch_free ( (void **) &new_DN ); slapi_ch_free ( (void **) &parent_DN ); } break; default: /* print ERROR */ break; } /*optype switch */ slapi_sdn_free ( &e_sdn ); } /*************************************************************************** * * acl__scan_for_acis * Scan the list and picup the correct acls for evaluation. * * Input: * Acl_PBlock *aclpb - Main ACL pblock * int *err; - Any error status * Returns: * num_handles - Number of handles matched to the * - resource + 1. * Error Handling: * None. * **************************************************************************/ static int acl__scan_for_acis(Acl_PBlock *aclpb, int *err) { aci_t *aci; NSErr_t errp; int attr_matched; int deny_handle; int allow_handle; int gen_allow_handle = ACI_MAX_ELEVEL+1; int gen_deny_handle = ACI_MAX_ELEVEL+1; int i; PRUint32 cookie; TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl__scan_for_acis_start,"ACL",""); /* ** Determine if we are traversing via the list Vs. we have our own ** generated list */ if ( aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_SEARCH_BASED_ON_LIST || aclpb->aclpb_handles_index[0] != -1 ) { int kk = 0; while ( kk < ACLPB_MAX_SELECTED_ACLS && aclpb->aclpb_handles_index[kk] != -1 ) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Using ACL Cointainer:%d for evaluation\n", kk); kk++; } } memset (&errp, 0, sizeof(NSErr_t)); *err = ACL_FALSE; aclpb->aclpb_num_deny_handles = -1; aclpb->aclpb_num_allow_handles = -1; for (i=0; i <= ACI_MAX_ELEVEL; i++) { aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles [i] = NULL; aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles [i] = NULL; } /* Check the signature. If it has changed, start fresh */ if ( aclpb->aclpb_signature != acl_signature ) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Restart the scan -- due to acl changes\n"); acllist_init_scan ( aclpb->aclpb_pblock, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, NULL ); } attr_matched = ACL_FALSE; deny_handle = 0; allow_handle = 0; i = 0; aclpb->aclpb_stat_acllist_scanned++; aci = acllist_get_first_aci ( aclpb, &cookie ); while( aci ) { if (acl__resource_match_aci(aclpb, aci, 0, &attr_matched)) { /* Generate the ACL list handle */ if (aci->aci_handle == NULL) { aci = acllist_get_next_aci ( aclpb, aci, &cookie ); continue; } aclutil_print_aci (aci, acl_access2str (aclpb->aclpb_access)); if (aci->aci_type & ACI_HAS_DENY_RULE) { if (aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles[aci->aci_elevel] == NULL ) { aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles[aci->aci_elevel] = aci; } else { if ((gen_deny_handle + ACI_DEFAULT_ELEVEL + 1) == aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles_size ) { int num = ACLPB_INCR_LIST_HANDLES + aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles_size; /* allocate more space */ aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles = (aci_t **) slapi_ch_realloc ( (void *) aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles, num * sizeof (aci_t *)); aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles_size = num; } aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles [gen_deny_handle] = aci; gen_deny_handle++; } deny_handle++; } /* ** It's possible that a single acl is in both the camps i.e ** It has a allow and a deny rule ** In that case we keep the same acl in both the camps. */ if (aci->aci_type & ACI_HAS_ALLOW_RULE) { if (aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles[aci->aci_elevel] == NULL ) { aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles[aci->aci_elevel] = aci; } else { if ((gen_allow_handle + ACI_DEFAULT_ELEVEL + 1) == aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles_size) { /* allocate more space */ int num = ACLPB_INCR_LIST_HANDLES + aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles_size; aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles = (aci_t **) slapi_ch_realloc ( (void *) aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles, num * sizeof (aci_t *)); aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles_size = num; } aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles [gen_allow_handle] = aci; gen_allow_handle++; } allow_handle++; } } aci = acllist_get_next_aci ( aclpb, aci, &cookie ); } /* end of while */ /* make the last one a null */ aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles [gen_deny_handle] = NULL; aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles [gen_allow_handle] = NULL; /* specify how many we found */ aclpb->aclpb_num_deny_handles = deny_handle; aclpb->aclpb_num_allow_handles = allow_handle; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Num of ALLOW Handles:%d, DENY handles:%d\n", aclpb->aclpb_num_allow_handles, aclpb->aclpb_num_deny_handles); TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl__scan_for_acis_end,"ACL",""); return(allow_handle + deny_handle); } /*************************************************************************** * * acl__resource_match_aci * * This compares the ACI for the given resource and determines if * the ACL applies to the resource or not. * * For read/search operation, we collect all the possible acls which * will apply, We will be using this list for future acl evaluation * for that entry. * * Input: * struct acl_pblock *aclpb - Main acl private block * aci_t *aci - The ACI item * int skip_attrEval - DOn't check for attrs * int *a_matched - Attribute matched * * Returns: * * ACL_TRUE - Yep, This ACL is applicable to the * - the resource. * ACL_FALSE - No it is not. * * Error Handling: * None. * **************************************************************************/ #define ACL_RIGHTS_TARGETATTR_NOT_NEEDED ( SLAPI_ACL_ADD | SLAPI_ACL_DELETE | SLAPI_ACL_PROXY) static int acl__resource_match_aci( Acl_PBlock *aclpb, aci_t *aci, int skip_attrEval, int *a_matched) { struct slapi_filter *f; /* filter */ int rv; /* return value */ int matches; int attr_matched; int attr_matched_in_targetattrfilters = 0; int dn_matched; char *res_attr; int aci_right = 0; int res_right = 0; int star_matched = ACL_FALSE; int num_attrs = 0; AclAttrEval *c_attrEval = NULL; const char *res_ndn = NULL; const char *aci_ndn = NULL; char *matched_val = NULL; int add_matched_val_to_ht = 0; char res_right_str[128]; TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl__resource_match_aci_start,"ACL",""); aclpb->aclpb_stat_aclres_matched++; /* Assume that resource matches */ matches = ACL_TRUE; /* Figure out if the acl has the correct rights or not */ aci_right = aci->aci_access; res_right = aclpb->aclpb_access; if (!(aci_right & res_right)) { /* If we are looking for read/search and the acl has read/search ** then go further because if targets match we may keep that ** acl in the entry cache list. */ if (!((res_right & (SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH | SLAPI_ACL_READ)) && (aci_right & (SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH | SLAPI_ACL_READ)))) matches = ACL_FALSE; goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } /* first Let's see if the entry is under the subtree where the ** ACL resides. We can't let somebody affect a target beyond the ** scope of where the ACL resides ** Example: ACL is located in "ou=engineering, o=ace industry, c=us ** but if the target is "o=ace industry, c=us", then we are in trouble. ** ** If the aci is in the rootdse and the entry is not, then we do not ** match--ie. acis in the rootdse do NOT apply below...for the moment. ** */ res_ndn = slapi_sdn_get_ndn ( aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry_sdn ); aci_ndn = slapi_sdn_get_ndn ( aci->aci_sdn ); if (!slapi_sdn_issuffix(aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry_sdn, aci->aci_sdn) || (!slapi_is_rootdse(res_ndn) && slapi_is_rootdse(aci_ndn)) ) { /* cant' poke around */ matches = ACL_FALSE; goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } /* ** We have a single ACI which we need to find if it applies to ** the resource or not. */ if ((aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_DN) && (aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry_sdn)) { char *avaType; struct berval *avaValue; f = aci->target; dn_matched = ACL_TRUE; slapi_filter_get_ava ( f, &avaType, &avaValue ); if (!slapi_dn_issuffix( res_ndn, avaValue->bv_val)) { dn_matched = ACL_FALSE; } if (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_NOT) { matches = (dn_matched ? ACL_FALSE : ACL_TRUE); } else { matches = (dn_matched ? ACL_TRUE: ACL_FALSE); } } /* No need to look further */ if (matches == ACL_FALSE) { goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } if (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_PATTERN) { f = aci->target; dn_matched = ACL_TRUE; if ((rv = acl_match_substring(f, (char *)res_ndn, 0 /* match suffux */)) != ACL_TRUE) { dn_matched = ACL_FALSE; if(rv == ACL_ERR) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "acl__resource_match_aci:pattern err\n"); matches = ACL_FALSE; goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } } if (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_NOT) { matches = (dn_matched ? ACL_FALSE : ACL_TRUE); } else { matches = (dn_matched ? ACL_TRUE: ACL_FALSE); } } /* No need to look further */ if (matches == ACL_FALSE) { goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } /* * Is it a (target="ldap://cn=*,($dn),o=sun.com") kind of thing. */ if (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_MACRO_DN) { /* * See if the ($dn) component matches the string and * retrieve the matched substring for later use * in the userdn. * The macro string is a function of the dn only, so if the * entry is the same one don't recalculate it-- * this flag only works for search right now, could * also optimise for mods by making it work for mods. */ if ( (aclpb->aclpb_res_type & ACLPB_NEW_ENTRY) == 0 ) { /* * Here same entry so just look up the matched value, * calculated from the targetdn and stored judiciously there */ matched_val = (char *)acl_ht_lookup( aclpb->aclpb_macro_ht, (PLHashNumber)aci->aci_index); } if ( matched_val == NULL && (aclpb->aclpb_res_type & (ACLPB_NEW_ENTRY | ACLPB_EFFECTIVE_RIGHTS))) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Evaluating macro aci(%d)%s for resource %s\n", aci->aci_index, aci->aclName, aclutil__access_str(res_right, res_right_str)); matched_val = acl_match_macro_in_target( res_ndn, aci->aci_macro->match_this, aci->aci_macro->macro_ptr); add_matched_val_to_ht = 1; /* may need to add matched value to ht */ } if (matched_val == NULL) { dn_matched = ACL_FALSE; } else { dn_matched = ACL_TRUE; } if (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_NOT) { matches = (dn_matched ? ACL_FALSE : ACL_TRUE); } else { matches = (dn_matched ? ACL_TRUE: ACL_FALSE); } if ( add_matched_val_to_ht ) { if ( matches == ACL_TRUE && matched_val ) { /* * matched_val may be needed later for matching on * other targets or on the subject--so optimistically * put it in the hash table. * If, at the end of this routine, we * find that after all the resource did not match then * that's ok--the value is freed at aclpb cleanup time. * If there is already an entry for this aci in this * aclpb then remove it--it's an old value for a * different entry. */ acl_ht_add_and_freeOld(aclpb->aclpb_macro_ht, (PLHashNumber)aci->aci_index, matched_val); slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "-- Added aci(%d) and matched value (%s) to macro ht\n", aci->aci_index, matched_val); acl_ht_display_ht(aclpb->aclpb_macro_ht); } else { slapi_ch_free((void **)&matched_val); if (matches == ACL_FALSE) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Evaluated ACL_FALSE\n"); } } } } /* MACRO_DN */ /* No need to look further */ if (matches == ACL_FALSE) { goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } /* ** Here, if there's a targetfilter field, see if it matches. ** ** The commented out code below was an erroneous attempt to skip ** this test. It is wrong because: 1. you need to store ** whether the last test matched or not (you cannot just assume it did) ** and 2. It may not be the same aci, so the previous matched ** value is a function of the aci. ** May be interesting to build such a cache...but no evidence for ** for that right now. See Bug 383424. ** ** ** && ((aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_SEARCH_BASED_ON_LIST) || ** (aclpb->aclpb_res_type & ACLPB_NEW_ENTRY)) */ if (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_FILTER ) { int filter_matched = ACL_TRUE; /* * Check for macros. * For targetfilter we need to fake the lasinfo structure--it's * created "naturally" for subjects but not targets. */ if ( aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_FILTER_MACRO_DN) { lasInfo *lasinfo = NULL; lasinfo = (lasInfo*) slapi_ch_malloc( sizeof(lasInfo) ); lasinfo->aclpb = aclpb; lasinfo->resourceEntry = aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry; aclpb->aclpb_curr_aci = aci; filter_matched = aclutil_evaluate_macro( aci->targetFilterStr, lasinfo, ACL_EVAL_TARGET_FILTER); slapi_ch_free((void**)&lasinfo); } else { if (slapi_vattr_filter_test(NULL, aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry, aci->targetFilter, 0 /*don't do acess chk*/)!= 0) { filter_matched = ACL_FALSE; } } /* If it's a logical value we can do logic on it...otherwise we do not match */ if ( filter_matched == ACL_TRUE || filter_matched == ACL_FALSE) { if (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_FILTER_NOT) { matches = (filter_matched == ACL_TRUE ? ACL_FALSE : ACL_TRUE); } else { matches = (filter_matched == ACL_TRUE ? ACL_TRUE: ACL_FALSE); } } else { matches = ACL_FALSE; slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Returning UNDEFINED for targetfilter evaluation.\n"); } if (matches == ACL_FALSE) { goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } } /* * Check to see if we need to evaluate any targetattrfilters. * They look as follows: * (targetattrfilters="add=sn:(sn=rob) && gn:(gn!=byrne), * del=sn:(sn=rob) && gn:(gn=byrne)") * * For ADD/DELETE: * If theres's a targetattrfilter then each add/del filter * that applies to an attribute in the entry, must be satisfied * by each value of the attribute in the entry. * * For MODIFY: * If there's a targetattrfilter then the add/del filter * must be satisfied by the attribute to be added/deleted. * (MODIFY acl is evaluated one value at a time). * * */ if (((aclpb->aclpb_access & SLAPI_ACL_ADD) && (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR_ADD_FILTERS) )|| ((aclpb->aclpb_access & SLAPI_ACL_DELETE) && (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR_DEL_FILTERS) ) ) { Targetattrfilter **attrFilterArray; Targetattrfilter *attrFilter = NULL; Slapi_Attr *attr_ptr = NULL; Slapi_Value *sval; const struct berval *attrVal; int k; int done; if (aclpb->aclpb_access & SLAPI_ACL_ADD && aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR_ADD_FILTERS) { attrFilterArray = aci->targetAttrAddFilters; } else if (aclpb->aclpb_access & SLAPI_ACL_DELETE && aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR_DEL_FILTERS) { attrFilterArray = aci->targetAttrDelFilters; } attr_matched = ACL_TRUE; num_attrs = 0; while (attrFilterArray[num_attrs] && attr_matched) { attrFilter = attrFilterArray[num_attrs]; /* * If this filter applies to an attribute in the entry, * apply it to the entry. * Otherwise just ignore it. * */ if (slapi_entry_attr_find ( aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry, attrFilter->attr_str, &attr_ptr) == 0) { /* * This is an applicable filter. * The filter is to be appplied to the entry being added * or deleted. * The filter needs to be satisfied by _each_ occurence * of the attribute in the entry--otherwise you * could satisfy the filter and then put loads of other * values in on the back of it. */ sval=NULL; attrVal=NULL; k= slapi_attr_first_value(attr_ptr,&sval); done = 0; while(k != -1 && !done) { attrVal = slapi_value_get_berval(sval); if ( acl__make_filter_test_entry( &aclpb->aclpb_filter_test_entry, attrFilter->attr_str, (struct berval *)attrVal) == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { attr_matched= acl__test_filter( aclpb->aclpb_filter_test_entry, attrFilter->filter, 1 /* Do filter sense evaluation below */ ); done = !attr_matched; slapi_entry_free( aclpb->aclpb_filter_test_entry ); } k= slapi_attr_next_value(attr_ptr, k, &sval); }/* while */ /* * Here, we applied an applicable filter to the entry. * So if attr_matched is ACL_TRUE then every value * of the attribute in the entry satisfied the filter. * Otherwise, attr_matched is ACL_FALSE and not every * value satisfied the filter, so we will teminate the * scan of the filter list. */ } num_attrs++; } /* while */ /* * Here, we've applied all the applicable filters to the entry. * Each one must have been satisfied by all the values of the attribute. * The result of this is stored in attr_matched. */ #if 0 /* * Don't support a notion of "add != " or "del != " * at the moment. * To do this, need to test whether it's an add test or del test * then if it's add and ACI_TARGET_ATTR_ADD_FILTERS_NOT then * flip the bit. Same for del. */ if (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR_DEL_FILTERS_NOT) { matches = (matches ? ACL_FALSE : ACL_TRUE); } else { matches = (matches ? ACL_TRUE: ACL_FALSE); } #endif /* No need to look further */ if (attr_matched == ACL_FALSE) { matches = ACL_FALSE; goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } } else if ( ((aclpb->aclpb_access & ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_ADD) && (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR_ADD_FILTERS)) || ((aclpb->aclpb_access & ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_DEL) && (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR_DEL_FILTERS)) ) { /* * Here, it's a modify add/del and we have attr filters. * So, we need to scan the add/del filter list to find the filter * that applies to the current attribute. * Then the (attribute,value) pair being added/deleted better * match that filter. * * */ Targetattrfilter **attrFilterArray = NULL; Targetattrfilter *attrFilter; int found = 0; if ((aclpb->aclpb_access & ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_ADD) && (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR_ADD_FILTERS)) { attrFilterArray = aci->targetAttrAddFilters; } else if ((aclpb->aclpb_access & ACLPB_SLAPI_ACL_WRITE_DEL) && (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR_DEL_FILTERS)) { attrFilterArray = aci->targetAttrDelFilters; } /* * Scan this filter list for an applicable filter. */ found = 0; num_attrs = 0; while (attrFilterArray[num_attrs] && !found) { attrFilter = attrFilterArray[num_attrs]; /* If this filter applies to the attribute, stop. */ if ((aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval) && slapi_attr_type_cmp ( aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval->attrEval_name, attrFilter->attr_str, 1) == 0) { found = 1; } num_attrs++; } /* * Here, if found an applicable filter, then apply the filter to the * (attr,val) pair. * Otherwise, ignore the targetattrfilters. */ if (found) { if ( acl__make_filter_test_entry( &aclpb->aclpb_filter_test_entry, aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval->attrEval_name, aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrVal) == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { attr_matched= acl__test_filter(aclpb->aclpb_filter_test_entry, attrFilter->filter, 1 /* Do filter sense evaluation below */ ); slapi_entry_free( aclpb->aclpb_filter_test_entry ); } /* No need to look further */ if (attr_matched == ACL_FALSE) { matches = attr_matched; goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } /* * Here this attribute appeared and was matched in a * targetattrfilters list, so record this fact so we do * not have to scan the targetattr list for the attribute. */ attr_matched_in_targetattrfilters = 1; } } /* targetvaluefilters */ /* There are 3 cases by which acis are selected. ** 1) By scanning the whole list and picking based on the resource. ** 2) By picking a subset of the list which will be used for the whole ** acl evaluation. ** 3) A finer granularity, i.e, a selected list of acls which will be ** used for only that entry's evaluation. */ if ( !(skip_attrEval) && (aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_SEARCH_BASED_ON_ENTRY_LIST) && (res_right & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) && ((aci->aci_access & SLAPI_ACL_READ) || (aci->aci_access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH))) { int kk=0; while ( kk < ACLPB_MAX_SELECTED_ACLS && aclpb->aclpb_handles_index[kk] >=0 ) kk++; if (kk >= ACLPB_MAX_SELECTED_ACLS) { aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_SEARCH_BASED_ON_ENTRY_LIST; } else { aclpb->aclpb_handles_index[kk++] = aci->aci_index; aclpb->aclpb_handles_index[kk] = -1; } } /* If we are suppose to skip attr eval, then let's skip it */ if ( (aclpb->aclpb_access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH ) && ( ! skip_attrEval ) && ( aclpb->aclpb_res_type & ACLPB_NEW_ENTRY )) { aclEvalContext *c_evalContext = &aclpb->aclpb_curr_entryEval_context; int nhandle = c_evalContext->acle_numof_tmatched_handles; if ( nhandle < ACLPB_MAX_SELECTED_ACLS) { c_evalContext->acle_handles_matched_target[nhandle] = aci->aci_index; c_evalContext->acle_numof_tmatched_handles++; } } if ( skip_attrEval ) { goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } /* We need to check again because we don't want to select this handle ** if the right doesn't match for now. */ if (!(aci_right & res_right)) { matches = ACL_FALSE; goto acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT; } /* * Here if the request is one that requires matching * on a targetattr then do it here. * If we have already matched an attribute in the targetattrfitlers list * then we do not require a match in the targetattr so we can skip it. * The operations that require targetattr are SLAPI_ACL_COMPARE, * SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH, SLAPI_ACL_READ and SLAPI_ACL_WRITE, as long as * c_attrEval is non-null (otherwise it's a modrdn op which * does not require the targetattr list). * * rbyrneXXX if we had a proper permission for modrdn eg SLAPI_ACL_MODRDN * then we would not need this crappy way of telling it was a MODRDN * request ie. SLAPI_ACL_WRITE && !(c_attrEval). */ c_attrEval = aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval; /* * If we've already matched on targattrfilter then do not * bother to look at the attrlist. */ if (!attr_matched_in_targetattrfilters) { /* match target attr */ if ((c_attrEval) && (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR)) { /* there is a target ATTR */ Targetattr **attrArray = aci->targetAttr; Targetattr *attr = NULL; res_attr = c_attrEval->attrEval_name; attr_matched = ACL_FALSE; star_matched = ACL_FALSE; num_attrs = 0; while (attrArray[num_attrs] && !attr_matched) { attr = attrArray[num_attrs]; if (attr->attr_type & ACL_ATTR_STRING) { if (slapi_attr_type_cmp ( res_attr, attr->u.attr_str, 1) == 0) { attr_matched = ACL_TRUE; *a_matched = ACL_TRUE; } } else if (attr->attr_type & ACL_ATTR_FILTER) { if (ACL_TRUE == acl_match_substring ( attr->u.attr_filter, res_attr, 1)) { attr_matched = ACL_TRUE; *a_matched = ACL_TRUE; } } else if (attr->attr_type & ACL_ATTR_STAR) { attr_matched = ACL_TRUE; *a_matched = ACL_TRUE; star_matched = ACL_TRUE; } num_attrs++; } if (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR_NOT) { matches = (attr_matched ? ACL_FALSE : ACL_TRUE); } else { matches = (attr_matched ? ACL_TRUE: ACL_FALSE); } aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_ATTR_STAR_MATCHED; /* figure out how it matched, i.e star matched */ if (matches && star_matched && num_attrs == 1 && !(aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_FOUND_ATTR_RULE)) aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_ATTR_STAR_MATCHED; else { /* we are here means that there is a specific ** attr in the rule for this resource. ** We need to avoid this case ** Rule 1: (targetattr = "uid") ** Rule 2: (targetattr = "*") ** we cannot use STAR optimization */ aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_FOUND_ATTR_RULE; aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_ATTR_STAR_MATCHED; } } else if ( (c_attrEval) || (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR)) { if ((aci_right & ACL_RIGHTS_TARGETATTR_NOT_NEEDED) && (aclpb->aclpb_access & ACL_RIGHTS_TARGETATTR_NOT_NEEDED)) { /* ** Targetattr rule doesn't make any sense ** in this case. So select this rule ** default: matches = ACL_TRUE; */ ; } else if (aci_right & SLAPI_ACL_WRITE && (aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR) && !(c_attrEval)) { /* We need to handle modrdn operation. Modrdn doesn't ** change any attrs but changes the RDN and so (attr=NULL). ** Here we found an acl which has a targetattr but ** the resource doesn't need one. In that case, we should ** consider this acl. ** default: matches = ACL_TRUE; */ ; } else { matches = ACL_FALSE; } } }/* !attr_matched_in_targetattrfilters */ /* ** Here we are testing if we find a entry test rule (which should ** be rare). In that case, just remember it. An entry test rule ** doesn't have "(targetattr)". */ if (aclpb && (aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_EVALUATING_FIRST_ATTR) && (!(aci->aci_type & ACI_TARGET_ATTR))) { aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_FOUND_A_ENTRY_TEST_RULE; } /* * Generic exit point for this routine: * matches is ACL_TRUE if the aci matches the target of the resource, * ACL_FALSE othrewise. * Apologies for the goto--this is a retro-fitted exit point. */ acl__resource_match_aci_EXIT: /* * For macro acis, there may be a partial macro string * placed in the aclpb_macro_ht * even if the aci did not finally match. * All the partial strings will be freed at aclpb * cleanup time. */ TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl__resource_match_aci_end,"ACL",""); return (matches); } /* Macro to determine if the cached result is valid or not. */ #define ACL_CACHED_RESULT_VALID( result) \ (((result & ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_ALLOW) && \ (result & ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_SKIP)) || \ ((result & ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_ALLOW) && \ (result & ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_SKIP))) ? 0 : 1 /*************************************************************************** * * acl__TestRights * * Test the rights and find out if access is allowed or not. * * Processing Alogorithm: * * First, process the DENY rules one by one. If the user is not explicitly * denied, then check if the user is allowed by processing the ALLOW handles * one by one. * The result of the evaluation is cached. Exceptions are * -- If an acl happens to be in both DENY and ALLOW camp. * -- Only interested for READ/SEARCH right. * * Input: * struct acl_pblock *aclpb - main acl private block * int access - The access bits * char **right - The right we are looking for * char ** generic - Generic rights * * Returns: * * ACL_RES_ALLOW - Access allowed * ACL_RES_DENY - Access denied * err - error condition * * Error Handling: * None. * **************************************************************************/ static int acl__TestRights(Acl_PBlock *aclpb,int access, char **right, char ** map_generic, aclResultReason_t *result_reason) { ACLEvalHandle_t *acleval; int rights_rv = ACL_RES_DENY; int rv, i,j, k; int index; char *deny = NULL; char *deny_generic = NULL; char *acl_tag; int expr_num; char *testRights[2]; aci_t *aci; int numHandles = 0; TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_start,"ACL",""); /* record the aci and reason for access decision */ result_reason->deciding_aci = NULL; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_NONE; /* If we don't have any ALLLOW handles, it's DENY by default */ if (aclpb->aclpb_num_allow_handles <= 0) { result_reason->deciding_aci = NULL; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_NO_MATCHED_RESOURCE_ALLOWS; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,no_allows,""); return ACL_RES_DENY; } /* Get the ACL evaluation Context */ acleval = aclpb->aclpb_acleval; testRights[0] = *right; testRights[1] = '\0'; /* ** START PROCESSING DENY HANDLES ** Process each handle at a time. Do not concatenate the handles or else ** all the context information will be build again and we will pay a ** lot of penalty. The context is built the first time the handle is ** processed. ** ** First we set the default to INVALID so that if rules are not matched, then ** we get INVALID and if a rule matched, the we get DENY. */ aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_EXECUTING_ALLOW_HANDLES; aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_EXECUTING_DENY_HANDLES; ACL_SetDefaultResult (NULL, acleval, ACL_RES_INVALID); numHandles = ACI_MAX_ELEVEL + aclpb->aclpb_num_deny_handles; for (i=0, k=0; i < numHandles && k < aclpb->aclpb_num_deny_handles ; ++i) { int skip_eval = 0; /* ** If the handle has been evaluated before, we can ** cache the result. */ if ((aci = aclpb->aclpb_deny_handles[i]) == NULL) { if (i <= ACI_MAX_ELEVEL) { continue; } else { break; } } k++; index = aci->aci_index; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Evaluating DENY aci(%d) \"%s\"\n", index, aci->aclName); if (access & ( SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH | SLAPI_ACL_READ)) { /* * aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[0..aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result] is * a cache of info about whether applicable acis * allowed, did_not_allow or denied access */ for (j =0; j < aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result; j++) { if (index == aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_index) { short result; result = aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result; if ( result <= 0) break; if (!ACL_CACHED_RESULT_VALID(result)) { /* something is wrong. Need to evaluate */ aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result = -1; break; } /* ** We have a valid cached result. Let's see if we ** have what we need. */ if (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) { if ( result & ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_DENY){ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "DENY:Found SEARCH DENY in cache\n"); __acl_set_aclIndex_inResult ( aclpb, access, index ); result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_RESULT_CACHED_DENY; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,cached_deny,""); return ACL_RES_DENY; } else if ((result & ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_SKIP) || (result & ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_ALLOW)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "DENY:Found SEARCH SKIP in cache\n"); skip_eval = 1; break; } else { break; } } else { /* must be READ */ if (result & ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_DENY) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "DENY:Found READ DENY in cache\n"); __acl_set_aclIndex_inResult ( aclpb, access, index ); result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_RESULT_CACHED_DENY; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,cached_deny,""); return ACL_RES_DENY; } else if ( result & ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_SKIP) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "DENY:Found READ SKIP in cache\n"); skip_eval = 1; break; } else { break; } } } } } if (skip_eval) { skip_eval = 0; continue; } rv = ACL_EvalSetACL(NULL, acleval, aci->aci_handle); if ( rv < 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "acl__TestRights:Unable to set the DENY acllist\n"); continue; } /* ** Now we have all the information we need. We need to call ** the ONE ACL to test the rights. ** return value: ACL_RES_DENY, ACL_RES_ALLOW, error codes */ aclpb->aclpb_curr_aci = aci; rights_rv = ACL_EvalTestRights (NULL, acleval, testRights, map_generic, &deny, &deny_generic, &acl_tag, &expr_num); slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Processed:%d DENY handles Result:%d\n",index, rights_rv); if (rights_rv == ACL_RES_FAIL) { result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_NONE; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,evaled_deny,""); return ACL_RES_DENY; } /* have we executed an ATTR RULE */ if ( aci->aci_ruleType & ACI_ATTR_RULES ) aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_ATTR_RULE_EVALUATED; if (access & (SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH | SLAPI_ACL_READ)) { for (j=0; j aclpb_last_cache_result; ++j) { if (index == aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_index) { break; } } if ( j < aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result) { /* already in cache */ } else if ( j < ACLPB_MAX_CACHE_RESULTS ) { /* j == aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result && j < ACLPB_MAX_CACHE_RESULTS */ aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result++; aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_index = index; aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_ruleType = aci->aci_ruleType; } else { /* cache overflow */ if ( rights_rv == ACL_RES_DENY) { result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_EVALUATED_DENY; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,evaled_deny,""); return ACL_RES_DENY; } else { continue; } } __acl_set_aclIndex_inResult ( aclpb, access, index ); if (rights_rv == ACL_RES_DENY) { if (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) { aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_DENY; } else { /* MUST BE READ */ aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_DENY; } /* We are done -- return */ result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_EVALUATED_DENY; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,evaled_deny,""); return ACL_RES_DENY; } else if (rights_rv == ACL_RES_ALLOW) { /* This will happen, of we have an acl with both deny and allow ** Since we may not have finished all the deny acl, go thru all ** of them. We will use this cached result when we evaluate this ** handle in the context of allow handles. */ if (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) { aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_ALLOW; } else { aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_ALLOW; } } else { if (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) { aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_SKIP; } else { aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_SKIP; } continue; } } else { if ( rights_rv == ACL_RES_DENY ) { result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_EVALUATED_DENY; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,evaled_deny,""); return ACL_RES_DENY; } } } /* ** START PROCESSING ALLOW HANDLES. ** Process each handle at a time. Do not concatenate the handles or else ** all the context information will be build again and we will pay a ** lot of penalty. The context is built the first time the handle is ** processed. ** ** First we set the default to INVALID so that if rules are not matched, then ** we get INVALID and if a rule matched, the we get ALLOW. */ aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_EXECUTING_DENY_HANDLES; aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_EXECUTING_ALLOW_HANDLES; ACL_SetDefaultResult (NULL, acleval, ACL_RES_INVALID); numHandles = ACI_MAX_ELEVEL + aclpb->aclpb_num_allow_handles; for (i=0, k=0; i < numHandles && k < aclpb->aclpb_num_allow_handles ; ++i) { int skip_eval = 0; /* ** If the handle has been evaluated before, we can ** cache the result. */ if ((aci = aclpb->aclpb_allow_handles[i]) == NULL) { if (i <= ACI_MAX_ELEVEL) { continue; } else { break; } } k++; index = aci->aci_index; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "%d. Evaluating ALLOW aci(%d) \"%s\"\n", k, index, aci->aclName); if (access & ( SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH | SLAPI_ACL_READ)) { /* * aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[0..aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result] is * a cache of info about whether applicable acis * allowed, did_not_allow or denied access */ for (j =0; j < aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result; j++) { if (index == aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_index) { short result; result = aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result; if ( result <= 0) break; if (!ACL_CACHED_RESULT_VALID(result)) { /* something is wrong. Need to evaluate */ aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result = -1; break; } /* ** We have a valid cached result. Let's see if we ** have what we need. */ if (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) { if (result & ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_ALLOW) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Found SEARCH ALLOW in cache\n"); __acl_set_aclIndex_inResult ( aclpb, access, index ); result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_RESULT_CACHED_ALLOW; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,cached_allow,""); return ACL_RES_ALLOW; } else if ( result & ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_SKIP) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Found SEARCH SKIP in cache\n"); skip_eval = 1; break; } else { /* need to evaluate */ break; } } else { if ( result & ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_ALLOW) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Found READ ALLOW in cache\n"); __acl_set_aclIndex_inResult ( aclpb, access, index ); result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_RESULT_CACHED_ALLOW; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,cached_allow,""); return ACL_RES_ALLOW; } else if ( result & ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_SKIP) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Found READ SKIP in cache\n"); skip_eval = 1; break; } else { break; } } } } } if ( skip_eval) { skip_eval = 0; continue; } TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl__libaccess_start,"ACL",""); rv = ACL_EvalSetACL(NULL, acleval, aci->aci_handle); if ( rv < 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, plugin_name, "acl__TestRights:Unable to set the acllist\n"); continue; } /* ** Now we have all the information we need. We need to call ** the ONE ACL to test the rights. ** return value: ACL_RES_DENY, ACL_RES_ALLOW, error codes */ aclpb->aclpb_curr_aci = aci; rights_rv = ACL_EvalTestRights (NULL, acleval, testRights, map_generic, &deny, &deny_generic, &acl_tag, &expr_num); TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl__libaccess_end,"ACL",""); if (aci->aci_ruleType & ACI_ATTR_RULES) aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_ATTR_RULE_EVALUATED; if (access & (SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH | SLAPI_ACL_READ)) { for (j=0; j aclpb_last_cache_result; ++j) { if (index == aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_index) { break; } } if ( j < aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result) { /* already in cache */ } else if ( j < ACLPB_MAX_CACHE_RESULTS ) { /* j == aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result && j < ACLPB_MAX_CACHE_RESULTS */ aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result++; aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_index = index; aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_ruleType = aci->aci_ruleType; } else { /* cache overflow */ slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, "acl__TestRights", "cache overflown\n"); if ( rights_rv == ACL_RES_ALLOW) { result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_EVALUATED_ALLOW; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,evaled_allow,""); return ACL_RES_ALLOW; } else { continue; } } __acl_set_aclIndex_inResult ( aclpb, access, index ); if (rights_rv == ACL_RES_ALLOW) { if (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) { aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_ALLOW; } else { /* must be READ */ aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_ALLOW; } /* We are done -- return */ result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_EVALUATED_ALLOW; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,evaled_allow,""); return ACL_RES_ALLOW; } else { if (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) { aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_SKIP; } else { aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_SKIP; } continue; } } else { if ( rights_rv == ACL_RES_ALLOW ) { result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_EVALUATED_ALLOW; TNF_PROBE_1_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL","", tnf_string,evaled_allow,""); return ACL_RES_ALLOW; } } }/* for */ result_reason->deciding_aci = aci; result_reason->reason = ACL_REASON_NO_MATCHED_SUBJECT_ALLOWS; TNF_PROBE_0_DEBUG(acl__TestRights_end,"ACL",""); return (ACL_RES_DENY); } /*************************************************************************** * * acl_match_substring * * Compare the input string to the patteren in the filter * * Input: * struct slapi_filter *f - Filter which has the patteren * char *str - String to compare * int exact_match - 1; match the pattern exactly * - 0; match the pattern as a suffix * * Returns: * ACL_TRUE - The sting matches with the patteren * ACL_FALSE - No it doesn't * ACL_ERR - Error * * Error Handling: * None. * **************************************************************************/ int acl_match_substring ( Slapi_Filter *f, char *str, int exact_match) { int i, rc, len; char *p = NULL; char *end, *realval, *tmp; char pat[BUFSIZ]; char buf[BUFSIZ]; char *type, *initial, *final; char **any; Slapi_Regex *re = NULL; const char *re_result = NULL; if ( 0 != slapi_filter_get_subfilt ( f, &type, &initial, &any, &final ) ) { return (ACL_FALSE); } /* convert the input to lower. */ for (p = str; *p; p++) *p = TOLOWER ( *p ); /* construct a regular expression corresponding to the filter: */ pat[0] = '\0'; p = pat; end = pat + sizeof(pat) - 2; /* leave room for null */ if ( initial != NULL) { strcpy (p, "^"); p = strchr (p, '\0'); /* 2 * in case every char is special */ if (p + 2 * strlen ( initial ) > end) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "not enough pattern space\n"); return (ACL_ERR); } if (!exact_match) { strcpy (p, ".*"); p = strchr (p, '\0'); } acl_strcpy_special (p, initial); p = strchr (p, '\0'); } if ( any != NULL) { for (i = 0; any && any[i] != NULL; i++) { /* ".*" + value */ if (p + 2 * strlen ( any[i]) + 2 > end) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "not enough pattern space\n"); return (ACL_ERR); } strcpy (p, ".*"); p = strchr (p, '\0'); acl_strcpy_special (p, any[i]); p = strchr (p, '\0'); } } if ( final != NULL) { /* ".*" + value */ if (p + 2 * strlen ( final ) + 2 > end) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "not enough pattern space\n"); return (ACL_ERR); } strcpy (p, ".*"); p = strchr (p, '\0'); acl_strcpy_special (p, final); p = strchr (p, '\0'); strcpy (p, "$"); } /* see if regex matches with the input string */ tmp = NULL; len = strlen(str); if (len < sizeof(buf)) { strcpy (buf, str); realval = buf; } else { tmp = (char*) slapi_ch_malloc (len + 1); strcpy (tmp, str); realval = tmp; } /* What we have built is a regular pattaren expression. ** Now we will compile the pattern and compare wth the string to ** see if the input string matches with the patteren or not. */ re = slapi_re_comp( pat, &re_result ); if (NULL == re) { slapi_log_error (SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "acl_match_substring:re_comp failed (%s)\n", re_result?re_result:"unknown"); return (ACL_ERR); } /* slapi_re_exec() returns 1 if the string p1 matches the last compiled ** regular expression, 0 if the string p1 failed to match */ rc = slapi_re_exec( re, realval, -1 /* no timelimit */ ); slapi_re_free(re); slapi_ch_free ( (void **) &tmp ); if (rc == 1) { return ACL_TRUE; } else { return ACL_FALSE; } } /*************************************************************************** * * acl__reset_cached_result * * Go thru the cached result and invlalidate the cached evaluation results for * rules which can only be cached based on the scope. * If we have scope ACI_CACHE_RESULT_PER_ENTRY, then we need to invalidate the * cacched reult whenever we hit a new entry. * * Returns: * Null * **************************************************************************/ static void acl__reset_cached_result (struct acl_pblock *aclpb ) { int j; for (j =0; j < aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result; j++) { /* Unless we have to clear the result, move on */ if (!( aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_ruleType & ACI_CACHE_RESULT_PER_ENTRY)) continue; aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result = 0; } } /* * acl_access_allowed_disjoint_resource * * This is an internal module which can be used to verify * access to a resource which may not be inside the search scope. * * Returns: * - Same return val as acl_access_allowed(). */ int acl_access_allowed_disjoint_resource( Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, /* The Slapi_Entry */ char *attr, /* Attribute of the entry */ struct berval *val, /* value of attr. NOT USED */ int access /* access rights */ ) { int rv; struct acl_pblock *aclpb = NULL; aclpb = acl_get_aclpb ( pb, ACLPB_BINDDN_PBLOCK ); /* ** It's possible that we already have a context of ACLs. ** However once in a while, we need to test ** access to a resource which (like vlv, schema) which falls ** outside the search base. In that case, we need to go ** thru all the ACLs and not depend upon the acls which we have ** gathered. */ /* If you have the right to use the resource, then we don't need to check for ** proxy right on that resource. */ if (aclpb) aclpb->aclpb_state |= ( ACLPB_DONOT_USE_CONTEXT_ACLS| ACLPB_DONOT_EVALUATE_PROXY ); rv = acl_access_allowed(pb, e, attr, val, access); if (aclpb) aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_DONOT_USE_CONTEXT_ACLS; if (aclpb ) aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_DONOT_EVALUATE_PROXY; return rv; } /* * acl__attr_cached_result * Loops thru the cached result and determines if we can use the cached value. * * Inputs: * Slapi_pblock *aclpb - acl private block * char *attr - attribute name * int access - access type * Returns: * LDAP_SUCCESS: - access is granted * LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS - access denied * ACL_ERR - no cached info about this attr. * - or the attr had multiple result and so * - we can't determine the outcome. * */ static int acl__attr_cached_result (struct acl_pblock *aclpb, char *attr, int access ) { int i, rc; aclEvalContext *c_evalContext; if ( !(access & ( SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH | SLAPI_ACL_READ) )) return ACL_ERR; if (aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_HAS_ACLCB_EVALCONTEXT ) { c_evalContext = &aclpb->aclpb_prev_opEval_context; slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "acl__attr_cached_result:Using Context: ACLPB_ACLCB\n" ); } else { c_evalContext = &aclpb->aclpb_prev_entryEval_context; slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "acl__attr_cached_result:Using Context: ACLPB_PREV\n" ); } if ( attr == NULL ) { int eval_read = 0; /* ** Do I have access to at least one attribute, then I have ** access to the entry. */ for (i=0; i < c_evalContext->acle_numof_attrs; i++ ) { AclAttrEval *a_eval = &c_evalContext->acle_attrEval[i]; if ( (access & SLAPI_ACL_READ ) && a_eval->attrEval_r_status && a_eval->attrEval_r_status < ACL_ATTREVAL_DETERMINISTIC ) { eval_read++; if ( a_eval->attrEval_r_status & ACL_ATTREVAL_SUCCESS) return LDAP_SUCCESS; /* rbyrne: recompute if we have to. * How does this cached result get turned off for * attr style acis which acannot be cached becuase entry * can result in a diff value. */ else if ( a_eval->attrEval_r_status & ACL_ATTREVAL_RECOMPUTE ) { rc = acl__recompute_acl ( aclpb, a_eval, access, a_eval->attrEval_r_aciIndex); if ( rc != ACL_ERR ) { acl_copyEval_context ( aclpb, c_evalContext, &aclpb->aclpb_curr_entryEval_context, 1); } if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } } } }/* for */ /* * If we have scanned the whole list without success then * we are not granting access to this entry through access * to an attribute in the list--however this does not mean * that we do not have access to the entry via another attribute * not already in the list, so return -1 meaning * "don't know". */ return(ACL_ERR); #if 0 if ( eval_read ) return LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; else return ACL_ERR; #endif } for (i=0; i < c_evalContext->acle_numof_attrs; i++ ) { AclAttrEval *a_eval = &c_evalContext->acle_attrEval[i]; if ( a_eval == NULL ) continue; if (strcasecmp ( attr, a_eval->attrEval_name ) == 0 ) { if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH ) { if (a_eval->attrEval_s_status < ACL_ATTREVAL_DETERMINISTIC ) { if ( a_eval->attrEval_s_status & ACL_ATTREVAL_SUCCESS) return LDAP_SUCCESS; else if ( a_eval->attrEval_s_status & ACL_ATTREVAL_FAIL) return LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; else if ( a_eval->attrEval_s_status & ACL_ATTREVAL_RECOMPUTE ) { rc = acl__recompute_acl ( aclpb, a_eval, access, a_eval->attrEval_s_aciIndex); if ( rc != ACL_ERR ) { acl_copyEval_context ( aclpb, c_evalContext, &aclpb->aclpb_curr_entryEval_context, 1); } } else return ACL_ERR; } else { /* This means that for the same attribute and same type of ** access, we had different results at different time. ** Since we are not caching per object, we can't ** determine exactly. So, can't touch this */ return ACL_ERR; } } else { if (a_eval->attrEval_r_status < ACL_ATTREVAL_DETERMINISTIC ) { if ( a_eval->attrEval_r_status & ACL_ATTREVAL_SUCCESS) return LDAP_SUCCESS; else if ( a_eval->attrEval_r_status & ACL_ATTREVAL_FAIL) return LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; else if ( a_eval->attrEval_r_status & ACL_ATTREVAL_RECOMPUTE ) { rc = acl__recompute_acl ( aclpb, a_eval, access, a_eval->attrEval_r_aciIndex); if ( rc != ACL_ERR ) { acl_copyEval_context ( aclpb, c_evalContext, &aclpb->aclpb_curr_entryEval_context, 1); } } else return ACL_ERR; } else { /* Look above for explanation */ return ACL_ERR; } } } } return ACL_ERR; } /* * Had to do this juggling of casting to make * both Nt & unix compiler happy. */ static int acl__cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { short *i = (short *) a; short *j = (short *) b; if ( (short) *i > (short) *j ) return (1); if ( (short)*i < (short) *j) return (-1); return (0); } /* * acl__scan_match_handles * Go thru the ACL list and determine if the list of acls selected matches * what we have in the cache. * * Inputs: * Acl_PBlock *pb - Main pblock ( blacvk hole) * int type - Which context to look on * * Returns: * 0 - matches all the acl handles * ACL_ERR - sorry; no match * * ASSUMPTION: A READER LOCK ON ACL LIST */ static int acl__scan_match_handles ( Acl_PBlock *aclpb, int type) { int matched = 0; aci_t *aci = NULL; int index; PRUint32 cookie; aclEvalContext *c_evalContext = NULL; if (type == ACLPB_EVALCONTEXT_PREV ) { c_evalContext = &aclpb->aclpb_prev_entryEval_context; } else if ( type == ACLPB_EVALCONTEXT_ACLCB ){ c_evalContext = &aclpb->aclpb_prev_opEval_context; } else { return ACL_ERR; } if ( !c_evalContext->acle_numof_tmatched_handles ) return ACL_ERR; aclpb->aclpb_stat_acllist_scanned++; aci = acllist_get_first_aci ( aclpb, &cookie ); while ( aci ) { index = aci->aci_index; if (acl__resource_match_aci(aclpb, aci, 1 /* skip attr matching */, NULL )) { int j; int s_matched = matched; /* We have a sorted list of handles that matched the target */ for (j=0; j < c_evalContext->acle_numof_tmatched_handles ; j++ ) { if ( c_evalContext->acle_handles_matched_target[j] > index ) break; else if ( index == c_evalContext->acle_handles_matched_target[j] ) { int jj; matched++; /* See if this is a ATTR rule that matched -- in that case we have ** to nullify the cached result */ if ( aci->aci_ruleType & ACI_ATTR_RULES ) { slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Found an attr Rule [Name:%s Index:%d\n", aci->aclName, aci->aci_index ); for ( jj =0; jj < c_evalContext->acle_numof_attrs; jj++ ) { AclAttrEval *a_eval = &c_evalContext->acle_attrEval[jj]; if ( a_eval->attrEval_r_aciIndex == aci->aci_index ) a_eval->attrEval_r_status = ACL_ATTREVAL_RECOMPUTE; if ( a_eval->attrEval_s_aciIndex == aci->aci_index ) a_eval->attrEval_s_status = ACL_ATTREVAL_RECOMPUTE; } } break; } } if ( s_matched == matched ) return ACL_ERR; } aci = acllist_get_next_aci ( aclpb, aci, &cookie ); } if ( matched == c_evalContext->acle_numof_tmatched_handles ) return 0; return ACL_ERR; } /* * acl_copyEval_context * Copy the context info which include attr info and handles. * * Inputs * struct acl_pblock *aclpb - acl private main block * aclEvalContext *src - src context * aclEvalContext *dest - dest context * Returns: * None. * */ void acl_copyEval_context ( struct acl_pblock *aclpb, aclEvalContext *src, aclEvalContext *dest , int copy_attr_only ) { int d_slot, i; /* Do a CLEAN copy we have nothing or else do an incremental copy.*/ if ( src->acle_numof_attrs < 1 ) return; /* Copy the attr info */ if ( dest->acle_numof_attrs < 1 ) acl_clean_aclEval_context ( dest, 0 /*clean */ ); d_slot = dest->acle_numof_attrs; for (i=0; i < src->acle_numof_attrs; i++ ) { int j; int attr_exists = 0; int dd_slot = d_slot; if ( aclpb && (i == 0) ) aclpb->aclpb_stat_num_copycontext++; if ( src->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_r_status == 0 && src->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_s_status == 0 ) continue; for ( j = 0; j < dest->acle_numof_attrs; j++ ) { if ( strcasecmp ( src->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_name, dest->acle_attrEval[j].attrEval_name ) == 0 ) { /* We have it. skip it. */ attr_exists = 1; dd_slot = j; break; } } if ( !attr_exists ) { if ( dd_slot >= ACLPB_MAX_ATTRS -1 ) break; if ( aclpb) aclpb->aclpb_stat_num_copy_attrs++; if ( dest->acle_attrEval[dd_slot].attrEval_name ) slapi_ch_free ( (void **) &dest->acle_attrEval[dd_slot].attrEval_name ); dest->acle_attrEval[dd_slot].attrEval_name = slapi_ch_strdup ( src->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_name ); } /* Copy the result status and the aci index */ dest->acle_attrEval[dd_slot].attrEval_r_status = src->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_r_status; dest->acle_attrEval[dd_slot].attrEval_r_aciIndex = src->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_r_aciIndex; dest->acle_attrEval[dd_slot].attrEval_s_status = src->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_s_status; dest->acle_attrEval[dd_slot].attrEval_s_aciIndex = src->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_s_aciIndex; if (!attr_exists ) d_slot++; } dest->acle_numof_attrs = d_slot; dest->acle_attrEval[d_slot].attrEval_name = NULL; if ( copy_attr_only ) return; /* First sort the arrays which keeps the acl index numbers */ qsort ( (char *) src->acle_handles_matched_target, (size_t)src->acle_numof_tmatched_handles, sizeof( int ), acl__cmp ); for (i=0; i < src->acle_numof_tmatched_handles; i++ ) { dest->acle_handles_matched_target[i] = src->acle_handles_matched_target[i]; } if ( src->acle_numof_tmatched_handles ) { dest->acle_numof_tmatched_handles = src->acle_numof_tmatched_handles; if ( aclpb) aclpb->aclpb_stat_num_tmatched_acls = src->acle_numof_tmatched_handles; } } /* * acl_clean_aclEval_context * Clean the eval context * * Inputs: * aclEvalContext *clean_me - COntext to be cleaned * int clean_type - 0: clean, 1 scrub * */ void acl_clean_aclEval_context ( aclEvalContext *clean_me, int scrub_only ) { int i; /* Copy the attr info */ for (i=0; i < clean_me->acle_numof_attrs; i++ ) { char *a_name = clean_me->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_name; if ( a_name && !scrub_only) { slapi_ch_free ( (void **) &a_name ); clean_me->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_name = NULL; } clean_me->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_r_status = 0; clean_me->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_s_status = 0; clean_me->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_r_aciIndex = 0; clean_me->acle_attrEval[i].attrEval_s_aciIndex = 0; } if ( !scrub_only ) clean_me->acle_numof_attrs = 0; clean_me->acle_numof_tmatched_handles = 0; } /* * acl__match_handlesFromCache * * We have 2 cacheed information * 1) cached info from the previous operation * 2) cached info from the prev entry evaluation * * What we are doing here is going thru all the acls and see if the same * set of acls apply to this resource or not. If it does, then do we have * a cached info for the attr. If we don't for both of the cases then we need * to evaluate all over again. * * Inputs: * struct acl_pblock - ACL private block; * char *attr - Attribute name * int access - acces type * * returns: * LDAP_SUCCESS (0) - The same acls apply and we have * access ALLOWED on the attr * LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS - The same acls apply and we have * access DENIED on the attr * -1 - Acls doesn't match or we don't have * cached info for this attr. * * ASSUMPTIONS: A reader lock has been obtained for the acl list. */ static int acl__match_handlesFromCache ( Acl_PBlock *aclpb, char *attr, int access) { aclEvalContext *c_evalContext = NULL; int context_type = 0; int ret_val = -1; /* it doen't match by default */ /* Before we proceed, find out if we have evaluated any ATTR RULE. If we have ** then we can't use any caching mechanism */ if ( aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_HAS_ACLCB_EVALCONTEXT ) { context_type = ACLPB_EVALCONTEXT_ACLCB; c_evalContext = &aclpb->aclpb_prev_opEval_context; } else { context_type = ACLPB_EVALCONTEXT_PREV; c_evalContext = &aclpb->aclpb_prev_entryEval_context; } if ( aclpb->aclpb_res_type & (ACLPB_NEW_ENTRY | ACLPB_EFFECTIVE_RIGHTS) ) { aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_MATCHES_ALL_ACLS; ret_val = acl__scan_match_handles ( aclpb, context_type ); if ( -1 == ret_val ) { aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_MATCHES_ALL_ACLS; aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_UPD_ACLCB_CACHE; /* Did not match */ if ( context_type == ACLPB_EVALCONTEXT_ACLCB ) { aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_HAS_ACLCB_EVALCONTEXT; } else { aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_COPY_EVALCONTEXT; c_evalContext->acle_numof_tmatched_handles = 0; } } } if ( aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_MATCHES_ALL_ACLS ) { /* See if we have a cached result for this attr */ ret_val = acl__attr_cached_result (aclpb, attr, access); /* It's not in the ACLCB context but we might have it in the ** current/prev context. Take a look at it. we might have evaluated ** this attribute already. */ if ( (-1 == ret_val ) && ( aclpb->aclpb_state & ACLPB_HAS_ACLCB_EVALCONTEXT )) { aclpb->aclpb_state &= ~ACLPB_HAS_ACLCB_EVALCONTEXT ; ret_val = acl__attr_cached_result (aclpb, attr, access); aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_HAS_ACLCB_EVALCONTEXT ; /* We need to do an incremental update */ if ( !ret_val ) aclpb->aclpb_state |= ACLPB_INCR_ACLCB_CACHE; } } return ret_val; } /* * acl__get_attrEval * Get the atteval from the current context and hold the ptr in aclpb. * If we have too many attrs, then allocate a new one. In that case * we let the caller know about that so that it will be deallocated. * * Returns: * int - 0: The context was indexed. So, no allocations. * - 1; context was allocated - deallocate it. */ static int acl__get_attrEval ( struct acl_pblock *aclpb, char *attr ) { int j; aclEvalContext *c_ContextEval = &aclpb->aclpb_curr_entryEval_context; int deallocate_attrEval = 0; AclAttrEval *c_attrEval = NULL; if ( !attr ) return deallocate_attrEval; aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval = NULL; /* Go thru and see if we have the attr already */ for (j=0; j < c_ContextEval->acle_numof_attrs; j++) { c_attrEval = &c_ContextEval->acle_attrEval[j]; if ( c_attrEval && slapi_attr_type_cmp ( c_attrEval->attrEval_name, attr, 1) == 0 ) { aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval = c_attrEval; break; } } if ( !aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval) { if ( c_ContextEval->acle_numof_attrs == ACLPB_MAX_ATTRS -1 ) { /* Too many attrs. create a temp one */ c_attrEval = (AclAttrEval * ) slapi_ch_calloc ( 1, sizeof ( AclAttrEval ) ); deallocate_attrEval =1; } else { c_attrEval = &c_ContextEval->acle_attrEval[c_ContextEval->acle_numof_attrs++]; c_attrEval->attrEval_r_status = 0; c_attrEval->attrEval_s_status = 0; c_attrEval->attrEval_r_aciIndex = 0; c_attrEval->attrEval_s_aciIndex = 0; } /* clean it before use */ c_attrEval->attrEval_name = slapi_ch_strdup ( attr ); aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval = c_attrEval; } return deallocate_attrEval; } /* * acl_skip_access_check * * See if we need to go thru the ACL check or not. We don't need to if I am root * or internal operation or ... * * returns: * ACL_TRUE - Yes; skip the ACL check * ACL_FALSE - No; you have to go thru ACL check * */ int acl_skip_access_check ( Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e ) { int rv, isRoot, accessCheckDisabled; void *conn = NULL; Slapi_Backend *be; slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_REQUESTOR_ISROOT, &isRoot ); if ( isRoot ) return ACL_TRUE; /* See if this is local request */ slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_CONNECTION, &conn); if ( NULL == conn ) return ACL_TRUE; /* * Turn on access checking in the rootdse--this code used * to skip the access check. * * check if the entry is the RootDSE entry if ( e ) { char * edn = slapi_entry_get_ndn ( e ); if ( slapi_is_rootdse ( edn ) ) return ACL_TRUE; } */ /* GB : when referrals are directly set in the mappin tree * we can reach this code without a backend in the pblock * in such a case, allow access for now * we may want to reconsider this is NULL DSE implementation happens */ rv = slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_BACKEND, &be ); if (be == NULL) return ACL_TRUE; rv = slapi_pblock_get ( pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DB_NO_ACL, &accessCheckDisabled ); if ( rv != -1 && accessCheckDisabled ) return ACL_TRUE; return ACL_FALSE; } short acl_get_aclsignature () { return acl_signature; } void acl_set_aclsignature ( short value) { acl_signature = value; } void acl_regen_aclsignature () { acl_signature = aclutil_gen_signature ( acl_signature ); } /* * * Assumptions: * 1) Called for read/search right. */ static int acl__recompute_acl ( Acl_PBlock *aclpb, AclAttrEval *a_eval, int access, int aciIndex ) { char *unused_str1, *unused_str2; char *acl_tag, *testRight[2]; int j, expr_num; int result_status = ACL_RES_INVALID, cache_result; PRUint32 cookie; aci_t *aci; PR_ASSERT ( aciIndex >= 0 ); PR_ASSERT ( a_eval != NULL ); PR_ASSERT (aclpb != NULL ); /* We might have evaluated this acl just now, check it there first */ for ( j =0; j < aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result; j++) { if (aciIndex == aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_index) { short result; result_status =ACL_RES_INVALID; result = aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result; if ( result <= 0) break; if (!ACL_CACHED_RESULT_VALID(result)) { /* something is wrong. Need to evaluate */ aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result = -1; break; } /* ** We have a valid cached result. Let's see if we ** have what we need. */ if ((result & ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_ALLOW) || (result & ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_ALLOW) ) result_status = ACL_RES_ALLOW; else if ((result & ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_DENY) || (result & ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_DENY) ) result_status = ACL_RES_DENY; } } /* end of for */ if ( result_status != ACL_RES_INVALID ) { goto set_result_status; } slapi_log_error ( SLAPI_LOG_ACL, plugin_name, "Recomputing the ACL Index:%d for entry:%s\n", aciIndex, slapi_entry_get_ndn ( aclpb->aclpb_curr_entry) ); /* First find this one ACL and then evaluate it. */ aci = acllist_get_first_aci ( aclpb, &cookie ); while ( aci && aci->aci_index != aciIndex ) { aci = acllist_get_next_aci ( aclpb, aci, &cookie ); } if (NULL == aci) return -1; ACL_SetDefaultResult (NULL, aclpb->aclpb_acleval, ACL_RES_INVALID); ACL_EvalSetACL(NULL, aclpb->aclpb_acleval, aci->aci_handle); testRight[0] = acl_access2str ( access ); testRight[1] = '\0'; aclpb->aclpb_curr_aci = aci; result_status = ACL_EvalTestRights (NULL, aclpb->aclpb_acleval, testRight, ds_map_generic, &unused_str1, &unused_str2, &acl_tag, &expr_num); cache_result = 0; if ( result_status == ACL_RES_DENY && aci->aci_type & ACI_HAS_DENY_RULE ) { if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) cache_result = ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_DENY; else cache_result = ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_DENY; } else if ( result_status == ACL_RES_ALLOW && aci->aci_type & ACI_HAS_ALLOW_RULE ) { if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) cache_result = ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_ALLOW; else cache_result = ACLPB_CACHE_READ_RES_ALLOW; } else { result_status = -1; } /* Now we need to put the cached result in the aclpb */ for (j=0; j aclpb_last_cache_result; ++j) { if (aciIndex == aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_index) { break; } } if ( j < aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result) { /* already in cache */ } else if ( j < ACLPB_MAX_CACHE_RESULTS-1) { /* rbyrneXXX: make this same as other last_cache_result code! */ j = ++aclpb->aclpb_last_cache_result; aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_index = aci->aci_index; aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].aci_ruleType = aci->aci_ruleType; } else { /* No more space */ goto set_result_status; } /* Add the cached result status */ aclpb->aclpb_cache_result[j].result |= cache_result; set_result_status: if (result_status == ACL_RES_ALLOW) { if (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) /*wrong bit maskes were being used here-- a_eval->attrEval_s_status = ACLPB_CACHE_SEARCH_RES_ALLOW;*/ a_eval->attrEval_s_status = ACL_ATTREVAL_SUCCESS; else a_eval->attrEval_r_status = ACL_ATTREVAL_SUCCESS; } else if ( result_status == ACL_RES_DENY) { if (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) a_eval->attrEval_s_status = ACL_ATTREVAL_FAIL; else a_eval->attrEval_r_status = ACL_ATTREVAL_FAIL; } else { /* Here, set it to recompute--try again later */ if (access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH) a_eval->attrEval_s_status = ACL_ATTREVAL_RECOMPUTE; else a_eval->attrEval_r_status = ACL_ATTREVAL_RECOMPUTE; result_status = -1; } return result_status; } static void __acl_set_aclIndex_inResult ( Acl_PBlock *aclpb, int access, int index ) { AclAttrEval *c_attrEval = aclpb->aclpb_curr_attrEval; if ( c_attrEval ) { if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_SEARCH ) c_attrEval->attrEval_s_aciIndex = index; else if ( access & SLAPI_ACL_READ ) c_attrEval->attrEval_r_aciIndex = index; } } /* * If filter_sense is true then return (entry satisfies f). * Otherwise, return !(entry satisfies f) */ static int acl__test_filter ( Slapi_Entry *entry, struct slapi_filter *f, int filter_sense) { int filter_matched; /* slapi_vattr_filter_test() returns 0 for match */ filter_matched = !slapi_vattr_filter_test(NULL, entry, f, 0 /*don't do acess chk*/); if (filter_sense) { return(filter_matched ? ACL_TRUE : ACL_FALSE); } else { return(filter_matched ? ACL_FALSE: ACL_TRUE); } } /* * Make an entry consisting of attr_type and attr_val and put * a pointer to it in *entry. * We will use this afterwards to test for against a filter. */ static int acl__make_filter_test_entry ( Slapi_Entry **entry, char *attr_type, struct berval *attr_val) { struct berval *vals_array[2]; vals_array[0] = attr_val; vals_array[1] = NULL; *entry = slapi_entry_alloc(); slapi_entry_init(*entry, NULL, NULL); return (slapi_entry_add_values( *entry, (const char *)attr_type, (struct berval**)&vals_array[0] )); } /*********************************************************************************/ /* E N D */ /*********************************************************************************/