/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #ifndef __aclstruct_h #define __aclstruct_h /* * Description (aclstruct.h) * * This file defines types and data structures used to construct * representations of Access Control Lists (ACLs) in memory. */ #include "base/systems.h" #include "base/file.h" #include "nsauth.h" /* authentication types */ #include "symbols.h" /* typed symbol support */ #include "ipfstruct.h" /* IP address filter structures */ #include "dnfstruct.h" /* DNS name filter structures */ NSPR_BEGIN_EXTERN_C /* Forward type definitions */ typedef struct ACL_s ACL_t; /* * Description (InetHost_t) * * This type defines a structure which represents a list of Internet * hosts by IP address and netmask, or by fully or partially * qualified DNS name. */ typedef struct InetHost_s InetHost_t; struct InetHost_s { IPFilter_t inh_ipf; /* reference to IP filter */ DNSFilter_t inh_dnf; /* reference to DNS filter */ }; /* * Description (HostSpec_t) * * This type describes a named list of hosts. */ typedef struct HostSpec_s HostSpec_t; struct HostSpec_s { Symbol_t hs_sym; /* symbol name, type ACLSYMHOST */ InetHost_t hs_host; /* host information */ }; /* * Description (UidUser_t) * * This type represents a list of users and groups using unique * integer identifiers. */ typedef struct UidUser_s UidUser_t; struct UidUser_s { USIList_t uu_user; /* list of user ids */ USIList_t uu_group; /* list of group ids */ }; /* * Description (UserSpec_t) * * This type describes a named list of users and groups. */ typedef struct UserSpec_s UserSpec_t; struct UserSpec_s { Symbol_t us_sym; /* list name, type ACLSYMUSER */ int us_flags; /* bit flags */ #define ACL_USALL 0x1 /* any authenticated user */ UidUser_t us_user; /* user list structure */ }; /* * Description (ACClients_t) * * This type defines the structure of action-specific information * for access control directives with action codes ACD_ALLOW and * ACD_DENY. These directives specify access control constraints * on users/groups and hosts. */ typedef struct ACClients_s ACClients_t; struct ACClients_s { ACClients_t * cl_next; /* list link */ HostSpec_t * cl_host; /* host specification pointer */ UserSpec_t * cl_user; /* user list pointer */ }; /* * Description (RealmSpec_t) * * This type describes a named realm. */ typedef struct RealmSpec_s RealmSpec_t; struct RealmSpec_s { Symbol_t rs_sym; /* realm name, type ACLSYMREALM */ Realm_t rs_realm; /* realm information */ }; /* * Description (ACAuth_t) * * This type defines the structure of action-specific information * for an access control directive with action code ACD_AUTH, * which specifies information about authentication requirements. */ typedef struct ACAuth_s ACAuth_t; struct ACAuth_s { RealmSpec_t * au_realm; /* pointer to realm information */ }; /* * Description (ACDirective_t) * * This type defines a structure which represents an access control * directive. Each directive specifies an access control action * to be taken during ACL evaluation. The ACDirective_t structure * begins an action-specific structure which contains the * parameters for an action. */ typedef struct ACDirective_s ACDirective_t; struct ACDirective_s { ACDirective_t * acd_next; /* next directive in ACL */ short acd_action; /* directive action code */ short acd_flags; /* action modifier flags */ /* Begin action-specific information */ union { ACClients_t * acu_cl; /* ACD_ALLOW, ACD_DENY */ ACAuth_t acu_auth; /* ACD_AUTH */ } acd_u; }; #define acd_cl acd_u.acu_cl #define acd_auth acd_u.acu_auth /* Define acd_action codes */ #define ACD_ALLOW 1 /* allow access */ #define ACD_DENY 2 /* deny access */ #define ACD_AUTH 3 /* specify authentication realm */ #define ACD_EXEC 4 /* execute (conditionally) */ /* Define acd_flags values */ #define ACD_ACTION 0xf /* bits reserved for acd_action */ #define ACD_FORCE 0x10 /* force of action */ #define ACD_DEFAULT 0 /* default action */ #define ACD_ALWAYS ACD_FORCE /* immediate action */ #define ACD_EXALLOW 0x20 /* execute if allow */ #define ACD_EXDENY 0x40 /* execute if deny */ #define ACD_EXAUTH 0x80 /* execute if authenticate */ /* * Description (RightDef_t) * * This type describes a named access right. Each access right has * an associated unique integer id. A list of all access rights * known in an ACL context is maintained, with its head in the * ACContext_t structure. */ typedef struct RightDef_s RightDef_t; struct RightDef_s { Symbol_t rd_sym; /* right name, type ACLSYMRIGHT */ RightDef_t * rd_next; /* next on ACContext_t list */ USI_t rd_id; /* unique id */ }; /* * Description (RightSpec_t) * * This type describes a named list of access rights. */ typedef struct RightSpec_s RightSpec_t; struct RightSpec_s { Symbol_t rs_sym; /* list name, type ACLSYMRDEF */ USIList_t rs_list; /* list of right ids */ }; /* * Description (ACContext_t) * * This type defines a structure that defines a context for a set * of Access Control Lists. This includes references to an * authentication database, if any, and a symbol table containing * access right definitions. It also serves as a list head for the * ACLs which are defined in the specified context. */ typedef struct ACContext_s ACContext_t; struct ACContext_s { void * acc_stp; /* symbol table handle */ ACL_t * acc_acls; /* list of ACLs */ RightDef_t * acc_rights; /* list of access right definitions */ int acc_refcnt; /* reference count */ }; /* * Description (ACL_t) * * This type defines the structure that represents an Access Control * List (ACL). An ACL has a user-assigned name and an internally * assigned identifier (which is an index in an object directory). * It references a list of access rights which are to be allowed or * denied, according to the ACL specifications. It references an * ordered list of ACL directives, which specify who has and who does * not have the associated access rights. */ struct ACL_s { Symbol_t acl_sym; /* ACL name, type ACLSYMACL */ ACL_t * acl_next; /* next ACL on a list */ ACContext_t * acl_acc; /* context for this ACL */ USI_t acl_id; /* id of this ACL */ int acl_refcnt; /* reference count */ RightSpec_t * acl_rights; /* access rights list */ ACDirective_t * acl_dirf; /* first directive pointer */ ACDirective_t * acl_dirl; /* last directive pointer */ }; /* Define symbol type codes */ #define ACLSYMACL 0 /* ACL */ #define ACLSYMRIGHT 1 /* access right */ #define ACLSYMRDEF 2 /* access rights list */ #define ACLSYMREALM 3 /* realm name */ #define ACLSYMHOST 4 /* host specifications */ #define ACLSYMUSER 5 /* user/group list */ /* * Description (ACLFile_t) * * This type describes a structure containing information about * an open ACL description file. */ typedef struct ACLFile_s ACLFile_t; struct ACLFile_s { ACLFile_t * acf_next; /* list link */ char * acf_filename; /* pointer to filename string */ SYS_FILE acf_fd; /* file descriptor */ int acf_flags; /* bit flags (unused) */ int acf_lineno; /* current line number */ void * acf_token; /* LEX token handle */ int acf_ttype; /* current token type */ }; NSPR_END_EXTERN_C #endif /* __aclstruct_h */