# # BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK # This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional # right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU # General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations # including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code # permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program # through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION # found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of # Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from # the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by # the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or # additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General # Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used # in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this # exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your # version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to # provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception # statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without # exception. # # # Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. # Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # END COPYRIGHT BLOCK # # # Makefile to Create packages for Directory Server and LDAP SDK # default help : @echo "The following targets are available:" @echo "" @echo " releaseDirectory" @echo " packageDirectory" @echo "" BUILD_ROOT=../.. TREE_ROOT=$(BUILD_ROOT) # make sure we pull the admin server component here ADMSERV_DEPS = 1 include $(BUILD_ROOT)/nsconfig.mk include $(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/nsldap.mk include $(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/javarules.mk include $(BUILD_ROOT)/ns_usesh.mk NSDISTMODE = copy ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) # tar must support the -h flag to follow symlinks and not copy them TAR=tar endif MMDD := $(shell date +%m.%d) TMPLIST := $(shell echo /tmp/build.$$$$) # we don't want to build with warnings-as-errors for the cm/ stuff, because # it's crappy C++ code which is LITTERED with warnings, most of which we # can't fix because it comes from files in dist/, etc. ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) CFLAGS := $(subst -Werror,,$(CFLAGS)) endif # Absolute path to .ldap/cm is needed for AIX packaging. Due to NFS problems on AIX 4.2.1 # the build script RSH's to cindercone but it tries to cd to $(RELDIR) which is relative # to the CWD of this Makefile in current build environment. So, the cd to RELDIR fails # since the RSH set the new CWD to /u/svbld. By determining its location in the tree then # cd'ing to same location on cindercone the cd to RELDIR finds the correct "release" directory. # This hack can go away when we use a version of AIX that fixes the NFS problem(s). (tfox) TMP_CM_PWD := $(shell pwd) LDAP_CM_ABS_PATH := $(TMP_CM_PWD:/tmp_mnt/%=/%) # AIX prefixes /tmp_mnt to path. ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) RELTOOLS=$(RELTOOLSPATH)/ftpname_new.pl SUF=-suf .tar SUFEXE=-suf .tar.gz BACKGROUND=& else RELTOOLSDIR=$(RELTOOLSPATH) NT_RELTOOLS=$(RELTOOLSDIR) RELTOOLS=perl $(RELTOOLSDIR)/ftpname.pl SUF=-suf .zip SUFEXE=-suf .exe ifdef BUILD_SHIP ifndef BuildDir HOST=$(shell hostname) BuildDir=$(shell cd $(RELTOOLSDIR);perl getdefaults -var BuildDir -if $(RELTOOLSDIR)/init/directory/directory5.init -machine $(HOST)) endif endif endif ifdef USE_64 VERSION=-ver 1.0.2-64bit else VERSION=-ver 1.0.2 endif ifeq ($(ARCH), HPUX) RSH=remsh REMSH=$(RSH) anuurn -l root else RSH=rsh REMSH=$(RSH) anuurn -l root endif ifdef PRODUCT_MARKET ifeq ($(PRODUCT_MARKET), JA) INTL=-intl ja INTL_INSTALL=-DJA=1 endif ifeq ($(PRODUCT_MARKET), EU) INTL=-intl eu endif else INTL=-intl us endif ifeq ($(BUILD_SECURITY), domestic) SEC=-sec domestic else SEC=-sec export endif ifneq ($(DEBUG), optimize) DBG=-debug full else DBG=-debug optimize endif FTPNAME = $(shell $(RELTOOLS) -name directory $(VERSION) $(INTL) $(SEC) $(DBG) $(SUF)) FTPNAMEGZ = $(shell $(RELTOOLS) -name directory $(VERSION) $(INTL) $(SEC) $(DBG) $(SUFEXE) ) # regular NT ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) INSTALL = nsinstall -t PLAT_ID = 32 CONVERTER = cp DOTTXT = .txt # NT Alpha ifeq ($(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE), ALPHA) PLAT_ID = 64 endif else INSTALL = $(OBJDIR)/nsinstall -t CONVERTER = cp endif PROD_ID = dk ifeq ($(DEBUG), optimize) STRIP = strip BLDTYPE_ID = else STRIP = true BLDTYPE_ID = d endif DOTDLL = .$(DLL_SUFFIX) DOTLIB = .$(LIB_SUFFIX) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) DOTEXE = .exe PACKAGE_STAGE_DIR=$(OBJDIR)/package endif # these are files and directories in the import adminsrv directory which we don't # make a local copy of, we just import directly into the tar file or create a # symlink to ADMIN_IMPORTS=$(ADMINSERVER_SUBCOMPS) ADMIN_SERVER_TARGZ=$(ADMINSERVER_PKG) ADMIN_IMPORTS_TARGZ=$(ADMIN_SERVER_TARGZ) # these are files we need to put in the command line/console only package #LDAPSDK_IMPORTS=ldapsearch ldapdelete ldapmodify # perl script to add the slapd information to the base installer # setup information file FIX_SETUP_INF = $(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/cm/fixSetupInf.pl FIX_BASE_INF = $(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/cm/fixBaseInf.pl ABSBUILD_ROOT = $(shell cd $(BUILD_ROOT); pwd) ABSRELDIR = $(ABSBUILD_ROOT)/built/release GENRPMPATCH = $(ABSBUILD_ROOT)/ldap/cm/genRpmPatch.pl PATCHINF = $(ABSBUILD_ROOT)/ldap/cm/fedora-patch.inf DATETIME := $(shell date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S) SPEXT := .SP.$(DATETIME) # This is the directory where we put what we're making: the files which go on the CD. ifndef INSTDIR ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) INSTDIR = $(TREE_ROOT)/../$(MMDD)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR) else INSTDIR = $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/../$(MMDD)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR) endif endif ABS_INSTDIR = $(shell cd $(INSTDIR); pwd) ABS_DISTDIR = $(ABSBUILD_ROOT)/../dist ESCAPED_ABS_DISTDIR = $(shell echo $(ABS_DISTDIR) | sed -e 's/\//\\\//g') ifdef BUILD_PATCH PATCHINSTDIR = $(ABS_INSTDIR)-SP SLAPDSP = slapd-10 endif INST_TARGET_RESKIT=$(INSTDIR)/reskit INST_TARGET_INTL=./$(PRODUCT_MARKET)dir LDAPDIR = $(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap NSDIST = $(BUILD_ROOT)/../dist DS_JAR_SRC_PATH = $(NSDIST)/$(BUILD_DEBUG) # this is the directory into which we place those java files and associated # web services files that are Apache or Java licensed - we cannot put them # in the same rpm/tarball as the directory server, so we create a separate # package for them, using the below macro as the staging area #EXT_JAVA_RELDIR = $(BUILD_ROOT)/built/release/extjava # actually, we can - GPL is compatible with APL in this situation EXT_JAVA_RELDIR = $(RELDIR) DS_JAR_DEST_PATH = java/jars XMLTOOLS_JAR_FILE = xmltools.jar UNZIP=unzip -o UNZIPNOPATHS=$(UNZIP) -j ZIP=zip ZIP_FLAGS=-r -T EXCLUDED_FILES=-x lib/aolsnauth-plugin.* # Linux Zip has problems zipping gif file over NFS (??) ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) ZIP_FLAGS=-r -T -n .gif endif ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) MAKEARCH=$(ARCH) else ifeq ($(USE_64), 1) MAKEARCH=$(ARCH)64 else MAKEARCH=$(ARCH) endif endif PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS_32=$(subst $(NS64TAG),,$(PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS)) # set the values of the macros used by rpmbuild ifdef BUILD_RPM # name and version of RPM - must correspond to the spec file - these get branded RPM_BASE_NAME=fedora RPM_VERSION=1.0.2 RPM_FILE_BASE=$(RPM_BASE_NAME)-ds-$(RPM_VERSION) RPM_ARCH = $(shell uname -i) # root dir for RPM built and temp files ABS_TOPDIR = $(shell cd $(INSTDIR)/.. ; pwd) RPM_TOPDIR = --define "_topdir $(ABS_TOPDIR)" # location of source tarball RPM_SOURCEDIR = --define "_sourcedir $(ABS_TOPDIR)" # location of staging area built into RPM RPM_BUILDDIR = --define "_builddir $(ABS_INSTDIR)" # location of final RPM file RPM_RPMDIR = --define "_rpmdir $(ABS_TOPDIR)" # location of source RPM RPM_SRPMDIR = --define "_srcrpmdir $(ABS_TOPDIR)" ifneq ($(BUILD_DEBUG), optimize) RPM_FLAVOR = dbg else RPM_FLAVOR = opt endif endif dummy: -@echo SITEHACK = $(SITEHACK) -@echo PACKAGE_SRC_DEST = $(PACKAGE_SRC_DEST) importAdmin: releaseDirectory: # LIBS_TO_PKG is defined in components.mk - these are component files (not directories) to install # with the other component files that we don't necessarily pick up from the admin server build # see below for windows packaging ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) for file in $(LIBS_TO_PKG) ; \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/lib ; \ fi ; \ done # these are files to copy to the shared/bin directory - ldap cmd line tools, sec tools, etc. for file in $(BINS_TO_PKG_SHARED); \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(RELDIR)/shared/bin ; \ fi ; \ done # these are files to copy to the shared/lib directory - ldap cmd line tools, sec tools, etc. for file in $(LIBS_TO_PKG_SHARED); \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(RELDIR)/shared/lib ; \ fi ; \ done # these are libs to copy to clients/lib on unix to support dsgw & pb ifdef USE_DSGW for file in $(LIBS_TO_PKG_CLIENTS); \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(RELDIR)/clients/lib ; \ fi ; \ done endif endif # PACKAGE_SRC_DEST is defined in components.mk - these are component files and directories to install # with the other component files that we don't necessarily pick up from the admin server build # these can go in any directory for dest in $(PACKAGE_SRC_DEST) ; \ do if [ "$$src" ] ; \ then if [ ! -d $(RELDIR)/$$dest ] ; then mkdir -p $(RELDIR)/$$dest ; fi ; \ if [ -d $$src ] ; \ then bs=`basename $$src` ; \ if [ -d $(RELDIR)/$$dest/$$bs ] ; then rm -rf $(RELDIR)/$$dest/$$bs ; fi ; \ cp -r $$src $(RELDIR)/$$dest ; \ else $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$src $(RELDIR)/$$dest ; \ fi ; \ src= ; \ else src=$$dest ; \ fi ; \ done # PACKAGE_SRC_DESTFILE is defined in components.mk - these are component files and directories to install # with the other component files that we don't necessarily pick up from the admin server build # these can go in any directory - this differs from PACKAGE_SRC_DEST above in that in this case, the # destination is a _file_, not a directory, and src must be a filename, not a directory for destfile in $(PACKAGE_SRC_DESTFILE) ; \ do if [ "$$src" ] ; \ then destdir=`dirname $$destfile` ; \ if [ ! -d $(RELDIR)/$$destdir ] ; then mkdir -p $(RELDIR)/$$destdir ; fi ; \ $(CP) $$src $(RELDIR)/$$destfile ; \ src= ; \ else src=$$destfile ; \ fi ; \ done # install the DSMLGW into the client directory # the following DSML files must be packaged separately: # web-app_2_3.dtd, activation.jar, saaj.jar - due to Sun license # jaxrpc-api.jar, jaxrpc.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xml-apis.jar, crimson.jar - due to Apache license ifeq ($(USE_DSMLGW), 1) $(MKDIR) $(RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw $(MKDIR) $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw if [ -d $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/$(AXIS_REL_DIR)/webapps/axis ] ; then \ $(CP) -R $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/$(AXIS_REL_DIR)/webapps/axis/* $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/ ; \ fi $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(NSDIST)/dsmlgw/dsmlgw.jar $(RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF/lib $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/clients/dsmlgw/misc/server-config.wsdd $(RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/clients/dsmlgw/misc/web-app_2_3.dtd $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/ # now time to move the necessary jars in place $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(LDAPJARFILE) $(RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF/lib if [ -f $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/jaf.jar ] ; then \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/jaf.jar $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF/lib ; \ else \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/activation.jar $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF/lib ; \ fi # if you use the jaxrpc.jar from the axis distribution, you don't need the api file # or perhaps you need the jaxrpc.jar for building, and jaxrpc-api.jar at runtime, or vice versa # if so, I'm not sure where to get the implementation if [ -f $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/jaxrpc-api.jar ] ; then \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/jaxrpc-api.jar $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF/lib ; \ fi $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/jaxrpc.jar $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF/lib $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/saaj.jar $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF/lib $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/xercesImpl.jar $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF/lib $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/xml-apis.jar $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF/lib $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DSMLGWJARS_BUILD_DIR)/jakarta-commons-codec.jar $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/clients/dsmlgw/WEB-INF/lib endif # USE_DSMLGW # PACKAGE_UNDER_JAVA is defined in components.mk - these are component .jar files to install # with the other component files that we don't necessarily pick up from the admin server build # these go in the java/ directory ifdef PACKAGE_UNDER_JAVA for file in $(PACKAGE_UNDER_JAVA) ; \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(RELDIR)/$(DS_JAR_DEST_PATH) ; \ fi ; \ done endif $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/ldif/*.ldif $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/ldif $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/dsml/*.dsml $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/dsml ### Package up the orgchart ### ifeq ($(USE_ORGCHART), 1) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/clients/orgchart/*.gif $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart/html $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/clients/orgchart/*.html $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart/html $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/clients/orgchart/*.css $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart/html $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/clients/orgchart/*.tmpl $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/clients/orgchart/*.bat $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart/bin $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/clients/orgchart/*.pl $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart/bin else $(MKDIR) $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart/bin $(CP) $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/clients/orgchart/org.pl $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart/bin/org $(CP) $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/clients/orgchart/myorg.pl $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart/bin/myorg chmod 755 $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart/bin/org chmod 755 $(RELDIR)/clients/orgchart/bin/myorg endif endif # USE_ORGCHART ### end orgchart package ### $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/schema/*.ldif $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/schema $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/schema/slapd-collations.conf $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/config # libdb for windows special and smartheap ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(DB_LIBPATH)/$(DB_LIBNAME).$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(SASL_LIBPATH)/*.$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server #Install smartheap dll in the server binary directory ifeq ($(DEBUG), optimize) $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(SH_LIBPATH)/shsmp.$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(SH_LIBPATH)/shsmp.$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(RELDIR)/lib endif endif ifeq ($(ARCH), SOLARIS) ifndef LDAP_DONT_USE_SMARTHEAP $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(SH_LIBPATH)/libsh.$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server endif endif ifeq ($(ARCH), HPUX) ifeq ($(DEBUG), optimize) ifndef LDAP_DONT_USE_SMARTHEAP $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(SH_LIBPATH)/libsh.$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server endif endif endif # if not Linux, we need package sasl library and supported plugins ifneq ($(ARCH), Linux) $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(SASL_LIBPATH)/*.$(DLL_SUFFIX)* $(RELDIR)/lib -mkdir $(RELDIR)/lib/sasl2 $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(SASL_LIBPATH)/sasl2/libdigestmd5.$(DLL_SUFFIX)* $(RELDIR)/lib/sasl2 $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(SASL_LIBPATH)/sasl2/libgssapiv2.$(DLL_SUFFIX)* $(RELDIR)/lib/sasl2 endif # the plugin API $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/slapi-plugin.h $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/include $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(NSPR_INCDIR)/*.h $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/include $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(NSPR_INCDIR)/obsolete/*.h $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/include/obsolete $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/slapi-plugin-compat4.h $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/include # if [ -f $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/docs/plugin/README ] ; \ # then $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/docs/plugin/README $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd ; \ # fi $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/test-plugins/*.c $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/test-plugins/*.h $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DB_INCLUDE)/db.h $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/test-plugins/README $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/test-plugins/clients/*.* $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/clients $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/test-plugins/clients/README $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/clients $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/plugins/distrib/*.c $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/distrib $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/plugins/distrib/README $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/distrib $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/test-plugins/Makefile.$(MAKEARCH) $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples $(MV) $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/Makefile.$(MAKEARCH) $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/Makefile $(CP) $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/plugins/distrib/Makefile.$(MAKEARCH) $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/distrib/Makefile ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/test-plugins/testplugin.mak $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/test-plugins/testplugin.def $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/slapd/test-plugins/testplugin.dsp $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/plugins/distrib/distrib.dsp $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/distrib $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/plugins/distrib/libdistrib.def $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/distrib endif ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(LIBSLAPD) $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/lib $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(NSPR_LIBPATH)/*.lib $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/lib # needed only for testdatainterop plugin in the plugins examples mkdir -p $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/lib $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(DB_LIBPATH)/$(DB_LIBNAME).lib $(RELDIR)/plugins/slapd/slapi/examples/lib endif # the httpd library ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(OBJDIR)/$(NSHTTPD_DLL)$(DLL_PRESUF).$(DLL_SUFFIX)* $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/lib $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(OBJDIR)/$(NSHTTPD_DLL)$(DLL_PRESUF).$(DLL_SUFFIX)* $(RELDIR)/clients/lib endif # install the ds jar file in the /$(DS_JAR_DEST_PATH) directory # also install the other jar files we use ifeq ($(USE_CONSOLE), 1) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(LDAPCONSOLE_DIR)/$(LDAPCONSOLEJAR) $(RELDIR)/$(DS_JAR_DEST_PATH) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(LDAPCONSOLE_DIR)/$(LDAPCONSOLEJAR_EN) $(RELDIR)/$(DS_JAR_DEST_PATH) ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) -(cd $(RELDIR)/$(DS_JAR_DEST_PATH); ln -s $(LDAPCONSOLEJAR_EN) $(LDAPCONSOLEGENJAR_EN)) -(cd $(RELDIR)/$(DS_JAR_DEST_PATH); ln -s $(LDAPCONSOLEJAR) $(LDAPCONSOLEGENJAR)) endif endif ifeq ($(USE_JAVATOOLS), 1) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(DS_JAR_SRC_PATH)/$(XMLTOOLS_JAR_FILE) $(RELDIR)/$(DS_JAR_DEST_PATH) $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(CRIMSONJAR_FILE) $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/$(DS_JAR_DEST_PATH) if [ -f $(CRIMSON_BUILD_DIR)/$(CRIMSON_LICENSE) ] ; then \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(CRIMSON_BUILD_DIR)/$(CRIMSON_LICENSE) $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR)/$(DS_JAR_DEST_PATH) ; \ fi endif # Images for IM Presence plugin ifdef BUILD_PRESENCE $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/servers/plugins/presence/images/*.gif $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/presence endif # docs -$(RM) -r $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd -$(MKDIR) $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd # copy over the manual files built in our build tree if [ -d "$(OBJDIR)/manual/slapd" ] ; then \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(OBJDIR)/manual/slapd/help/*.* $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd/help ; \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(OBJDIR)/manual/slapd/index.map $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd/ ; \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(OBJDIR)/manual/slapd/index.htm $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd/ ; \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(OBJDIR)/manual/slapd/pixel.gif $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd/ ; \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(OBJDIR)/manual/slapd/topicindex.htm $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd/ ; \ $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(OBJDIR)/manual/slapd/tokens.map $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd/ ; \ fi # copy the manual files from the zip files or checked out directory if [ "$(DSDOC_DIR)" -a -d "$(DSDOC_DIR)" ] ; then \ if [ -f $(DSDOC_DIR)/$(DSDOC_COPYRIGHT) ] ; then \ $(UNZIP) $(DSDOC_DIR)/$(DSDOC_COPYRIGHT) -d $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd ; \ $(UNZIP) $(DSDOC_DIR)/$(DSDOC_CLIENTS) -d $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd ; \ else \ cp -r $(DSDOC_DIR) $(RELDIR)/manual/en/slapd ; \ fi ; \ fi ifdef USE_PURIFY -$(INSTALL) -m 755 $(DB_LIBPATH)/*.so_pure* $(RELDIR)/lib -$(INSTALL) -m 755 $(NSCP_DISTDIR)/lib/*.so_pure* $(RELDIR)/lib rm -f $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server/ns-slapd mv -f $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server/ns-slapd.pure $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server/ns-slapd endif ifdef USE_QUANTIFY rm -f $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server/ns-slapd mv -f $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server/ns-slapd.quantify $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server/ns-slapd endif # Copy db tools $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(DB_BINPATH)/db_printlog$(EXE_SUFFIX) $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(DB_BINPATH)/db_verify$(EXE_SUFFIX) $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(OBJDIR)/lib/libsi18n/ns-slapd.properties $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/property; # Install LDAP Readme and License files at root of SLAPD Release sub-directory. ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) if [ -d $(LDAPDIR)/docs ] ; then \ cd $(LDAPDIR)/docs; \ perl $(NT_RELTOOLS)/unx2dos.plx WINNT LICENSE.txt $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd; \ perl $(NT_RELTOOLS)/unx2dos.plx WINNT LICENSE.txt $(RELDIR); \ perl $(NT_RELTOOLS)/unx2dos.plx WINNT README.txt $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd; \ perl $(NT_RELTOOLS)/unx2dos.plx WINNT README.txt $(RELDIR); \ fi else if [ -d $(LDAPDIR)/docs ] ; then \ cd $(LDAPDIR)/docs; \ $(INSTALL) -m 755 README.txt LICENSE.txt $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd; \ $(INSTALL) -m 755 README.txt LICENSE.txt $(RELDIR); \ fi endif # include the old configuration files in the package so we can use them # for comparison purposes during migration $(INSTALL) -m 444 $(LDAPDIR)/cm/v1confs/*.* $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/version1 $(INSTALL) -m 444 $(LDAPDIR)/cm/v3confs/*.* $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/version3 $(INSTALL) -m 444 $(LDAPDIR)/cm/v4confs/40/*.* $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/version4/40 $(INSTALL) -m 444 $(LDAPDIR)/cm/v4confs/41/*.* $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/version4/41 $(INSTALL) -m 444 $(LDAPDIR)/cm/v4confs/411/*.* $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/version4/411 $(INSTALL) -m 444 $(LDAPDIR)/cm/v4confs/412/*.* $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/install/version4/412 # for RPM, include the post install setup program ifdef BUILD_RPM $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(BUILD_DRIVE)$(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/cm/newinst/setup $(RELDIR)/setup endif # BUILD_RPM find $(RELDIR) -exec chmod go-w {} \; # $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server may host a core file if the server crashes # shortly after startup (otherwise, cores go in slapd-instance/logs) # For security reasons, it's readable only by the owner # but it needs to be executable (11) so that it can # load in shared libs from slapd/lib after the setuid chmod 711 $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server $(INSTDIR)/slapd: $(MKDIR) -p $@ # Packaging for UNIX is totally different than NT, so we conditionally execute here ifneq ($(ARCH), WINNT) # ---THE UNIX PACKAGE--- packageDirectory: $(INSTDIR)/slapd \ $(ADMSERV_DEP) # this gets setup, setup.inf, silent.inf, the zip wrapper, and svrcore, among others ifeq ($(USE_SETUPUTIL), 1) cp -R $(SETUPUTIL_BINPATH)/* $(INSTDIR) ifeq ($(DS_BRAND), redhat) cd $(INSTDIR); \ $(RELTOOLSPATH)/brandver.pl -i $(ABS_ROOT)/branding/rhds/setup.dat; \ cat setup.inf | sed -e "s/^#Resource/Resource/" > setup.inf.tmp; \ mv setup.inf.tmp setup.inf endif endif # copy in our product .inf files $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(OBJDIR)/*.inf $(INSTDIR)/slapd # strip the executables in the optimized build ifeq ($(DEBUG), optimize) # purify doesn't like stripped executables ifndef USE_PURIFY ifndef USE_QUANTIFY ifdef SAVE_UNSTRIP mkdir -p $(RELDIR_UNSTRIP) cp -R $(RELDIR)/* $(RELDIR_UNSTRIP) endif ifeq ($(SECURITY_RELDATE), NSS_3_7_9_RTM) ./unixstrip $(PERL) $(RELDIR) else ./unixstrip $(PERL) $(RELDIR) $(SECURITY_BUILD_DIR)/bin/shlibsign $(SECURITY_BUILD_DIR)/lib:$(NSPR_BUILD_DIR)/lib endif endif endif endif ifdef BUILD_PATCH # take care of files in components (e.g., a file in nsadmin.zip) -@for pair in `grep "^compfile:" $(PATCHINF) | awk '{print $$3}'`; do \ zipfile=`echo $$pair | awk -F: '{print $$1}' | sed -e "s/%DISTDIR%/$(ESCAPED_ABS_DISTDIR)\/$(NSOBJDIR_NAME)/"` ; \ afile=`echo $$pair | awk -F: '{print $$2}'` ; \ cd $(ABSRELDIR)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR); $(UNZIP) -o $$zipfile $$afile ; \ done ifdef BUILD_RPM # create a patch $(GENRPMPATCH) -i $(RPM_BASE_NAME) -o $(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR) -r $(ABSRELDIR) -e $(SPEXT) -f $(PATCHINF) -v mv $(ABSRELDIR)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR) $(ABSRELDIR)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR).original ln -s $(ABSRELDIR)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR)$(SPEXT)/opt/$(RPM_BASE_NAME)-ds $(ABSRELDIR)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR) endif endif ifeq ($(USE_DSMLGW), 1) # cd $(EXT_JAVA_RELDIR) ; tar cf - * | gzip > $(ABS_INSTDIR)/extjava.tar.gz endif ifeq ($(USE_CONSOLE),1) # create the slapd-client.zip file, which only has the ds jar file for the console and # the ldap client utility programs rm -f $(INSTDIR)/slapd/slapd-client.zip ifdef RSH_ZIP_HOST # Workaround for problems with ZIP and some SunOS5.6 nfs servers # Usage : RSH_ZIP_HOST=remote host for zipping RSH_ZIP_PATH=full path on remote host for zip binary $(RSH) $(RSH_ZIP_HOST) "cd $(TMP_CM_PWD)/$(RELDIR); $(RSH_ZIP_PATH)/$(ZIP) $(ZIP_FLAGS) $(ABS_INSTDIR)/slapd/slapd-client.zip ./java" else # Normal way to ZIP the bits cd $(RELDIR); $(ZIP) $(ZIP_FLAGS) $(ABS_INSTDIR)/slapd/slapd-client.zip ./java endif endif # USE_CONSOLE #; for file in $(LDAPSDK_IMPORTS) ; \ # do $(ZIP) $(ZIP_FLAGS) -g $(INSTDIR)/slapd/slapd-client.zip bin/slapd/server/$$file$(DOTEXE) ; \ # done # create the slapd zip file rm -f $(INSTDIR)/slapd/ns$(DIR).zip # create installable package ifdef RSH_ZIP_HOST # Workaround for problems with ZIP and some SunOS5.6 nfs servers (see above) rsh $(RSH_ZIP_HOST) "cd $(TMP_CM_PWD)/$(RELDIR); $(RSH_ZIP_PATH)/$(ZIP) $(ZIP_FLAGS) $(ABS_INSTDIR)/slapd/ns$(DIR).zip * $(EXCLUDED_FILES) " else # Normal way to ZIP the bits cd $(RELDIR); $(ZIP) $(ZIP_FLAGS) $(ABS_INSTDIR)/slapd/ns$(DIR).zip * $(EXCLUDED_FILES) endif # do one last check for aix. aix zip doesn't like -r -T $(ZIP) -T $(INSTDIR)/slapd/ns$(DIR).zip # install the ns-config file into the slapd package directory $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/admin/bin/ns-config $(INSTDIR)/slapd # if we are packaging our own version of the components, we need them during setup too -@for file in $(PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS) ; \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(INSTDIR)/slapd ; \ fi ; \ done # if the untar directory is there, hooray; otherwise, we will have to unpack the # binaries ourselves . . . if [ ! -d $(ADMSERV_DIR)/admin ] ; \ then \ rm -rf $(addprefix $(INSTDIR)/,$(ADMINSERVER_SUBCOMPS)) ; \ $(GUNZIP) -c $(ADMSERV_DIR)/$(ADMIN_SERVER_TARGZ) | (cd $(INSTDIR) ; $(TAR) xvf - $(ADMINSERVER_SUBCOMPS)) ; \ else \ for file in $(ADMINSERVER_SUBCOMPS) ; \ do rm -rf $(INSTDIR)/$$file ; \ cp -r $(ADMSERV_DIR)/$$file $(INSTDIR)/$$file ; \ done ; \ fi # make sure setup.inf has everything we need ifeq ($(USE_SETUPUTIL),1) cp $(INSTDIR)/setup.inf $(INSTDIR)/setup.inf.tmp $(PERL) -w $(FIX_SETUP_INF) $(INSTDIR)/setup.inf.tmp $(INSTDIR)/setup.inf $(USE_ADMINSERVER) rm -f $(INSTDIR)/setup.inf.tmp endif # we must remove the nsbase.zip file - we package those files now rm -f $(INSTDIR)/base/nsbase.zip # we also need to remove the Archive directive from the [base] section of the # base.inf file # $(PERL) -w $(FIX_BASE_INF) $(INSTDIR)/base/base.inf # Install LDAP Readme and License files at root of Installation (dated pre-packaging) directory. # And, replace the License.txt file that is packaged in nssvrcore.zip. if [ -d $(LDAPDIR)/docs ] ; then \ rm -rf $(INSTDIR)/LICENSE.txt $(INSTDIR)/README.txt; \ $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(LDAPDIR)/docs/README.txt $(LDAPDIR)/docs/LICENSE.txt $(INSTDIR); \ fi # Install dsktune at root of Installation cp $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server/dsktune $(INSTDIR) ifndef NO_INSTALLER_TAR_FILES # build the slapd package tar file cd $(INSTDIR); $(TAR) cvf - slapd \ | gzip -f > ../$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR).tar.gz # build the combined packages tar file; use h flag to follow symlinks ifdef BUILD_SHIP ifndef BUILD_PATCH cd $(INSTDIR); $(TAR) cvfh - setup slapd \ dsktune $(ADMIN_IMPORTS) | gzip -f > $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(FTPNAMEGZ) endif ifeq ($(DEBUG), optimize) # $(REMSH) "/u/svbld/bin/preRtm $(BUILD_SHIP) $(FTPNAMEGZ) svbld" endif else echo base/unzipped > $(TMPLIST) echo admin/unzipped >> $(TMPLIST) cd $(INSTDIR); $(TAR) cvfh - -X $(TMPLIST) setup slapd \ dsktune $(ADMIN_IMPORTS) | gzip -f > ../all$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR).tar.gz rm -f $(TMPLIST) endif # BUILD_SHIP #cp $(INSTDIR).tar.gz $(BUILD_SHIP) #cp $(INSTDIR)/all$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR).tar.gz $(BUILD_SHIP) # $(INSTDIR) is used to build international products. endif ifdef BUILD_RPM # make the .spec file - actually lives in OBJDIR $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -C $(BUILD_ROOT) $(RPM_BASE_NAME)-ds.spec # create the source tarball - the name must correspond to the Source: in the spec file # they should correspond because the values come from the same source - branding startdir=`pwd` ; cd $(BUILD_ROOT) ; builddir=`pwd` ; \ cd $$startdir ; cd $(INSTDIR)/.. ; \ if [ ! -f $(RPM_FILE_BASE).tar.gz ] ; then \ if [ ! -d $(RPM_FILE_BASE) -a ! -f $(RPM_FILE_BASE) ] ; then \ ln -s $$builddir $(RPM_FILE_BASE) ; \ fi ; tar cfh - --exclude \*/built --exclude \*/CVS --exclude \*/branding --exclude \*/RHEL* $(RPM_FILE_BASE) | gzip > $(RPM_FILE_BASE).tar.gz ; \ if [ -h $(RPM_FILE_BASE) ] ; then \ rm $(RPM_FILE_BASE) ; \ fi ; \ fi # execute the RPM build rpmbuild $(RPM_TOPDIR) $(RPM_SOURCEDIR) $(RPM_BUILDDIR) $(RPM_RPMDIR) $(RPM_SRPMDIR) $(RPM_REQUIRES) --define "flavor $(RPM_FLAVOR)" --clean --nodeps -ba $(OBJDIR)/$(RPM_BASE_NAME)-ds.spec ifdef BUILD_SHIP cp $(ABS_TOPDIR)/$(RPM_FILE_BASE)*$(NSOS_ARCH)$(NSOS_RELEASE).$(RPM_ARCH).$(RPM_FLAVOR).rpm $(BUILD_SHIP) endif # BUILD_SHIP endif # BUILD_RPM ifdef BUILD_PATCH mkdir -p $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP) cp $(INSTDIR)/setup $(PATCHINSTDIR)/dssetup cp $(INSTDIR)/unzip_wrapper.pl $(PATCHINSTDIR) cp $(INSTDIR)/LICENSE.txt $(PATCHINSTDIR) cp $(INSTDIR)/README.txt $(PATCHINSTDIR) cp $(BUILD_ROOT)/ldap/cm/newinst/setup.patch $(PATCHINSTDIR)/setup # prepare the main inf file: setup.inf pointing inf file $(SLAPDS)/$(SLAPD).inf sed -e "s/Components.*=/Components = $(SLAPDSP)/" $(INSTDIR)/setup.inf > $(PATCHINSTDIR)/setup.inf echo "" >> $(PATCHINSTDIR)/setup.inf echo "[$(SLAPDSP)]" >> $(PATCHINSTDIR)/setup.inf echo "ComponentInfoFile = $(SLAPDSP)/$(SLAPDSP).inf" >> $(PATCHINSTDIR)/setup.inf # create a zip file based upon the $(PATCHINF) file cd $(ABSRELDIR)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR); zip -r $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/ns$(SLAPDSP).zip `grep "^file:" $(PATCHINF) | awk -F: '{print $$3}'` cd $(ABSRELDIR)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR); zip -r $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/ns$(SLAPDSP).zip -u `grep "^compfile:" $(PATCHINF) | awk -F: '{print $$4}'` # put ns-config and needed libs in the $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP) directory $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(RELDIR_32)/bin/slapd/admin/bin/ns-config $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP) -@for file in $(PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS_32) ; \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP) ; \ fi ; \ done # create patch inf file: $(SLAPD).inf cp $(OBJDIR)/slapd-patch.inf $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/$(SLAPDSP).inf cd $(ABSRELDIR)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR); ls `grep "^file:" $(PATCHINF) | egrep -v "setup/setup" | awk -F: '{print $$3}'` > $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/$(SLAPDSP).inf.tmp cd $(ABSRELDIR)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR); ls `grep "^compfile:" $(PATCHINF) | awk -F: '{print $$4}'` >> $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/$(SLAPDSP).inf.tmp echo `cat $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/$(SLAPDSP).inf.tmp` | sed -e "s/ /,/g" > $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/$(SLAPDSP).inf.tmp2 echo "BackupFiles="`cat $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/$(SLAPDSP).inf.tmp2`>> $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/$(SLAPDSP).inf rm -f $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/$(SLAPDSP).inf.tmp $(PATCHINSTDIR)/$(SLAPDSP)/$(SLAPDSP).inf.tmp2 ifdef BUILD_SHIP cd $(PATCHINSTDIR); $(TAR) cvfh - * | gzip -f > $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(FTPNAMEGZ) else cd $(PATCHINSTDIR); $(TAR) cvfh - * | gzip -f > ../$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR)-SP.tar.gz endif endif else # ---THE NT PACKAGE--- $(PACKAGE_STAGE_DIR): mkdir -p $@ $(INSTDIR): mkdir -p $@ ###self-extracting EXE using EXEBUILD and MAKE the INI file on the fly ## # and rename OBJDIR_BASE directroy to temp since EXEBUILDER chokes on LFNS # when building across NFS, then rename it back. davidk make_zip: if [ -d $(LDAPDIR)/docs ] ; then \ rm -rf $(INSTDIR)/license-nt.txt $(INSTDIR)/slapd.txt $(INSTDIR)/README.txt $(INSTDIR)/LICENSE.txt; \ cd $(LDAPDIR)/docs; $(INSTALL) -m 755 README.txt LICENSE.txt $(INSTDIR); \ fi ifdef BUILD_SHIP cd $(INSTDIR); zip -r $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(FTPNAME) * endif endif ## Run Acceptance Test from the auto builds ## Run it only on domestic - optimized ## davidk ifeq ($(BUILD_SECURITY), domestic) ifeq ($(BUILD_DEBUG), optimize) acceptdir=../../../tetframework/testcases/DS/6.0/acceptance longdir=../../../tetframework/testcases/DS/6.0/longduration endif endif Acceptance: ifdef BUILD_SHIP ifeq ($(BUILD_SECURITY), domestic) ifeq ($(BUILD_DEBUG), optimize) ifeq ($(ARCH), HPUX) ifeq ($(USE_64), 1) # only run acceptance on 64-bit HPUX builds $(acceptdir)/accept $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(FTPNAMEGZ) & endif # USE_64 else ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) ifdef BUILD_RPM $(acceptdir)/accept $(shell echo $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(RPM_FILE_BASE)*$(NSOS_ARCH)$(NSOS_RELEASE).$(RPM_ARCH).$(RPM_FLAVOR).rpm) & endif # BUILD_RPM else $(acceptdir)/accept $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(FTPNAMEGZ) & endif # Linux endif # HPUX endif # optimize endif # domestic endif # BUILD_SHIP Longduration: ifdef BUILD_SHIP ifeq ($(BUILD_SECURITY), domestic) ifeq ($(BUILD_DEBUG), optimize) ifeq ($(ARCH), HPUX) ifeq ($(USE_64), 1) # only run long duration on 64-bit HPUX builds $(longdir)/longduration $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(FTPNAMEGZ) & endif # USE_64 else ifeq ($(ARCH), Linux) ifdef BUILD_RPM $(longdir)/longduration $(shell echo $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(RPM_FILE_BASE)*$(NSOS_ARCH)$(NSOS_RELEASE).$(RPM_ARCH).$(RPM_FLAVOR).rpm) & endif # BUILD_RPM else $(longdir)/longduration $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(FTPNAMEGZ) & endif # Linux endif # HPUX endif # optimize endif # domestic endif # BUILD_SHIP cleanDirectory: cd $(LDAPDIR); $(MAKE) clean rm -rf $(BUILD_ROOT)/../dist/$(NSOBJDIR_NAME) rm -rf $(BUILD_ROOT)/built/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) copyLibslapd: $(OBJDIRLIB) $(CP) $(INST_TARGET_RESKIT)/libslapd.$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(LIBSLAPD_DEP) $(CP) $(INST_TARGET_RESKIT)/libslapd.$(LIB_SUFFIX) $(LIBSLAPD) else copyLibslapd: $(OBJDIRLIB) $(CP) $(INST_TARGET_RESKIT)/libslapd.$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(LIBSLAPD_DEP) endif packageReskit: ifdef BUILD_SHIP rm -rf $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR) $(MKDIR) $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR) ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(LIBSLAPD) $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR)/lib $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(OBJDIRLIB)/cos-plugin.$(LIB_SUFFIX) $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR)/lib endif $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(LIBSLAPD_DEP) $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR)/lib $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(OBJDIRLIB)/cos-plugin.$(DLL_SUFFIX) $(BUILD_SHIP)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR)/lib endif ### END OF DS4.x RESOURCE KIT STUFF ##################################################### ifeq ($(ARCH), WINNT) SLAPD_DIR=slapd # ------------------------- all below this line is packageDirectory -------------------------- packageDirectory: $(INSTDIR)/$(SLAPD_DIR) _admserv_files _slapd_files _setup_files make_zip #-------------------------- admserv rules ---------------------------------------------------- _admserv_files: $(INSTDIR) $(ADMSERV_DEP) # we don't want to copy the tarball with the other setup files . . . mv $(ADMSERV_DIR)/$(ADMIN_SERVER_TARGZ) $(ADMSERV_DIR)/.. # copy in the setup.exe, setup.inf, dlls, etc. cp $(ADMSERV_DIR)/*.* $(INSTDIR) # move the tarball back after the copy mv $(ADMSERV_DIR)/../$(ADMIN_SERVER_TARGZ) $(ADMSERV_DIR) # make sure our packages are in the setup.inf file $(PERL) -w $(FIX_SETUP_INF) $(ADMSERV_DIR)/setup.inf $(INSTDIR)/setup.inf $(USE_ADMINSERVER) #---------------------------- slapd rules -------------------------------------------------- # Files which go in the distibution and which we make ourselves SLAPD_ZIPFILE=$(ABS_ROOT_PARENT)/$(MMDD)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR)/$(SLAPD_DIR)/slapd.z DSJARS_ZIPFILE=$(ABS_ROOT_PARENT)/$(MMDD)/$(NS_BUILD_FLAVOR)/$(SLAPD_DIR)/dsjars.z .PHONY: _slapd_files _slapd_files: $(INSTDIR)/$(SLAPD_DIR) \ $(INSTDIR)/$(SLAPD_DIR)/slapd.z \ $(INSTDIR)/$(SLAPD_DIR)/dsjars.z $(INSTDIR)/$(SLAPD_DIR)/dsjars.z: $(LDAPCONSOLE_DIR)/$(LDAPCONSOLEJAR) \ $(LDAPCONSOLE_DIR)/$(LDAPCONSOLEJAR_EN) $(DS_JAR_SRC_PATH)/$(XMLTOOLS_JAR_FILE) rm -f $(DSJARS_ZIPFILE); cd $(RELDIR); zip -r $(DSJARS_ZIPFILE) java $(INSTDIR)/$(SLAPD_DIR)/slapd.z: # see components.mk for a description of LIBS_TO_PKG -@for file in $(LIBS_TO_PKG) ; \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server ; \ $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/admin/bin ; \ fi ; \ done # these are files to copy to the shared/bin directory - ldap cmd line tools, sec tools, etc. for file in $(BINS_TO_PKG_SHARED) $(LIBS_TO_PKG_SHARED); \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(RELDIR)/shared/bin ; \ fi ; \ done # these are dlls to copy to the clients/dsgw/bin directory to support dsgw & pb for file in $(LIBS_TO_PKG_CLIENTS); \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(RELDIR)/clients/dsgw/bin ; \ fi ; \ done $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(OBJDIR)/$(BUILD_HTTPDLL_NAME).dll $(RELDIR)/bin/slapd/server $(INSTALL) -m 755 $(OBJDIR)/$(BUILD_HTTPDLL_NAME).dll $(RELDIR)/clients/dsgw/bin rm -f $(SLAPD_ZIPFILE); cd $(RELDIR); zip -r $(SLAPD_ZIPFILE) * #----------------------------- setup rules --------------------------------------------------- _setup_files: $(INSTDIR)/$(SLAPD_DIR)/dsinst.dll \ $(INSTDIR)/$(SLAPD_DIR)/slapd.inf \ $(INSTDIR)/admin $(INSTDIR)/base \ $(INSTDIR)/svrcore # see components.mk for a description of PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS -@for file in $(PACKAGE_SETUP_LIBS) ; \ do if [ -f $$file ] ; \ then $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$file $(INSTDIR) ; \ fi ; \ done $(INSTDIR)/$(SLAPD_DIR)/dsinst.dll: $(OBJDIR)/setup/dsinst.dll cp $< $@ $(INSTDIR)/$(SLAPD_DIR)/slapd.inf: $(OBJDIR)/setup/slapd.inf cp $< $@ $(INSTDIR)/admin: $(ADMSERV_DIR)/admin cp -R $< $@ $(INSTDIR)/base: $(ADMSERV_DIR)/base cp -R $< $@ rm -f $@/base.z rm -f $@/basesys.z # we need to remove the jre per Red Hat. Users will download their own jre rm -f $(INSTDIR)/base/jre.z # we also need to remove the Archive directive from the [base] section of the # base.inf file $(PERL) -w $(FIX_BASE_INF) $@/base.inf $(INSTDIR)/svrcore: $(ADMSERV_DIR)/svrcore cp -R $< $@ endif $(OBJDIR)/lib/libsi18n/ns-slapd.properties: cd $(BUILD_ROOT)/lib/libsi18n ; $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) all