#!/usr/bin/env perl # # BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK # This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple # Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. # # In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional # right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU # General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations # including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code # permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program # through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION # found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of # Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from # the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by # the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or # additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General # Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used # in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this # exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your # version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to # do so, delete this exception statement from your version. # # # Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. # Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # END COPYRIGHT BLOCK # # # Check for usage # use Time::Local; if ($#ARGV < 0){; &displayUsage; } ####################################### # # # parse commandline switches # # # ####################################### $x = "0"; $fc = 0; $sn = 0; $manager = "cn=directory manager"; $logversion = "6.0"; $sizeCount = "20"; $startFlag = 0; $startTime = 0; $endFlag = 0; $endTime = 0; while ($sn <= $#ARGV) { if ("$ARGV[$sn]" eq "-d") { $manager = $ARGV[++$sn]; } elsif ("$ARGV[$sn]" eq "-v") { print "Access Log Analyzer v$logversion\n";; exit (0); } elsif ("$ARGV[$sn]" eq "-V") { $verb = "yes"; } elsif ("$ARGV[$sn]" eq "-X"){ $exclude[$x] = $ARGV[++$sn]; $x++; } elsif ("$ARGV[$sn]" eq "-s") { $sizeCount = $ARGV[++$sn]; } elsif ("$ARGV[$sn]" eq "-S") { $startTime = $ARGV[++$sn]; } elsif ("$ARGV[$sn]" eq "-E") { $endTime = $ARGV[++$sn]; } elsif ("$ARGV[$sn]" eq "-h") { &displayUsage; } elsif ("$ARGV[$sn]" =~ m/^-/){ $usage = $ARGV[$sn]; } else { $files[$fc] = $ARGV[$sn]; $fc++; } $sn++; } if ($sizeCount eq "all"){$sizeCount = "100000";} ####################################### # # # Initialize Arrays and variables # # # ####################################### print "\nAccess Log Analyzer $logversion\n"; print "\nCommand : logconv.pl @ARGV\n\n"; $dirmgr = "0"; $notes = "0"; $vlvnotes= "0"; $search = "0"; $fdtake = "0"; $fdreturn = "0"; $highfd = "0"; $bind = "0"; $unbind = "0"; $anony = "0"; $mod = "0"; $delete = "0"; $add = "0"; $modrdn = "0"; $restarts = "0"; $resource = "0"; $broken = "0"; $vlv = "0"; $version2 = "0"; $version3 = "0"; $sortvlv = "0"; $reset = "0"; $vet = "0"; $v = "0"; $errorck = "0"; $errorsucc = "0"; $sslconn = "0"; $sslClientBind = "0"; $sslClientFailed = "0"; $objectclass= "0"; $nc = "0"; $no = "0"; $nt = "0"; $nb = "0"; $bc = "0"; $fcc = "0"; $nent = "0"; $allOps = "0"; $allResults = "0"; $bpc = "0"; $bpo = "0"; $bpi = 0; $abandon = "0"; $mmasterop = "0"; $extendedop = "0"; $sasl = "0"; $internal = "0"; $entryOp = "0"; $referral = "0"; $anyAttrs = "0"; $persistent = "0"; $sconn = "0"; $dconn = "0"; $aconn = "0"; $mconn = "0"; $mdconn = "0"; $bconn = "0"; $ubconn = "0"; $econn = "0"; $connectionCount = "0"; $timerange = 0; $simConnection = 0; $maxsimConnection = 0; $err[0] = "Successful Operations\n"; $err[1] = "Operations Error(s)\n"; $err[2] = "Protocal Errors\n"; $err[3] = "Time Limit Exceeded\n"; $err[4] = "Size Limit Exceeded\n"; $err[5] = "Compare False\n"; $err[6] = "Compare True\n"; $err[7] = "Strong Authentication Not Supported\n"; $err[8] = "Strong Authentication Required\n"; $err[9] = "Partial Results\n"; $err[10] = "Referral Received\n"; $err[11] = "Administrative Limit Exceeded (Look Through Limit)\n"; $err[12] = "Unavailable Critical Extension\n"; $err[13] = "Confidentiality Required\n"; $err[14] = "SASL Bind in Progress\n"; $err[16] = "No Such Attribute\n"; $err[17] = "Undefined Type\n"; $err[18] = "Inappropriate Matching\n"; $err[19] = "Constraint Violation\n"; $err[20] = "Type or Value Exists\n"; $err[21] = "Invalid Syntax\n"; $err[32] = "No Such Object\n"; $err[33] = "Alias Problem\n"; $err[34] = "Invalid DN Syntax\n"; $err[35] = "Is Leaf\n"; $err[36] = "Alias Deref Problem\n"; $err[48] = "Inappropriate Authentication (No password presented, etc)\n"; $err[49] = "Invalid Credentials (Bad Password)\n"; $err[50] = "Insufficent (write) Privledges\n"; $err[51] = "Busy\n"; $err[52] = "Unavailable\n"; $err[53] = "Unwilling To Perform\n"; $err[54] = "Loop Detected\n"; $err[60] = "Sort Control Missing\n"; $err[61] = "Index Range Error\n"; $err[64] = "Naming Violation\n"; $err[65] = "Objectclass Violation\n"; $err[66] = "Not Allowed on Non Leaf\n"; $err[67] = "Not Allowed on RDN\n"; $err[68] = "Already Exists\n"; $err[69] = "No Objectclass Mods\n"; $err[70] = "Results Too Large\n"; $err[71] = "Effect Multiple DSA's\n"; $err[80] = "Other :-)\n"; $err[81] = "Server Down\n"; $err[82] = "Local Error\n"; $err[83] = "Encoding Error\n"; $err[84] = "Decoding Error\n"; $err[85] = "Timeout\n"; $err[86] = "Authentication Unknown\n"; $err[87] = "Filter Error\n"; $err[88] = "User Canceled\n"; $err[89] = "Parameter Error\n"; $err[90] = "No Memory\n"; $err[91] = "Connect Error\n"; $err[92] = "Not Supported\n"; $err[93] = "Control Not Found\n"; $err[94] = "No Results Returned\n"; $err[95] = "More Results To Return\n"; $err[96] = "Client Loop\n"; $err[97] = "Referral Limit Exceeded\n"; $conn{"A1"} = "A1"; $conn{"B1"} = "B1"; $conn{"B4"} = "B4"; $conn{"T1"} = "T1"; $conn{"T2"} = "T2"; $conn{"B2"} = "B2"; $conn{"B3"} = "B3"; $conn{"R1"} = "R1"; $conn{"P1"} = "P1"; $conn{"P2"} = "P2"; $conn{"U1"} = "U1"; $connmsg{"A1"} = "Client Aborted Connections"; $connmsg{"B1"} = "Bad Ber Tag Encountered"; $connmsg{"B4"} = "Server failed to flush data (response) back to Client"; $connmsg{"T1"} = "Idle Timeout Exceeded"; $connmsg{"T2"} = "IO Block Timeout Exceeded or NTSSL Timeout"; $connmsg{"B2"} = "Ber Too Big"; $connmsg{"B3"} = "Ber Peek"; $connmsg{"R1"} = "Revents"; $connmsg{"P1"} = "Plugin"; $connmsg{"P2"} = "Poll"; $connmsg{"U1"} = "Cleanly Closed Connections"; %monthname = ( "Jan" => 1, "Feb" => 2, "Mar" => 3, "Apr" => 4, "May" => 5, "Jun" => 6, "Jul" => 7, "Aug" => 8, "Sep" => 9, "Oct" => 10, "Nov" => 11, "Dec" => 12, ); ########################################## # # # Parse Access Logs # # # ########################################## if ($files[$#files] =~ m/access.rotationinfo/) { $fc--; } print "Processing $fc Access Log(s)...\n\n"; print "Filename\t\t\tTotal Lines\tLines processed\n"; print "---------------------------------------------------------------\n"; for ($count=0; $count < $fc; $count++){ $logsize = `wc -l $files[$count]`; $logsize =~ /([0-9]+)/; $ff="";$iff=""; print sprintf "%-30s %7s",$files[$count],$1; open(LOG,"$files[$count]") || die "Error: Can't open file $infile: $!"; $firstline = "yes"; while () { unless ($endFlag) { if ($firstline eq "yes"){ if (/^\[/) { $tline = $_; $firstline = "no"; } $ff++;$iff++; } elsif (/^\[/ && $firstline eq "no"){ &parseLine($tline); $tline = $_; } else { $tline = $tline . $_; $tline =~ s/\n//; } } } &parseLine($tline); close (LOG); print sprintf "\t\t%10s\n",--$ff; } $notes = $notes - $vlvnotes; if ($notes < 0){ $notes = "0";} $allOps = $search + $mod + $add + $delete + $modrdn + $bind + $extendedop; ##################################### # # # Display Basic Results # # # ##################################### print "\n\n----------- Access Log Output ------------\n"; if ($startTime) {print "\nStart of Log: $start\n";} if ($endTime) {print "\nEnd of Log: $end\n";} print "\nRestarts: $restarts\n"; print "\n"; print "Total Connections: $connectionCount\n"; print "Peak Concurrent Connections: $maxsimConnection\n"; print "Total Operations: $allOps\n"; print "Total Results: $allResults\n"; if ($allOps ne "0"){ print sprintf "Overall Performance: %.1f%\n\n" , ($perf = ($tmp = ($allResults / $allOps)*100) > 100 ? 100.0 : $tmp) ; } else { print "Overall Performance: No Operations to evaluate\n\n"; } print "Searches: $search\n"; print "Modifications: $mod\n"; print "Adds: $add\n"; print "Deletes: $delete\n"; print "Mod RDNs: $modrdn\n"; print "\n"; print "6.x Stats \n"; print "Persistent Searches: $persistent\n"; print "Internal Operations: $internal\n"; print "Entry Operations: $entryOp\n"; print "Extended Operations: $extendedop\n"; print "Abandoned Requests: $abandon\n"; print "Smart Referrals Received: $referral\n"; print "\n"; print "VLV Operations: $vlv\n"; print "VLV Unindexed Searches: $vlvnotes\n"; print "SORT Operations: $sortvlv\n"; print "SSL Connections: $sslconn\n"; print "\n"; print "Entire Search Base Queries: $objectclass\n"; print "Unindexed Searches: $notes\n"; if ($verb eq "yes" || $usage =~ /u/){ if ($notes > 0){ $ns = "1"; for ($n = 0; $n <= $#notesEtime; $n++){ @alreadyseenDN = (); print "\n Unindexed Search #".$ns."\n"; $ns++; print " - Date/Time: $notesTime[$n]\n"; print " - Connection Number: $notesConn[$n]\n"; print " - Operation Number: $notesOp[$n]\n"; print " - Etime: $notesEtime[$n]\n"; print " - Nentries: $notesNentries[$n]\n"; print " - IP Address: $conn_hash{$notesConn[$n]}\n"; print " - Search Base: $notesBase[$n]\n"; print " - Scope: $notesScope[$n]\n"; for ($nn = 0; $nn <= $bc; $nn++){ if ($notesConn[$n] eq $bindInfo[$nn][1]) { ## Here, we check if the bindDN is already printed. ## If not, we print it and push it to @alreadyseenDN. ## So, in the beginning, we iterate thru @alreadyseenDN for ($j=0, $DNisThere=0; $j <=$#alreadyseenDN; $j++) { if ($alreadyseenDN[$j] eq $bindInfo[$nn][0]) { $DNisThere = 1; } } unless ($DNisThere) { print " - Bind DN: $bindInfo[$nn][0]\n"; push @alreadyseenDN, $bindInfo[$nn][0]; } } } for ($nnn = 0; $nnn <= $fcc; $nnn++){ if ($notesConn[$n] eq $filterInfo[$nnn][1] && $notesOp[$n] eq $filterInfo[$nnn][2]){ print " - Search Filter: $filterInfo[$nnn][0]\n"; } } } } } print "\n"; print "FDs Taken: $fdtake\n"; print "FDs Returned: $fdreturn\n"; print "Highest FD Taken: $highfd\n\n"; print "Broken Pipes: $broken\n"; if ($broken > 0){ foreach $key (sort { $rc{$b} <=> $rc{$a} } keys %rc) { if ($rc{$key} > 0){ if ($conn{$key} eq ""){$conn{$key} = "** Unknown **";} push @etext, sprintf " - %-4s (%2s) %-40s\n",$rc{$key},$conn{$key},$connmsg{$key }; } } print @etext; print "\n"; } print "Connections Reset By Peer: $reset\n"; if ($reset > 0){ foreach $key (sort { $src{$b} <=> $src{$a} } keys %src) { if ($src{$key} > 0){ if ($conn{$key} eq ""){$conn{$key} = "** Unknown **";} push @retext, sprintf " - %-4s (%2s) %-40s\n",$src{$key},$conn{$key},$connmsg{$key }; } } print @retext; print "\n"; } print "Resource Unavailable: $resource\n"; if ($resource > 0){ foreach $key (sort { $rsrc{$b} <=> $rsrc{$a} } keys %rsrc) { if ($rsrc{$key} > 0){ if ($conn{$key} eq ""){$conn{$key} = "** Resource Issue **";} push @rtext, sprintf " - %-4s (%2s) %-40s\n",$rsrc{$key},$conn{$key},$connmsg{$key}; } } print @rtext; } print "\n"; print "Binds: $bind\n"; print "Unbinds: $unbind\n"; print "\n LDAP v2 Binds: $version2\n"; print " LDAP v3 Binds: $version3\n"; print " SSL Client Binds: $sslClientBind\n"; print " Failed SSL Client Binds: $sslClientFailed\n"; print " SASL Binds: $sasl\n"; if ($sasl > 0){ foreach $saslb ( sort {$saslmech{$b} <=> $saslmech{$a} } (keys %saslmech) ){ printf " %-4s %-12s\n",$saslmech{$saslb}, $saslb; } } print "\n Directory Manager Binds: $dirmgr\n"; print " Anonymous Binds: $anony\n"; $other = $bind -($dirmgr + $anony); print " Other Binds: $other"; if ($verb eq "yes" || $usage =~ /y/){ print "\n\n----- Connection Latency Details -----\n\n"; print " (in seconds)\t\t<=1\t2\t3\t4-5\t6-10\t11-15\t>15\n"; print " --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print " (# of connections)\t"; for ($i=0; $i <=$#latency; $i++) { print "$latency[$i]\t"; } } if ($verb eq "yes" || $usage =~ /p/){ print "\n\n----- Current Open Connection IDs ----- \n\n"; for ($i=0; $i <= $#openConnection ; $i++) { if ($openConnection[$i]) { print "\t$i\n"; } } } ################################### # # # Display Error Codes # # # ################################### if ($usage =~ /e/i || $verb eq "yes"){ print "\n\n----- Errors -----\n"; %er = sort( {$b <=> $a} %er); for ($i = 0; $i<98; $i++){ if ($err[$i] ne "" && $er[$i] >0) { push @errtext, sprintf "%-8s %12s %-25s","err=$i",$er[$i],$err[$i]; } } for ($i = 0; $i < $#errtext; $i++){ for ($ii = 0; $ii < $#errtext; $ii++){ $yy="0"; $zz="0"; while ($errtext[$ii] =~ /(\w+)\s/g){ $errornum[$yy]="$1"; $yy++; } while ($errtext[$ii+1] =~ /(\w+)\s/g){ $errornum2[$zz]="$1"; $zz++; } if ($errornum2[1] > $errornum[1]){ $tmp = $errtext[$ii]; $errtext[$ii] = $errtext[$ii+1]; $errtext[$ii+1] = $tmp; } } } for ($i = 0; $i <= $#errtext; $i++){ $errtext[$i] =~ s/\n//g; print "\n" . $errtext[$i]; } } #################################### # # # Print Failed Logins # # # #################################### if ($verb eq "yes" || $usage =~ /f/i ){ if ($bpc > 0){ print "\n\n----- Top $sizeCount Failed Logins ------\n\n"; if ($ds6x eq "true"){ $eloop = "0"; foreach $dsbp (sort { $ds6xbadpwd{$b} <=> $ds6xbadpwd{$a} } keys %ds6xbadpwd) { if ($eloop > $sizeCount){ last; } printf "%-4s %-40s\n", $ds6xbadpwd{$dsbp}, $dsbp; } } else { for ($ii =0 ; $ii < $bpc; $ii++){ for ($i = 0; $i < $bc; $i++){ if ($badPasswordConn[$ii] eq $bindInfo[$i][1] && $badPasswordOp[$ii] eq $bindInfo[$i][2] ){ $badPassword{ "$bindInfo[$i][0]" } = $badPassword{ "$bindInfo[$i][0]" } + 1; } } } # sort the new list of $badPassword{} $bpTotal = "0"; $bpCount = "0"; foreach $badpw (sort {$badPassword{$b} <=> $badPassword{$a} } keys %badPassword){ if ($bpCount > $sizeCount){ last;} $bpCount++; $bpTotal = $bpTotal + $badPassword{"$badpw"}; printf "%-4s %-40s\n", $badPassword{"$badpw"}, $badpw; } print "\nFrom the IP address(s) :\n\n"; for ($i=0; $i<$bpi; $i++) { print "\t\t$badPasswordIp[$i]\n"; } if ($bpTotal > $bpc){ print "\n** Warning : Wrongly reported failed login attempts : ". ($bpTotal - $bpc) . "\n"; } } # this ends the if $ds6x = true } } #################################### # # # Print Connection Codes # # # #################################### if ($concount > 0){ if ($usage =~ /c/i || $verb eq "yes"){ print "\n\n----- Total Connection Codes -----\n\n"; foreach $key (sort { $conncount{$b} <=> $conncount{$a} } keys %conncount) { if ($conncount{$key} > 0){ push @conntext, sprintf "%-4s %6s %-40s\n",$conn{ $key },$conncount{$key},$connmsg{ $key }; } } print @conntext; } } ######################################## # # # Gather and Process all unique IPs # # # ######################################## if ($usage =~ /i/i || $verb eq "yes"){ @ipkeys = keys %ip_hash; @exxCount = keys %exCount; $ip_count = ($#ipkeys + 1)-($#exxCount + 1); if ($ip_count > 0){ print "\n\n----- Top $sizeCount Clients -----\n\n"; print "Number of Clients: $ip_count\n\n"; foreach $key (sort { $ip_hash{$b}{"count"} <=> $ip_hash{$a}{"count"} } keys %ip_hash) { $exc = "no"; if ($ccount > $sizeCount){ last;} $ccount++; for ($xxx =0; $xxx <= $#exclude; $xxx++){ if ($exclude[$xxx] eq $key){$exc = "yes";} } if ($exc ne "yes"){ if ($ip_hash{ $key }{"count"} eq ""){$ip_hash{ $key }{"count"} = "*";} printf "%-6s %-17s\n", $ip_hash{ $key }{"count"}, $key; } if ($exc ne "yes"){ foreach $code (sort { $ip_hash{ $key }{$b} <=> $ip_hash{ $key }{$a} } keys %{$ip_hash{ $key }}) { if ($code eq 'count' ) { next; } printf "\t\t %6s - %3s %s\n", $ip_hash{ $key }{ $code }, $code, $connmsg{ $code }; } } if ($exc ne "yes"){ print "\n";} } } } ################################### # # # Gather All unique Bind DN's # # # ################################### if ($usage =~ /b/i || $verb eq "yes"){ @bindkeys = keys %bindlist; $bind_count = $#bindkeys + 1; if ($bind_count > 0){ print "\n----- Top $sizeCount Bind DN's -----\n\n"; print "Number of Unique Bind DN's: $bind_count\n\n"; $bindcount = 0; foreach $dn (sort { $bindlist{$b} <=> $bindlist{$a} } keys %bindlist) { if ($bindcount < $sizeCount){ printf "%-8s %-40s\n", $bindlist{ $dn },$dn; } $bindcount++; } } } ######################################### # # # Gather and process search bases # # # ######################################### if ($usage =~ /a/i || $verb eq "yes"){ @basekeys = keys %base; $base_count = $#basekeys + 1; if ($base_count > 0){ print "\n\n----- Top $sizeCount Search Bases -----\n\n"; print "Number of Unique Search Bases: $base_count\n\n"; $basecount = 0; foreach $bas (sort { $base{$b} <=> $base{$a} } keys %base) { if ($basecount < $sizeCount){ printf "%-8s %-40s\n", $base{ $bas },$bas; } $basecount++; } } } ######################################### # # # Gather and process search filters # # # ######################################### if ($usage =~ /l/ || $verb eq "yes"){ @filterkeys = keys %filter; $filter_count = $#filterkeys + 1; if ($filter_count > 0){ print "\n\n----- Top $sizeCount Search Filters -----\n"; print "\nNumber of Unique Search Filters: $filter_count\n\n"; $filtercount = 0; foreach $filt (sort { $filter{$b} <=> $filter{$a} } keys %filter){ if ($filtercount < $sizeCount){ printf "%-8s %-40s\n", $filter{$filt}, $filt; } $filtercount++; } } } ######################################### # # # Gather and Process the unique etimes # # # ######################################### # # print most often etimes # if ($usage =~ /t/i || $verb eq "yes"){ print "\n\n----- Top $sizeCount Most Frequent etimes -----\n\n"; $eloop = 0; foreach $et (sort { $etime{$b} <=> $etime{$a} } keys %etime) { if ($eloop == $sizeCount) { last; } if ($retime ne "2"){ $first = $et; $retime = "2"; } printf "%-8s %-12s\n", $etime{ $et }, "etime=$et"; $eloop++; } # # print longest etimes # print "\n\n----- Top $sizeCount Longest etimes -----\n\n"; $eloop = 0; foreach $et (sort { $b <=> $a } (keys %etime)) { if ($eloop == $sizeCount) { last; } printf "%-12s %-10s\n","etime=$et",$etime{ $et }; $eloop++; } } ####################################### # # # Gather and Process unique nentries # # # ####################################### if ($usage =~ /n/i || $verb eq "yes"){ print "\n\n----- Top $sizeCount Largest nentries -----\n\n"; $eloop = 0; foreach $nentry (sort { $b <=> $a } (keys %nentries)){ if ($eloop == $sizeCount) { last; } printf "%-18s %12s\n","nentries=$nentry", $nentries{ $nentry }; $eloop++; } print "\n\n----- Top $sizeCount Most returned nentries -----\n\n"; $eloop = 0; foreach $nentry (sort { $nentries{$b} <=> $nentries{$a} } (keys %nentries)){ if ($eloop == $sizeCount) { last; } printf "%-12s %-14s\n", $nentries{ $nentry }, "nentries=$nentry"; $eloop++; } print "\n"; } ############################################### # # # Gather and process extended operations 6.x # # # ############################################### if ($usage =~ /x/i || $verb eq "yes"){ if ($extendedop > 0){ print "\n\n----- 6.x Extended Operations -----\n\n"; foreach $oids (sort { $oid{$b} <=> $oid{$a} } (keys %oid) ){ if ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.1"){ $oidmessage = "Transaction Request"} elsif ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.2"){ $oidmessage = "Transaction Response"} elsif ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.3"){ $oidmessage = "Start Replication Request (incremental update)"} elsif ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.4"){ $oidmessage = "Replication Response"} elsif ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.5"){ $oidmessage = "End Replication Request (incremental update)"} elsif ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.6"){ $oidmessage = "Replication Entry Request"} elsif ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.7"){ $oidmessage = "Start Bulk Import"} elsif ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.8"){ $oidmessage = "Finished Bulk Import"} elsif ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.6.1"){ $oidmessage = "Incremental Update Replication Protocol"} elsif ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.6.2"){ $oidmessage = "Total Update Replication Protocol (Initialization)"} elsif ($oids eq "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.9"){ $oidmessage = "Digest Authentication (iWS 6.x)"} else {$oidmessage = "Other"} printf "%-6s %-23s %-60s\n", $oid{ $oids }, $oids, $oidmessage; } } } ############################################ # # Print most commonly requested attributes # ############################################ if ($usage =~ /r/i || $verb eq "yes"){ if ($anyAttrs > 0){ print "\n\n----- Top $sizeCount Most Requested Attributes -----\n\n"; $eloop = "0"; foreach $mostAttr (sort { $attr{$b} <=> $attr{$a} } (keys %attr) ){ if ($eloop eq $sizeCount){ last; } printf "%-10s %-19s\n", $attr{$mostAttr}, $mostAttr; $eloop++; } } } ################################# # # abandoned operation stats # ################################# if ($usage =~ /g/i || $verb eq "yes"){ $acTotal = $sconn + $dconn + $mconn + $aconn + $mdconn + $bconn + $ubconn + $econn; if ($verb eq "yes" && $ac > 0 && $acTotal > 0){ print "\n\n----- Abandon Request Stats -----\n\n"; for ($g = 0; $g < $ac; $g++){ for ($sc = 0; $sc < $sconn; $sc++){ if ($srchConn[$sc] eq $targetConn[$g] && $srchOp[$sc] eq $targetOp[$g] ){ print " - SRCH conn=$targetConn[$g] op=$targetOp[$g] msgid=$msgid[$g] client=$conn_hash{$targetConn[$g]}\n"; } } for ($dc = 0; $dc < $dconn; $dc++){ if ($delConn[$dc] eq $targetConn[$g] && $delOp[$dc] eq $targetOp[$g]){ print " - DEL conn=$targetConn[$g] op=$targetOp[$g] msgid=$msgid[$g] client=$conn_hash{$targetConn[$g]}\n"; } } for ($adc = 0; $adc < $aconn; $adc++){ if ($addConn[$adc] eq $targetConn[$g] && $addOp[$adc] eq $targetOp[$g]){ print " - ADD conn=$targetConn[$g] op=$targetOp[$g] msgid=$msgid[$g] client=$conn_hash{$targetConn[$g]}\n"; } } for ($mc = 0; $mc < $mconn; $mc++){ if ($modConn[$mc] eq $targetConn[$g] && $modOp[$mc] eq $targetOp[$g]){ print " - MOD conn=$targetConn[$g] op=$targetOp[$g] msgid=$msgid[$g] client=$conn_hash{$targetConn[$g]}\n"; } } for ($mdc = 0; $mdc < $mdconn; $mdc++){ if ($modrdnConn[$mdc] eq $targetConn[$g] && $modrdnOp[$mdc] eq $targetOp[$g]){ print " - MODRDN conn=$targetConn[$g] op=$targetOp[$g] msgid=$msgid[$g] client=$conn_hash{$targetConn[$g]}\n"; } } for ($bcb = 0; $bcb < $bconn; $bcb++){ if ($bindConn[$bcb] eq $targetConn[$g] && $bindOp[$bcb] eq $targetOp[$g]){ print " - BIND conn=$targetConn[$g] op=$targetOp[$g] msgid=$msgid[$g] client=$conn_hash{$targetConn[$g]}\n"; } } for ($ubc = 0; $ubc < $ubconn; $ubc++){ if ($unbindConn[$ubc] eq $targetConn[$g] && $unbindOp[$ubc] eq $targetOp[$g]){ print " - UNBIND conn=$targetConn[$g] op=$targetOp[$g] msgid=$msgid[$g] client=$conn_hash{$targetConn[$g]}\n"; } } for ($ec = 0; $ec < $econn; $ec++){ if ($extConn[$ec] eq $targetConn[$g] && $extOp[$ec] eq $targetOp[$g]){ print " - EXT conn=$targetConn[$g] op=$targetOp[$g] msgid=$msgid[$g] client=$conn_hash{$targetConn[$g]}\n"; } } } } } print "\n"; ####################################### # # # Recommendations # # # ####################################### if ($usage =~ /j/i || $verb eq "yes"){ print "\n----- Recommendations -----\n"; $recCount = "1"; if ($notes > 0){ print "\n $recCount. You have unindexed searches, this can be caused from a search on an unindexed attribute, or your returned results exceeded the allidsthreshold. Unindexed searches are not recommended. To refuse unindexed searches, switch \'nsslapd-require-index\' to \'on\' under your database entry (e.g. cn=UserRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config).\n"; $recCount++; } if ($conncount{"T1"} > 0){ print "\n $recCount. You have some connections that are are being closed by the idletimeout setting. You may want to increase the idletimeout if it is set low.\n"; $recCount++; } if ($conncount{"T2"} > 0){ print "\n $recCount. You have some coonections that are being closed by the ioblocktimeout setting. You may want to increase the ioblocktimeout.\n"; $recCount++; } # compare binds to unbinds, if the difference is more than 30% of the binds, then report a issue if (($bind - $unbind) > ($bind*.3)){ print "\n $recCount. You have a significant difference between binds and unbinds. You may want to investigate this difference.\n"; $recCount++; } # compare fds taken and return, if the difference is more than 30% report a issue if (($fdtaken -$fdreturn) > ($fdtaken*.3)){ print "\n $recCount. You have a significant difference between file descriptors taken and file descriptors returned. You may want to investigate this difference.\n"; $recCount++; } if ($dirmgr > ($bind *.2)){ print "\n $recCount. You have a high number of Directory Manager binds. The Directory Manager account should only be used under certain circumstances. Avoid using this account for client applications.\n"; $recCount++; } if ($errorck > $errorsucc){ print "\n $recCount. You have more unsuccessful operations than successful operations. You should investigate this difference.\n"; $recCount++; } if ($conncount{"U1"} < ($concount - $conncount{"U1"})){ print "\n $recCount. You have more abnormal connection codes than cleanly closed connections. You may want to investigate this difference.\n"; $recCount++; } if ($first > 0){ print "\n $recCount. You have a majority of etimes that are greater than zero, you may want to investigate this performance problem.\n"; $recCount++; } if ($objectclass > ($search *.25)){ print "\n $recCount. You have a high number of searches that query the entire search base. Although this is not necessarily bad, it could be resource intensive if the search base contains many entries.\n"; $recCount++; } if ($recCount == 1){ print "\nNone.\n"; } } print "\n"; # dispaly usage sub displayUsage { print "Usage:\n\n"; print " ./logconv.pl [-h] [-d ] [-s ] [-v] [-V]\n"; print " [-S ] [-E ]\n"; print " [-efcibaltnxgju] [ access log ... ... ]\n\n"; print "- Commandline Switches:\n\n"; print " -h help/usage\n"; print " -d DEFAULT -> cn=directory manager\n"; print " -s DEFAULT -> 20\n"; print " -X E.g. Load balancers\n"; print " -v show version of tool\n"; print " -S