########################################################### # dot notation # attributeTypes # objectClasses ########################################################### dn: cn=schema # These example schema can be used to integrate sabayon with ldap # However, the ldap support in sabayon is very flexible, so you can # choose to do your own ldap integration using a different schema # This attribute is used to point to a sabayon profile file # that is accessible via a (typically http) url attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sabayonProfileURL' DESC 'The URL of a sabayon profile' SUP labeledURI X-ORIGIN 'Sabayon' ) # This attribute is used to store the name of a sabayon profile. # It can refer to either a local zipfile (which will be looked up # in /etc/desktop-profiles/$(name).zip), or it can be used to # map to another ldap object that maps to the final profile URL attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sabayonProfileName' DESC 'The Name of a sabayon profile' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'Sabayon' ) # Simple example object to store profile information # If you use this or something similar instead of a direct URL # in your user object you get more flexibility. objectClasses: ( NAME 'sabayonProfile' DESC 'sabayon profile' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY ( sabayonProfileURL $ description ) X-ORIGIN 'Sabayon' ) # Use these to put sabayonProfileName or sabayonProfileURL # attributes in an objetc objectClasses: ( NAME 'sabayonProfileNameObject' DESC 'contains sabayon profile name' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST sabayonProfileName X-ORIGIN 'Sabayon' ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'sabayonProfileURLObject' DESC 'contains sabayon profile' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST cn MAY sabayonProfileURL X-ORIGIN 'Sabayon' )