#{{PERL-EXEC}} # # BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK # This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional # right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU # General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations # including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code # permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program # through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION # found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of # Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from # the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by # the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or # additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General # Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used # in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this # exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your # version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to # provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception # statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without # exception. # # # Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. # Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # END COPYRIGHT BLOCK # ############################### # SUB-ROUTINES ############################### sub usage_and_exit { print (STDERR "$cmd [-D rootdn] { -w password | -w - | -j filename } \n"); print (STDERR " [-p port] [-h host] -I DN-to-$operation\n\n"); print (STDERR "May be used to $operation a user or a domain of users\n\n"); print (STDERR "Arguments:\n"); print (STDERR " -? - help\n"); print (STDERR " -D rootdn - Provide a Directory Manager DN. Default= '$defrootdn'\n"); print (STDERR " -w password - Provide a password for the Directory Manager DN\n"); print (STDERR " -w - - Prompt for the Directory Manager's password\n"); print (STDERR " -j filename - Read the Directory Manager's password from file\n"); print (STDERR " -p port - Provide a port. Default= '$defport'\n"); print (STDERR " -h host - Provide a host name. Default= '$defhost'\n"); print (STDERR " -I DN-to-$operation - Single entry DN or role DN to $operation\n"); exit 100; } sub debug { # print " ==> @_"; } sub out { print "@_"; } # -------------------------- # Check if the entry is part of a locked role: # i.e.: for each role member (nsroledn) of nsdisabledrole, check if # * it is the same as the entry # * the entry is member of role (==has nsroledn attributes), compare each of # them with the nsroledn of nsdisabledrole # * if nsroledn of nsdisabledrole are complex, go through each of them # argv[0] is the local file handler # argv[1] is the entry (may be a single entry DN or a role DN) # argv[2] is the base for the search # -------------------------- $throughRole=""; sub indirectLock { # For recursivity, file handler must be local my $L_filehandle=$_[0]; $L_filehandle++; my $L_entry=$_[1]; # Remove useless space my @L_intern=split /([,])/,$L_entry; my $L_result=""; foreach $L_part (@L_intern) { $L_part=~s/^ +//; $L_part=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $L_result="$L_result$L_part"; } $L_entry=$L_result; my $L_base=$_[2]; my $L_search; my $L_currentrole; my $L_retCode; my $L_local; `$ldapsearch -p $port -h $host -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$rootpw\" -s base -b \"$L_base\" \"(|(objectclass=*)(objectclass=ldapsubentry))\" nsroledn >> {{DEV-NULL}} 2>&1 `; $retCode=$?; if ( $retCode != 0 ) { $retCode=$?>>8; return 1; } # Check if the role is a nested role @L_Nested="$ldapsearch -p $port -h $host -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$rootpw\" -s base -b \"$L_base\" \"(|(objectclass=nsNestedRoleDefinition)(objectclass=ldapsubentry))\" "; # L_isNested == 1 means that we are going through a nested role, so for each member of that # nested role, check that the member is below the scope of the nested $L_isNested=@L_Nested; # Not Direct Lock, Go through roles if any $L_search="$ldapsearch -p $port -h $host -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$rootpw\" -s base -b \"$L_base\" \"(|(objectclass=*)(objectclass=ldapsubentry))\" nsroledn "; debug("\t-->indirectLock: check if $L_entry is part of a locked role from base $L_base\n\n"); unless (open ($L_filehandle, "$L_search |")) { out("Can't open file $L_filehandle\n"); exit; } while (<$L_filehandle>) { s/\n //g; if (/^nsroledn: (.*)\n/) { $L_currentrole = $1; # Remove useless space my @L_intern=split /([,])/,$L_currentrole; my $L_result=""; foreach $L_part (@L_intern) { $L_part=~s/^ +//; $L_part=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $L_result="$L_result$L_part"; } $L_currentrole=$L_result; debug("\t-- indirectLock loop: current nsroledn $L_currentrole of base $L_base\n"); if ( $L_isNested == 1 ) { if ( checkScope($L_currentrole, $L_base) == 0 ) { # Scope problem probably a bad conf, skip the currentrole next; } } if ( $L_currentrole eq $L_entry ) { # the entry is a role that is directly locked # i.e, nsroledn of nsdisabledrole contains the entry $throughRole=$L_base; $throughRole=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # skipDisabled means that we've just found that the entry (which is a role) # is locked directly (==its DN is part of nsroledn attributes) # we just want to know now, if it is locked through another role # at least, one if ( $skipDisabled == 1 ) { # direct inactivation $directLocked=1; # just go through that test once $skipDisabled=0; next; } debug("\t-- 1 indirectLock: $L_currentrole locked throughRole == $throughRole\n"); return 0; } $L_retCode=memberOf($L_currentrole, $L_entry); if ( $L_retCode == 0 && $single == 1 ) { $throughRole=$L_currentrole; $throughRole=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ( $skipManaged == 1 ) { if ( $L_currentrole eq $nsManagedDisabledRole) { # Try next nsroledn $directLocked=1; $skipManaged=0; next; } } debug("\t-- 2 indirectLock: $L_currentrole locked throughRole == $throughRole\n"); return 0; } # Only for the first iteration # the first iteration is with nsdisabledrole as base, other # loops are deeper $L_local=$skipDisabled; $skipDisabled=0; # the current nsroledn may be a complex role, just go through # its won nsroledn $L_retCode=indirectLock($L_filehandle,$L_entry, $L_currentrole); # Because of recursivity, to keep the initial value for the first level $skipDisabled=$L_local; if ( $L_retCode == 0 ) { $throughRole=$L_currentrole; $throughRole=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; debug("\t-- 3 indirectLock: $L_entry locked throughRole == $throughRole\n"); return 0; } } } close($L_filehandle); debug("\t<--indirectLock: no more nsroledn to process\n"); return 1; } # -------------------------- # Check if nsroledn is part of the entry attributes # argv[0] is a role DN (nsroledn attribute) # argv[1] is the entry # -------------------------- sub memberOf { my $L_nsroledn=$_[0]; $L_nsroledn=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; my $L_entry=$_[1]; my $L_search; my $L_currentrole; $L_search="$ldapsearch -p $port -h $host -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$rootpw\" -s base -b \"$L_entry\" \"(|(objectclass=*)(objectclass=ldapsubentry))\" nsrole"; debug("\t\t-->memberOf: $L_search: check if $L_entry has $L_nsroledn as nsroledn attribute\n"); open (LDAP2, "$L_search |"); while () { s/\n //g; if (/^nsrole: (.*)\n/) { $L_currentrole = $1; $L_currentrole=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ( $L_currentrole eq $L_nsroledn ) { # the parm is part of the $L_entry nsroledn debug("\t\t<--memberOf: $L_entry locked through $L_nsroledn\n"); return 0; } } } close(LDAP2); # the parm is not part of the $L_entry nsroledn debug("\t\t<--memberOf: $L_entry not locked through $L_nsroledn\n"); return 1; } # -------------------------- # Remove the rdn of a DN # argv[0] is a DN # -------------------------- sub removeRdn { $L_entry=$_[0]; @L_entryToTest=split /([,])/,$L_entry; debug("removeRdn: entry to split: $L_entry**@L_entryToTest\n"); $newDN=""; $removeRDN=1; foreach $part (@L_entryToTest) { $part=~ s/^ +//; $part=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ( $removeRDN <= 2 ) { $removeRDN=$removeRDN+1; } else { $newDN="$newDN$part"; } } debug("removeRdn: new DN **$newDN**\n"); } # -------------------------- # Check if L_current is below the scope of # L_nestedRole # argv[0] is a role # argv[1] is the nested role # -------------------------- sub checkScope { $L_current=$_[0]; $L_nestedRole=$_[1]; debug("checkScope: check if $L_current is below $L_nestedRole\n"); removeRdn($L_nestedRole); $L_nestedRoleSuffix=$newDN; debug("checkScope: nested role based: $L_nestedRoleSuffix\n"); $cont=1; while ( ($cont == 1) && ($L_current ne "") ) { removeRdn($L_current); $currentDn=$newDN; debug("checkScope: current DN to check: $currentDn\n"); if ( $currentDn eq $L_nestedRoleSuffix ) { debug("checkScope: DN match!!!\n"); $cont = 0; } else { $L_current=$currentDn; } } if ( $cont == 1 ) { debug("checkScope: $_[0] and $_[1] are not compatible\n"); return 0; } else { debug("checkScope: $_[0] and $_[1] are compatible\n"); return 1; } } ############################### # MAIN ROUTINE ############################### # Generated variable $prefix="{{DS-ROOT}}"; # Determine which command we are running if ( $0 =~ /ns-inactivate(.pl)?$/ ) { $cmd="ns-inactivate.pl"; $operation="inactivate"; $state="inactivated"; $modrole="add"; $already="already"; } elsif ( $0 =~ /ns-activate(.pl)?$/ ) { $cmd="ns-activate.pl"; $operation="activate"; $state="activated"; $modrole="delete"; $already="already"; } elsif ( $0 =~ /ns-accountstatus(.pl)?$/ ) { $cmd="ns-accountstatus.pl"; $operation="get status of"; $state="activated"; # no need for $modrole as no operation is performed $already=""; } else { out("$0: unknown command\n"); exit 100; } debug("Running ** $cmd ** $operation\n"); $ENV{'PATH'} = "$prefix@ldapsdk_bindir@:$prefix/usr/bin:@ldapsdk_bindir@:/usr/bin"; $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} = "$prefix@nss_libdir@:$prefix/usr/lib:@nss_libdir@:/usr/lib"; $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'} = "$prefix@nss_libdir@:$prefix/usr/lib:@nss_libdir@:/usr/lib"; $ldapsearch="ldapsearch -1"; $ldapmodify="ldapmodify"; # Default values $defrootdn= "{{ROOT-DN}}"; $defhost= "{{SERVER-NAME}}"; $defport= "{{SERVER-PORT}}"; # User values $rootdn= "{{ROOT-DN}}"; $rootpw= ""; $pwfile= ""; $host= "{{SERVER-NAME}}"; $port= "{{SERVER-PORT}}"; $entry= ""; $single=0; $role=0; # Process the command line arguments while( $arg = shift) { if($arg eq "-?") { usage_and_exit(); } elsif($arg eq "-D") { $rootdn= shift @ARGV; } elsif($arg eq "-w") { $rootpw= shift @ARGV; } elsif($arg eq "-j") { $pwfile= shift @ARGV; } elsif($arg eq "-p") { $port= shift @ARGV; } elsif($arg eq "-h") { $host= shift @ARGV; } elsif($arg eq "-I") { $entry= shift @ARGV; } else { print "$arg: Unknown command line argument.\n"; usage_and_exit(); } } if ($pwfile ne ""){ # Open file and get the password unless (open (RPASS, $pwfile)) { die "Error, cannot open password file $passwdfile\n"; } $rootpw = ; chomp($rootpw); close(RPASS); } elsif ($rootpw eq "-"){ # Read the password from terminal die "The '-w -' option requires an extension library (Term::ReadKey) which is not\n", "part of the standard perl distribution. If you want to use it, you must\n", "download and install the module. You can find it at\n", "http://www.perl.com/CPAN/CPAN.html\n"; # Remove the previous line and uncomment the following 6 lines once you have installed Term::ReadKey module. # use Term::ReadKey; # print "Bind Password: "; # ReadMode('noecho'); # $rootpw = ReadLine(0); # chomp($rootpw); # ReadMode('normal'); } if( $rootpw eq "" ) { usage_and_exit(); } if( $entry eq "" ) { usage_and_exit(); } # # Check the actual existence of the entry to inactivate/activate # and at the same time, validate the various parm: port, host, rootdn, rootpw # @exist=`$ldapsearch -p $port -h $host -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$rootpw\" -s base -b \"$entry\" \"(objectclass=*)\" dn`; $retCode1=$?; if ( $retCode1 != 0 ) { $retCode1=$?>>8; exit $retCode1; } @isRole=`$ldapsearch -p $port -h $host -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$rootpw\" -s base -b \"$entry\" \"(&(objectclass=LDAPsubentry)(objectclass=nsRoleDefinition))\" dn`; $nbLineRole=@isRole; $retCode2=$?; if ( $retCode2 != 0 ) { $retCode2=$?>>8; exit $retCode2; } if ( $nbLineRole == 1 ) { debug("Groups of users\n"); $role=1; } else { debug("Single user\n"); $single=1; } # # First of all, check the existence of the nsaccountlock attribute in the entry # $isLocked=0; if ( $single == 1 ) { $searchAccountLock="$ldapsearch -p $port -h $host -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$rootpw\" -s base -b \"$entry\" \"(objectclass=*)\" nsaccountlock"; open (LDAP1, "$searchAccountLock |"); while () { s/\n //g; if (/^nsaccountlock: (.*)\n/) { $L_currentvalue = $1; $L_currentvalue=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ( $L_currentvalue eq "true") { $isLocked=1; } elsif ( $L_currentvalue eq "false" ) { $isLocked=0; } } } close(LDAP1); } debug("Is the entry already locked? ==> $isLocked\n"); # # Get the suffix name of that entry # # Remove the space at the beginning (just in case...) # -I "uid=jvedder , ou=People , o=sun.com" @suffix=split /([,])/,$entry; $result=""; foreach $part (@suffix) { $part=~s/^ +//; $part=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $result="$result$part"; } @suffixN=$result; debug("Entry to $operation: #@suffix#\n"); debug("Entry to $operation: #@suffixN#\n"); # Get the suffix $cont=0; while ($cont == 0) { # Look if suffix is the suffix of the entry # ldapsearch -s one -b "cn=mapping tree,cn=config" "cn=\"uid=jvedder,ou=People,o=sun.com\"" # debug("\tSuffix from the entry: #@suffixN#\n"); @mapping=`$ldapsearch -p $port -h $host -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$rootpw\" -s one -b \"cn=mapping tree, cn=config\" \"cn=\\"@suffixN\\"\" cn `; $retCode=$?; if ( $retCode != 0 ) { $retCode=$?>>8; exit $retCode; } # If we get a result, remove the dn: # dn: cn="o=sun.com",cn=mapping tree,cn=config # cn: "o=sun.com" # shift @mapping; foreach $res (@mapping) { # Break the string cn: "o=sun.com" into pieces @cn= split(/ /,$res); # And remove the cn: part shift @cn; # Now compare the suffix we extract from the mapping tree # with the suffix derived from the entry debug("\tSuffix from mapping tree: #@cn#\n"); if ( @cn eq @suffixN ) { debug("Found matching suffix\n"); $cont=1; } } if ( $cont == 0 ) { # Remove the current rdn to try another suffix shift @suffix; $result=""; foreach $part (@suffix) { $part=~ s/^ +//; $part=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $result="$result$part"; } @suffixN=$result; debug("\t\tNothing found => go up one level in rdn #@suffix#\n"); $len=@suffix; if ( $len == 0 ) { debug("Can not find suffix. Problem\n"); $cont=2; } } } if ( $cont == 2) { out("Can not find suffix for entry $entry\n"); exit 100; } if ( $operation eq "inactivate" ) { # # Now that we have the suffix and we know if we deal with a single entry or # a role, just try to create the COS and roles associated. # @base=( "cn=nsManagedDisabledRole,@suffixN", "cn=nsDisabledRole,@suffixN", "cn=nsAccountInactivationTmp,@suffixN", "\'cn=\"cn=nsDisabledRole,@suffixN\",cn=nsAccountInactivationTmp,@suffixN\'", "cn=nsAccountInactivation_cos,@suffixN" ); $addrolescos="$ldapmodify -p $port -h $host -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$rootpw\" -c -a >> {{DEV-NULL}} 2>&1 "; @role1=( "dn: cn=nsManagedDisabledRole,@suffixN\n", "objectclass: LDAPsubentry\n", "objectclass: nsRoleDefinition\n", "objectclass: nsSimpleRoleDefinition\n", "objectclass: nsManagedRoleDefinition\n", "cn: nsManagedDisabledRole\n\n" ); @role2=( "dn: cn=nsDisabledRole,@suffixN\n", "objectclass: top\n", "objectclass: LDAPsubentry\n", "objectclass: nsRoleDefinition\n", "objectclass: nsComplexRoleDefinition\n", "objectclass: nsNestedRoleDefinition\n", "nsRoleDN: cn=nsManagedDisabledRole,@suffixN\n", "cn: nsDisabledRole\n\n" ); @cos1=( "dn: cn=nsAccountInactivationTmp,@suffixN\n", "objectclass: top\n", "objectclass: nsContainer\n\n" ); @cos2=( "dn: cn=\"cn=nsDisabledRole,@suffixN\",cn=nsAccountInactivationTmp,@suffixN\n", "objectclass: top\n", "objectclass: extensibleObject\n", "objectclass: costemplate\n", "objectclass: ldapsubentry\n", "cosPriority: 1\n", "nsAccountLock: true\n\n" ); @cos3=( "dn: cn=nsAccountInactivation_cos,@suffixN\n", "objectclass: top\n", "objectclass: LDAPsubentry\n", "objectclass: cosSuperDefinition\n", "objectclass: cosClassicDefinition\n", "cosTemplateDn: cn=nsAccountInactivationTmp,@suffixN\n", "cosSpecifier: nsRole\n", "cosAttribute: nsAccountLock operational\n\n" ); @all=(\@role1, \@role2, \@cos1, \@cos2, \@cos3); $i=0; foreach $current (@base) { debug("Creating $current ??\n"); open(FD,"| $addrolescos "); print FD @{$all[$i]}; close(FD); if ( $? != 0 ) { $retCode=$?>>8; if ( $retCode == 68 ) { debug("Entry $current already exists, ignore error\n"); } else { # Probably a more serious problem. # Exit with LDAP error exit $retCode; } } else { debug("Entry $current created\n"); } $i=$i+1; } } $skipManaged=0; $skipDisabled=0; $directLocked=0; $nsDisabledRole="cn=nsDisabledRole,@suffixN"; $nsDisabledRole=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $nsManagedDisabledRole="cn=nsManagedDisabledRole,@suffixN"; $nsManagedDisabledRole=~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ( $operation eq "inactivate" ) { # Go through all the roles part of nsdisabledrole to check if the entry # is a member of one of those roles $ret=indirectLock("LDAP00", $entry, $nsDisabledRole); if ( $ret == 0 ) { if ( $throughRole ne $nsDisabledRole && $throughRole ne $nsManagedDisabledRole ) { # indirect lock out("$entry already $state through $throughRole.\n"); } else { # direct lock out("$entry already $state.\n"); } exit 100; } elsif ( $isLocked == 1 ) { # the entry is not locked through a role, may be nsaccountlock is "hardcoded" ? out("$entry already $state (probably directly).\n"); exit 103; } } elsif ( $operation eq "activate" || $operation eq "get status of" ) { $skipManaged=$single; $skipDisabled=$role; $ret=indirectLock("LDAP00",$entry, $nsDisabledRole); if ( $ret == 0 ) { # undirectly locked if ( $throughRole ne $nsDisabledRole && $throughRole ne $nsManagedDisabledRole ) { if ( $operation eq "activate" ) { out("$entry inactivated through $throughRole. Can not activate it individually.\n"); exit 100; } else { out("$entry inactivated through $throughRole.\n"); exit 104; } } debug("$entry locked individually\n"); if ( $operation ne "activate" ) { out("$entry inactivated.\n"); exit 103; } } elsif ( $directLocked == 0 ) { if ( $operation eq "activate" && $isLocked != 1 ) { out("$entry $already $state.\n"); exit 100; } elsif ( $isLocked != 1 ) { out("$entry $already $state.\n"); exit 102; } else { # not locked using our schema, but nsaccountlock is probably present out("$entry inactivated (probably directly).\n"); exit 103; } } elsif ( $operation ne "activate" ) { out("$entry inactivated.\n"); exit 103; } # else Locked directly, juste unlock it! debug("$entry locked individually\n"); } # # Inactivate/activate the entry # $action="$ldapmodify -p $port -h $host -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$rootpw\" -c >> {{DEV-NULL}} 2>&1"; if ( $single == 1 ) { @record=( "dn: $entry\n", "changetype: modify\n", "$modrole: nsRoleDN\n", "nsRoleDN: cn=nsManagedDisabledRole,@suffixN\n\n" ); } else { @record=( "dn: cn=nsDisabledRole,@suffixN\n", "changetype: modify\n", "$modrole: nsRoleDN\n", "nsRoleDN: $entry\n\n" ); } open(FD,"| $action "); print FD @record; close(FD); if ( $? != 0 ) { debug("$modrole, $entry\n"); $retCode=$?>>8; exit $retCode; } out("$entry $state.\n"); exit 0;