# # BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK # This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional # right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU # General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations # including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code # permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program # through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION # found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of # Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from # the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by # the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or # additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General # Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used # in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this # exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your # version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to # provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception # statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without # exception. # # # Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. # Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # END COPYRIGHT BLOCK # # # nsldap.mk: GNU Makefile for common defs used in Fedora Directory Server # and related tools. # # # Set the global directory points # # This stuff is for UNIX--we wire in absolute paths # because it makes the tar'ing easier. # On NT we don't bother with this trick. # Note that we're setting BUILD_ROOT again, # having set it to a relative path above, so # we can find the include files. ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) # This seems useless to check for a path of the form word:word if the arch # is neq winnt . . . BUILD_TMP = $(subst :, , $(shell cd ../../..;pwd)) BUILD_WORDS = $(words $(BUILD_TMP)) # convert BUILD_ROOT from relative path to absolute #BUILD_ROOT = $(word $(BUILD_WORDS), $(BUILD_TMP)) ifneq ($(BUILD_WORDS), 1) BUILD_DRIVE = $(word 1, $(BUILD_TMP)): endif endif RELTOP=$(BUILD_ROOT)/built/release OBJDIR_BASE = $(notdir $(OBJDIR)) OBJDIR_BASE_32 = $(notdir $(OBJDIR_32)) # Release directory for Directory Server RELDIR = $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(RELTOP)/$(OBJDIR_BASE) RELDIR_32 = $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(RELTOP)/$(OBJDIR_BASE_32) RELDIR_UNSTRIP = $(RELDIR)-unstripped # this is the place libraries and plugins go which are used by other # components i.e. not specific to slapd and its programs LIB_RELDIR = $(RELDIR)/lib # Release path definitions for software components # This is the base path for directory server specific components LDAP_BASE_RELDIR = $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd # This is the base path for the slapd program and other related programs LDAP_SERVER_RELDIR = $(LDAP_BASE_RELDIR)/server # This is the path for administrative programs, installers, CGIs, etc. LDAP_ADMIN_BIN_RELDIR = $(LDAP_BASE_RELDIR)/admin/bin # This is the path for other programs, perf counters, etc. LDAP_INSTALL_BIN_RELDIR = $(LDAP_BASE_RELDIR)/install/bin # This is the base path for directory server specific dlls LDAP_LIB_RELDIR = $(LDAP_BASE_RELDIR)/lib # This is the primary location for the dsadmin dll LDAP_ADMDLLDIR = $(LDAP_LIB_RELDIR) # This is the location for the dsadmin export and/or static library, # for those platforms which separate them from the dll (like NT :-( ) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_ADMLIBDIR = $(LDAP_ADMROOT)/lib # This is a list of other files (for NT) the dsadmin dll needs to be # copied to LDAP_ADMDLL_RELDLLS = $(LDAP_ADMIN_BIN_RELDIR)/libds_admin$(DLL_PRESUF).$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(LDAP_SERVER_RELDIR)/libds_admin$(DLL_PRESUF).$(DLL_SUFFIX) LDAP_ADMDLL_RELDIRS = $(LDAP_ADMIN_BIN_RELDIR) $(LDAP_SERVER_RELDIR) else # same place as dll LDAP_ADMLIBDIR = $(LDAP_ADMDLLDIR) endif LDAP_SRC = $(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap LDAP_INSTROOT= $(OBJDIR) LDAP_LIBDIR = $(LDAP_INSTROOT)/lib LDAP_OBJDIR = $(LDAP_INSTROOT)/servers/obj LDAP_MANDIR = $(LDAP_INSTROOT)/man LDAP_BINDIR = $(LDAP_INSTROOT)/bin LDAP_INCLUDEDIR = $(LDAP_INSTROOT)/include LDAP_ETCDIR = $(LDAP_INSTROOT)/etc LDAP_ADMROOT = $(LDAP_INSTROOT)/dsadmin LDAP_ADMINCDIR = $(LDAP_ADMROOT)/include LDAP_ADMOBJDIR = $(LDAP_ADMROOT)/obj LDAP_ADMPERLDIR = $(LDAP_ADMROOT)/perl LDAP_HDIR = $(LDAP_SRC)/include # set up a target for all directories which are used as dependencies so that the # directory will be created if it is needed DEPENDENCY_DIRS = $(RELDIR) $(LDAP_SERVER_RELDIR) $(LDAP_ADMIN_BIN_RELDIR) \ $(LDAP_LIB_RELDIR) $(LDAP_ADMROOT)/lib $(OBJDIR) $(LDAP_LIBDIR) $(LDAP_OBJDIR) \ $(LDAP_MANDIR) $(LDAP_BINDIR) $(LDAP_INCLUDEDIR) $(LDAP_ETCDIR) $(LIB_RELDIR) \ $(LDAP_ADMINCDIR) $(LDAP_ADMOBJDIR) $(LDAP_ADMPERLDIR) $(LDAP_INSTALL_BIN_RELDIR) $(DEPENDENCY_DIRS): $(MKDIR) $@ # On AIX, include _shr in shared library names. This # is done because the suffix .a is used with both static and dynamic libs # and we need some way to distinguish the two. You gotta love AIX.... ifeq ($(ARCH), AIX) ifdef OLD_AIX_LINKING DLL_PRESUFFIX=_shr endif else DLL_PRESUFFIX= endif # warnings as errors # FIXME #ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) #CFLAGS += -Werror #endif #ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARIS) #CFLAGS += -xwe #endif # turn on convidl: new idl upgrade tool CFLAGS+=-DUPGRADEDB # # Dynamic library for LDAP Server Admin interface # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_ADMLIB_DEP = $(LDAP_ADMDLLDIR)/libds_admin$(DLL_PRESUF).$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(LDAP_ADMLIBDIR)/libds_admin.$(LIB_SUFFIX) LDAP_ADMLIB = $(LDAP_ADMLIBDIR)/libds_admin.$(LIB_SUFFIX) else LDAP_ADMLIB_DEP = $(LDAP_ADMLIBDIR)/libds_admin$(DLL_PRESUF).$(DLL_SUFFIX) ifeq ($(ARCH), UnixWare) #add (COMMON_OBJDIR) to (LDAP_ADMLIB) so $(LD) can find ns-dshttpd.so LDAP_ADMLIB = -L$(COMMON_OBJDIR) -lds_admin$(DLL_PRESUF) else LDAP_ADMLIB = -L$(LDAP_ADMDLLDIR) -lds_admin$(DLL_PRESUF) endif # UnixWare endif # WINNT # # Common LDAP static libraries. # ifdef LDAP_USE_OLD_DB ldap_extra_db_lib:=libldbm libdb ldap_extra_db_link:=-lldbm -ldb else ldap_extra_db_lib:= ldap_extra_db_link:= endif # LDAP_USE_OLD_DB LDAP_COMMON_LIBSLIST = libavl $(ldap_extra_db_lib) libldif liblitekey ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_COMMON_LIBSLIST += libutil else LDAP_COMMON_LIBSLIST += libldif endif # WINNT LDAP_COMMON_LIBS_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LDAP_COMMON_LIBSLIST))) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_COMMON_LIBS = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LDAP_COMMON_LIBSLIST))) LDAP_COMMON_LINK = /LIBPATH:$(LDAP_LIBDIR) \ $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), $(LDAP_COMMON_LIBSLIST)) else LDAP_COMMON_LIBS = -lavl $(ldap_extra_db_link) -lldif LDAP_COMMON_LINK = $(LDAP_COMMON_LIBS) endif # # Individual LDAP libraries and dependancies # LDAP_LIBAVL_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libavl)) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_LIBAVL = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libavl)) else LDAP_LIBAVL = -lavl endif ifdef LDAP_USE_OLD_DB LDAP_LIBLDBM_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libldbm)) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_LIBLDBM = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libldbm)) else LDAP_LIBLDBM = -lldbm endif else LDAP_LIBLDBM_DEP:= LDAP_LIBLDBM:= endif # dboreham: changed for new db regime ifdef LDAP_USE_OLD_DB LDAP_LIBDB_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libdb)) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_LIBDB = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libdb)) else LDAP_LIBDB = -ldb endif else LDAP_LIBDB_DEP:= LDAP_LIBDB:=DONT USE THIS ANYMORE endif LDAP_LIBLBER_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, liblber)) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_LIBLBER = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, liblber)) else LDAP_LIBLBER = -llber endif LDAP_LIBUTIL_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libutil)) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_LIBUTIL = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libutil)) else LDAP_LIBUTIL = -lutil endif LDAP_LIBLDIF_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libldif)) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_LIBLDIF = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libldif)) else LDAP_LIBLDIF = -lldif endif LDAP_LIBLITEKEY_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, liblitekey)) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_LIBLITEKEY = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, liblitekey)) else LDAP_LIBLITEKEY = -llitekey endif ifneq ($(LDAP_NO_LIBLCACHE),1) LDAP_SLIBLCACHE_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LIBLCACHE_LIB))) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_SLIBLCACHE = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LIBLCACHE_LIB))) else # XXXmcs: on UNIX we actually use the DLL (?) LDAP_SLIBLCACHE = $(LDAP_SDK_LIBLCACHE_DLL) endif endif # dynamic libs that we ship will be put in /lib and # static libs that we use to build other ds components will # be put in /lib; this is mostly for NT and other # platforms that separate the static and dynamic code ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_LIBBACK_LDBM_LIBDIR = $(LDAP_LIBDIR) LDAP_LIBBACK_LDBM_DLLDIR = $(LIB_RELDIR) LDAP_LIBBACK_LDBM = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LIBBACK_LDBM_LIB))) else LDAP_LIBBACK_LDBM = -lback-ldbm LDAP_LIBBACK_LDBM_LIBDIR = $(LDAP_LIBDIR) LDAP_LIBBACK_LDBM_DLLDIR = $(LIB_RELDIR) endif LDAP_LIBBACK_LDBM_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBBACK_LDBM_LIBDIR)/, $(LIBBACK_LDBM_DLL))) # # Libldapu # LIBLDAPU_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libldapu)) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBLDAPU = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libldapu)) else LIBLDAPU = -lldapu endif # # Libadmin # LIBADMIN_DEP_OLD = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libadmin)) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBADMIN_OLD = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libadmin)) else LIBADMIN_OLD = -ladmin endif LIBADMIN=$(LIBADMIN_OLD) LIBADMIN_DEP=$(LIBADMIN_DEP_OLD) # # Shared library for slapd objects---this contains # everything prototyped in backendext.h, and # in slapd-proto.h The latter routines are not # for public consumption, but live in the library # used by 3rd party backends. # On NT, the libslapd dll is packaged in the same directory as the server # On Unix, the libslapd dll is packaged in the /lib directory ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBSLAPD_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_SERVER_RELDIR)/, libslapd$(DLL_PRESUFFIX))) LIBSLAPD_DLL = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_SERVER_RELDIR)/, libslapd$(DLL_PRESUFFIX))) LIBSLAPD = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, libslapd)) LIBSLAPDLINK = /LIBPATH:$(LDAP_LIBDIR) libslapd.$(LIB_SUFFIX) # This is a list of other files (for NT) the dsadmin dll needs to be # copied to LIBSLAPD_RELDLLS = $(LDAP_SERVER_RELDIR)/libslapd$(DLL_PRESUF).$(DLL_SUFFIX) LIBSLAPD_RELDIRS = $(LDAP_SERVER_RELDIR) else # libslapd is now in $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server LIBSLAPD_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_SERVER_RELDIR)/, libslapd$(DLL_PRESUFFIX))) LIBSLAPD_DLL = $(LIBSLAPD_DEP) LIBSLAPD = -L$(LDAP_SERVER_RELDIR) -lslapd$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) LIBSLAPDLINK = $(LIBSLAPD) endif # # XP # LIBXP_DEP = $(NSCP_DISTDIR)/lib/libxp.$(LIB_SUFFIX) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBXP = $(NSCP_DISTDIR)/lib/libxp.$(LIB_SUFFIX) else LIBXP = -lxp endif # # SSLIO # LIBSSLIO_DEP = $(NSCP_DISTDIR)/lib/libsslio.$(LIB_SUFFIX) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBSSLIO = $(NSCP_DISTDIR)/lib/libsslio.$(LIB_SUFFIX) else LIBSSLIO = -lsslio endif # # Libsec # LIBSEC_DEP = $(NSCP_DISTDIR)/lib/libsec-$(SECURITY_EXTN).$(LIB_SUFFIX) LIBSEC = $(NSCP_DISTDIR)/lib/libsec-$(SECURITY_EXTN).$(LIB_SUFFIX) # # Libdb # LIBDB_DEP = $(NSCP_DISTDIR)/lib/libdbm.$(LIB_SUFFIX) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBDB = $(NSCP_DISTDIR)/lib/libdbm.$(LIB_SUFFIX) else LIBDB = -ldbm endif # # ACL library, Libaccess # LIBACCESS_DEP = $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/libaccess.$(LIB_SUFFIX) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBACCESS = $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/libaccess.lib else LIBACCESS = -laccess endif # # Dynamic libraries and dependancies, LDAP SDK # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBLDAP_DLL = nsldap32v$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX) LIBLDAP_LIB = nsldaps32v$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX) LIBSSLDAP_LIB = nsldapssl32v$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX) LIBLCACHE_DLL = nslch32v$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX) LIBLCACHE_LIB = nslchs32v$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX) else LIBLDAP_DLL = libldap$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX)$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) LIBLCACHE_DLL = liblcache$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX)$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) LIBLCACHE_LIB = liblcache$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX) LIBLDAP_LIB = libldap$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX) LIBSSLDAP_LIB = libssldap$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX) endif ifdef PRODUCT_IS_DIRECTORY_SERVER # Get headers and libs from components directory LDAP_SDK_LIBLDAP_DLL_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBPATH)/, $(LIBLDAP_DLL))) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_SDK_LIBLDAP_DLL = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBPATH)/, $(LIBLDAP_DLL))) else LDAP_SDK_LIBLDAP_DLL = -lldap$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX)$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) endif LDAP_SDK_LIBSSLDAP_LIB_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBPATH)/, $(LIBSSLDAP_LIB))) LDAP_SDK_LIBSSLDAP_LIB = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBPATH)/, $(LIBSSLDAP_LIB))) ifneq ($(LDAP_NO_LIBLCACHE),1) LDAP_SDK_LIBLCACHE_DLL_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBPATH)/, $(LIBLCACHE_DLL))) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_SDK_LIBLCACHE_DLL = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBPATH)/, $(LIBLCACHE_DLL))) else LDAP_SDK_LIBLCACHE_DLL = -llcache$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX)$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) endif endif else # Client SDK LDAP_SDK_LIBLDAP_DLL_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LIBLDAP_DLL))) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_SDK_LIBLDAP_DLL = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LIBLDAP_DLL))) else LDAP_SDK_LIBLDAP_DLL = -lldap$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX)$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) endif LDAP_SDK_LIBSSLDAP_LIB_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LIBSSLDAP_LIB))) LDAP_SDK_LIBSSLDAP_LIB = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LIBSSLDAP_LIB))) ifneq ($(LDAP_NO_LIBLCACHE),1) LDAP_SDK_LIBLCACHE_DLL_DEP = $(addsuffix .$(DLL_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LIBLCACHE_DLL))) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LDAP_SDK_LIBLCACHE_DLL = $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/, $(LIBLCACHE_DLL))) else LDAP_SDK_LIBLCACHE_DLL = -llcache$(DIRSDK_VERSION_DLL_SUFFIX)$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) endif endif endif #dboreham: removed LIBLCACHE from the following lines---everybody was #linking with liblcache, which isn't right. LDAP_SDK_LIBS_DEP = $(LDAP_SDK_LIBSSLDAP_LIB_DEP) \ $(LDAP_SDK_LIBLDAP_DLL_DEP) LDAP_SDK_LIBS = $(LDAP_SDK_LIBSSLDAP_LIB) $(LDAP_SDK_LIBLDAP_DLL) # # Dynamic and static libraries, BACK-LDBM # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBBACK_LDBM_DLL = libback-ldbm LIBBACK_LDBM_LIB = libback-ldbms else LIBBACK_LDBM_DLL = libback-ldbm$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) LIBBACK_LDBM_LIB = libback-ldbm endif # # Dynamic library, BACK-LDIF # #ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBBACK_LDIF_DLL = libback-ldif #else LIBBACK_LDIF_DLL = libback-ldif$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) #endif # # Dynamic library, REFERINT # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) REFERINT_DLL = referint-plugin else REFERINT_DLL = referint-plugin$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) endif # # Dynamic library, SYNTAX # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) SYNTAX_DLL = syntax-plugin else SYNTAX_DLL = syntax-plugin$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) endif # # Dynamic library, COLLATION # COLLATION_DLL=liblcoll$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) # # Dynamic library, NT Synchronization Service plugin # NTSYNCH_DLL=ntsynch-plugin$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) # # Dynamic library, PASS THROUGH AUTHENTICATION PLUGIN # PASSTHRU_DLL = passthru-plugin$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) # # Dynamic library, PAM PASS THROUGH AUTHENTICATION PLUGIN # PAM_PASSTHRU_DLL = pam-passthru-plugin$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) # # Dynamic library, UNIQUE UID CHECKING PLUGIN # UID_DLL = attr-unique-plugin$(DLL_RESUFFIX) # Dynamic library, Replication Plugin # REPLICATION_DLL = replication-plugin$(DLL_RESUFFIX) RETROCL_DLL = retrocl-plugin$(DLL_RESUFFIX) # # Dynamic library, ACL PLUGIN # ACL_DLL = acl-plugin$(DLL_RESUFFIX) # # Dynamic library, TEST-PLUGINS # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) TEST_PLUGIN_DLL = ns-test-plugin else TEST_PLUGIN_DLL = libtest-plugin endif # # Dynamic library, PWDSTORAGE # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) PWD_DLL = pwdstorage-plugin else PWD_DLL = pwdstorage-plugin$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) endif # # Dynamic library, DISTRIBUTION EXAMPLE # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) DIS_DLL = distrib-plugin else DIS_DLL = distrib-plugin$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) endif # # Chaining backend library, CHAINING DATABASE PLUGIN # CB_DLL = chainingdb-plugin$(DLL_PRESUFFIX) # # Admin server dynamic library location. # ifeq ($(BUILD_MODULE), HTTP_ADMIN) ADMININCLUDEDIR = $(BUILD_ROOT)/include endif ifeq ($(ARCH), AIX) ADMSONAME=ns-admin$(DLL_PRESUFFIX).$(DLL_SUFFIX) else ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ADMSONAME=ns-admin.$(LIB_SUFFIX) endif # WINNT endif # AIX ifndef ADMSONAME ADMSONAME=ns-admin.$(DLL_SUFFIX) endif ifndef ADMSOLIB ADMSOLIB = $(BASIC_OBJDIR)-admin/$(ADMSONAME) endif # # Library path # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBPATH=LIBPATH: else LIBPATH=L endif # # Web server dynamic library. # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) NSHTTPD_DEP = $(COMMON_OBJDIR)/$(BUILD_HTTPDLL_NAME).$(LIB_SUFFIX) NSHTTPD = /LIBPATH:$(COMMON_OBJDIR) $(BUILD_HTTPDLL_NAME).$(LIB_SUFFIX) DYN_NSHTTPD=$(NSHTTPD) NSHTTPD_DLL=$(BUILD_HTTPDLL_NAME) else NSHTTPD=$(COMMON_OBJDIR)/$(BUILD_HTTPDLL_NAME).$(DLL_SUFFIX) NSHTTPD_DEP = $(NSHTTPD) DYN_NSHTTPD=-L$(COMMON_OBJDIR) -l$(LINK_HTTPDLL_NAME) NSHTTPD_DLL=$(BUILD_HTTPDLL_NAME) ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARIS) DLLEXPORTS_PREFIX=-Blocal -M else ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARISx86) DLLEXPORTS_PREFIX=-Blocal -M else ifeq ($(ARCH), IRIX) DLLEXPORTS_PREFIX=-exports_file else ifeq ($(ARCH),HPUX) else ifeq ($(ARCH),AIX) NSHTTPD = $(COMMON_OBJDIR)/$(BUILD_HTTPDLL_NAME)$(DLL_PRESUF).$(DLL_SUFFIX) DLLEXPORTS_PREFIX=-bE: ifdef OLD_AIX_LINKING DL=-lsvld else DL=-ldl # flags added to every link PLATFORMLDFLAGS = -brtl endif else ifeq ($(ARCH),OSF1) DL= else ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) DL=-ldl else ifeq ($(ARCH),ReliantUNIX) DYN_NSHTTPD=$(NSHTTPD) DL=-ldl else ifeq ($(ARCH),UnixWare) DYN_NSHTTPD=$(NSHTTPD) DL= else #the previous default #NSHTTPD=$(NSCP_DISTDIR)/lib/$(BUILD_HTTPDLL_NAME).$(DLL_SUFFIX) #DYN_NSHTTPD=$(NSHTTPD) #DL=-ldl # #the new default, which is much better when it comes to porting this product NSHTTPD="you need to edit ldap/nsldap.mk for $(ARCH)" DYN_NSHTTPD="you need to edit ldap/nsldap.mk for $(ARCH)" endif # UnixWare endif # ReliantUNIX endif # Linux endif # OSF1 endif # AIX endif # HPUX endif # IRIX endif # SOLARISx86 endif # SOLARIS endif # WINNT ADMIN_SECGLUEOBJ=$(BASIC_OBJDIR)-admin/admin-lib/secglue.o SECGLUEOBJ=$(BUILD_ROOT)/built/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR)/httpd-lib/secglue.o # XXXggood need to pick up the /share/builds versions of the shared libs # because ones we build here don't appear to be compatible with existing # shared libs, which are used by admin server. #SDKROOT = /share/builds/components/ldapsdk/19961107-bad/$(NC_BUILD_FLAVOR) #SDKLDIR = $(SDKROOT)/lib #SDKROOT = /share/builds/components/ldapsdk/latest/$(NC_BUILD_FLAVOR) #SDKLDIR = $(SDKROOT)/lib SDKROOT = $(OBJDIR) SDKLDIR = $(SDKROOT)/lib SDKHDIR = $(SDKROOT)/include LDB_HDIR = $(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/include # # Compiler symbol definition # LDAP_REFERRALS=-DLDAP_REFERRALS SLAPD_BACKENDS=-DLDAP_LDBM -DLDAP_LDIF LDBMBACKEND=-DLDBM_USE_DBBTREE SLAPD_PASSWD_HASH=-DSLAPD_PASSWD_SHA1 # all debug and server builds are done with LDAP_DEBUG defined. # SDK builds pass LDAP_NO_LDAPDEBUG=1 which causes us not to define # LDAP_DEBUG in optimized builds. ifneq ($(BUILD_DEBUG), optimize) LDAP_DEBUG=-DLDAP_DEBUG else ifneq ($(LDAP_NO_LDAPDEBUG),1) LDAP_DEBUG=-DLDAP_DEBUG endif endif NEEDPROTOS=-DNEEDPROTOS WINSOCK=-DWINSOCK USE_LOCKF=-DUSE_LOCKF LDAP_SSLIO_HOOKS=-DLDAP_SSLIO_HOOKS DBINTERFACE_PRIVATE=-D__DBINTERFACE_PRIVATE NO_DOMAINNAME=-DNO_DOMAINNAME ifeq ($(LDAP_NO_LIBLCACHE),1) NO_LIBLCACHE=-DNO_LIBLCACHE endif ifeq ($(BUILD_MODULE), DIRECTORY) NS_DIRECTORY=-DNS_DIRECTORY endif # uncomment this line to use soundex for approximate matches in slapd. # the default is to use the metaphone algorithm. #PHONETIC=-DSOUNDEX # # uncomment for LDAP over UDP #CLDAP=-DCLDAP # # uncomment for Universty of Michigan specific things. #UOFM=-DUOFM # # uncomment for elimination of local caching support in Libldap #NO_CACHE=-DNO_CACHE # # If you don't want to do auto-translation of character sets, skip this. # # Otherwise, uncomment this line and set the following options. #STR_TRANSLATION=-DSTR_TRANSLATION # # remove the defines for LDAP client library T.61 character translation # you do not need. If you use LDAP_CHARSET_8859, replace the '1' in "88591" # with the number of the particular character set you use. E.g., use "88594" # if you use the ISO 8859-4 chracter set. #LIBLDAP_CHARSETS=-DLDAP_CHARSET_8859="88591" # # uncomment one these lines to enable automatic T.61 translation by default #LIBLDAP_DEF_CHARSET=-DLDAP_DEFAULT_CHARSET=LDAP_CHARSET_8859 # # If you are NOT using Kerberos authentication, you can skip this section. # # Otherwise, to enable kerberos authentication, uncomment KERBEROS (and # AFSKERBEROS if you are running the AFS version of kerberos). Also # uncomment and change the various KRB* lines to point to where the # kerberos libraries and include files are installed at your site. # #KERBEROS=-DKERBEROS #AFSKERBEROS=-DAFSKERBEROS #KRBINCLUDEFLAG = -I/usr/local/kerberos/include #KRBLIBFLAG = -L/usr/local/kerberos/lib #KRBLIBS = -lkrb -ldes # General non-Windows compiler options # # Passed to every compile (cc or gcc). This is where you put -O or -g, etc. ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ifdef BUILD_OPT ifeq ($(ARCH) $(NSOS_RELEASE), HPUX B.11.23) EXTRACFLAGS=+O3 else EXTRACFLAGS=-O endif else EXTRACFLAGS=-g endif endif ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ifeq ($(DEBUG), full) DSLDDEBUG=/debug else ifeq ($(DEBUG), purify) DSLDDEBUG=/debug endif endif ifndef HEAPAGENT PDBOPT=/PDB:NONE endif endif # # SSL-related definitions # ifeq ($(SECURITY), export) SECURITY_EXTN=export endif ifeq ($(SECURITY), domestic) SECURITY_EXTN=us endif SSL = -DNET_SSL -DUSE_NSPR_MT EXTRASSLLIBS = $(LIBARES) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) SSLLIBS = $(EXTRASSLLIBS) endif ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBNT = $(OBJDIR)/libnt.lib LIBNT_DEP = $(LIBNT) endif # If you are certain that an executable will not be using libsec, include # the following early in the link command. secglue.o includes "do nothing" # shims for most libsec functions. We do this to reduce our size. ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) # MLM # SECGLUE= ns-admin.lib SECGLUE = $(NSHTTPD) $(OSDEPLIBS) $(LIBNT) NOSSLLIBS = $(LDAP_LIBDIR)/libldap.lib \ $(SSLLIBS) $(ALIBS) else # $(ARCH) != WINNT ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) # XXXsspitzer: all gcc platforms will have to do this SECGLUE= $(SECGLUEOBJS) $(DYN_NSHTTPD) # $(LIBARES) else # Linux SECGLUE= $(SECGLUEOBJS) $(DYN_NSHTTPD) # $(LIBARES) endif # Linux NOSSLLIBS = $(LDAP_SDK_LIBLDAP_DLL) $(LDAP_SDK_LIBLCACHE_DLL)\ $(SECGLUE) $(ALIBS) endif ifeq ($(BUILD_DLL), yes) STATIC_SECDEPS= $(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(COMMON_OBJDIR)/lib/lib, \ $(LIBADMIN) $(FRAME) $(LIBACCESS) $(CRYPT))) \ $(LIBSEC) $(LIBNSPR) DYNAMIC_DEPLIBS=$(LDAP_COMMON_LIBS) DYNAMIC_DEPLINK=$(DYNAMIC_DEPLIBS) else STATIC_DEPLIBS=$(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/lib/lib, \ $(LIBADMIN) $(FRAME) $(LIBACCESS) $(CRYPT))) \ $(LIBNSPR) STATIC_SECDEPS=$(addsuffix .$(LIB_SUFFIX), \ $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/lib/lib, \ $(LIBADMIN) $(FRAME) $(LIBACCESS) $(CRYPT))) \ $(LIBSEC) $(LIBNSPR) DYNAMIC_DEPLIBS=$(LDAP_COMMON_LIBS) DYNAMIC_DEPLINK=$(LDAP_COMMON_LIBS) endif ifndef DEPLIBS DEPLIBS = $(DYNAMIC_DEPLIBS) DEPLINK = $(DYNAMIC_DEPLINK) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) SECDEPS = $(DEPLIBS) $(SECGLUE) $(XP_OBJS) else SECDEPS = $(STATIC_SECDEPS) endif SECLINK = $(SECDEPS) endif HTMLDEFS=-DPRODUCT_NAME=$(PRODUCT) -D$(ARCH) -DARCH=$(PRETTY_ARCH) # # Windows NT platform-specifics # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) PLATFORM_INCLUDE = -I$(BUILD_ROOT)/include/nt \ -I$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/libutil SYSERRLIST_IN_STDIO=-DSYSERRLIST_IN_STDIO endif # WINNT ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARIS) # # SunOS5 platform-specifics # PLATFORM=sunos5 # ranlib not needed under SunOS5 RANLIB = true ifdef NS_USE_NATIVE # be explicit about which CC to use CC=cc -v endif # gie full path to hostname since it may not be in user's path HOSTNAME=/usr/ucb/hostname # don't count on /usr/ucb/install being present or first in path INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh # Flags required to cause compiler to generate code suitable for use in # a shared library. ifdef NS_USE_NATIVE SLCFLAGS= -KPIC else SLCFLAGS= -fPIC endif # Extra linker options needed when creating shared libraries DYNALIBS= # flag to pass to cc when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(RPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. RPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-R # flag to pass to ld when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-R # flag to pass to ld to set a shared library's "internal name" # this is used like this, for example: $(SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX)libldap.so ifdef NS_USE_NATIVE SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX=-h endif THREADS= -DTHREAD_SUNOS5_LWP PLAT_ADMCFLAGS= -DSVR4 -DSOLARIS PLAT_ADMLIBS= PLATFORMCFLAGS= -D$(PLATFORM) -D_REENTRANT -DSVR4 PLATFORMLIBS= -lresolv -lsocket -lnsl -lgen -ldl -lposix4 -lw THREADS= -DTHREAD_SUNOS5_LWP THREADSLIB=-lthread endif # SOLARIS ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARISx86) # # Solaris x86 platform-specifics # PLATFORM=sunos5x86 # ranlib not needed under sunos5x86 RANLIB = true # be explicit about which CC to use CC=cc #CC=gcc # give full path to hostname since it may not be in user's path HOSTNAME=/usr/ucb/hostname # don't count on /usr/ucb/install being present or first in path INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh # Flags required to cause compiler to generate code suitable for use in # a shared library. ifeq ($(CC), cc) SLCFLAGS= -KPIC else SLCFLAGS= -fPIC endif # Extra linker options needed when creating shared libraries DYNALIBS= # flag to pass to cc when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(RPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. RPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-R, # flag to pass to ld when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-R # flag to pass to ld to set a shared library's "internal name" # this is used like this, for example: $(SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX)libldap.so SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX=-h THREADS= -DTHREAD_SUNOS5x86_LWP PLAT_ADMCFLAGS= -DSVR4 -DSOLARISx86 -DSOLARIS PLAT_ADMLIBS= PLATFORMCFLAGS= -D$(PLATFORM) -D_REENTRANT -DSVR4 PLATFORMLIBS= -lresolv -lsocket -lnsl -lgen -ldl -lposix4 -lw THREADS= -DTHREAD_SUNOS5x86_LWP THREADSLIB=-lthread endif # SOLARISx86 ifeq ($(ARCH), SUNOS4) # # SunOS 4 platform-specifics # 5LINT = /usr/5bin/lint PLATFORMCFLAGS= -Dsunos4 THREADS= -DTHREAD_SUNOS4_LWP THREADSLIB=-llwp # # the SunOS 4 cc compiler doesn't understand function prototypes, so we # need the unproto preprocessor # NEEDUNPROTO=yes UNPROTOCFLAGS=-Qpath $(LDAP_SRC)/build/unproto endif # SUNOS4 ifeq ($(ARCH), IRIX) # # IRIX platform-specifics # PLAT_ADMCFLAGS= -DSVR4 -DIRIX PLAT_ADMLIBS= PLATFORM=irix # ranlib not needed under IRIX RANLIB = true # be explicit about which CC to use CC=cc # give full path to hostname since it may not be in user's path HOSTNAME=/usr/bsd/hostname # don't count on a BSD install being present or first in path INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh # flag to pass to cc when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(RPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. RPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-Wl,-rpath, # flag to pass to ld when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-rpath # flag to pass to ld to set a shared library's "internal name" # this is used like this, for example: $(SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX)libldap.so # Note that the definition below includes a trailing space. SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX=-soname PLATFORMCFLAGS=-DUSE_WAITPID -D$(PLATFORM) PLATFORMLIBS= THREADS= -DTHREAD_SGI_SPROC THREADSLIB= endif # IRIX ifeq ($(ARCH), OSF1) # # OSF1 platform-specifics # PLATFORM=OSF1 # Even though prototypes are supported by the compiler, OSF's CC doesn't # seem to define __STDC__ so we explicitly defined NEEDPROTOS here. PLATFORMCFLAGS= -D$(PLATFORM) -DNEEDPROTOS -D_REENTRANT PLATFORMLIBS= THREADS= -DTHREAD_DCE_PTHREADS THREADSLIB= -lpthread # flag to pass to cc when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(RPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. RPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-Wl,-rpath, # flag to pass to ld when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-rpath # flag to pass to ld to set a shared library's "internal name" # this is used like this, for example: $(SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX)libldap.so # Note that the definition below includes a trailing space. SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX=-soname # the BSD-like install under OSF/1 is called installbsd # INSTALL=installbsd # use this shell script, instead of installbsd. INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh endif # OSF1 ifeq ($(ARCH), AIX) # # AIX platform-specifics # PLAT_ADMCFLAGS= -DAIX PLAT_ADMLIBS= PLATFORM=aix # ranlib for aix RANLIB=ranlib # install with BSD semantics INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh # Flags to set runtime shared library search path. For example: # $(CC) $(RPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../..$(RPATHFLAG_EXTRAS) RPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-blibpath: RPATHFLAG_EXTRAS=:/usr/lib:/lib # flag to pass to ld when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-blibpath:/usr/lib:/lib: PLATFORMCFLAGS= -D_AIX32_CURSES -DUSE_PTHREADS -DHW_THREADS \ -DUSE_REENTRANT_LIBC -Daix -Dunix PLATFORMLIBS= THREADS= -DTHREAD_AIX_PTHREADS #SECGLUE= moresecglue.o \ # $(BUILD_ROOT)/nspr/src/$(NC_BUILD_FLAVOR)/longlong.o \ # $(BUILD_ROOT)/nspr/src/$(NC_BUILD_FLAVOR)/prprf.o # JCM - Use -bnoquiet to find out which symbols can't be resolved. DLL_LDFLAGS= -bexpall -brtl -bM:SRE -bnoentry \ -L.:/usr/lib/threads:/usr/lpp/xlC/lib:/usr/lib:/lib DLL_EXTRA_LIBS= -bI:/usr/lib/lowsys.exp -lC_r -lC -lpthreads -lc_r -lm \ /usr/lib/libc.a ifdef OLD_AIX_LINKING EXE_EXTRA_LIBS= -bI:/usr/lib/syscalls.exp -lsvld -lpthreads else EXE_EXTRA_LIBS= -bI:/usr/lib/syscalls.exp -ldl -lpthreads endif endif # AIX ifeq ($(ARCH), HPUX) # # HP-UX platform-specifics # ifeq ($(NSOS_RELEASE), B.11.23) # -Ae is removed from PLATFORMCFLAGS, because CC and CXX share # same CFLAGS, -AP is added to CXX, and -Ae can not coexist with # -AP, so add -Ae to the front of CC CC=cc -Ae else CC=cc endif PLATFORM=hpux # ranlib not needed under HP-UX RANLIB = true # install under HP-UX is not like on BSD systems, so we use our own script INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh # Flags required to cause compiler to generate code suitable for use in # a shared library. SLCFLAGS=+Z # we need to link a separate library to get ndbm routines under HP/UX LDBMLIB=-lndbm # flag to pass to cc when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(RPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. RPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-Wl,+s,+b, # flag to pass to ld when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-Wl,+s,+b, # flag to pass to ld to set a shared library's "internal name" # this is used like this, for example: $(SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX) libldap.so SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX=-Wl,+h # we need to link in the V3 library to get sigset() # 07/03/02 - no longer needed - version 6.1 # PLATFORMLIBS= -lV3 # -Ae means 'enforce ansi BUT allow the use of long-long'. we need this # for 64-bit file support. ifneq ($(NSOS_RELEASE),B.11.23) PLATFORMCFLAGS= -Dhpux -D$(PLATFORM) -D_HPUX_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -Ae else PLATFORMCFLAGS= -Dhpux -D$(PLATFORM) -D_HPUX_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT THREADSLIB=-lpthread endif #aCC doesn't recognize -Ae so this will be used with aCC ACC_PLATFORMCFLAGS= -Dhpux -D$(PLATFORM) -D_HPUX_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT endif # HPUX # UNIXWARE || UnixWare ifeq ($(subst nix,NIX,$(subst are,ARE,$(ARCH))), UNIXWARE) # # LDAP SVR4 standard cc Make-platform file # Uses the std SVR4 stuff whenever possible. # Some references to the BSD compatibility required. # "bsdcompat" is an optional package, but we need it installed for other builds # # # add any platform-specific overrides below here # # compiler to use, e.g. CC=cc or CC=gcc ifndef CC CC = cc endif # give full path to hostname since it may not be in user's path HOSTNAME=/usr/ucb/hostname # don't count on /usr/ucb/install being present or first in path # INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh # Flags required to cause compiler to generate code suitable for use in # a shared library. SLCFLAGS= -Kpic # Flags required to cause linker to create a shared library DYNAFLAGS= -G # Extra linker options needed then creating shared libraries DYNALIBS= -ldl # Filename extension for shared libraries DYNAEXT=so # ndbm library, needed if not in libc (e.g. LDBMLIB=-lndbm) LDBMLIB = -L/usr/ucblib -ldbm # BSD-like install command; if necessary, you can use a script INSTALL = /usr/ucb/install # command to convert libraries for efficient random access; RANLIB = true # flag to pass to ld to set a shared library's "internal name" # this is used like this, for example: $(SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX) libldap.so SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX=-h USE_LD_RUN_PATH=true # other commands - see the file build/Make-append for a list endif #UNIXWARE || UnixWare ifeq ($(ARCH), UNIXWARE) PLAT_ADMCFLAGS= -DUNIXWARE -DSVR4 -DSYSV # flags added to every compile PLATFORMCFLAGS= -DUNIXWARE -DSYSV -DSVR4 # flags added to every link PLATFORMLDFLAGS = # extra libraries needed (added to the end of all link commands) PLATFORMLIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lresolv -lgen # other commands - see the file build/Make-append for a list endif #UNIXWARE ifeq ($(ARCH), UnixWare) # Gemini: UnixWare7 (SVR5), or UNIXWARE2.1.x (SVR4) with the UDK SYSV_REL := $(shell $(BUILD_ROOT)/nsarch -f | sed 's/UnixWare //') ifeq ($(SYSV_REL),5) PLAT_ADMCFLAGS= -DUnixWare -DSVR5 -DSYSV PLATFORMCFLAGS= -DUnixWare -DSYSV -DSVR5 else PLAT_ADMCFLAGS= -DUNIXWARE -DSVR4 -DSYSV PLATFORMCFLAGS= -DUNIXWARE -DSYSV -DSVR4 endif # flags added to every link PLATFORMLDFLAGS = # extra libraries needed (added to the end of all link commands) PLATFORMLIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lresolv -lgen # other commands - see the file build/Make-append for a list endif #UnixWare ifeq ($(ARCH), SCOOS) # # LDAP SVR4 standard cc Make-platform file # Uses the std SVR4 stuff whenever possible. # Some references to the BSD compatibility required. # # # add any platform-specific overrides below here # # ranlib not needed under SCOOS RANLIB = true USE_LD_RUN_PATH=true CC= cc -b elf -KPIC -DSCO -DSCOOS # don't count on /usr/ucb/install being present or first in path INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh # Flags required to cause compiler to generate code suitable for use in # a shared library. SLCFLAGS= -Kpic PLATFORMCFLAGS= -DSCO_SV -DSYSV -DHAVE_STRERROR -DSW_THREADS -DSCO_PM -DSCO -Dsco -DSCOOS PLATFORMLIBS= -lsocket #-lnsl -ldl -lpmapi -lc -lPW EXTRA_LIBS= -lsocket #-lnsl -ldl -lpmapi -lc -lPW endif # SCOOS ifeq ($(ARCH), NCR) # # LDAP SVR4 standard cc Make-platform file # Uses the std SVR4 stuff whenever possible. # Some references to the BSD compatibility required. # # # add any platform-specific overrides below here # # compiler to use, e.g. CC=cc or CC=gcc ifndef CC CC = gcc endif # give full path to hostname since it may not be in user's path HOSTNAME=/usr/ucb/hostname # don't count on /usr/ucb/install being present or first in path INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh # Flags required to cause compiler to generate code suitable for use in # a shared library. SLCFLAGS= -fpic PLAT_ADMCFLAGS= -DNCR -Di386 -DSVR4 -DSYSV -DHAVE_STRERROR -DSW_THREADS # flags added to every compile PLATFORMCFLAGS= -DNCR -Di386 -DSVR4 -DSYSV -DHAVE_STRERROR -DSW_THREADS # flags added to every link PLATFORMLDFLAGS = # extra libraries needed (added to the end of all link commands) PLATFORMLIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lgen EXTRA_LIBS = -lsocket -lnsl -lgen -ldl -lc /usr/ucblib/libucb.a # Flags required to cause linker to create a shared library DYNAFLAGS= -G # Extra linker options needed then creating shared libraries DYNALIBS= -ldl # Filename extension for shared libraries DYNAEXT=so # ndbm library, needed if not in libc (e.g. LDBMLIB=-lndbm) LDBMLIB = -L/usr/ucblib -ldbm # command to convert libraries for efficient random access; RANLIB = true USE_LD_RUN_PATH=true # other commands - see the file build/Make-append for a list endif #NCR ifeq ($(ARCH), ReliantUNIX) # # ReliantUNIX platform-specifics # PLATFORM=reliantunix # ranlib not needed under ReliantUNIX RANLIB = true # be explicit about which CC to use CC=cc # gie full path to hostname since it may not be in user's path HOSTNAME=/usr/ucb/hostname # don't count on /usr/ucb/install being present or first in path INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh # Flags required to cause compiler to generate code suitable for use in # a shared library. SLCFLAGS= # Extra linker options needed when creating shared libraries DYNALIBS= # flag to pass to cc when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(RPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. RPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-Wl,-R, USE_LD_RUN_PATH=true # flag to pass to ld to set a shared library's "internal name" # this is used like this, for example: $(SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX)libldap.so SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX=-h THREADS= -DTHREAD_SUNOS5_LWP PLAT_ADMCFLAGS= -DSVR4 -DSNI -DRELIANTUNIX PLAT_ADMLIBS= PLATFORMCFLAGS= -D$(PLATFORM) -DSVR4 -DSNI -DRELIANTUNIX #libc_r.so.1 for strtok_r? talk to ckaiser. maybe libsni_r.a? #right now, check out ns/nspr20/pr/include/md/_reliantunix.cfg and #ns/nspr20/pr/src/md/unix/reliantunix.c PLATFORMLIBS= -lresolv -lsocket -lnsl -lgen -ldl THREADS= THREADSLIB= endif # ReliantUNIX ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) # # add any platform-specific overrides below here # # compiler to use, e.g. CC=cc or CC=gcc CC=/usr/bin/gcc # give full path to hostname since it may not be in user's path HOSTNAME=/bin/hostname # don't count on /usr/ucb/install being present or first in path INSTALL=$(LDAP_SRC)/build/install.sh # flag to pass to cc when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(RPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. RPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-Wl,-rpath, # flag to pass to ld when linking to set runtime shared library search path # this is used like this, for example: $(LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX)../.. # note, there is a trailing space LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX=-rpath # Flags required to cause compiler to generate code suitable for use in # a shared library. SLCFLAGS= -fpic PLAT_ADMCFLAGS= -DLINUX -DLINUX2_0 -DLINUX2_2 -DLinux # flags added to every compile PLATFORMCFLAGS= -DLINUX -DLINUX2_0 -DLINUX2_2 -DLinux # flags added to every link PLATFORMLDFLAGS = # extra libraries needed (added to the end of all link commands) PLATFORMLIBS = EXTRA_LIBS = -ldl # Flags required to cause linker to create a shared library DYNAFLAGS= -shared # Extra linker options needed then creating shared libraries DYNALIBS= -ldl # Filename extension for shared libraries DYNAEXT=so # ndbm library, needed if not in libc (e.g. LDBMLIB=-lndbm) LDBMLIB = -L/usr/ucblib -ldbm # command to convert libraries for efficient random access; RANLIB = ranlib # other commands - see the file build/Make-append for a list endif # Linux # # DEFS are included in CFLAGS # DEFS = $(PLATFORMCFLAGS) $(LDAP_DEBUG) $(KERBEROS) $(AFSKERBEROS) \ $(UOFM) $(NO_USERINTERFACE) $(CLDAP) $(NO_CACHE) $(DBDEFS) \ $(LDAP_REFERRALS) $(LDAP_DNS) $(STR_TRANSLATION) \ $(LIBLDAP_CHARSETS) $(LIBLDAP_DEF_CHARSET) \ $(SLAPD_BACKENDS) $(LDBMBACKEND) $(LDBMINCLUDE) $(PHONETIC) \ $(SLAPD_PASSWD_HASH) $(LDAP_SSLIO_HOOKS) $(DBINTERFACE_PRIVATE) \ $(NO_LIBLCACHE) $(SYSERRLIST_IN_STDIO) \ $(NS_DIRECTORY) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) DEFS += $(NEEDPROTOS) $(NO_DOMAINNAME) endif # DEFS += $(USE_LOCKF) # ACFLAGS are added to CFLAGS but not passed to mkdep, lint, etc ACFLAGS = $(EXTRACFLAGS) $(UNPROTOCFLAGS) # ALDFLAGS are always placed near the beginning of all linker (cc -o) commands ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) # Passed to every link (ld). Include -g here if you did in EXTRACFLAGS. EXTRALDFLAGS=-$(LIBPATH)$(LDAP_LIBDIR) endif ifeq ($(ARCH), IRIX) ifeq ($(USE_N32), 1) PLATFORMLDFLAGS=-n32 -mips3 endif endif ALDFLAGS = $(EXTRALDFLAGS) $(PLATFORMLDFLAGS) # ALIBS are always placed at the end of all linker (cc -o) commands ALIBS = $(PLATFORMLIBS) INCLUDES += -I$(LDAP_HDIR) $(PLATFORM_INCLUDE) -I$(DIRVERDIR) CFLAGS += $(DEFS) $(ACFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) # default definitions for utilities ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) SHELL = /bin/sh endif AR = ar cq RM = rm -f MV = mv -f CP = cp CHMOD = chmod CAT = cat ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LN = ln -s HARDLN = ln endif TAIL = tail.exe SED = sed LINT = lint 5LINT = lint MKDIR = mkdir -p ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) ifndef RANLIB RANLIB = ranlib endif ifndef INSTALL INSTALL = install endif ifndef INSTALLFLAGS INSTALLFLAGS = -c endif ifndef USE_LD_RUN_PATH ifndef RPATHFLAG_PREFIX RPATHFLAG_PREFIX="XXX Please define a platform-specific RPATHFLAG_PREFIX in nsldap.mk XXX" endif ifndef LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX="XXX Please define a platform-specific LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX in nsldap.mk XXX" endif endif BASENAME= basename DIRNAME = dirname else INSTALL = cp.exe -prv RM = rm.exe -rf MV = mv.exe -f CP = cp.exe -prv LN = cp.exe -prv HARDLN = cp.exe -prv CHMOD = chmod CAT = cat.exe MKDIR = mkdir.exe -p endif MKDEP = $(LDAP_SRC)/build/mkdep -s -f Make-template PWD = pwd DATE = date HOSTNAME= hostname # # Compiler output file # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) EXE_SUFFIX=.exe RSC=rc OFFLAG=/Fo else OFFLAG=-o endif # # XXX: does anyone know of a better way to solve the "LINK_LIB2" problem? -mcs # # Link to produce a console/windows exe on Windows # ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LINK_EXE = link -OUT:"$@" $(USE_MAP) $(ALDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(ML_DEBUG) \ $(LCFLAGS) /NOLOGO $(PDBOPT) /DEBUGTYPE:BOTH /INCREMENTAL:NO \ /SUBSYSTEM:$(SUBSYSTEM) $(DEPLIBS) $(EXTRA_LIBS) $(OBJS) LINK_EXE_NOLIBSOBJS = link -OUT:"$@" $(USE_MAP) $(ALDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) \ $(ML_DEBUG) $(LCFLAGS) /NOLOGO $(PDBOPT) /DEBUGTYPE:BOTH /INCREMENTAL:NO \ /SUBSYSTEM:$(SUBSYSTEM) LINK_LIB = lib -OUT:"$@" $(OBJS) LINK_LIB2 = lib -OUT:"$@" $(OBJS2) LINK_DLL = link /nologo $(USE_MAP) /DLL $(PDBOPT) /DEBUGTYPE:BOTH \ $(ML_DEBUG) /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS $(LLFLAGS) $(DLL_LDFLAGS) \ $(EXTRA_LIBS) /out:"$@" $(OBJS) LINK_DLL2 = link /nologo $(USE_MAP) /DLL $(PDBOPT) /DEBUGTYPE:BOTH \ $(ML_DEBUG) /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS $(LLFLAGS) $(DLL_LDFLAGS) \ $(EXTRA_LIBS) /out:"$@" $(OBJS2) else # WINNT # # UNIX link commands # LINK_LIB = $(RM) $@; $(AR) $@ $(OBJS); $(RANLIB) $@ LINK_LIB2 = $(RM) $@; $(AR) $@ $(OBJS2); $(RANLIB) $@ ifeq ($(ARCH), OSF1) DLL_LDFLAGS += $(LDRPATHFLAG_PREFIX) $(RPATHFLAG)$(RPATHFLAG_EXTRAS) else DLL_LDFLAGS += $(RPATHFLAG_PREFIX)$(RPATHFLAG)$(RPATHFLAG_EXTRAS) endif ifdef SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX LINK_DLL = $(LD) $(ALDFLAGS) $(ARCH_CFLAGS) $(DLL_LDFLAGS) $(DLL_EXPORT_FLAGS) \ -o $@ $(SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX)$(notdir $@) $(OBJS) LINK_DLL2 = $(LD) $(ALDFLAGS) $(DLL_LDFLAGS) $(DLL_EXPORT_FLAGS2) \ -o $@ $(SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX)$(notdir $@) $(OBJS2) else # SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX LINK_DLL = $(LD) $(ALDFLAGS) $(DLL_LDFLAGS) $(DLL_EXPORT_FLAGS) \ -o $@ $(OBJS) LINK_DLL2 = $(LD) $(ALDFLAGS) $(DLL_LDFLAGS) $(DLL_EXPORT_FLAGS2) \ -o $@ $(OBJS2) endif # SONAMEFLAG_PREFIX ifeq ($(ARCH), HPUX) # On HPUX, we need a couple of changes: # 1) Use the C++ compiler for linking, which will pass the +eh flag on down to the # linker so the correct exception-handling-aware libC gets used (libnshttpd.sl # needs this). # 2) Add a "-Wl,-E,-N" option so the linker gets a "-E,-N" flag. This makes symbols # in an executable visible to shared libraries loaded at runtime and makes ns-slapd # 'normal executable' instead of 'shared executable'. DS_LINKEXE_EXTRA_FLAGS=-Wl,-E,-N,+k,+vshlibunsats LD=$(CXX) else ifeq ($(ARCH), OSF1) DS_LINKEXE_EXTRA_FLAGS=-taso else ifeq ($(ARCH), IRIX) DS_LINKEXE_EXTRA_FLAGS=-exceptions endif # IRIX endif # OSF endif # HPUX # Define an assortment of UNIX LINK_EXE macros. DS_LINKEXE_FLAGS=$(DS_LINKEXE_EXTRA_FLAGS) $(ALDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) ifdef USE_LD_RUN_PATH #does RPATH differently. instead we export RPATHFLAG as LD_RUN_PATH export LD_RUN_PATH=$(RPATHFLAG) else # USE_LD_RUN_PATH DS_LINKEXE_FLAGS += $(RPATHFLAG_PREFIX)$(RPATHFLAG)$(RPATHFLAG_EXTRAS) endif # USE_LD_RUN_PATH LINK_EXE = $(CXX) $(DS_LINKEXE_FLAGS) -o $@ \ $(OBJS) $(EXTRA_LIBS) LINK_EXE_NOLIBSOBJS = $(CXX) $(DS_LINKEXE_FLAGS) -o $@ endif # WINNT # # Path to platform-specific directory for berkeley db # ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARIS) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/sunos.5.2 else ifeq ($(ARCH), IRIX) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/irix.5.3 else ifeq ($(ARCH), AIX) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/aix.4.2 else ifeq ($(ARCH), OSF1) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/osf.2.0 else ifeq ($(ARCH), HPUX) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/hpux.9.01 else ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/winnt3.51 else # UNIXWARE || UnixWare ifeq ($(subst nix,NIX,$(subst are,ARE,$(ARCH))), UNIXWARE) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/unixware.2.1 else ifeq ($(ARCH), SCOOS) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/scoos.5.0 else ifeq ($(ARCH), NCR) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/ncr.3.0 else ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARISx86) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/sunosx86.5.2 else ifeq ($(ARCH), ReliantUNIX) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/reliantunix.5.4 else ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) LIBDB_MAKEDIR=$(LDAP_SRC)/libraries/berkeley_db/PORT/linux.2.0 else LIBDB_MAKEDIR=XXX_UNDEFINED_XXX endif # Linux endif # ReliantUNIX endif # SOLARISx86 endif # NCR endif # SCOOS endif # UnixWare || UNIXWARE endif # WINNT endif # HPUX endif # OSF1 endif # AIX endif # IRIX endif # SOLARIS # # Add platform-specific include directory # # dboreham: this is bogus, take it out ifdef LDAP_USE_OLD_DB INCLUDES += -I$(LIBDB_MAKEDIR)/include endif #Changes required for ACL ACLINC = $(BUILD_ROOT)/include/libaccess #ACLDIR = -$(LIBPATH)$(LDAP_LIBDIR) ACLLIB = -laccess -lbase -lsi18n # end of changes