#{{PERL-EXEC}} # # BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK # Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Portions copyright 1999, 2001-2004 Netscape Communications Corporation. # All rights reserved. # END COPYRIGHT BLOCK # sub usage { print(STDERR "Usage: $0 [-v] -D rootdn { -w password | -w - | -j filename } \n"); print(STDERR " : -a dirname [-t dbtype]\n"); print(STDERR " Opts: -D rootdn - Directory Manager\n"); print(STDERR " : -w password - Directory Manager's password\n"); print(STDERR " : -w - - Prompt for Directory Manager's password\n"); print(STDERR " : -j filename - Read Directory Manager's password from file\n"); print(STDERR " : -a dirname - backup directory\n"); print(STDERR " : -t dbtype - database type (default: ldbm database)\n"); print(STDERR " : -v - verbose\n"); } $taskname = ""; $archivedir = ""; $dbtype = "ldbm database"; $dsroot = "{{DS-ROOT}}"; $mydsroot = "{{MY-DS-ROOT}}"; $verbose = 0; $rootdn = ""; $passwd = ""; $passwdfile = ""; $i = 0; while ($i <= $#ARGV) { if ("$ARGV[$i]" eq "-a") { # backup directory $i++; $archivedir = $ARGV[$i]; } elsif ("$ARGV[$i]" eq "-D") { # Directory Manager $i++; $rootdn = $ARGV[$i]; } elsif ("$ARGV[$i]" eq "-w") { # Directory Manager's password $i++; $passwd = $ARGV[$i]; } elsif ("$ARGV[$i]" eq "-j") { # Read Directory Manager's password from a file $i++; $passwdfile = $ARGV[$i]; } elsif ("$ARGV[$i]" eq "-t") { # database type $i++; $dbtype = $ARGV[$i]; } elsif ("$ARGV[$i]" eq "-v") { # verbose $verbose = 1; } else { &usage; exit(1); } $i++; } if ($passwdfile ne ""){ # Open file and get the password unless (open (RPASS, $passwdfile)) { die "Error, cannot open password file $passwdfile\n"; } $passwd = ; chomp($passwd); close(RPASS); } elsif ($passwd eq "-"){ # Read the password from terminal die "The '-w -' option requires an extension library (Term::ReadKey) which is not\n", "part of the standard perl distribution. If you want to use it, you must\n", "download and install the module. You can find it at\n", "http://www.perl.com/CPAN/CPAN.html\n"; # Remove the previous line and uncomment the following 6 lines once you have installed Term::ReadKey module. # use Term::ReadKey; # print "Bind Password: "; # ReadMode('noecho'); # $passwd = ReadLine(0); # chomp($passwd); # ReadMode('normal'); } if ( $rootdn eq "" || $passwd eq "") { &usage; exit(1); } ($s, $m, $h, $dy, $mn, $yr, $wdy, $ydy, $r) = localtime(time); $mn++; $yr += 1900; $taskname = "restore_${yr}_${mn}_${dy}_${h}_${m}_${s}"; if ($archivedir eq "") { &usage; exit(1); } $dn = "dn: cn=$taskname, cn=restore, cn=tasks, cn=config\n"; $misc = "changetype: add\nobjectclass: top\nobjectclass: extensibleObject\n"; $cn = "cn: $taskname\n"; $nsarchivedir = "nsArchiveDir: $archivedir\n"; $nsdbtype = "nsDatabaseType: $dbtype\n"; $entry = "${dn}${misc}${cn}${nsarchivedir}${nsdbtype}"; $vstr = ""; if ($verbose != 0) { $vstr = "-v"; } chdir("$dsroot{{SEP}}shared{{SEP}}bin"); open(FOO, "| $dsroot{{SEP}}shared{{SEP}}bin{{SEP}}ldapmodify $vstr -h {{SERVER-NAME}} -p {{SERVER-PORT}} -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$passwd\" -a" ); print(FOO "$entry"); close(FOO);